
  • Troy

    "Well, aren't you glad you have me now?" I flash her a smirk and a wink.

    "Mr. Bardell, a moment please." Pomfrey motions me over.

    "Well, you'll have me in a minute." I say to Stella before getting out of bed and walking over to the other end of the wing. "Look, if this is about me bothering Stell-"

    "There's someone here to see you. Per my request." She says matter of factly, leading me behind a curtain. And there, in her usual funky clothes and giant glasses, was Trelawney.

    We exchange pleasantries, and Pomfrey makes me tell Trelawney about what happened before I passed out. So, with as much annoyance and causality as possible, I mention the smoke, the scream, and being levitated to the wing. Trelawney perked up. "My dear, you have the gift!" She managed to be both excited and ominous.


    "You're a seer, you have the eye!"


    Coen chuckles, and he leans in, mirroring my own pose. "Really?"

    "Really." I give it back to him sassily.

    "Aw, sweetheart, that's not very nice..." He takes one hand and cups my face, using his thumb to brush against the part of my check right next to my lips, his eyes firmly watching his own actions. When I react nervously, he looks up at me and smiles. "Crumbs."

    I find some more attitude in me. "Yeah, you and your 'crumbs'."
    April 3rd, 2018 at 04:26pm
  • Coen

    I chuckle lightheartedly but don't speak, instead allowing my thumb to brush gently against the corner of her lips, then slowly towards her heart-shaped cupids bow, then across the second half of her gently-curved lips until I finally stop on her other cheek. Her flushed face is cupped gently in my hand, her deep grey eyes staring straight through mine, into me. I feel the warmth of her skin in my palm, the heat of her breath on my wrist. I suppose... it's better to experience happiness than to explain it. The room is silent as my lips meet hers, the air is still.
    April 19th, 2018 at 08:10pm
  • Stella

    Ah it's Trelawney.....and she's babbling again.....lovely. I roll over back to the other side and close my eyes. Maybe if I fall asleep now right this minute Troy will let me have some peace. Unlikely, but worth the effort. Besides, I'll be able to get a few minutes of precious sleep.
    April 25th, 2018 at 02:31pm
  • Troy

    Despite myself, I laugh. Trelawney looks confused, and Pomfrey rolls her eyes. "Mr. Bardell, this is serious."

    "I'm sorry," I say, calming myself down. "But, it's...it's just, so ridiculous!"

    "Troy, I can see you're being humble right now-"

    "No, Professor. I'm not. I can't be a seer because-" I cut myself off before I say "no one is". "-I can't be a seer."

    "Oh, but you are! You had a premonition, clear as day. Hasn't it ever happened to you, where you have a dream that feels not exactly like a dream, that you wind up seeing in real life? A gut feeling that warns you of certain people or things, and then you found out they had a dark secret? Troy, you've been in my class a long time. I had feelings about you. Do you know that your predictions were always spot on?"

    "I made those up! I didn't even try Professor! I have only been taking your class as an easy grade." I hate myself for saying it, but it's true. She was talking nonsense, I had to shut her up. And she did. She looked down solemnly, and then looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

    "When you start to realize I'm right, come to my office." And with that, she left. Madam Pomfrey motioned for me to go back to my bed. I laid down, too startled to bother Stella, or sleep.


    Everything was slow. From him leaning in, to my eyes fluttering closed, the breathe I took in, the changing colors of the fireplace, and my brain. His lips were just touching mine, I could tell he was waiting. I felt myself tense almost immediately, and while I was trying to make some part of my mind work, something else drove me to lean into him back. I deepened the kiss cautiously. Everything was slow, except for the butterflies in my stomach.
    April 29th, 2018 at 04:30pm