Fighting Siblings

  • chasethecountylines;

    chasethecountylines; (100)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    So this is for people who are in fights with their siblings, big or small.

    My story: I have 3 older brothers. J, P, and T. A few years back I worked at Wendy's and became good friends with the GM's step daughter, as well as a co worker. She will be S.

    My brother T got involved with S, cheating on his fianceƩ, and ended up in a relationship with S. That relationship ended badly and S went to the police and filed false allegations of abuse against my brother. Unfortunately my other brother, P, and his fianceƩ, A, also became friends with S. A and T did not get along so A convinced my brother P to go along with the story that S came up with.

    At the same time this was going on, my oldest brother J had a girlfriend who was hitting on T. Instead of keeping it from him, T told J about it who accused T of lying and the two burned their bridges. J took P's side and the two stopped talking to T.

    I refused to stop talking to anyone.

    S admitted at the court date that she lied but because she and my brother T had become involved again the judge said she wasn't a reliable witness and, even though she admitted it, P and A testified against T and got him arrested.

    During this time period T and I were fighting because he didn't approve of my boyfriend. I told him that if he didn't stop talking crap about my boyfriend then I'd stop talking to him, and I did for about 6 months. During those six months I posted a status on Facebook, voicing my feelings on how our mother would be disappointed to see how none of us have anything to do with each other. J and P messaged me saying oh well, deal with it.

    I was sending holiday cards, and birthday cards with money, as well as wishing J and P happy birthday via phone. And for 2 years I got nothing back. No happy birthday from them - the final straw for them was that they missed my 21st birthday.

    T and I have made up and we are very close now but in the last 3 years I've spoken to J and P once while trying to plan a visit this past christmas to do something for the 5 year anniversary of our mothers passing.

    They didn't come.
    March 7th, 2018 at 05:40am