The Vengeful Ones

  • @ Gunslinger;
    Ryker scoffed as she insinuated he was cheating, "of course I read it." He told her, before reaching over and saving the document. He then turned his attention to her, letting his hand rest on her hip. He watched as she got up he could feel her insecurities striking back up. Getting up himself he moved to her, "you know me better than that." He told her placing both his hands on her hips. Pulling her to face him, "have I ever lied to you before?" He asked. He knew that even when he flirted with her or teased her at school everything he said was truthful.
    Jaelyn smiled softly at the man that greeted them at the door. She knew that she was required to talk to them. Her mother wouldn't let her disrespect anyone. It was something that was beat into her at an early age. She introduced herself and stood back as they grown ups talked. But her eyes locked on those dimples again and she was actually thankful for him being home. His parents seemed nice, but it really wasn't comfortable for her. She nodded at Ryker as he stated they've met before. Honestly she just wanted to get away from this situation.
    March 16th, 2018 at 07:43pm
  • Nova looked at him, "No." She replied. She liked that he didn't lie to her. Nova bit her bottom lip lightly before she grabbed his wrist and looked at the tattoo on his forearm. "You know. I am thinking about getting a tattoo." She said. She pulled away from him and sat on his bed on her knees. "If I got one where do you I should get it?" She asked him. She took his hand, maybe here?" She asked as she placed his hand on her side. She knew she was messing with him, but she wanted to know how serious he was about her.


    Ryker smiled, "Come on I will show you something." He said. He led Jaelyn away from their parents and to the patio in the backyard. "You really didn't want to come to to this did you?" He asked as he shut the door. "You lucked out though. My mom made some pretty awesome food tonight." He said, smiling.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 16th, 2018 at 08:29pm
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny was shocked that Nova was being so forward with him. "Well it depends on what you want to get." He told her, stepping closer. The distances between them closing, and his hand slid down her side before moving back up. He was testing the water, but he still wasn't sure if she was teasing or not. He couldn't handle it if she pushed him away last minute. "I've personally always liked tattoos right here." He brushed her hair back before drawing his finger lightly across her clavicle.
    Jaelyn felt like her body had relaxed, the moment he closed the door. "Honestly I don't like being dragged around." She told him, "well I guess I'll take something positive away from this." She told him, she wasn't really up to being the perfect company. And she knew that he wouldn't mind. But she was really tired and just wanted to sleep. She hoped that this dinner didn't take to long. But she knew that she might as well enjoy it while she could.
    March 16th, 2018 at 09:49pm
  • Nova bit her bottom lip lightly as his fingers ran over her skin. She placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him. She felt him kiss her back as she deepened the kiss. She slowly pulled him onto the bed with her. She laid back on the bed, pressing her body against his. She was surprised at how forward she was being and she was sure he was too.


    Ryker nodded, "Why didn't you just say no then?" He asked. He motioned to the seat next to him. He was glad they were away from the adults. "I am sure they are having boring conversations anyway." He said. Ryker smiled as he looked at the backyard in front of them.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 16th, 2018 at 10:08pm
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny was surprised when she kissed him, but that didn't stop him from kissing her back. His hands moved to hold her body close to his. Letting her take control and take them down to the bed. He rested lightly in between her legs, his hands sliding up her back holding her closer to him. Loving the way he body formed to his, not wanting this to ever end. Shifting lightly he cupped the back of her neck as he took this chance to let the other roam up her thigh. He was so lost in the moment that he hadn't heard his name being called. It was until his door hit the wall that he backed off. In a split second he was standing at the end of his bed. Breathing labored, as he started at his very pissed off mother. "You're seriously not trying to fuck in my house." She growled at him, hating the fact that he had a girl in his bed.
    Smiling at him she took the seat beside him, turning her attention towards him. "Yeah my mom's not the kind of person to take no for an answer." She shook her head. "Hence why I'm here and not back home." She said talking about being in London. She smiled at him as he did his best to make her feel better. Not that he had do to much, that smile of his twisted her inside and had her feeling rather giddy.
    March 16th, 2018 at 10:29pm
  • Nova was just as shocked as Danny was when his mom bursted into the room. She sat up, frowning as the woman yelled at Danny. Nova got up and grabbed her phone, hearing the horrid woman call her a whore a few time. She sighed as she yelled at her get out. Nova looked at Danny, "Bye Danny." She said before she left. She could still hear her yelling as she walked out. She went to her house and went to her room. She sat on her bed, tossing her phone on the bed. Of course she would want to give Danny a chance and his mom would ruin it.


    Ryker looked back at her, when he heard his mom call them for dinner. "Okay hopefully the dinner goes quickly." He said. He got up, opening the door for her. He let her in then followed her. Ryker sat down at the table, listening to their parents make small talk. He didn't understand why parents had to be so lame and boring.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 03:57am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny felt like complete and utter shit, dropping down onto his bed he closed his eyes. He couldn't believe he'd finally kissed her. Just knowing that she wanted him made him feel a bit better. But his mother would have to be a bitch and ruin things for him. Apparently she'd broken up with her boy friend so he got the ass end of her anger. Sighing he reached over and grabbed his phone. Quickly typing out his text he sent it to Nova it was a simple I'm sorry.
    Jaelyn smiled at him, "I totally agree." She told him before heading into the house. She took an open place, settling down in her chair. She smiled and laughed when was appropriate. And was surprisingly not asked to answer any questions. It was like her and Ryker didn't exist, they were like third wheels. And she was thankful for that. But once dinner was over they popped opened a bottle of wine and headed into the living room to talk some more. "Well it's good to know they'll be great neighbors." She told Ryker as they were left alone at the dinning table.
    March 17th, 2018 at 04:13am
  • Nova stared at the message that Danny sent her and thiught about what had happened. It's okay. She texted him then got ready for bed. She knew it was early, but if she was in bed before her dad got home he would leave her alone. She held her phone in her hand as she turned off her light. She couldn't believe that his mom spoke to him like that. She knew she was never home, but she didn't think she acted like that.


    Ryker watched as they left, "Yea that is true." He said. "We want to hide before my mom gets liqoured up. It is never pretty." He said, laughing. He cleaned up the table then started washing the dishes. He knew his mom would probably get too drunk on the wine to do it.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 04:29am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny peeped his eyes open at the feeling of his phone vibrating. Looking on the screen he smiled, at least she didn't hate him. He then rolled over and started to try and get some sleep. He needed it after the night he had, also he was looking forward to talking to Nova the next day. He hoped they could figure things out, maybe just maybe he'd get a chance.
    Jaelyn helped him take the dishes to the sink, before she jumped up on the counter. "I've never seen my mom act like this." She told him, knowing that some people didn't like sharing families dark secrets. "So do you do this all the time?" She gestured to him picking up after his parents. It wasn't like she didn't have chores to do, but the way that he mentioned his mother's drinking had her wondering if he was always cleaning up after his parents.
    March 17th, 2018 at 04:48am
  • Nova closed her eyes and fell asleep. She woke up the next morning, staring at the ceiling. She didn't want to go to school. She wondered what Danny was going to say to her. Nova had pretty much ruined the one place she could hide at .


    Ryker looked at her as he dried off the dishes, "Not all the time. Just when they do stuff like this. I am usually only here a few days a week. I spend a lot of time with the band and I am never home on weekends."He said.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 04:56am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny woke up the next morning he felt a bit nervous. He was afraid that she'd say it was a mistake, and that would break him. He hated that he'd let her get so deep under his skin. But he'd let his walls down for her, and for the longest time she'd refused him. But he still couldn't believe she'd kissed him and let it get as far as it did. Sighing he wasn't going to silence his thoughts until he talked to her. Getting up he started to get ready for school.
    Jaelyn nodded, "so the band, is it something just for fun?" She asked him wanting to know how serious he was about it. Not that it bothered her, she was just trying to get to know him better. And surprisingly she was having a decent time with him.
    March 17th, 2018 at 05:51am
  • Nova got ready for school then walked out of her house and headed to school. When she got to her locker she got her things out she needed for her first class. She glanced over, seeing Danny coming down the hallway.


    Ryker shook his head, "No it is pretty much our lives." He said, chuckling. "We have been working on this for years now." He said as he leaned against the counter near her. "I have been playing guitar since I was seven though." He said.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 05:55am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny slid through the crowd of people like he was a zombie. None of his friends bother with him this morning, which was fine with him. He wasn't feeling like entertaining. His mind was to full to deal with childish behavior right now. Biting his lip he stopped by his locker before heading to first period. Stepping into the room his eyes zeroed in on Nova, before moving to her. Sitting himself down next to her. It was a first, being in class before anyone else. He wanted to ask her so many questions but he didn't know where to start.
    She smiled listening to him talk, she was about to respond when her mother appeared in the door way. "It's time to go." She told her, she forced a smile. "You've got school tomorrow." Jaelyn nodded to her, before hopping off the counter. "I guess I'll see you at school." She told him before heading towards the door, "good night." She told him turning to give him another smile, then headed home.
    March 17th, 2018 at 06:03am
  • Nova was surprised when Danny sat next to her. She didn't look at him as she scribbled on her notebook. She was honestly worried about what he would say to her. Nova bit her bottom lip lightly as she thought about how she was going to handle him.


    Ryker smiled, "Goodnight." He said. He finished cleaning up then went to his room to get ready for bed. He was glad that he had such a good time with her.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 06:07am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny sat there for a moment his eyes watching her, as she ignored his presences. Licking over his lip, he leaned closer. "I'm sorry, my mom shouldn't have said those things to you." He didn't want her to think she wasn't welcome at his place. Even if they weren't able to be together. He wanted her safe and would always open his door for her.
    Jaelyn woke up the next morning, feeling a bit better. She was actually looking forward to going to school. After last night, she felt like she had a friend. Getting ready, she quickly headed to school once she was done. It didn't bother her to walk, she was happy to have time alone with herself.
    March 17th, 2018 at 06:54am
  • Nova frowned, "I said it was fine. You think I care what your whore of a mother says about me? Like she has room to talk. She has slept with half the town." She snapped back. She looked back at her paper laying her pen down. "Maybe this was a bad idea." She said, finally looking at him. She wanted to push him away because she feared getting hurt again. "I was just messing around anyway." She lied.


    Ryker sat outside of the school with his friend as they waited for the day to start. He smiled when he seen Jaelyn. She looked gorgeous and he couldn't take his eyes off her. "Hey." He said as she walked towards them. He got up from where he was sitting, "How was your night?" He asked.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 07:01am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny felt anger flare up in him, before he shook his head. Scoffing he stood up, knocking the chair into the desk behind him. "Fuck it then." He said, before storming out of the classroom. If she wanted to toy with him then shame on him for letting her in like he did. He didn't stop when he hit the front door of the school. His feet carried him into the parking lot. "Not leaving are we?" A rather gruff voice rang out, turning he face the principle. Scoffing he shook his head, "nope just getting some fresh air." He said rather rudely to the older man.
    Jaelyn smiled at the greeting from Ryker, "hey." She said softly. It felt a bit different after they'd hung out last night. "It was okay considering I spent most of it with you." She told him, knowing that she was teasing him. But she could hear the snickering from his friends behind them.
    March 17th, 2018 at 07:16am
  • Nova flinched when he stood up and stormed out. She sighed as she felt everyone looking at her. She ran her fingers through her hair, knowing that she was being harsh. Nova didn't want to drag him down with her. She was glad when the class started so she could focus on something else.


    Ryker smirked, "I will assume it was boring after you left me then." He teased her. Once they got to the door, he was surprised by the door flinging open. He caught it before it hit Jaelyn. He frowned as Danny came storming out. Ryker walked in, knowing it was best to leave him alone.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 07:22am
  • @ Gunslinger;
    Danny sighed as he listened to the man before him, he wasn't dealing with his anger very well. "Why do you hit the gym." The man said, "go on." He told him, basically giving him permission to skip. Danny would rather be in the gym then be in class where he wasn't wanted. And right now he didn't think he could deal with being around Nova. After the reaction she gave him. He didn't think he could face her ever, but that was what happened with heart ache.
    Jaelyn let out a laugh, "are you kidding me we had a party after I left." She teased, surprising herself. Normally she wasn't so out going, her goal was to blend in and not stick out. But she couldn't help the feelings she got when talking to him. And it didn't hurt that his dimples popped out with every laugh or smile.
    March 17th, 2018 at 07:42am
  • Nova heard the bell ring, frowning when she realized Danny never came back. Nova went to her locker, pull his hoodie from last night out. She ended up finding him along in the gym sulking after she asked around. She walked up on the bleachers and sat beside of him. Nova noticed he waa avoiding eye contact with her. She laid his hoodie on his lap. "I really think us being friends is what is best right now." She said quietly.


    Ryker looked at her, "I am a little upset as your new friend that I wasn't invited." He said, smiling. He walked with her to their class and sat down with her and his friends joined them. "So have you decided if you are going to tag along this weekend?" He asked.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    March 17th, 2018 at 07:48am