Red Blood High

  • The thought that there were more things than just forks made Amnesia curious, but she simply nodded when he mentioned saving them for later. Since they weren't in front of her, she wasn't sure that him talking about them would do much good anyway.
    "You know, so far, dates don't really feel any different from when we're alone." It was far from a complaint, more like an observation, but though this was their first date, she wasn't noticing any real differences, except maybe that they both wore clothing and weren't kissing nearly as much. Otherwise, everything just felt the same to her. They were close and happy and James was answering questions and making her laugh. It was definitely a good thing though, at least in her opinion.
    As he answered her question about burping, Amnesia listened, seeming thoughtful, as if she were really trying to take it in. It kind of made sense too. She definitely wouldn't like it if someone burped in her face, and it probably was rude if it interrupted a conversation, even if it was something that happened naturally. "Okay," she said with a little nod, and in response to the part where he didn't care, admitted, "I didn't really know I was going to anyway." Which was the truth. It completely took her by surprise.
    Then there was a lull in conversation as James started to eat again, and Amnesia decided to practice trying to use the fork, which was a little unintuitive to hold. After a small struggle though, she thought she'd managed it pretty well, and she took a couple more bites of the leaves and vegetables in front of her, enjoying it. While she wasn't entirely familiar with the plants, it was similar to the sorts of things she would usually eat when she needed the energy. Which meant that James had managed to introduce her to new things while keeping some of it a little familiar to her, which was thoughtful of him, and she did appreciate it.
    April 21st, 2018 at 04:35am
  • “This is…pretty different from when we’re alone. There’s a few things I could get away with when we’re alone that I’d have to be really careful about here.”
    No real meaning or change in his facial expression, though, almost as if he read her mind, he lowered his burger, making sure his lips were clean, leaning forward and planting a kiss on her lips.
    “It’s basically like we’re alone now, isn’t it?”
    Though there was chatter, and obviously one or two of the random people around them that had turned to stare at them, there was no real point in feeding them attention.
    “Well, now you know I’m not gonna care if you do. I’ll probably just end up laughing and trying to burp back.”
    Like he’d done just a moment before. He’d been raised on manners, but there was a lot of things from his old home he didn’t choose to keep.

    It was as James finished the last of his hamburger and nibbled on the fries that he looked her way, checking to see if she’d finished her salad amongst the idle conversation they’d been having within the past few moments. With most people, he might worry that this lull in conversation would be a bad sign, though, he seemed to know better with her. She wasn’t normal, and, that was one of the things he always forgot to enjoy.
    He slid the trash from the burger to the side of him, reaching for the fries between them as he took another fry and ate it, before realizing that it was diminishing.
    “How was the salad?”
    He wanted her full opinion on it, being that he’d take a guess and say she had never had a salad. Along with the fries and her drink, he wanted to know what she thought.
    Though his arm hung limp, it remained on her as he reached for his near empty coke, taking a drink from the watery mixture.
    “If there’s anything else you want, I’m more than happy to let you try it.”
    Though he didn’t know her appetite, and he himself was pretty much just idly munching on fries, it didn’t hurt to ask, in case she had something in mind that she wanted to try to sate curiosity. There were a few more places he had in mind should she be done, though, he enjoyed just getting to sit with her and chat.
    April 21st, 2018 at 04:50am
  • Amnesia didn't eat as quickly as James, seeming more interested in figuring how to hold and use the fork, especially without it feeling completely awkward to her. By the time she'd gotten most of the way through, she felt like she had better control of it, though it still felt unwieldy in her hands. Really, she hadn't been hungry in the first place, though because she wasn't in the forest and had left early anyway, it was a little boost that couldn't do anything except help, and besides, James had wanted to introduce her to new foods for their date, so she'd complied with it. And of course, it helped that she really had liked it and decided that he'd done a good job picking out something for her.
    She'd even taken a couple more hesitant sips of the dark drink, though they were small, almost as if she were trying to see if maybe she would like it better now that she knew what to expect. As it turned out though, she didn't, and it ended up getting left mostly untouched after those couple of extra attempts she gave it.
    When James spoke up again, she looked back at him, seeing that he'd finished and idly seemed to be eating french fries as he watched her. "It was good!" she said, noting the name he'd called the mixture. Salad; she'd have to remember that. "It reminded of something I would eat at home, actually."
    She smiled at his offer, shaking her head even as she leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. "I'm good, thanks. I enjoyed trying this though!" Which was the truth, even if she didn't care for the drink. She'd thought this was fun, especially with the conversation they'd kept up throughout most of it. As if to prove her point, she ate one more french fry, which had cooled in the time since it was first put on the table but still tasted pretty good to her.
    April 21st, 2018 at 06:33am
  • He seemed pleased by her confirmation, hand lightly scooting the tray of fries toward her after he’d gotten a last one, very few left, but enough for a bite or two.
    “It’s a lot of vegetables and lettuce. I had a feeling it would be something you’d eat.”
    James was more of a meat eater, being half werewolf and all, though, he wasn’t necessarily against vegetables or anything like that…. he would eat them just for something different sometimes, and, that was why they had more than just meat in their house. It was noted that she seemed happier eating vegetables though, he would have to try and remember to let Drake know before they made another run.
    When she reached for a fry, after she kissed him on the cheek and he somewhat moved her into a quick side hug, arm raising out to grab her shoulder as he did so, he found himself wanting no more, though, he seemed content to let her have the rest.
    “You like fries…. noted.”

    By the time they’d come out, they did so holding hands again, James’ other hand slipping a wallet back into his pocket, walking them both to stand at the side of the door, so as not to be in the way.
    “Not feeling tired on me yet, are you?”
    Asking her this, he seemed to look around. The stream had diminished with the lateness that was slowly creeping in, leaving the streets only barely alive.
    He seemed to be thinking, though, after a moment, he seemed to decide something.
    “Okay…here’s what we can do…”
    He started.
    “We can go back to my place, just…. cuddle and lay around together, or, you could pick between option 1 and 2….”
    He raised two fingers on his other hand, thinking clearly of the two locations he had in mind.
    Option one was the beach, though, the reason he’d given her the option of going to his house is because of the new dress she was wearing, and one she might choose to wear for good while if she had the option. Option two was the ballroom, and, though it sounded good in theory, there wouldn’t be much for them to do there. Unless he tried to take her to a mall (That’d be a mess, plus, he had no idea how long the mall in the human world was open), there was nothing clear for him to choose…much less something in the village. They had some things, but, it wasn’t necessarily a hot dating spot.
    “If you don’t want any of that…we can just walk around the Village and look at things…. it’s up to you.”
    April 21st, 2018 at 07:02am
  • In response to his question, Amnesia gave James a look that clearly said he already knew the answer to that. Whether it was their time together, that she'd regained enough energy to have gone back to her usual, seemingly tireless self, or just that she'd been spending more and more time awake at night, she wasn't ready to sleep in the least.
    Of course, as much time as she'd spent practically attached to his side, she'd also gone to spend time with her brother as well, this taking place as James slept during the day, and she'd had to explain that she usually didn't need to sleep nearly as much as she had been when they first began to dating. That didn't mean that she didn't sleep; in the week since Equinox had arrived, she'd spent half her days with James, sleeping curled up with him, while the other half went to her brother. She'd found him wandering the Strange Wood looking for her a couple of those times, while she'd gone to the forest the other times, though it made her nervous to leave him alone with Lily's threat still echoing around her head. And even though he didn't like Khal, she'd insisted on leaving her friend's necklace with him when she left in case he ever woke and needed help. If possible, she would've left him something that would summon her instead, but even if they didn't get along, she knew Khal would help James if something happened.
    James mentioned options on what they could do then, and as soon as he mentioned a beach, everything else was pushed off to the side. She hardly even seemed to hear the second option as a grin formed and an excited sparkle lit up her aquiline eyes. "There's an ocean here?" She'd never seen one anywhere! She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen an ocean or had a chance to go swimming. "The beach!"

    As it turned out, the beach wasn't somewhere they could easily walk to, so James ended up taking them there the fast way.
    Where the Strange Wood had been illuminated by tall orange lights though, the ocean was illuminated by the moon, the silver-tipped water stretching all the way to the sky. Stars sprinkled every horizon, the moon a full orb that still hung low in the sky. Waves washed in, climbing up over the sand of the beach and then falling back in on themselves to their own rhythm, and as Amnesia's eyes devoured the sight before her, she noticed that they were completely and utterly alone on the sandy shore, which meant...
    "Let's swim!" she said, turning a grin on James even as she let go of his hand and began to pull her dress up over her head. After she'd gotten it off, she folded it and went to set it down in a place where she was sure the waves wouldn't be able to reach it and either soak it or carry it off. She'd turned towards the water, tensed in preparation to shift and bound right in when she suddenly remembered.
    "James," she started as she turned back around to face him. He'd never seen her true form, but she wanted to stretch her legs so bad... Maybe he wouldn't react as badly with warning... "I'm going to show you what I really look like, okay?... Please don't be afraid."
    After moving back to give herself room, she began to shift. Accompanying a symphony of snaps and cracks as bones changed shape and reformed, the petite spirit began to grow and take on the shape of a wolf easily twice the size of any wolf one might be used to seeing. The fur that grew was a thick, summer green that made it resemble grass, and all along her shoulders, back, and tail, there was growth: little leaves surrounded bright yellow flowers. The only familiar thing about the creature that had taken Amnesia's place were the bright aquiline eyes, which focused on James and watched for his reaction as the wolf laid down in the sand and placed its head on its paws as if trying to assume a nonthreatening posture despite its size. Amnesia didn't even dare to speak, waiting instead on James.
    April 21st, 2018 at 08:56pm
  • He hadn’t expected such a reaction to the beach, surprisingly. He hadn’t been against it, though, getting to cuddle didn’t sound that bad to him.
    Before she even spoke, his hand had been wondering toward his pants, fiddling with them with one hand as she held the other.
    When she did speak though, both of his hands went to removing his pants, sliding them off, kicking them lightly to the side, taking a moment to also remove his shirt, and, after a moment to be sure they were completely alone, his underwear.
    By the time he’d removed them, he tossed them onto the clothes pile he’d made near him, catching her words and turning to hear them, pale body almost somewhat shiny with the light of the moon to illuminate.
    He seemed curious, not completely sure what she was talking about, though, assuming she had something like what he’d seen with Equinox.
    He’d assumed right, having already heard bits and pieces about a true form, though, he couldn’t help but wince at the sounds that followed, watching the body he’d subconsciously learned changing with fur and teeth.
    It wasn’t like he hadn’t been raised around a werewolf. He’d seen someone change before, despite this transformation being different and his brother unable to fully transform, though, it was still odd to claim this as Amnesia, the tiny girl a giant now. He almost couldn’t recognize her, and, if not for the bright familiar eyes he’d seen before, he might have taken a few more moments to simply stare at it.
    There had been a moment for him to stare at the wolf’s form though, the flowers on her, the large thick fur that seemed brighter than Equinox’s and seemed to look exactly as grass would. Her eyes, and the nonthreatening pose it seemed to take, seemed to relax him around this…difference, and, his body had moved before he’d given it much more thought. He came to crouch near its-…her face, the wolf almost docile as he slowly stuck a hand out.
    “You know…I’ve been raised around a brother who has odd cravings and chases rabbits on full moons…. even thinking I’d be afraid is like assuming I haven’t dealt with something like this most of my life.”
    There was still a moment, as if making sure she was completely docile, before he ran his hand across the fur on her head, hand sliding just to the side of her mouth as he lightly scratched at her fur. He did, admittedly appreciate her human form better, something that he was used to and had traced shapes of, though, he didn’t hate this form…and, though it was still somewhat unusual, and he probably wouldn’t ask her for anything he might ask for in her other form, it was knowing it was her that seemed to make this something he could slowly adjust to.
    “Are you just going to sit there pouting at me, or are you going to go swim? Also, don’t shake water off on me, I’ll have to get you back for that later if you do.”
    Despite still feeling strange, he came to raise, giving her his best smile now, waiting for her to lead before he himself walked towards the water.
    If she did happen to shake water on him, or, even if she didn’t, he’d get her back with a nice shower.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 05:23am
  • There was a pause in which James simply seemed to stare, Amnesia remaining still and quiet as she let him take in the change. He didn't seem scared though, and not even as surprised as she'd expected, and when he crouched down in front of her, her ears, which had been laid back, perked forward.
    She leaned into his touch as he scratched at her fur, her tail slowly beginning to swish back and forth across the sand. It was hesitant, as if he wasn't quite sure, but she took it positively, especially partnered with his words. It was an adjustment, but he really was okay with it.
    "This is different though..." Amnesia said, her voice, like her eyes, remaining the same despite the change in form.
    A large part of her was relieved to finally show James her true self. She hadn't known how he would react, especially after how he'd reacted when he saw Equinox, and she wanted him to be comfortable around her. As used as she'd become in her human skin, this was actually the form she knew and liked best; it was just wholly her.
    "I'm not pouting!" As if to prove her point, as soon as he had stood up and she was sure she wouldn't hurt him getting up, she jumped to her feet, faster than one might've expected her to be able to move, then turned and ran into the shallows of the ocean, kicking up water in her wake as she ran through water that didn't even reach her stomach in depth. After this, she bounded back towards James, running around him and splashing him in the process, as he had actually made it into the water by this point, then jumping back before he could splash her back. Her behavior was playful and exuberant, more like what one would expect from a puppy than from a wolf.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 06:24am
  • There wasn’t fear as much as caution, the giant form towering much above even him, much bigger than the small girl he’d curled into and cuddled with before.
    There was surprise though, discovering that she could in fact speak, and, though she was a giant, her natural voice came through, the same Amnesia he knew coming from a large animal. It was different, he’d give her that…most werewolves couldn’t full out speak when they were transformed fully…though, that thought seemed to make him shake his head.
    “Eh, not too different. If it is, it’s different for the better. I’m hoping I won’t have to worry about you trying to chew my shoes.”
    A small chuckle as he lightly scratched her fur, stepping back and watching her after she spoke and bounded off, almost surprised by her speed, though, instead raising an eyebrow as he followed her somewhat, stepping into the water with little to no reaction as the cold touched his skin, eyes focused on the large wolf, only just having time to guard his face , chuckling despite her going right against what he said not to.
    He shook off the water clinging to him, trying his best to stop it from dripping off of his hair, though, this failed, and he ended up just uselessly shaking free some of the water she’d gotten on him, the top of his head of hair flailing and shooting upward before falling back down toward his scalp as his head came to still.
    Seeing her distance from him, instead of picking the water up with his hand, he raised an arm, smirking playfully, before he quickly swung it wide, watching the water raise up in response and shoot towards her in a shower of the liquid, which had gone much farther than it would have had he just done it normally.
    “I can fight back, too.”
    He still seemed amused, pushing the water that had gotten into his mouth out of his lips with a small burst of air.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 08:37am
  • "Why would I do that?" Amnesia's ears pulled back once more as she seemed to look at James with both confusion and a muted form of disgust. Feet were probably one of the dirtiest things on a person's body, and they went into shoes. The thought of chewing on something that someone's foot held no appeal for her.
    Thoughts about this were shaken off though when she got up and ran towards the ocean, making it a point to splash James, and when she jumped back, it was out of reach of his reach to be able to splash her. Or so she'd thought. It wasn't quite that she'd forgotten about his ability but more that she hadn't expected it to work on the water, and the wave he sent towards her splashed her before she could jump away.
    Amnesia shook out her fur, water raining off of her as she did so, and a playful growl was issued in response to his words. Rather than run around him to splash him though, a different idea seemed to occur to her, and she turned, running towards deeper water. Only after reaching an area where it became hard to move her legs and the water lapped around her did she stop, turning to face James. Then she ran towards him once more, coming to a sudden stop feet from him and churning up a big wave of water that arced in the air towards him.
    Before it ever splashed over him though, she'd started to run again, this time to escape the wave he would send back at her.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 09:09am
  • He’d thought he was victorious with the shower he’d sent at her, though, it only seemed to issue a challenge.
    There was a part of him that saw what was coming before it did, instinctually applying a sort of protection when it started his way. He could’ve deflected the water, at least enough to prevent himself from being absorbed by it, trusting his own powers to help him push it away. Though, instead, as it was nearly on him, he let the guard drop, the water smacking into him, the wolf’s large size making something that very easily pushed him down, the water being shallow on his end the only reason he didn’t sink lower than he did when he fell against the sand, body laying with his mouth and nose poking out of the water, releasing a few coughs before he came to a raise, doing his best to remove the water, as it had managed to get in when he’d opened his mouth when the wave hit.
    Despite now being completely soaked, he’d raised with a stubborn challenge placed in his eyes, arm rearing back as far as he would let it go, his eyes watching the water under him, watching it stir slightly as he gave the command. Water wasn’t hard to move, as much as it was the challenge of keeping it moving. There was a lot there, and he wasn’t sure how much he could make go for her at once, though, instead of giving, he seemed surprisingly focused.
    The wave he sent her way began a diminishing path with distance, and, wasn’t enough to submerge such a gigantic wolf, though, any normal sized human would’ve been swept up with it, and, he seemed to regret it when it hit her for a split second, as if he were thinking in terms of her human form.
    He imagined she would be fine, judging by how far she had to go out to even seemingly have trouble walking, but, it didn’t hurt to make sure.
    “Didn’t drown you over there, did I?”
    April 22nd, 2018 at 09:30am
  • Despite having run a good distance by the time James sent the wave her way, he still managed to make it reach her, and it was a good bit bigger than the last one he'd sent her way. It wasn't enough to knock her over, though it did unbalance her temporarily as it washed over her, leaving her fur completely soaked and causing the bright flowers growing from her coat to droop.
    Soaking wet, she looked a little smaller, though not by much, and after shaking out her fur once more, she started back towards James. "Of course not! You didn't even knock me down!" As she reached him, rather than attempt to splash him again, she lowered her head and licked his cheek. Much like her, he was now soaked from head to toe, though, where the water slid off his skin, it clung to her fur, slicking it all down despite her previous attempts at shaking it out.
    The momentary peace was short lived however, as Amnesia, with an unusually mischievous twinkle in her eyes, flicked water at James with her tail. Rather than run off as soon as she did it though, as she had in the past, she dropped into a crouch, seeming to be preparing for the water to be flung at her. She waited until it came before she ran, taking a circular path around James and looking back to see if it had continued in its original direction or if it was still chasing her.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 10:13am
  • There was a moment of pause when the water hit her, his first reaction to make sure she hadn’t been pushed over, though, seeing the giant wolf bounding back towards him, he released the breath he’d been unknowingly holding in.
    Despite the wet fur covering her, he still rubbed at her when she came forward and licked at his cheek, enjoying the small moment of peace as it came and went.
    He could only hope she’d change back or not smell like wet dog when he got her home, guarding and letting out a small laugh in reply when she splashed at him.
    He’d set off a smaller wave to soak her, though, she’d moved the moment he’d released it, and, as such, he quickly took a moment to send out more of them, chasing her down as she ran a path around him.
    He couldn’t control its direction or anything like he could an object, there was too much to do that kind of thing. He could make it move, but he was unable to stop it when it started, nor could he change its direction.
    Making sure he’d hit his target, he released a breath, moving and walking closer to the shallow waters, sitting himself down with a silent plea that he wouldn’t have to worry about sand on his ass when he got up to move.
    “Let’s take a break for a moment! You’ve got too much of an advantage here.”
    She had the whole being a huge wolf thing to help her out, plus she was much faster, so that didn’t help.
    Sitting, curled up like he was, the waters touched the middle of his stomach, floating around him, though leaving the upper part of his body to eventually dry.
    “So, that’s your true form, huh? I remembered you mentioning something about it.”
    It was best that he didn’t mention which form he preferred, though, he assumed she might be aware.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 08:04pm
  • Though she'd dodged the first wave by running around James, he soon sent more after her, and after outrunning the first several, one finally got her, raining water down over her. When she turned back towards him, Amnesia found James walking in the direction of the shore, though, rather than completely abandon the water and the fun they were having, he sat down amongst the waves.
    Despite wanting to keep running around or even venture deep enough into the ocean to swim a little, Amnesia padded back towards him as he entreated a break. When she reached his side, she laid down in the shallow waves and gently laid her head in his lap, her desire to be close remaining undiminished even in her changed form. It meant water rushed under her jaw, with how high up it came on him, but she didn't seem to mind in the least as she left her head where it was.
    "Mmhmm. This is what I looked like when I was born. Well, except smaller obviously." Shifting her head a bit so that she could look up at him, Amnesia couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. He'd seemed pretty thoughtful for awhile now, though he'd seemed relaxed and like he was having fun when they were splashing each other.
    "Thank you for doing this with me. It feels good to stretch my legs." Good enough that it was actually a struggle to continue to sit there, still and just talking to him. It'd been forever since she'd done this (running to the Strange Wood not counting), and she wanted to take advantage of the moment while it lasted. Even her swishing tail, continuously going back and forth behind her, seemed to agree.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 08:37pm
  • She reminded him of a puppy, the way she laid her head on his lap almost adorable.
    He silently sat and rubbed his hands into her muzzle, nodding when she spoke, her wet fur causing droplets of water to fall off onto him.
    “So, you…just get bigger the older you get?”
    He wasn’t sure when it was exactly, though, she had mentioned being around for a while, so, he guessed it made sense.
    “I’m just surprised that someone so small could be such a big wolf.”
    There was a part of him that already missed their height difference, wrapping into her always feeling nice, with that way he could completely dwarf her body and curve into her.
    Catching her eye, he raised a brow, staring back at her with a curious gaze. Her expressions weren’t so easy to read in this form, so, he couldn’t really place what it was she was thinking before she spoke again.
    “Wouldn’t be any fun if I just sat here and didn’t do anything with you. That’d be skipping the whole purpose of a date.”
    When she spoke again, hearing her say she was stretching her legs, he nodded outward.
    “Go for a run if you want, I just felt like sitting down. I’m not going to go anywhere if you want to swim out or anything like that.”
    Not like he would make her stay near him just because he’d called a break to the splashing. He just didn’t want to get continuously soaked, really.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 08:56pm
  • Amnesia was still as James began to scratch her muzzle again, simply enjoying the feeling of his hands running through her fur.
    "Mmhmm. Spirits don't ever stop growing--well, our true forms anyway. Our human forms stay the same," she explained, letting out a little laugh at James' next comment, which came out more like an exhale of breath from her nose. "I'm small for my age as a wolf too. That's why Equinox is nearly the same size as me even though he's a fox."
    Though they were the same age, she technically should have been a good bit bigger than him from the beginning, and though she'd always had the smallest size advantage on him, it was a gap that'd been consistently closing over the years. Really, she'd expected him to outgrow her years ago, and given enough time, he probably still would, but she didn't mind it. There were advantages to being smaller, whether as her true self or a human.
    Despite James telling her to go off and run or swim, Amnesia remained where she was. He'd said it himself, hadn't he? They were supposed to spend time together and have fun with one another on a date. So rather than run off, she stubbornly stayed where she was, thinking about what to do for a few moments before she finally sat up. It was then that the snapping and cracking began anew, but this time, she shrank as she once more became the Amnesia that he was used to seeing, water clinging to her skin and sunny hair soaked.
    After changing, she walked up to James once more, this time sitting just beside him and leaning into him as she wrapped an arm around his middle.
    "Like you said, this is a date. I'm supposed to be spending time with you, not running off and leaving you to just watch." Not that changing back meant she still didn't feel like running around; the energy coursing through her was just better hidden without a tail thumping around, giving her away.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 10:49pm
  • He would rub lightly at her muzzle, hand through her fur and lightly scratching until the snapping and cracking began. There was still a moment of surprise, in which he winced, before his hand switched from rubbing fur to running his fingertips down the shoulders of the same bare skinned girl.
    "But what if I was having fun watching?"
    His tone, though only lightly changed, seemed much more playful with the familiarity in from of him, lips raised in a smirk that had become his signature, playful, somewhat cocky, and planning.
    Only when she hugged into him did he respond, arm slipping under her wet blonde locks, rubbing at the wet skin of her back as she wrapped his middle, other hand eventually joining in to get her in a somewhat awkward hug. That seemed the plan for a moment, before his smirk became a full out grin.
    He was on top of her with ease, barely forceful as the shallow waters left her soaked, her face remaining above the water.
    "Got you back for splashing me."
    He was sitting on top of her, not necessarily pinning her, though, bent and face to face as he stared down above her, dipping his fingers in water above he shot sprinkles of it at her.
    With this situation, and a pause, he leaned close in, after the amusement had faded.
    "...You know, we could make this date perfect."
    Before she asked what he meant, he'd leaned and pressed into her lips with his own.
    April 22nd, 2018 at 11:41pm
  • Unsure whether or not James was being serious, Amnesia gave him a questioning, considering look before settling for saying, "Then I guess you can have even more fun spending time with me now."
    She was relaxed as he moved to return her hug, though their position made it a little awkward, though it seemed as if, as soon as he had his arm around her, he'd pushed her back into the water and moved on top of her, soaking her thoroughly.
    Seeming surprised by this rather than upset, Amnesia laughed at his words and how he flicked more water at her. "You splashed me back every time!" she argued, though she didn't seem to be upset about it in the least, making no move to push him off her so she could get up out of the water.
    Then he spoke, and with a curious look, she started to ask how, but he silenced the question with a kiss. Amnesia happily returned it, smiling up at him once their lips had parted. "How did that make it perfect? We already kissed earlier." Not that she was complaining about being kissed... she'd taken a liking to kissing him.
    April 23rd, 2018 at 12:21am
  • "But you started it."
    There was a flirtatious wink from him, dropping his hand to the side. Seeing how she didn't resist him or push him off, he'd decided to kiss her before he'd thought much about it, pulling away to see her happy expression.
    "Well....that didn't make it perfect, but it's a start."
    One more kiss, cut much shorter, before he grabbed her hand, sliding off of her and helping her come to a sitting position , and, with her body upright, he leaned his head into the wet crook of her neck, hands raising up and gathering her wet hair, bringing it all together and positioning it behind her neck, light kisses brushing the skin between her shoulder and neck, arms raising to wrap around her in a gentle yet containing hug. He seemed to stop, and, before he spoke, his tongue struck upward, running up her neck with the faint taste of salt fresh on the water running off her skin.
    "...Do you want to go home and take a shower with me?"
    The question seemed normal enough, though, there was a certain look in his eyes, a determined yet eager gaze he held as he looked up at her, ceasing all that he had started until she spoke again.
    April 23rd, 2018 at 01:08am
  • There was that feeling again, not as strong as the last time it appeared but somehow quietly summoned by his words and the suspicion that she knew what he meant. Somehow, with just a kiss and a short sentence, James had managed to completely turn her upside down and make her suddenly aware of the position they were in.
    After a shorter second kiss though, he got up and helped her to sit up as well. Her hair and back were soaked from his revenge for her having splashed him, and she could feel the sand that stubbornly remained stuck to her.
    For a moment, as James dropped his head, Amnesia thought he was going to rest his forehead against her shoulder, and she raised a hand to his hair, the intended action being that she would run her fingers through his hair. Rather than the press of his forehead though, she felt his lips leave light kisses, and her hand froze even as he held her almost as if willing her to be still. Then his tongue traced up her neck, and her stomach clenched, though he stopped there, pulling away to speak to her.
    Asking if she wanted to shower wasn’t quite what she’d expected though, or, if she was at least being truthful with herself, what she wanted. There was something in the way he looked at her though that she couldn’t help but question, not quite knowing how to decipher it.
    “What about our date?” She seemed reluctant to leave, for the moment to end, and it showed alongside the restlessness she still attempted to contain, which he almost seemed to be making worse right then, and still held in his arms, she shifted, seeming uncharacteristically unable to stay still.
    April 23rd, 2018 at 04:12am
  • He'd noticed her restlessness, unable to really decipher it, though, she knew full well that telling him to stop would not hurt his feelings in the least, so, he made a few more attempts ,testing the waters and making sure she hadn't even uttered the word no.
    "We could make this a part of it. We could go back to my house, take a nice shower and help each other...clean the sand off, and then we can use the rest of the time laying in bed....doing anything you want to do."
    He made this hint more obvious, slowly lowering his head back down toward her neck, buried in its crook with his lips pressed on it, occasionally moving, his own heat breathing on to her skin. He was in no way holding her tight, any moment should could release herself, though, all it would take was the word no and he'd pull himself back.
    "It's your choice....but I really want to treat you special to celebrate our date...."
    He raised upwards just enough to catch her expression, before his head slid down, almost suctioning her neck with his lips now.
    He wouldn't and couldn't say please or beg for it....he wasn't that type of person and wouldn't guilt her into it if she didn't want to do it, though, he didn't know if he'd been clear enough with his hints
    April 23rd, 2018 at 04:35am