Sometimes, the unexpected happens.

  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    He led Abby outside, ensuring to flick on the fairy lights and heaters on the way there. His mother prided herself on the garden, she believed if the outside of the house didn't look great, the inside couldn't be any better.

    "It's great isn't it, just missing a poor" he commented with a laugh, and headed towards the gazebo. "So tell me a little about yourself " he asked her.


    "I'll have the same please" Emily told him, leaning up against the bar for a rest, her breathing rate slowly returning to normal. he seemed like such a decent guy compared to Simon. A little part of Em was happy that Abby broke the promise, because it allowed her talk to him.
    April 5th, 2018 at 06:05am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 5th, 2018 at 06:05am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    “It really is,” Abby took a minute to think about what she wanted him to know. “Honestly, There’s not much to me. I’m an only child, living with my parents who are rarely home. I don’t get out much, spend most of my time doing school work and my extracurricular stuff and after next year I’ll be going to Johns Hopkins University to study nursing,” she shrugged slightly, it wasn’t as big as him going to Dartmouth, but it was her plan.
    Jackson looked over at her as they waited for the waters to come, “Feeling better?” He asked, hoping she was still enjoying herself and that he wasn’t getting on her nerves.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 5th, 2018 at 03:32pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Simon nodded, at her smiling "you've got it all planned out, I like that. Sounds like a great one two. You like taking care of people? Headed her, showing a genuine interest.

    "do you ever wish you had brothers or sisters?" he asked her again, thinking about himself. He resented his older brother, and was always trying to live up to his standards.


    Emily stopped and thought for a second before answering him. "Yeah I'm good, it's just weird to be fighting with Ab... I guess I was just a bit shocked she broke our promise." she cut herself off abruptly, realising she had said too much.

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 5th, 2018 at 11:49pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Abby nodded, “Yeah, I’ve had it planned out for awhile now. I do, a lot of my extra time I volunteer at the hospital.” She didn’t know why she felt comfortable telling him all those things.

    “I don’t know,” she hadn’t thought about it before. “Honestly, not really. With my parents being gone most of the time I’d either have an older sibling watching my every move, or I’d have to watch and take of my younger siblings, it’s better being just me,” Abby shrugged slightly.
    Jackson listened, nodding when she mentioned fighting with Abby. He understood how she felt, he couldn’t imagine if he fought with Simon, “I get that, it must be hard. Broke your promise? What kind of promise?” He asked curiously.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 6th, 2018 at 12:47am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    "Wow you volunteer too? That's really cool Abby" he told her, letting his hand rest gently on her knee. "I wish I could be that selfless... I know I could try, but I feel like I'd just be doing it for my self and what other people think" he admitted to her with a shrug. He had always been acutely aware of how privileged he was, but it had never peaked his interest to change it, knowing he was damned either way.

    "Yeah, I have a older brother. He's a resident at Sacred Heart Seattle. He's only 27. Sets the bar pretty high which sucks a lot sometimes"


    Emily panicked a little, and began drinking her water to avoid the question. "Ah nothing, just a stupid girl thing..."" she told him. She could feel the prickling of sweat under her armpits as her heart gained pace- she was an idiot.

    "Okay okay... We made a promise not to talk or get along with you or Simon until we figured out why ye were being so friendly all of a sudden.." she caved. Emily had never been good at keeping secrets, unless it was from her parents.

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 6th, 2018 at 01:02am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    “I guess, it’s nice to help people out,” Abby said, of course she had done it to help her chances of getting into the college she wanted. “I enjoy it, especially since I’ve been doing it for so long,” she smiled over at him.

    She nodded when he mentioned his brother, “Ah, yeah that would set the bar pretty high. It would make things a lot harder.”
    Jackson understood and he didn’t blame either of them for coming up with a promise not to speak to either of them. Of course he would never admit that the boys had their own plan.

    “I get that, it does seem sudden, I can’t speak for Simon, but I felt bad about not getting to know you,” he really did have an interest in getting to know her.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 6th, 2018 at 02:25am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    "And what about you? Who's looking out for Abby while she's out saving the world?" He asked, teasing her slightly. He sat sack into the sofa of the gazebo, looking from her to the garden.

    "Yeah I mean, I'm never going to live up to him.. but I can T least try. Maybe he'll mess up and get some girl pregnant or something, let him be the black sheep for a while" he joked, even tough he wished. For something g like this to happen to his brother all the time, at least then he wouldn't seem so perfect.

    Em stared at him, studying his face. He didn't seem to be mad about the girls pact, she was happy about it and it made her a little less suspicious of him. If he understood why they would be suspicious, it meant his motives must e been some what decent, right?

    "I just always feel I need to look after Abby, I'd hate to see her get hurt. She's a bit more of a wallflower than me.. I'm always afraid she won't be able to stand up. For herself and someone will take advantage of that" she told him shrugging. "I'm glad to be getting to know you too."

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 6th, 2018 at 02:42am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    “No one, I mean, Emily watches out for me, but now I’m on my own,” Abby laughed softly, realizing she sounded a bit pathetic. She sighed softly, looking out at the garden.

    Hearing him talk about his brother, she couldn’t help laughing softly, “Yeah, maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll mess up.” She was half joking, but she knew Simon wanted to out do his brother, it was plainly obvious as he talked about him.
    Jackson knew he couldn’t let it bug him that the girls had caught on to them, he watched as Emily studied his face. He knew the girls had every reason to be suspicious of them.

    “I don’t blame you for that, especially with Simon showing a sudden interest in her. He always has something up his sleeve,” he felt bad for starting to throw his friend under the bus, but it was to his own benefit and the girls weren’t talking, so maybe it wouldn’t matter.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 6th, 2018 at 02:58am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Simon sat up next to her again, gently placing his hand on her back "Hey, I'm sure you too will make up in no time... besides, I know you don't know me that well.. but if you do ever need to talk right here." He told her gently, placing his hand on hers.

    "You're an amazing person Abby, nobody like you will ever be on their own" he spoke gently, sliding slightly closer to her on the couch. "I mean that Abby, you're beautiful"


    Emily sighed "well it's her own fault now.. I just hope she had the sense to go home" she scoffed and placed the empty glass back on the bar counter. "I really think you're a decent guy Jackson.. thanks for your advice and help." She stood up on her tip toes and left a tender peck on the side of his cheek. "I think I've taken over you're night enough though. I'll go call a cab and let you get back to your friends."

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 6th, 2018 at 03:22am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Abby couldn’t explain the way her body was reacting to Simon’s touch, but she liked it. “Thank you, I appreciate it,” she said as she brushed her hair behind her ear, looking around and trying to avoid his eyes.

    She blushed when he called her beautiful, to hear a guy like Simon call her that put her on cloud nine. As he moved closer to her, she felt butterflies in her stomach.
    Jackson stopped her before she could walk away, “My friends are occupied, they won’t even notice I’m gone. I’ll take a cab with you, just to make sure you get home Alright.” He said as he walked out with her, “I’d feel much better if I knew you were home and safe.”

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 6th, 2018 at 03:42am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Simon noticed Abby avoiding his eyes, and couldn't help but smile. He had her right when he wanted her. Her cheeks were flushing red and from the way she aaat, he could tell she didn't mind him touching her.

    "Hey, look at me" he whispered, gently placing his hand under her chin and raising her head to look up at his eyes. "I really mean that Abby, I've always seen it been afraid to say because Emily didn't like me. Your the most amazing girl I've ever laid eyes on.

    Leaning in slowly, Simon gently placed his lips to hers, kissing her very softly to test the water.


    "Are you sure?" Emily asked, her eyebrows knitting together. "I really don't want to drag you away from tonight, just because I fought with my friend" she told him, holding out her hand to hail a cab. "If you want to stay, I can just text you when I get home to let you know I got there?" She offered

    Soon after she had gotten inside she swore under her breath. "I. Ant go home yet... my parents think I'm at midnight mass, I can't go home until at least 1:30..." she scratched the back of her neck trying to think what she could do.

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 6th, 2018 at 04:04am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Abby looked up at him, all of this was so out of character for her. She had never been so out of her comfort zone, but with Simon she didn’t feel so out of place.

    She was shocked to feel his lips on hers, but slowly kissed back. Everything seemed to happen so fast, she had never expected that Simon had liked her or any of that.
    Jackson got in the cab with her, after hearing her say she couldn’t go home yet, he got an idea. “Let’s go to my place, it’s not too far from your house. We can go and relax, and you can get the alcohol out of your system and when it’s time, I’ll make sure you get home.”

    He was hoping she would go along with it and take him up on his offer. It wasn’t like she had anywhere else she would want to go.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 6th, 2018 at 04:47am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    As Abby began to kiss him back, he smirked in to the kiss. Slowly applying more and more pressure eith his lips, Simon began to kiss her with a little more passion, his hand dropping to her waist.

    "I've wanted to do this for so long" he mumbles against her lips, pulling away momentarily to brush some hair off her face before diving back in. If he was honest, he had really only wanted to do it since he saw her on the bus this morning.


    Emily looked across the cab at him "Are you sure?" She asked gently, pushing some stray hairs off her face and shifting to look at him properly. "I would hate to be a burden... I can always just wait it out in my treehouse, although it would be great to get some time to sober out..." she said to him smiling politely. She was so afraid she had ruined his night by taking it over with her presence.

    "It would only be an hour or two at most Jackson, I promise"

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 6th, 2018 at 05:06am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Abby smiled as Simon continued to kiss her. Hearing that he had wanted to kiss her for so long just made her want him more. She had no idea that he had liked her for so long.
    “I’m sure, you’re not a burden at all,” Jackson told her before giving his address to the cab driver. He had enjoyed spending time with her at the show so he was okay with spending time with her until she sobered up. “It’s really no big deal at all,” he told her.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 6th, 2018 at 04:39pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Simon gently began to move his fingers against her hip bone, moving them in slow, gentle circles as he kissed her, pulling her slightly closer to him on the bench,

    He took t slightly slow for his first time kissing her, so as not to freak her out. "Your good at this" he teased gently against her lips before quickly returning to kissing.


    Emily smiled, she was glad he was happy to mind her for just a few hours instead of sitting out in the cold for two hours. "We you want to spilt cab fair?" She said gently and held her purse out to her, insisting he take money to pay for the ride home.

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 8th, 2018 at 04:51am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Abby felt chills down her spine as his fingers on her hips, as he pulled her closer to him, she felt more comfortable.

    Hearing him say she was good at kissing, she blushed slightly, “Thank you.” She said before he started kissing her again, she was slowly wanting more.
    Jackson shook his head, “I got it, you’ve had enough today.” He told her, he made sure she took her purse back.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 10th, 2018 at 10:49pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Simon slowly let his hands wander from her hips and up her back under her t shirt. he slid his hands under her bra clip, not trying to open it just gentlyrubbing the skin underneath. he wondered to himself if she had ever done something like this with a guy before.

    If simon could have his way, he would have picked her up and carted her upstairs an hour ago, but he knew he needed to gain her trust in order for that to happen. "You're just so amazing Abby" he whispered softly, his mmouth slowly beginning to move towards her neck.


    Em took her purse back, smiling greatfully at how generous he was being. she stumbled out of the cab, giggling as she made her way up the pathway to his house, putting her hand over her mouth to try and stifle the sound. "Are your parents here?" she drunk whispered, looking around to see if there were lights on.

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 11th, 2018 at 12:47am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Abby had only been with one guys before, and it was just a quick thing. She was enjoying the way Simon’s hands felt on her skin. Never in a million years had she ever thought that she would be in that situation with Simon. Feeling his lips move towards her neck, she let out a soft moan that surprised even herself.
    “Nope, they were here this morning, so that means they won’t be back for a few days,” Jackson told her as he walked her inside. “Just make yourself comfortable, can I get you anything?” He asked her, wanting to help her sober up a bit before she went home.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 11th, 2018 at 06:43am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    A sly grin swept across Simon's face upon hearing Abby moan. he had her like putty in his hands. he slowly kissed her neck for a few minutes, careful not to leave any marks before pulling away and looking in to her eyes smiling. "Hey.. not to be too forward or anything... but you want to take this somewhere more private?" he asked her gently, glancing around. "I'maware thatb anyone could see us here,and I'd hate for you to feel embarrased." he gently swept a small portion of hair behind her ear, letting his hand rest against her cheek.

    Emily nodded as she looked around his house, and headed towards what she could see was the living room from the hallway. She perched herself on the couch and called out to him "a soda would be great if you have it!". she felt a little guilty being here, she had promised Abby she wouldngt soeak to him.. nevermindnbe on her own in his house. She quickly retracted her feelings, it was Abby's fault she was here in the first place, so screw her.

    @ foREVerYours.
    April 11th, 2018 at 04:44pm