Setting You Free

  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Asa blushed and looked up at Matt, "That sounds nice." She nodded, "I'd like that." Turning to look at Demi and Zacky, she could see the girl tugging at her brother with some force, pulling him out of the theater quickly. "Uh, looks like they're in a hurry." Asa chuckled, leading Matt to follow them.
    Zacky chuckled and held Demi's hand, "You okay? That hungry?" He smiled as he pulled out to the parking lot. He pulled his jacket back on and followed Demi back to his car. He could tell something was a little off, but he didn't want to press it.
    April 14th, 2018 at 06:42pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Matt took and saw Demi and knew her dad had showed up. Shaking his head he looked at Asa and smiled, "Yeah it seems like it." Matt laughed walking to the car and getting in.
    Demi glanced over at Zacky and saw him staring at her oddly. She just shrugged it off and smiled lightly leaning back into the seat. "I'm very hungry." She grinned at him.
    April 15th, 2018 at 12:01am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ MShadz
    April 17th, 2018 at 04:02pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Chuckling, she watched as Zacky followed her out like a puppy. Zacky was always the same when he was in puppy love, completely blinded. "C'mon, we better catch up to them before they forget about us and leave." She chuckled and grabbed Matt's hand, tugging him along behind her. "You're freezing." She looked over her shoulder at him.
    Zacky smiled, "How does Italian sound?" He fixed his rear view mirror and looked towards the theater, waiting for his sister and that tall, dark man to come out. He wasn't sure how he felt about his sister getting close to him. He seemed...odd.
    April 23rd, 2018 at 07:19am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Matt looked at her, "I'm fine." Matt told her with a smile. "Come on let's get in the car before they leave us." Matt laughed lightly. He opened the door for her and smiled slipping in himself.
    "Sounds perfect." Demi smiled at Zacky. She took and bit her lip as she turned around screaming out. Seeing her dad at the car door as she saw Zacky roll the window down a little. "Can I help you, sir?" Demi narrowed her eyes.

    "Oh I was wondering if you lovely couple could tell me where I could find planet start?" He questioned smiling charmingly.

    "Um..." Demi said narrowing her eyes.

    "Down the road, take the left at the red lights. Then take another right. Second building down from there." Matt spoke up narrowing his eyes at his boss.

    "Thank you guys. You all have a great day." Lucifer grinned before walking away.

    Demi narrowed her eyes towards her dad's back. She was going to let him have hell when she was done with her date.
    April 23rd, 2018 at 07:03pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ zacky vee.

    Zacky watched as the man backed away from their car, and then just seemed to disappear in the darkness of the parking lot. He thought about how odd that seemed, but he just shook it off. He looked towards Demi and furrowed his brow, seeing how annoyed and...angry, she seemed now. "You okay?" He asked her, quietly as he started his car and took out of the parking lot.
    Asa could feel how the whole attitude in the car had took a drastic change when that man had came up to the window. Zacky felt shaken, Demi was so pissed Asa could almost see steam above her head and she could sense Matt felt annoyed. Asa just felt...weary. Something wasn't right here, something was weird about Demi and Matt.
    May 15th, 2018 at 08:16pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Demi glanced over at Zacky and nodded her head. "Just annoyed. Some people." Demi said to Zacky forcing a smile. "If you don't care could we call our date early? I need to take care of something at home." Demi frowned apologizing with her eyes towards her boyfriend.
    Matt looked at Asa sensing how she could sense something was off. Taking and sighing a little bit Matt sighed and looked at her. "You ok?" Matt questioned.
    May 16th, 2018 at 01:16am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ zacky vee.

    Zacky frowned, assuming he had done something wrong. "Uh... yeah, sure." He chewed on his lip as he started driving towards where he had picked Matt and Demi up instead of towards the restaurant. He hoped he hadn't fucked up.
    Asa nodded, giving Matt a small smile, "Yeah, everything's fine." She looked towards the front of the car and bit her lip. "Looks like the date is being cut short." She chuckled, wondering if everything was okay up there.
    May 16th, 2018 at 05:49am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    "Yeah it seems that way. Maybe we can go on one soon?" Matt suggested staring at Asa. He smiled at her before glancing out the window.
    Demi frowned as she felt Zacky stop. She looked at him and smiled, "I'll call you later. I have a family issue." Demi told him kissing his lips lightly. "I love you Zacky." Demi whispered to him before getting out and going towards her car waiting for Matt.
    May 16th, 2018 at 06:03am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Asa nodded and bit her lip, "Yeah, we should." She chewed on her lip as the car came to stop. Demi seemed in a rush, out of the car before Asa could even tell her bye. "You should probably not keep her waiting."
    Zacky frowned, " you too." He felt weird. It seemed like something was off. He watched her get out of the car and sighed, relaxing against the seat.
    May 16th, 2018 at 09:31pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Once Matt was inside the car Demi pulled out narrowing her eyes as they soon vanished to the underworld. Storming through it she saw her dad smirking. “You couldn’t let me have one damn day?” Demi snapped.

    “Demi he’s a hunter. Who hunt beings like us.” He said. “I am not letting my daughter be with a mortal that could kill her. Especially when he finds the truth out.” He smirked.

    “He won’t.” Demi snapped. “Dad leave it alone. I am happy don’t you get it?!” She screamed out at him.

    “We’ll I don’t care, Demi. I am doing what’s best for you.” He said.

    “No you’re ruining everything.” Demi snapped. “Leave my relationship alone.” She warned before turning on her heels and disappearing back to where she’d left. Sighing she walked through the park and sat down as she lent back into the bench.
    Matt stood there watching it all unfold. Sighing he took and disappeared and decided to get a hold of Asa. He wanted to take her out while they had some alone time for one another.
    May 17th, 2018 at 12:56am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Asa sat in the front seat of Zacky's car after Demi and Matt had left. "Something's off about both of them." She told Zacky. She had never wanted to be a hunter, but she had always had the best perception out of everyone in her family, and she could tell something was very about the both of them. She knew Zacky would just shrug it off, he never liked to be shown up by Asa and he definitely wouldn't listen to her about some girl he liked.

    The ride home was a quiet one, Asa could tell Zacky was worried he had somehow managed to fuck up his date. The moment they pulled into their driveway, Asa looked up at their home and could see all of the lights on. Their father always got so worried when they went out, especially after losing their mother years ago.

    Asa stepped out of the car, right as her phone went off in her pocket. She pulled it out to see an unknown number had texted her. When she opened it, she could see it was a message from Matt. She wondered how he had gotten her number, but she shrugged it off. She didn't need more reasons to worry herself over what might be weird about them. 'Hey.'
    Zacky frowned as he walked into the house, ignoring Asa as she stood in the driveway staring down at her phone. He didn't know what she might think was so off about his girlfriend, but he didn't care to know. Asa was always jealous of him, because he was obviously dad's favorite, especially since he actually wanted to hunt. Asa always tried to make up problems for him to deal with.

    Walking into the house, he saw their dad standing at the counter, a beer in his hand. "You guys are finally home." He smiled. "How did the date go?"

    Zacky sighed, "Cut short. Girls are weird." He laughed as he walked into the kitchen and grabbing himself a beer. "You might want to be concerned though, Demi has an older friend that come on the date with us. He's really big, kinda looks like the biker type and he's interested in Asa." Zacky laughed on the inside. If Asa wanted to try worry him about Demi, he'd make sure dad gave her hell about her dating preferences, he knew their dad would be very overprotective.

    He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and headed downstairs to his room, dialing Demi. He wanted to make sure everything was okay.
    May 18th, 2018 at 05:17am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Matt took and sat down biting on his lip. 'Your brother gave me your number. Hope it was ok?' Matt sighed a little bit not wanting to freak her out any at all.
    Demi heard her phone ringing and grabbed it. She saw her dad appear beside of her and rolled her eyes scooting away. Answering it she placed it up to her ear, "Hey babe. You make it home safe?" Demi asked.
    May 18th, 2018 at 10:29am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ havoc.

    Asa chewed on her lip before texting him back, 'Yeah, it's okay. What's up?' She had a feeling he was lying anyway, especially when her dad opened the door and yelled for her to hurry and come inside. She headed inside, and her dad quickly shut the door. "So, how old is this boy Demi introduced you to, tonight?" Her dad asked, crossing his arms over his shoulders. Asa sighed, and knew she was going to bite Zacky's head off later.

    It took about an hour before Asa could get away from her dad and go upstairs.
    Zacky smiled, hearing her voice, especially calling him babe, it made him think he really didn't fuck up. "Yeah, yeah, we're home. Are you okay?" He asked.
    May 23rd, 2018 at 06:56pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Matt laid on his bed sighing. He tossed his phone around in his hands. He decided texting her back again and sighed. 'I was wondering, if you wanted to go out, tomorrow night?' He laid his phone down beside of him hoping she said yes.
    "I'm okay now. Just some drama with my dad." Demi sighed. "He's a drama queen." She laughed it off. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
    May 24th, 2018 at 01:25am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Asa was completely pissed off by the time she got up to her bedroom. She had a few choice words for her brother, but decided to just leave it. She sat down on her bed and checked her phone, and chewed on her lip, 'Yanno, if you're actually free right now, I would love to get out of this house. :)'
    Zacky laughed, "Asa's having to deal with dad right now too." He laughed more, wrapping his arm around his chest as he circled his bedroom. He just couldn't get the feeling that he fucked up to go away. "So we're okay?" He iterated.
    June 5th, 2018 at 07:15pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ dance macabre
    Matt grinned, “I am on my way. Give me around thirty minutes. We can do something.” Matt told her ending the call. Getting in the car he disappeared in it and it wasn’t long till he was outside of her house. He had changed and cleaned up a little as well. Going up to the door he started to knock seeing her pull it open, “Hey you ready?” Matt grinned.
    “We’re fine, I promise.” Demi frowned. “I’m sorry about flaking and leaving. My dad and his trust issues.” She sighed to Zacky. She looked at her dad seeing him narrow his eyes. “Hey do you want to go do something tonight, maybe spend the night together again?” Demi questioned smirking at her dad.
    June 7th, 2018 at 01:21am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ havoc.
    Asa was just relieved that she had managed to get to the door before her father, and barely letting Matt finish his sentence, she was out the door and off the porch towards his car. Even though something struck her as odd when it came to Matt and Demi, she just wanted out of the house. She was sure she would figure out what was so weird about them sooner or later.

    "Yes," Asa chuckled, finally answering Matt's question as she placed her hand on the car's door handle. "Let's get out of here."
    Zacky rubbed his neck, thinking about how weird it was that they'd barely only been home for a couple of hours, and Demi was inviting him out again. Was he just messing around with him? Trying to play with his emotions? Or was it something else? Ignoring his gut feeling, he just smiled, "Of course. What would you like to do?" He asked, already picking up his car keys off of his dresser.
    June 13th, 2018 at 04:58am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Matt chuckled getting in the car. Pulling out Matt smirked over at her. "Trouble in the Baker home?" Matt questioned as he drove his corvette through the city.
    "I don't care. I just need to get away, and I need you." Demi admitted as she took and bit on her lip. "I'm already outside of your house." Demi told him as she ended the call as she lent back into her charge's seat. She looked at the house smirking a little seeing him walking out.
    June 19th, 2018 at 06:35pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    She sighed and looked up at the roof of his car and roll her eyes in annoyance, thinking about it. "Zacky likes to act like a teenager sometimes, but I'd rather just forget about it right now." She looked over at Matt and let a smile appear on her face.
    Zacky just looked down at his phone in confusion and sat his keys back down on the dresser. She was already outside...? He grabbed his jacket and just tried to shrug it off. Of course there were tons of signs that pointed to something being supernatural, but he was blinded by love. Walking outside, he opened the door and slid inside. "Hey." He smiled, leaning over to kiss her.

    @ Sitkowski.
    July 3rd, 2018 at 04:09pm