Land of The Dead

  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada watched him terrified and just nodded before watching him leave. She sighed once he was out and fell to her knees and hid her face in her hands and wanted to scream and cry and throw things. Why her? She sniffled before standing up again and wiped her tears away.

    She grabbed her coat and went outside, pulling her skirts up to where they wouldn't get dirty. She headed to her house and walked inside, putting her coat up before beginning on dinner.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:00am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus made it to his home without incident. He desperately searched for his stored blood. For years, he'd been taking blood from donors and storing it away in his cold room, he hated having to bite someone every time he needed to eat. The issue was that after he left to the war, his donor died, all he had left was a little stored that he'd collected will fighting.

    He found the jar, and unscrewed the lid, and hungrily drank its contents. The blood dripping down his chin. It was his last jar.
    @ FlyAway;
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:08am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada wrapped an apron around her waist and started to get to work on dinner. She sighed once she was done and sat down pulling a pull over to herself and began to read. She just couldn't focus, as her mind wandered to Augustus and if he had hurt anyone or if he had managed to make it home. She frowned not understanding.

    If he had been hungry, why didn't he just eat? She sighed and looked at her ahnds a minute before shaking her head wondering why she cared.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:11am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus made it into his room and collapsed onto the bed. He hated feeding, he felt it robbed him further of who he desperately wanted to be. He passed out letting the blood do what it would.

    In the morning, he woke in a daze. He was soaking and filthy. Suddenly what had happened came back to him.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:18am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada ate dinner with her family before braiding her hair and heading to bed. Once in the bed, she watched the sky from her window drifting into a sleep. She woke up screaming twice in the night before just staying away. She dressed herself into a nicer dress and then headed into the lounge area of the house.

    Once everyone was awake, she sighed and started to go outside before hearing her father tell her she didn't need to come in today. She gave him a nod before grabbing her basket and figuring she would head to the field and get those flowers she hadn't gotten the other day.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:21am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus groaned and made his way over to his tub and began filling it with clean water. He quickly went up to the main house and asked one of the maids to request Ada to come and see him if she got a chance. He made his way back to his house and stripped off climbing into the water.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:30am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada hummed on her way to the woods and was picking her flowers smiling as she found tulips and gasped seeing some blue wild flowers. She didn't know the name of the flower, but they were her favorite. She was on her way back to her house when was stopped by a maid and frowned concerned before blinking hearing the request before giving a small nod. She went inside her house dropping off the flowers. She waited until lunch time to go and see him. Once she was there, she nervously tapped on the door. She was escorted inside by a maid and looked around letting her hands just touch each other as she did so.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:32am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus was dressed informally, but proper. He was busy studying away in his office, when he heard the maid knock at the door. He stood up and was told that Ada was waiting for him in the lounge. He smiled lightly, and made his way to her.

    He entered the room, "I'm glad you came, I'm sorry you had to see me like that," he said softly. He moved over towards one of the chairs.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 5th, 2018 at 08:46am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada looked around focusing on a very pretty and ornate looking grandfather clock. She was confused on how old it was. She then glanced over hearing footsteps. She blinked and just gave a shrug before walking over and sitting down in one of the chairs across from him. She crossed her legs gently.

    Ada then looked back up looking at him to see if he looked okay. "Well, why did you want to meet here?" She questioned him, turning her face up to look at him.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 6th, 2018 at 04:46am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus smiled softly, his eyes watching her move. "I wanted you to know that I got home okay without hurting anyone," he said softly. He looked down saddened, "I won't be able to come out during the day for awhile," he explained.

    He tugged at his clothes momentarily, feeling her eyes on him, he certainly looked more pale, and his eyes had a more striking tint of red to them.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 6th, 2018 at 05:05am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada watched him before nodding, "That's good." She told him before blinking hearing his words tilting her head to the side curiously. "Well, why not?" She asked confused about it. She bit down on her lip, running a hand through her hair gently before giving a small yawn, holding her head over her mouth gently.

    Ada noticed his skin was so pale and noticed his eyes were almost red and had to make herself not flinch seeing the color.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 6th, 2018 at 05:25am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus looked down, "What I had left was old, it holds back the hunger, but it has effect me," he admitted. He sighed lightly, looking back up at her. "I used to not have to feed very often, but while I was away I guess my body got used to feeding more often," he told her.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 6th, 2018 at 05:53am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    "Why does that make you unable to walk outside during the day?" Ada asked him confused while watching him before blinking and asking, "Wait..You don't have a feeder?" She asked before feeling panic beginning to rise that he may want her as a feeder. She watched him and just sat back a little watching him.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 6th, 2018 at 05:56am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus looked at her, "the sun, although its very weak here will hurt me," he told her. It was one of the reasons all the high up vampires wore so many layers outside. He paused at her second question, "My last donor died while I was away, so no I currently don't have one, but I'll make do, there's plenty of blood stored at the main house," he informed her.

    He sat forward, "if you are worried, being my companion wouldn't involve being my donor, unless you wished to so," he added. He knew for some reason some humans are curious and enjoy letting a vampire feed on them, while others found it unspeakable.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:03am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada watched him before nodding softly before murmuring, "I see vampires outside a lot." She replied frowning gently extremely confused by the whole thing. She then bit down on her lip and nodded. "Well, that's good, that you will make do, i mean." She told him. She calmed down gently hearing his words and sighed again before giving him a nod. "Alright."

    She knew that she was completely tense about the whole thing. She shook her head before murmuring, "I don't like blood. It makes me feel woozy." She admitted before laughing. "Though, I'm sure that sounds silly, especially to you." She told him.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:08am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus smiled softly at her, "It not unbearable if you are covered enough, its just made worse if you feed on old blood, like I said it does the trick but it's not the same," he stated.

    He chuckled softly hearing her speak about blood, "I've been doing some research, and you might be surprised to know sometimes a specific humans blood can have a similar effect on a vampire, I'm still not sure on the details I'm hoping to find someone who's experience the phenomenon," he told her.

    He was honestly beginning to think, that due to how her scent affected him so profusely and how just the sight of a few drops of blood the night she was attack had aroused him so, she may be the human to have the listed effects he'd been reading about on him. He was intrigued to experiment, but would leave it up to her.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:19am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Ada watched him hearing him say it wasn't so unbearable and said, "Then why do you..well..drink old blood knowing the effects?" She asked him running a hand throughout her hair gently.

    She was confused listening to him speak and shook her head before asking, "Wait, what are you talking about?" She asked him her brows furrowed in confusion. She picked up something on the table and began to fiddle with it as she did so.

    She then watched him again, removing her leg from over her first one and then just having them side by side. She sat up again and let her hand fall underneath her chin waiting for his response. She didn't understand what he was talking about, and frankly, she was interested.
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:24am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus looked at her, "it was all I had left, to access the family stores you need to make a request ahead of time," he said softly.

    Augustus looked at her, "well vampires keep records of everything, and love learning about everything they can," he stated giving some context. "In some isolated and partial records I've found, the authors describe what they called Soul matching," he stated. He paused watching her. "Do you know where vampires come from?" he asked her lightly.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:40am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Ada watched him and said, "Why? If it's your family's stores, shouldn't you be able to get anything you want whenever? Within reason, of course." She replied.

    She blinked listening to his words before frowning hearing him say something about soul matching, "What in the world is that and how does it work?" She asked him concerned for a moment. She then said, "Hell?" She gave him an apologetic look. "That or a sickness, right?" She questioned, figuring if he asked, she was probably wrong.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:46am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Augustus smiled lightly, "it's there in case of the situation we have to flee, the blood needs to sustain everyone for two years, so we have time to settle somewhere new," he explained. "So if you need to take from it, it comes of your account, until you replace it," he explained, "for that reason the stores are looked and everyone's key is needed to open it."

    He stood up, "I'm not entirely sure what it is or how it works, the records were incomplete," he told her. He moved over to a mantle and opened a small box sitting atop it, "most of us, used to be human at one time we were turned by a strong vampire" he explained.

    He walked over to her with the box, "this necklace belonged to my wife, and the tooth was my sons," he said. The necklace was extremely tarnished and the box full of dust, it was clearly many years old.

    @ FlyAway;
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:55am