when the days are cold.

  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Taylor smirked as Charlotte swore she would never cheat on him. Kissing her back passionately he gave her ass a playful swat before she lay back down. In her hair he could smell her own unique scent fused with the smell of grease from the restaurant. He didn't mind it, as long as it wasn't another mans aftershave.

    It took him a while to get to sleep, he could feel the greasy pizza, working its way back up how digestive tract, causing him to be slightly gassy and have an over-ful feeling. It was kind of iannpying him, and he thought charlotte was lucky she was asleep or she would have been hearing all about it. Eventually after falling asleep, Taylor lay with his arms possessively wrapped around his Woman. Waking to the sound of his alarm a few hours later, Taylor tolled himself out of bed and headed to the shower to begin getting ready for his days work. He pulled on a vest and pulled his blue mechanics overalls over it, tying them at the waist to still show off his Arms and tones abdomen through his vest.

    @ varkatzas.
    April 9th, 2018 at 02:15am