love put a gun in my hand.

  • Even despite clearly being tipsy, Frank had known that Grayson would see him sooner rather than later. She was a smart girl, she knew what she was doing and how to keep herself safe, for the most part. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to find the bar she was at because if she was drinking and the wrong person happened across her path, she would never make it back to the bunker and he wasn't about to fuckin' let that happen. Not whether it was one of his enemies or just some low life piece of shit looking to take advantage of a vulnerable girl.

    Frank tried his damnedest to hide his smirk when he noticed Grayson stalking toward him, genuinely impressed by how well she walked. He hadn't been here the whole time that Grayson had been but he had seen her down a few drinks, enough that he wondered how man she had drank before he found himself in the same bar as her.

    Shrugging when Grayson spoke to him, Frank flashed her a dry smile. He ripped his arm out of her grasp, leaning down so his lips hovered just above her ear. "If you, for one Goddamned second, think ya get ta be reckless just because I ain't givin' you what you want, you're fuckin foolin' yourself," Frank growled against her ear before pulling away suddenly.

    Frank glanced toward the front door, contemplating something before he turned his attention back toward Grayson. "Now. Ya gon' make this hard on yourself or are ya goin' to do this the easy way, hm?" Frank grunted as he raised an eyebrow. he wasn't leaving this bar without Grayson in tow. If she was expecting anything else, she was a Goddamned fool. "You're coming with me. Let's make this easy, Reed. Yeah?"
    May 23rd, 2018 at 04:14am
  • “If you’re not giving me what I was, Castle, I’m allowed to go and look for it myself.” Grayson said bitterly after he had pulled away. The contact from his wand breath on her skin mixed with the buzz she was feeling caused a visible shudder to wrack her body. Grayson stared him down as he continued to speak to her. Where the hell did he think he got off? Grayson thought that Frank Castle was insufferable. She couldn’t please the man no matter how hard she tries. She stayed away—wrong. She got too close—wrong. She helped—wrong. She didn’t help—wrong. But Grayson had a feeling that tonight was going to go very differently than it had before.

    Grayson chewed on her lip as she stared up at Frank, her blue eye burning with anger, yet, there was something about seeing him here that made her want to test her boundaries. “You’re just afraid that someone is gonna stake a claim on something you think is yours, but you never are going to do anything about it.” Grayson rolled her eyes at the man and walked back to the table to grab her purse and bid her friend farewell.

    Grayson walked casually back over to Frank, and the strolled right past him and out the exit. She knew where the car was, she wasn’t stupid. She knew where Frank would have parked it to get out of sight. She waited for him to unlock the car before she plopped in the passenger seat. The liquor she had consumed was beginning to catch up with her finally. Grayson let a few minutes pass before she spoke up again. “You know what, Frank? I don’t think it’s fair that you think I can just live the rest of my life with the lady version of blue balls.” She looked at him, sighing dramatically. “It’s like, I drop all these hints to you, trying to get you to fucking realize I’m so damn into you and you refuse to do anything about it. So in response to your comment earlier, yes I think I can ‘be reckless because you want give me what I want.’”
    May 23rd, 2018 at 04:36am
  • Frank's teeth ground together as he drove back toward the bunker. He took unnecessary turns just like he always did, intent on losing anyone who could have potentially been following them from the bar. He didn't think he spotted anyone but being Frank Castle, he could never be too sure. Never be too safe about it. Rolling his eyes as he finally pulled up to the bunker, Frank threw the driver's door open. He climbed out, stalking around to the passenger side door and all but ripping it open. He scowled as he leaned down, gripping Grayson's upper arm harshly as he led her through the bunker. David stared at them wide eyed and concerned from his computer set up but the man was smart enough to not say anything. Frank wouldn't hurt Grayson so David didn't think there was too much for him to worry about.

    Shoving Grayson into his room, Frank slammed his door shut. His gaze hardened as he looked at her, wordlessly leaning down to undo his laces. "Strip," he growled the word. Of course, Grayson had the option to say no. She could back out if she decided this was too much but Frank suspected that this was exactly what Grayson had been after for awhile now.

    Frank stepped out of his boots, kicking them to their spot beside his bed. He raised an eyebrow when Grayson looked up at him. Frank was silent, expectant, but waiting for Grayson to make up her mind. It wouldn't be any skin off his back if she left the room but Frank needed to know one way or another. Whether she wanted this or not, Frank needed some sort of indication before he took this any further.
    May 23rd, 2018 at 05:08am
  • Grayson stared at Frank as he stood before her. Has he dealt just said that? Before she questioned him and he decided to change his mind, she was kicking off her heels. Her heart was pounding wildly, her pulse beating a deafening rhythm in her ears. Grayson’s hands lifted her dress slightly, the black lace underwear visible for just a moment before she slid them down her legs. She licked her bottom lip as she continued to make eye contact with the man in front of her. “Need you to unzip this if you want me out of it.” She mumbled lowly. Grayson took a few steps forward and turned backward and moved her hair to the side. As soon as her dress was unzipped she pulled it off her shoulders and let it drop, the material pooling at her feet.

    Grayson turned to face his once more, standing before him in nothing but her bra. Her skin was flushed pink, torn between wanting to cover herself or throwing herself at him. Still making eye contact with him, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra and slid it off. There she stood before him, fully nude and buzzing with excitement and nerves.

    Grayson bit her bottom lip, eyes flitting away from his gaze. “If this is a pity-fuck, I don’t want it.” She looked back up at him, curiosity and wonderment laying in the blue of her eyes. “But I want you, Frank. I want you if you want me. I need you to make it clear, either way.”
    May 23rd, 2018 at 05:22am
  • Frank let out a primal growl when Grayson tugged her underwear down his legs. He tilted his head to the side, his gaze darkening as his fingers flexed. He fought his instincts, wanting to reach out to her and bring her close. Show her just why she should have listened to him in the first place but instead, he remained in his spot as Grayson stepped toward him. Dipping his chin, Frank wordlessly unzipped her dress. A smirk settled on his features as she tugged the dress from her shoulders. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, allowing himself to palm himself through his jeans for just a moment before she turned back toward him.

    His gaze hungrily raked over her form, taking in the pale skin that he had imagined time and time again. Frank didn't touch himself, not really, it wasn't a necessity in life. There had been more important things for him to do in life; there were people who needed killing. BUt still, those few and fleeting moments where Frank took a moment to enjoy himself, he had someone on the mind when he did.

    "Shut up," Frank growled as he stepped forward, tugging both his shirt and wifebeater over his shoulders. He dropped them beside him, not caring how neatly they puddled. "Time ta stop fuckin' talkin', girl," Frank hissed as he drew Grayson to him. Spinning her around, Frank smirked to himself as he pressed her toward his bed. If Grayson thought this was going to be intimate, something to remember that would make her heart swell? She had another damn thing coming. Frank was all hard edges and rough exterior, the man that loved and would put his life on the line for someone he cared for was hidden so deeply he didn't think even Maria herself could break through to him.

    "Spread your legs," Frank hissed, one hand finding the back of Grayson's neck and forcing her to bend over his bed as he used his free hand to undo his belt. "What d'ya want, huh, girl? Gotta tell me," he grunted.
    May 23rd, 2018 at 05:45am
  • @ castle.
    Grayson knew that it was always going to come down to this. She knew Frank wasn’t going to be the man to woo her of her feet and be gentle and kind with her. Somewhere inside of him, Grayson was sure that there was the that part of Frank Castle hiding. The only thing that Grayson wanted was Frank, and if this was the only way she was going to get him, then so be it. Grayson stifled a moan as Frank grabbed her, pushing her towards his bed. She wanted to badly to reach out and touch him, but she knew that was out of the question.

    Grayson turned her head as he bent her over, her cheek pressing against the sheeted mattress. She closed her eyes, instinctively pushing back against Frank. Her patience was wearing thin. “I just need you, Frank.” She mumbled quietly. “I want you to fuck me, please.”

    Grayson closed her eyes as she heard his zipper going down. Soon enough, Frank was pushing himself through her folds, eliciting a hiss from her mouth. She knew he was only getting her use to the size of his cock, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he sped up and set a pace only Frank Castle could manage. Grayson gripped the sheets, relishing the feeling of him inside of her. She closed her eyes, a long, low moan escaping her throat. “Fuuuuuck, Frank.” She turned her head slightly get a brief look at him. Grayson moved a hand down, slipping it between the mattress and herself. Her fingers found her clit, immediately drawing fast circles on the bundle of sensitive nerves. “You’re so good, Frank.” She whimpered quietly, “you feel so good.” Grayson wished he would at least flip her over so she could get a good look at his face, reach her hands up and pull him in for a kiss. But she had a feeling that this wasn’t about any of that, she almost felt as though this was to get her to back off. But at the moment, Grayson didn’t care. All she cared about was the fact that Frank Castle was buried inside of her, making her feel like her whole world was buzzing and bursting with a pleasure only he could provide.
    May 23rd, 2018 at 06:00am
  • As brutal and ruthless as Frank was, he wasn't going to fuck her without giving her a few seconds to adjust to his size. He'd been told before that he was rather well endowed and so, he'd taken to going slow on girls when he was first with them. Of course, since he'd met Maria there hadn't been anyone else. Not before the murders and most certainly not after because there was nothing else Frank Castle ever had on his mind but revenge on those that had ordered the deaths of his wife and two children.

    Slipping inside of Grayson, Frank nearly let out a groan of his own. He'd touched himself a few times in the past year but damn, he'd nearly forgotten what it felt like to have the warmth of a woman wrapped tightly around his cock. Squeezing, begging for more as she writhered beneath him. His eyes narrowed as Grayson's hand slid south and letting out a low growl, Frank shook his head as he reached down, jerking her fingers away from her clit. "Nah, girl. This ain't 'bout that," Frank growled in her ear, pinning her beneath his weight. He settled into a harsh pace, gripping the sheets beside her head to keep her right where he wanted her.

    Frank wasn't really all that sure what this was about. Was it to get Grayson to back off or was it something more? Was is something to let out the feelings that had built up inside of Frank? Probably something like that, because they were feelings that Frank would never admit to on his own. He couldn't afford to because the moment he let another girl close, they would be ripped right out of his arms. He was sure of it and for that reason alone, Frank was determined to never let Grayson as close as she wished she would be.

    His thrusts grew sloppy and knowing it wouldn't be long before he released, Frank angled his hips to give Grayson more than he was already giving her. "Only way you're gonna cum tonight is on my cock," Frank whispered in her ear, nipping at the skin. He smirked, knowing she'd feel his lips quirking upward. "Or don't. Depends how needy ya feelin'."
    May 29th, 2018 at 12:44am