Breaking the Rules

  • Fitzgerald "Fitz" Williams, 27
    Fitz parents are both Irish, but he grew up in Boston. He is a Music teacher, and is also qualified in English. He is kind and friendly, and really good at keeping his cool in arguments. However, he has a typically Irish dry sense of humour, which can lead to his jokes often being slightly crude and overly sarcastic.


    Lanaia “Lana” Michaels, 16

    Lania, better known as Lana by her friends, is a 16 year old Sophomore at Valley Vista High. She is a cheerleader but doesn’t have the stereotypical cheerleader persona. She gets along with everyone, no matter what “clique” they’re in and tries to help others the best she can. She’s also very flirtatious, preferring to flirt with her handsome male teachers rather than boys her own age.

    April 16th, 2018 at 08:59pm
  • Lana sighed as she walked into school after the weekend was over. She didn’t particularly like going but she knew she had to finish high school if she wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a veterinary.

    She smiled at her friends, exchanging quick hellos in the hallway as she made her way to her locker. Her friends and cheerleading were her motivations for coming to school.

    She quickly put her belongings in her locker before grabbing her things for her first period and closing the locker. She looked around as kids started hurrying into class. She followed suit, entering the music class as the last bell rang.
    April 16th, 2018 at 09:03pm
  • Fitz stood proudly at the front of the classroom, his back facing the blackboard, which had "John Williams" scrolled across it. he smiled as each student entered the classroom and took their seats. Once they had all settled in he began.

    "Good morning class! I hope you're all well after the weekend! Now, John Williams... who can tell me who he is?" he asked looking around the classroom. There wasn't an enthusiastic face to be seen, with several student's eyes already beginning to drop.

    "Ms. Michaels? Perhaps you can fill us all in before that look of boredom on your face settles in forever?" he asked, a cheeky grin on his face. and he walked towards her desk and leaned against it, looking down at her. "maybe you want to phone a friend.. or maybe phone home?" he asked with a small laugh hoping she might get the hint.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 16th, 2018 at 09:14pm
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Lana looked up whenever Mr. Williams started talking to her. She smiled at the remark. “John Williams, he’s a composer for movies and television, like Jurassic Park, E.T. and Raiders of the Lost Ark, to name a few.” She said softly.
    April 17th, 2018 at 12:31am
  • He smiled down at her and gently tapped the top of her Head with his marker "Yes, at least somebody was listening last friday" he exclaimed and began to stroll around the room talking in great detail about John William's work and the importance of film music. His attention kept being drawn back to Lana, who seemed to know the answer to every question he threw at her. Once or twice he had even wondered if she was googling it under her desk.

    When the bell rang to signal the end of class he turned and walked back to his desk, excusing the class. "Uh- not you Lana, can you hang back for a moment?" he asked the blonde girl, taking a seat at his desk and signalling her to do the same.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 01:02am
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Lana rose an eyebrow but shifted her book bag slightly before sitting down across from. “Yes sir?” She asked, letting the bag come to rest on the floor beside her.

    She had never been called to “hang back” once class was over and now she was wondering if she was in trouble. She gave him one of her perfect pearly white smiles, trying not to show how scared she was. If she was in trouble, she knew she’d hear about it from her parents.
    April 17th, 2018 at 01:05am
  • Fitz gave a soft laugh, the poor girl was gone stiff as a board in the seat and he could see the colour draining from his face, "Don't worry Lana, you're not really in trouble" he told her, as he began to rifle through some papers on his desk before sliding it across to her.

    "I just called you back Lana, because I was a little worried." he cleared his throat before looking up at her, his eyes locking with hers. "I mean, I see you here in class, you know it all.. and yet, you only received a C on this paper. what went wrong?" he asked her gently.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 01:18am
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Lana sighed. “I...guess I should talk to someone...things aren’t going great at father lost his job and he’s...not the same anymore..” she said softly, looking down at the hem of her skirt. “Tension is high there and I guess I haven’t been studying as much as I should be. I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time.” She said, looking back at him.
    April 17th, 2018 at 01:29am
  • Fitz could see her getting upset, and slowly moved to the other side of the desk, leaning against it just next to Lana. "Hey... you don't need to explain yourself to me okay?" he told her gently, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You know you can always talk to me if you want, my door is always open. I'm really sorry to hear about your dad." he leaned down to get on the same level as her and looked her in the eye.

    "If you need any help, just ask. I can help you with some tutoring if you need? or even if you just want a quiet place to study, I'm usually here until 6pm grading papers each night, and you're more than welcome to just sit and work" he offered her. He hated to see his students suffering, especially those who usually worked so hard.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 01:44am
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Lana nodded. “Thank you. Maybe I’ll come by this afternoon and try to study for a while, we still have that quiz Friday right?” She asked as she looked up at him.

    This was the closest she had ever been to Mr. Williams but boy was her handsome. He wasn’t much older than her either and she wandered if they could ever work out as a couple one day.
    April 17th, 2018 at 06:22am
  • Fitz nodded "Yeah, it will be on all the film music, if you answer it like you id in class you should Ace it Lana. I'd really hate to see you fall behind, you're a really bright girl, and very talented too" he told her kindly, standing back up straight, leaning against the desk again.

    He really did hope she would take him up on his offer, he wanted the best for her, and she was a nmice girl, the type he didn't mind spending time around. she wasnt exactly hard to look at, not that he would ever admit that out loud.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 10:53am
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Lana smiled. “You think so?” She smiled and stood up. “I’ll be by after class today.” She picked her bag up and looked at him once more. “Thanks again, for letting me get that off my chest.”
    April 17th, 2018 at 05:03pm
  • "Anytime Kiddo, you know where I am" he told her, a warm smile on his face as he gave her shoulder a gentle pat on her way out the door. It often crossed his mind how you truly never know what's going on in the lives of others, or what they keep hidden behind a brave smile.

    he sat back down at his desk, pulling out his phone to check the time. He noticed a message from his fiancé telling him she needed to work late again tonight, but should be home by 9. he sighed and tossed the phone in to the drawer, waiting for his next class to slowly file in.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 05:28pm
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Later that afternoon, once classes were over, Lana made her way to Mr. Williams room. She knocked on the door and once he okayed her to come in, she walked in and smiled at him. “Good afternoon Mr. Williams. I told you I’d be back.” She smiled as she sat down.

    She stole a couple of glances of him but quickly looked away when his eyes met hers. She pulled her notebook and book out as she began looking over the notes from class.
    April 17th, 2018 at 06:08pm
  • "Come in!" Fitz called out, hearing a knock on his door. he smiled to see it was Lana and that she had actually taken him up on his offer. "I'm glad you are Lana, let me know if you need some help" he told her as he watched her take a seat. he offered her a smile and went back to grading the freshman papers.

    every now and again, he would look up to check if she was doing okay, and on several occasions he caught her watching him too. he wrote it off as her just being bored and tried to ignore it. "I have some extra nots on Williams if you're up for it?" he offered her.

    @ KhaleesE16
    April 17th, 2018 at 06:22pm
  • @ KhaleesE16

    Lana looked up and nodded. She was still trying to revise her notes from earlier and her hand was cramping. She set her pencil down before extending her hand and trying to get the cramp out.

    “That would be great, thank you.” She said as she yawned.
    April 17th, 2018 at 07:43pm
  • Fitz nodded and stood up, handing her a stack of about 5 sheet stapled together. "At least that might give you a chance to study ahead" he told her with a nod, watching as she turned her wrist. she clearly seemed worn out. "You sure you don't want to talk some more?" he offered.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 08:38pm
  • @ KhaleesE16

    “Thank you.” Lana said and then looked at him. “I’ll talk if you listen and promise not to say anything...I was sworn not to tell anyone..” she said softly as she started looking over the notes. She could feel his eyes on her and she looked up at him.

    “My Dad hurts me.” She simply said. She looked back down at the notes. “It started about eight months ago...he gets super drunk and says he doesn’t remember anything..” she said.

    She took her jacket off, revealing the bruises on her upper arms, some were faded but there were a few fresh ones from this weekend.
    April 17th, 2018 at 08:45pm
  • A sharp intake of breath rushed in to Fitz' lungs as he looked over her bruises, reaching out a hand to gently stroke the bruised skin. "Lana I'm really sorry, and I know you're scared, but I'm legally obliged to report this" he told her gently, standing up to close the door, both so nobody could see her and to stop her from leaving.

    "I promise you the school and I will do everything to help you, but I really need to tell the police about this, you're a minor. I could lose my job..." he told her gently, sitting down on the desk next to her, looking at her sympathetically.

    @ Lolita.hey.Lolita.
    April 17th, 2018 at 09:17pm
  • @ KhaleesE16

    “No you can’t! My dad will kill me if he found out I told you! If the cops show up, he’ll know I told and he’ll hurt me.” Lana began crying as she laid her head down on the desk.
    April 17th, 2018 at 10:54pm