Hiding behind his words | Closed

  • Carly pulled her long hair out of her face looking up at him happily. "It's tastes the best if we leave it simmer for around an hour, the chicken will be nice and tender then" she told him, glancing at the stove. "Why did you have something in mind?" She asked him kindly.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 16th, 2018 at 09:30am
  • Benjamin smiled softly, "well I was thinking, we could cuddle up on the couch, and I might read something to you," he suggested softly. He reached for her hand, "if you wanted," he added.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 16th, 2018 at 09:33am
  • Carly grinned at him, making a beeline for the couch dragging him behind her. "That sounds perfect" she told him with a warm smile, waiting for him to choose something to read before settling in with him. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't believe she was actually here, with all of this happening.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 16th, 2018 at 09:51am
  • Benjamin smiled, and picked one of his books off the shelf. He sat down with her, putting his arm around her chest lightly, "Okay, so are you comfy, my sexy friend?" he asked softly. He opened the book gently, and began reading the passage to her. He figured it would take about two hours to read the first five or so chapters.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 16th, 2018 at 10:03am
  • Carly chuckled softly "I sure am" she's told him softly, resting against him letting her eyes close as she listened to his soothing voice reading. She listened for a little while, her eyebrows knitting together a little. "This sounds a little different to how I remember.. was the first edition different?" She asked him softly.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 16th, 2018 at 10:30am
  • Benjamin read along slowly, pausing as she spoke. "Yeah I think it was, it was changed because it was given a too high rating, and the company wanted it to be marketed towards teens, not adults," he commented. He kissed the back of her neck, "which version do you like more?" he asked.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 16th, 2018 at 10:43am
  • Carly nodded slowly, it felt a little strange to be hearing one of her favourite stories from when she was younger from a more adult perspective. "I'm not use, I think I'll have to finish this one fully before I can decide" she said with a soft laugh. She felt her hairs stand up on end when he kissed the back of her neck. "Did they do that with a lot of your books?" She asked.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 16th, 2018 at 11:03am
  • Benjamin smiled, "well you're welcome to borrow it," he said softly. He held her close, "only this one, then I knew more of what they wanted," he admitted.

    He went back to reading slowly, kissing her neck or cheek occasionally. It felt normal and natural to him, to have her here, in his space.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 16th, 2018 at 11:11am
  • Carly smiled, laying back against him, listening to his relaxing voice speak until the timer went off on the cooker and she went to check on the food. She was really loving being here with him, she didn't want to have to go back to London and work.

    "You want to eat out there or in here at the table?" She called out to him, as she began to plate out the curry.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 16th, 2018 at 01:47pm
  • Benjamin placed the book down as the timer went off, "hmm, how about at the table," he said. He stood up and walked into the kitchen, "it really has made the house smell lovely," he said. He moved to a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine, "here we can have this with it," he said.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 16th, 2018 at 01:55pm
  • Carly smiled placing it down in front of him at the table. She sat down opposite, smiling as he poured her a glass of wine. "You'd want to watch out, you know how I get after wine" she teased. "Would you usually cook full meals for yourself?" She asked

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 16th, 2018 at 02:42pm
  • Benjamin smiled sitting down, "well I figured we should enjoy ourselves," he said lightly. He looked at her, "yeah I'd usually cook something, usually simple things, or things that would do two nights," he said.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 16th, 2018 at 02:54pm
  • Carly nodded gently "that's cool,I usually just get take out" she said with a small chuckle, taking another sip of wine as she smiled across the table at him. "So tell me about your life growing up?" She asked him softly.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 17th, 2018 at 06:08am
  • Benjamin chuckled, "well your figure hasn't suffered for it, so you must make healthy take out choices," he said. He began to eat slowly, "there isn't much to tell, I was the weird kid, with an over active imagination, who loved to tell tall tales," he said lightly. He watched her, "but Carly, who was little Carly?" he asked.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:01am
  • Carly chuckled softly "ah yes, you mentioned this before, you were quite the compulsive liar" she teased softly, her eyes glistening with happiness as they spoke. She shrugged her shoulders "I mean, in lots of ways, I feel like I'm still little Carly" she siad with a soft laugh. "I was a bit of a nerd in primary school, and then I kind of blossomed in second dary school. I swapped my glasses for contacts. I was the ultimate girly girl and my school's Prom queen- not that I wanted the title" she informed him "but yeah, bit of an uneventful life... My dad passed away when I was 13, so I mean, that was a bit shit" she added.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:08am
  • Benjamin nodded listening closely, loving hearing more about her. He frowned slightly, "I'm sorry to hear you lost your dad," he said. He paused thinking for a moment, "what was his name?" he asked. He slowly continued eating the food, which was truly amazing.

    Ben was concern she might have been trying to replace her father with him, as some girls did, but he dismissed the idea. He wanted to believe that she really just liked him for him.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:19am
  • Carly brushed her hair behind d her ear, looking up at him. "His name was David" she told him with a gentle smile "you don't need to be sorry, he'd been sick. So as upsetting as it was losing him, it wasn't a huge shock and I mean.. it was sort of a relief not having to see him feeling so shit anymore" she filled him in, quickly wiping a tear off her cheek. "Oh god sorry, I haven't talked about this in a while" she said with a gentle laugh, taking on a big breath as she blinked away the rest of her tears, a slight smile remaining on her face.

    She glanced up at him, seeing some of the concern registered on his face. "You're nothing like him, incase you're worried" she said gently.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:31am
  • Benjamin smiled softly, "Don't be sorry about tears, it shows how much he means to you, even now," he said. He reached over the table to pat her hand lightly, "seriously, never apologise for crying," he said. He sat back, "Well David did a good job raising you, you've turned into a fine woman," he said.

    He chuckled, "oh is that a good thing or a bad thing, that I'm not like him?" he asked.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:37am
  • Carly smiled softly "he would like that you thought that" she told him with a smile, taking another sip of her wine before finishing off her meal, playing with his fingers delicately when her hand was free.

    "Probably a good thing" she said with a chuckle " my dad, god love him, if he had been single at forty he wouldn't have had a hope he was your typical dad" she said with a laugh. "Bald, mildly chubby and he made the worst jokes known to man" she added.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:41am
  • Benjamin chuckled, "well I'm sure he'd been really proud of you if he was still around," he said. He finished his own food, and smiled at her. "Well good, I'm glad my jokes aren't terrible," he teased.

    He pulled his hand away, "so Carly, shall we go back to reading that novel?" he asked lightly.

    @ Aoibhe
    December 17th, 2018 at 10:52am