travelling letters.

  • frank castle.

    x x x x x

    raelynn masters.
    May 13th, 2018 at 05:38am
  • Dear Soldier,

    Hey. This is probably going to be weird and awkward. I guess because this is the first time I'm doing this so I don't really know what I'm supposed to write. Um... Okay. So! My name is Raelynn Masters and I'm a critical care nurse in one of the busiest hospitals in New York City. I love the work I do more than anything, wouldn't give it up for the world. I'm 21 years old, just about to turn 22. Probably will be 22 by the time this letter reaches you, ha.

    I grew up in NYC but it still has that charm for me, the charm that brings in so many tourists. I love it here, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else honestly. I've travelled to quite a few places but there's nowhere quite like NYC out there, is it? Where's your favourite place to be? Bet you probably don't look at beaches the same way as you used to... so much sand overseas you'd probably be happy never seeing it again.

    I don't get too much time to myself with work but when I do, I honestly just like to settle into my tiny, little New York apartment with a cup of tea and a good book. I have a kitty, she's the best company I could ask for. Lot less work than a dog, wish I could have one though. I just don't have enough time to give to a dog. Maybe one day in the future I'll be able to adopt one. Are you a dog or a cat person?

    If you give me a list of some things you want, I'll put together a little package that way next time you get something from me, it'll be a bit more exciting than a letter from someone you don't even know.

    Hope all is well,
    May 13th, 2018 at 05:49am
  • Frank wasn’t sure how this letter ended up in his possession. He hadn’t ever signed up for the Letters from Home campaign. Mostly because his wife still wrote him on a regular basis and a few others from back home. But as Frank tore into the letter, his mate Billy Russo was grinning at him like a maniac. Frank glared at him a rolled his eyes, tossing a “you damn son of a bitch,” in his direction. As he read over the letter, he couldn’t help but get the sense that the girl who had wrote it was eager to do so. Frank Castle was a pleaser and liked to make people happy. So, he picked up his notebook and his own pen and set to work.

    Name’s Frank Castle, so you don’t gotta refer to me a soldier. Being a critical care nurse sounds like one hell of a tough job. Bet you had to go through a lot of schooling for that? That takes a whole lot of determination on your part, so congrats girl. Wow, you make me sound like an old man! I wish I was still 22 . Well, I’m not that much older. I just had my 25th birthday. You grew up in NYC? Where abouts? That’s where I’m from as well. I’d never wanna call anywhere else home. I love it there and I actually can’t wait to get back. When I first joined, we moved around a couple different places, but I finally got stationed close to home before I shipped out this last time.

    The only thing I get to do in my spare time is close my eyes, pluck at my guitar, and shoot the shit with my buddies over here. If I were home I’d be going to the lake or tossing the ball around with the kids. I used to love going to baseball games when I was home—that or going to concerts. I love music.

    When you write to me again, tell me how your time has been. What things have you been up to? Seen anything interesting in the hospital? It’s fun to imagine what you could be up to—it has to be better than being here.

    Til next time,


    PS, I like beef jerky.

    When Frank was satisfied with his letter, he stuffed it and stamped it and dropped it in the outgoing box.
    May 13th, 2018 at 06:38am
  • Raelynn had been surprisingly excited when she pulled a handwritten letter out of her mailbox. She had thought it would have gotten here a lot sooner so she had nearly forgotten about the whole Letters From Home campaign because in her line of work, you had to learn to live with disappointment. It wasn't ever easy going into work because she didn't know if she would lose another patient that day or not. It sucked at times and other times, it was a lot more bearable.

    Scanning over the letter, Raelynn grinned and decided she would head out to the store that night. When she got there, Raelynn bought a bag of every last damn king of beef jerky she could find. She also packed some instant coffee mix, baby wipes (she had read they were popular when she was looked online on what to send), and some other miscellaneous things.


    It's tough, yeah, but I bet it's nothing compared to what you do. I'm sure you're probably really sick of hearing it... maybe not so I guess I'll say it anyway. Thank you for everything you're doing over there because without you, I wouldn't be able to do what I do. My coworkers wouldn't be able to do what they do and so on.

    I just graduated from school six months ago. Two years for my bachelor in nursing then another year for my critical care course. Best thing I ever did. I have a whole career set out in front of me and I'm only 21. There's a ton of debt that accompanies that but y'know.. worth it. Pay is nice and at least I get to say I'm doing something worth while. We saved a three year old girl just yesterday. She was in the ICU for almost two weeks, got hit by a drunk driver riding her bike and the bastard didn't even stop. But she was just cleared yesterday and she'd expected to make a full recovery. It's cases like that, that make the whole job worth it. I mean, sometimes we'll get people in that we all hope are going to make it and by all accounts, /should/ make it and they just don't. Shit sucks but it is what it is and that's just life, huh? Most of my time is spent giving medication, monitoring vitals, doing whatever the patient needs. Probably not as exciting as it sounds, honestly...

    You grew up here, too? Must be a small world if I ended up writing a soldier from here! Oh! I guess I should ask what branch you're in? Silly to keep calling you a soldier if you're not in the Army. Anyways. I'm from Queens, moved to Brooklyn after I graduated though. Always wanted to live here so I made the jump. Figured if I was going to work long hours and work myself dead, I minus well be able to enjoy where I spend my down time. Even if it is in a 500sq foot studio apartment, at least I'm out on my own.

    You have kids, huh? How many? Hold old? What are they like? Tell me about your wife, too! What sort of music do you like to play? Listen to? I tend to listen to hard rock, favourite band is Pink Floyd. Dad raised us kids on them. Took him to a Roger Waters concert before he passed, probably my favourite night I've ever had. It was an amazing experience. If you ever get the chance to see it, you should go. I know it might be hard with your tours but it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    I didn't know what jerky you like so I got you everything I could find. Probably went overboard a bit but you honestly deserve it... that and besides, I got myself some so it's totally one-hundred percent okay. Not going to lie, I also picked up my favourite ice cream. Brownie batter, would have picked you up a pint but I somehow don't think it'll last the trip. What about freeze dried ice cream? Would you like some? I've never tried it but it's New York, I'm sure I can find some somewhere. Might not be brownie batter though.

    Stay safe,
    May 13th, 2018 at 07:31am
  • Frank wasn’t sure what he was expecting to receive from this Raelynn, but it sure as hell wasn’t an entire box full of beef jerky and toiletries. For some reason, Frank felt bad that this poor girl had gone out and done this for a man she didn’t even know. On the other hand, it was endearing to Frank. It was always good to know that there were people back home still willing to support their men and women out there where he was. He excitedly dug into the box, pulling out a bag of beef jerky. He slapped Russo’s hand away when he went to reach in the box.

    “C’mon, Castle, I’m the one who signed you up in the first place.” Billy looked at him, a begging look laying behind his eyes as he eyed the beef jerky.

    “Yeah,” Frank muttered, popping a piece of the jerky in his mouth. “My name. Not yours. Shoulda put your own name down, bud, if you wanted to reap the benefits.”
    It was several days before Frank actually had the time to sit down and write a letter back. Frank’s troop had been sent out on convoy to a location they were tipped off about. By the time he had gotten back, it had been several days—and several dropped bodies—later.

    With his pen in his hand and notebook in his lap, Frank began his letter.


    I hope this gets to you in a timely manner. I got your last letter and the box about a week and a half ago. I had every intention of sitting down and writing this then, but we got sent out to do some shit and I’ve only just gotten back to our base. That’s the way it goes out here, though. Never know when some shit is going to hit the fan and we are gonna have to grab our bag and go.

    You don’t ever have to thank me for what I do, but I appreciate it. I knew what I was going to be getting myself into when I signed up—because I love my country, my family, and my people. I’m a Marine—so definitely not a soldier ;) You should be proud of yourself for what you’re doing. What you explained in your last letter sounded pretty damn rough. I don’t know if I would ever be able to do anything like what you are. You’re saving lives that deserve it—that is something to be proud of. Use it as motivation to keep you going every day. I was born and raised in Clinton, right there in Manhatten. Ya know, all that Hells Kitchen shit. So we are right there next to each other. My wife and kids live in the house we bought outside of NYC, so we are about a 30-minute subway ride from where you are. My wife is an amazing woman, her name is Maria. We’ve been married almost seven years. We have two kids. Lisa is my princess and Jr. is my little man. Kids are great and are a good motivator for me to get my ass home in one piece. What about you? Boyfriend? Husband? Kids?

    I listen to a lot of old rock and country. Anything that sounds good to me, I go with. But normally not any of this newer shit. It’s all auto tuned, edited bullshit in my opinion. I really wanna see Springsteen, I’ve been dropping hints to the wife. She always pulls through for me.

    And everything you got was perfect. It’s all better than the shit we get over here, I promise. If you think the freeze-dried ice cream might be good, you can send it—haha. I’m willing to try anything at least once. But you had better be trying it, too!

    I’m sending you a picture of me and my troops. The two in the front is me and my buddy Billy Russo. He signed me up for the campaign, by the way, and he is eating his fucking words. He’s so jealous of the package you sent me haha. Sucks to suck.

    Anyways, keep saving lives and kicking ass Raelynn. Can’t wait to hear from you.

    May 17th, 2018 at 01:00am
  • The next one of Frank's letters that Raelynn received had her emotions dipping and soaring in just a few short sentence. Her heart thudded in her chest when Frank mentioned he had been called out. Of course she knew not to ask him of the horrors that he had seen but still, Raelynn couldn't help but be curious. She couldn't help but wonder what sort of man Frank had been before he enlisted and what sort of man that he was now. Were they similar or had they changed drastically?

    Raelynn had giggled at the truth of Billy being the one who had signed Frank up and she had decided that when she was out searching for Frank's freeze dried ice cream that she would grab a bag of beef jerky for this Billy. Billy wasn't her assigned Marine but still, she thought it was nice to put something in Frank's package for him. She could only begin to imagine how lonely all of them were, being away from their family and friends for so long.

    Opting to write Billy's name on the bag of jerky, Raelynn had put together a small package of various flavoured ice cream, a picture of herself, and a few other snacks that she enjoyed. Since Frank hadn't told her anything else that he wanted, Raelynn just opted for her favourites and hoped that he'd enjoy some of them, at least.

    I hope you're okay. I know what you're doing is dangerous and there's no guarantee about anything while you're over there but still.

    I don't have to thank you but it's the right thing to do. You're out there risking your life every day for our freedom, to not be thankful for that would be incredibly hypocritical when I'm over here enjoying the very freedom you're fighting for. I think it's fair to say that we both have hard jobs, I don't think I'd have it in me to do what you're doing and of course, I am female so it wouldn't happen anyway but if it was possible, I mean. That's all. It's admirable what you're doing, and that you continue to do it with what looks like a brave face. You are brave, right? ;)

    What rank are you, if you don't mind me asking? How long have you been enlisted? When did you enlist and I guess, if it's not too personal, what made you enlist? You don't have to answer any of these questions, just what you're comfortable telling me!

    Honest to God, I hope this doesn't make me sound heartless but there are people that come through that I... wonder about, I guess. Gangbangers, suspected mobsters, people that cause pain to people in their daily lives. At the end of the day, it's my job to save them though. Not question the morality of their actions. It's just sometimes hard to remind myself of that, you know?

    Nope. Nothing. No boyfriend, no husband, no kids. Unless you count my kitty as a child. But your friend is pretty damn cute. Is he available? :P Should I be sending him a letter next?

    Oh! I only tried the chocolate ice cream and it was... was weird. It wasn't bad but I just guess it wasn't what I was expecting. Definitely tastes like ice cream, just with a different texture. If you can get around the texture, just close your eyes and pretend that it's summer over here in NYC. Think about the wonderful smells and all the tourists that you don't really miss during the winter because no one really enjoys a New York winter. How cold does it get over there? I bet the heat is horrible, I've been on vacation to dry places and I'll say it day in and day out. I'd rather be somewhere dry and hot than humid and hot because at least it's not like you're swimming when you're walking to the subway.

    Stay safe,
    May 18th, 2018 at 02:27am
  • Frank couldn’t get over how excited he was every time he received a letter from Raelynn. He loved and appreciated getting letters from his wife and his family; but he had a commitment to them to keep them informed on his every move. Every time he read a letter from his wife or the kids, it just reminded him of how much he missed home and how he wanted to get the hell out of that place. But with Raelynn, he let his mind drift to a different life. He tried to picture how she really was in person, what her job was like, and things of that nature. It was almost like reading a book to Frank, he got to take himself away for a moment—and he sure as hell enjoyed that.

    Frank laughed when he saw the bag of beef jerky written with Billy’s name prominently on it. He had half the mind to hoard it for himself, but he thought better of it, and tossed it on his friend’s bed.

    I can promise you that I am perfectly fine. I always am and I always will be. I can promise you that I will return home in one piece and still breathing—because as long as my name is Frank Castle, I’ll sure as shit always figure out a way to fight my way back.

    As it stands right now, I am a First Lieutenant, but I am hopefully up for promotion soon. As long as I keep getting sent back here, they better make my ass at least a Captain before I get out. I’m in the middle of my second enlistment and I’ve been in for seven years. Seems like a long time ago that I enlisted, but I guess when you think about it, it ain’t really been that long. I always felt as though I had a duty to my country, and well, I really ain’t all that book smart. College never appealed to me, but the Corps did. So here I am.

    I can see what your saying. It would be hard ass hell to save someone’s life who you knew took someone else’s or had done some really bad, terrible shit. I don’t think I would be able to do that. I mean hell, look at what I’m doing now. I guess you really do have to remind yourself that you gotta job to do and you can’t let your feelings get involved. I really couldn’t imagine having to do that. But I mean, I guess it’s kinda the same for me. If I get told to do something, my ass better be doing it or there will be hell to pay.

    Yeah, Russo is single—haha, if you like pretty sissy boys I guess you can write him a letter. But you’re supposed to be my pen-pal! I guess I might allow it since you’re being so nice and stuff. We are gonna try that ice cream here tonight after dinner-call, I’ll have to let you know in my next letter how it was, because if I don’t get this out in an hour, you probably won’t see if for a while.

    Until next time,

    May 18th, 2018 at 09:49pm
  • Raelynn had been completely kidding when she asked if Billy was single because quite frankly, she wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment. With her work, Raelynn simply didn't have the time to commit to any sort of relationship. Even if it was long distance with a Marine several thousand miles away. She was at work all hours of the day, it would make any communication past letters damn near impossible. Besides, all she knew of Billy was that he had signed up Frank to the Letters from Home campaign. She didn't know anything else about him so it seemed a bit silly to start a relationship with someone like that.

    There was something that resonated in the pit of her stomach when she read the first paragraph of Frank's latest letter. She hadn't known Frank for very long, and hell, what she did know of the man came from letters that he had written. But it was clear that he loved his family and would do anything he could to love them and get back to them after every tour.

    Absolutely. I think our jobs are similar enough that we can see what the other has to go through. I imagine there were moments when you had first enlisted when you questioned whether you were able to do this or not. And it makes sense. I mean, of course you were prepared. You knew what you were getting into but you didn't fully understand exactly what you were getting into, right? I'm sorry if I was overstepping at all by what I just said, I definitely didn't mean for it to upset you if it did.

    Oh! I went online and did some research to find out what else I can send you. Obviously I know you like beef jerky but it seems silly to just send you a ton of beef jerky. You'd end up reaching the end of your tour before you finished everything. There's some ramen, seasoning salt, and flavour packets for water. And three pounds of coffee ground up as fine as I could. Make it so you should just be able to mix it right into hot water and be good to go with it. If you want anything else, just let me know and I'll see what I can do. I also added two of my favourite books, they're classics and I don't have any clue if you'll read them or enjoy them but I figured with so much time over there, you might be able to get into them.

    How'd you like that ice cream? I mean, I'm not going to lie it's nothing like the real thing but it's still a good enough replacement to tide you over!

    Stay safe,
    May 23rd, 2018 at 11:28pm