Not all monsters do monstrous things. {Closed}

  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac shook his head "its just some bruising, there's nothing the nurse can do" he told her, keeping his eyes trained firmly on the road as she spoke. He could sé that her brain was going in to overdrive a little, but he couldn't think of any reason why she would doubt him, or care enough to think that much about it.

    "Yeah studying together would be great, we could meet this evening, I'm working until 9 though, could you study after that?" he asked, glanci g over at her briefly. She looked worried, but he assumed it wasn't over him. "your dad wasn't mad I gave you a ride home was he?" he asked.


    Sofia furrowed her brow as she listened to him on the phone. "ahh no, I can just eat what we have here. In the house where we live" she said, as if he were stupid. Why would she want stiles to leave school to bring her food. "can you just ask him to come home straight after school? Dad is going back to work at4 and I don't want to be here ón my own" she said softly, grimacing as a loud static like sound kept coming through the speakers of her phone.

    "I gotta go Scott, your breaking up. Tell stiles" she said and hung up the phone, tossing it to the bottom of her bed. She ran a hand through her hair, and when she looked back up she swear she those red eyes watching her. She jumped, letting out a small shriek. "Sofia, what happened?" her dad Sked coming i the door. "There was someone in stiles room, I saw him watching me across the hall" she told him, but when he checked there was nobody there.

    @ musicalpanda
    May 19th, 2018 at 06:25pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara looked over at him, deciding it wasn’t her place to pry. She didn’t want him to think she was pushing him but they did only just meet and she didn’t want him to think she was overreacting. “That’s fine, we can study after, I can come over or you can, unless you want to study somewhere else?” She asked as they drove toward school.

    She shook her head. “No not at all, a little curious but not angry,” She said honestly, looking out he front window. “Why, want to meet him?” She asked with a slight teasing tone. “I told you he’s harmless, mostly.”
    Scott looked at the phone when she hung up, looking at Stiles in confusion. He didn’t know what it meant but he felt like something might happen. He knew the Alpha pack had been targeting people and the last person he wanted dragged in was Stiles’s sister.

    Especially with the full moon happening he didn’t want to assume anything. “Maybe check on your sister soon, I don’t know what’s happening but I think Sofia might be involved,” He said to Stiles, putting his phone away.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 19th, 2018 at 06:57pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    (Sorry it took a while, I'm going to Dubrovnik tomorrow so I'm packing my things! )

    Isaac nodded, smiling at her gently "great, I'll come to your place after work" he told her, there's no way he could have her to his house, he was afraid of what his dad could do. "That's good, I was afraid I had gotten you in trouble" he said softly, not wanting to comment on his views of her father, he seemed terrifying.

    "So you all set for that Calc test?" He asked, grimacing as his ribs began to throb when he went to change gears. He tried to hide it, noticing her watching him.


    Sofia sighed as her dad came back in to the room. "Honey I think you just need to rest, your not yourself" he said and gently nudged her back towards the bed. Sofia got in, and lay there trying to hold back tears as her father left. She really was losing it.

    Shutting her eyes, she tried her hardest to go to sleep, but every time she tried to relax, her brain was swarmed with the images from her dreams, voices crying for help. She didn't even know what to do, she didn't want to tell Stiles and scare him, but she needed to get to a doctor.

    @ musicalpanda
    May 20th, 2018 at 01:24am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    (No worries! I haven’t been getting email notifications so I’m a little slow on responding)

    Yara noticed his grimace, deciding on a new course of action. She noticed now he was the type to downplay his pain despite being badly hurt. “Hey would you get in trouble if you skipped today? I want to do something,” She asked him, sitting up against the seat so she faced him.

    Though she hadn’t spoken to him long, she liked him enough to want to help him, and hoped he’d at least let her. “If not all day just a few classes?” She asked, pushing her hair out of her face. “It would be fun. And not even remotely, I hate math.” She laughed a bit.
    Scott and Stiles headed back to his house, parking the Jeep in the front and heading inside. “Sofia? Hey, Sofia?” Scott asked, as Stiles ran up the stairs coming face to face to an annoyed looking Sofia.

    “Hey Fia,” He said, sitting down on the floor by her bed. “Thought we’d keep you some company. He could hear Stiles explaining to Sheriff Stilinski excuses as to why they weren’t in school. “So did you do anything this morning? Anything different?” He asked curiously.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 20th, 2018 at 02:51am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac it the i side of his cheek as he thought for a minute. His dad would flip his shit if he thought Isaac skipped class. But he could tell Yara was a girl with a plan, and wasn't going to let it go.

    !"I mean, I guess I could miss a class or two" he offered, glanci gay her and offering a warm smile. "my dad would literally kill me if he knew I misses a full day" he said, but little did she know that this statement was much less hyperbole than intended. "I gotta be at work by 4 as well, is that alright with you?" he asked, pulling into the school parking lot.


    Sofia opened her eyes up, glaring at the two imbeciles who stood before her. If there was any us to the situation, their oddness was slightly distracting. Her eyes arrowed at Scott slightly as she watched him take a seat by her bed. "I didn't do anything different, I just don't feel well." she stated flatly, pulling her pillow up over her head.

    "why did you guys come home from school just to check on me?" she asked, throwing in a fake cough to try and make herself sound ill. Her temperament softened a little when she saw stiles. "Scott.. You think I could talk to stiles for a minute?" she asked.

    @ musicalpanda
    May 20th, 2018 at 03:13am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara nodded. “Fair enough, I don’t want you to get in trouble,” She smiled and climbed out of the car. She walked around to the front, immediately noticing her friends expression at her being with Isaac. She knew it would be surprising since she hadn’t told them but she wasn’t too worried about it. “How much trouble do you think you might get in?”

    She put her bag onto her shoulder and headed inside. “But you’ll come by to study after work? There wouldn’t be enough time really, so we can do it some other time,” She said as they walked and she noticed his wince. “Are you sure you’re okay,” She asked him again.
    Scott smiled at her. “Of course we did, Stiles was so worried about you,” He said as Stiles stood by the bed. “Nothing weird happened?” He repeated to her curiously. He didn’t want to suggest anything but he was worried especially since it wouldn’t have been the first time.

    “Sure, ill just uh... go outside,” He told her, looking at Stiles and going into Stiles room. He would be able to hear regardless but wantsd to at least give her the privacy.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 20th, 2018 at 04:11am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac looked up at Tara and gently pulled her closer to him, he knew she
    Wasn't going to stop asking questions. "Look Yara, I'm gonna tell you something, but it has to stay between us okay?" He said, looking her square in the eyes. "And you have to stop asking questions, okay?" He clarified before taking a deep breath and beginning to speak. "Sometimes my dad just gets really mad, and that's what happened last night, he did this to me." He said quickly looking away from her.

    "You can't tell anyone, okay?" He said, shaking his head softly. It felt kind of good to get it out in the open.


    Sofia frowned at Scott and shook her head. "no nothing weird" she lied, not really want to talk to him about it... But how would he know? She sighed waiting for him to leave and patted the bed next to her for stiles to sit Down. The brunette took a deep breath before looking up at her brother and starting to speak.

    "stiles I think I'm sick.. Like mom" she said softly, a tear running down her face. "it's like I'm losing it. I'm hearing and seeing things that aren't there, I think I might have gone somewhere last night... But I don't remember going Stiles. I'm really scared stiles" she said, and wrapped her arms around her brother, who gently patted her back.

    @ musicalpanda
    May 20th, 2018 at 01:17pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Scott could hear what was being said from the other room but he purposely started doing other things to give them some privacy. He didn’t want to assume that was what it was, but he knew If it were the case she would need her family more than ever. He could hear Stiles in the other room trying to comfort her, and he wasn’t sure if they should just tell her about all the stuff that’s been going on.

    Scott waited to hear what they wanted to do before sitting back down on Stiles bed, not wanting to interrupt since it sounded like it had been bothering her for a while. He knew his mom might be able to help but only if she were willing to ask for it.
    Yara was shocked and for a few seconds was confused that he wanted her not to say anything. “Isaac,” She said, her eyes wide and now noticing a black eye forming on his face. “If you don’t want me to tell anyone fine, but I will not stop asking questions, Isaac that’s dangerous,” She whispered, her voice lowered to not attract attention. “I understand it’s your decision to ask for help and that’s fine, but at least let me help with the bruises. Nurses will ask questions and while I don’t agree I understand,” She said seriously.

    Suddenly his questions about her father made more sense, and it was clear to why he kept to himself. “Why did he get mad at you? It wasn’t because you took me home was it?” She asked him in concern.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 20th, 2018 at 07:41pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Sofia sobbed softly on to her brothers shoulder. "I mean.. I'm hearing voices calling out to me for help.. I can't make it stop.. I'm having these dreams, they feel so real stiles, and then this morning when I woke up... I thought there was blood all over me and my clothes, and it took like an hour for me to see it wasn't real.. And I keep seeing this guy... This guy with red eyes. He' s everywhere Stiles... I'm going nuts" she explained, her voice cracking as she spoke.

    "I don't want to be like mom stiles.. I don't want to forget you, or dad or Scott or Lydia or anybody.. Even if your friends are weird, I don't want to forget my life and turn in to a shell of a person" she said, her voice almost a whisper.


    Isaac glanced down at her, hating how she was fussing over him, that's exactly what he had been dreading "it's my own fault Yara, I should know not to fight back. I just hate being locked there" he said, his eyes glazing over for a moment or two before he looked back at her. "they go away eventually.. I've gotten used to working through it".

    "nono, it wasn't your fault Yara. I was late for dinner, and I'd gotten my good shirt dirty.. I saw it comi g before I even met you yesterday. Please don't worry" he said, his jaw tensing as he spoke. "I only need to live with him for another year and Ai can move out"

    @ musicalpanda
    May 21st, 2018 at 02:09am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “Bullshit,” Yara said, crossing her arms. “I know we don’t really know each other really well, but I think being in so much pain you can barely drive counts as a problem,” She said seriously. “And whether or not they go away, you shouldn’t even have them, Isaac,” She said seriously. “I mean can you even come over to study tonight or would that make it worse?”

    “Oh my god it was, if you hadn’t taken me home...” She said in muted horror. “Isaac, what do you want me to do? Just ignore it?” She asked him, noticing that his expression had blanked when he spoke but taking a second to breathe. Was she overreacting? Probably, but she didn’t know how to process that this boy she might be interested in was getting abused.
    Scott sighed, hearing her and deciding to sit and see if he could do more research while they waited. He was worried with the twins showing up the effect it might have, but he just wasn’t sure what to make of it.

    The red eyes definitely made it more interesting but he didn’t want to assume it had anything to do with supernatural. He hoped it did because it would save them from stress if it were. He could hear Stiles still comforting her and hoped she felt better st least to calm down soon.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 21st, 2018 at 03:44am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac sighed gently "yara please, I don't tell you to make you upset.. But I knew you knew I wasn't telling the truth and I didn't want to lie to you" he said, gently resting his arm on her shoulder, trying his hardest not to wince as he raised it. "studying will be fine.. He knows I working late, hell probably be passed out by the time I get home" he told her, gazing down in to her eyes. "Don't you dare blame yourself, okay? Just don't worry about it, and I'll see you tonight" he said, giving her shoulder a tight squeeze.


    It took a few minutes but Sofia began to compose herself, sitting up a little straighter on the bed, she dried her eyes. "Try not to worry about it... I'll make an appointment for you as soon as I can, we'll get this figured out" he told her calmly.

    Fia sat up a little straighter and nodded "thanks stiles.. You know, I had a date tonight I forgot to cancel.. Maybe I'll go and just try and act normal" she said gently, offering a smile as he walked back out of the room towards Scott. "I'm not sure if she's sick Scott.. She's different to my mom" stiles said gently to Scott upon re-entering the room.

    @ musicalpanda
    May 23rd, 2018 at 01:04am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Scott looked up as Stiles walked back into the room, sitting back onto the bed. He could hear in Sofia’s voice that it had been bothering her and he could see in Stiles face that he was worried. He couldn’t help but be worried too, but he’d do what he could to help them.

    “Okay well maybe she was sleep walking, because she was definitely in the woods this morning, and red eyes... could be the eyes of an alpha.” He suggested to his friend, wondering how he could help. “I’m gonna see if I can ask Deacon about it when I work later, just keep an eye on her for now and when she goes out on her date I’ll keep an eye on her.”
    Yara sighed, watching him wince when he touched her shoulder. “Okay...fine.” She’d leave it alone but she didn’t like it. “Fine,” She repeated, turning to walk into the building. “I’ll let it go, but not because I want to, only because you asked me to.” She said, sighing and shaking her head.

    “And okay yeah I ’ll see you later,” She said, shaking her head as he turned to go to his class. It was a weird situation but she figured he preferred it this way. She didn’t like not being able to help but she was happy he trusted her enough to tell her. She went to her class and focused on her notes, paying attention as best as she could until the bell rang and she went to her locker.

    @ KhaleesE16

    (Sorry I was really busy yesterday!)
    May 24th, 2018 at 01:58am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Sofia stayed in bed for a few hours, before getting up to get ready for her date she pulled on a red sundress and little brown heeled ankle boots, letting her dark hair hang down her back in loose curls. She quickly exited her room, seeing a text on her phone from her date telling her he has here. "ill keep in touch stiles!" she called out as she ran down the stairs, her heart fluttering in her chest.

    "Hey Aidan" she said and leaned over to kiss his cheek before the cat pulled out of the drive.


    At the break of class, Isaac stood at his locker, struggling to shove his books into his backpack. The bruise on his eye had formed fully now. Teachers had long ago stopped asking him about his cuts and bruises, they just assumed he got in lots of fights,. F course they didn't care unless they happened on school grounds.

    "tha ks you for not say g anything" he said as he spotted Yara, biting nervously on the inside of her cheek. He knew she could rat if she wanted, but for some unknown reason he trusted her not to.

    @ musicalpanda
    May 25th, 2018 at 12:02am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She was on her way to her locker and stopped, leaning against the locker next to him. “Don’t mention it. I’d never say anything without your permission even if I don’t agree with it,” She said softly, noticing that his eye had darkened since she had last seen him.

    “I’m just happy you trusted me enough to tell, couldn’t have been easy for you. All I ask is you at least let me help you, however I can.” She said, her eyes looking around the hallway st the students that passed. “I told my dad you would be coming over to study and he wanted to know what you wanted for dinner,” She added.
    Scott had finished up at the vet after asking Deacon as many questions as he could about the Alpha pack and what Sofia’s dreams might have meant. Just as worried as Scott was, Deacon told him to keep an eye on her, which was exactly what he intended to do. As soon as he got off he texted Stiles to find out where she might be and they met up to find and keep an eye on her.

    Deacon had mentioned that the sleepwalking might have been particularly interesting despite the fact that to Scott or Stiles knowledge, Fia hadn’t come in contact with anything supernatural whatsoever. Which made it even more confusing for them. Scott parked his bike and got our, trying to find out where she might have gone on her date without being noticed.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 26th, 2018 at 02:57am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    @ KhaleesE16
    May 28th, 2018 at 02:47am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    (sorry only been replying to shorter RPs yesterday because I was trá Eling and very tired!)

    Isaac nodded curtly and finished piling his things into ó his locker. "you think dinner with your dad is the best decision looking like this?" Isaac asked, glancing at the lack eye in the tiny mirror some girl hafstuk to the locker before it was his.

    "you need a ride home? I'll have enough time before work" he offered, tensing his jaw to avoid react g to the pain as he pulled his bag on to his shoulder. He glanced down at Tara, smiling gently, she was so kind. Most other people, not just girls, would have run for the hills


    Aidan face was hidden by his helmet, so Sofia pulled in the spare one that hung on the back of the bike and smiled as she wrapped her arms arou d him and took off on the bike. She glanced around her as they drove, wondering where he was taking her. Eventually the stopped in the parking lot of the woods, Sofia glanced around a little nervously. A weird feeling hung in the air.

    "Aidan, why are we stopping here?" she asked, with a nervous giggle. "I thought we could have a picnic" he relied, which calmed Sofia a great deal as she followed him through the trees.
    May 28th, 2018 at 10:11am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    @ musicalpanda
    May 28th, 2018 at 10:15am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara smiled at him, readjusting her bag onto her shoulder. “I’d like that, the ride I mean.” She said, nodding and then looking st his eye. “And yeah dinner is probably not the best idea, but unless you’re wanting to sneak through my window, he’ll want to meet you if you’re coming over.” She explained to him, shrugging a shoulder.

    “But if you’re not wanting to meet him, maybe we can study some place else.” She offered, noting his wince but not reacting to it. “I did want to help with the cuts though, at least.” She said, gesturing to the ones on his face and hands. “So I’ll let you decide.”
    Scott had kept enough distance between Aidan and Fia that he’d lost them on the road, but was now using his nose to try to track them. He was confused when he pulled up to the woods, not understanding why they might have been out there. He didn’t want to be outwardly spying but he didn’t want to just leave her alone either.

    Scott texted Stiles who insisted he follow them and he sighed, stuffing his phone back into his pocket and parking his bike before following the scent into the woods. He was confused as to why they might have been there and knew he was a bit behind, but he just wanted to make sure she was safe befor leaving.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 2nd, 2018 at 06:54am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac shook his head "no its fine, I cN meet him, maybe just tell himilhave already eaten.. That way we aren't stuck downstairs.. And then you can help with the cuts okay?" he offered and lead her out to the car, letting his book bag fall to the ground as he tried to pull his keys out of his pocket, breathing through his teeth.

    "Yara would you mind pulling my keys out, I can't get them out I'm afraid" he asked her gently, his face flushing having to ask her for help on such a small thing.


    Fia laughed and giggled throughout the date as she and Aidan sat and drank some wine he had brought out with him, as well as strawberries and chocolate. She chuckled as she suggested they play hide and seek, but nodded all the same, closing her eyes and beginning to count.

    When she opened her eyes she could feel a shiftinthe air, it felt how she had this morning. "Aidan, come out,, I don't want to play anymore. I think I need to go home" she called out, her breathing growing rapid, perhaps she had drank too much. "Aidan?" she called out hearing someone behind her. When she turned it was him, the guy she had seen in the house. Before she could manage to get the scream out of her mouth, she felt aseeringpajn sink into her arm, and the last thing she remembered was falling to the ground, a loud shriek hanging in the air.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 5th, 2018 at 11:10pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara sighed, slowing her steps to a stop so she could turn to him. “Maybe it’s not a good idea for you to meet him yet,” She said, stepping closer and reaching her hand into his pocket to get out his keys. “Maybe when you’re feeling better,” She added. “You know, with full range of motion and stuff.”

    She held his keys out and gave him a small smile. “It’s no problem, I’ll figure out a way to get them out of the house.” She told him, continuing to walk toward his car. “But still come over as planned.”
    Scott froze in his tracks, the sound of Sofia’s scream making him trip and fall. “Sofia? Sofia!” He said, standing back up as quickly as he possibly could and running in the direction of her. The smell of blood was in the air and he found her alone on the ground without issue.

    “Sofia hey, it’s Scott,” He said, gently attempting to shake her awake before picking her up and running back toward his bike. He didn’t know who to call or where to take her but he ran as fast as he could so she could be taken to the hospital. He brought her in and warned his mom, calling Stiles on the way so he would be aware. He stood outside of her room, pacing back and forth until Stiles arrived.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 6th, 2018 at 02:58am