Not all monsters do monstrous things. {Closed}

  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac could feel a slight twice in his trousers as she fumbled about for his keys, but he took a couple deep breathes to keep it from growing. "thanks a" he said, his jaw tensed as he quickly headed for the car to be sure it would go unnoticed. "yeah.. He might get the wrong impression and think I'm trouble" he told her softly, starting up the car.

    "Yara...." Isaac began, not even sure where it was going. "I uh.. I- thanks I guess. It means a lot that your helping me, and you know... Not making a big deal out of things. So just. Thanks" he told her awkwardly, smiling at her as he gripped the steering wheel tight before pulling out of the car park.

    It took a couple hours, but Sofia eventually began to wake up. She was picked to find herself in the hospital, and quickly began trying to rip the IV out of her hand. "I-I'm not sick.. I don't want this" she stammered out, grimacing as she tried to move her right arm. Stiles ran into the room, leaving the door open for Scott as he went to his sister.

    "What happened.. I was on my date, how did I get here? Did I freak out?" she asked, her eyes darting from one to the other as she tried to piece everything together. "Is Aidan okay? I couldn't find him, you know the twin guy from your class, did I do something?"

    @ musicalpanda
    June 6th, 2018 at 04:22am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara looked out of the front window, not wanting to put him on the spot. “I mean of course, I... like you, I want to help.” She said, shrugging her shoulders and looking out her window. “Plus I don’t like seeing you hurt. I just wished I could have known sooner.” She admitted to him, looking up at him through her hair and pushing it out of her face.

    “And yeah, probably best you don’t meet my father like this. My mother too. I don’t think it would leave the best impression on him, and he’d remember.” She said, laughing a little. “Just text me before and I’ll get them out of the house somehow.”
    Scott sighed, following them into the room and shutting the door behind him. “No I brought you here.” He explained, noticing how stressed out his friend looked. He was just happy he had gotten there when he did. “I was driving by and heard you scream... I just went and found you and brought you back. I didn’t see Aiden or anyone near you.”

    “Do you remember anything? Anything at all?” Scott asked as Stiles watched her. “Why did Aiden leave you alone?” He asked her, just happy she was okay for now. He didn’t want to imagine what might have happened had he come later. He just wished he could have gotten there earlier.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 6th, 2018 at 04:52am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    (sorry it took so long to reply, I've been in no heads pace to go writing!)

    Isaac felt his neck reddening as she said she liked him. "I uhh, Thanks. Don't worry about it Yara, you basically only know me a couple days" he said, glancing over at her as she fixed her hair, he smiled softly.

    "you sure that's not too much trouble? I don't want you putting yourself in an awkward position?" he asked, really not wanting to have to meet her pare ts though. What would they think of him show g up at 10 o'clock with a black eye barely able to walk. He laughed along as she said her father would never forget.


    Fia closed her eyes trying to think for a while. "we uhh.. We went out there for a picnic, and we drank some wine.." she said glancing up at stiles as she sunk down in to the bed a little. "them uhh, we were just playing around, hide and seek and I got this really weird feeling.. Maybe I drank too much and uhh" her face scrunched up as she tried to think, she could see a wolf on hind legs like a human, but she knew she must have been imagiNG it. "uhh I don't really remember anything after that" she said softly, wincing as she went to move her arm, pain shooting through it.

    Stiles say next to his sister, gently stroking her hair. "It's okay Fi, you got attacked by something, you didn't do this to yourself" he comforted, knowing she was worried. He glanced up at Scott shaking his head.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 11th, 2018 at 09:16pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out, it won’t be that serious,” She told him, hoping she hadn’t made it awkward. “Besides, we are friends, aren’t we?” She asked him curiously. Yes it was true they’d only just started talking but having been in class with him before she had hoped that they could at least be friends, but she didn’t think of how her words might have come across.

    “And I’ll just suggest date night for them or something, it’s no big deal, it’ll be easy. Just let me know when you get there,” She said. She sat back in the seat and sighed.
    Scott could hear her heart speeding up as she told her story. It had been steady the entire time until she mentioned not remembering anything else. But how could he bring it up when she looked terrified. That plus, she’s been bitten and that alone would be cause to worry. He figured he’d talk to Stiles about it first before they decided on anything.

    “Don’t worry, Fia, you’re safe now and that’s all that matters,” Scott said, his eyes meeting Stiles’s. “Do you know where Aiden might have gone?” He asked, anger reminding him that this was part of Deucalions plan.

    [No problem! I understand:)]

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 12th, 2018 at 05:36am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac nodded and parked up outside her house "ahh yeah, friends...I'll see you later on Yara" he told her gently, wanting toaybe kiss her cheek but she evidently didn't see him that way. He waited for her to climb out of his car before driving off and heading to work.

    Several days later...

    Isaac strolled in to school, sunglasses on his eyes as he waved to those he knew, he didn't take much notice of the odd stairs he was getting as he walked he simply began to take books out of his locker, all signs of black eyes and injuries gone.

    Sofia sighed, shaking Stiles off her good arm as they walked into the house. "Can the two of you stop fussing? I'm fine, it's just a cut in my atm" she protested, taking a seat on the couch, glancing around. The table was covered in papers and strings of red yarn hung out of the bin. "Have you two been working on another 'project'" she asked rolling her eyes.

    It had been a few days since the accident, and Sofia was still refusing to admit she remembered more than she had told them. It kept her up at night and she couldn't get the sight of that thing out of her head.

    " why isn't she healing Scott? What's happening her?" stiles asked, pulling Scott aside. She wasn't showing any signs of turning.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 12th, 2018 at 12:42pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    It had been a weird few days for Yara. She had suggested a date night for her parents but it didn’t make much difference, as Isaac didn’t show. She thought something might have happened with his father but he’d basically fallen off the face of the earth for a few days. The very next day, she was out for a run when she found herself bound and gagged in the woods, facing her father in a similar way. In that time she’d been introduced to things she’d never even imagined. She learned she had a certain affinity for particular weapons, ones she hadn’t ever even touched before.

    Now having a new understanding, while she was upset about Isaac at first, she’d been so distracted she hadn’t seen him that she almost didn’t recognize him when he’d passed her. She turned slowly, not sure what to make of it. “Isaac?”
    Scott followed behind them, carrying her bags from the hospital. “I don’t know... the bite either turns or kills you, I don’t know why she’s not healing,” He said quietly, going into the kitchen and setting the bag down. He went into the other room and sat down next to her, smiling a little.

    “Hey Fia, feeling a little better? Want anything?” He asked her curiously. “And uh no, no new project at least not right now,” Scott smiled. “We’re more worries about you.” He knew Deucalion had been sending Kali after Derek so much that he was beginning to wonder how Derek was even still alive.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 13th, 2018 at 03:24am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac stopped, placing an arm on her shoulder ashe looked down at her smiling. "Yara hey, you need a ride this evening?" he asked, as if he hadn't disappeared for more than a week. Derek had been a great help to him for controlling his newfound powers, but he found his eyes could change without him even realising, hence the sunglasses. He frowned slightly as she asked why he hadn't shown up and gave her shoulder a sqreze.

    "Something came up, I don't really want to talk about it" he told her, with a firm nod, hoping she wouldn't press the matter.


    Fia sighed as Scott sat next to her. "did I not just say to stop fussing? I'm fine, Stiles is getting me a soda and I don't have to go back to school for a week." she said, trying her hardest to eminate her usual confident self, pushing the images of her attack to the back of her mind. "Stiles can you pick up the phone please?" she called out, wincing as the sound pierced her ears. "Stiles!" she called in to the kitchen again, sighing as she stood up.

    "hello?" Sofia felt a prickle of heat inch up her neck as the voice on the other end crept over her body. "Yes he's here... Of course. goodbye." she said and hung it up, heading back to the living room. This time she sat a little closer to Scott.

    (I'm just making this deucalian using her to find out who's close to Scott)

    @ musicalpanda
    June 13th, 2018 at 02:28pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara stiffened at the sudden contact, she was sore from the training, and where he had placed his hand was in the perfect position to flip him, but she refrained. “I don’t care that you didn’t come, Isaac,” She said, turning to look at him. “I care that I thought we were friends, you told me something that worried me and then you disappeared for a week,” She told him, raising an eyebrow and moving his arm from her shoulder.

    “Then you come in here dressed like a member of a boy band,” She snorted, shaking her head. “Did you even own a leather jacket a week ago?” She asked him, noting how drastic the change was.
    Scott watched her as she walked away, noticing that she still seemed to be in pain. Stiles had gone upstairs for something and his mind had drifted except for the obvious tension in her voice. He looked over at her and could just barely hear the other voice in the other end, but he saw how tense she was when she came back.

    “Fia, how are you feeling?” He asked, able to smell the anxiety from her and smiling reassuringly. “Who was that in the phone?” He asked curiously, someone for Stiles?”


    @ KhaleesE16
    June 14th, 2018 at 05:17am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac frowned slightly, glancing down at his outfit before crossing his arms over his chest. "Yara I said I'm sorry, I couldn't really help that I got buried... Under all of the stuff I needed to do for my dad. I just needed to go out of town for a whole" he said, catching himself quickly as he nearly let the truth slip out. "I just got some new clothes, is that a problem?" he asked her with a small laugh, seeing her flinch as he reached out to try and comfort her.

    "are you okay, you look like your on pain?" he asked, slowly begging ING to walk down the hall, he knew she needed to go in the same direction anyway so she couldn't escape him.


    "Jesus christ stop asking me if I'm okay!" Sofia snapped, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down quickly. "Sorry I just... I'm tired of being asked if I'm okay. There's a lump of my arm missing, and I think I'm doing pretty good about that" she offered with a weak laugh, inching a little closer to him on the couch. "it was just my dad.. He uhh just wanted to make sure I got back here okay" She lied easily, pulling her hair back off her face.

    "So, are you taking anyone to homecoming next week?" she asked him, glancing up at him her eyes wide. Fia thought Aidan was taking her but he hadn't returned her calls since the day in the woods.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 14th, 2018 at 09:01pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara nodded, shifting slightly to the side and looking at him. “I’m fine, been exercising more, is all,” She said, explained not liking the attention on her. “Also why are you wearing sunglasses inside, it’s weird,” She told him, slamming her locker shut and walking down the hall. “You just suddenly had to go out of town? I mean I guess,” She told him, putting the books onto her other arm. “If you’re fine,” She added.

    She turned to look at him, shrugging her shoulders. “And uh no, I don’t need a ride home tonight. One of the guys on the lacrosse team has been taking me home the past few days,” She said, gesturing down the hall to him. “So unless you wanted something?” She asked, wondering if he still wanted to study or anything.
    Scott held his hands up. “I know I keep asking,” He said sheepishly, smiling at her. “Just worries about you,” He told her gently. “Plus it’s weird, what bit you, right?” He asked, prodding gently. “And no, I hadn’t put much thought into it, why did you have someone in mind?”

    He heard a noise from outside and looked toward the door, wondering where Stiles was, but he suddenly cane around the corner wielding a baseball bat. He went around the house but didn’t see anyone come by until a bloodied Derek knocked at the door. “Derek?” Scott asked in disbelief, seeing him fall to the floor. “Stiles, should we call Deaton? Take him over there?”

    (I’m using this as Kali beating Derek to send a message to him and Scott, because then maybe the twins start messing with them at school when Sofia goes back)

    @ Aoibhe
    June 15th, 2018 at 07:01am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Isaac clenched his fists, feeling his eyes begin to glow as he glanced down to wear she had pointed, a sudden pang of jealousy hitting him like a school bus. "I put eye drops in this morning, so they are sensitive to the light" he lied quickly, his eyes still trained on the guy she had pointed to, he knew him from lacrosse, and knew exactly why he would want to drive Yara home.

    "It was a family thing, okay.. Last minute and I just don't want to talk about it. I'm fine Yara, I can promise you my dad isn't gonna do that shit anymore" he said, shaking his head softly as he looked down at her. "if you wouldn't mind.. I'd still like to study for that paper together.. Tonight?" he asked, his body slowly relaxing as the lacrosse guy walked away.


    (yeah that's good with me!)

    Fia shrugged, wincing as she moved her arm. "Just a wild coyote or something I guess. I'm probably lucky it didn't get my worse" she told him Ifrlg, feeling her neck growing red. "No I had nobody ub mind, I was just w-" Sofia had just begun moving closer to him again when he suddenly sprung up off the couch. She wondered why they had both gotten so anxious over a noise outside, not that Fia didn't feel uneasy herself.

    "Who's Derek?" she asked as she rounded the doorway, gaspibgas she saw the man covered in blood on the doorstep. "Scott, who is this? Why would you take him to Deayton.. Isn't he a vet?" she asked, her brow furrowed as she edged a little closer. She knelt down next to the man, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. She quickly flinched away, a look of terror filkingher face as her ears were flooded with sounds of screams and flames burning wood.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 15th, 2018 at 01:50pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara knew she technically was supposed to go training with her father later but she figured she also needed to do her assignments too. “Sure, we can study just let me know,” She said to him. “You know, if you suddenly have to go out of town,” She said only partly kidding.

    She looked at him curiously. “And how did you get him to stop?” She asked, wondering if that was something he wouldn’t want to talk about. “It’s fine, forget about it. “Are you playing in the game coming up?”
    Scott looked at Stiles, figuring now was the best time if any to mention it. “Sofia, there’s something we have to tell you, but later, we have to get him help. Do you want to stay here and rest?”

    He was already halfway out the door, getting ready to put Derek into Stiles truck. “Well have to tell her sooner rather than later, this directly affects her now,” Scott told his friend, before looking at Derek. “Why aren’t you healing?” He asked, when Derek groaned in pain.

    @ Aoibhe
    June 15th, 2018 at 10:46pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    "Hey I said I was sorry, it won't happen again, okay?" he told her, gently tilting her head upwards towards him. "let me drive you home, we can study then?" he suggested before letting her go and shifting his book bag on his shoulder. As he stood by the doorway of the classroom to keep talking to her.

    Isaac ignored the question about his dad, running his hand through his hair. Yeah I am playing, I can't wait.. And then we have the homecoming dance right after. Soeakibgof-" Isaac was cut off by their English teacher ushering them in to the room. He slouched down in his usual seat, eyes trained on the front." Mr. Leahy? Uhh welcome back... " she said unsuredly, nervously wringing her hands together." Can you remove those glasses please?" she urged. "I uhh, they're prescription" he lied quickly, glancing around nervously. "Well have you got a note?... Then take them off" she said, putting an end to it. Isaac slid them off, keeping his eyes trained on the desk, praying they would stay their usual green.


    Sofia shifted from one foot to the other, frowning as Scott said he had something to tell her. She hated being kept in the dark, and it was evident from Stiles face that he wished she would stay in it. "I don't want to be left on my own" she squeaked nervously, and climbed in to the front seat of the jeep, chewing her lip nervously as she glanced back at Scott and the injured guy in the mirror.

    "why would he be healing.. He looks like he should be dead" Fia whispered, not even meaning to have said it out loud. Her heart was racing in her chest, she didn't even feel like herself. All she could focus on was how much Scott cared about this man, and for some reason felt like it was important for her to remember that. She trailed behind the boys as they entered the vets office, hanging a couple steps behind at all times. She was starting to wish she'd changed out of her oversized t-shirt and pyjama shorts... Or at least put on some shoes. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind until now. It was like she had suddenly woken up from a dream, but everything was the same.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 16th, 2018 at 02:08am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Scott turned to Stiles who looked like he wished she had stayed home but it might have ended up being for the better. “We know that this is going to be really weird,” He started slowly. “We know you didn’t get bitten by a coyote. We know it was a werewolf,” He said slowly, wondering how he explained this to someone.

    “Derek is too, we know that’s why he should be healing. But we don’t know why you aren’t,” He explained to her slowly. “It’s a lot to take in, I know. But it’s the truth. There’s more going on than it looks,” He sighed as Stiles drove toward the vet and they carried Derek in so Deaton going get to work immediately.
    Yara felt her skin heating up when he tilted her chin toward him. He let her go before she could react and was grateful to her teacher for calling them in. She sat down next to Isaac, pulling out her notes to focus. Isaac looked intent on keeping on the glasses for reasons she wasn’t sure of. She now had to figure out how to let Isaac study and introduce him to her father which she wasn’t sure that she wanted to do. The class went by without an issue and she stood, heading out to her locker.

    “For the game, I’ll come watch you if you want. I’d been planning on going with my dad anyway,” She explained as they walked. “Do you work today or can you come right after school?”

    @ Aoibhe
    June 16th, 2018 at 03:22am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Sofia glanced at her brother who seemed intent on staying silent. Her face contorted going through several emotions as she tried to settle on her reaction. She knew what she thought she had seen, but was still convinced her mind was playing tricks on her. "are you fucking kidding me right now?" Sofia snapped as they got out of the car. "I mean seriously Scott, after everything you're trying to make a joke?". She was glad they had arrived to let her gather her thoughts for a little bit.

    As the guys did whatever it was they needed with Deaton, fia stayed in the waiting area waiting for stiles or Scott to come get her. She was so unsure what she should be thinking right now.


    Isaac pulled back on his glasses as soon as they left the classroom, leaving out a sigh of relief. "no I don't work there anymore either, so I'm free right afterschool" he told her with a confident smile.

    "So um, will your parents be there tonight?" he asked softly, nodding enthusiastically as she suggested coming to his game. "you know out captain Scott right? He's got the team in reLgiid shape, we might actually win this one" he told her happily, looking forward to using his new strength.

    @ musicalpanda
    June 16th, 2018 at 03:37am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Yara headed to the lunchroom, looking ahead rather than at him. “Did you not want them to be? I can see if I can get them to go out but they might get suspicious if I keep suggesting they go out on dates,” She explained, laughing a bit. She thought of the werewolf pack they were currently dealing with, a pack of Alphas and Derek Hale, and she realized she would need to make time with her father to plan how to handle that before Derek made more werewolves.

    “And yeah I know Scott, he’s in my history class.” She smiled. “And that’s good, considering Coach might have an aneurism if the team loses one more time. I was thinking of trying out for cross country, aren’t you on that team too?”
    Scott sighed, he didn’t know how he could explain to her, not with Derek seconds from death and Kali ready to pay him another visit. He let Deaton work on Derek, staying to the side before Deaton asked him to come forward and help. Once he finally got Derek stable, he went back out to Sofia and sighed.

    “I know you’re under a lot of stress, but I’m not lying to you. When have I ever?” He asked her quietly. “I’m one too,” He said softly, letting his eyes glow momentarily before they went back to their normal brown. “I got bit last year,” He explained to her. “Derek’s been helping me. Whatever bit you, somehow you’re not affected in the same way, but we don’t know how.”

    @ Aoibhe
    June 16th, 2018 at 04:16am