Rising Stars. [closed]

  • Niko moaned as he felt her tighten her grip on him. He kissed her, "God I want you so bad." He breathed. He kissed her then, pulled his hand away. He pulled away from her for a moment before he moved so he was between her legs. He moaned as he pushed into her slowly, gripping her hips.
    Mina watched as he got up and went over to the couch. "Please a person can find anyone to rattle a bed with." She teased him. She got comfortable and closed her eyes. She fell asleep a lot quicker than she expected to, but the alcohol seemed to make it a lot easier than she had thought.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 31st, 2018 at 01:30am
  • Mina moaned loudly as he entered her, poveting her hips to feel him move around inside her. "I love this so much" she panted with a soft laugh, pulling herself further on to him. As he began to move faster, his grip on her hips tightening, Kirby kissed him deeply to try and stifle at least some of her moans against his lips. "Shit keep going" she breathed, her nails scratching his back.

    Have lay trying to listen for Mimas breathing for a few minutes, ignoring the sounds eminatinf from the other room before letting his eyes shut and heading to sleep. He knew tomorrow was a long day of travelling.

    @ Gunslinger;
    May 31st, 2018 at 02:07am
  • Niko began to thrust faster when she told him to keep going. He kissed along her neck as he felt himself getting close already. He knew it had to do with him drinking so much. He ran his hands up to her chest, teasing her breast. "God damn baby." He moaned.
    [Figure we will skip this til the morning so everyone is caught up? tehe]

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 31st, 2018 at 04:37am
  • (We can skip to the morning for everyone now sure!)

    Kirby woke the following morning, her naked body wrapped around Niko. "Mornin baby" she mumbled, glancing up at him with a sleepy smile. "Last night was so good" she said Hemtly running her hand along her neck, where she could feel hickeys having formed. "I can hear the guys downstairs, we better get up in case they are waiting to leave" she said softly and peeled herself out of the bed, pulling on last nights dress and Niko's hoodie.

    Jace sat at the kitchen counter downstairs chatting with the guys. "Mikey did you sleep at all, or just play video games?" He asked with a chuckle, helping himself to some orange juice in the fridge hoping Mina wouldn't mind. He hadn't wanted to wake her, so he had snuck downstairs quietly leaving his things n her room.

    @ Gunslinger;
    May 31st, 2018 at 12:10pm
  • Niko woke up and smirked as he felt her against him. "Morning." He said. He leaned over and kissed her. He got up and pulled on his clothes before he walked downstairs, getting something to drink. "Fuck this hangover sucks." He mumbled.


    Mina woke up, seeing that Jace was gone. She sighed as she looked at her ceiling, debating on getting up..She heard people downstairs and them decided to get out of bed. She went to the bathroom and took a shower before she walked out and got dressed. She fixed her hair and make up before she went downstairs. She looked at the guys as they looked at her when she walked in. Mina took the orange juice from Jace when he was done and poured her own. "Do you want more?" She asked him, seeing his glass was almost empty. She looked up at him, her body close to his.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 31st, 2018 at 01:19pm
  • His hoodie hung even longer than Kirbies dress and she wore her haor piled in a bún on top of her head. When Mina walked in all done up Kirby looked doe. At herself a little embarrassed, pulling at the bottom of the hoodie. She wrapped her arms arou. D Niko as the guys all chatted, withdrawing in to herself quietly for a few moments before she summoned up a little courage. "Umm Mina?..I'm sorry about last night, it was out of line" she said, looking up at the brunette as she twirled a loose piece of hair on her finger.


    Jace nodded as bio said how shit hangovers were, smiling as Mina walked in. "how you feeling this morning?" he asked, shaking his head as he offered her some juice. "thanks for letting us all stay last night, we'll get out of your hair soon" he said, glancing g over her slightly as she stood close to him. He was surprised to hear Kirby apologise, she didn't do that too often.

    "well look at that, we've all made up" Jace teased glancing over at Niko "I think we all heard your apology" he joked, beginning g to slap the bottom of his palms together, laughing.

    @ Gunslinger;
    May 31st, 2018 at 02:42pm
  • Niko put his arm around Kirby as she put her arms around him. He rolled his eyes at Jace's comment, "Shut the fuck up." He said to his friend. Niko leaned against the counter and was surprised that Kirby actually apologized to Mina. Though he was sure it was because that they would be seeing each other a lot. Niko rubbed her back a little as they stood there.
    Mina shrugged, "Probably better than some of you." She teased him. She looked over as Kirby spoke to her and she was kind of surprised. "It's okay." She told her. She looked back at Jace, "So I am thinking I am going to come to your first show because I have a few things I have to do the days after that." she told him. She had some interviews and days in the recording studio she had to take care of.

    @ KhaleesE16
    May 31st, 2018 at 05:42pm
  • Kirby rolled her eyes at Jace, laying her head on Niko shoulder. She had stopped getting embarrassed about the guys hearing them a long time ago. She smiled softly as Niko rubbed her back and looked up at yim"we get out of here, spend some time together before you leave? And I've got a dance rehearsal at 4" she asked him softly.


    Jace nodded at Mina and put the juice back in the fridge for her. "well the show is tú til tomorrow, but your more than welcome to travel with us tonight if you want" he offered with a smile and finished the end of his juice.

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 1st, 2018 at 02:01pm
  • Jace nodded, "Yes we can do that." He said. He looked at the guys, "I will see you guys later." He said before he led Kirby out of the house. He was hoping she would be more relaxed.


    Mina nodded, "That works." She said, smiling at him. She watched as his friends left then turned her attention back to him.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 1st, 2018 at 03:19pm
  • Kirby smiled up at Niko as he lead her out of the how's, ordering an Uber on her phone as she walked. "What you wanna do, go get breakfast? Just chill out? She asked him, knowing she needed to go home and change first anyway.


    Jace waved as the guys walked off and looked down at Mina. "You want time to head away too or I can help you clean up here" h offered wiping down some of the crumbs on the counter. He still didn't feel like he knew here at all.

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 1st, 2018 at 07:34pm
  • Niko looked at her as they walked out, "I am up for some breakfast. Where do you want to eat at?" He asked as he held her hand. He got in the car with her and pulled out of Mina's driveway.


    Mina looked at him as he wiped down the counter, "You don't have to do that. Mrytle will." She said. "She comes to clean in like an hour." She said, smiling a little. "But we could do something else fun if you want to." She offered.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 1st, 2018 at 09:26pm
  • Kirby smiled, thinking for a second "Maybe IHOP? I know it's not fancy, but I wouldn't mind some good old pancakes" she said with a soft laugh placing her hand on his leg. "what time you gotta leave again?" she asked him, frowning slightly as she saw the cab driver watching them in his mirror.


    Jace chuckled "Well isn't that fine for some!" he teased and stopped clean g.!"yeah that soy. Ds great, what did you have in mind?" he asked, leanaí. G back against the counter and favi g her, his body close to hers.

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 1st, 2018 at 09:58pm
  • Niko nodded, "Ihop sounds good." He said as they drove. He parked in the parking lot and looked at her. "I have to meet the guys at eight tonight." He said. "I wish you could come." He said as rhey got out.


    Mina thought for a moment, "Let's go get breakfast by the pier." She said. "There is this really nice restuarant there and the food is good." She said as she grabbed her keys. She smiled as she waited for him.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 1st, 2018 at 11:46pm
  • Kirby sighed softly and nodded "Yeah, me too.. I should hopefully see you after my rehearsal, just before you leave" she said and slipped his hand into his as the walked inside. She kept her head down as attention turned toward them, well toward Niko.


    Jace nodded and followed her happily outside the front door, smoothing down his t-shirt with his hands. "you eat here often?" he asked as they drove, smiling over at the girl as she drove. She was very attractive, at least his manager had thought of that when choosing her.

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 2nd, 2018 at 01:17am
  • Niko nodded, "Yea hopefully " He said as he sat with her. He ignored the stares as he grabbed his menu and looked at it. He was slightly use to getting noticed, but it was still new.


    Mina got into her Porsche with him and headed to the pier. "Yea I like going to this place. Its a lot quiter than most places in the city." She said as she drove. Once they got to the restuarant she parked and got out with him. She locked her car then headed inside.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 2nd, 2018 at 02:49am
  • Kirby pulled at the bottom of the hoodie, mentally willing it to be longer as she sat reading her menu. A soft flush hungover her cheeks as she glanced up at Niko. "maybe we should have gone somewhere low key" shemurmed, covering her face with her hand.


    Jace smiled happily hearing it was going to be quieter than the city spots." aoi mean, how long do you thí k this thing between us will go on for? " he asked as the waitress showed them to their table. He pulled out the seat for Mina before sitting at the opposite side of the table, watching HER. "And I mean, should I be plugging anything for you? New album, your anything?" he asked innocently.

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 2nd, 2018 at 04:15am
  • Niko looked at her and chuckled, "Babe, you might as well get use to it. It's not that bad. Just ignore it." He said, smirking a little. Niko was pretty happy with how his life was turning out. He loved that people liked him and wanted to know him.


    Mina looked at him, "I guess as long as our managers say so." She said, smiling a little. She walked into the restuarant, sitting down with him. She looked at him, "I am working on my new album now. So i am sure Emily will fill you in on that." She said. She looked ocer the menu as they sat at their table that was on the deck that overlooked the ocean. She looked at the menu, trying to decide on what she wanted.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 2nd, 2018 at 04:28am
  • Kirby straightened up a little, but she still felt very aware of the eyes resting on their table. She smiled at him across the table and gently held her hand out for him to take. "I'm so proud of you, you know that right?" she told him softly, her face beaming with pride as she looked him over. "I really wish I could be there to share the experience with you"


    Jace nodded and looked over the menu, closing it quickly already knowing what he wanted. He looked out over the sea view before looking back at Mina. "So have you done this before, a staged relationship?" he asked her raising an eyebrow. "I mean, what's the deal with sec and stuff, can I still sleep around" he asked, a lopsided grin on his face.

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 3rd, 2018 at 02:45pm
  • Niko looked at her, "You really should just come with us tonight." He told her. He knew that she wouldn't though. "I could fly you home after the show." He suggested. He wondered if she would be willing to go on the road with him or not. Niko looked over as the waiter came by. He ordered his food after Kirby ordered hers. He was hungry.
    Mina shook her head, "No I haven't." She said. She raised an eyebrow when he mentioned sleeping around. "I mean I guess, but if you get caught you risk looking like an asshole again. And isn't that what you wanted to avoid?" She asked.

    @ KhaleesE16
    June 3rd, 2018 at 05:01pm
  • Kirby ordered her food and glanced at him, sighing. "I really wish I could Nik... But I mean I have rehearsals, and we have the Ellen interview Thursday so we Need to be sharp..." she said softly, glancing down in to her lap. "you know I would if I could Niko, it's the first one of your gigs I'm missing" she told him, frowning.


    Jace shrugged "I mean yeah it is, but this could go on months, Emily and Marco hardly expect us to go celibate" he told her with a laugh, stretch g his arms out behind him. "I mean, you plan to just do it solo? Wouldn't that get boring?" he asked

    @ Gunslinger;
    June 3rd, 2018 at 06:10pm