Rising Stars. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina laughed softly, "It is a nice car." She said. She downed her wine then poured another glass. "I have yours too, but I guess we will have to wait for the guys while they are out discovering cars all over again." She teased.

    Niko stared at him for a moment, kind of shocked before he began driving again. "Are we talking about the same chick that called you an asshole the first time you met. You do remember that right?" He teased his friend. He couldnt believe Jace was saying that. "So what you want to be with her for real? Did you tell her?" He asked. It's not like he could tell his friend he couldnt be with Mina. Even if he didnt really care for her. He did think his friend deserved to be happy.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 02:32am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Kirby chuckled as Mina downed her glass and did the same with her own. "So I mean.. what's your plan for the next few days after you leave here?" Kirby asked her as she poured herself another glass, tossing her hair behind her shoulder.


    "Yeah I mean... I think that's kinda why I like her Niko, she calls me out on my shit" Jace said with a soft laugh, glancing at his friend trying to see his true reaction. "I mean.. I haven't said anything, I needed to make sure I'm feeling what I think I am, that's why I wanted to know how it felt for you man.. I mean, how do you feel when Kirby walks in to a room?" He asked.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 02:51am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina looked at her, "I'm having a new years party. You should come with Niko." She said. "Its going to be a lot of fun." She said as she took a sip of her wine. "What about you?" She asked.


    Niko smiled, "I just feel like we are the only two people in the room and I cant help but feel more relaxed." He said He drove towards the house. "If you really feel thar way you should tell her because arent you two suppose to break up soon?" He asked him as he pulled into the driveway.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 02:55am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Kirby smiled "yeah of course we'll be there" she said happily, twirling her hand around, watching the wine as it circled the rim of the glass. "Well Niko and I are gonna stay here for another day or two, and then we're actually going looking at houses" she told Mina with a proud smile. "I feel like I finally have my shit together" she said with a laugh.


    Jace nodded slowly "I might give it some time to sink in.. I've got a month or so" he said with a shrug as he climbed out of the car before heading inside and smiling at the girls. "You guys do the presents?" He asked.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:07am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina nodded, "Well I'm glad you figured things out." She said, smiling as she finished her wine. She poured another glass as the guys walked in. She shook her head at Jace's question. "Nope, we were waiting on you two." She said. She walked into the living room and sat down with them, handing Kirby her present and Niko his. She sat with Jace, feeling his arm go around her.


    Niko nodded, "Yea you have time." He said before they walked inside. Niko smiled as he moved to Kirby. He put his arm around her, "Come on let's go open the stuff." He said. He sat down and took the gift from Mina.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:11am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Kirby smiled, feeling Niko's arm go around her she rested back against him as they handed over their gifts. She watched gleefully as Mina opened her bracelet, hoping she wouldn't find all of the little charms cheesy or tacky. "I just thought it would be nice to have a little moment from the last few months" she said softly.


    Jace laughed as he opened his present from Kirby, which was a small dinky car. "Well Niko don't you feel stupid now, your girlfriend got me a car too" he teased, handing her the already opened gift card. "There is exactly$23.62 on that, cherish every penny" he teased.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:25am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina looked at the bracelet that she got her. She looked at her, "Its really great. Thank you." She said. She shook her head as Jace gave Kirby a gift card. "You guys are terrible at gifts." She teased them. She smiled as Kirby opened the shoes she got for her. She finished her wine then got up, moving away from them to get more. She came back and sat down with him. She took a sip of her wine as she relaxed against Jace.

    Niko laughed, "How could you buy him a car too?" He teased Kirby as he pulled her close. He took a sip of his water then looked at Jace, seeing the way he watched Mina. He noticed Kirby checking her phone. "Babe quit checking." He said.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:31am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Kirby handed her glass to Mina to get her some more too. "Thanks so much for the shows Mona, I really love them!" Kirby siad graciously, wriggling a little as Niko chided her. "I was just checking the time!" She argued. She knew they were being released in 20 minutes and she was pretty nervous. She smiled softly as Niko explained to Jace how she was pretty much guaranteed the number one slot, smiling as Mina came back worth more wine.


    Jace pulled Mina in close to his body as she sat back down. "Hey, slow down on the wine a little" he whispered in her ear gently. He could tell the two girls were beginning to grow tipsy and he didn't want their night to end early just because of that.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:43am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina smiled as he whispered in her ear then nodded. Sbe relaxed against him as she took a sip of her wine. She answered a few messages on her phone as everyone talked, seeing Kirby keep checking her phone. She got up when she finished her wine and went to take her glass to the kitchen. She frowned when she heard Kirby curse. She walked out of the kitchen, finding a very angry friend glaring at her.


    Niko chuckled as they spoke then frowned when heard her Kirby cuss, "What?" He asked as he looked at her phone, seeing Mina's new song that leaked in the number one spot. "Ummm..did you know about that?" He asked Jace tossing him the phone.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:49am
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Jace looked at the phone and took a step toward Kirby "hey calm down, there must be a mistake" he said gently.

    Kirby shoved him away from her, glaring at the doorway as Mina walked through "how could you do this to me?" She asked angrily, tears of fuey streaming down her face. "I mean Fuck, I knew you were an attention seeking cow but I thought you could give the spotlight to your best friend for at least like 5 seconds before stealing it back? But No of course not. You had to go and literally steal my very first number one right out from under me, like the sneaky conniving egocentric cunt that you are" she raged.

    "Jesus Kirby that's pretty harsh" Jace said, a harshness to his tone as he defended Mina "I didn't know about this, I'm sure it's a mistake" he said.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 12:22pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina narrowed her eyes as Kirby said that stuff to her. She went to tell her off but decided not to. Mina rolled her eyes, "Not even worth it anymore." She said before she walked away. She kept her calm face until she got to Jace's room and shut the door. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she looked at her phone since people were blowing up about the song She blinked the tears from her eyes before she grabbed her suitcase and put her stuff on it. She just wanted to go home and get away from everyone. She frowned when she heard Jace walk in and shut the door. She rolled her eyes when he asked what she was doing. "I'm going home." She muttered as she zipped her suitcase. "If I wanted to be treated like that then I would hang out with a few other people I know." She said as she sat her bag on the floor. She looked at him, "I didnt release that song. It wasnt suppose to come out for a few months." She said. "It wasnt even done yet." She said.


    Niko was surprised when Kirby told Mina off. He crossed his arms as Kirby yelled at her. He frowned as Jace defended Mina, "Dude, are you serious right now. She literally just stabbed Kirby in the back and your defending her?" He argued.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 01:09pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Kirby sighed loudly as Mina stormed off, following her out the door. "Of course Mina, Run away because God Forbid the Diva Queen would have to own up to being a bitch!" She shouted up the stairs, wiping tears off her cheeks as she folded in to Niko's arms. "I can't believe SHE'S acting like the victim" she sobbeb,before turning to face Jace. "are you for real?" She asked, her voice cracking. "You are standing up for that backstabbing witch? Way to think with your dick Jace"


    Jace frowned at Kirby "I know your upset, but there is no reason to say those things. So what she beat you to number one? It's not like that's new" he said with a sigh, before following Mina up the stairs to his bedroom. "Mina please" Jace said softly, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her close so she couldn't move. "Please don't go, I want you to stay" he told her, kissing her cheek.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 01:37pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina felt Jace put his arms around he, "Why? So I can get talked to like that more? No thanks. I didnt come here so I could te talked too like shit." She said. She was surprised when he said he wanted her to stay. "You dont want me to stay Jace. You dont have to out on the act when no one is around." She muttered. She pulled away from him slowly. "We can hang out when you come back to Cali." She said. she frowned when he grabbed her hand, taking her suitcase from.her, "What are you doing?" She asked.


    Niko looked at Kirby as Jace went upstairs. He sat down, "He's not going to let her leave." He told Kirby quietly, "And he is not going to take your side." He assured her. When she looked at him, he sighed, "The idiot actually likes her." He said.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 02:40pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Jace shook his head "she's upset and being a bitch, she'll get over it eventually" he said dismissively, hanging on to her closely. "I really mean it Mina, I want you to stay, I need you to. I.. well I think I'm actually really starting to like you. I want you to stay here" he told her caringly, brushing some hair off of her face as he looked down in to her eyes. "I mean it"


    Kirby looked up at Niko, the anger growing inside her the more she thought about it. "He what?" She exclaimed, standing up. "How could he like such a malicious little snob like her? All she's done is use him while he used her.. she's tearing all of our relationships apart and has been since the day she walked in to that fucking dressing room. I thought she was my friend and then she went and do e this.. all of this. Who does she think she is, Yoko fucking Ono?" She raged.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 02:52pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina looked up at him as he explained that he liked her, "Really?" She asked him. She watched him, "I like you too." She admitted. She was surprised that he actually did. She hugged him, feeling his arms slip her body. She frowned when she heard Kirby yelling about her downstiars. "I dont think they really want me here though Jace." She whispered. She pulled away from him slowly. "Maybe you should go downstairs and do whatever it is you all do and I will stay here and wait for you." She said.


    Niko watched as she freaked out, "Not like...He said he thinks he loves her." He said quietly. "Maybe she is a nicer person to him and we dont see it." He said

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:00pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Jace shook his head, kissing her. "No if anything's gonna happen it's that the to of them can go do whatever it is they want and you and I will enjoy the rest of our day, okay?" He told her softly, running his thumb over her cheek. "I'll go tell them to leave"


    "He said he loves her?" Kirby asked, turning on her heels to face Niko. "When did he say this? She has totally just bought his affection with all of those big gifts and.. it's not right" Kirby said defeatedly sitting down on the couch next to him. "Please don't try and defend her... I should've listened to you Nik.. you told me she would do something like this to me so long again and ai got mad at you for it. She is just a nasty piece of work."

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:11pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Mina kissed him, "I dont want them to be mad at you though " She said as she felt his thumb move over her cheek. She placed her hand over his and kissed him once more. She couldnt believe he was willing to make his friend leave. She sat on his bed as he walked out.


    Niko looked at her, "He told me in the car." He said He frowned as Kirby talked about he big gifts. He shook his head, seeing Jace behind them, hearing her words. He looked at Jace, "Hey man." He said, seeing Jace frowning at them.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:16pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Jace stood there listening to Kirby. "Look Kirby, how you feel about my feeling for Mina are irrelevent, and I think you are very quickly forgetting everything she has done for you. If it wasn't for her your song would still be looking at number 57. So before you call her a nasty piece of work, and say that I can't possibly actually like her think about where you would be if she hadn't been my girlfriend" he said crossing his arms over her chest. "I think it's best if the two of you go now" he told them flatly.


    Kirby's cheeks flushed red as she realised Jace had heard her, but she didn't plan on taking any of it back. "I really can't believe you are taking her side right now. Whether you love her or not, what she just did to me was so low Jace. And you are now kicking out two of your best friends on Christmas day? Get a grip" she said, tears still flowing down her cheeks as she grabbed her coat and walked straight our the door.

    Jace looked at Niko and just shook his head.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:25pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Niko frowned as Jace told them to leave. He didnt think his friend would ever do that to them. "Dude figure your shit out " He said before he grabbed his stuff and followed Kirby. He walked out and got in his car. "Dont worry babe. She will fuck him over and he will learn his lesson." He said before he headed to her house

    Mina laid on Jace's bed, having kicked her heels off. She looked up at the rock posters that covered his ceiling. Her dress as moved up her thigh some from the way she was laying. She heard Kirby yell at Jace and heard her say she just bought him things to get him to like her. She didnt look over as Jace came into the room. "I didnt buy those gifts to manipulate you." She said quietly.

    @ Aoibhe
    September 5th, 2018 at 03:31pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Kirby sighed as they reached the house. She could feel her dad glaring at Niko as soon as they walked in to the house. "well.. did you get it?" Her mom called out from the living. "No I didn't and I don't want to talk about it!" Kirby shouted back, grabbing a bottle of wine from the fridge and heading up to her room with Gizmo.


    "Whether you did or you didn't it doesn't matter, I liked you before that" Jace told her softly, laying down next to her on the bed and pulling her in close. "Are you okay?" He asked.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 5th, 2018 at 07:43pm