Fire In The Hole. [closed]

  • Alyssa was beginning to feel better after awhile and sighed finally relaxing before looking at Jace and frowning. "I don't think so." She spat at him again.

    Blaze followed Paul until he got to the machine and frowned before sighing and laid down on it looking around uneasily.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 03:52am
  • Jace chuckled as he took the needle and injected it into her. "Well, let's see if that works." He said. He bit his bottom lip lightly as he waited to see if she would react to it.
    Paul started the scan, "Don't move." He said.

    Starr bit her bottom lip lightly as she watched him in the machine. She was extremely tired. She watched as the scan ended after awhile then walked over to look at the results on the computer.

    Paul looked at the scan, "You have some extra brain activity starting up in this part of the brain. That part wasn't working before when we brought you back. This lighting up is just your brain finally coming back to life. That episode was probably just that part of your brain starting up." He explained.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 03:56am
  • Alyssa frowned before struggling. "I AM NOT SOME EXPERIMENT!" She was getting upset and finally managed to get a hand loose and struggled to get the other one as well.

    Blaze let him scan him before getting up and going over listening to him speak. "Next time don't fuck with my brain. If I'm dead, let me stay dead." He said irritatedly before heading back to his room, taking Starr with him. He wasn't as tense knowing he was fine.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:00am
  • Jace laughed, "You could have fooled me." He said. He shook his head as he stepped back. He crossed his arms and sat back down.
    Starr walked into the room with him and shut the door. "Um..are you okay?" She asked him finally. She sat down on the bed, then waited to see what he was going to say. Starr thought for a moment, knowing she had nothing to sleep in. "Do you have something I can borrow to sleep in?" She asked.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:03am
  • Alyssa finally managed to get out of the straps and sat up angrily. "What the fuck are you doing?" She asked confused about what was going on.

    Blaze sighed and said, "Fine." He sat down as well before stretching his muscles feeling tense. He nodded before getting a shirt and a pair of shorts for her. He handed them to her knowing he was like twice her size.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:08am
  • Jace chuckled, "I am just waiting to see if you will go back to normal." He said. He didn't know if the infection would take over or not.
    Starr took the clothes from her and began to get changed. She really didn't care if he was looking or not. She was too tired to care. She climbed into the bed, pulling the blankets over her. She looked at him, "Are you going to sleep?" She asked.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:10am
  • "It doesn't hurt anymore asshole." Alyssa responded. "Does that answer your question?" She demanded frowning.

    Blaze averted his gaze thinking about things. He watched her get into bed and said, "I'll sleep in the chair." He grabbed a blanket before sitting down in the chair and sighing. "Go to sleep." He looked out the window thinking some more.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:20am
  • Jace shrugged, "It could be a good thing or it could mean it is about to get worse." He said. He knew that she would never fully trust him, but he wasn't worried about that.
    Starr watched as he sat down then got comfortable in the bed. It wasn't long until she fell asleep quickly, sleeping quietly. She stirred later on as she started to have a nightmare, muttered something in her sleep.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:27am
  • Alyssa sat up and sighed, "If it gets worse, then just blow my brains out." She told him narrowing her eyes at him.

    Blaze couldn't sleep his brain alive with activity. He sighed going to the bathroom getting into the shower just closing his eyes trying to relax and images flashed in his mind all at once.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:35am
  • Jace laughed, "Well if it gets worse then I will have to put you down anyway." He said. He watched her to see if her eyes were changing.
    Starr woke up and laid there, staring at the ceiling. She thought about her nightmare, hearing the shower running. She knew falling back to sleep wasn't an option.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:39am
  • Alyssa swung her leg kicking him in the stomach. "That's for injecting me with this shit." She growled at him annoyed.

    Blaze finished up putting his pants back on and coming out without his shirt as he dug through the drawers searching for one.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:41am
  • Jace glared at her as he held his stomach. "You fucking bitch." He growled. He grabbed her and pulled her towards him, slapping her. He shoved her to the ground and frowned.
    Starr looked out the small window that was above his bed at the moon. She really missed being in the compound, but she kept thinking about the horrible things her father had said to her before Blaze came into the compound. SHe had never told anyone about it. "Can I ask you something?" She asked suddenly.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:45am
  • Alyssa gasped wincing at her cheek again and looked up at him with a glare tears brimming at the surface. "Why was I ever nice to you!?" She yelled at him. "You're just a monster!"

    Blaze looked over hearing Starr surprised to find her awake. He pulled the shirt over his tanned and scar filled body nodding his head. "I guess so. Just know I don't lie." He told her crossing his arms over his chest lightly.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 04:49am
  • Jace glared at her, "I am a monster! you are right about that! You had a purpose here!" He yelled. "I was trying to test you." He snapped.
    Starr sat up and the blankets pooled around her waist. "How close were you with my mom exactly?" She asked him. She found it weird that her mom had trusted Blaze so much. She didn't know if she wanted the answer, but she had to know.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:05am
  • Alyssa got to her feet and shoved him. "I HAVE NO PURPOSE HERE YOU MADE SURE OF THAT!" She screamed at him hitting his chest again and again. "You killed them all but you won't kill me! Fuck a test leave me alone!" She kept hitting his chest shaking her head until she stopped feeling numb.

    Blaze watched her and sighed. "If you're asking if you mother had an affair with me, the answer is no." He frowned softly shaking his head. "I didn't love your mom like that and she didn't love me like that." He turned to look at her for a moment. "We were close and loved each other, but not like a couple." He told her. "Your father, however, got so jealous that she loved another man, even though it was a completely separate way, that he made himself believe we were in love." He told her as he stood back up crossing his arms looking out the window.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:09am
  • Jace frowned as she hit him, then grabbed her arms. "Fuck stop! I was just testing this out. I am not sending you anywhere after this. You will become part of this compound." He yelled at her. "Those people didn't give a fuck about you." He growled.
    Starr looked down at her hands, "I am just trying to figure out why she had so much trust in you." She told him. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I just was thinking." She whispered. Her dad had really fucked with her head and it scared her to think that he threatened her the way she did. "What did she say about my dad?" She asked.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:14am
  • Alyssa heard his words and and struggled in his arms and said, "What makes you say that!?" She demanded not understanding. "They were my friends! My family!" She yelled back pulling at her arms.

    Blaze chuckled, "It is odd for two people not in love. Though, no one would find it odd if she had that trust in me and was a male, right?" He pointed out. He shrugged, "It doesn't bother me. At least you get to hear the other side of the story instead of a warped point of view based on bias." He said before sighing glancing at her with a frown. "What did he do to you?" He asked softly. "She loved him. But, he changed especially after she joined my group. His brain got filled with insane theories about the two of us." He snorted shaking his head.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:21am
  • Jace frowned, "They would have let you die!" He yelled at her. "You think if you got attacked that they would give a fuck about you?" He asked.
    Starr sighed when he asked what her father had done to her. "He got really mad when he realized I was going through some stuff about you and that I was looking into stuff about my mom. Then he told me if he caught me doing it again that he was going to kill me." She explained.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:31am
  • Alyssa shook her head, "Are you saying you give a fuck!?" She pointed out. "My dad loved me!" She yelled back this time breathing heavily.

    Blaze sighed shaking his head. "Crazy bastard. He didn't want you to find out that he was the one that killed us in that building." He told her again and sighed sitting down again and shaking his head. "Shit wasn't supposed to go down like that." He muttered.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:34am
  • Jace shook his head, "I'm sure he did. But I doubt it." He said, laughing. He set her down and sighed as he watched her. He knew it would be hard for her to understand.
    Starr watched as he sat down, "What was suppose to happen?" She asked him. She wanted to know what the actual plan was. She felt bad that things like that had happened to him. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she looked back at her hands.

    @ Joker;
    December 28th, 2018 at 05:39am