Fire In The Hole. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace stretched and got to his feet. He walked to the edge of the cave and looked out at the forest.


    Starr woke up after a bit and pulled away when she realized she was laying on Blaze. She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. She coudlnt believe she has snuggled him. She felt awful doing it.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 4th, 2018 at 02:54am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa watched him get to his feet and just sat where she was and then slowly stood up wishing she had a shower or bath. She went forward and said, "How far are we?"

    Blaze watched her and then got up yawning and started to make something to eat. He offered her some before eating his and beginning to pack up.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 4th, 2018 at 02:56am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace looked at her, "One more day." He said. He knew things would get a lot easier once they got to the village and he could lock her up in a cell.


    Starr ate then walked with him. They walked til the evening and noticed the village that came up on. She stayed behind him as people stared at her as he pulled her along.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 4th, 2018 at 03:01am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa sighed softly hearaing his words and frowned softly wondering what her fate would be there. She just gave a small nod watching the trees sway from the wind. A small smile found its way to her lips.

    Blaze glanced back at Starr before entering the village keeping her close to him as he walked with her. Once there, he went into the main building throwing his camping gear down and stretching a little. He took her by the arm lightly and pulled her with him.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 6th, 2018 at 04:27am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace smirked as they walking into the village. People stared at them as he took her towards one of the buildings in the back. He drug her down to the basement and locked her in the cell. He stared at her, "So this is where you will stay now." He said.


    Starr walked with him, "So what are you doing with me now?" She asked. She frowned as he pulled her along. She hoped that they wouldnt kill her but she didnt expect things to go well for her.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 6th, 2018 at 04:32am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa felt him drag her through the village ignoring the wandering eyes. She gasped as she stumbled through the basement as he ignored her small legs and just kept walkig. She watched as he locked her in a cell. She turned her back on him and said, "I suppose it will be." She didn't want him to see the emotions on her face or the fear in her eyes.

    Blaze dragged her into the basement lightly before opening one of the cells and said, "You have to go in now. I"ll be back later. They want to talk to you." He said before leaving her locked in the cell and headed upstairs to go talk to the people.

    (Now what? xD)

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 6th, 2018 at 04:40am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [I thought I replied to this. Facepalm ]

    Jace smirked as he watched her, "I hope you like it." He said before he left her there in the dark basement. He had some things he needed to take care of. They were planning to attack and get rid of the rest of her compound.
    Starr frowned as he shut the door and glared at him. She sighed as she looked around the small cell. She crossed her arms as she thought about what she was going to do. She knew she needed to get out of the place which was going to be very difficult.

    [I really am not sure. If you have any ideas I would take them. Maybe they can escape or something? Or maybe they could get attacked by something?]

    @ Joker;
    September 24th, 2018 at 08:59pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (It's alright. Maybe the guys start having flashbacks??)

    Alyssa flipped her violet hair away from her face smacking against the bars in distress. She shok her head as he left. "I hope you die." She hissed before just pacing back and forth until the realization that her town was gone hit her. She crumbled to the floor shoving her face in her hands beginning to cry.

    Blaze ignored her as he went out shouldering past a bunch of the people he didn't know. He felt so out of place in this world now. He had sent medics to look at her finger figuring he shouldn't let her die without getting information from her first.

    @ Gunslinger;
    October 25th, 2018 at 02:27am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [Yes the flashbacks sound good. ]

    Jace chuckled when he heard her words, "I'm sure they will just bring me back." He teased. He walked to his room and got changed. He sat down on his bed and stared at the floor. Jace rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about what he needed to do. He felt like now that he had her he needed to ask questions.
    Starr frowned as he left then sat down. She rolled her eyes as the medics came and let the guy look at her hand. She noticed her had a needle in his bag. When he wasnt looking she stabbed him with it and injected him. She watched as he passed out then got up and walked out quietly. She slipped out of the area and started to look for a way out.

    @ Joker;
    October 25th, 2018 at 03:24am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa shook her head hearing his words, "If they do, I'll kill you. Everytime." Her voice dripped with venom. She sniffled as she looked down at her hands clenching them as she just hid her face in her knees feeling the weight of the world coming down on her as she did so .

    Blaze had let several guards know to look out for Star since she was fond of escaping and made sure there were several guards to lead her to her cell every which way she went. He sighed as he headed to his room to rest for a bit. He took his shirt off revealing fresh bruises from protecting her. He winced a little before sighing as he put his head into his hands lightly.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 20th, 2018 at 04:08am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace sighed as he sat down and watched her for a moment. He wanted to know more about how her people had lived. "Tell me more about your way of life." He said as he leaned back against the chair. He knew she would probably fight him about the subject.

    Starr bit her bottom lip lightly as she made her way down the hallway. She hid from the guards as she slipped through a doorway that was about to close. Apparently it was a very secure place. All she knew was that Blaze was in his room so she had a chance to fool the others. She wasn't expecting one of the guards to find the hurt man and alert Blaze though.

    @ Joker;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:15am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa shook her heading hearing his words. "Just leave me alone. Haven't you done enough?" She begged him turning to look at him tears falling from her beautiful eyes as her violet hair swung back and forth, curls caressing her face tenderly.

    Blaze sighed hearing someone. He looked down his balcony listening intently before he jumped down and turned the corner barreling into her. He sighed before he grabbed her arm and jumped back onto the balcony not caring if he scared her anymore. He threw her onto the bed before he locked his room. "Looks like i'm the only one that can watch you. How are you even this active with a finger cut off?" He demanded his shirt still off showing thousands upon thousands of scars as well as the fresh bruises.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:20am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace frowned, "What? I can't fucking ask a question." He growled. He wanted to know more about her and what happened while he was gone. The people that brought him back had been very vague about what was happening.


    Starr let out a small scream when Blaze grabbed her. She wasn't expecting it and the next thing she knew he was throwing her on the bed. She glared at him, "Fuck you. It's not my fault your little guards suck at their jobs." She said. She noticed all the scars on his body and she wondered how bad his life actually was before things got bad.

    @ Joker;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:25am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    "No." Alyssa replied glaring at him. "No, you gave up that right when you blew them all up!" She wailed slapping a hand over her mouth as she remembered all of their faces, putting her head against the wall gently as she cried not caring anymore. "Just leave me alone!" She screamed.

    Blaze sighed hearing her words ignoring her for the most post as he searched around his room, having never been it until tonight. He glared at her with a roll of his eyes, "Not my fault, either. Looks like you'll be with me 24/7 then. Congratulations." He told her forgetting about his scars. He winced at one of the fresh bruises rolling his shoulder blade.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:34am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace glared at her, "Fine, don't fucking tell me. This is where you will dtay though. it's not like you have something to go back to." He said as he got up. He was pissed off and he just wanted to hurt someone. He couldn't bring himself to do that to Alyssa.


    Starr sat up on his bed as he looked through the room. She could tell he was uncomfortable and on edge. She didn't say anything as she stared at the blanket on the bed. Being with him was the worst thing imaginable. "How did you get the scars?" She asked quietly, not looking at him.

    @ Joker;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:38am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa's head whipped up hearing his words as she lunged at the bars her hand going through just enough to slap him. "I WOULD IF YOU HADN'T KILLED THEM! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? FINISH THE JOB!" She screamed at him her eyes shutting tears falling down her face profusely. "JUST KILL ME!" She yelled at him not understanding why she was even there.

    Blaze ran a hand through his hair before his head started to hurt again. He winced before he shook his head getting some water and drinking it. Hearing Starr's question, he glanced back. "Well, you know what the burn ones are from, but the rest, well, it's a combination of people trying to kill me and like you I didn't have a mom around so my dad beat the hell out of me. Maybe it made him mad that I looked like her or maybe it was the fact that she died giving birth, I don't know but my old man beat the shit out of me." He said his back to her as his glare fell on the window a tired look crossing his features reflecting onto the glass.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:46am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace walked over and grabbed the bars, "I am not going to fucking kill you. You will stay here and think about how horrible your people were. I will keep you alive until I want you dead." He snapped.

    Starr frowned as he explained his horrible childhood. No wonder he was filled with such hate. "I'm sorry it was that bad." She whispered. She was honestly exhausted from everything. She was tired of running and fighting. She just wanted to sleep. She took her shoes off then laid under the blankets on his bed, facing the wall. She was listening to him talk and fell asleep.

    @ Joker;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:51am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Alyssa glared at him hearing his words. She spit in his face walking away from the bars before sitting back down. "They weren't horrible. We just lived for ourselves and took care of each other trying to survive." She whispered before hiding her face in her legs refusing to talk to him anymore. She started to shiver from the cold and from shock.

    Blaze heard her words before shaking his head, "That's what your mom said." He muttered looking out the window leaning against the wall. He glanced back seeing that she was asleep. He sighed glad that he didn't have to worry about her running now. HE sat down pulling a shirt on before wincing at his head whimpering slightly from the pain as he grabbed it finally the pain getting bad enough that he was crumpled onto the floor.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 20th, 2018 at 06:55am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jace glared at her when she spit in his face. He wanted to beat her but when she started to talk he wiped his face off. "They didn't take care of each other well enough." He said.


    Starr woke up when she heard a noise, seeing Blaze on the ground. "What's wrong?" She asked before she slipped off the bed and to the floor near him. She could tell he was in a lot of pain. "Hey, answer me." He said as she began to rub his temples to ease the pain. She knew he was a horrible person, but his pain worried her.

    @ Joker;
    December 20th, 2018 at 07:00am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    "How were we supposed to know that a monster would come for us?" Alyssa whispered before leaning against the wall, crying herself to sleep. Once she was asleep, she had laid down her face turning to face him, tears still falling from her closed eyes as she cried in her sleep.

    Blaze didn't answer as the pain got more severe. He ground his teeth together slamming his fist into the floor the floor shaking from the force. He felt her hands on his temples and gasped from the pain beginning to see her mother, "(Mother's name), where are we meeting Jason to go over the plan?" He demanded. "Don't tell your husband. I'm not kidding, okay? He'll hurt you." He told her worry clearly written across his face. He thought Starr was her mother and was practically living back in his other life.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 20th, 2018 at 07:07am