Our Way of Life

  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    "I'll be fine. I'm excited to kick some demon ass." Dean grinned as he led her to a small coffee shop, not far from the motel. It was more of a diner, but it was 24 hours and it seemed like a good place to just relax. Dean never got nervous before big cases, but he felt nervous on Angelina's behalf. "What're you having?" he asked, letting Angelina choose a seat for them both to bask in the 6:30am sunlight.

    "Thanks, Sam." She smiled. "It's just uh," Allie debated with herself for a long moment. "After we lost Amy, and we started hunting, I left a lot behind." She shrugged. "I had a witch, uh, cast a spell on my boyfriend, my parents, my little brother... so that they could forget me. I didn't want them worrying, and I didn't want any demon or fucker going after them." She exhaled, twisting the ring around her finger once more. "But I've been mourning my loss for two years and I think I need to move on." She exhaled, looking at the ceiling.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 07:16pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    "I'll have a latte please," Angelina replied, choosing to sit near the window and watching as Dean sat down opposite her. Getting her head out of everything that had just happened, Angelina started thinking about the case and wondered what they were walking in to.

    Listening as Allie finally opened up a little, Sam found that he could relate and cleared his throat as he responded. "I know how it feels to lose a part of who you are, my mom was killed when I was just a baby and I lost my girlfriend not long after Dean came to find me at college. The guilt I felt for there sacrifice seemed overwhelming at first, even now I think about Jess and it hurts. You did what was best for them, which I guess in a way was what was best for you and Angelina... they're all safe because you were brave enough to let them go."
    June 23rd, 2018 at 07:26pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean nodded at Angelina with a smile. "How are you feeling after opening up?" Dean asked, grabbing a napkin from the dispenser and tearing it apart, bit by bit, so he had something to do with his hands. Dean got restless when he was sat still for too long, he was always so used to being in the thick of it. But he sensed that Angelina needed peace right now, and so he refrained from jumping into the deepest depths of the case. "Are you riding shotgun again?"

    Looking at Sam, Allie found herself shocked that their situations were so familiar. "I don't feel brave, Sam." She murmured. "I was one of those people that were family over everything, and I lost them all in one night." She ducked her head, trying to get over her anxiety of opening up to Sam. "I was meant to start a family with Jack, we were a week from graduating and I just..." she blinked her tears away. "Sometimes I feel like I made a silly decision cause I don't know if I'll ever find that happiness again." She shrugged, trying to change the subject so she didn't seem weak.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 07:34pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    "I don't know, better I guess," Angelina told him with a shrug, noticing the way he tried to keep his hands busy and feeling warmth wash through her, "If it's okay with Sam, I don't want to take his spot..."

    "It was definitely brave," Sam repeated, sensing that Allie hadn't quite got around to forgiving herself and wanting to help her, "You get more than one shot at happiness, plus who knows if your life would have worked out any different if you hadn't of had that spell cast... this may seem like its a change in subject but do you blame Angelina for everything that happened as much as she does?
    June 23rd, 2018 at 07:44pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    "I'm glad you feel better." Dean confirmed. "Sam'll be okay, he'll be happy to have an excuse to sit in the back seat with Allie." He chuckled, shaking his head. As the waitress came over, Dean put in their order - one latte, and one black coffee, giving her his award winning smile. "I just can't wait to kick demon ass, get on the road, do what we do best."

    "I don't blame Angelina at all." Allie frowned. "Amy was possessed, she was acting odd. Violent. Mean. Angelina made the right decision, and there's no blame on her. As for me, I made my decision without influence. It can't be undone now." Allie shrugged, slipping off her promise ring. "You gotta understand, Sam, I love Ang so much. She's seen me through times where I thought my world was falling. I could never blame her."
    June 23rd, 2018 at 07:49pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    Noticing the way that the waitress was looking at Dean, Angelina averted her attention out the window and sighed. Dean was charming and sweet, something that she didn't deserve... but he made her feel alive again. Nodding in agreement to his last comment, Angelina waited for their order and made her way out to where the car was still parked.

    Happy that there was no hidden blame on Allie's side towards Angelina, Sam smiled and found himself wondering if Allie saw the turmoil that Angelina was going through. "I understand that, I see how you are together and it reminds me a lot of me and Dean. Just make sure that she knows that because I've seen the look that she has in her eyes, I've felt what she's going through and if I'm correct it will be ripping her apart. As for your decision, I hope that I can be part of the solution to you moving on and realizing that you can find that happiness again if you're open to finding it."
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:00pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean frowned as he noticed the waitress staring at him. Looking to Angelina, Dean pulled a face. "Yikes." He laughed, shaking his head as he unlocked Baby. "Mine and Sam's room looks empty, he must be with Allie." Dean shrugged. "Do you wanna go and get them?"

    Allie nodded silently, feeling awful for not telling Angelina just how much she was appreciated. "I uh," Allie cleared her throat. "Alright." She nodded, putting her ring on her locket necklace. Inside the locket was a photo of Toby on one side, and her parents on the other. "I will."
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:05pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    Heading back to the room she had shared with Allie, she tapped on the door to make sure that they knew she was there and poked her head around the door, "We're ready to go as soon as you are," she announced, letting the door swing close as they both nodded and waiting outside for Allie.

    Knowing that he had done something good, Sam watched as Allie slipped a ring onto a chain that hung around her neck and silently offered to do it back up. Moving Allie's hair aside, he did it up and turned towards the door as someone knocked lightly. Smiling as Angelina appeared, he nodded at the announcement that they were ready to go and led the way out the door.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:10pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Allie looked at Sam as he led her to the door, biting her lip. "Thank you..." she murmured. Seeing Angelina, Allie beamed, hugging her friend tightly, nearly knocking Angelina over with the force of the hug. "Ang, I don't blame you for anything." She said, coming right out with it. "Please don't ever think I hate you or blame you for anything. I don't." She pulled away, smiling weakly. "I'm ready. We're ready. We're moving on." She promised.

    Dean smiled as Allie held Angelina tightly, nodding at Sam as he joined them. "I think we've made some progress." He commented. "You alright sitting in the back? I've offered Angelina shotgun again." He grinned mischievously.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:14pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    Grunting as Allie barrelled into her, Angelina frowned at the other girl's sudden burst of affection and hugged her back just as tight. Smiling as Allie spoke, Angelina nodded as a lump again formed in her throat and kept her arm around her friend's shoulders as they made their way back towards the car.

    Joining Dean at the Impala, Sam turned to watched the girl's and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm alright sitting in the back... more than alright actually. We need to be careful with them though, Dean, they are fragile... so if this is one of your plans for a quick one night stand, then don't go any further with Angelina..." Sam warned feeling protective of Angelina as well as Allie.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:25pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    "It's not," Dean promised. "I actually feel some sort of connection with her. I wanna get to know her, you know? These girls will make a great addition to us. Just gotta see them in action." Dean commented, looking at the girls as they approached. "Ready?" He asked with a smile.

    "Ready." Allie confirmed, looking at Angelina with a smile. Letting everything off her chest had been a weight lifted off her shoulders. "What're we waiting for? We got demons to kill." Allie smirked, throwing her bag into the backseat.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:29pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    Knowing that his brother was actually telling the truth, Sam smiled at the idea of his brother settling down and wondered if he could actually do it. Dean had always been popular with the ladies and he knew it, but this whole situation was new for both of them... and it needed to be handled in the right way.

    Climbing in the car without a word, Angelina fastened her seatbelt and let her head rest against the cool window. She needed this case, she needed an escape from all the emotional turmoil she was feeling and she knew that all of that would disappear once she killed herself some demons.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:42pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean climbed into the drivers seat, buckling his belt. Waiting for Sam to do the same, Dean brought Baby to life with a brilliant roar from her engine. It was obvious that Dean loved and respected his car, and he tapped her steering wheel gently. "Alright." He murmured, pulling out of the parking lot, glancing over at Angelina to make sure she was okay.

    Allie felt her skin still tingling from Sam's touch as he helped her refasten her locket. She wondered if happiness could be found again, secretly hoping she found it within Sam. Glancing to Angelina to make sure she was okay; Allie got comfortable in her seat, looking out of her window.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:46pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Feeling the car vibrate as it was started, Angelina felt Dean's eyes on her as they left the parking lot and kept her gaze on the passing scenery. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to slip into unconsciousness and let go of everything.

    Getting comfortable, Sam thought back to how willingly Allie had let him help her and saw that as a positive step forward. It was always a step in the right direction to allow others to help in his opinion, looking over as Allie checked on Angelina, Sam smiled to himself and softly knocked his knee against hers.

    @ sakura blues.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:51pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean focused on driving. He was carrying precious cargo and the last thing he wanted was to crash and possibly injure Angelina. He looked back at her as the road went quiet, seeing she was asleep. He smiled to himself, staying silent as he drove towards Illinois; the last place he and Sam had heard of demon activity.

    Allie giggled at Sam, shaking her head as she gently knocked her knee against his, throwing a smile his way. "Dork," she commented. When she and Jack were together, they'd always call each other dork and nerd, and it was always done lovingly. She smiled wider at the memory, hoping Jack was happy.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 08:56pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    The nightmare started as it always did with a long dark corridor that had one door at the very end of it, she could hear Amy screaming her name and the echoes of the exorcism that was used on her seemed to bounce around her head. Making her way towards the door, she swallowed nervously as the screaming grew louder and pushed open the door.

    Grinning as Allie nudged his knee back, Sam gasped in shock as she called him a dork and shook his head. "Nerd," Sam replied, seeing a glimmer of something in Allie's eyes and frowning as Dean shushed them both from the driver's seat.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 09:02pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    "Shh," Dean scolded the two in the back. "Angelina's sleeping." He expertly moved Baby through traffic as it began to build, watching as Angelina twitched slightly. Placing a hand on hers to subconsciously reassure Angelina and himself, Dean continued to drive with one hand.

    Allie heard Sam's reply, turning to look at him with a big, genuine smile, her heart soaring with happiness. He wasn't Jack, she didn't even want to compare him to Jack, but hearing him call her a nerd was the best thing she'd ever heard. Gently, she nudged his knee with hers again, biting her lip to try to contain her smile. Instead of focusing on the passing scenery, Allie turned to look at Sam, suddenly finding herself more interested in him.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 09:06pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    Entering the room, she spotted the dark silhouette of a person standing in the corner and slowly approached them. Reaching out her hand to touch who she assumed was Amy, she gently called her friends name and jumped back as the shadow spun around to face her. Waking with a gasp, Angelina took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and refused to look at anyone in the car.

    Sam chuckled at Dean's scolding and felt his heart soar as Allie grinned at him, knocking her knee against his again. "Is this your version of footsie under the table?" he whispered, leaning closer to her and resting his knee so that it touched hers with a smirk.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 09:15pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    "You alright, Angelina?" Dean asked quietly, not wanting to draw Sam or Allie's attention. He had noticed her deep breathing and her gasp, and he wanted to protect her from whatever was troubling her.

    "I was born to be annoying." Allie whispered back with a laugh, subconsciously moving towards Sam, her new found confidence so strange to her. "Why, is this your version of flirting?" She raised her eyebrows with curiosity.
    June 23rd, 2018 at 09:18pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ sakura blues.

    "Fine," Angelina mumbled, pulling her hand away from his and looking at the road ahead of them, "How long until we reach our destination?" she asked, wanting to get out of the car and far away from the conversation that she knew would follow.

    "I wouldn't say that you were annoying, more... geeky," Sam retorted, noticing how close they were, "This is my best stuff, if you are expecting anything more then you will be disappointed and I'm all for being upfront about my awkwardness when it comes to girls."
    June 23rd, 2018 at 09:24pm