rest of our lives

  • mikrokosmos.

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    Nancy laughed at Stiles' last remark. "I'll be sure to think of my best comebacks." She smiled, holding her books to her chest as she noticed Stiles was trying to decipher her. Seeing Amelia, Nancy waved, showing her sister she was there. "Uh, right, well," Nancy cleared her throat. "It was great meeting you, Stiles," she nodded, walking over to Amelia and Scott. "Everything alright here?" She asked, able to pick up Scott's werewolf scent, instantly looking at the young, awkward dweeb in front of her, raising her eyebrows.

    Scott looked at Nancy, before his gaze shifted once more to Amelia. "Well, I hope you like it here." He smiled. "It's a great place." He looked at Stiles, nodding in confirmation, knowing he'd understand. "Have a uh, a great day." Scott mentally facepalmed at his own awkwardness, but he couldn't bring himself to bring up Lycanthropy in a busy school hallway. Grabbing Stiles by the sleeve; Scott dragged him along. "They're werewolves alright," he nodded. "No doubt about it. Now I'm wondering if Derek knows something we don't."
    July 1st, 2018 at 08:05pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amelia breathed out with relief when Scott and the other boy left and she stared after them before looking at Nancy with concern. "He definitely knows what we are, Nana," she said with concern, "And, I mean, he seems like a nice guy, but our Alpha seemed like a nice guy at first, too - and, beyond that, if there's one werewolf here, what are the chances that there are more? What if it attracts him here?" That was the thing Amelia feared the most, their Alpha catching up with them.

    Stiles gave a startled noise as Scott was dragging him away, waving at Nancy as he followed Scott. "It was nice meeting you!" he called to her before stumbling a bit to match Scott's pace so his friend didn't have to drag him anymore. He listened to his friend, nodding. "Yeah, I thought that might be the case when I saw her in class. But, she doesn't seem bad or anything, at least, so maybe it's not such a bad thing that other werewolves are here? Or maybe it is. I don't know." He snorted, though. "You don't actually expect Derek to tell us anything, do you?"
    July 1st, 2018 at 09:01pm
  • mikrokosmos.

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    Nancy waved at Stiles, before putting a comforting hand on Amelia's arm. "Hey," she smiled. "We've got this. I don't know, Mia, he seems nice. If he wanted to attack us, or kill us, or beat us, surely he would've done it by now." Nancy sighed, although her fears were exactly the same as Amelia's. "All we can do is it play this by ear, see how it goes. Remember, fresh start." She looked in the direction in which Stiles and Scott went, smiling at how goofy the skinnier boy was. "Besides, friends might be what we need right now. Allies."

    Scott raised his eyebrows at Stiles' behaviour, before shaking his head - Stiles was always slightly over the top. "I don't know, Stiles, I think they're hiding, they're trying not to draw attention to themselves, but who could they be hiding from?" Scott groaned as he entered the changing rooms. "Maybe asking Derek is a good idea - I still don't trust him, but it's worth asking, he might know all the werewolves around this area." Scott explained. "He might know others, not just in Beacon Hills." Scott threw off his shirt, grabbing his Lacrosse jersey.
    July 1st, 2018 at 09:10pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amelia took a breath, trying to calm down, and nodded to Nancy's words. "Yeah, I guess," she murmured, "It's just... Hard. Being normal is hard." And, she was sure a lot of it had more to do with what they'd gone through rather than them being werewolves, but she'd been so hopeful for the both of them, that they could get through this. "Right, maybe you're right." She nodded carefully. "I guess we won't know unless we try."

    "Oh, when you say that they're hiding something, that's never good. I'm usually the one with the conspiracy theories and paranoia," Stiles said, making a slight face as he looked to his best friend while he worked on getting changed. "I don't know, man. I mean, we could always just ask, but I don't know if they'd willingly give up that information. And, I don't really trust Derek not to immediately jump down their throats and try to intimidate them."
    July 1st, 2018 at 10:10pm
  • mikrokosmos.

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    "Being normal definitely is hard." Nancy nodded. "But we gotta work towards it." Nancy squeezed Amelia's arm gently. "That Scott boy seems nice," she commented, not wanting to say much about Stiles. "And if he's a werewolf, then we might be able to not stick out so much. Safety in numbers." Nancy sighed, leading the way down the hall, not wanting to admit her curiousity about Stiles. "We've got this. We didn't escape for nothing."

    Scott frowned at the thought. "I don't think they're hiding something bad, I just, can't put my finger on it." Scott confessed, blinking. "Maybe we should come right out and ask them? Did Amelia's friend say anything to you in your class?" He asked. "Amelia seemed... I don't know, a little shy, so I need to know which one would be willing to talk more, but they seem close." Scott conspired, grabbing his helmet. "Derek might be our only option, if we keep a close eye on him."
    July 1st, 2018 at 10:15pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Right, you're absolutely right," Amelia said, nodding slightly as she tried to convince herself that they could do this. Like Nancy said, they just had to work towards it. She smiled gratefully with her friend's attempt at comforting her. "I didn't really talk to him much. God, I feel like I was super rude, but I was just... So on guard," she muttered, making a slight face, "I should apologize next time I see him. Especially if we want that safety in numbers thing." She offered a small smile, though. "That other kid seemed super awkward. I saw him wave at you." Grinning teasingly, she nudged her friend.

    "You're so trusting," Stiles teased lightly but shook his head slightly in thought, finishing changing as he grabbed his own helmet. "I could handle that, if you want? It's not like I've never just directly approached somebody about this stuff before." He shrugged slightly. "When the teacher bothered me, she spoke up, called him out for being a dick, basically. After class, we talked a bit, but besides her name, I didn't get much out of her, especially since she left when she saw you and that other girl talking." He nodded, though, as he listened to his friend. "Nancy seemed to speak her mind. Outspoken, definitely. She might be the best bet." He made a face with the mention of Derek, though, and nodded. "If you're sure."
    July 2nd, 2018 at 12:51am
  • mikrokosmos.

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    Nancy nodded, but her face lifted into a smile at the mention of Stiles. "He's cute, shut up." She retaliated lamely. "I think he understood," Nancy continued, referring to Scott. "He seemed pretty awkward himself, he and Stiles deserve each other." She snorted with laughter, shaking her head at the thought. "Of course you and I attract the dorks." She teased. "I'm starving, let's go get some food."

    "She stood up for you?" Scott questioned, raising his eyebrows. "We can always ditch Lacrosse and go and find them, but I don't know if Coach would be too happy about that. Plus, what if we looked like stalkers?" Scott ran a hand through his hair, clearly torn between what was right and what was easy. "Werewolves just don't turn up out of nowhere, Stiles." Scott pointed out. "That other girl is called Amelia, though." Scott tried to pass his comment off as casual, but he sounded much more defensive than he meant to. "What do you think, should we go say hi? If we don't get anywhere, we can talk to Derek for some advice."
    July 2nd, 2018 at 12:57am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I see that smile," Amelia teased lightly, much more comfortable with talking to her sister than she had been with talking to pretty much anybody else. Shifting, she nudged Nancy teasingly, but she nodded slightly. "Yeah, they seem like some dynamic duo." A small, joking grin formed on her face, but she shrugged. "It's better than attracting psychos... Oh, God, I'm gonna jinx us." She made a face but nodded to the suggestion and went to search for the food.

    "You could pretend to get hurt, I could pretend to take you to the Nurse's office," Stiles offered easily in response, though he shrugged slightly. "We'll seem like creeps either way when we ask them all the questions I'm sure we have, so looking like stalkers? Not exactly the worst thing that could happen at this point. Actually, the worst thing that could happen would be them reacting poorly and trying to kill, you know, me, since I'm human. That would not be fun." He blinked, though, at how defensive his friend had gotten and arched a brow. "Right, okay, Amelia, you said her name before. It's just a name." He watched him but nodded. "Yeah, we should definitely talk to them."
    July 2nd, 2018 at 01:48am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    "Shut up," Nancy laughed, rubbing her face out of embarrassment. "He's cute, and he's so funny, I hate him." She laughed, only letting her guard down around Amelia. "But honestly, they do seem like a dynamic duo. You know, like..." She paused. "I don't know." She shrugged. "Either way, they're a bunch of awkward dorks, and so are we, works out nicely." Nancy nudged Amelia, following her closely.

    Scott sighed. "Sorry, Stiles," he apologised. "It's just... I don't know, it's weird, I wanna know more about them. Amelia especially." He confessed, wondering if this was natural instinct or if it was a ridiculous teenage crush. Thinking, Scott bit his lip, before tugging off his Lacrosse jersey. "C'mon," he dumped his helmet back down. "We're doing this, and we're going to look weird, but I just gotta know - but do you think Nancy would kill you?" Scott laughed, having noticed how Stiles was speaking about her, like Stiles had noticed how he was speaking about Amelia. "Plus, some more friends for us would be cool, at least we won't be teased by Jackson."
    July 2nd, 2018 at 01:56am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amelia laughed quietly. "It doesn't seem like hate to me," she teased lightly, grinning to her friend, wanting to encourage her as much as she could, because she wanted Nancy to be happy. Plus, Nancy deserved somebody good and if the other guy ended up being good for Nancy, Amelia wanted that and she'd definitely do everything she could to let Nancy know she deserved it. "Oh, yeah, it definitely works out nicely, except the awkwardness makes it really hard for any of us to converse naturally." She smiled jokingly, but walked into the cafeteria when they got there.

    Stiles listened to his friend and shrugged slightly. "I dealt with you trying to rip me apart on your first full moon. I think I can handle you getting a little too defensive," he teased lightly before blinking, though he nodded and tugged off his Lacrosse jersey and helmet, quickly changing back into his regular shirt. "Alright, then, let's do this, what's the worst-" He paused, though, when he realized his friend's question and thought for a moment, thinking back to Nancy and how she'd stood up for him, but more so about how she'd just so easily caught his attention. "Honestly? No, I don't think so. She could have done that already if she wanted to." He smiled but shrugged. "You ready to go?"
    July 2nd, 2018 at 02:33am
  • mikrokosmos.

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    Nancy blushed, hiding her face. "I'm gonna kick you so hard." She threatened, not used to having a petty, school girl crush, jokingly peering from behind her hands, following Amelia closely. "I mean, our awkwardness can be overcome with inside jokes and food, it's gotta be the same for them." She shrugged, finding a table in the corner, where they couldn't be disturbed. "It's the full moon next week, are we still coming in?" She frowned, nervous now that she knew Stiles was probably aware of things. Nancy didn't want him to think any less of her.

    "C'mon," Scott grinned, shaking his head at Stiles in a false dismay. "It's free period, so they might be in the library, cafeteria..." Scott listed off, mainly talking to himself at this point. "Are you gonna ask the questions?" Scott didn't like to openly admit it, but he needed Stiles' support during times like this. Scott thought about how Amelia looked for a moment, smiling as he envisioned her. She had captured his interest so quickly, partly because she was beautiful, partly because he was curious about how she came into lycanthropy. "It's a full moon next week, maybe if we get close, the girls can help me with ripping you apart." Scott joked.
    July 2nd, 2018 at 02:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amelia laughed in response, unable to help it. If there was one person she felt completely comfortable around without feeling like a completely awkward and shy mess, it was Nancy. "Maybe," she said with amusement, "I guess, if your new interest decides to try to get close to you, we'll find out." Smiling, she sat down, setting her bag down at her feet, though she blinked with the mention of it and she shifted a bit, leaning back in her eat. "I... Don't really know. We've never dealt with the full moon alone, and definitely not at school..."

    "Cafeteria first, then - you guys love food," Stiles joked lightly, grinning over at his friend, though he nodded quickly without even having to think about it. "I can definitely ask the questions." There was plenty of questions that he had, after all. And, maybe they could learn some things from the girls. Of course, Stiles was mostly hopeful to be able to spend more time with Nancy. Despite having only met her that morning, he found himself wanting to know more about her, wanting to know her. "Oh, that's not funny!" He pointed an accusing finger at his friend.
    July 5th, 2018 at 07:43pm
  • mikrokosmos.

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    "He's not an interest," Nancy tried to dismiss the claims of crushing from Amelia, but she found herself blushing, despite her attitude. "He's just this cute, nerdy boy in my class. Nothing more." Nancy shrugged off her bag, dumping it next to Amelia's and sitting back in the chair, resting her feet on the table. "We'll guide each other through it, don't worry." Nancy reassured. "Plus, we're halfway to controlling our transformations - just gotta practice, right?" Nancy reached over to take her sister's hand.

    "It's totally funny," Scott dismissed Stiles' accusing finger, leading the way into the cafeteria. Looking to the table in the corner, Scott saw Amelia and Nancy, both relaxed and laughing, and suddenly, Scott felt guilty for intruding. "How do we go about this?" He looked to Stiles, exhaling anxiously, although his gaze drifted back to Amelia. Her smile was something so brilliant, he found himself breathless at her beauty. "How do we not look weird?"
    July 5th, 2018 at 08:07pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "He's totally an interest," Amelia teased lightly, grinning over at her friend. As shy as she was, her sister had always made it easier for Amelia to just lighten up; and, in reality, Amelia enjoyed teasing Nancy, it made their bond feel more real. Still, her expression softened and she smiled, nodding as she gave Nancy's hand a squeeze. "Right, of course." She had to believe it, at least. She wanted things to go well for them. "We'll work on it until we perfect it."

    "You wouldn't say that if your fangs are at my neck, completely not funny," Stiles complained with a huff as they walked, though he paused at the entrance to the cafeteria. It didn't take long for him to find Nancy and his gaze settled on her for a long moment, focused on her, just enjoying how she looked in that moment, before he realized that Scott had spoken and he cleared his throat. "Uh, do you know us? There's no way for us to not look weird. We might as well embrace it and use it to our advantage."
    August 11th, 2018 at 07:50pm
  • mikrokosmos.

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    Nancy ignored everything Amelia had said prior to controlling their transformations. “Exactly.” Turning her gaze away, Nancy saw Stiles and Scott, and just seeing the dorky boy was enough to make Nancy more attentive. “Here come the cavalry,” she murmured to Amelia, letting go of her sister’s hand.

    Scott laughed, shaking his head. “I was normal until I met you.” He complained jokingly, leading Stiles down to where the girls sat. “Amelia, Nancy, hey.” He smiled. “Fancy seeing you here.” He mentally facepalmed at how awkward he sounded, but he looked to Stiles for support.
    August 11th, 2018 at 07:57pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amelia grinned teasingly to her friend, but blinked, peering over at the guys when the showed up. Shifting, she sat up straight, pulling her arms back to herself rather than allowing them to remain in their relaxed state on the table. "Hey," she greeted carefully, her brows furrowing.

    Stiles stared at his friend in almost bewilderment, almost offended that his friend had greeted the girls in such an uncool way. "Okay, back to the original plan, leave the talking to me," he told him firmly before sitting down, offering a smile to the girls, settling his gaze on Nancy. "Hey. Have you gotten lunch yet or have you two just been sitting here, chatting?"
    August 24th, 2018 at 10:09pm
  • mikrokosmos.

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    Scott caught Stiles' look of dismay and shook his head, sitting opposite Amelia. Scott never thought that he would gravitate towards someone so easily; but with Amelia, it all came so easily, he almost couldn't believe it. It brought Scott some comfort, knowing that the two girls sat in front of him were like him, a rare breed. He frowned at the thought, wondering how they got turned. Realising Stiles was speaking, Scott tuned himself back into the conversation.

    Nancy looked to Amelia. "Oh, we've just been sat here, gossiping about cute boys and bad teachers." She shrugged. "Free period." She elaborated, leaning forward in her chair a little. "How about you two, you seemed to come rushing in. Where's the fire?" She teased.
    August 24th, 2018 at 10:13pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Cute boys, huh? Any we might know?" Stiles asked, arching a brow as he watched Nancy, more than a little curious as to whether she was serious or not and whether any of the cute boys happened to be him. He couldn't help it. Realizing he'd gotten off track, though, he blinked and looked to Scott before he looked back to the girls. "Oh, uh, we just have a few serious questions to ask."

    "Asking about cute boys is a serious question?" Amelia asked carefully, but tried not to tense, because she was sure that was nowhere near what the real serious questions were. No, she had a pretty good idea of what the guys wanted to ask and she was sure Nancy did, too. The problem was that Amelia wasn't sure either of them were ready to talk about it to these guys.
    September 12th, 2018 at 02:03am
  • mikrokosmos.

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    Scott nudged Stiles when Stiles asked Nancy about the cute boys. “No, no,” He spoke a little too quick, aiming an apologetic smile at Amelia. “We know what you are. The both of you.” He looked between the girls. “And we want to ask you how you got here.” He focused on his hands for a moment, before looking back up, focusing his attention onto Amelia and trying to show her he wasn’t being hostile. He was just curious. “I’m new to all of this.”

    Nancy ducked her head at Scott’s question. “It’s a really long story.” She looked to Stiles apologetically. “Really. Plus, we wouldn’t want to bother you boys.”
    September 12th, 2018 at 02:09am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amelia watched Scott for a few moments, shifting a little uncomfortably with the thought of talking to these guys about what had happened to her and Nancy. They never really talked about it out loud in general; they knew what they'd both experienced, they never really acknowledged it vocally. Looking to Nancy, she wasn't sure what to do.

    "We have time," Stiles assured Nancy easily, watching her with concern when he saw the way she ducked her head. How apologetic she looked made him wonder just what she'd been put through for her to be so cautious about talking about it. Before he could really stop himself, he reached his hand out to place it over hers, giving it a squeeze. "If something's wrong, we want to help. So, you don't have to talk about it, but we're here if you do want to talk about it, and we'll listen and we definitely won't judge."
    September 30th, 2018 at 12:50am