Fake Love

  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    Jimin and Jungkook grinned and continued eating. “Elkie, are you okay?” Jungkook asked, looking over at the girl.

    Elkie sneezed a couple more times before jumping up and running off to the side, away from the others where she threw up. She came back a moment later and grabbed a blanket and pulled it around herself. Jin reached over and felt her head, frowning, “she’s burning up..” he sighed.
    August 20th, 2018 at 11:56pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia looked over at Elkie's body and saw where she had cut herself. "How long ago we're those cuts?" She asked Elkie, she hoped that they weren't recent becsuse they could have gotten infected by the salt water.
    August 21st, 2018 at 12:19am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    Elkie thought for a moment, “two nights ago...or three I can’t remember.” She said softly as she pulled the blanket tighter around her. Jin looked at Jia, “what are you thinking?” He asked her.
    August 21st, 2018 at 12:43am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia sighed and looked at Jin, "Because her wounds haven't healed completely, they may be infected because of the salt water and the sand. The infection can can cause her to get a fever and get sick." Jia informed Jin. "We need to get her to the hospital so that the doctors can clean the infected areas and give her some antibiotics." Jia continued befotr getting up and starting to pack up.
    August 21st, 2018 at 05:41pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    Jin nodded as everyone began packing up and getting their clothes back on. Jin grabbed Elkie’s clothes and then picked her up, keeping her wrapped in the blanket. “Got everything?” He asked them, which they all nodded or said yes, before heading back up to the cars.

    Jin let Taehyung and Yoongi get in first before handing them Elkie. He looked at Jia and Joon. “We’ll meet you guys there.” He said, climbing into the drivers seat.
    August 21st, 2018 at 05:47pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    When Jia and the rest of the boys got into Namjoon's truck and headed their way towards the hospital, Jia sighed. She was half annoyed and half worried. This day was supposed to be about having fun for once, but she was also worried about how bad the infections are and if Elkie will be okay or not. She sighed and looked at Namjoon, "When we get to the hospital, I'm going to take the cab back home. Tell Elkie, that if she wants to stay with me, she is going have to grow up and promise to not cut herself anymore." She told him, sighing slightly in anger. "I'll stop by the warehouse to dispose any blades and other sharp objects. I will also go through her things just to make sure she doesn't try to sneak anything in."
    August 22nd, 2018 at 08:02pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    Namjoon smiled a little and nodded. “Why doesn’t Elkie always ruin everything for us?” Jimin sighed from the backseat. “Sometimes I wish we never befriended her..” Jungkook admitted. “Guys stop.” Namjoon sighed as he got to the hospital. “Why? Everyone’s thinking it.” Jungkook said. Namjoon looked back at them, “Do you want to go back to the beach?” He asked them.

    The two boys nodded. Joon look at Hobi. “Will you take them back to the beach please? I’ll stay here with Jin, Yoongi and Tae can come with you.” Joon said.
    August 22nd, 2018 at 08:28pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia looked at Namjoon, feeling bad at how the boys just reacted. "Let me talk to them first. I think they all should be at the hospital to make sure that Elkie is okay." She told him and got out of the car. She pulled Jimin and Jungkook to the side.

    "Now you know that wasnt really nice to say about Elkie. I know that she has some growing up to do. But what if she's really sick?" Jia said to the boys. "I don't believe you really meant what you said about wishing you hadn't befriended Elkie did you?" She asked Jungkook.
    August 22nd, 2018 at 09:25pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    “I’m going to head inside.” Namjoon said, handing his keys to Hoseok just in case. He headed inside, only seeing Jin in the waiting room. “Where’s the boys?” He asked.

    “Elkie threw up on Taehyung so Yoongi took him to the restroom to clean him up. The doctors took Elkie. She collapsed when we got in here.” Jin said, sniffling a little. “Where’s everyone else?”

    “Jia is talking to Jimin and Jungkook. They said some pretty nasty things about Elkie on the ride here.” Namjoon said as he rubbed Jin’s back.

    “No...I guess not...but she always does ruin things for us.” Jimin sighed. “We just wanted to have a fun day today and we couldn’t even have that.” Jungkook sighed.
    August 22nd, 2018 at 09:31pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia looked at them and sighed softly. "I know, I wanted you guys to have fun as well. I had planned this day so we could all get away. The warehouse is starting to feel gloomy." She paused, and gently grabbed their chins in a motherly way. "I know Elkie do things that may seem selfish, and you have every right to be upset. But remember, you boys are all she has right now. But that doesn't mean, that we are going to let her get away with being selfish. Jin, Namjoon, and I have been talking to her about growing up and start acting like an adult and stop being making selfish decisions." She told the boys.

    Jia let go of their chins and pulled them into a hug. "We'll plan to go to the beach again soon. I promise I will not let you guys wait as long as you did to visit, even if I just take you myself." She said and then let them go. "What do you say about coming with me back to the warehouse and my apartment so we can get rid of any sharp objects and keep all knives and scissors out of reach so that Elkie can't cut anymore." She offered. She looked at Hoseok. "Tell Namjoon that the boys are going with me."

    Yoongi and Tae walked out of the bathroom and saw that Namjoon was in the waiting room with Jin. "Why did I have to get thrown up on. Ugh I wanna go home and take a long shower." Taehyung whined slightly. "Why does she keep putting us in these situations? Jimin had stop cutting himself over a year ago. I love Elkie, but it seems like if we get hurt or in touble, she has to make it all about her and then continue doing it so she has the attention to herself." Taehyung said getting frustrated but then stopped himself from getting to angry.
    August 22nd, 2018 at 10:04pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    “Can Taehyung come with us?” Jimin asked. Hoseok nodded, “I’ll go get him.” He said, handing Jia Namjoon’s keys before heading into the hospital.

    “Hey, Jia is taking the kids back to the warehouse and then her apartment. Jimin and Jungkook want Taehyung to go with them.” Hoseok said as he sat down.

    “Bye, behave for Jia.” Namjoon said as Taehyung quickly got up and left. Namjoon sighed as he leaned back in the seat.

    He sat up a moment later. “Jin, remember that car accident Elkie was in with her friend from summer camp when she was like eleven or twelve?” He said.

    “Yeah...kind of. I just remember she was in the hospital for a long time and missed the first two months of school.” Jin said. “Why?”

    “I don’t know if this is possible, but what if when that happened, it altered her brain? She did almost die and ever since then she’s had the mind of a child...I was just thinking of it when Taehyung mentioned about her always wanting to be the center of attention.” Namjoon said.

    Jin was shocked, to say the least. “You might be on to something. She was in a coma wasn’t she?” Jin said. “Yeah, yeah, she had bleeding on the brain but they stopped it...but what if her psychi disconnected? And that’s what causes her to act and think like a child.” Namjoon said.
    August 22nd, 2018 at 10:13pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia got into Namjoon's truck after Taehyung came out and got in. She started driving the hour and a half drive back to the warehouse. "So guys, fill me in. Jimin, I was told that you used to cut because your parents body shaming you and then Elkie started cutting because you were, meaning she had no real reason to cut, right?" She asked the younger boy who nodded. "Okay, when was the last time you cut?"
    August 24th, 2018 at 06:32pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    “I haven’t done any of that since three years ago.” Jimin said. “I still think about all of it but I’ve never done it. After I almost died, Jin hyung made me promise I would stop and I did.” He said as Jia started heading back to the warehouse.
    August 24th, 2018 at 09:12pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia nodded, "That's what I thought. So my theory is that Elkie really has no real reason to start cutting and that she only started because of the 'attention' you were getting." She said and saw that the boys nodded, knowing that she was spot on with her theory. "That's a big problem and very selfish of her to do something so harmful to herself just for the attention."
    August 24th, 2018 at 09:29pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    “She’s always been like that. Anytime one of us gets hurt, whether we do it ourselves or it’s an accident, she gets upset cause someone isn’t giving her attention.” Jungkook said. “Remember when Yoongi hurt his shoulder? Elkie went out and purposely had three of her ribs broken, none of us know how to this day but she always does this like Jungkook said.” Taehyung said.
    August 24th, 2018 at 09:44pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia nodded as she continued to listen to them talk. "That's not healthy at all. I think she needs to go see some help. I hate suggesting that, but at this point I almost feel like that none of us are going to be able to help her like the way we want to." She said before pulling up to the warehouse.
    August 24th, 2018 at 10:26pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    “Jin has suggested that in the past and she flipped out on us...she made a big deal and said we were trying to get rid of her and that we didn’t want to her friend anymore.” Jimin said softly as they got out. “Maybe if you talk to her, noona.” Jungkook said, looking at Jia.
    August 24th, 2018 at 10:41pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    Jia nodded, "I'll talk to her and maybe set her up with the therapist I used to go see when I was younger. She really helped me a lot when I was at my lowest, so I think she can help Elkie out too." She said smiling at the boys as she unlocked the door to the warehouse, letting the three younger boys go in first before going in herself and locking the door behind her. "Okay I want you guys to search yours and Elkie's room thoroughly and bring any sharp objects that you find to me." She told them.
    August 31st, 2018 at 10:10pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D

    “What about Yoongi’s room since she sleeps in there a lot?” Jungkook asked her before they went to the room that they all shared. Jimin knew where Elkie was hiding everything because he had done the same. Within five minutes, he had found four razors, two thumbtacks, a piece of glass and a nail file she made sharper so she could cut.
    August 31st, 2018 at 11:03pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ suga.

    "Yes go check his room. In fact, let's check every room just incase she hid anything else." Jia said as she left the kitchen and went to the room that Namjoon sleeps in. She found two razor blades and sighed, throwing them I the trash bag that she had in her hand.

    The doctor walked to the waiting room towards Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. "Elkie is fine now. We were able to flush the infection out of her system but she'll have to be on antibiotics for a month at least." She told the guys. "You are very lucky to have gotten here at the time you did, because her injuries and the infection were serious and it could have killed her. Have you guys tried to get her to see a therapist?"
    September 1st, 2018 at 10:56pm