A Broken Masterpiece

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Alexander Xavier West


    Cecilia "Cecily" O'Conner
    July 4th, 2018 at 06:44am
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Alexander stood at the end of his magnificent office, staring out at the beautiful city view through his large glass windows at the top of his building called West Industries on the 45th floor. The busy bustling city looming below him with neighboring skyscrapers scattered across and vehicles rushing to go to work, Alexander tucks his large clean hands in the pockets of his neatly pressed black dress pants. One of his realtors had just left his large luxury office, after filling out the remaining papers for the bank as well as the purchase of his very own art gallery. From owning buildings and businesses of many different assortment from bars to salons to stores, Alexander was excited to own something for himself. Usually his purchases were investments, made to loiter more money into his very successful company. Though he was originally doing communication design with just a small sum he made on his own and being hired by family friends or past people in his life, it had easily blew up as word spread of his excellent work and successes of other businesses that later turned out big. It started with hiring more people to help with graphics, communications, and design, to hiring a receptionist to answer calls to another receptionist to an assistant and as his company grew so did his wealth. Now easily making $250 million dollars annually, it was not long before Alexanders net worth grew to a billion. With the recent purchase of his art gallery, he had already had a few of his favorite pieces purchased and shipped towards his way. Now all he needed was a dream team for the beautiful gallery, constructed by a very famous architect with work that could not be replicated by an average builder. The director herself, Lucy, was a family friend of Alexanders, and he knew she was very capable of handling this role. It didn't take long for her to hire a trustworthy archivist and a marketing director with many people in between to maintain the integrity and sleekness of the art gallery from cleaners to art handlers, but she also had requested permission from Alexander to hire a intern to working alongside her so she could pass on her knowledge and experience of running an art gallery from sales to links with artists to purchases to organizing exhibitions. Hesitant to allowing a student with no experience be apart of his renowned gallery, he skeptically agreed with the requirement that he pick the intern himself to ensure their worth. Lucy had later that day forwarded at least 40 resumes to his email for the position of the art intern, and he had reviewed them briefly before calling one of his assistants to call in 10 of the candidates he thought were most able for today. Alexander buttoned his suit jacket, as he heard a faint knock at his office door. "Come in." He spoke smoothly, his voice clear yet gruff. Masculine. A tall skinny model material blonde with her hair pulled back in a smooth ponytail and a tight black pencil skirt walks in, her face flushing as she realized how beautiful her boss was. "I have Cecilia O'Conner in the waiting room for her interview at 2 o'clock." She says, clearly observing his face taking in every detail before she was forced to leave. "Thank you. Please send her in." He said. She was first of the 9 other candidates, scheduled in alphabetical order by first name. Pulling up his schedule, he realized that with the 10 candidates and a meeting at 3, these meet and greets were going to have to be short and sweet with a maximum of 5 minutes each. Besides, he only wanted to make sure this intern wasn't going to be a complete ditzy. He didn't want no ditzy in his gallery. For a busy CEO like himself, they were lucky to have time with him at all. "I will send her up." the pretty blonde scuttled away, closing the door behind her and peeking one last time with a faint blush. Alexander's blue eyes glowed in the sunlight, but were quickly darkened as he walked towards his chair and sat down folding his fingers neatly on his lavishing desk. Pulling open a drawer, he pulled out the folder of the applicants and took the first one which read "Cecelia O'Conner" at the top. Setting it down on his desk, he let out a annoyed sigh as he heard the familiar sound of the same assistant knocking, presumably with the first of his interviewee. "Come in." He said.
    July 4th, 2018 at 09:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Cecily stood in the elevator holding her jacket in her arm and smoothed down her maroon dress. It was a classy and yet simple design that made her look more sophisticated than she felt most days. Cecily was an artist at heart but she knew it didn't pay to be creative so she went to the next best thing selling art. She was finishing up her last year in school and when she heard about this opportunity to intern at the new gallery owned by the billionaire Mr. West she jumped at the opportunity pulling every trick she had out of the bag. She knew one year as an intern and she could get any job she wanted. This opportunity was just to good to miss so she decided no matter what it took she would show him her passion for art and for whatever vision it was he had for his company. She had done extensive research to help aid her in the interview. She had been expecting to interview with Ms. Lucy but she had said over the phone that Mr. West himself would be doing the interviews. She was so nervous but she looked calm and collected. Cecily looked up as the doors opened to another reception room. She blushed and then smiled slowly at the stunning blondes sitting at the the desks. She walked up and gave them her name and her business. They where short but polite. One took her jacket and Cecily hugged her notebook her her chest. She took a deep breath and took a seat as she was told to. She went over her points in her head as she sat waiting to be seen. Cecily looked up as the woman came back looking flushed. "Follow me." she said and then lead Cecily to a pair of huge double doors. Cecily was still looking up at them when the doors opened and the woman ushered her in. Cecily blushed and turned from the doors into the room. It was huge and stunning. She pulled back a gasp at that view. What she would do to get a few good sketches of it. Cecily looked over the room before her eyes landed on the man behind the huge desk. Cecily stumbled a little blushing as she caught herself on the arm of the chair. She bit her lip and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear looking up with big smokey eyes at the man watching her with a cool look. "Sorry." she whispered with her British accent that came out when she was nervous. Cecily stood and walked over to him silently cursing that she wore heels. She extended her hand to him. "Thank you for your time Mr. West." She said as they shook hands. He suggested they sit and she did setting her notebook in her lap pulling out a resume not that he didn't have one. She set it on his desk and then took a deep breath. He was a stunning man and her artist mind wanted to sketch every angle of him but she had to focus on her points now. Cecily smiled shyly at him. She wanted to say how excited she was about this opportunity or say she was here to smooth any reservation he might have but her babbling was not going to help him make a decision. He had question most undoubtedly so she would answer them and wait till he was ready. It was an excruciating few seconds waiting for him to speak. She kept going over in her head what a fool she must look like stumbling into his office like that. She pushed it out of her mind going over her points again but then his eyes met hers so serious and deep and lost her thoughts and apparently the ability to breath. She took in a deep breath listening o the question and answered honestly forgetting her points.
    July 4th, 2018 at 07:00pm
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    His tall blonde assistant lead Cecily in, and set down a cup of coffee for her boss as she left her hips swaying slightly her skirt flattering for her ass before she disappeared from the enormous office. Alexander looked at the shy looking brunette who stumbled, and he couldn't pull back the slightest of a amused smile. His eyes drifted to the resume she set down, and he picked it up. "Cecila O'Conner." He said. "What a pleasure to meet you, Ms. O'Conner." His voice was stable, and her name rolled off his tongue sexily. How could a man speak with such a professional businesses tone and yet sound so sexy? He stood up, offering his hand which she took with a very brief moments hesitation. Gently gripping it, he gave it a shake his closed off yet bright eyes locking with hers momentarily. Hmm. I would rather see her across my desk naked. He thought thought to himself, yet giving no hints to his internal thoughts. Though she held up surprisingly well, he could tell she was nervous from the way her teeth gently gripped into her lip and the way she seemed to avoid looking at him for too long. In a way it turned him on, exactly how he liked his women. Passive... Obedient. "Tell me Ms. O'Conner, why do you believe you're the best person for the intern position?" He leaned back in his chair relaxed, his masculine features emphasized by the natural lighting. He was a beautiful man, one that was very noticed by the public. He had made Peoples Hottest Man Alive as well as Worlds Hottest Rich Men as soon as he started making the media and magazine pages, and was consistently raved about to this day. It made sense why, from with his chiseled jaw to his stunning blue eyes to his masculine brawn physique. It was clear he was doing well for himself and taken care of. It was not common to see a man so handsome, even in the busy bustling city where people would stop and literally stare. He waited as she took a moment to gather her thoughts, as he could see her expression change as she seemed deep in thought. Alexander watched her observantly as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and his eyes scanned her. She was beautiful to say was not hard, and her aura was bright and young. Oh, yes. He would love to have her naked on his desk. Especially if she would call him Mr. West again, it sounded good on her. A tongue left her plush mouth as she licked her lips, preparing to speak and he watched it biting his own tongue. He couldn't deny that it was very hot, but held his cold cool composure as he listened as he always did his eyes glued onto her with a shiver worthy gaze.
    July 4th, 2018 at 11:22pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ juniperlily
    Cecily sat thinking about that question she had rehearsed over and over again. She licked over her lips opening her mouth to produce what she thought he wanted to hear when suddenly the truth came out and a light flush covered her cheeks. "To be quite honestly Mr. West there are probably more qualified candidates for this position, but I doubt that you find one more enthusiastic about art than I am. Nor do I believe that you would find one with an eye for it like I have. I see art all round but it is those special pieces that you and your buyers are looking for, I can find those." Cecily looked in in the eye as she spoke because this was her passion and it showed on her even in her nervous state it was obvious to see this was what she wanted more than anything and all she needed was someone to believe in that passion. Cecily set her hands in her lap her body still and composed even though her face revealed her emotions she was disciplined enough to be still. Cecily didn't know how this interview was going because she felt like a bottle of butterflies inside all whipping about into even more of a frenzy when Alexander West's eyes glazed over her. He was so cool on the outside but the depth of his eyes heard secrets and promises she would love to see unfold on her canvas.
    July 5th, 2018 at 01:42am
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Alexanders office chair let out a pathetic squeak as he leaned back, running his hand over the very light stubble that had begun to grown on his face again. Her pale skin become flushed as a pink delightfully ran over her cheeks, and he bit down on his tongue harder. "Well I appreciate the honesty, Ms. O'Conner." He said as he held her resume. "It says you're a student." He says, glancing over her education sector of her resume. "Where do you see yourself in five years?" He asks cooly. Do you see yourself tied up in my bed and willfully letting me punish that innocent face? He awaited for her answer, indulging in his dirty thoughts in the meantime. Alexander was very serious about the separation of his personal private life and his public professional life. There was to be no meddling of the two, and he was very careful about who he was seen in public with in the medias eyes. As a communications designer, he was very well aware of how to make something be blown out of proportion and manipulating the media with just a bit of wrong information. This whole building was after all used to help other company's morph their appearance. Though there was clearly intelligence in her innocent face, he knew that he would not be permitted to fuck her as he liked and would never be able to offer her a position in his personal life. Though he couldn't deny she had some qualities he really adorned and the potential to satisfy his needs. Not to mention, he couldn't deny the fact that something about her was immensely attractive. Why her?
    July 5th, 2018 at 07:13am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ juniperlily
    Cecily nodded as he noticed her school. He asked her where she saw herself in five years. She tucked a strand behind her ear. "I see myself working with art in all of it's forms. I want to be connecting people with those pieces that speak to them like no other piece does. I want to have a cliental that I know well enough that when that special piece comes a long I know just who to make sure gets it. This is my passion Mr. West and I want to be doing this, granted more like Lucy's job than the intern but that is why you start off as the intern to learn and grow." she said and smiled. He seemed to study her as he sat there listening and she found it hard to look in his eyes for to long so once she was done speaking she would look down and catch herself bitting on her bottom lip and would release it taking a breath. She was quivering and it wasn't just nerves anymore. It was something about the presence of this man and though she felt safe and no ill intent from him she still was struggling to keep her body from shaking. If he even noticed he would believe it to be nerves from the interview. She glanced up at him studying him. Or would he? This was a man so use to getting what he wanted, because he worked for it. But he knew what he did to the women around him and how he looked to others. He was fully aware of what he portrayed to others because that was his job and she understood that too. She knew in art that the subject was only as good as what the environment lead the onlooker to look at. The picture had to draw the viewer in and everything about Alexander West drew you in from his big office to the perfectly tailored suit and the slight stubble on his chin, even the way he moved. There was a knock on the door and Cecily blinked as if being pulled out of a trance and looked at the door. It must be his next interview.
    July 5th, 2018 at 07:16pm
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Alexander's smoldering gaze looked at her. He could tell she was genuine and passionate as she spoke. He liked when she smiled at him, and he gave her a curious but professional look in return. He couldn't hold back an amused twinkle in his deep blue eyes as she looked down after a moment too short, and when she looked up he observantly noticed a slight quiver from her. "Are you cold, Ms. O'Conner?" He asked with slightly narrowed eyes, reversing from the interview. It was not uncommon for women to get the shakes around him, but there was something about her. He couldn't place a finger on it. Suddenly, a gentle knock interrupted him from his trance. That same smoldering gaze was now shifted to the beautiful double doors that allowed him to enter and leave this fantasy like office. "Come in." He spoke curtly but it was still oddly calm and polite. A different blonde, this time her hair pinned up in a neat bun but with the same familiar pencil skirt and button blouse entered. "Mr. West, we have your next interview ready." She said in a robot like trance way. It was clear she was there for business, but this angelic like man before her who happened to be her boss was too alluring to seem real. It was impossible not to make an effect on her despite how professional she was. It was hard not to oggle. "Shall I escort Ms. O'Conner down?" She said in a well mannered voice. Alexander slipped the edge of his "West Industries" pen in his mouth, biting down on it softly as he took a quick moment to think. "No. Cancel the rest of the interviews, please." What? What was he saying? This was his first interview of 10. Why isn't he considering the other applicants? He held back an irritated glare. He was angry at himself for not putting his art gallery first, but he knew she was more than qualified to be an intern. Even under Lucy's choosy personality. Something about finding an applicant more qualified and never landing his daring blue eyes on her sweet body ever again disturbed him greatly. He couldn't deny that he didn't have a desire to fuck her, as she met each of his requirements effortlessly, but that was no excuse for giving her the position. Because he was giving her the position in the business half, he knew that it would never be allowable to offer her a position in his personal life. As always, he kept a clear separation. Alexander offered a very slight rare polite smirk. "Congratulations, Ms. O'Conner. Your passion was very evident, you can consider the position yours." He said, standing up and extending a hand. He wanted to touch her again. As she took his, he shook it gently running a thumb over her knuckle and meeting her eyes finding the look in her face humorous before releasing her.
    July 5th, 2018 at 11:53pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Cecily bit her lip a moment knowing her time had to be short but she felt she hadn't properly given him her qualifications. She looked at him as he paused. As he bit the edge of the pen it sent a quivering down to her belly that suddenly turned into a pile of knots and fluttering. Then the words left his mouth and her body sang with hope and nerves. She couldn't have possibly convinced him after 5 minutes that she was the best for this position. When he turned to her she stood and shook his hand her eyes huge searching his. She felt like she way in a dream her breath hitching as their hands met. She looked down at his hand as it stroked her skin. She flushed and looked up at him completely shocked before the words tumbled out of her lips. "Thank you... Thank you Mr. West." she said stumbling over her words slightly in her excitement and shock. When heir hands separated she grinned and the excitement really started to set in her eyes suddenly sparkling as her joy took over her face. "It is a pleasure to work for you." she said and smiled bigger a chuckle slipping out before she gathered her things and turned to the awaiting blonde heading out of the magnificent office. She doubted she would see him again so as she turned at the big double doors she looked back at him smiling looking him over then turned and walked out a spring in her step as she headed out. The blonde told her to wait while she hissed at the other receptionist about grabbing her coat. "My apologies she is new." she said and offered her some water. Cecily shook her head thanking the women feeling like she had just won the lottery. Some how she had been the first interview and had won the confidence in the young billionaire that she would be the kind of person he was looking for to help in his new gallery. She bit her lip thinking over the way his blue eyes played in the light of his stunning office.
    July 6th, 2018 at 12:30am
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Mr. West. It was like music to his ears. He's heard it million of times, as a very rare select people actually referred to him as his given name, Alexander. It was never an appropriate setting, so it was usually family or close friends. Yet, something about the way "Mr. West" left her pretty little lip was inordinately appealing. "It's my pleasure to have you, Ms. O'Conner." he replied, mesmerized by the sound of her light chuckle. It certainly contrasted to his stark serious self, but he was so used to giggly fangirls who had seen his face before and people who ask for photos with him that seen his cover on the magazine in a grocery store. Yet, this was different. "I'm assuming Lucy will have all your contact information. She will be in touch with you." He said, as the tall blonde waited patiently. "Please escort her down." He ordered to the pretty woman, as she guided Cecily through the double doors, down the hallway, and back towards the elevator clicking the down button as she watched the numbers slowly roll towards 45. Alexander leaned back in his chair. He had an usual amount of free time before his meeting at 3 for the renovations of the art gallery. Picking up his phone, he dialed Lucy's number who picked up exactly after 2 rings. "Mr. West!" she said delightfully. Quickly filling her in on his selection of an intern, he instructed Lucy to ask Cecily to come in on Monday after the weekend for a tour of the art gallery and to give her some practice on working with the art that had arrived so far. Perhaps show her how to properly set up an exhibit and work on description and attaining more work. Lucy agreed, and they both said their farewells.
    July 6th, 2018 at 03:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Cecily smiled as her jacket was finally retrieved and she waited for the elevator. Once she stood inside she turned looking at the beautiful office as the doors closed. She giggled and pulled out the band keeping her hair up pushing her fingers through it and shaking it out before pulling it up into a more normal style for her. She slipped into her jacket just as the doors opened. She grinned and headed out to her Oldsmobile. Cecily slipped into he old car and drove to her apartment where she stayed with her stepbrother's best friend. She was a short but spirited little thing. She was always up for celebrating and tonight Cecily just might join her for a toast at least. Cecily grinned as she saw her. "Jordan." she sang happily and Jordan turned chuckling at Cecily's uncanny playfulness. "So it went well with he delicious Alexander West?" she asked and flopped in her boyshorts and tank onto the couch. Cecily smiled and sat down telling her how he had canceled the other interviews after 5 minutes with her. As she talked more Jordan raised an eyebrow. "Really now?" she asked and hummed. Cecily frowned. "What... I know that hum, what is it?" she asked and Jordan shrugged. "Just watch out for that one Cecily there is a reason he's not taken being as eligible as he is." she said and shrugged then ruffled her hair. "Shots!" she said and Cecily laughed. "Food first." she said as the responsible one around here. The irony was that Jordan was going for a law degree and all Cecily wanted to be was an artist.
    July 6th, 2018 at 04:00am
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Alexander closed his file. "Thank you, I look forward to starting the renovations." He stood up, shaking the contractors hand. It was his last meeting of the day. Alexander look down at his Patek Philippe watch, noting the time. It was just about 6pm. Though he was officially done for the day, he had plans to do a little personal work tonight. He was very dedicated to his company, and working kept his mind off of things. Though tonight, he knew he would need a good fuck after all that stress. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he made a note to call one of his girls. Shutting off the lights in is office, he headed down the elevator as it stopped to pick up some other workers in the massive building. Most people clocked out at 6, though there was so much work to be done it was not uncommon for people to be working nights as well. Most people in the building were familiar faces, seen once or twice, though Alexander was rarely seen wandering and conversing with his workers. It was hard for the workers, men and woman to not sneak a few glances at the person paying for their wages and their very rarely seen boss. Afterall, all the work they did directly was for this very man. Alexander unlocked the door to his custom built Ferrari, and headed home. God, did he ever need a good workout, shower, and fuck.

    Jordan let out a lighthearted laugh. She was always the outgoing party girl sleeping around for fun and trying to drag Cecily to the bars with her to meet potential bachelors, and though very intelligent and wary of heartbreak she was still prone to sobbing in Cecily's arms after a breakup and resorting to movie marathons, popcorn, and ice cream. There was no girl that Jordan would rather be living with, and no other girl she'd want as a best friend to live life with. Their personalities balanced each other perfectly, and she loved her chill friend. "Awww, lame." She teased nudging Cecily. "Shots later though, you have to promise! Not only for me getting accepted into law school, but also because my gorgeous, smart, ANDDD kick ass best friend getting the job on the very first interview. I'm telling you Cecily, you've got it all. You're so hot, you've just gotta let loose." she said with a big grin. "I'm saying this with love to you." She said, reaching over and giving her a gentle hug as she hopped up off the couch tucking a bra strap back under her tank top. "Seriously, it's Friday. Maybe tonight your lucky night." she said as they started making supper together.
    July 6th, 2018 at 07:14am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Cecily laughed as Jordan teased her as always. "Yeah yeah. You say this every Friday." she said and walked into he kitchen and pulled an apron over her dress. Cecily was usually a jeans and blouse kind of girl but once in a while she let her fashion forward thinking friends take over. They loved to play dress up with her. It was Jordan that really understood her need for comfort over fashion though. Cecily smiled as they turned on some music and danced while they cooked. It had been a while since Cecily had let Jordan talk her into doing something other than studying and her art. Cecily was dedicated to her art and her studies knowing only the both of them where going to make her future what she wanted out of them.

    After a weekend with Jordan letting her have some fun while trying not to do anything crazy Monday morning came around ad as directed she came into he gallery and met up with Lucy. She smiled excited for her first day and the challenges that would await her. Cecily smiled as she tied her hair back as they set to work on designing the displays for the art gallery. "So you want to highlight each piece with a matching piece. The better they fit the more someone will want to buy them together right?" she asked as she jotted down some notes as she tried to make pictures of the art she was trying to display.
    July 6th, 2018 at 08:01am
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Lucy was a short small lady, probably in her late 30's. Her ginger red hair was put up in a french twist, and dark mascara lined her long lashes. She was the kind of women you looked at and thought she would have been pretty in her teenage years. Her expression was serious, but it was friendly. It was clear she was not going to tolerate any bullshit from people, but had a good heart. "Cecily, how wonderful to meet you." She said warmly, giving her a hug rather than the handshake. Cecily would be working by her side, might as well get comfortable now. "Yes, the larger more whimsical peices I'd like to have closer to the front. Mr. West also was thinking of a stature of some sort here." She showed her hands towards an empty floor area of the open art gallery space. "Though most of the pieces here were handpicked by him, he's allowing us to find the statue. Our limit is 10 million." She said. "Follow me, I'll show you to your office." She said, going to the back employee only area of the art gallery. At the end of the hallway was Lucy's more large expansive office, and beside it there was a door label that stated Cecilia O'Conner. "This is where you can do your work or hide away. My office is right beside yours. I'm usually pretty busy, so you will be my right hand when it comes to the art gallery." She said, liking Cecily already. It was obvious she was excited about the job. "Let me be blunt with you though, Mr. West picked you out of at least 50 applicants, which must mean you're outstanding. To be totally honest with you, Mr. West was not particularly excited about an intern. And out of his thousands of employees, I know that this art gallery means a lot to him and so I need your best possible work ethic possible to get this art gallery up and running." she said.
    July 6th, 2018 at 10:46pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ juniperlily
    Cecily grinned and hesitated before hugging Lucy back. They walked through the space and as they did Cecily asked questions making notes and nodding thinking about what could be done with this beautiful space. She grinned and nodded excited to have the opportunity to help hand pick the center pie for the entire exhibit. She followed Lucy to her office and grinned seeing her name there on the door. It must have been done within the hour she had been hired. She smiled and looked at Lucy. Lucy nodded beaming. I am looking forward to it." she said and then listened as Lucy was being blunt. She nodded having gotten he impression from Mr. West as well that he was hesitant about the intern passion to begin with. It made an even bigger statement that he picked her without any other interviewing. She wasn't sure what it said though and she wasn't about to tell Lucy she had been his only interview. Cecily nodded when Lucky asked for her best. "Of course I am here to help. Anything you need Ms. Lucy." she said and smiled. "Do you... do you mind if I take a look?" she said pointing to her office. She had an office. Cecily smiled as Lucy nodded and she slipped into the office. It was neat and empty but the angles of the room and the large windows at the end with the wood furniture was exactly what she had pictured. She chuckled and ran her hand over the desk imagining the pieces she would display here. On the desk sat an arsenal of technology. A laptop, a new phone and even an iPod and camera. It was obvious that they where setting her up for everything she might need. Cecily grinned and turned to Lucy. "This is amazing. Can I see the pieces Mr. West has already purchased?" she asked.
    July 6th, 2018 at 11:17pm
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Lucy let out a light laugh. "Please, Lucy is just fine." she said kindly. "The pieces are being moved in just at this moment." she said, the loud bustling and hustling of moving men explained. "But, there are a few coming from France and Portugal that will take a bit. Come take a look, they're truly spectacular." She said, running to her office and returning with a binder. Opening it, there were laminated sheets of art from structures to paintings to glass art. "I'll let you borrow this so you can think about where the pieces should go and the ordering of them." She said. It was good that they both related in their love of art, Lucy was from a a huge art background with her PhD in it. There was nothing she was more passionate about. "Also, please keep in touch through my work number." she said, signalling towards the new iPhone on her desk with her business card beside it. "You have my personal number, but I ask you use that in very dire emergency's only." She said with a smile. "I also need to show you how to log in your hours. You're welcome to leave once all your work is done for the day, and I do not accept late work. We are sensitive on time occasionally." she said starkly, a change in her warm temperature. Turning up her apple computer sitting attached to the desk, Lucy showed her the application and how to log in her hours. "That's all, easy peasy." she said. "Now, I've got to run to my meeting at the university." she said, grabbing a couple of her things. "It really is lovely to meet you, Cecilia, and I'm very excited to have you on my team." she said, with a wave and a scuttle out.
    July 6th, 2018 at 11:40pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ juniperlily
    Cecily smiled and nodded. She wanted to be out there right now helping to uncover each piece but it was just in the loading bay for now. She sighed and smiled as Lucy got the binder. Cecily nodded and smiled. "I would like a copy if I may make one." she said and smiled at Lucy lavishing over the pieces. Mr. West did have extraordinary tastes. Cecily smiled and set the art pictures down to watch what Lucy was doing on her computer. She nodded and chuckled. "I look forward to it thank you. And it is lovely to meet you as well. Please just Cecily is fine." she said and then waved as Lucy took off. Cecily grinned and took her camera and powered it up grinning before walking out and capturing every angle of the beautiful building. It was almost a shame she would have to highlight the art and not the building they where in. Cecily grinned and took them all to her computer uploading the pictures of art as well. She wanted to get started on them and make three demential replicas of everything so she could start to put them in the space how she was already seeing it in her head. She knew Mr. West would appreciate the process and being able to see it since some of the pieces where very fragile indeed and more than she could make in a life time. Cecily grinned as she worked. She ended up turning on the lights and ordering take out food from a little fresh restaurant down he road. She sat at her desk eating and working until her eyes where tired. She clocked off and gathered her things. After locking up her office she found herself pulled tot he loading bay long emptied of people by now. Cecily smiled looking at all the boxes. Perhaps she could make her own gallery one day. That would be almost as good as selling her own art. Cecily smiled as she ran her hand over the crate then turned heading towards the door turning off the lights and setting the alarm. She grinned a she locked up and walked to her old car. She sighed as the day ended. She was sad her first day was over. She had wanted to stay there and get it all together but she had class in the morning and then work again after that. It was going to be amazing. Cecily headed home late and curled up in bed until the next day.
    July 6th, 2018 at 11:53pm
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Alexander's fit body was covered with a glaze of sweat. He pulled himself, pushing towards one last push up bar in the gym of his beautiful mansion. It was massive was an understatement, and it housed a single bachelor and occasionally the space was shared by his maid. Out of breath, Alexander counted making sure he fit in all his reps before leaving. Glancing at his watch, he noted it was just about 9pm. Tonight was going to be sleepless anyways, what was the point of trying to get a sleep schedule. He had long given up on that, and bottles and bottles of different sleep medication prescribed by his psychologist was basically useless. Grabbing a towel that was freshly folded in its usual spot, he picked it up drying his abdomen as he headed out down the hallway and into the main area. He headed down the stairs, and went towards his bedroom. The bedroom itself was large enough to be a small house, the master bathroom attached housing a luxurious shower, Jacuzzi bath, and beautifully designed counters with a glossy top and sink. There were a few rooms restricted to his maid, Esmeralda, and his room was one of them. Nobody had entered it before except himself, and he made the space become his. Stripping off his gym shorts and his boxer briefs, he crawled into the shower exhausted. Once finished, he wrapped a fresh white towel around his waist running his hand through his wet hair as he started up his laptop. Despite everything, he couldn't help the curiosity about that Cecilia O'Conner, and the way she had said "Mr. West" still haunted him. He didn't know why, and he just couldn't place a finger on it. After that interview, he had stopped to his bachelor pad and to calm his raging erection he had two of his clients come that day. Even after an hour fuck until his body ached, he still had sex on his mind. Firing up the laptop, he opened up his work time sheet. In the search bar, he typed her name. He wasn't even entirely sure why he was checking on her. Blaming it on business and ensuring it was to check she had showed up on time, her name popped up as he checked her time sheet. Monday: 0800-2100 Wait. He narrowed his eyes. That couldn't possibly be right. A 13 hour shift? Concerned, he checked Lucy's. Monday: 0730-1500. Lucy must've left her alone, and she must've stayed overtime. Still concerned, Alexander took out his work phone and searched up her contact information in his data base. Tracking down her number, he started composing a new message.

    Ms. O'Conner,

    It has come to my concern that your time sheet is logged in on Monday as a 13 hour shift. Was this possibly a mistake or misuse of the system? I just need to confirm for my accountant for remuneration reasons.


    Alexander West
    CEO of West Industries
    Com.Tel: (910) 555 3159
    Fax: (910) 555 3160

    Hitting send, he set his phone down on his nightstand. Who gives a fuck? Why did he care? Frustrated, he pulled his towel off throwing it in the hamper as he put on a new pair of boxer briefs and a pair of grey sweatpants, his defined stomach clenched as he stretched leaning over for a new bottle of pills. At this point, it was like he was a guinea pig testing new drugs.
    July 7th, 2018 at 12:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Cecily woke to the ping on her work phone. She had forgotten to turn the notifications off on it because it was new. She sat up and rubbed her eyes yawning and rolled over seeing the text shot straight up in her bed and turned on the light. It was Mr. West texting her at nearly midnight. Cecily read it over again and frowned. He was concerned with he hours she had put in. "A misuse of the system?" she asked her cheeks heating in angry. How dare he. She stood and went to the bathroom tossing some water onto her face and then onto the back of her neck patting it dry before she looked up at her smokey blue eyes in the mirror. Perhaps he had just never seen someone with so much passion. It was possible people worked for him out of a need to and not a passion for the work. She walked over to her work phone and hit reply.
    Good evening Mr. West,
    I am sorry you have such the opinion that I would either make a mistake on my first day or grossly misuse company resources. If you would like to check on what time I left the building I am sure that you can check with the security company for when I set the alarm and if you still need proof of my work I will happily send you unfinished project I was working on. I must say I am very enthusiastic about the work and have to admit I got absorbed in it. If you are concerned about your remuneration for the work day you can consider the other 5 hours volunteer hours. I do this work because I love, it's not for your money. If you have any other concerns please contact me tomorrow during my shift and I will be happy to help sooth your concern. I hope you have a pleasant evening Mr. West and goodnight.
    Cecilia O'Conner

    Cecily hit sent and then winced deciding to turn her phone off not wanting to find out his reply for it would do her no good this late at night.
    In the morning Cecily got ready for classes and spend her lunch working on her homework before coming into work at 2pm as she was scheduled to. Thankfully Lucy had been happy to work her schedule around her classes.
    July 7th, 2018 at 01:01am
  • juniperlily

    juniperlily (100)

    Alexander heard the vibration on his phone. It was late, and if she was going to work a 13 hour shift she may as well be sleeping. His phone turned on bright with a huge notification. His eyes widened curiously, and he opened it reading it with surprise. He most certainly wasn't expecting her to be offended. With a shake of his head, he decided not to reply to her message. Getting up, he set his laptop and phone on the beautiful dresser as he scratched a shoulder blade hoping the drugs would kick in soon. Laying down, he closed his eyes as he slipped under the sheets throwing one arm above his head tiredly. Falling into a trance, he woke up several times throughout the night and by the time the clock read 6:30am he cracked open his eyes slowly with a sigh and deep breath. Another day, another dollar.

    A shower would make him feel better, wash away the night sweats. As he stood under the running water, he scrubbed his body wash all over and wet his hair. Stepping out of the fancy shower, he stood in his master bathroom and pulled out a hairdryer as he styled his hair. Pulling the towel off around his waist, he dried his face and put on a dress suit and navy dress pants, pairing it with a plain striped tie and grabbing a navy jacket from his massive walk in closet. Shrugging it on, he shut off all the lights in his room and locked it behind him as he left. The smell of breakfast hit the air. Esmeralda had a plate of breakfast sitting on the island for him, but she was nowhere to be seen. He assumed she must be upstairs cleaning the untouched rooms. Alexander ate, opening the dishwasher and setting the plate in. Checking his watch, he realized it was already 8am. It didn't take long for him to do his regular route to his building. He had meetings scheduled till 3 today, but he knew he would have to pay a special visit to that Ms. Camilia O'Conner.

    By the time 3 rolled around and with one more handshake, he thanked his clients as they left. It was a new project, 10 mililion dollars to help advertise a cereal. Closing the file, he faxed them to his personal assistant to start with the paperwork for the lawyer. Admiring the view quickly from his glass windows, with the view easily taking his breath away as always, he headed down and started the drive towards the art gallery. He didn't even bother to inform Lucy he was headed that way. As he entered the beautiful building, heads turned from movers to contractors to eye there boss. Though workers had their own boss with the boss of their boss and the boss of their bosses boss, it was obvious he was at the top of the chain as people got quiet and respectfully hard at work. "Good afternoon." Alexander said in greeting with a solid dip of his head in acknowledgement. He headed towards the staff area, and down the hall towards their doors. Lucy was sitting in her office writing on some papers. "Lucy, lovely to see you." he said as he entered her office, taking a seat at her desk. Lucy's big blue eyes looked up at him in surprise, the fine lines around her eyes emphasized with shock. "Mr. West.." she said. "What are you doing here? As handsome as always." she said. Though older and family friends and business partners for many many years now, it was still hard not to notice Mr. West and not have your breath taken slightly away. "I've come to see your intern, Ms. O'Conner." he said, back to his serious cool self. "I put her in the office right beside mine, her plaque is on the door." She said with a sweet smile. "Thank you, Lucy." He said with an appreciative nod once again. Leaving her office, he knocked on her door swiftly and entered. "Ms. O'Conner." he said with a raise of an eyebrow. He offered a business intended smolder and leaned against her door frame slightly as he took in her expression delightfully and humorously.
    July 7th, 2018 at 08:56pm