Far Away from Here [closed]

  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally rolled her eyes at his question, “We’ve been saving for this for awhile, it’s cheaper to just go from bus to bus than to stop and stay at motels.” She shook her head, “I’m not running from anything.” Ally told him, looking into his eyes, sticking with her lies.
    Matt shrugged slightly, “Then why be so scared and nervous?” He asked, looking her over. “We both got the feeling that you two were running from something, I still don’t buy the whole road trip story, but maybe your friend caved and told Brian the truth, huh?” He suggested, thinking he might be able to get something out of her.

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:06am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian smiled, "Okay, let's say this road trip story is true. Why do you two seem so nervous? Like to scared kitty cats?" He laughed. "Never been in a bar before or something?" He teased her.
    Emma could've laughed if she wasn't so scared that this guy was never going to let her go. If either of them was going to cave and tell the truth, it no doubt would be here and not Ally. "Im just scared because I'm a twenty-two year old woman in a bar surrounded by drunk, older men." She told him. That technically was partially the truth.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:10am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    “Well, we’re far from home, in a bar full of older men,” Ally said, looking at him. She wasn’t going to change her story, “So yeah, we’re going to be scared.” Ally didn’t like the fact that he was teasing her, but she wasn’t going to push her luck.
    Matt shook his head, “They’re not all drunk, and as scary as they look, they wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He tried not to smirk, it was true, the other men in the bar were nothing compared to himself and Brian. She was in the most dangerous position possible in that very moment and she had no idea.

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:17am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian narrowed his eyes at Ally and couldn't help the grin that stretched across his face, "Those men out there?" He gestured back into the bar, "You don't need to worry about them." He licked his bottom lip, finding it almost hysterical that she was scared of the bar full of old men, when the most dangerous one was standing right in front of her. "I'll tell you what, you tell me the truth and you and your friend can leave. Promise, I'm just curious." He told her, even though he knew he was lying. She wasn't going anywhere.
    Emma shrugged, "That doesn't mean anything to me." His word telling her those men were harmless didn't make her feel any better, and in all honesty, she was more scared of him. He was the one, after all, keeping her trapped in a booth. "What do I have to do to get you to leave me out of here? I just want to get back on the road."

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:22am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally had a feeling he was lying, she didn’t trust him especially after seeing the grin that crossed his face. He probably scared her more than the other men, he was the one that drug her away from her friend and kept prying. “Look, I’m just trying to get as far away from my asshole ex as possible and California sounded like the best place, and that’s all you need to know.”
    “Tell me the truth, what are you really doing out here and you can be on your way,” Matt grinned at her, knowing full well he was lying to her. He was curious what was making her run and he wanted to see what was so bad that she ended up in his bar.

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:27am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian couldn't help but to keep trying to twist information out of here. "You're crossing the fucking country because of an asshole ex?" He laughed, "A restraining order wasn't good enough for you? What did this ass do?"
    Emma frowned, not sure if she could believe him or not, something told her she definitely couldn't, but nonetheless, she knew running around in circles with her lie wasn't getting her anywhere. "I'm just trying to get away from my family, and that's all you need to know, okay?"

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:32am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally glared at him, “He nearly killed me twice in the six years of our relationship and a restraining order didn’t do shit because his dad was a police officer. So yeah, I decided to cross the country to start over.” She was irritated by the way he was laughing at her.
    Matt raised an eyebrow, “They must have been really fucked up for you to come all this way just to get away from them.” He wanted to know more now that he knew what was going on, “What did they do to you?”

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:37am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian couldn't help but think trying to kill someone in the span of six years seemed pretty rookie to him, considering how many he had in the past six months. He also thought it was funny that her ex had a policeman for a dad, when he had the whole police department in his pocket. He'd be this girls worst nightmare. "Well, yanno what, I just decided something. I can keep you safe right here." He smiled.
    Emma frowned, realizing that was where she had to draw the line. "I don't want to talk about it." The last thing she wanted to do was tell this complete stranger the abuse she endured her whole life, especially as a means of payment just to get out of this booth.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:41am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    “Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I’ve made it this far and no offense, but you remind me of him, just a bit scarier,” Ally admitted, wanting to get as far from him as possible now.
    Matt put his hands up, “Alright, that’s fine. I’ve got an idea though, why don’t you stay here? I can keep you safe here. You won’t have to worry about anyone.”

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:54am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    "Well, I guess that would hurt my feelings if you had a choice, but you don't." He smiled and looked down at her. "You know, we need a new bartender anyways. The old one quit." He smirked, "You'd look pretty behind a bar mixing drinks, don't you think?"
    Emma was actually surprised that he took no for an answer then, but when he threw out his offer, she felt her stomach start to twist up again, knowing she wasn't really going to have a choice. "Thanks... but, I'm okay. I can handle myself. I should probably get going..." She stood up, trying to get out of the booth again.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 06:57am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally felt her stomach twist into knots when he told her she didn’t have a choice. “No, I don’t think I would.” She said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
    Matt smirked when said declined his offer, “Well that’s too bad, huh? You don’t really have a choice anyway.” He laughed, knowing she wasn’t going anywhere.

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 07:04am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian smiled, "Well I think you would, so guess what you're going to be doing?" He smiled and moved to stand next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist, "It'll be fun. You'll make so much money, all you gotta do is poor beer for gross biker guys and I'll keep you safe from that scary ex." He smiled down at her.
    Emma frowned and felt like throwing up the moment Matt started laughing. She let out a shaky, scared laugh, "Ha- you're joking right?" She didn't want to believe she had ran this whole way only to find herself in the clutches of someone just as bad as her father.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 07:08am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally suddenly realized she was in a worse situation than before and there was no way she would be able to get out of it. She stayed quiet, not even sure what she would want to say to him. Ally was terrified that she had walked right into another bad situation.
    “Oh no, I’m very serious,” Matt said, watching her. He glanced towards the pool room, “I bet your friend is finding out the same thing from Brian.” He relaxed, waiting to see what he reaction would be.

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 04:41pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian smiled, taking her silence for fear. He could see it written all over her pretty face. "I'm sure you're tired though, and you could definitely use a shower. C'mon." He wrapped his arm around Ally's waist and pulled her out of the pool room and back on to the bar's floor.

    "Wave bye to your friend." Brian smiled, looking over towards the booth Matt still had her trapped in. He could see Emma standing up, looking completely terrified and he knew she must've just found out she wasn't going anywhere. He flashed Matt a smile as he escorted Ally out of the bar and towards his truck.
    Emma felt sick, feeling like any moment she would just shut down. She followed Matt's glance and watched as Brian and Ally came strolling out of the pool room, Brian's arm tight around her friend's waist. They had royally fucked up, and she had no idea how they were going to get theirselves out of this one.

    Swallowing, Emma looked back towards Matt, starting to shake. She took a step back, feeling her back hit the wall behind her. If he so much as touched her, she was sure she would start screaming. "Look, this whole time I've been running, my family has been on my trail. I don't want to start any trouble for you-" She told him, feeling tears in her eyes.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 07:31pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally looked over at Emma as they walked through the bar to the door. She knew the fear had to be clear on her face by now. There was no way out of this and Ally knew it.

    Once they were outside, she wanted to run. The thought kept screaming in her mind to just take off and go, but how far would she really make it? Running hadn’t worked in her favor anytime before. Feeling his grip on her waist, Ally knew there was no where for her to go.
    Matt returned the smile as he watched Brian walk out with Ally. Hearing her mention her family, he wanted to laugh, “I’m not worried about your family starting any problems with me.”

    He watched the tears fill her eyes, looking down at her, “Come on.” He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close as he lead her out of the bar, “Dont bother causing a scene, it won’t do you any good.” Matt said as he lead her to his truck.

    @ dance macabre
    July 13th, 2018 at 10:11pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian led her to his truck and opened the door and helped her inside. "Buckle up, little miss." He smiled and walked around the truck to climb into the driver side. Brian started the car and took off down the road. He didn't live far from the bar. He had a little apartment in the small town that was just about five minutes down the road.

    "So, is this ex of yours chasing you?" He asked.
    Emma sniffled, looking down at her shoes as they walked out of the bar. She could feel the tears start to escape one at a time and run down her face. She used her sleeve to wipe them away as they got to his truck and she climbed in. Emma knew there was no use in fighting, she had had plenty of bruises from the past when she had tried to fight her father before. And she still had scars that littered her skin.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 13th, 2018 at 11:36pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally got in his truck silently, she watched out the window as he pulled out of the parking lot. When he mentioned her ex, she glanced over at him, “I don’t know, if he is, he hasn’t caught up to me yet.” Ally said quietly, looking back out the window. She knew if her ex found her or she stayed with Brian, either way she would probably end up dead.
    Matt started the truck and started driving, it wasn’t too far to his apartment. He glanced over at Emma as he drove, “Don’t cry, it won’t be all bad. You’ll be able to see your friend still, as long as she behaves for Brian that is.”

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 02:00am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian kind of hoped this man was, it had been a really long time since Brian had fought with anyone who could actually put up a fight. But in the back of his head, he figured whoever this guy was, he was probably just a joke anyway. Getting to his apartment, Brian slid out of the truck and slammed the door shut. He went around and opened Ally's door and smiled, "Home sweet home, darlin'."
    Emma couldn't help but laugh when he said it wouldn't be all that bad. If he was willing to corner her in a booth and practically kidnap her, she knew what was going to be coming next. It would start with verbal abuse, and then that would lead to black eyes, bruised skin, maybe even broken bones. Maybe, it could even get worse than all of that.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 14th, 2018 at 06:27am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Ally got out of the truck when Brian parked at the apartment. She followed him, not saying anything as they walked in. She wasn’t sure if Lucas, her ex, was following her or not, but she really didn’t want to find out.
    Matt parked at his apartment, looking over at her as he shut the truck off. He got out and went to open her door, “Welcome home.” Matt helped her out and walked her inside, it wasn’t anything special.

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 06:52am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    "You know, you should feel lucky." Brian teased her as he shut and locked the door to his apartment. He headed into the kitchen and poured them some drinks. "I don't usually bring girls here." He smirked.
    Emma looked up at his apartment, it was dark so she couldn't see much but she could tell it wasn't nice. On the inside, it was a little bare, but what could she expect. She didn't like him telling her it was home, because at the moment all she was thinking about was how much of a chance she had to make a run for it when he fell asleep.

    @ foREVerYours.
    July 14th, 2018 at 08:04am