You Can Throw Me To The Wolves. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt looked at her, "Like you could handle going on a hunt." He said as he made himself a sandwich. He smirked, "Pretty sure you would become the hunted." He said.


    Abby shrugged, "I am here where you left me." She said as she walked downstairs. "There are leftovers in the fridge." She said before she walked to the living room and sat down.

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 08:46am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Nat frowned, "I've went on hunts before." She was sure he didn't care though and it definitely wouldn't change his mind about anything. She huffed up and just went to the kitchen to grab a water.
    Brian headed into the kitchen, a little happy to hear there were leftovers. "Good, I'm fucking starving." He grabbed the plate out and sat down, not caring that there was practically enough to feed three whole grown men. He was constantly eating and working out, it's how he got so big and strong after all.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 14th, 2018 at 08:54am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt chuckled, "For what? Chickens?" He asked. He sat down and began to eat his sandwich. "You mean to tell me the men in your group actually sent their women to hunt?" he asked.


    Abby frowned as she watched him go to heat the biscuits up wrong. "No!" she stopped him. "Your going to ruin them like that." She sajd as she walked over to him. "Move." She muttered as she heated the biscuits up so they wouldn't get hard. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she finished making his plate, realizing what she just did. She slide the plate to him. Her thoughts were telling her to hate him and that he was a bad guy but her wolf wanted his because he was a stronger male. She looked away from him when she felt like he could feel her wolf's turmoil. She walked out and went onto the back porch, closing her eyes as she tried to regain control.

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 09:02am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie rolled her eyes and frowned. "There weren't many of so yes women tagged along. We are capable, yanno." She took a sip of the water. "We didn't just sit around like eye candy like apparently your women do."
    Brian couldn't help but feel cocky, knowing she didn't mean to do what she just did. It had been her wolf side coming out, her feminine instinct taking care of him because the wolf in her wanted him. He sat down with a shit eating grin, watching her as she walked away. "Thanks!" He called after her, laughing as he took a bite.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 14th, 2018 at 09:12am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt glared at her, "Our women stay back to protect the children. They could easily kill anyone if it came down to it." He snapped back. He finished his food and watched her. "Why don't you go pick a fight and find out." He said.


    Abby sat on the back porch, trying to suppress her wolf. She was like everyone else who liked to let their wolf run around like crazy. She ran her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes as she calmed herself. She hated that he thought it was funny. She looked down at her hands and tried her best to ignore what was going through her head. She got up after a bit and walked inside, ignoring him for a moment. "Who's necklace is upstairs?" She asked him, seeing his glare move to her.

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 09:17am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie sighed, "God, you're such an asshole." She walked upstairs, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. She walked into his bedroom and shut the door. It was so bare, all he had was a bed and a dresser and even his closet was empty. Had he never shared his life with anyone? There were no pictures or any other kind of mementos. It was all just so empty.
    Brian frowned as he looked up from his good, glaring a hole through Abby's head. "Necklace?" He questioned, hoping the look of hatred on his face was enough to get her to drop it. "What do you mean whose necklace?"

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 14th, 2018 at 09:27am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt sighed as she stormed upstairs. He crossed his arms as he listened to her walking around upstairs. The only person that was in his life was his father and he was long gone. Matt was not about to let her throw him off track from being an amazing alpha.


    Abby nodded , "You had a necklace in your dresser. I want to know who's it was?" She asked. "Clearly you have a reason to keep it." She said. "Plus your vein in your forehead looks like it's about to burst so I'm gonna guess it's a sore subject." She said. She bit her bottom lip as she watched him.

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 09:32am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie sat down on the bed and took her shoes off before laying back. She missed her family and hoped they were doing well. At least now she knew they were safe and all they had to worry about were hunters.
    Brian gritted his teeth and dropped his fork. "First off, who said you could go through my things?" He felt the anger just growing and growing within him. He stood up, trying to keep it inside. "You don't touch that necklace, hear me?" He hissed. "You. Don't. Touch. It." He growled at her, his eyes going black. Brian had a mate before, about three years ago but she had been murdered by a hunter.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 14th, 2018 at 09:36am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt got up and walked out on his front porch. He sat down and lit a cigarette, hearing the wind moving through the trees. Fall and winter had always been his favorite seasons.


    Abby frowned as he stood up, seeing how mad he was. She knew it had to be important. Abby walked over to him, and sat at the table where he once was. "Who's was it?" She asked calmly. She wanted to know but she also knew yelling back at him would just piss him off. She looked at the food on the table, "Your food is going to get cold." She whispered.

    @ dance macabre
    July 14th, 2018 at 05:16pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie came back downstairs about an hour later when she was starting to get hungry. She walked past Matt lounging on the couch, pretending like he wasn't even there and she'd pretend like that for as long as she could. She headed into the kitchen and opened the fridge, shuffling through it to find something to eat.
    Brian frowned, "Why would I tell you?" He got up and grabbed the plate of food. Her question had completed flipped his stomach and he wasn't hungry anymore. He just tossed it back in the fridge and repeated himself, "Don't touch that necklace ever again." He growled at her as he slammed the fridge door.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 15th, 2018 at 05:26am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt walked inside and looked at her, "There isn't a lot in there." He said. He got himself a water and took a sip of his drink. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, watching her search the fridge.


    Abby frowned, "If it's so important then tell me who's it was." She said, crossing her arms. "Must be pretty important." She told him. She wanted to know and she was going to find out. "I suggest you tell me or I will find out another way." She said.

    @ warmnessonthesoul.
    July 15th, 2018 at 08:37am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie frowned and shut the fridge door and turned to the cabinets, not finding much in that way either, but she did find a box of mac and cheese. She figured she wasn't even going to ask about whatever they found on the hunt, because she didn't even expect Matt to let her have any, and if he did, she figured it would just be the scraps after every other person in his pack was done with it. She put a pot on the stove and leaned back against the kitchen table.
    "Whose do you think it was?" Brian turned around, slamming his hands down on the table in front of where she sat, screaming in her face. "Whose necklace do you think I'd hang on too!? Don't bring it up." He growled and stormed upstairs, seething in anger.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 15th, 2018 at 04:47pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt walked into the kitchen and watched her, "What are you doing?" He asked. He shook his head and took the pot of water and dumped it out. "Go get dressed." He said. He stared at her, "Quickly." He said.


    Abby jumped slightly at he slammed his hands on the table. As he walked away she sighed, knowing that she was probably right. He had mate that he had lost. Abby bit her bottom lip lightly, knowing he probably didn't want her around in the first place. She stared at the table as she sat there alone.

    @ warmnessonthesoul.
    July 15th, 2018 at 07:30pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie frowned, "Well excuse me," She huffed, but was relieved that it seemed like he was actually going to get her some decent food. She didn't linger any longer, running upstairs and only coming back down when she had changed out of her sleep clothes.
    Brian went upstairs and took a shower to try and relax. He stood under the hot water, running his hands through his hair, trying to push the memories of Eva from his mind. He had lost her about two years ago and there was nothing he could've done to protect her. She had stupidly ran off on a lone hunt when hunters were in the area. Brian had to stay in the village to protect his people, he didn't even try to save her. He couldn't. And he felt that guilt every day.

    Brian came back downstairs after about an hour of trying to cool down. He wasn't so much angry anymore as just sad. He had moved the necklace though to a different nook in his room.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 15th, 2018 at 07:43pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt waited for her then walked out of his house and headed to the community building they had. After every hunt they had a big dinner for everyone. "Stay near me." He warned before he opened the door. He walked inside with her, people attempted to stare but avoided looking at Matt. He handed Natalie a plate then got his own and stared to get some food that was out.


    Abby sat on the back porch, staring into the woods. she always loved how it seemed to go on forever. Abby knew his mate probably died from the hunter much like her mother did. The hunters had burned their original village and she got stuff with her mom in one of the house. Sbe managed to get out though but still had a burn scar on her thigh. Abby ran her fingers through her hair as the wind blew.

    @ warmnessonthesoul.
    July 15th, 2018 at 07:49pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie took her plate and got some of the deer they had caught during their hunt and actually stayed right next to Matt. Even though she wouldn't reallly trust him with her life, at that moment she knew if anyone decided to pop off he was the only thing that might stand in their way. And from all the looks and glares she was receiving she wouldn't put it past any of them to try something. She took her plate and followed Matt to sit down.
    Brian grabbed his jacket and looked around the lower level for Abby before finding her outside. "Are you hungry? We're having a dinner in town. Hurry and come on if you want." He said before shutting the door and barely giving her a look.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 15th, 2018 at 08:24pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt sat with her and began to eat his food. He ate quickly not bothering to make conversation. Eating was usually priority for him. He was pretty hungry have the day they had. He was exhausted and just wanted to eat and sleep.


    Abby nodded when he asked if she was hungry. She got up and grabbed her jacket as he rushed her out of the house. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she walked with him. She looked at him, "I'm sorry I upset you earlier." She apoligized. As much as she hated him she knew how upsetting it was to lose someone. She looked away from him as they walked.

    @ warmnessonthesoul.
    July 15th, 2018 at 08:45pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Natalie sat down with Matt feeling a little uneasy to eat. She figured it was more of her wolf instinct coming out making it pretty much impossible to eat when she felt like she was in danger. She told herself no one was going to do anything with Matt right there so she forced herself to eat quickly.
    Brian didn't say a word to her as he led her out of the house and towards the town hall where the rest of the village was already enjoying the large feast that was made possible from that mornings hunt. He stayed silent until they got up to the front doors. "Stay near me." Was all he said as he opened the doors and led her inside.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 15th, 2018 at 08:51pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt looked over as Brian sat near him, "Hey." He said. He wiped his mouth then went back to eating. He could tell something was off with Brian. He could sense it. He looked over at Abby then looked at Brian. "What happened?" He asked.


    Abby walked in with him, doing what he sat. She got some food then sat beside him and ate. She could tell that Natalie was freaked out. Abby herself did not like the glares she was getting. She wondered if they would always hate her. Brian certainly did.

    @ warmnessonthesoul.
    July 15th, 2018 at 08:58pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Brian frowned and just shook his head. "Don't wanna talk about it." He said as he tore into the meat in front of him. He was pissed off and starving, the last thing he wanted to talk about was Eva. The last thing he wanted to do was feel more guilt. "Hurry and eat." He barked at Abby, wanting to get out of here as soon as they were done. The stares they were receiving weren't doing anything to relieve his mood.
    Natalie looked up at Abby, wondering what happened or what she did to put Brian in such a bad mood. She knew they had bad blood running back for years, she didn't understand how the arrangement for them to be together even came to be let alone how it would ever work out. She finished the last bit of her food and crossed her arms over her chest.

    @ Gunslinger;
    July 15th, 2018 at 09:41pm