I need a miracle

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Delia smiled as she watched Dean, rolling her eyes playfully, trying not to fall into the trap that was Dean Winchester. It was hard, though; she’d always had an immediate attraction to him and comfort around him. “Joe comes in every weekend,” she told him with a small grin, “He doesn’t officially work here anymore, but he offers to help out under the table.”

    Sam chuckled lowly, shaking his head. “Yeah, well… Being smart didn’t really do much for me there,” he told her, offering a smile, “And, I mean, I loved being in school, going for Law and everything, but… I don’t think I could give up saving people again at this point.” It felt too natural, and he knew it was one of the things he was made to do - another thing being that he loved Luna, even if he’d never been able to tell her.
    November 5th, 2018 at 01:14am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean nodded, still studying Delia carefully, just admiring her and how damn gorgeous she was, and how damn gorgeous she'd always been. Delia had always brought calm to his chaos, and Dean had always been so grateful to her for that, and now that he was back, he was reluctant to leave her again, never wanting to let her out of his sight.

    Luna smiled with Sam's words. "Saving people is what you do best, Sam." She offered him a reassuring smile. "To me, that beats being a fancy pants lawyer any day of the week." She winked teasingly. "I know you hated it when you were younger, but it's in your blood. I couldn't imagine you doing anything else." She smiled, looking to the taller man.
    November 5th, 2018 at 04:32am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Delia arched an amused brow when she noticed that Dean was watching her. “You’re staring, Dean,” she teased lightly, nudging him gently before she rolled her eyes playfully. “So, tell me what I’ve missed in your life. Any new near-death experiences? Any new girlfriends? Tried to listen to any new music?”

    Sam offered a small grin when he heard Luna’s words. “Well, it’s what I try to do best,” he joked lightly, though he felt himself easing with her words. “I don’t know, lawyers kind of save the day, too, in their own way.” He shrugged but he chewed on his lip for a moment, examining Luna, still so desperately in love with her. “But, you’re right. It’s in my blood. It always has been. At least I’m embracing it now.”
    April 6th, 2019 at 11:20am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean grinned as Delia called him out, and he admired her greatly. When they were teenagers, Delia had always been quick to point out when Dean was wrong, and she had been the only person - apart from Sam - that was brave enough to do so. "Am I?" Dean arched an amused eyebrow, grinning as Delia nudged him. Nudging her back gently, Dean smirked as Delia rolled her eyes. "Oh, you know. I died, went to Hell, came back, nearly died like a hundred times after that." Dean explained, not bothered by it all. "A few one night stands here and there, nothing serious." Because his love had firmly belonged to Delia from the get go. "And I could never betray my mix tape like that." Dean teased. "How about you? Any boyfriends' necks I gotta break?"

    Luna smiled when she saw Sam's own grin. "You've always been so good at it." Luna promised, remembering the days when she and Sam first met, how she'd never felt like she belonged until she met Sam Winchester. Focusing her attention fully on Sam, Luna's smile broadened with his words. "I mean, that's true, but they're not as badass as you." Luna reached to place a hand over Sam's, her thumb running across the back of his hand in a feather light touch. When she caught him examining her, Luna's cheeks brightened to a blush, and she ducked her head a little bit, all the love she felt years ago still present, still strong. "I'm proud of you for embracing it."
    April 6th, 2019 at 10:07pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Delia blinked as she listened to Dean talk, though she held up a hand. “Wait, rewind,” she said, her brows furrowed, “You died, went to Hell, and came back?” she asked in shock, “You can’t just breeze past that like it’s nothing, Dean!” She smacked his arm, then smacked it again when he mentioned one night stands before she could stop herself, quickly reminding herself that she had no right to be upset with the thought of him hooking up with others. “Nothing major, gave college a try, but then we were needed back here, so I’ve just… Been here.”

    Sam smiled slightly as he listened to her. “Well, I’m glad you think so,” he told her happily, admittedly feeling better, lighter, happier, in her presence than he had felt in far too long. Luna always had that kind of effect on him, though, and he couldn’t help but love her for it, a part of him wishing they had come back through here sooner, if only so that he could have seen Luna sooner. But, that couldn’t change, and he decided he’d enjoy this while he could, relish in the moments he could get with her, though he felt himself ease when he felt her hand over his, her thumb on his skin, and he grinned when he saw the blush on her cheeks. “Yeah, uh, I am, too. But I’m glad to see you again more than anything.” He watched her for a moment. “I hope life’s been good to you?”
    May 6th, 2020 at 09:00am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean blinked in surprise and amusement as Delia held up a hand to stop him mid-sentence. "Uh, yeah, that's pretty much the whole of it." He grinned at her reaction, unable to stop himself - he'd always loved to tease her, to see her wound up and ready to smack him again. Laughing, Dean wrapped his arms around Delia's waist. "Alright, alright," he laughed. "Calm down, firecracker." He teased, pressing a kiss to the top her head. "We always said in school that we couldn't be normal." Dean laughed. "Guess we were right, huh?"

    Luna could admit to herself that seeing Sam again felt like a new beginning, and it was one she was eager to take advantage of. "Life's been good, I never strayed far from home." Luna nodded, lifting her gaze to him with a gentle, soft smile. "I've missed you so much, Sam. Life would of been a lot better with you around." She promised, not trying to make the man feel guilty at all, but rather wanting him to know just how highly she regarded him. Wrapping her arms around him once more for a hug, Luna sighed happily. "It's so good to see you."
    May 6th, 2020 at 09:09pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Delia smiled fondly up at Dean as she leaned into his hold, letting herself relax against him. “Guess we were,” she admitted quietly, offering a small nod before she sighed in content. “God, I’ve missed you. It’s been no fun without you here.”

    Sam listened quietly to Luna as she spoke, and he watched her, drinking her in, loving everything about her, and happy to be spending time with her now, to see her again after all this time. “I’ve missed you, too,” he told her gently, offering a small smile, returning her hug, “I wish things could have been different.”
    October 30th, 2020 at 09:47pm