Take It To The Streets. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [ I got back just now lol weird]

    Alec pulled over to a pull off that over looked the city and parked. He took his helmet off and looked at her after he turned the bike off. "this is one of my favorite places." He said, smirking as he looked at the city


    Mackenzie smiled as he worked on it. She helped him until it sounded how he wanted it. "You done being a perfectionist?" She teased him. She walked over to him and placed her hands on his sides. She looked up at him as her fingers gripped his shirt. She was glad they werent fighting. She kissed him, feeling him kiss her back. She moved her tongue against his as she deepened the kiss.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:05am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (agreed lol)

    Mehki got off of the bike and looked over surprised. She smiled watching the view and nodded her head in agreement. "It's so pretty." She murmured and smiled at him for a moment before turning back. She checked her phone seeing the time and knew it was almost time for her to be home.

    Ryker sighed as he fixed it and was glad when the engine purred to life. "Hey, that's why everyone comes to me to fix shit alright? He told her with a smirk before feeling her hands go to hsi sides. He looked down at her wondering what the hell she was doing for a minute before he felt her kiss him. He kissed her back letting his tongue move with hers.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:16am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Alec looked at her, "Yea I come up here probably more than I should." He said, laughing softly. "You need me to take you home?" He asked her. When she nodded he waited til she was ready before he headed to the place she told him to go. He parked outside of her house and let her off, helping her. "So I can get your number right?" He teased her. "Since we have plans." He said.


    Mackenzie kissed him, feeling him back her up against her car. She pulled away from him slowly and looked up at him. He really was one of her best friends. She didnt want to imagine her life without him in it. She let her hands move up his arms, "Thanks for fixing my car." She whispered.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:25am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki smiled and said, "I wouldn't think so. I could never get tired of this view." She told him with a smile. She ran a hnad through her hair before nodding her head hearing his question. She got on wrapping her arms around his waist againa dn told him her address. Once there, she got off handing him the helmet and laughed hearing his words. She smiled and took his phone putting her number in before waving telling him she'd see him later. Once in her house she took a quick shower and put her hair into a bun at the top of her head before getting dressed. She then headed to work. Once there she sighed going on her rounds.

    Ryker kissed her backing her up against her car. He watched her and nodded his head. "Don't be so rough on it." He suggested as he felt her hands go up his arms. He then pulled away and sighed softly. He ran a hand through his hair and heard his stomach growl and sighed. "I just fucking ate." he checked the time and blinked. "Never mind. Want to go get food?" He asked knowing he had issues getting close to people.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:30am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Alec got home and walked to the garage. He worked on his car, realizing everyone was gone. He smiled as he got a text from Mihke saying she could go over the weekend. Perfect. I look forward to it. He was so excited to spend time with her. He hadnt been this...giddy? over a girl in a long time. He looked up as Zane walked in, "What's up man?" he asked.

    Zane smirked, "Nothing man. I figured I would stop by." He said.


    Mackenzie smiled, "Marco's? She asked. It was a Italian diner they went to all the time to get subs and pizza. She knew that Ryker love it. She got in his car with him and smiled as he took off. She knew he usually switched subjects when he felt like he was feeling something. Mackenzie listened to the music as they drove towards the diner. She figured she would just have to accept they would always just be friends with benefits. She got out of the car with him and walked inside. She sat down with Ryker and looked at the menu. She knew she was going to get the meatball sub.

    @ FlyAway;
    [I am going to post on the other once my husband gets off the computer. In like 20 minutes lol ]
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:37am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki smiled softly to herself before checking her schedule seeing that she was off on Saturday and Sunday. She rarely got weekends off. She texted Alec saying that she was off. She felt her phone go off and read the text and smiled saying, Me too. (: She looked up seeing an eldery man confused and looking around. She went forward to help him figured out where he was supposed to be going before going back to man the front desk.

    Ryker nodded his head and said, "Sounds good." He smiled and got into his car before zipping out of the garage and onto the main road. He weaved in and out of traffic easily. He stopped the vehicle once they were at the diner. He got out before walking in knowing he didn't need to lock his car. Everyone knew who's car it was. He sat down and hummed gently as he looked over the menu. He finally decided to get pasta and was happy when the waitress arrived. He was oblivious to her obvious flirting as he spoke to Mackenzie asking what she wanted.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:43am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Alec smirked as he looked at his phone. Pretty sure you are suppose to be saving lives;) He texted her then went back to working on his car. He liked that she cared about people so much. Alec smiled as he fixed his car and thought about her.

    Mackenzie looked at the waitress , "I just want the meatball sub and fries." She said. she took a sip of her drink and looked at Ryker. she was glad he hated people enough to not flirt with girls. "Should we get Alec something?" She asked him. Mackenzie pushed a strand of her hair out of her face as he spoke.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:51am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki laughed seeing her phne and texted back I am. But it's not really busy today. She smiled softly to herself before looking up hearing someone trying to get her attention she helped them directing them towards the correct floor before looking over seeing a child. She took their hand before helping them find their family. She smiled and nodded before going on rounds again someone else taking her place to man the desk.

    Ryker looked up at the waitress again asking for a Dr. Pepper having forgotten to mention a drink. He then looked back at Mackenzie and said, "Your call. Personally, I say fuck him." He laughed shrugging lightly before thanking the waitress for his drink and sipping on it. He sat back in his seat and yawned again rubbing his neck. The garage wasn't the most comforable place to sleep in.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 05:55am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Alec looked at his phone, Well I guess that is good then right? He sent the message then leaned back against his chair. He watched as Zane changed the oil in his own car. A lot of the times his friends would come over and use his garage because between him and Ryker they had almost ever single tool known to mankind.
    Mackenzie looked at him, "I will get him something you jerk." She teased him. She took a sip of her drink, noticing that the waitress was staring at him from a distance. Mackenzie didn't like the feeling of jealousy she felt when she noticed it. She wasn't worried about Ryker though. Mackenzie looked at her phone as she answered a text message from her friend.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:08am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki smiled softly and sent back Yep. Granted, the patients that are in the ER are being extremely rude right now. She sighed and went to help someone else and winced as he started to yell at her. She glanced at the clock glad to see that her dinner break was nearly there. She just kindly told the man she was sorry for the delay and the doctor who was normally here was in sugery at the moment.

    Ryker shrugged lightly and said, "Alright. Your choice." He laughed softly. He gave a yawn and then suddenly burped. He laughed and said, "My bad." He looked up when their food arrived and dug in happily. Soon enough he was finished up and just sat there sipping on his drink as he waited for Mackenzie to finish not really impatient at the moment. He yawned softly into his hand knowing he didn't sleep a lot last night.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:12am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Alec smirked, Do I need to come kick some ass? ;) He didn't know why, but he didn't like the idea of someone being mean to Mehki. Alec chuckled as he heard Zane cussing and struggling to take the oil filter off of his car. (P.S. The only thing I know how to do on a car is change the oil lol) He moved over to the car, "Let me help asshole." he said as he moved under the car to help him.
    Mackenzie looked at him as she worked on finishing her fries, "So are you going to bed when we get home because you seem exhausted." She teased him. She looked at the waitress, ordering Ryker's favorite sub then leaned back against the booth. "Pretty sure if I eat one more fry I might explode." she said, laughing softly. She loved being close with Ryker because she didn't have to act a certain way like most girls did with guys they were with. She could just be herself and that was perfectly fine.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:16am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki giggled seeing his message and replied with The doctor isn't here because he's doing surgery so people are just getting impatient and taking it out on the nurses. Used to it, but thank you She smiled softly before glancing up hearing someone cursing and came back and asked them to calm down and that there were children in the room and there was no reason to speak like that. She frowned softly hearing him start to berate her. She told him she needed him to calm down or she would be forced to call security.

    "Probably." Ryker sighed and shook his head. "The garage is not comfortable to sleep in and I was up all night fixing my shit." He pointed out and laughed hearing her and mused, "Do it. I'll take a video. I mean even if you puke, you'll be a hit on YouTube." He grinned at her shrugging. "Or maybe you could snort water out of your nose. That'd be hilarious too." He laughed before paying for the meal and standing up stretching before asking if she was ready to go.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:21am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Alec finished helping Mehki and got an idea in his head. He decided to get flowers sent to her work that evening. He called and ordered them to be delivered to her, then texted her. I'm sure your day will get better He smirked as he sat down on his chair again. He couldn't get enough of her. He looked over as Mackenzie walked in with food, "Sweet! Thanks Mack." he said as he took the sub and began to eat it. He frowned as she swiped his phone.

    Mackenzie rolled her eyes, "You are such a dick." She teased him. She got up and grabbed Alec's sandwich before she headed to the car with him. She tossed Alec his sandwich when they got there before she grabbed his phone. "What do we have here? Texting Mehki I see?" She teased him. She smiled as Zane mentioned him ordering flowers for her. "Aww how lame." She said, laughing as she sat down, tossing his phone at him.

    Alec glared at Zane, "Shouldn't you be off alone somewhere." He teased his friend before he opened his sandwich, "Fuck you guys." He said, before he began eating his food.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:27am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    (I forgt to reply, but I don't even know how to do that xD Not yet anyways)

    Mehki sighed as the man finally left her alone. She looked at her phone and blinked before laughing and texting back I sure hope so, but what makes you say that? She smiled before humming as she started to go back to her things helping people where she could. Finally, she got her dinner break and ate in the break room some leftovers she had in the fridge. She finished and went to the desk surprised to see someone say she had flowers. She smiled softly seeing the note and could help but smile to herself. She texted him You're sweet. Thank you so much. Made me night! She smelled them happily.

    Ryker laughed, "I know." He replied shrugging. "Cars and being a dick are my specialty." He said before driving them back. He drove home and went through the door hearing Zane and raised an eyebrow at Alec never having heard of him sending flowers to someone before. He nodded his head a little but chuckled hearing them pass insults around. He sat on the couch listening to them chiming in here and there. After a few minutes, he had passed out, his head falling into Mackenzie's lap.
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:32am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [Old car are easier to do i on. I could never change the one on my new one though lol ]

    Alec smirked as Mehki texted him, I told you things would get better. ;) He looked at Mackenzie as she teased him. "I mean Mack if you want flowers all you have to do is ask." He teased her. He watched as Zane left, seeing that Ryker had fallen asleep on Mackenzie. He knew that his friend cared for the girl, but just was scared of something happening or losing her.
    Mackenzie laughed a little, "No thanks. Flowers die and it seems like a waste." she said. She rolled her eyes when Alex said she wasn't normal. She let her fingers play with Ryker's hair as Alec and her talked. She was glad that he liked Mehki so much.

    [We can skip to Mehki coming over on the weekend to go to the races if you want?]

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:36am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (xD I have a 2006 Nissan Sentra so I guess that counts as older?)

    Mehki arrived to the race, by herself this time, and looked around until she saw Alec and smiled going forward and saw him turn in time for her to wave and walk towards him. "Hey." She told him with a light smile. She looked tired, but she was pretty used to it since she didn't sleep much and her shifts were crazy. She had had a 18 hour shift the night prior. She ran a hand through her hair lightly and smiled again. "How goes it?" She asked seeing his friend Zane come up. She stepped a little bit aways not knowing him that well.

    Ryker ran a hand through his hair laughing when he noticed Marcus' car still looked like a piece of shit. "Hey man, how's the engine in that thing?" He called out grinning ear to ear as he looked at the damage. He smirked and looked at his car knowing it didn't have a scratch on it. He sat on his hood lightly glancing around and wondering where the hell Mackenzie was. He hadn't seen her all fucking day.

    @ Gunslinger;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:42am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [I think? I mean it's old. I had a 95 truck before I got my new car lol. ]

    Alec looked at Mehki and smirked, "Hey. It's going alright." He said. He looked over as Zane joined them. He looked over as Mackenzie pulled up, listening to Zane say that he was excited to race. As Mackenzie joined them he frowned when he heard what Zane said.

    Zane smirked, "So I am racing Nick for pinks tonight." He said.

    Alec shook his head, "Don't do that." He said. He frowned because he knew Zane didn't know Nick as well as everyone else did. Hell he didn't know that much about Nick, but from what Mackenzie had told him he was not a good guy.

    Mackenzie shook her head, "Zane." She said, looking at him. "You know his car isn't legal for the US right?" She told him. "That is how fast it is." She said.

    Zane looked at her, "Say what now?" He asked her.

    Mackenzie frowned as he said he was still going to go through with it. "Do what you want. I'm not getting involved in this at all." She said, crossing her arms. Nick was a bad guy and she was glad she was not longer with him. She frowned as she seen Nick's car pull up. She leaned against hers and watched as he walked towards them with his group of jerks with him.

    Nick smirked as he looked at all of them, "Well look who is is?" He said. He looked at Zane, "You ready to lose that piece of scrap metal?" He asked, looking at the guys car. Nick was about as tall as Ryker and had muscles and was covered in tattoos. He smirked as Alec moved towards him.

    Alec frowned, "We both know this isn't a good idea. So why don't you and your friends leave." He suggested.

    Nick laughed, "Oh please like i'm afraid of you and you buddy." He said, motioning to Ryker. "Why don't you cheer from the sidelines like the little bitches you are." He said, getting in Alec's face.

    Alec went to say something, but was cut off by Mackenzie telling him not to. He stepped back and glared at Nick.

    Nick smirked, "that's right go back to your cage." He said. He chuckled as he walked away and went to his car. He opened the door to his car, "Mackenzie If you want you can come see me in the winner's circle after the race." He teased her.

    Mackenzie rolled her eyes, "In your dreams asshole." She said.

    Nick smiled, "Every fucking night dollface." He teased her as he got in the car and left them to go to the starting line.

    Mackenzie sighed, "I think I just threw up a little." She muttered. She looked at Zane, "Zane seriously don't do this." She said.

    She rolled her eyes as Zane left anyway. She watched as he lost and sighed as he got out of his car and cursed. Mackenzie frowned as Nick came towards them again.

    Alec moved Mehki behind him as Nick came towards them and started shit again. "Dude seriously i'm going to beat the shit out of you." He said.

    Mackenzie frowned as the two argued. "Would you two knock it off." She snapped at them. She was surprised as Nick backhanded her.

    Alec glared at Nick, "Oh you are fucking dead." He said as he went to hit him, but stopped when the guy pulled a gun on him.

    Nick looked at him, "Not so tough now are we." He snapped. "Take the loser's car back to the garage." He said, tossing the keys to his friend. He stepped back, "Well this was fun. Thanks for everything." He said. He looked at Mackenzie, "Maybe bad things wouldn't happen if you didn't hang out with losers." He said.

    Mackenzie glared at him, "Fuck off." She snapped.

    Nick got in his car, before he stopped and pulled his gun out, firing at their group.

    Alec grabbed Mehki, "Fuck."He said as he took cover behind his car, hearing the sound of the bullets hitting the metal.

    Nick mostly shot up Mackenzie's car, shooting the windows how and shooting down the side of it. "See if your fuck boy can fix that bitch!" He yelled before he sped off.

    Mackenzie pushed her hair out of her face, looking at Ryker since he pulled her behind his car.


    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 06:59am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;

    Mehki smiled and nodded her head and said, "Good, i'm glad." She glanced at Zane befre waving to Mackenzie asking her how she was. She glanced over hearing them beginning to speak about racing and things and just kind of watched.

    Ryker walked over seeing Zane and Alec before waving at Mackenzie. He listened to Nick and shook his head and said, "Dude, you're so fucking stupid!" He glanced over seeing Nick and his eyes narrowed knowing nothing good came from him. He stood behind Mackenzie looking him in the eyes knowing for a fact that he could beat the shit out of him. "You dated that? It's like limbo. How low can you go?" He said in a sing song voice (I'm a comedy genis lmfao)

    Mehki watched as Zane lost and looked up seeing that guy come back and looked up at Alec feeling him push her behind him and touched his shirt gently peeking out from behind him.

    Ryker saw him backhand Mackenzie and had his fist in his face when he saw the gun. He backed up a little pushing her behind him.

    Mehki gasped seeing the guns and was pushed behind Alec's car. She frowned watching the scene.

    Ryker pushed Mack behind his car holding her still before he peeked out hearing his words. "Fuck you cunt!" He saw the car and said, "God fucking dammit Zane!" He glared at him before looking back at Mackenzie. "The bad news...I might not be able to fix it in a month. The good news? I can definitely fix it." He tried for a smile.

    Mehki looked around guessing no one was hurt and looked at Alec for a moment and then said, "Well..that was...eventful?" She offered.
    August 3rd, 2018 at 07:10am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [haha so much DRAMA!!!!

    Alec looked at Mehki, "Are you okay?" He asked as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry about this." He said as he helped her up. He looked over as he walked over to look at Mackenzie's car. "Holy shit Mack." He said as he looked at the bullet holes that were peppered into it. He looked at her and noticed she was crying though it was silent. He stepped towards her, "Hey it will be alright Ryker and I can totally fix this in no time. Right?" He said, looking at Ryker.

    Mackenzie shook her head and pulled away from him, "It's not that. I just didn't want to ever see him again." She whispered. She looked at Zane, "God Zane you are such a moron!" She yelled at him. She walked away from them, crossing her arms as she moved through the crowd of people that were partying and having a good time. She could still feel the sting on her skin from where Nick hit her.

    Zane looked at his friends, "Hey I didn't know that the guy was psycho or I would not have raced him." He said.

    Will looked at Alec, "I can help fix the car guys. I know a guy that can get us some parts quick." He offered. He was close with them and he could tell how upset Mack was.

    Alec looked at Ryker, "Okay now is when you should probably go check on her. I know you aren't good at telling when you should care, but now might be a good time." He informed his friend.

    @ FlyAway;
    August 3rd, 2018 at 07:16am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;

    Mehki nodded her head before asking, "What in the world was that all about?" She stared at the damage before blinking and shaking her head. "It's like you chose to get bullets shot at you, right?" She said laughing shakily and frowned softly looking at the damage. She noticed Mackenzie crying and frowned a little.

    Ryker nodded his head his eyes widening a little not liking to see her cry. He frowned gently realizing that he was definitely going to kill the asshole. "Easy fix." He promised before flinching hearing her yelling at Zane and mouthed at him that he had fucked up. He sighed watched her leave and shook his head glaring at him before blinking hearing Alec and for once was at a loss for words.

    Mehki sighed softly and shook her head, "You guys are making it worse." She mumbled before walking after Mackenzie. She touched her on the arm gently. "Hey. Look, I know we don't know each other that well, but, what do you need? Or do you want to talk about it?" she asked her biting down on her lip. She could tell that the relationship between the two hadn't been good.

    Ryker watched Mehki and then looked at Alec and said, "Man, dude, I can't fucking help with emotions and shit. I'd just make it worse by saying some dumb shit." He frowned at him and sighed shaking his head lightly watching the scene.

    Mehki disappeared for a second and then reappeared with a beer for her realizing she was shaking.
    August 3rd, 2018 at 07:23am