Raining death from above | Closed

  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler smiled politely, "this is my wife, we were just out for a wonder," he said lightly. He pulled a few coins from his purse, and offered them up, "good fortune be upon you gentlemen," he said.

    He ushered Isadora to keep moving, eyeing Sebastian carefully. He relaxed up as the men smiled, accepted the coins and continued on.

    @ Joker;
    January 1st, 2019 at 07:22am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora watched the men leave looking up at Tyler surprised before asking, "Why did you give them money?" She was confused about that part.

    Sebastian watched the men with dangerous eyes relaxing himself once they had left, his hand releasing on the hilt of his sword as he sighed. "He distracted them." He explained to Isadora.

    "Oh." She said surprised having not been bothered with the fact that he had called her his wife. She was curious about how things worked out here, but knew her identity had to be kept a secret.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 1st, 2019 at 07:23am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler smiled softly, "I gave them charity, something a man who can afford seven guards for him and his wife, would be expected to do," he said lightly.

    He looked at Sebastian, "that's why some Nobles end up getting robbed, they think that giving a few coins proves they have money, bandits, and the less fortunate aren't that stupid, if you have several guards following you on the road, you have money," he said.

    @ Joker;
    January 1st, 2019 at 07:30am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora blinked hearing his explanation and nodded her head. "Oh." She repeated humming thinking about the situation again before shrugging. "We should keep going. It will be dark soon." She pointed out not fazed.

    Sebastian nodded his head. He heard Isadora and shook his head. "Nothing scares her. I swear." He sighed watched her just speak.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 1st, 2019 at 07:33am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler nodded, "yeah, well everyone out here is struggling, so even a little goes a long way," he said lightly. He looked up at the sky, "yeah we should, we need to find a place to rest off the road," he said.

    He looked at Sebastian, "She sure is brave, brave or incredibly naive," he said.

    @ Joker;
    January 1st, 2019 at 07:44am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora nodded her head in agreement continuing to walk out of earshot humming as she did so, figuring Tyler would tell her when to stop and such.

    Sebastian sighed hearing Tyler before answering, "She's braver than anything else, but you can't blame her for being a little naive about the world. She didn't grow up out here." He shrugged lightly keeping his eyes trained on her.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 2nd, 2019 at 04:05am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler made his way through the forest proper slowly. He found a suitable spot, and halted the group up. "Here's fine, Sorry about having to sleep rough," he said.

    He looked up at Sebastian, "yeah I don't blame her, I was just commenting," he said softly. He found somewhere to sit down, and got off of his feet.

    @ Joker;
    January 2nd, 2019 at 04:19am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora glanced back hearing Tyler before following them through the woods and into a small clearing. She made her way over to them before sitting down side him shrugging lightly.

    Sebastian nodded his head in agreement. He then brought his men over before beginning to make a tent for Isadora and the rest of them. "We brought one for you, if you're interested." Sebastian told him gruffly.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 2nd, 2019 at 04:21am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler smiled continued to set up a small fire. He looked at Isadora, "how are you doing princess?" he asked. He looked at the soldiers, and Sebastian, "yeah maybe thanks Sebastian," he said.

    He pulled up his sleeve, and cast a rune from his arm, lighting the fire.

    @ Joker;
    January 2nd, 2019 at 04:50am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora looking up before smiling answering, "I'm fine. Just a little tired." She admitted yawning a little wondering when she would get to bathe. She figured it would be some time. She didn't mind.

    Sebastian gave a nod before going back to the work. Isadora watched Tyler with wonder as he touched a rune on his arm and lit the fire. She blinked before reaching out touching the runes lightly.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 4th, 2019 at 03:28am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler watched her, before turning to the other guards, "Okay, lads how did you all land this duty?" he asked softly. He chuckled lightly, as he continued to try to be friendly with them.

    He looked at Isadora as she touched his arm lightly, "do you want to know what each of them do?" he asked her.

    @ Joker;
    January 4th, 2019 at 07:35am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    The guards grunted before sighing. "It's an honor to be able to guard Princess Isadora." He said and watched Tyler before finally giving it up, "Was caught with a Maid." Another one responded, "Wasn't focused while on watch and a thief managed to get in." They all had similar stories before Sebastian cleared his throat. One quickly said, "The Princess is very kind, but she is difficult to protect sometimes."

    Isadora blinked hearing their words and just chuckled softly. "That's why Sebastian is normally my only guard." She looked back at Tyler still tracing a rune before hearing his words. "Do I want to?" She repeated. "I'm not sure. Are they bad?" She asked him dropping her hand.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 26th, 2019 at 11:13pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler smiled softly, "well at least being out here isn't boring, you get to see the country side, rather than mostly standing around in a castle all day," he said lightly.

    He looked back to Isadora, "well that's good, Sebastian seems trustworthy, and capable," he said. He paused for a bit, "Some of them, could be considered bad, but most are fairly simple," he said. He pulled his shoulder of his shirt down, "this one is what lets Mythandarian and I talk to each other," he said.

    @ Joker;
    January 28th, 2019 at 08:54am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    They all just grunted shaking their heads at him. Isadora just flashed a smile at them lightly naive to the way of men. She looked back at Tyler.

    "Sebastian's been with me since I was a child. He's family to me now." That got a small smile out of Sebastian which the lads started to gawk at having never seen him without a scowl. "Shut yer traps!" He commanded. She giggled before looking back at Tyler and then looked at the rune thankful that he hadn't taken off his shirt off. "Who drew these on you though?" She questioned.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    January 29th, 2019 at 06:19am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler chuckled softly as the guards were told to shut up and they all quickly fell in line. He turned back to Sebastian and Isadora, "well I'm glad he treats you so well, and has been with you for so long," he said.

    He took her hand gently, and traced her finger over the rune, "Mythandarian, puts them on me, when he thinks I'm ready to channel them myself," he said. He unbuttoned his shirt a couple buttons, and pulled the fabric aside, revealing an intriquite rune, over his heart, "this one, is the one that joins us as brothers, It's the first one he ever gave me," he told her lightly.

    "Brother, be wary how much you tell her about that one, they can't know the truth," Mythandarian echoed through Tyler's head, which caused the rune on his shoulder to glow faintly for a moment.

    @ Joker;
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:52pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora watched the rune, ignoring the fact that her hands were cold against his warm skin. She nodded her head lightly listening to him. She watched it glow and smiled gently wondering what it would be like to be bound to someone for eternity like that. She pulled her hand away before giving him a nod. "I suppose that means it would hurt you like none other if he were to perish." She murmured, having no clue what it would truly mean. She looked away looking up as the sky started too turn from a cyan blue to a blend of pinks and violets.

    She bit down on her lightly feeling more relaxed than she ever had within the palace walls, where it was safe for her to be. She caught Sebastian's eye and knew he didn't approfve of her getting so close to Tyler and looked away.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    March 4th, 2019 at 04:13am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler nodded, "I suppose it would hurt just the same as losing a brother, or father, or mother," he commented. He knew it was more than that, but his tone and sincerity in his response, was surely enough to mask that he was holding something back.
    He took her hand lightly and pulled it away, carefully closing his shirt, "You should find a place to rest, I'll go check the perimeter," he said softly.

    @ Joker;
    March 15th, 2019 at 10:10am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Isadora blinked and nodded her head, "I would think you two have a closer bond than that, but okay." She told him with a smile figuring he had nothing to hide with her and nodded her head. "OKay." She told him before grabbing one of her blankets and going towards her tent. She shut the flap figuring she was expected to and laid down on the floor curling up with her blanket and just watched the tent flap with the wind before eventually falling asleep.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    March 30th, 2019 at 11:25pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler smiled softly at her, and watched her carefully stand up and head to bed. He watched as Sebastian walked around and organised the gaurd into a watch schedule, and positions, quitely, before retiring to his own tent.
    Tyler sat back, under the stars thinking, "I hope you don't mind my plan," he thought lightly.

    "It's fine, just don't bring them all the way to our home, I'll meet you in the valley". The deep voice of Mythandarin chimed back. Tyler nodded, and settled back, preparing to sleep. He pulled his coat over himself, and curled up under a tree not far from the tents

    @ Joker;
    April 11th, 2019 at 02:21am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (I have an idea for another roleplay if you're interested (: )

    Isadora woke up in the middle of the night wincing from the hard ground. She stood up gently before heading away from the camp to find a place to use the bathroom. She stumbled sleepily rubbing at her eyes. She finally found a suitable place and used the bathroom before beginning to head back to her camp.

    She saw something glimmer in the darkness pausing before figuring she should stay away. She ended up tripping and winced crying out slightly as her arm got injured from something sticking up from the ground. She couldn't see a thing to see if her arm was bleeding. She could feel something wet and figured she was.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    May 6th, 2019 at 11:55pm