Tattoos and Heartbreak. [closed]

  • Hannah moaned as she moved her hips to his touch. She kissed him roughly, "I want you so badly." She breathed as she kissed him again. She held him close as she kissed him. Hannah began to stroke him faster and smiled against his lips when he moaned louder.

    @ Agust.D
    September 1st, 2018 at 08:57pm
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Danny smirked when he heard Hannah say that she wanted him. He flipped them over so that he was back on top and spread her legs and guided his cock in side of her slowly.
    September 1st, 2018 at 10:34pm
  • Hannah moaned loudly as she pushed into her. "Oh my God baby." She gasped as her hands ran up his back. She kissed him as her hips met his thrust.

    @ Agust.D
    September 1st, 2018 at 10:40pm
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Danny smirked and began thrusting faster. "God you feel so damn good babe." He moaned before placing his lips against the crook of Hannah's neck and began sucking on the skin.
    September 1st, 2018 at 11:13pm
  • Hannah moaned as she ran her nails down his back. She moved against him, then placed her hands on his sides. She felt herself getting close and moaned loudly as she hit her climax. Hannah looked up at him as she felt him thrusting faster.

    @ Agust.D
    September 1st, 2018 at 11:18pm
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Danny felt Hannah's walls tightened against his cock, feeling her get close. He continued to increase the speed of his thrusts until he was able to get them both off. Once he came, he pulled out of Hannah and laid down next to her, smirking at her. "Fuck that felt so good." He breathed as he stroked her now slightly damped hair.
    September 1st, 2018 at 11:37pm
  • Hannah smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. She looked at him then kissed him softly, "Yea it was amazing." She said. she sat up and grabbed her phone, frowning when she seen Nico's text. "Holy fuck." She said. She looked at Danny, "Call Cassie. Now." She said, getting up and pulling on her clothes. She looked at Danny when he looked confused, "He's there Danny." She said, pulling her shoes on.

    @ Agust.D
    September 1st, 2018 at 11:39pm
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Danny jumped out of the bed And quickly put on his clothes and shoes. He had quickly texted Cassie to lock herself her room until he got there. Danny grabbed his keys and ran to his car with Hannah beside him. "How the fuck did he know where Cassie lives and why is he bothering her of all people?" Danny said out loud, but more to himself as he drove off to Cassie's apartment. "Please be okay Cassie." He whispered to himself.

    Cassie was watching a movie in her room when she saw that her lights were flashing on and off, indicating that someone had run the doorbell to her apartment. She sighed and got up from her bed and walked towards the door and opened it revealing Hannah and Danny. "Hey...uh why are you here?" She greeted the two, but they walked past her and searched through her one bedroom apartment. "What's going on? Did I do something?"
    September 2nd, 2018 at 12:10am
  • Hannah walked inside and looked at Cassie when she asked what was wrong. "You had a guy come here tonight?" She asked her. She frowned when she explained he was here, "What did he talk to you about Cassie?" She asked. She frowned when she said that she told him who she was and that they were friends and mentioned Danny. She shook her head, "No..dear god fuck." She yelled. She looked at Danny, "I have to go." She said. She looked at Cassie, "Don't talk to him again Cassie." She said before she walked out. She didn't want to be near them especially now that Nico know about them. She called Nico, frowning as he answered, "Listen fuck face." She said once she was outside. "You leave Cassie alone." She said to him.

    Nico chuckled, "But little sister we hit is off so well." He teased her. "Oh and I am very disappointed in you for messing around with Danny." He said.

    Hannah frowned, "Fuck you Nico leave them alone." She said. "I don't appreciate you doing this." She snapped.

    Nico frowned, "Well I don't appreciate someone not being home when i come to visit!" He yelled. "I also don't appreciate my sister whoring around!" He screamed at her, his voice booming through her phone. "Now come home and quit your shit Hannah." He growled.

    @ Agust.D
    September 2nd, 2018 at 12:26am
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Cassie watched Hannah leave in anger before she turned to face her brother. "I don't know how you two found out that I had a guy over, but I'm mad at you." Cassie said angrily at her brother. "I'm an adult, who wants to do adult like things like date or make friends. But you keep treating me like I'm a child. I'm deaf, not stupid and I'm definitely not a child!" She yelled Danny, feeling more upset.

    Danny didn't like how Cassie was getting mad at him when she was the one who let a dangerous man that she didn't know into her apartment. "It doesn't matter how we found out, you should be glad that we did. That man could have hurt you, Cassie. Yes you are an adult, but you are naive and trust people too easily. I'm just trying to protect you. There are a lot of hateful people that will take advantage of you because you are deaf." Danny said trying to keep his cool as Cassie kept shoving him.

    Cassie shook her head, feeling her blood boil in anger. "But he didn't! He was nice and actually made me feel normal and happy for once!" She said as she shoved him out of anger. " Stop! You keep using my deafness as some excuse to control me and prevent me from doing normal things. Not everyone is going to take advantage of me. Stop acting like I can't defend myself. Stop acting like you're my parent. Youre not, nor will you ever be our parents! At least when they were alive they didn't coddle me." Cassie yelled but then stopped when she was now on the floor, from being pushed by Danny. "Get out! Get out now! I hate you!" She yelled at Danny while tears of anger and hurt.

    Danny hated how Cassie was yelling at him, trying to make him look like the bad guy when all he ever did was care for her. So it had completely pissed him off when she said those awful things about him and how he wasn't worthy enough like their parents, that he actually put his hands on his sister, now seeing her on the ground. Danny instantly felt regret. "Cass I'm so-" He said trying to apologize but Cassie wasn't having any of it. He sighed and walked out of her apartment.
    September 6th, 2018 at 04:02am
  • Hannah looked behind her after she hung up on Nico, seeing Danny. He looked really upset. "Danny what's wrong?" She asked as she moved over to him. She took his hands, frowning when he said what was wrong. she frowned when He explained what Cassie said to him. "Danny maybe you should try to talk to her tomorrow. Let her cool off for a bit." She explained. She couldnr help but freak out that Nico knew Danny.

    When they got back to his apartment she looked at him, "Danny." She said, getting him to look at her. "Do you know Nico?" She asked him quietly. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she texted Cassie to apologize.

    @ Agust.D
    September 6th, 2018 at 04:09am
  • @ Gunslinger;

    "Nico is the guy that lended me the money to save the tattoo shop and keep paying for Cassie's apartment, which I sell the drugs for as repayment." Danny explained truthfully to Hannah. "Wait I thought you said that your brother and the rest of your family live across the country, not here..." He trailed off before making the connection. "Oh fuck! I know exactly why he was over at Cassie's."

    Cassie saw Hannah's text message in which she apologized to her. She was too upset to reply back to Hannah, so she backed out of her message and put her phone down before crawling to her bed silently crying to herself.
    September 6th, 2018 at 04:21am
  • Hannah looked at him, shaking her head when he said thar Nico was the guy he took money from. "Yea well I lied and they are from here." She said, frowning. "Danny you need to give him all that money back." She said. She frowned, "And need to stay away from me." She said. She frowned when she saw the hurt look on his face. "Danny you dont understand." She said as he tried to argue. "He will hurt you okay? and you need to make sure you do what he says or he'll....he'll hurt Cassie. I know him. it's why I left he's fucking crazy." She explained. "He killed my last boyfriend." She muttered, looking down at her hands.

    @ Agust.D
    September 6th, 2018 at 04:29am
  • @ Gunslinger;

    "Hannah I don't have the money to pay him back, that's why I am dealing drugs for him. If I had the money, we wouldn't be jn this predicament." Danny said feeling frustrated. "Hannah I can't stay away from you. I love you and I need you. I haven't missed paying hin back the money from the drugs so far and I won't start now. Things will be fine, we'll just lay low for now." Danny tried to reason with Hannah, but was still upset about how things blew up between him and Cassie.
    September 6th, 2018 at 04:43am
  • Hannah shook her head, "It doesn work like that Danny. He knows about us and he will use that against you " She explained. She ran her fingers through her hair, "He ruins everything." She said as she sat down on his couch. Hannah looked at him, "I'm sorry about you fighting with Cassie. I wish it was easy to explain how bad of a guy he is." She said.

    @ Agust.D
    September 6th, 2018 at 04:49am
  • @ Gunslinger;

    "You don't need to explain how bad he is. I know he is a dangerous man and I should have never gotten involved with him." Danny sighed as he sat down next to Hannah. "Maybe it would have been better if I had let the tattoo shop go out of business. But then I wouldn't be able to look at Cassie and feel like a failure of a brother." He said softly looking down at the floor, "I just wish she knew that I do the things I do for her is because I love her and not because I want to prevent her from doing normal things."
    September 6th, 2018 at 05:03am
  • Hannah looked at him, then hugged him. "It will be okay Danny." She said. "We can pay him back and everything will go back to normal." She said. She rested her head on his shoulder, "Right now just try to keep Nico happy. We dont want to piss him off. I dont want him to hurt you." She said as she hugged him harder.


    Nico put his cigarette out, staring at Cassie's apartment building. He walked to her door and picked the lock. He stepped inside, seeing the darkness. Nico moved to her bedroom, looking at her sleeping form. He was going to get back at Danny for being with his sister. He moved over Cassie and put his hand over her mouth. He watched as her eyes shot open and he put his finger to his mouth to let her know to be quiet. "Dont fucking make a sound." He said, showing her his gun. "Now you are going to get up and let me tie you up. Understand?" He asked.

    @ Agust.D
    September 6th, 2018 at 05:11am
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Cassie nodded and did as she was told, although she was scared out of her mind. She thought that Nico was a nice guy, she didn't understand why he threatened to kill her if she made any noise. Once she was tied up she felt Nico put cloth around her mouth and duct taping it to secure it, to muffle any noise coming out.

    Danny held Hannah close to him. "I'll have to work twice as hard to pay him back so that I won't have to deal with him and so that he won't hurt you or Cassie." He said as he rubbed her back. "You two are the most important people in my life and I will not allow him to take you girls away."
    September 6th, 2018 at 05:21am
  • Hannah smiled at his words, "I will try to help you." She said as she kissed him. "You will figure this out." She said. Hannah bit her bottom lip lightly as she ran her fingers through his hair.


    Nico looked at her, "Come on." He said, pulling her out. He put her in his car, letting his driver take them to a warehouse outside of the city. He for out, pulling her away. He turned her towards him once they were in the warehouse. "Your brother really fucked up. He owes me money and he is messing with my sister." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. "it's a shame you have to be involved. " He said before he slapped her hard. He watched as the red mark appeared on her face. He hit her again then set her on the chair, snapping a picture of her. He sent the picture to Danny. Next time dont piss me off. You pay me back and I might return her alive...

    @ Agust.D
    September 6th, 2018 at 05:27am
  • @ Gunslinger;

    Cassie looked at Nico when he told her that Danny owed him money. She didn't know why he borrowed money from Nico and she didn't know that he was having money trouble. A sob left her mouth when Nico slapped her twice, but it was muffled due to the gag in her mouth. Cassie felt helpless that she couldn't do anything to get out of this predicament and began to hate her brother even more for putting her in this mess.

    Danny sighed when he felt his phone vibrate. He reached over to the coffee table to grab his phone without waking up Hannah, who fell asleep in his lap. He smiled softly when he saw that he received a text from Cassie thinking that she may have wanted to apologize to him. However his smile dropped and his face looked in horror seeing a picture of Cassie tied up and beaten. He read the message and he instantly knew that Nico took her. "Fuck! I'm gonna kill that motherfucker!" Danny yelled as he got up from the couch, waking up Hannah in the process.
    September 6th, 2018 at 05:53am