Bloody dreams of you

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia frowned as he reminded her of his words the night before. "Oh Thibault... I am so sorry I totally forgot. Between hanging out with Bernadette and Walter and being tired last night. I feel really bad." she said biting her lip knowings he felt worse about the magic than the lack of being here for his call. She was glad when he moved on. "Yes we are having a good time. I am learning a lot about her, and you." Cassia curled up and hugged his pillow to her. "I know the sun isn't good for you but just one cloudy morning I would like to have a sunrise with you, even if you are bundled up." she bit her lip hoping he would agree to it at some point. She wished he was home and yet was nervous for him to get home as well. She was frightened what he would do when he found out. She wanted to have a nice return meal with him but when they retired to his room she wanted to tell him. She didn't want him to find out the wrong way, she wanted him to find out from her and understand her reasons.
    When Zane got back Celtin gently woke Rosemarie. "I should go Rose. It will be better that way whatever you decide." he said and kissed her head. He stood knowing she would stop him if she really needed him and she also knew where his room was in case something did happen.
    Zane came in hearing Celtin wake Rosemarie and then her stomach growl and he called room service. As she woke he undressed and showered relaxing. When her food arrived he brought it over to her and sat on the bed with her. "Good morning my love." he said softly. He knew they had a lot to talk about but he wanted her to know she was still the love of his life.
    November 20th, 2019 at 03:59am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    "There's no need to feel bad, my love. You were out having fun, I'd rather have you out doing things than sitting around waiting for me all day." He smiled, settling into bed as he listened to her talk about her day and bonding with his sister. "I hope she's only telling you good things." He chuckled teasingly, smiling as she asked to watch a sunrise with him. "Of course we can do that, Cassia. It has to be the right day weather wise, but I'd be happy to watch the sunrise or sunset with you." He said, stifling a yawn as he looked at the time. "It's nearly sunrise now, so I should let you get to sleep, especially if you've been out walking all day. I'll talk to you tomorrow night?"
    Rosemarie hummed tiredly and barely noticed Celtin leave as she woke up, looking up at Zane sleepily as he brought a tray of food over, sitting up as she rubbed at her eyes. "I'm sorry for oversleeping... Thank you for the food." She said as she dug in, not eating too quickly incase it upset her stomach, grateful for the meal. She leaned against him as he sat next to her, her head resting on his shoulder as she ate. "..I miss you." She murmured soflty after a while. Him being gone most days was taking a toll on her, and she missed being able to spend all of her time with him.
    November 20th, 2019 at 04:40am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassi bit her lip. "She is your younger sister Thibault if she didn't tell me something you didn't want me to know she wouldn't be doing her job." she said. She was glad he agreeded to a sunset or sunrise with her and she hoped they would get to. When he mentioned the time she sighed. "I don't want to let you go Thibault." she mumbled tiredly and sighed after a while. "Yes I will talk to you tomorrow night too. What time do you think you will be home though the next day? I want to be sure I am here and not out in the gardens or the ruins when you get home." she said. She wanted to run to him and toss herself around him and consume him.
    Thibault shook his head. "It's about time you make up that rest. I was worried you would never sleep or eat again." he said and kissed her head. "What is helping?" he asked wanting to be sure whatever it was that they kept it up. He wanted his bond back. And seeing her eating was reassuring him that maybe, just maybe she could get through this pregnancy. He wanted to see a doctor with her and ask some very pointed questions. If they could get a good percentage of survival he would be willing to let her keep the baby. If she did have the baby he had a few promises he needed to make to Rosemarie that would sooth her mind but she needed to be ready to talk first. She said she missed him and he grinned. "I miss you too. I want to go back home. I have a meeting with a council member in the next town we are leaving to tomorrow. I am going to say you have taken ill and I need to take you home and that I need Celtin to accompany us to make sure you make it just fine." he said and kissed her head. "But that is if all goes well." He said.
    November 20th, 2019 at 05:04am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault chuckled softly. "I suppose you're right. She's an honest person, she wouldn't lie, so I'm not worried about it." He said, sighing as she said he didn't want her to go. "I don't want to go either, but we both need our rest. I'll be home day after tomorrow late, likely sometime around dinner time. I'll be home before you know it my dear." He reassured her.
    She closed her eyes happily when he kissed her head, snuggling further into his side. "The doctor game me some medicine to help with the nausea, and it seems to be working. I don't know what exactly it is, but at least I can eat now." She said, pausing to eat some more of her meal. Once she was done she pushed the tray away before moving to lay down in his arms, curling up in his arms as she nuzzled her face in his neck. "I want to go back home too. I miss being home." She murmured, looking up at him. "Not that I don't like traveling.. But I'd like to go home now. Maybe we could travel again after this is all over? Just us?" She asked softly.
    November 20th, 2019 at 06:24am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia sighed as he said he would be home before she knew it. She looked at the giant bed. "Not soon enough." whe whispered then said her goodbyes. "I love you Thibault always and completely." she said hoping these words would come back to him during those hard times. She bit her lip as she thought about it fear in her belly as she thought about the possibility of losing him to this. "Goodnight." she said then listened to him before they hung up. She put the phone back and turned out the light. It was to quiet and the bed to big. She wanted to asked one of the serving girls to join her but then they would think sex and Cassia was in no mood without Thibault so she hugged his pillow tighter burying her face in it and tried to sleep.
    Zane put the tray on the table before moving back to the bed to Rosemarie and he grinned having her right there so close to him. He had missed this. Just the two of them. He looked over as she suggested they travel again where there was only two of them and he soothed her hair back. "Rose... we need to talk about if we do have this baby, and that's a lot of ifs and I will get to those but I know yesterday I didn't give you any hope so I need to. If we have this baby Rose I promise to protect it and care of it like a father should. That means being there and engaged. I have never thought about being a father and it scares the shit out of me but that doesn't mean I don't want to do the right thing." he looked at her. "I know it's not poetic but I hope it's enough to know that this baby will be loved if it is born." He cupped her cheek.
    November 20th, 2019 at 01:45pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    (I'm going to skip ahead a bit for Cassia/Thibault so we get to see Thibault be an angry boy)

    Cassia's second day of training went just as good if not better than the first, with Bernadette giving little tips on vampire weaknesses that she could exploit if needed. Overall she was very impressed with how well Cassia was learning the new spells and mastering them, even if it took her a few tries. She definitely had a natural talent for magic, and even though she wished the circumstances were different for her learning, she knew that she loved practicing it, and that Walter loved helping her learn.

    It was nearly lunch time on their third and presumed final day of training, with Thibault set to come home that evening. Bernadette had offered to let Cassia practice the spells she'd just been taught on her, Walter having taught her a few spells that would weaken a vampire's senses, especially their sense of smell and sight. Unsurprisingly, Cassia pulled off the spell without a hitch, and Bernadette was stumbling through the ruins as she tried to 'hunt' her, squinting and blinking her eyes as she struggled to clear her vision. After tripping over a piece of rubble and landing in the dirt with a thud and laugh she tensed, having picked up on a scent that meant they'd all be in big trouble shortly. "Cassia, break the spell." She ordered urgently, scrambling to her feet, trying to see where Walter was so she could get to his side and protect him.

    But Thibault was already there, one hand wrapped around his neck as he pinned him against one of the walls so that his feet dangled a good foot or two off the ground. It was clear Thibault was furious, eyes red as he seethed in anger. "How dare you." He growled in anger, ready to rip the man's throat out for corrupting Cassia with his magic, not caring if he was his sister's bond or not.

    "Thibault, Thibault please. Please don't.." Bernadette begged from where she stood, having regained enough of her vision and sense of smell to know how angry her brother was, how close he was to killing Walter. "Please don't hurt him. I-I'll do anything.. Please.." Tears leaked down her cheeks, and it was easy to hear the fear in her voice, eyes pleading as she looked to Cassia to help.
    Rosemarie blushed as he spoke, looking up at him in surprise as she listened. She leaned her head into his hand, gripping his shirt as she snuggled close. "You'd.. You'd want to have the baby with me? Really want it?" She asked softly, eyes scanning his face for a moment before tucking her face back into his chest. "I don't want you to feel like you have to want it.."
    November 20th, 2019 at 09:42pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia was so focused on what she did when Bernadette told her to break the spell she listened imiediatly worried she had hurt her but then she heard Walter's gasp. She turned hearing Thibault's words and the anger on his face but it was more than that. It was the betrayal. She heard Bernadette pleading and Cassia felt her knees wobbling before she walked over to Thibault placing herself between Thibault and Walter. she reached up and gently stroked his cheek. "You're home... I'm so sorry." she pressed her hands into his chest pushing softly tears welling up in her eyes. "Thibault let him go. Take me inside. We need to talk." she said and ran her hand over his arm holding Walter. "It's not his fault." her voice wavered knowing this was going to be the hardest thing yet.
    Zane shook his head. "If the baby is born then yes Rosemarie, yes to everything." he said and kissed her head. "But we need to talk about a few things before we get to that point. The first being that I absolutely refuse to lose you. If the baby is to dangerous to your health I will choose you first every time." he said and looked down at her. "I want to talk to a doctor when we get home. I will be very involved with your health during this. And at any point I am afraid for your life I will have them cut that baby out of you and if it lives then we will raise it together but you are my number one priority. Do I make myself clear?" Thibault asked knowing this was the hard part for her. She wanted all or nothing but he could not do that. He would not lose her for the baby.
    November 21st, 2019 at 04:19am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault's eyes snapped to Cassia when she touched his cheek, a mixture of anger and betrayal in his eyes. "Don't. We'll talk later." He said dismissively, turning his attention back to Walter as the man struggled to breathe, Thibault's grip on his neck tightening to the point where he was turning blue, and his nails dug into his skin enough to draw blood. "Stop it, Thibault. Please, you'll kill him." Bernadette begged, starting to take a step forward, desperate to save her bond, although when Thibault turned his eyes back to her she shrank back, afraid that he'd hurt Walter further if she went too close. "Good, one less witch in the world." Thibault spat angrily, glaring at his sister. "You're lucky I don't rip you apart for this."
    Rosemarie frowned as he spoke, looking up at him. She agreed with speaking to a doctor when they got home, and she'd want him to be involved in this pregnancy, but she worried about him wanting to have the final say of what happened. "I understand that, Zane.. I really do, but I worry that if one day I'm not feeling well, you'll panic and force me to give it up when there was really nothing to worry about. I'm afraid you won't listen to me, and what I want." She frowned, squeezing his hand. "I'll agree to it, but I'll only let them take the baby if a doctor says it's absolutely necessary, that there's no other way. You're so protective, and I love that about you, but I worry that you'll get scared and panic, and overreact in a situation that doesn't need it."
    November 21st, 2019 at 04:31am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia frowned. She had tried this the easy way, the good way. Now she stopped her foot. "Look at me!" she yelled. When he didn't she reached out and slapped him. When his angry eyes hit hers she glared back at him. "You are not this." She spat her hands shaking as she held them at her sides. "If you do not let him go I will use my magic on you and I will not enjoy that. Do not make me do that." she begged him tears streaming down her face. Cassia knew this was her last option. On the other hand she knew Walter was not using his magic on Thibault even though he could. He could and he could hurt Thibault. It was his choice to let Cassia take this stance. To protect a life and fight for this. She knew that as she glared through her tears at Thibault. She wanted him to stop to take her away. She rather he take it out on her. She could take it but she could not take him hurting or killing someone else for her choice. "You can not be angry with them, this is my decision." she said. She had one lie she could tell if she had to destroy him but she was afraid who he would take with him. It would be better to use her magic to bring him to his knees so weak that he could not stand but she did not want to ever use her magic on him. That was to cruel.
    Zane nodded letting her voice her concern and he agreeded to a point. "Okay I will seek medical suggestion before overreacting but you are my bond Rosemarie. The only thing that keeps me from insanity and I hold the right to make that final choice. This is where you will have to have faith in my love, devotion and concern for you and your happiness." he said hoping she could trust him as much as he was trusting her in this. Zane cupped her cheek. "Can you trust me my bond?" he asked her and dropped his forehead to hers.
    November 21st, 2019 at 04:49am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault tensed when she slapped him, his grip on Walter tightening in anger as he stared at Cassia, absolutely furious. His anger only grew when she threatened to use magic on him, furious with Bernadette and Walter for having taught her magic at all. Her words stung, and after a few moments of staring at her he turned his attention back to Walter, glaring at him in warning before throwing him across the ruins so he hit one of the stone walls rather hard. Bernadette screamed as Walter slammed into the wall, rushing over to pull him into her arms, cradling him against her chest as she sobbed weakly, terrified he was hurt. "If you're not gone by sunrise, I'll make you watch him burn before I rip you apart, sister." Thibault said bitterly before turning to Cassia, grabbing her arm to bring her back to the house, absolutely fuming.
    Rosemarie snuggled close, wrapping her arms around him as she pressed a little kiss to his nose before resting her forehead against his, closing her eyes. "Of course I trust you, my love. I'll always trust you, always." She promise, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you."
    November 21st, 2019 at 05:48am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia didn't move as Thibault dug himself in deeper with his sister. She inhaled sharply as he gripped her arm. He would leave bruises. She let him pull her out of the ruins and towards the house but at some point it was getting to dangerous for her to keep stumbling over the stones and branches to walk. She stopped and ripped her arm from his grasp glaring at him as he went to say something then headed into the house. She walked up to their room and opened the door walking in to the middle of the room and turning waiting for Thibault to begin. She knew he needed to tell her all that was wrong and bad before she told him she did this for him, for them because she wanted to protect him and that she knew about the witch that broke his heart. Cassia was very glad that he had not killed Walter but was upset he had destroyed his relationship yet again with his sister but she hoped to be around long enough to help fix that. Surely they had all expected it when they had talked about teaching her magic.

    Walter sat up as her felt Bernadette's hands on him. He had used his boundary when Thibault had let go so he was not so hurt from the throw across the room. He pulled Bernadette into his arms. "Do not be angry with him Bernadette. We knew this would happen. I will be fine. A few bruises but that his all." he croaked out his voice scratchy. "Let's get the bags and go to a nearby hotel. If Cassia can get away I want her to know that if she needs us we are here." he said and looked at Bernadette cradling her. "I am fine Bee." he whispered.
    Zane nodded and kissed her head. "I love you so much..." he said and knew it was time to tell her what he was really scared of. "It could be Celtin's too... couldn't it?" he whispered his voice small as he held her to him not looking at her as he waited for her answer. He also wanted to talk to the doctor about this not happening again. It was to dangerous.
    November 21st, 2019 at 06:22am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault slammed the door as he entered the house, the servants knowing well enough not to get in his way when he was in this sort of mood. He also slammed the door to their room, the wood splintering as he stormed in, glaring at Cassia as she stood in the room. "What the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea how dangerous magic is? How it corrupts people? And you've been doing this the entire time that I've been gone. You lied to me, Cassia. You lied to me." He his voice broke a bit as he said the last bit, looking absolutely devastated as he looked at her.

    Bernadette sobbed as she held her bond in her arms, having been so sure that she was going to lose him. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She sobbed over and over, checking him over to make sure that he really was alright before burying her face in his chest as she broke down fully. "I-I thought I'd lose you.."
    Rosemarie curled into his arms, brushing her fingers gently through his hair as they just relaxed with each other. She frowned a bit as he spoke, looking at him, her eyes full of concern. She bit her lip, nodding a little as she looked at him. "Yes... It could be Celtin's baby.." She murmured softly in confirmation, brushing her fingers over his cheek gently. "But that doesn't mean that you wouldn't be it's father, Zane. I don't care whose child it is biologically, as long as you and I get to raise it together, as ours." She frowned, tearing up a little as she looked at him. "Do... Do you want me to get rid of it if it is his?"
    November 21st, 2019 at 06:50am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia frowned. She looked down. "I didn't tell you yes but I did not lie to you. I am so sorry that this hurts you because of her. But I was thinking... We were thinking that it was very dangerous to leave me completely vulnerable when I am your weakness Thibault." She looked up at him her eyes determined. He probably wouldn't believe her but she had to try. "Yes magic is dangerous and it can make people power hungry but all I have ever wanted, even when I didn't know it, all I want now is you." She pushed at the tears. "I know you have to adjust to this but I did this so you would never be hurt again like that witch hurt you. So no one could use me against you. And all I have learned as of yet is how to protect myself and you." she said stepping forward again. She shook her head. "Believe me or not but I love you Thibault and I am no okay with letting people hurt you, even with you hurting yourself and if that means I have to learn some magic to protect you, to stay with you. Then by the gods I will take my natural abilities and do it." she said then suddenly it his her. Why would she have natural abilities to do magic... it would mean her parents would have had to be witches as well and she stepped back and inhaled sharply. "Thibault..." she sat on the bed and looked at him. "Who where my parents?" she asked. She had never asked before. Now might not be the time but if she was right one of several things happened. Either she was payment to Thibault, or she had been a sacrifice Thibault had saved, or magic killed her parents. She started to shake. All three possibilities would change her reality.
    Zane shook his head at her worried question. He kissed her head. "We will approach what to do with Celtin and you if it is his when it is born. Right now that is to far off." he said and closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose. "I think it is time to sleep Rosemarie." he said and stood to turn off the light. "Tomorrow will be long day in discussions with the council member." Zane said and flipped the light coming back and crawling into bed pulling Rosemarie into his arms.
    November 21st, 2019 at 01:57pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault stared at her as she spoke, still obviously upset, but at least he was calming down anger wise. He could understand her reasoning, but it was still so dangerous for her, and he didn't want to risk her life. He tensed when she began to ask about her parents, sinking into a chair on the other side of the room as he ran his hands over his face, debating on whether or not to tell her. "You were born to witches. I don't know who they were, because by the time I'd found you, a powerful blood magic coven had killed them and taken you, in order to manipulate you and use your magic for their own. I slaughtered them all, and brought you here to keep you safe."
    Rosemarie frowned as she watched him, knowing he was upset. She snuggled into his arms as he laid back down, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "You're upset.. I don't want to sleep until you're not upset." She murmured, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose as she rested her forehead against his. "Please talk to me, Zane... What can I do to make you feel better?"
    November 21st, 2019 at 05:52pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia sat there listening as Thibault started to explain and she felt the tear slip down her cheek. She closed her eyes and felt it tugging there. She whimpered as a single memory came flooding back.
    Cassia woke to the screaming. She wondered where everyone was. They had so many people in their house with mommy and daddy. Cassia got up her little bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor. She padded forward and stepped in something warm and sticky. Cassia turned and saw daddy. Why was he on the floor like that?" she was walking over to him when mommy came running in. She saw her and scooped her into her arms. "Cassia. You have to be strong now. You have to run like mommy tells you to." she said as she ran down the stairs and out the back door. The salt air and mommy's sent filled her nostrils. She set Cassia on the cold sand and wrapped her little coat around her. "Run my love. Run and do not look back." she kissed her head and Cassia felt the panic. "Mommy..." she said but then her mother shook her head and screamed. "Run Cassia!" Cassia's turned her little feet hitting the shore carrying her as fast and far away as possible. Cassia had bumped into a tall dark man, there on the beach and looked up at him. She heard mommy scream and turned seeing her slump to the ground the sand darkening around her. "Mommy." she whispered and then looked back at the man her eyes brimming with tears.
    Cassia let out a choked sob and covered her mouth. She whimpered and then stood running to the bathroom. She threw up pulling her hair back to one side. Cassia wiped her mouth and sat back on her knees leaning against the toilet as she thought. Cassia looked up as Thibault came to check on her. "And you think I could let magic corrupt me like those witches?" She shook her head and looked away trying not to throw up again as she tried to remember how to breathe normally. She shook her head. "I get it you are angry I didn't tell you, that you have trauma from a witch that wrongfully used your feelings, and that magic corruption was the reason for my parents death but it is my choice to make. My inheritance from my parents is my gifts and you will have to learn to trust me completely at some point like I do you." she said and then stood and brushed her teeth. "I will sleep in my old room tonight to give you time to think about it." she looked up at him. "I really had intended to tell you, and let you adjust but with this... It is no longer about you. And if you know what is good for you, you won't banish your sister but see if you can earn her forgiveness one more time because she too did this to protect you. If it hadn't been Walter, someone else would have sensed my power and taught me, maybe someone with a grudge against you that would have took that innocence and twisted it. Walter was very careful not to do that, instead he taught me control, defense and protection because he even was considerate enough to think about you." she said feeling completely shot. Cassia grabbed a change fo clothes and headed to leave.
    "I am not upset just stressed Rosemarie. Now close your eyes and rest. We will talk again tomorrow and more when I get you home finally." he said. Zane yawned. "It was a long day for me Rosemarie." he reminded her that while she fought to sleep he fought newborns. Zane rested his forehead against hers and kissed her cheek with a sigh. "I know you are worried Rosemarie but we really have to take this slow. I can not do to much of this at once it will make me shut down." he said and caressed her cheek in the dark. But if you are really wanting to cheer me up tell me something that would delight me. I could use some good news." he said stroking her arms.
    November 22nd, 2019 at 06:31am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault frowned as he watched her rush to the bathroom, getting up with a sigh to make sure that she was alright. He felt terrible for not having told her sooner than now, but he also felt terrible for how he had treated her. When she said she would go sleep in her old room he felt his heart break, frowning as he watched her walk to grab a change of clothes. When she started to leave he panicked and rushed forward to wrap his arms around her from behind, burying his face in her shoulder as he held onto her. "Don't leave.... Please.." he murmured weakly, terrified that if she left she'd never come back. "I'm sorry... Please don't leave.."
    Rosemarie frowned as he spoke, not liking that he seemed to be avoiding talking to her about what was upsetting him, but she knew that he must have had a long day, and it would be better if he rested and they talked in the morning. "Alright.. If you say so. But I want you to be open and honest with me, ok? I need you to be. You keeping your feelings all bottled up doesn't help anyone." She sighed, closing her eyes sleepily as she ran her fingers through his hair gently, snuggling closer. "Hmm.. I think you'll be a wonderful father, Zane.." she murmured sleepily, stifling a yawn before finally drifting off to sleep.
    November 22nd, 2019 at 07:04am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia hadn't thought he would want her to stay. She touched his arm and dropped her things turning in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him her face pressing against his. "I will stay but you have to go see if you can convince your sister to stay." she said and looked up at him. "You can't do this twice Thibault." she said and then gently pulled out of his arms grabbing her things. She was adamant that he make things right as soon as possible. She knew it wouldn't necessarily be easy to make up and not so soon but he had to do it. She knew that they needed each other. Cassia set her things down making sure he was going to go first before she would change.
    Zane nodded at her words. "I know, now sleep." he said. She snuggle into him and said he would make a great father and he frowned and held her tightly. He was freaking out about that one little fact but Rosemarie believed in him and that gave him hope. He rubbed her back soothingly wondering if sleep was going to come for him at all tonight with his thoughts swirling like they where. He closed his eyes really trying. Sleep was more of a necessity for the living but it was nice for a vampire. It not only passed the time but also was quite refreshing.
    November 22nd, 2019 at 01:45pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault held her tightly against him as she turned and wrapped her arms around him in return, relieved that she wanted to stay. He looked at her with a frown when she pulled away, looking out the window for a moment before turning back to her. "There's still time before sunrise.. if you wanted to... To keep practicing with Walter." He murmured, obviously struggling to overcome his fear of magic, but if it was for her, he'd find a way. "Besides... I don't think Bernadette would let me near him without you present.. after what I did.. Help me?"
    Rosemarie slept soundly in his arms for most of the night, but ended up having to get up a few hours before sunset to go to the bathroom, and couldn't get back to sleep after that. She worried she'd wake up Zane so she paced quietly around the bathroom, resting her hands on her stomach, which now that she knew she was pregnant, was noticably a bit bigger, although if you didn't know to look you wouldn't catch it. She whispered softly to herself, having a quiet little conversation with the baby, even though she knew she was being a bit silly. But it made her feel better to talk. "Everything will be alright, don't you worry. You'll grow and grow, and then before you know it, you'll get to meet your mum and dad, and we're going to love you so so much. So don't worry, everything will be ok."
    November 22nd, 2019 at 04:43pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Cassia bit her lip. "I am too tired to practice more tonight but I believe you might be right about her comfort might be better with me there." She said and walked back to him and cupped his cheek looking up at him. "It is going to be okay. I love you Thibault." she said and leaned up running her lips over his tenderly. "I will help you." she said and took his hand. "Come on." she said and stepped out with him. They headed back towards Bernadette and Walter's room and she hoped they were still there. She walked up to the door and knocked gently on the door hoping that they would answer. She heard Walter on the other side of the door. "Open the door Bee." He rasped and Cassia pulled on Thibault's hand so he stood close to her.
    Zane opened the door yawning and rubbing his face. "We finally get to sleep in together and you're in here pacing and whispering." he said and and walked over to her seeing her hands on her belly. It was a weird sensation to see and he walked over and placed a hand over hers on her belly. "Come back to bed, you need your sleep." he said and kissed her softly. He wrapped her up in his arms as he brought her to his chest. He didn't know if this would be a new thing she would do or not but he had woke to a cold empty bed and heard her in the bathroom. It had been weird to him so he had come to get her.
    November 22nd, 2019 at 05:19pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Thibault ran his fingers through her hair gently as he held her close, the action calming him. He nodded a bit, squeezing her hand as he followed her down the hall to Bernadette and Walter's room, tensing a little once he was standing outside, knowing Bernadette wouldn't be happy to see him. Bernadette was in the middle of packing their things to leave when she heard the knock, tensing as she slowly moved toward the door, anxious about why someone would be here. She gave Walter a worried look before she cracked the door open a few inches, looking at Cassia worriedly before her eyes narrowed on her brother. It was clear that she'd been crying, and she was rather upset about everything that had happened. "You tried to kill him." She finally said after a few moments of silence, glaring up at her brother. Thibault forward, stumbling over an apology. "I didn't, I just-" Bernadette interupted him before he could finish though. "You tried to kill him. You wanted to kill him. I'm not letting you in." She said sternly. She'd gladly give her life protecting Walter, even if it meant fighting her own brother. Thibault sighed, hanging his head in shame. "..I know. And I'm sorry. I was... I was scared, and overreacted."
    Rosemarie jumped in surprise when he opened the door, startled as she thought he'd been asleep. She blushed and quickly moved her hands away from her belly, looking up at him with a little frown. "I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to wake you.. I'm sorry." She apologized as he pulled her into his arms and brought her back to bed, curling up against his side. "I was being foolish, I'm sorry I woke you up, Zane. It won't happen again." She promised, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before settling back under the blankets, hoping she'd reassure him enough to where he could get back to sleep.
    November 22nd, 2019 at 05:32pm