Angels Lie to Keep Control [Closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt smirked as he got up and got ready for bed, "Yea but that's okay." He said as he climbed into bed with her. He pulled her close to him and ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed along her neck, "Get some sleep." He whispered against her skin. He fell asleep, holding onto her. He woke up the next morning and stretched before he ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her cheek then held her close to him, knowing she was still sleeping.
    Sadie gasped as he gripped her neck tighter, pulling on her handcuffs, forgetting that she was still restrained. She was terrified that she couldn't fight him off at all and he could literally kill her if he wanted to and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. She blinked the tears away from her eyes as she heard him laughed, a moan leaving her lips as he thrust into her just right.

    @ dezzy
    September 5th, 2018 at 07:03pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Pipers dreams were always so weird. It's like there was another world inside her head, and Willow was there living in it. Most of the time it made her uncomfortable and she would wake up multiple times through out the night to try and get those weird dreams to go away. They never did.

    She opened her eyes, relieved to see that it was daylight. She was pressed up against Matts chest but she could still see the sunlight washing over the room through the window. Piper rose a hand up to Matts chest to try and gently push away.
    Brian looked down at her and gasped, his hair swaying in front of his eyes, damp with sweat now. "Did I just hear a moan?" He smirked, placing a hand on her lower stomach and his other on her hip as he continued to grind into her. "I knew you wanted it."

    He continued to move his hips, thrusting into her in the same motion each time. "Are you going to come for me, Sadie?" His voice came out in a hushed whisper.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 6th, 2018 at 03:38pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt trapped Piper's hand as she went to get up. He didnt open his eyes, "Piper ...what is the rule?" He asked. He smirked as he heard her stumble over her words. She always did that when she was nervous. "You arent suppose to get up until I say so." He said as he opened his eyes. He ran his fingers through her hair. "Come here." He said, pulling her so she was straddling his lap. "You are so gorgeous." He said.


    Sadie gasped as he pressed on his stomach, the pleasure increasing. She heard him whisper and looked at him. She shook her head, moaning as he pressed harder. "Okay, okay yes." She replied, seeing him smirk. She looked away from him, feeling her body betraying her.

    @ dezzy
    September 6th, 2018 at 05:35pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Piper wasn't really afraid of Matt in the slightest- at least when it came to him physically hurting her. The only time Matt had ever scared her was when he raised his voice, but she never took any of his abuse. She didn't even know about it. She was always just so timid of making him angry because of what Willow had told her. Could she really trust a voice inside of her head, though?

    She slid atop Matt's lap, holding onto his arms to keep balance. She even wrapped her legs tightly around him. "Sorry, I was just thirsty." She whispered, a blush rising to her face from his compliment. Piper leaned in and kissed Matt's cheek, before resting against his chest. She trusted Matt, maybe even loved him, he was the only man she had ever known.
    Brian knew even with Sadie trying to resist him, telling him no and scrunching her eyes shut tightly, that no matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't be able to ignore what her body was feeling. He planned on making sure every time he touched her, or kissed her, that she would always get some sort of pleasure out of it. If, sexually, he always made her feel good, eventually she would come to yearn for him. He watched her as she finally admitted to him what the reality was and he felt her start to tighten up around him, making it harder and harder for him to move.

    He slid his hands into her hair, tangling his fingers up in it as he continued to thrust as hard as he could, "C'mon, Sadie, you're so fucking close." He smirked, knowing her skin was probably crawling from how her body was betraying her. Her back was arching and he watched as her hands gripped the sheets from underneath of her. Brian continued to grind into her, yanking and tugging at her hair.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 7th, 2018 at 10:06am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt smiled as she relaxed on him, "That's okay babygirl." He whispered against her hair. "I just love laying with you and holding you." He said as his hands moved up her sides against her soft skin. He kissed her head then smacked her ass playfully, "Go get yourself some water." He said, letting her get up. He relaxed on the bed as he waited for her to return. He smirked as she came back, "Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" He asked as he pulled the blankets back for her.


    Sadie gasped as she felt him pull.her hair as her orgasm washed over her. She screamed in pleasure as she felt him keep thrusting. She felt awful for letting him get his way. She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. Sadie winced as he pulled her hair to make her looked at him. "Please stop." She whispered as she felt his hands on her. She didnt want to be near him any longer.

    @ dezzy
    September 7th, 2018 at 12:47pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Piper quietly got up and walked into the kitchen, opening the cabinet and, at first, glancing at the couple of shot glasses Matt kept. He drank a lot, but Piper had never once even tasted a drop of it. It seemed to always make him horny, or angry. She wondered if it was like that for everyone, and if it wasn't, what would it do to her?

    Pulling her eyes away from them, she grabbed a regular, short glass from the middle shelf and filling it with water. She took a sip before returning and sitting it down on the night stand. "You do all the time." Piper blushed, embarrassed, letting her eyes drop to the floor.
    Brian forced her to look at him, squeezing her cheeks with just one hand. He looked down into her teary eyes and smirked, "But I haven't came yet. That wouldn't be fair."

    He continued to hold her face tightly, scrunching it up to where her eyes had to squint. His other hand gripped one of her tits tightly, most likely leaving claw marks. He thrusted hard and fast now, not caring whether it felt good to her, or hurt her. He had taken care of her and now it was his turn.

    Brian heard her gasp, and start to cry, and it just made him go harder, his dick so hard there was no way in hell he could stop now. "Fucking take it, bitch!" He growled at her, feeling the tip of his dick slamming against her cervix. It was only a few pumps later that he poured his load into her, feeling it make her insides so much more slippery.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 9th, 2018 at 12:33am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt smiled, "Come here." He said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her on him. He ran his hands over her body then kissed her softly. He figured he would take it easy on her. He ran his hands under her back, then slowly pulled away. "I am glad that you are with me. I dont know what I would do without you." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair.


    Sadie gasped as he grabbed her face roughly. She realized how miserable her life was going to be as he began to move faster. She winced as he yelled at her, the tears rolling down her eyes as she cried. She was relieved when she felt his body move away from hers.

    @ dezzy
    September 9th, 2018 at 12:48am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Piper felt goosebumps pop up along her skin when Matt pulled her back on top of him. She swallowed and forced herself to look into his eyes. She could just hear a voice in her mind whispering that he was lying about everything. "You don't know what you'd do without me?" She repeated, chewing on the inside of her lip, almost believing the voice that it was a lie. "Do you promise?" She asked.

    If Matt said yes, that was a promise and couldn't be a lie then, right? So the voice in the back of her head would be wrong? 'God, you're an idiot, Pipes.' The voice berated her. Piper frowned, wrapping her arms around her sides, holding herself tightly so that she would feel safe.
    Brian stepped away from the bed, stretching his arms up high to the ceiling. Energy was rushing through his body, from head to toe, and all he wanted was a hot shower. He let out a holler when he dropped his arms back down to his sides and turned around to face Sadie again.

    "Come take a shower with me, I'll help you get cleaned back up." He leaned over to unchain her from the bed, his now softer cock rubbing against her stomach and it made him shiver. He pulled her up off the bed once she was loose, quickly grabbed a zip tie off of the night stand so that he could secure her hands behind her back. He didn't want her thinking she could try to fight him off or run away.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 11th, 2018 at 09:05am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Matt smiled when she acted so innocent. He loved that about her, "Of course, I promise." He said as he rubbed her sides. "You are amazing and I wouldnt have anyone without you." He said as he kissed her on the cheek. He couldnt get over that she had been his for so long.


    Sadie looked away from him as he unchained her. She gasped as he pulled her up, pulling away from him slightly. She winced when she felt him zip tie her hands together. She let him pull her to the bathroom, frowning as he started the shower. She didnt want to be near him anymore.

    @ dezzy
    September 13th, 2018 at 04:03pm