Run baby run

  • Matt frowned as she got up and walked away. He narrowed his eyes as he shoved the napkin into his pocket. He got up, finishing his beer before he walked out. He looked at her, seeing her smoking, "I will be in touch with you by tomorrow." He said. He walked to the truck and got in,"Fuck, I am ready to go home." He said. He did not like leaving his comfortable home and his city.
    Blair frowned as he called her dollface. She rolled her eyes then walked with him out of the bar. She looked at her friend as she pulled her keys out, "Ready?" She asked as she ran her fingers through her hair. She watched as the guys drove off, then got in the car. She started the car, "They were so annoying." She said as she started towards Alissa's house.

    @ CoraDora
    September 8th, 2018 at 11:17pm
  • Alissa nodded her head, 'at least we make double the money I guess. At this rate I can retire in like three years." Which was absolutely true actually, she had probably done around 200 trips in the past couple years and made a little over half a million.
    'Thanks love, I'll see you tomorrow." Alissa muttered when they got to her house. She ran up the steps and into her house, then immediately hit her bed.

    "Next time we have them come to us, way easier to convince that way," Brian said starting the truck, and getting on the road. It was only a couple hours drive but it felt like forever. Finally they were on the streets of their city.
    "Alright," he muttered pulling up to Shadows large home, "Got the real fun shit tomorrow, yeah?"
    September 9th, 2018 at 12:47am
  • Matt nodded, "Yea we will get everything done tomorrow." He said before he got out and walked inside. He sighed as he shut the door then got ready for bed.

    He woke up the next morning and walked into the warehouse where he did all his business. He walked into his office and sat down, going through some paper work. He texted Alissa, giving her a place to meet one of the guys and they would bring them to the warehouse.


    Blair smiled, "Night." She said. She drove to her house and got some sleep.

    The next morning she walked into Alissa's house, "Hey let's go! We for a long ride ahead of us. She said to her friend.

    @ CoraDora
    September 9th, 2018 at 09:13pm
  • Alissa grumbled and put on a pair of shoes. She motioned for Blair to follow her, walked out the door and locked it. Once she was sitting in the driver's seat she checked flher phone and sure enough Shadows had text her about an hour before.
    "It won't be long with me driving," she told her best friend with a smirk.
    Alissa put the address in the GPS then passed Blair the phone to navigate.
    Brian arrived at Shadow's house after a long restless night ready to just get through the day. He walked through the hall ways and right into Shadow's office where he sat down across from the man. Brian picked up a stack of papers off to the and began to leaf through them.
    After a minute he stopped. Something wasn't right with the money reported on the page. He redid the math three times and still it was way off from what he knew it should be. He cursed to himself then slide the paper in front of Shadows. "Check this shit out," he growled.

    (Sorry I thought I replied hours ago. Never hit submit. XD)
    September 10th, 2018 at 05:52am
  • [that's okay!]

    Matt frowned when he realized one of his guys was stealing money from him. "Mother fucker." he muttered. "Looks like our new guest get a show." He said as he got up. He opened the door, "Johnny, Zacky, Go get Benji and bring him here." He said. He knew that the guy probably thought he wouldn't catch on to what they were planing. He walked out as the girls arrived, crossing his arms as they walked towards them. "Enjoy the trip?" He asked them.
    Blair walked with Alissa into the warehouse. It was nicer than the outside appeared to be. She ran her fingers through her hair as they walked down the hallway, finding Matt and Brian waiting for them in one of the rooms. She looked at Matt, hearing Alissa talk to him. She glanced over, noticing the way Brian was looking at her. She looked behind her as Johnny and Zacky drug some guy in and threw him on the floor. "Is this how you greet all of your guest?" she asked, looking at the two men.

    Matt chuckled, "Well, not all the time." he said. He grabbed Benji and put in him one of the chairs. "Benji here has been stealing from us and we all know how I hate a thief." He said. He smirked as Johnny and Zacky held the guy still. "Do you know what they do to thieves in a lot of countries?" He asked as he pulled a machete off one of the table. "They cut a few fingers off." He said. He rolled his eyes as Benji pleaded with them. "Shut the fuck up!" He snapped at the guy before he put his hand on the table and held it down with his boot. He cut two of the man's fingers off, hearing his screams fill the ware house. He pulled away and grabbed Benji's face, "If you ever do that again, I will be paying your wife and daughter a visit." He threatened before he let him go. "get this asshole out of here." He said to the guys. He turned to the girls. "Here." He said, handing Alissa a map with some of the places she needed to drop stuff off to. "Pick the merchandise up here." He said, pointing at the blue dot, "Then drop it at these locations." He said, showing her the red dots. He acted as if he didn't just mutilate someone and was very calm all of the sudden.

    @ CoraDora

    @ CoraDora
    September 10th, 2018 at 05:26pm
  • The drive was great, Alissa had brightened right up about thirty minutes in and started to get excited about a new job. She wasn't sure exactly what was going on when she had Blair had arrived. But it hadn't been pretty at all. If nothing else she had learned they were truly in the big league now.

    "Right," she muttered talking the paper from Shadows, "Right away boss man."

    She turned to ask Blair if she was ready but she was talking to Synyster so Alissa swiveled back around to face Shadows. Looking at the man you would never be able to tell anything out of the ordinary had happened. "So... How was your day," she asked after a moment.


    Brian felt like a creep but he couldn't keep his eyes off Blair the entire time they were in the warehouse. Well, that wasn't exactly true when Matt had taken the fingers off his eyes were glued to the traitor. The fucker better watch his step or he would find himself short a tongue, fingers, and a family.

    He shook off the persona that threatened to pull him under and walked over to Matt and the girls. When Matt was done giving instructions he pulled Blair off to the side. "Drinks after your done?" He sort of asked sort of told. "Meet me at Callahan's pub its nor far from your last drop."

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 10th, 2018 at 07:12pm
  • Matt chuckled when she asked how his day was, "It was good until this point when I had to hurt someone." He said. "Alright you two need to get going." He said, noticing Brian talking to Blair, "Hey asshole, she has to go." He teased his friend. Matt walked back to his office, "Call if you need anything." He said. He figured they could get something to eat after they were done.
    Blair was surprised when Brian grabbed her arm, gently and pulled her to the side. She looked at him and nodded when he mentioned drinks. "Sure sounds fun. As long as there is food." She teased him. She smiled a little as he looked at her. She wasn't going to say no because he was very good looking. She always had a thing for bad boys and Brian was probably the baddest of the bad which made him more appealing. She looked over as Matt spoke, "Of course." she said, smiling at Brian before she walked out with Alissa.

    @ CoraDora
    September 10th, 2018 at 07:56pm
  • Alissa was determined not to need anything. She felt like she had something to prove to the incredible hulk like man they called Shadows. She and Blair got in the car and Alissa handed her the map. She let the adrenaline key through her getting her pumped up.

    The blue dot wasn't that far away it only took them around ten minutes to get there. What Alissa was expecting another dingy warehouse so when she pulled up to a nice looking surf shop she was just a little surprised. Shaking it off she pulled around back.

    "They really do run this city," She said looking at Blair.

    As soon as the car stopped two men were at the windows. "Can we help you ladies," they asked when Alissa had rolled the window down. "Yeah," she replied, "you can actually. Shadows sent us to get a couple surfboards."

    Brian smiled back at Blair and watched her leave. That ass left nothing to be desired. "Come on Shads you know you want to corrupt them." He said with a smirk. But it was back to business.

    "Hey Teller called earlier and we might have a problem with one of the runners we let go last month. I'm gonna go check it out make sure people know the price of speaking." He told Matt, already hardening into the man that the business needed.

    Brian got in his truck and drove about twenty minutes away, where Teller had arranged for the rat to be. He got out of the truck and strolled into the building where he found a man tied to the chair in the center of the room. He pulled the gag out of his mouth and immediately the coward started crying and begging.

    "Now why would you think I care?" Brian asked a dangerous smirk on his face. He slid on some gloves and made a show of pulling his knife out. He bashed him in the face a couple times, blood flew everywhere. When Brain felt like he was dazed enough he shoved the man's head back and pried his mouth open. It only took a couple minutes to carve his tongue out and then shove it down his throat.

    "He'll be dead in a couple minutes," he told one of the guys watching. "When he is string him up somewhere so everyone else can get the message too."

    With his last command, he was out the door and back in his truck.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 10th, 2018 at 09:13pm
  • Matt smirked when Brian said he was going to take care of the rat, "Alright sounds good." He said. He walked out into the warehouse and began to look around the warehouse, taking inventory of what they had. He didn't keep all his merchandise in the warehouse just in case they were to get busted. Matt didn't think that would ever happen because he had a lot of friends that were police. Anyone could be bought with the right amount of money. Matt sighed as he sat down and began to looked through his paper work. He didn't keep stuff on computers because it was easier to dispose to paper work if needed.
    Blair looked at the guys and was surprised at how quickly they went to get the bags. She looked at the note that the guys handed her before they walked off. "Okay, one bag per drop." She said, looking at Alissa. "You think this was worth it? To get really involved with these guys?" She asked as they drove to the first place. When they got there and got out, grabbing one of the bags and dropped it off to the guy. She got in, "Alright, next place." She said, relaxing at Alissa began to drive. She really couldn't even remember how they got involved in all of this. It was suppose to just be a few months but it had really turned into a career.

    @ CoraDora
    September 10th, 2018 at 09:30pm
  • Alissa shrugged, "It could be fun at least. I don't know. You know my plan. I'm only doing this five years max. Then maybe Florida."

    They were at the next stop now and Blair jumped out and ran it in. Within two minutes she was back and they were off to the next one.

    A couple of hours and three stops later they were finally finished. "Well, that was way easier than I thought it would be. What about you B?" She asked heading towards the bar.
    Brian decided to go check out a couple of the other warehouses, make sure everything looked alright. Each time he walked on unannounced you could practically taste the fear coming off some of the men. After a couple of hours, he figured everything looked fine and headed back to Matt's place.

    He found the other man in his office still looking at papers. "Come on fucker let's go play some games."

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 10th, 2018 at 10:06pm
  • Matt looked up as Brian spoke, "Alright, I could go for a beer." He said as he got up. He walked with him to the truck and got in. He looked at him, "Everything go well today?" He asked. He got out once they were at the bar and walked inside. He got a table in the back and ordered a pitcher of beer. He took a swig of it and looked over the menu. He was pretty hungry after the day he had. He looked over as Alissa and Blair joined them. He looked at Alissa, "You have any problems?" He asked.
    Blair smiled, "I thought it was pretty easy. Maybe it is because most of the people are terrified of these guys." She explained. Blair walked with her into the bar, finding the guys in the back. She sat down in the chair that Brian pulled out next to him. Blair grabbed one of the menu and began to look over the food. She was starving and really wanting a beer. She took the beer that Matt slid to her and took a swig of it before she looked back at the menu.

    @ CoraDora
    September 10th, 2018 at 10:28pm
  • "It was almost too easy," she told Shadows. Alissa grabbed a menu and took her time looking through it. She didn't care for beer so when the server came around she ordered a couple shots.
    "They are definitely terrified of y'all," she said agreeing with Blair.
    She wasn't surprised though after the show they had put on at the warehouse. Not that she had ever thought about turning her back on the gang or anything but if she had that would have scared it right out of her.
    Brian shook his head, "No all the warehouses look good, and I'm sure you'll be hearing about the other problem at any time." He poured himself a beer and took a couple of gulps.
    "Oh that reminds me," he said pulling out a couple sets of keys and sliding them in front of Blair, "Keys to your place while you guys are in the city."
    He waved the server over and ordered some wings.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 10th, 2018 at 10:57pm
  • Matt nodded, "Well, that was an easy drop." He said, chuckling. He ordered some nachos and leaned back against his chair. He knew that the drops were going to get harder, but he didn't want to tell them that. He liked that he had control of everything. He liked having them because nobody knew them or suspected them of everything. He watched as Brian gave them the keys to the apartment. It was a nice apartment and he knew they would appreciate it. "Better than staying in a shitty hotel." He told them.
    Blair looked at him as he slid the keys to her. She took them and put them in her pocket, "Thanks." She said. She finished her beer and poured another one before she ordered a shot of whiskey. She ordered a burger and fries when it came time to order. She threw the shot back and then listened to Matt. "So how many businesses in the area do you guys control?" She asked them.

    @ CoraDora
    September 10th, 2018 at 11:06pm
  • Alissa nodded, " Yeah thanks, I'm just gonna go outside for a minute,"

    She got up from the table and stopped by the bar on the way by grabbing two more shots and downing them quickly. Feeling the burn in her stomach she walked out of the bar and to the side of the building. She lit a cigarette and wondered how she had ended up here. Yesterday morning she didn't even know the name Shadows.

    Now she couldn't take her mind off of him. There was just something about him that drew her in like a fly to honey. She took another puff of her cigarette and sighed, maybe another shot was what she needed to kick the ridiculous thought

    Brain shrugged, that was more Matt's area than his, but if he had to guess, " Actively around 50, we offer protection to a ton more though." Plus about 10 warehouses and a lot of real estates but he figured she didn't need to know all that. He ate another wing and finished off his second beer.

    Brian stretched his legs out and sighed he still had a couple more warehouses to check out and there were a couple guys that needed to be talked to before they became a problem. His phone went off, he checked it and smirked. The dude strung up exactly how he wanted. The front of the man was covered in blood, overall a gruesome site.

    "Check this out," he said passed the phone to Matt.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 11th, 2018 at 04:43am
  • Matt smirked as he took the phone from Brian. "Damn, way to end a message." He said as he looked at the video. He chuckled as he handed it back to him, "Hopefully people will take that as a message." He said. Matt finished his beer, figuring he would drive since Brian was drinking so much. He knew he wanted to have fun with Blair.


    Blair ate her burger, watching as Alissa walked away. She ignored the guys as they talked, focusing on her burger and fries. She took a swig of her beer then ordered another shot. When she finished eating she took the shot.

    @ CoraDora
    September 11th, 2018 at 03:36pm
  • Alissa finished her cigarette and went back inside. She grabbed another couple shots at the bar. Then walled back to the table and sat down next to Shadows. She was definitely feeling more bold than usual.
    "So what's there to do for fun around here," she asked border lining suggestive.
    Then and there she decided she was going to sleep with him. She figured it would get it all out of her system. Alissa leaned back in her chair and looked at him.

    "I think it would be hard to ignore," Brian told Matt with a smirk. He enjoyed this part of the job just as much as any other. Had to in fact to end up so high in the chain of command. He finished off his food and pushed back his chair.
    "So what did you do before all this," he asked Blair curios about what made her tick.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 11th, 2018 at 07:14pm
  • Matt looked at her, "I don't think that our idea of fun is the same. What kind of stuff do you want to do?" He asked her. He knew that she probably wanted to party some more and he knew a few good clubs. He smiled as he watched her before he relaxed in his chair, crossing his arms.
    Blair smiled, "I just kind of worked dead end jobs. This pays better." She teased before she finished her beer and poured another one. She really just wanted to be drunk. She hadn't gotten drunk in awhile and it seemed like a good idea. "I'm assuming you have done this most of your life?" She asked him.

    @ CoraDora
    September 11th, 2018 at 08:20pm
  • Alissa shrugged, " Getting drunk sounds fun right now. But other than that what's around here?" She wasn't really sure what she wanted but she would try whatever he suggested. All of a sudden she noticed there was another shot in front of her. Giggling a little bit she threw it back.

    "What do you say B, more drinks?" She asked looking at her friend.

    Brian nodded, "You could say that, its kind of a family thing though."

    He had actually grown up with Matt both of them being groomed for the life for as long as he could remember. Brian decided to hold off on any more drinks until they knew what they were doing. It didn't pay to get sloppy drunk anyways I'm his experience.

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 11th, 2018 at 10:22pm
  • Matt smirked, "Alright, well there is a good club not far from here if you want to go." He said. He watched as she agreed along with Blair. "Alright well let's finished up eating and we can go." He said, looking at Brian. He got up when they were ready and walked with them towards the truck.


    Blair nodded, "I see." She said. She nodded when Alissa suggested going to the club. "Sure sounds fun." She said, smiling. She got up and walked with them to the truck. She climbed in with Alissa, letting Matt drive them.

    @ CoraDora
    September 12th, 2018 at 04:40pm
  • Alissa nodded and waited a little impatiently as everyone finished their food. Then finally they were done and making their way to what she assumed was one of the guys truck. The ride was short but she somehow developed a giggling problem on the way.

    They arrived and Alissa pulled Blair with her out of the back seat. They headed inside the club people moving out of the way as soon as they glanced at either man they were with. They're like royalty she thought to herself. Shaking her head she walked straight to the bar and ordered another couple shots then headed back to Shadows intending on getting him to dance with her.

    They had gone to one of the avenged owned clubs and that generally made for a greater night than just a regular one. The music was already hitting and Brian could feel his body loosening up. He waved at one of the girls that worked there and immediately she was in front of him seeing if she could get him anything. He told her to bring him a couple different bottles to the table reserved for the guys.

    Brian directed Blair to the table which was roped off near the dance floor. The girl showed up with the bottles and he went ahead and took a couple shots. He stood by the table for a minute letting it all soak in and then turned to Blair, "Want to dance?'

    @ Gunslinger;
    September 12th, 2018 at 05:40pm