'Cause you feel like home, you're a dream come true.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Nessa Williams -- Stiles Stilinski


    Isaac Lahey -- Chloe Argent
    September 19th, 2018 at 03:41am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe wasn’t sure how she got to be speeding down the highway, but when she heard that Isaac was in the hospital she wasn’t sure there was really any other way to react. He had been missing, no one had heard from him in months. Halfway through English, Scott was called out of class for a phone call. Scotts mother had called from the hospital to tell Scott he was found, and before Scott left for the hospital, he had stopped to tell her. Badly hurt, Scott added, but healing. Why tell me? She had asked, her arms crossed. They weren’t dating, they weren’t together and as of recently they hadn’t even spoken. So why was she pushing the speed limit, the engine to her car protesting every time she pushed down further on the gas pedal?

    She didn’t need to rush, Scott had said he was healing. She sighed, a mixture of relief and apprehension. Isaac was a werewolf. It felt so weird to even think that, he was the very thing she was trained to kill. He had kept it secret exceptionally well, she hadn’t the slightest idea, at least while they were talking or whatever they were. It made her wonder about Alison, whom she had spent four months not having a full conversation with. Chloe felt well within her right, however, considering she destroyed Alison’s bow in order to save Isaacs life, straining her relationship with the both of them.

    Her phone pinged, a message from Scott, telling her that they got Isaac to Derek’s, and she kept her speed while changing course. Not much later she got out of the car, seeing Isaac on the table with Derek and Scott nearby. “He’s alive?” She asked, her arms crossing almost instinctively as she stepped closer to the table. She felt relieved that he was okay, but she knew that something must have happened to get him like this.
    Stiles couldn’t go with Scott when he left for the hospital, much as he would have liked to. English was only mildly entertaining, especially when there was so much that occurred the previous year. It seemed almost like a waste of time. He sat next to Nessa, keeping his eyes on the board and taking notes so that they could get out of there and go see why Scott had to leave so quickly. To an extent, however, Stiles knew something was up, he just didn’t know what. But it was on the tip of his tongue and he’d figure it out eventually.

    He wondered if anyone else felt the same, but he knew they would likely react similarly to him. Telling him he was just trying to find something that wasn’t necessarily there, but your best friend doesn’t become a werewolf without side effects, and Stiles knew they were just waiting to kick in.

    “How much longer is this class?” Stiles mumbled, tapping his pen on the side of his desk. The clock seemed to slow down instead of speeding up, and he threw his head back with a groan. “Do you think there’s a secret way to make the clock speed up?” He asked Nessa, his voice lowering when Ms. Blake turned in his direction. “I just want to know what’s happened at the hospital, but this class is freaking forever.” He grumbled.

    @ Kol.
    September 19th, 2018 at 05:15am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac couldn't help but groan really, he was actually in so much pain. It didn't make a lot of sense to him why he was in pain, he was a werewolf after all. He should've healed and should feel like a million bucks right now. Instead, he felt like he'd been run over by a bus more than once. "Where am I?" He said moving his hands up over his face. "Please don't put me in a box!" he said feeling his heart rate speed up. He literally had no idea where he was, he didn't know who was around him. Really he had no idea what was happening.

    "What's happening?!" He questioned wishing that he knew what was going on. Wishing her could remember anything that had happened over the last few weeks, days, even hours. He wished he could remember if and how he'd escaped from where he was. He'd also really liked to remember where he'd been. Because he knew a lot had happened recently. Isaac couldn't tell you what had happened though because for some reason his mind was very cloudy. Nothing made any sense right now at all, other than he knew he felt this urge to transform and escape where he was right now no matter what that meant. That's the level of uncertanty and fear he was feeling.
    Nessa tucked some hair behind her ear as she kept on taking notes wishing that she could give Stiles the answer she knew he wanted. Sadly though she had to keep everyone in the dark about why she'd really come to Beacon Hills until just the right time. Of course, she knew that Scott was a werewolf, she knew Allison and her family were all hunters, and she'd done as she'd been told and gotten close to the whole pack so Scott would trust her. But there was something much bigger at play here and the time still wasn't right. After all, Scott wasn't an Alpha. Though if Deaton was correct in his assumptions, which she felt he was because she'd seen a lot of the same things he had in Scott, then she knew Scott really did have a real potential of becoming an alpha. And not because he took it from someone else. Scott could become a True Alpha, and of course, did that happen Nessa would consider herself beyond blessed to be his emissary.

    The amazing thing about that too though was that being an emissary already, just not officially tied to any specific pack given there wasn't an alpha for her to guide, she still had the ability to read people pretty damn well. There was something about Stiles though that made him harder even for her to read than other people. "Hey," she said softly, finally, before she reached out and gently put her hand on his wrist. "I'm sure everything is fine, and we'll be out of here before you know it. You just have to do something other than look at the clock, because that'll make it go slower,"

    Nessa really didn't have a good feeling when Scott had been called out of the class to go to the hospital. And clearly both her and Stiles knew it was because they must've found Isaac, or it must be something related to all of that. Either way though she knew now was not the time to worry people, it was the time to comfort them and try to help them feel better about a situation, regardless of the feeling she had in the pit of her stomach. Nessa didn't know what it meant, or what could be about to happen in their little town, but she knew it wouldn't be pretty.

    [ so sorry if Isaac's post isn't that great... it's been forever since I've seen this season... and I did recently start the series... but from the beginning. Which I mean it won't be long before I'm on season 3 it's just been a while so I don't remember exactly how all this played out XD ]
    September 23rd, 2018 at 05:18am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe could hear the others watching her, and truth be told she hated the attention on her. But here she was, for Isaac. Her arms stayed crossed in front of her, and she took a small step forward. Physically, he looked fine, but she could hear Derek moving behind her to give him something thay was supposed to help him heal. She found herself next to the table, looking at Scott and Derek as they spoke in the other room. When Isaac suddenly started, she jumped, her arms suddenly unclasping as she looked for what was wrong.

    Isaac hadn’t really elaborated on his past to her, but she knew enough from before with the Kanima to know what he was talking about. “No, Isaac, hey,” She said, kicking herself internally. She had done so well with distancing herself, in fact, refusing to speak to him when he tried, yet here she stood, trying to calm him and leaving school to make sure he was okay. “You’re not there, you’re here,” She added, putting her hand on his arm. She turned to Derek, who stood a bit away. “How long will he be like this? He’ll heal soon, right?”

    Derek nodded in response but continued to move around the room. Chloe sighed and looked back down at Isaac who continued to look stressed. “You’re safe.”
    Stiles groaned and let his head fall back. “Yeah but now that we need to go, the clocks gonna go slower and slower until I wanna go insane,” He sighed. He looked at his notes. He had been taking them but he’d long since stopped since Scott left. He wondered how bad Isaac could be and what he’d found.

    “What do you thinks happened to Isaac? Think he’s okay?” He asked Nessa, looking down at his wrist when she touched it. His mind froze momentarily and he forgot for a moment how stressed he was. “I just wanna get out of here. Last class would take forever.” He mumbled as a loud thud yanked him from his thoughts. It was shortly followed by another and another as birds flew one by one into the glass window. One shattered the glass and he looked at Nessa, immediately moving to make sure she was okay. He looked around the room, noting the chaos that surrounded them and wondered if this had anything to do with what he had been feeling earlier.

    @ Kol.

    [No worries! I’m just sorta going off the episode from what I remember and if we don’t stick too close it’s no big deal!]
    September 23rd, 2018 at 06:27am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac could feel his heart rate slowing down, he could feel the pain start to slip away. He still wasn't entirely sure what was going on but he heard her voice and it seemed to calm him down more. Isaac didn't know why that was, but he wasn't going to question it since it seemed to be making him feel better.

    "Where am I?" He asked in the calmest voice he could muster up, "and why are you here?" He added not upset that Chloe was there. Just a little shocked he supposed. After all, they weren't together anymore and from what he'd gathered from her the last time they'd spoke she didn't want to see him anymore. Honestly, now wasn't the time to think or worry about his part with Chloe. He'd like to know what the hell was going on though. Like how he got to wherever they were, he's also like to know is Boyd and Erica were back as well.

    But simply thinking their names made him remember. "She's dead," he said softly before his hands were rubbing his face, "she's gone. This is all my fault," he said feeling his breath get all shaky again, and his heart rate started to go up again as well. "She's- She's really dead,"
    If Nessa hadn't already known that something strange was starting she would've figured it out because it wasn't normal for birds to fly into windows quite like they had all of a sudden. Actually, she'd never seen birds act like this before. "What the hell just happened?" she said once the chaos had died down a little, and she felt like she could use her words, she honestly hadn't even realized that she'd been clinging to Stiles' arms after he'd covered himself over her.

    Nessa pulled herself together mentally and took a small step back from Stiles before she ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "Have you noticed any other strange animal behavior lately? As in since Isaac went missing? Or even any strange shifts with nature?" She asked Stiles' as she also tried to wrack her own brain for anything odd that had happened in the last month or so. After all, she needed to know if this was the beginning or just a new phase. Just because it would be helpful in determining what exactly was happening. Plus she knew things happened in threes so was this the first 'attack' of three or no?

    "We need to get out of here," she said knowing that she probably sounded crazy right now, but this was her element if she were being honest. Plus she couldn't do any good locked up in a school locked in a room. She didn't care how they got out of the room but they needed to leave. "Stiles, seriously we can't stay here and wait for the cops to take statements, we need to leave now," she told him knowing fully well that it was already chaos, and it would be even more chaos when police arrived to take everyone's statements about what happened, which would also take forever. And they didn't have forever to wait around. There were things she needed to figure out now, but not here in this setting.
    September 24th, 2018 at 03:51am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe sighed, doing her best to keep him calm since he looked as disoriented as he did. “Don’t worry about it,” She murmured, shaking her head and honestly wondering the same thing. What did this mean? Did she want to get back with him after this? Her showing up proved that she definitely cared much as she tried to ignore it.

    “You’re at Derek’s, and you’re safe,” She told him, leaning against the table. “You don’t have anything to worry about, you’re not there anymore,” She murmured. Since he was like this she figured he had no idea where he’d been kept for the past few months. Which meant, they had no way to find Boyd and Erica if he couldn’t remember. “Isaac? Who’s dead?” She asked him, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Isaac?”

    Derek came over and immediately started questioning him. “Isaac, who are you talking about?”

    Chloe looked at Derek and shook her head. “Not like that he’s already disoriented, stop it. Ask him later,” She said firmly, her eyes unwavering from Derek’s.

    “Isaac, calm down, we can talk about it later,” She said, hoping that any of this was helpful in calming him down.
    Stiles looked at her. He couldn’t figure out why it was so necessary to leave but she looked adamant and he was all for skipping school especially when Isaac being found just happened. It just Felt useless to be in English.

    “Strange? Well, the other night a deer ran into the car Lydia, Chloe, and Alison were in, and Lydia said her dog bit her, so yeah a little, why?” He said as they walked out of the classroom. “Does it mean something? Like another Kanima or something? And don’t worry about it, holding my arm I mean. We did just go through a trauma,” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “Plus we can
    Give statements to my dad later,” He added.

    “So where do you want to go? To Derek’s? Or someplace else?” He wasn’t sure why it was so urgent they leave but he didn’t mind too much. It just didn’t make sense to why she needed to go right now but he figured she explain it later.

    @ Kol.
    September 24th, 2018 at 05:25am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac finally got his breathing under control again and even though he was still a little disoriented he was starting to feel a little better.

    "Erica, she's dead because of me," Isaac said as if that was the only thing that made sense. He wasn't sure how or when she'd died, but Isaac could still very clearly see her lifeless body laying against the door in the room they'd kept them locked in. Or maybe it was just a random room. Really it was hard for Isaac to remember all the really small details right now. But he did know she was dead. "I just don't understand," he said again wishing he knew why the three of them had been kidnapped in the first place, and why had they killed Erica? Things were still just spotty.

    "I need to get out of here," he said suddenly as he remembered being chased by two guys on motorcycles. "What if they find me here?" he said wondering if the men were still looking for him. He didn't know who they were, they didn't look very familiar to him at all. He didn't know what they wanted, but he knew they'd been trying to kill him, they were werewolves, and they had some really weird power that would likely give him more nightmares down the road if he really thought about it too much.
    Nessa sighed again, "well three separate weird animal occurrences isn't exactly a good thing. And I don't know what but clearly there's something going on here in Beacon Hills that's scaring the animals," she said trying to wrack her brain for what could possibly be going on. "Not to Derek's. We need to go somewhere quiet where we also have internet access," she told him wishing that Deaton hadn't left the country. After all, now would be a good time to have him around given he knew so much more than her. But Nessa was confident that Deaton trusted her to figure things. She wasn't sure why he had so much confidence in her given she'd never really done this before, but she supposed she'd just have to figure it out and make him proud.

    She knew that it had to be strange to Stiles how fast she'd just switched from kind of scared to take charge. He was also probably confused, and she knew he wanted answers on Isaac, but truthfully it was probably best they not bother Isaac. Nessa had no doubts that Scott would tell them what was going on when he knew something. Plus the kid had been missing for a while now, he was probably under a lot of stress, and shock still so she was sure too many people would make things worse. And there were other things for her and Stiles to be doing right now, like figuring out what was going on in their little town.

    "Okay so did the deer die when it ran into Lydia's car? And what about her dog? Is it still alive or no?" She asked wanting to make sure that the three occurrences could all be linked in more than just than just one way.
    September 24th, 2018 at 02:19pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe looked as Derek dug through some floorboards, trying to find something for Isaac. “Look, we can worry about it later, we don’t even know where you were, maybe you’re confusing Erica,” She said, looking at him. She put her hand on his shoulder and sighed. “Calm down, Isaac,” She said, wondering if he needed a sedative or something until he could reorient himself. When he said he needed to leave, she shook her head. “No, they took care of whoever it was at the hospital it sounds like, at least for now. Relax, Isaac, this is the safest place for you now.” She reminded him, looking at Derek who was going to take him to his loft. “You can stay with Derek, and then we can go talk to Scott’s boss about helping you, or maybe even Nessa. But for right now I really need you to breathe,” She added.

    Chloe took a step back when Derek moved to help Isaac up. “I’m taking him to the loft, you can see him there.”

    Chloe nodded. “Yeah at least until he’s better,” She said, more for her than him. She’d make sure he was at least back to where he was and then go back to having space, that would give her time at least. She watched them go and climbed into her car, driving back to town and sending Nessa a message about possibly asking Deaton for restoring Isaacs memories.
    Stiles nodded, “Yeah came at the car and died, but no her dogs fine,” Stiles said, shrugging his shoulders. “Could this have anything to do with Isaac you think?” He asked her as they left. “I mean so far we don’t know anything else, right?”

    His phone went off and he looked at it seeing a message from Scott. “Oh whoa actually things just got bad. There’s an Alpha pack that’s come and that’s who took Isaac,” He said, reading off the message from Scott. “Do you think an Alpha pack could have done all of this? With Isaac, Erica, and Boyd?” He said as they went to his Jeep. “We can go to my house, my dad shouldn’t be home and we can use my computer. It’ll give us a chance to think and everything.” He explained to her.

    Stiles got into the car and waited for her, driving back to his place. “I mean birds flying into the windows is really weird, but do you really think it could mean something?” He asked her. “What do you want to look up when we get there?”

    @ Kol.
    September 24th, 2018 at 11:54pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I'm thinking I'll skip Isaac's part just for the time being since he's all over the place and then bring him back in a few posts when Chloe knows how to help him if that's okay XD ]
    Nessa felt like she was nothing but sighs today, but they clearly couldn't catch a break. "I have a feeling that all the strange going on's with the animals is about something else, however, that something else is likely tied to the alpha pack. And let's just say that there's a good chance they're the ones who took Isaac, Erica, and Boyd, and probably for a reason. One that no one is going to like the outcome of," she told him knowing that this really wasn't good. It actually got worse by the minute if she really thought about it.

    "It definitely means something," Nessa told Stiles referring to the birds. "And it's not just the birds, there was the deer running into the car, and then Lydia's dog as well. All three are out of character for those specific animals which mean something was either controlling them or they were scared. So the question is which is it? And why?" She said highly doubting that something had some kind of mind control over them. Though she supposed it could be the alpha pack doing something weird. But that didn't make much sense to her. So the real question she was wondering was what are they scared of? Or if they were being controlled, then by who?

    "It would be nice too if we could figure out who might make up this alpha pack because believe me if we're going to go up against them we'll need all the information we can get our hands on asap. Alpha packs are so rare I've only ever heard rumors of them. They're almost are rare as finding a 'true alpha' honestly. But they're so strong, I mean makes sense with the horrors they've likely committed just to become the pack they are I'm sure they're some of the strongest wolves you'll ever see."

    Nessa stopped talking for a moment when her phone pinged and she saw a message from Chloe. Deaton's actually out of the country right now so he's left me in charge. But I'm happy to help! Actually, if you want to meet me and Stiles at his house in like 20 I can give you all the info I have on restoring memories there! :)
    September 25th, 2018 at 04:05am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe turned off toward Stiles’s House, pulling into the driveway a little later. She knew they needed to come up with something to help Isaac, she just wasn’t sure what. She saw the Jeep and let herself in, happy to be away long enough to breathe. Seeing Isaac got to her in a way she thought she’d have been over after four months. She headed up the stairs and knocked on the door before she opened it.

    “Hey so, what’s going on with you guys?” She asked as she went to sit in the desk chair. “Things are weird,” She said, pushing her hair away from her face.

    Stiles looked up. “Yeah Nessa said she thought something was up, and I think she’s right. Too many weird things going on right now,” He said, looking at Nessa. “How’s Isaac though?”

    “Physically, fine. But very disoriented, he thinks Erica is dead and it’s his fault. I don’t know if I believe him, seemed like he didn’t know where he was, only seemed to recognize that I was there,” She murmured. Derek says he’ll be back to normal in a few hours, but he won’t be 100% for a few days, maybe even weeks.” Chloe explained.

    Stiles nodded. “How does a pack of Alphas even work?” He asked Nessa. “Can that even be possible?” He asked curiously. “What does Scott want to do?”

    Chloe sighed. “Well Derek wants to get Boyd and Erica if we can figure out where they were. But since Isaac doesn’t remember, we were hoping Nessa knew a way to get him to,” She said, turning to Nessa.

    @ Kol.

    [Thats fine! I wasn’t sure what she could do aside from be like hey it’s cool chill lol If you don’t mind I just combined the posts since they’re in the same room!]
    September 25th, 2018 at 04:59am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Well let's just say that it couldn't be pretty for them to make an alpha pack. I mean clearly they're all alphas, they likely all had their own packs they led, but in order to form a pack together, they would have to cut all ties to their old pack. And when I say that I mean they probably had to kill their beta's so there was no one holding them back. I suppose they could've killed everyone in their pack including the alpha to become an alpha themselves then joined the pack. But either way, they had to kill a lot of people to be what they are. And the thing is the more werewolves they killed the stronger they got. Because when a beta kills an alpha it takes all that alpha's power and adds it to its own, and the same is true when an alpha kills its beta. And I'd say they probably have a chain of command. That or maybe they're all in charge of something different within the pack," Nessa said wishing she knew who at least made this pack up. And sadly she knew that she couldn't ask around either because Nessa had a really bad feeling that if they killed their packs of wolves they likely also killed their emissaries.

    Nessa wasn't really sure what she would suggest they do against a pack like this, other than they shouldn't do much until they had a lot more information to go off of. Though she wasn't the pack leader here nor was she anyone's official emissary, so it wasn't like people put her advice above other's, yet anyways. "Anyways, yes about that. Um, I do know a way to get Isacc's memories back fast, but it's not going to be easy, or pretty. And we'll run the risk of locking him in his own mind or even killing him if we're not super careful. So if I agree to do this then everyone has to listen to me, we can't have anyone step out of line. And we have to be totally sure it's what we want to do because once we get started we can just stop," she told Chloe knowing that it wouldn't be hard to get Scott and Derek on board with her plan. Luckily Derek was usually actually willing to listen to her advice, he likely knew what she was though.

    However, Nessa wasn't an emissary to the Hale family like Deaton had been, or maybe still was and she didn't want to be really. She quite enjoyed being around Stiles, and Scott, and his whole pack he had going even if he wasn't an actual alpha. That was something that would need to be fixed soon though. Because Scott couldn't keep being a lone wolf for much longer, not unless he wanted something bad to happen. But Nessa knew she couldn't rush him. If Deaton was right, and Scott was on his way to becoming a true alpha she knew it would just take time. But she kind of would like that time to be soon.
    September 25th, 2018 at 02:13pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe listened to Nessa as she spoke. She had heard of a lot of things, but an Alpha pack was not one of them. She couldn’t imagine it and yet here they were. She made a mental note to talk to her father and find out if he knew anything. She knew Nessa knew a lot and if she were stumped, they had a serious problem.

    “Okay but how dangerous is it? Because not for nothing, I know the final decision is his but we’re not doing anything that he’s not going to get out of. He’s got enough going on inside his head to be locked in there,” She sighed. She remembered how he reacted thinking he was back with his father and she couldn’t imagine that becoming his normal. “We can’t do that to him.” She sighed. “I’m sure he’ll do it anyway but just do your best to keep him alive.”

    She shook her head and stood. “I’m going to go talk to him and Derek about it, I’m sure you’ll both get to Scott before I do anyway. Just let us know what you need to do it because if Isaac was this bad we don’t know what state the others are in. Because Isaac thinks Erica is dead, so we’ll need to move fast.” She added. “If he agrees, can it be done when he’s at least semi normal again?” Chloe asked her. “Let me know if I need to get anything, I’m going to head back to Derek’s, apparently Peters got a method that might work when Isaacs back up.” She said, holding up her phoje. “Text me with anything, see you guys later.”
    Stiles exhaled as she spoke, not knowing how they got into this. He knew well that Chloe would sooner kill everyone then let him get hurt, but he worried if it did go wrong. Once she left he turned to Nessa. “What exactly is this plan? Have... you’ve done it before?” He asked her.

    “It’s weird though it feels like we don’t have all the story, like we’re walking into a trap, you know?” Stiles said to her. “What do we need to get together? And how soon can we do it? Because from what Scott said, Derek’s getting anxious and wants it done as soon as Isaacs physically able. Based on what’s he’s been through how ling do you think? And how can I help? What do you need so we can start to figure this out? Hopefully the sooner we get them back, the sooner we can start figuring out how to deal with this, if we even can.” He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face.

    “And if every Alpha killed his own pack, you mean thay they’re all like as strong as thirtyish werewolves combined? How’s that even possible?” He asked her. He heard a car pull into the driveway and looked out the window. “Oh my dads home, probably wants to know why we didn’t stay for questioning,” He mumbled as he heard the door unlock and he groaned.

    @ Kol.
    September 26th, 2018 at 12:06am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I mean the risk isn't as bad when he's totally normal again, however with everything he's been through who knows how long that could be. And I'm confident that as long as everyone just follows my every instruction and doesn't throw me off that I can do it without harming him. I just want you and everyone else to know the risks and the possible outcomes because we're of course not all going to react the same best case scenario way when this is done," Nessa told Chloe knowing how hard was was to think about things like this. It really wasn't easy, but Chloe was a strong woman and Nessa was sure she'd pull through along with Isaac just fine.

    Nessa bit her lip and waited for Chloe to leave so she and Stiles could get back to their studying. Because she knew he was right, this all felt like they were walking right into a trap and she hated that feeling. "Um well, I myself have only ever done it once as practice back home, and it wasn't quite as high stress as this situation. I do know what I'm doing though because I've seen both my mom and Deaton do it loads of times. Really I think our biggest issue is going to be getting Peter out of the way. He's the real issue. I know that he's older than everyone else and he has a ton of knowledge and he's a werewolf, but I don't trust him even in the slightest and I certainly wouldn't trust any of his plans," She said wishing she could figure out more about Peter right now more than anything because he seemed to be her biggest issue.

    "I'll need a bathtub full of ice water and a quiet calm place. So maybe the animal clinic, I'm sure Deaton wouldn't mind if we used it. And I'm sure as long as Isaac's healing like he should be that one we get his memories back he'll be back to his normal self in no time at all," she told him knowing pretty sure that Isaac would be fine as long as he came out of the ice bath fine. And he should as long as no one disturbed them, or tried to end things too quickly. "What should we tell him?" She asked biting her lip again, she really didn't want to get in trouble with the sheriff, so hopefully, he wasn't too upset with them.
    September 26th, 2018 at 04:56am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe drove back over to Derek’s, she wasn’t sure what state Isaac was in but she hoped he was at least able to talk. She wanted to mention what Nessa said to Derek before Peter did whatever he wanted to do so that they had it as a backup plan. Last thing she wanted was to hurt Isaac any further. Plus with her relationship with him in a really gray area, she wasn’t sure what any of this meant. She just didn’t want him hurt or dead, thay much she knew. Past thay she figured she could worry about it later on.

    She pulled up to the loft and took the elevator, sliding the large door out of the way. “Hey, is he any better? I went to see Nessa, she has an idea for getting his memories back. Maybe they might be jumbled up but we can still get them.” She said, looking at him when he explained what Peter could do. “I mean if Isaacs okay with it, I just don’t know anymore. I just don’t want him to suffer to get Boyd and Erica back, he’s been through enough.”

    Derek told her he’d be fine soon enough and she sighed, shaking her head and sitting onto the couch, and deciding she’d wait a bit before going home to see if he’d wake up and be able to talk.
    Stiles shook his head as his father came up the stairs. “Should be fine,” He said when his father bellowed his name. “Or not, Hey dad, just getting some studying i with Nessa, everything alright?” He asked him as his dad stared at them.

    “Hello Nessa,” Sheriff Stilinski said, shaking his head. “Don’t let him become a bad influence on you, you’re a good kid.”

    “Hey, dad I am too,” Stiles called and shook his head. When his father left he sighed. “Alright so then ice and a tub, I’m sure Deatons got plenty of tubs, just ice which should be easy. We can talk to him about it when he’s back up and moving,” He told her. He looked at his computer and sighed, wondering where they could have been keeping them. “Do you think that Derek knows anything about the Alpha pack? He couldn’t have seen anything like this before right? It just doesn’t make sense, but we might as well do our homework until we’ve got more information. We can talk more about it when we can do that thing with Isaac.”

    @ Kol.
    September 26th, 2018 at 05:17am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac had calmed down a lot, he'd healed up pretty well, and he'd finally woken up from his weird state of mind he'd been in. Clearly, he'd just needed a little space and time to pull himself together. They were back at the loft now and he was listening to Derek and Peter tell him about some plan Peter had to get his memories back.

    "Um, can I just say that I don't like that the sound of that at all. Because I don't trust Peter at all, and I'm not sure I want him poking around in my head for anything. So maybe we should see if anyone else has any other ideas," he said knowing that Peter could easily be on to something. Maybe he was, after all, Peter knew a lot of stuff but Isaac just really didn't trust him. Isaac also knew his motives had never been true and probably never would be.

    "And who would you like to ask exactly Isaac?" Derek asked rolling his eyes. "We don't have a lot of time here to get these stupid memories out of you. And no one trusts Peter. But he does happen to know what he's talking about on occasion,"

    Isaac sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't care who we ask for help as long as it's not him. Maybe Scott should be here, we could get his advice on things?" He said knowing that he was part of Derek's pack and that Scott wasn't an alpha but Isaac did hold Scott to a really high standard and kind of valued his opinion.
    Nessa smiled at the sheriff when he walked into Stiles room, trying not to laugh at the small interaction she saw between them. And because she was glad other people thought she was a good kid, not because she wasn't, but because she was still clearly doing well at hiding things when she didn't want others to know things, and she clearly didn't get caught doing things others wouldn't approve of either. Also good.

    "I doubt anyone really knows a lot about them," She said sighing again. "I mean I've literally only ever heard rumors of them back home because I came here. I don't think there's been a pack of alphas since like the 1800's maybe. At least none that anyone knows of. So really I think our best shot at figuring anything out is going to be figuring out what Isaac knows and piecing things together from there," she told him hoping they'd be able to get good helpful information out of Isaac. Otherwise, they literally weren't going to get anywhere very fast.

    "Maybe we should call Scott and at least see if they've gotten anywhere with Isaac? And we can have him tell everyone to meet us at the clinic in like two hours," she said really hoping everything went well.
    September 26th, 2018 at 10:36pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe pulled the sliding door and shut it behind her, not expecting to come face to face with Isaac, now looking much better than before, at least he was coherent and awake. She also wondered what this meant because since she hadn’t spoken to him for months, she expected he would have wanted to talk about it but she figured she could ignore it for now. Except the entire fact that he was a werewolf, that she wasn’t sure she could ever get past. “Well, you look better,” She said, crossing her arms and going over to the couch in the corner. “What’s the sociopath doing here?” She asked, narrowing her eyes in Peters direction.

    “Thank you for the compliment dear, but I do experience emotions, such as inexplicable rage and extreme disappointment,” Peter replied with a smug smile.

    Chloe rolled her eyes and looked at Derek. “What’s this about Isaacs memories?” She asked as heexplained that Peter had a method for getting his memories back but it was dangerous and could result in both paralysis or death.

    “Nessa does have another option that’s equally dangerous, so I guess there’s no real safe way. I do trust her judgement a bit more than Peters though,” She sighed, only looking at Isaac in passing and never really looking at him directly. “But it’s your life, so your decision.”
    Stiles pulled out his phone and texted Scott. “He’s off somewhere,” He said as he read the text aloud. “But they’re trying to convince Isaac of Peters method and if it doesn’t work, they’ll go with yours,” Stiles said. “You need Ice? We can go out and buy some to figure out, since we won’t have much time if the full moons coming up,” He said, looking at his phone.

    “And find something we can submerge Isaac in too, anything else aside from Ice and a tub you need?” Stiles asked, more than happy to not be the one with a plan for once. Not that he could be, he had next to no idea what was going on what with an Alpha pack and with what they wanted with Isaac.

    “Kind of weird though, why didn’t they just kill him? He’s not an Alpha and wasn’t a threat, why keep him? He only got back... wait how did he get back?” He asked Nessa.

    @ Kol.
    September 27th, 2018 at 02:33am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac leaned back into his seat a little and sighed. "So it would seem that either way I'm likely putting myself in possible danger all for some lost memories," he said shaking his head. He knew that the memories he had but couldn't remember were important. He knew that they could easily put them one step ahead of their newest enemy. He just didn't see how the only way to get his memories back had to be dangerous. "Though I also trust Nessa much more than I trust you Peter," he said just wanting to be honest.

    Peter rolled his eyes. "Look we don't have time for this, just hold still okay," he said before he just went for it and dug his claws into Isacc's neck entering into his memories. And well it wasn't very pretty. Neither Isaac nor Peter really knew how long they were like that, but with how scrambled everything was it didn't really go well.

    "Did you figure anything out?" Derek asked when he saw Peter pull away from Isaac, and while he didn't agree fully with Peter just taking the reins on things like had if it had produced anything good for them to go off of it would be worth it in the end.

    "Other than that apparently they're going to die on the night of the next full moon, which is tomorrow night, no I didn't,"
    "Nope, all I need is a tub and some ice," Nessa told Stiles glad that she had someone to help her out. She knew that everyone in the pack had their own things to do that kind of held things together, and this was her part, but either way, it was nice to have Stiles around to help her put things together. It was nice to have a partner, she supposed she could call him, to help her pull things off. It was just nice to have him around. And Nessa wasn't sure if the feelings she had for Stiles were strictly 'professional'/friendly, or if they were something more. That wasn't the most important thing for her to worry about right now though.

    Nessa nodded her head, "that's smart. If we have everything set up already then we can get things started asap and won't be wasting time," she said being reminded of yet another reason she liked having him around.

    Thinking about what Stiles said next though made Nessa realize something. "That's a really good question. Why would a pack of alphas who've kidnapped three betas keep them alive this long? Why would they even kidnap the betas to being with? What would they need with them? It's not like they're turning them into alphas given that's not possible. And then how and why is Isaac only back now? Surely the alphas didn't let him go. But maybe they did as part of some bigger plan they have," she said hoping maybe saying the questions out loud would help them figure out the answers. As stupid as that sounded.
    September 27th, 2018 at 03:53am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe rolled her eyes and stood. “Look, Okay Im gonna go help Nessa, since she seems to have a better idea of what to do,” She said, standing and grabbing her bag. “Leave him somewhere,” She said to Derek, gesturing to Peter. She gathered her things not directly looking at Isaac once again, stuffing her phone into her bag.

    “I’m going to go meet Scott, Stiles, and Nessa over at the animal clinic, can you get over there with Derek?” She asked, wondering if she could handle being in a car with Isaac now thay he was awake again. It was hard, because she cared but she also knew it was too complicated, or at least more s than it was.

    Derek sighed. “I’ll be over there, Isaac can ride with me if he wants to.” He told her, his head hanging over the table.

    Chloe nodded and looked at Isaac. “Just um, yeah,” She said as she got up and walked over to the door. Last thing she wanted was to have any sort of talk with him in front of Derek or Peter.
    Stiles nodded. “It makes a difference, because they must have kept him alive for a reason, just what was it?” He asked as they got into his car. He started it up after it protested for a while and drove toward the gas station so they could buy as much of the ice as they could. They emptied out the lot and put it into his trunk before Stiles went in to pay for it.

    “One thing I can’t understand is, how are they holding them together? In a single room, it doesn’t make much sense,” He said as they went over to the animal clinic where Scott was waiting.

    “Nessa has got an idea for Isaac, Chloe went to tell him about it so Nessa can do it tonight.” He explained as he began to carry ice bags inside of the clinic. Scott came back not too much longer with a large tub and Stiles looked at Nessa. “So just dump it in? And he’s just got to get inside?”

    @ Kol.
    September 27th, 2018 at 04:40am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac was fine riding the animal clinic with Derek, he actually kind of preferred it right now to riding with Chloe if he were being honest. He hated thinking like that, but they were just in such a weird place that he didn't know how to handle anything involving her really. Isaac would like for them to go back to how they were before she knew what he was, but sadly they couldn't. He wasn't even sure if she'd ever be able to fully get over the whole thing, he hoped that time would tell but who knew.

    So he waited around for Derek to pull some things together before they were following everyone else and heading towards the animal clinic, where he was hoping something good would happen. Of course, he knew the likely hood of this being pleasant for himself weren't very high apparently.

    "So what exactly is the plan here?" Isaac asked as he walked into the clinic where everyone else already was setting up stuff that he assumed they were going to use on him. And well it already looked awful, but he'd do it anyways and with full trust in Nessa because she'd never let him down before. Plus he was really assuming here that she knew what she was doing.
    "Yep just dump it in there, and all we need now is some water and then when he gets here we'll have him get in," Nessa told them as she walked around the clinic looking for the water hose so she could actually fill the tub up with water. She knew this likely looked weird, and they were all probably wondering what she was going to do with this much ice, but she did know what she was doing.

    All the while she was still trying to think through all the questions her and Stiles had. It really made no sense at all her. "I'm sure we're just over thinking this whole thing. And I bet there's a really simple answer," she said mostly to try and make herself feel better.

    When she heard everyone else arrive she knew it was time to finally explain what she was going to do though. "Well, Isaac, the plan is pretty simple really," she started as she walked behind the tub. "You're going to get in this tub of ice water and we're going to submerge you in the water until your heart almost stops which will put you in a state of hypnosis. And while you're in that state I'm going to just ask you some questions, kind of walk you through what happened while you were being held, hostage. And that's it. I just need everyone in the room to be very quiet so we can both concentrate, and because we don't want to send Isaac into shock or anything. I will also remind you that nothing you see while you're reliving the memories can hurt you anymore. It's all just memories. And as long as everyone follows my lead we shouldn't have any issues," she said before gently patting the tub signaling for him to climb in.
    September 27th, 2018 at 05:32am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe stood off to the side, she honestly wondered if she even needed to be there. She felt out of place, and she wondered if in a flipped situation, Isaac would do the same, especially since they were broken up. She watched as they filled up the tub with ice, thinking back to how they used to be. If she were being honest, she guessed she did recognize a change in Isaac. He was so shy at first and she thought it was really cute. But then he, like a flip of a switch was confident and seeking her out and wearing leather jackets when she was positive he’d never even owned one and she wasn’t complaining either. That was probably why, it wasn’t thay she didn’t notice the change but more that she ignored it because she didn’t mind it.

    This all before she went with her cousin to help save Jackson, while Alison was busy trying to kill all of Derek’s pack. She knew he had Betas but she didn’t know who they were purposely or accidentally until she saw Alison stabbing him. At the time she didn’t think about anything but saving Alison until she did and realized what she had done and what he was. How do you face someone after that?

    She snapped out of it a second later, Nessa tapping the tub. She looked at Isaac and looked away just as quickly when his eyes met hers. It was a difficult situation, and she didn’t know if or how they would get past it.
    Stiles, already knowing the plan had started looking at all of the equipment in the room. He found a large silver device and picked it up, curiously wondering what it was for. He turned the crank but it suddenly sprang open and fell to the floor with a loud clang. “Sorry, sorry,” He said when all eyes in the room when onto him. He shoved it onto the table and sighed, going back against the wall.

    Isaac looked nervous, but Stiles couldn’t imagine how he couodnt when from his understanding it was very dangerous what they were doing. But Derek seemed intent on finding Boyd and Erica and this was the best plan they had to figure out what happened and where they were. He just hoped it was successful.

    He sat on one of the tables and watched quietly, wondering again how Nessa knew any of this, it was impressive but he always thought she knew more than she let on. He didn’t want to just ask her though he felt that might be rude.

    @ Kol.
    September 27th, 2018 at 05:52am