'Cause you feel like home, you're a dream come true.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac was really nervous about this whole ordeal but regardless he climbed into the tub of ice water, and he felt his body already starting to shiver. He trusted Nessa though, and if she really thought this would work then he'd do what she told him to do. Once he was as comfortable as he could make himself in the tub he felt her hands on his shoulder.

    "I'm right here Isaac," Nessa said smiling down at him. "I'm going to put you under now okay," she told him before she was pushing him down until he was fully submerged in the water. And then she waited until the right moment when she could ask him questions, it was pretty easy to know when that was though because Isaac would come up from the water he would just be hypnotized.

    She waited a few moments making sure to hold him under even while he was fighting her, which was totally natural. And when he came up she prepared herself and silently hoped for the best. "Isaac what can you tell us about Erica and Boyd?" she asked him softly really hoping this worked.

    "I remember them being locked in a vault, and they were really scared. I tried to help them get out but for some reason, they couldn't leave. There was something around the floor keeping them trapped in," he said allowing his memories to replay. "But before I could break the seal I heard someone coming back so I hid in a closet, and that's when I saw her, Erica. She was dead. But I couldn't scream for help without giving myself away," he added and as he kept remembering things he started to go into some form of panic attack and wasn't feeling as calm as he had in the beginning.

    "Isaac, it's okay. You're fine, it's just us here nothing can hurt you," Nessa said as soon as she realized that he was starting to freak out. And when that didn't calm him down she did what she knew she had to in order to keep him safe. "Isaac, it's okay to wake up now if you need to," she said before she looked over to both Scott and Derek. "One of you may need to use your influence to bring him out of this," she told them knowing either one of them would likely have the power to pull him back if she couldn't.
    September 28th, 2018 at 04:34am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe watched as Derek stopped pacing, realizing that they still didn’t know where to look. Derek looked at Nessa and shook his head. “Isaac, where are you? Look around, there has to be something near you to tell you where you are, Isaac think!” Derek said.

    Chloe could see the panic in Isaacs face before Derek even started talking, but she didn’t know how to stop him or help. “Derek, stop,” She said, her eyes on Isaac.

    “Isaac, where are you? Answer me!” Derek shouted, leaning over the tub. Scott watched unsure what to do, but looked at Derek. “Stop, you’ll confuse him!”

    Chloe didn’t know how to help or what to do but she didn’t think it was going well anymore. She didn’t know how he could wake up or if he could and she felt powerless to do anything but watch.
    Stiles could see the fear in Isaacs eyes and went over to keep him from jumping out of the tub, as he thrashed in the water. He sat down next to it and looked up at Nessa. Derek was upset and understandably so but what he was doing wasn’t helping anyone and he was worried it was just going to make it worse.

    “What do we do? We need to calm him down,” He said as he and Scott worked to hold Isaac. They let go suddenly but kept their eyes on both him and Nessa when Derek stopped shouting for a moment. They hoped that Isasc could remember because if not, they weren’t sure what else would work.

    @ Kol.
    [sorry for a short response, I’m just super tired but I wanted to respond before going to sleep!]
    September 28th, 2018 at 05:19am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Nessa stood up once Scott and Stiles were both hold Isaac trying to calm him down and walked over to Derek. "You need to go right now," she told him pointing towards the door. "You're not helping him at all. He's clearly scared of whatever it is he's reliving right now, and yelling at him isn't going to help. I understand you want to find Boyd and Erica, I want to as well. We all want to find them. However, scaring Isaac into a coma isn't going to help. Then we'll be out all three of them. And even if he doesn't tell us exactly where they are he's at least given us clues," she told Derek causing him to huff and roll his eyes.

    "Whatever, just figure out where they are," he growled before he did step out of the room.

    "Okay here's the plan," she started with everyone else still in the room. "Chloe we all need you to step up right now," she said wishing she didn't have to put people on the spot quite like this but it was to save Isaac. "I know you two aren't together anymore but you're the only one here who has a strong enough connection to him to hopefully calm him down. So just talk to him let him know that he's okay. If you can get him to tell you anything else about where the others are that's great, but really we just need to calm him down so he doesn't die," she added also not wanting to scare anyone, but at the same time this was one of those situations where she had to be honest and this was the truth. Isacc could die if he didn't calm down and no one else could get him calmed down.

    [ you're fine! ]
    September 28th, 2018 at 02:08pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe had been watching everything from the back of the room, but jumped when eyes were suddenly on her. “Me?” She asked her, taken aback. She guessed she shouldn’t be, it made sense, why her. Derek had seemed to calm down but Isaac looked terrified in the water. She didn’t want him to die, so like before, she moved as quickly as she could to the tub and sat down beside it, not really caring that she was getting drenched with water every time he moved quickly.

    “Isaac, you need to calm down,” She said softly. “I know things have been really awkward between us, and you probably think I don’t, but I do still care about you. I just... I guess I was more upset by thinking you and Erica were together than you being a werewolf, which is what I’m pretty sure you think is why I’m upset.” She said in a quiet voice. She didn’t like having to talk like this in front of the others, but she didn’t know what else to say. “I didjt know what to think and I was scared I’d lost you, and I didn’t know how else to react. But if you die now, I lose you anyway.” She sighed, doing her best to ignore the others. “It’s Okay if you don’t remember anything else, you’re safe and you can wake up.”

    She looked up at Nessa suddenly. “How much of this will he remember?” She asked curiously, looking back at him. She honestly hoped it worked because the thought of him dying was a but much for her to handle and she hated crying in front of people so she kept her face as neutral as possible.
    Stiles could feel the lights flickering and he didn’t know what might happen. He and Isaac weren’t super close but he could imagine how him dying might have an effect on the rest of them. Nessa looked stressed and he moved closer and put an arm around her shoulder, trying to reassure that they all knew she was doing her best. The amount of stress this put on everyone was high, especially since Derek took it further than it needed to be.

    “How long does it normally take to wake someone up?” Stiles asked Nessa quietly, not wanting to disturb them or confuse Isaac any more than he already was. He could see Isaac stilling and he looked at the others, Derek now watching from the side. He was worried, they still didn’t technically know where they were but they at least knew that they were in a vault of some kind and thay was enough for him to start looking.

    He pulled out his phone and started looking up all possible vaults in the town, there couldn’t be that many that were abandoned enough for werewolves to keep other werewolves trapped for months on end.

    @ Kol.
    September 28th, 2018 at 06:55pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac thrashed around a little more still pretty freaked out about everything going on around him. "They're in a bank," he said terrified, "and Erica, there wasn't anything I could do to help her," he cried out not sure what was happening to him. But then he heard someone else's voice. It was Chloe's. He listened to what she was saying and even in whatever state he was in now he could feel his heart rate dropping again and he was calming down.

    How could she think that he and Erica were a thing? Isaac thought he'd made it pretty clear to Chloe how much he'd cared about her, why would he run off and ruin that? It didn't make sense. But she still cared, that was pretty big news if he were being honest because of course he still cared. He wouldn't tell anyone that though because it was his own business, and no one really needed to know all about his feelings unless he wanted them to.

    He wasn't sure how long it took him to actually calm down, or wake up, or whatever was going on, but he eventually did. He opened his eyes and sat up in the tub of cold water and let out a breath. "I hope I never have to do that again," he said sighing and running his hands over his face before he tried to stand up so he could get dry and warm up. "Because it sucked," he added with a shiver because it was really damn cold.
    Nessa stepped back and gave Chloe a little bit of space, she was sure this had to be hard for her. The pair were broken up yet Nessa had just asked her to pretty much get her feelings out into the open to save Isaac's life. And it was probably really awkward given there were other people in the room who could easily be listening into the conversation. "I'm not really sure, everyone's different in how they handle things like this so he could remember all of it, a little of it, or he could wake up and not remember any of it," she said not sure how he'd respond, or how long it would take to wake him up.

    She felt herself calm down a little when she felt Stiles' arm slide over her shoulder. And without even thinking or hesitating Nessa leaned her head onto his shoulder and let her stress slip away. It hadn't been her intention of developing feelings for anyone here in Beacon Hills. Friendships of course, but she'd never intended for it to go further than that. After all, she hadn't come to fall in love and have some simple little life. She'd come because it was just what her family did. They counseled alpha werewolves so they could then run their packs better. It sounded insane but it was true. And she'd been told that a true alpha could be in the making and she would be the perfect fit for the pack. Yet here he was all this time later finding comfort in one of the goofiest boys she'd ever met. And it wasn't just friendly comfort, because she felt something other than friends developing, at least on her end. She supposed they'd just have to talk about things, maybe a different day though.
    September 29th, 2018 at 02:56am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe sat back when he stood, looking down at her lap. She was happy he was back, but she wanted to get out of there. She hated looking weak or vulnerable to anyone, she barely ever let Isaac see her upset. She stood up and fixed her clothes, looking at the others. “Alright well, now we know,” She said, looking for her bag. “I’m gonna go, I don’t think you all need me anymore,” She said, gesturing to the tub. She wanted to get out of there, and have a second to not think about the fact that she had admitted her insecurities to a room full of people.

    Moving her bag to her shoulder, she went back out to her car and sat on the drivers seat, putting her forehead to the steering wheel and sighing. She hoped Isaac didn’t remember any of it, because she didn’t want to elaborate or go back over any of it.

    She was happy it worked and he was okay. She didn’t know how it might have ended if he didn’t. But she just needed to be away from the others now thay they knew she probably liked Isaac way more than they thought she did at first. She was more worried that now Isaac knew and she didn’t know what to do with that.
    Stiles exhaled when Isaac woke up. He didn’t realize he had been holding his breath until he moved and he watched them move. He saw Chloe move to get up, barely making eye contact with anyone in the room. She left before anyone else could speak and he turned to Nessa. “Do you think she’s okay?” He asked, not letting go of Nessa. He decided it probably wasn’t his business and looked at her. “Well, now we know, it’s a bank. But which bank? Something abandoned, has to be.” He sighed.

    “We can go to my place if you want, I’m gonna research and see what banks I can find that match what he said. Then maybe Derek can go get them.” He sighed. “I need some food though,” He mumbled. “Oh hey, we should clean this up though, hey werewolves, mind putting your super strength to good use?” He asked Scott and Derek with a cheeky smile. “We ser it up, y’all clean it up.” He chuckled. “What are you thinking?” He asked, letting go of her and turning to leave.

    @ Kol.
    September 29th, 2018 at 03:39am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac wanted to stop Chloe before she took off so he could at least ask her if she'd talk to him about everything, but she was gone and out the door before he was even getting out of the water. So he supposed he'd just ask her later. After all, it wasn't like that was really the most important thing right now. It was important that he talk to her, because he did want to, and he did want to figure things out with her. However, Isaac knew that it was more important that they find the bank Erica, Boyd, and the third werewolf girl were being held. Though Isaac wasn't sure if there was a third werewolf or if it was just Erica and Boyd because he'd never see another face. He just was pretty sure he'd seen a third shadow.

    "So what do we do now?" He asked Scott and Derek sighing wondering what the next step was. After all, surely there weren't that many abandoned banks in the area which would have to narrow down the search to which one. But he supposed they should maybe try and figure out why they'd taken them in the first place, and maybe why they were keeping them in a bank anyways? Was there really nowhere better for them to be kept? None of what was going on really made much sense to Isaac honestly.
    "I'll go research with you, and food sounds so wonderful right now, I don't think I've eaten since breakfast this morning," Nessa not realizing that she had gone the entire day without eating anything. She had been rather busy though and hadn't really had the time. "I'm sure Chloe will be fine though," she said glancing towards the door where their friend had just walked outside in a hurry really. "She doesn't really seem like the type of girl who likes to share her feelings very often and I just asked to share everything to pretty much a room full of people she might not've been comfortable doing that with. But I'm sure if we give her time it'll all work out," she said hoping she was right about this too.

    "It's good to have you back Isaac, and sorry we had to put you through that," Nessa told him, once Stiles' walked away from her, she ran to grab some more towels for him to dry off and keep warm with. Nessa also sent both Derek and Scott the sweetest smile she could wanting them to clean up the room because Stiles had a point. Her and Stiles set everything up and clean up would go much faster with werewolves who had super strength.

    Nessa bit her lip as she went to follow Stiles out to his Jeep. "Your dad won't mind me being over so late will he?" She asked him running her fingers through her hair. "I just don't want to get you in trouble for having a girl in your room after dark or something silly," she said knowing that some parents would care and others wouldn't mind as much. After all, even if they both told themselves nothing was going to happen things could always happen on accident.
    September 29th, 2018 at 04:12am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe started her car and drove off toward her house, playing music as loud as she could. She didn’t think they needed her help anymore, at least for now. She’d never dealt with an Alpha pack, and Derek seemed intent to do things himself so when she got home she set down her things and fell onto her bed.

    She wondered about what might happen next and just decided not to think about it, at least for now. If they needed her, she would help and if they didn’t that’s fine too. She knew at least they had Alison to help as well, since Alison was still dealing with Scott.

    [kept Chloe’s post short since she’s basically by herself]
    Stiles shook his head. “Nah, I don’t tbink it’ll be a problem. Besides my dad likes you, and we’re studying,” He told her with a cheeky smile. “Now we at least know where to look, with bank vaults,” He said as they walked out. “So me and Nessa can get started on figuring out what bank vault you could have been kept in, and then get back to you,” He said.

    Derek looked at Isaac and shrugged. “You should probably sit out, they caught you once, we don’t need it happening again. I’ll gef them myself,” He told them and turned toward the door.

    Stiles shook his head. “Always the beacon of sunshine, that guy,” He muttered. “Alright, you ready? Let’s go, we can use my dads log in to the police database,” He said as they walked out. “Why do you think a vault? Yeah it’s secure but doesn’t seem right, why lock them in for months, why not just kill them?” He asked Nessa. “I don’t get it. And why a bank?”

    “Plus do we know anyone that’s dealt with an Alpha pack before? Derek mentioned a name didn’t he? Deucalion, but do we know anyone else that might know something? Deaton maybe?” He pulled out of the parking lot and sighed. “What kind of food do you want? My treat. I’m starving,” He added as he drove.
    @ Kol.
    September 29th, 2018 at 04:28am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sorry this is a little late! I've been super busy this weekend, but I wanted to reply before I went to bed Lol. ]

    Isaac sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess I'm sitting this one out then," he said knowing they were right. The last thing anyone needed right now was for him to get caught again and then get thrown into something he couldn't get himself out of. "So what should I do then?" He added wondering where that did leave him. After all, the last thing Isaac wanted to do was sit back and not even be a little helpful and surely there was something he could do to help them figure things out.

    "I mean I don't really think Nessa and Stiles need my help with anything, clearly you all want me to sit this mission out. But I can't just sit around and do nothing. I mean Boyd and Erica are my friends too," he said wondering if he could maybe get Chloe to help them. Or really he was just wondering if he could get Chloe to talk to him in general. Especially now that they were both fully aware of what was going on around them.
    Nessa followed Stiles out to his jeep trying to figure out answers to the questions he was asking because they were the same ones she had. "The only reason I could think they'd pick a vault of any kind would be maybe to keep them from shifting during the full moon. But we'd have to know exactly which bank first and what the vault walls were made of to know if that was it. What I don't understand though is why they would want to keep them from shifting if that were what they were doing," she said running her fingers through her hair.

    There had to be some reason all of this was happening, but she couldn't figure it quite out. Things just weren't adding up. "I could really go for a nice burger and a shake," she said realizing how accustomed she'd become to their food since she'd moved there. Back home they didn't really have milkshakes, and the back home burgers didn't taste anything like the burgers in California. But she was sure that her mom wouldn't like it. Probably another reason they'd all thought she'd be the best one to send out to Beacon Hills to help Deaton out. Nessa was the youngest, so closest in age and could easily adapt to things so she'd really had no problems at all getting used to being in Beacon Hills California rather than Ireland. Though she wouldn't lie and say that she hated Ireland or never missed it. Because she missed it every day, and she loved her home country so much. It was nice though to get to explore California because it was also pretty beautiful.
    October 1st, 2018 at 06:07am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    [no worries!! I’ve been having to work several days straight so I’ve been up later anyway] ]

    Chloe had sat in her room for close to an hour before getting annoyed with herself. Yes, she’d admitted that she thought Isaac had been cheating on her, but she couldn’t undo the fact that they didn’t speak for months. Yes she still liked him, and she had missed him. But she had had a lot of time to think about it and she hated sulking in it.

    She gathered her targets and went out to the preserve, aiming to get some target practice in to clear her head. Her parents, ever since the incident with her aunt and grandfather, had suggested giving hunting a break which she was for the most part fine with. She just needed time anyway. She drove out to the woods behind her house and set up her targets, doing her best to focus on nothing else. It was dark, but she’d had her night vision on her scope and she could still see the light from her house.
    Stiles drove out to the nearest burger place, going to pull through the drive through. “Burgers, sounds good,” He said as he went through and placed their orders. “So if you were a bunch of alphas what would you do in a bank with betas,” He asked aloud as they drove off towards his house. “Ugh we have school tomorrow too,” He reminded himself. “Wouldn’t be the first time I pulled an all nighter, plus, if it saves Boyd and Erica,” He added.

    They went in and he immediately went to his laptop, plugging it in and beginning to search. “Okay so I’ve come up with at least ten abandoned banks in town, we might need a bit more specifics. What else did he say?” He asked Nessa as he searched the databases.

    @ Kol.
    October 1st, 2018 at 07:38am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac wasn't really sure what to do with all this time he suddenly had on his hands. Clearly, he'd done his part in figuring out what was going on in their town but there wasn't much else he could do. And he didn't exactly want to sit around and twirl his thumbs until something came up, so he decided to reach out to Chloe. Maybe they could find somewhere to meet up and just talk about things.

    Hey! I know you probably want to be alone but if there's a chance you'd like to meet me somewhere so we can maybe talking about things, um just let me know Isaac sent to her hoping that she'd take him up on the offer. But if she didn't then he'd just give her a little more time and maybe try again. Honestly, Isaac wasn't sure how long he wanted to hold on to the possibility of them getting back together.
    Nessa took a seat on Stiles' bed once they'd made it back to his house. "I don't know, maybe pit them against one another in some kind of pit fights or something," she said throwing out random ideas that sounded like something a pack of alphas would do. "I don't think he said anything about an insignia but maybe he did. I remember he said they had something around the floor to keep them trapped inside which I'm assuming is mountain ash," she said biting her lip and trying to think of everything Isaac said.

    Literally, nothing they knew was adding up. "Can you look up and see which vault is the oldest? And then tell me what the walls of that vault are made out of," she said leaning forward to lean over his shoulder a little so she could see better. "Because I have a pretty good theory," she told him honestly hoping she was wrong this one time. If she wasn't though then it wasn't going to be good for anyone involved.
    October 2nd, 2018 at 05:14am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe heard her phone ping through her headphones, and she set down her crossbow to see who it was. Albeit a distraction, she still had her mind racing and she hadn’t really been able to focus. She read the text and sighed, wondering what she wanted. Did she want to talk to him? Yes, but about this? No not really. Did she want to see him? Yes, but was she stI’ll upset with him, absolutely.

    Halfway through she realized that it wouldn’t be fair if she didn’t at least give him her reasoning for being upsst, she realized she would need to talk to him. Sure, I’m up behind my house in the preserve if you want to come out here She responded. Knowing he would know exactly how to get to her, she put her headphones back in and kept aiming, but kept her attention peaked so she would know when he got there.
    Stiles chewed on his pencil just as confused. She was right, nothing was adding up. When she said she had an idea, he sat up and typed furiously on his computer. “The oldest vault is made of He...calite.” He said to her. “Does that mean anything?“ He asked as he looked at her. He had never heard of anything like it or what it could mean.

    “Turns out there was a robbery there which is why it was abandoned. The walls had to be redone, no ones been in there since,” He added as he searched for more information. “That mean anything to you? I can get blueprints, let me see what I can find.” He said as he searched the database. “Okay there are full blueprints at the station, tomorrow after school we can get them from there.”

    @ Kol.
    October 2nd, 2018 at 05:49am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Okay, I'll head right over the, Isaac replied before he ran around the loft to get ready real quick before he headed out to meet up with Chloe. He really didn't know what he was hoping to come out of this, but he was just glad that she'd agreed to meet him because he did want to talk things through. He'd, of course, made sure to leave a note for Derek or Scott, whoever saw it first, so they didn't think that knew where he'd went. He didn't want them to think he'd been kidnapped or anything.

    When he arrived up to where Chloe said she was he ran his fingers through his hair and tried to calm himself down as he didn't want to walk into this talk on edge. There were a lot of things that they needed to talk about, and honestly, Isaac knew that he needed to be in the right mindset to actually make sure things went well. Because they hadn't been the greatest when they'd ended things, even if he was still a little confused about the whole thing.
    "This isn't good," Nessa said sighing before she leaned back. "So I have a theory, and if I'm right well it isn't going to be good for any of us," she said knowing that Stiles was going to want a lot more information so she stood up from the bed and paced a little just trying to see if she could think of anything else. Though it wasn't really working out very well.

    Nessa finally sighed again and turned to look at Stiles. "Okay, so the mineral that makes up those walls pretty much keeps all the natural moonlight out. And no natural moonlight would mean that they haven't been able to transform on the full moon. They've been missing for four months now. If they haven't transformed in four months and we go barging into wherever they are someone's going to get hurt. But this would be the best place to keep beta werewolves if you wanted to keep them hidden. However, if we don't do something then they're likely going to put whoever is left in that vault against each other one final time and then do God knows what to the final winner," she said wishing there was anything else she could think of but it nothing else made much sense.

    "So the question now is what do we do?" She said biting her lip again. "We have to tell the others because we can't keep that information from them especially given Boyd and Erica, or whoever Isaac saw in that vault, doesn't deserve to die. But Derek doesn't use his brain. He's not going to take anything that we tell him seriously. At least not as seriously as he should," she said really hoping Stiles might have an idea.
    October 3rd, 2018 at 04:24am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and put down her crossbow when Isaac came into view. She was silent for a long time before she began to pack up jer things. “You wanted to talk?” She asked, running a hand through her hair and standing straight to look at him.

    She genuinely didn’t know where to start, and she figured she’d let him decide since he wanted to talk. She didn’t know what he expected but she knew he deserved the benefit of the doubt before she assumed anything. Considering she’d almost lost him twice in a week she figured she cared a lot still but she still wasn’t sure where this was going to go.
    Stiles stared at her. “Wait, no transforming for four months, what does that mean?” He asked her. “Derek’s gonna want to go get them, what do we do about thay?” He tan a hand through his hair and looked at his computer screen. “Digital blueprint is downloading so we’ll know how to get in but then does this mean they could die?”

    He looked at Nessa as she spoke and shook his head. “This is not good, not good at all,” He murmured as he tapped on his desk, willing his computer to work faster. “Alright so we’re sure this is where they are, now we need to get them out and figure out what this means,” He sighed.

    @ Kol.
    October 3rd, 2018 at 06:14am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac nodded his head as he took a few steps closer to her. "I did," he finally said running his fingers through his hair again. "So I'm not really sure what I do and don't remember from well the whole ice bath fiasco. But I do know that you were there before I went under and clearly you stayed long enough to help keep me from dying. Which I'm thankful for by the way," he said knowing he was going to end up rambling, but Chloe just did that to him. She made him feel all sorts of funny.

    "And I guess I was just wondering why? I mean you broke up with me and while I'm still not entirely sure why it just doesn't make sense for you to care so much still," he added actually kind of hoping that maybe he'd get an answer on why she'd ended things. If it was something he could fix then maybe they could work things out after all. Or maybe they could at least figure out some way to be at least friendly with one another again.
    Nessa found herself falling backward onto Stiles' bed and staring at his ceiling for a moment. "That they're probably homicidal, which means it wouldn't be shocking at all if Erica was dead. I mean if they can't shift and they've been in there for months now whoever's in that vault has probably lost all sense of who they are outside of being a bloodthirsty werewolf. I mean we don't know how many beta's they actually have so they could've been pitting them against one another for a while. And maybe this coming full moon is the last one. They probably only have two left and whoever wins that probably becomes part of their pack or something weird like that," she said still a little confused about the whole situation. She didn't understand why there was a pack of alphas, or why they were in Beacon Hills, she didn't know what they wanted, and it was starting to drive her a little mad honestly.

    And she knew that Derek was going to want to get them out. Even she wanted to get them out, after all, she didn't want anyone else to die. But their town was kind of going to shit. And Nessa still had no idea why. "I guess we better come up with a solid plan then. Otherwise, yea whoever goes in to save them could die," she said sighing.
    October 4th, 2018 at 03:16am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe sighed as he spoke. She wasn’t really surprised he didn’t know why she was upset, because he wasn’t usually attentive even when they were together. So she figured she owed him an explanation. “Well, of course I stayed, Isaac I don’t want you to die.” She told him. “Together or not, I want you happy,” She added softly. “And I broke up with you, because I thought you were cheating on me with Erica.” She told him.

    “I realize now that you were in the same pack, but from where I was, what else was I supposed to think?” She sighed. “As far as I knew you’d never really hung out with her, but then you were with her all the time, disappearing at weird times, and she got weirdly hot all of a sudden.” She said, her arms crossing in front of her instinctively.

    “And honestly I didn’t think I could compete with her so I decided that I wouldn’t, because if you were with her, I wasn’t enough anyway,” She smiled ruefully. “Because what’s worse, looking jealous or crazy? I didn’t want to be either.”
    Stiles sighed. “Yeah but if she is dead, then who killed her? Boyd? Isaac?” He asked her. He spun in his chair to face her. “We need to figure out how we can get them out. How can we do that? Maybe a ton of mountain ash? Cages?” He said. “Because either way how do we stop them from being homicidal?”

    “Well I’ve got the blueprints, there a way straight into the vault, from where the robbery happened. If someone could get in there, they can get in. Just getting them out.” He said. “Tired?” He asked as he watched her for a moment. He hadn’t even thought of the fact that he had class tomorrow or even assignments due he’d finish them tomorrow and submit them there. He was more worried about potentially Scott going on and being killed.

    @ Kol.
    October 4th, 2018 at 04:32am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “Wait you broke up with me because you thought I was into Erica?” Isaac asked her actually a little shocked. “While I know it probably looked bad from your point of view but I never had a thing for her. She didn’t even have a thing for me. Pretty sure she was more into Stiles than me,” he said honestly a little baffled by everything. And thinking about that he suddenly realized why Erica and Nessa had probably never really gotten along very well.

    Isaac sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He still wasn’t sure what this meant for them but at least he had an answer to the questions he’d been trying to figure out most of the summer. And he figured he might as well try for the rest of the questions he had. “Well with everything being in the open then, where does that leave us?”
    “I doubt it was Isaac. Maybe Boyd if the whole fighting ring is true. But the sooner we get whoever is in there our the sooner we can get some answers,” Nessa said hoping they were getting somewhere. “Maybe we should share with Scott what all we found. Maybe he could help us figure out a way out,” she knowing they needed more help. She also knew that at least Scott’s head was on straight and he had gotten better at thinking things through.

    Nessa felt her eyes getting even heavier after Stiles mentioned being tired. She nodded her head though because she hadn’t realized how tired she was until now. Maybe because she was always up running around solving some mystery either with Stiles or with Deaton. She didn’t really take breaks but with Deaton gone for a month and things being much calmer than usually lately her pattern had been thrown off. “I can push through though to figure this out. It’s more important than sleeping,” she said probably not sounding too awake or confident.
    October 8th, 2018 at 08:42pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “Leave us?” Chloe asked in confusion. “Isaac, I didn’t need you to tell me you weren’t together, I found that out on my own. I was upset you didn’t tell me sooner, I don’t care that you’re a werewolf but you didn’t trust me enough to tell.” She said to him.

    “That’s why I’m upset, you didn’t trust me and you let me think I was crazy for months,” She told him. “So honestly I don’t know where that leaves us, because you really hurt me Isaac, so I don’t know if I can just let that go,” She sighed, shaking her head. She had been really upset with him and she knew that she had space over the summer but she felt like Isaac didn’t really get it enough for her to want to be with him again. “You...you wanted to talk, are you happy now?” She asked, looking away at the outline of her house, wanting nothing more than to go inside so she could try to sort her thoughts.
    Stiles chuckled. “I think we’ve gotten a lot done, plus we do have school tomorrow, we should run it by the others. Let me take you home?” He asked her as he looked at the blueprints. He agreed that they still had questions they didn’t have answers to they still had a lot. “And tomorrow with caffeine and school related stress, we can go back over everything. Come on,” He said, standing from the desk and stretching. “Besides Derek is going to want to know tomorrow anyway so he can decide what to do we can fill in everyone else at the loft,” He said, reaching to help her up.

    He didn’t want his dad to give them any crap in the morning, not thay he was likely to but in case his father woke up in a weird mood. He didn’t want to take any chances. Otherwise he’d let her sleep there but he felt she might be uncomfortable in the morning.
    @ Kol.
    October 10th, 2018 at 05:14am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Isaac ran his fingers over his face again and sighed. "How exactly was I supposed to tell you?" He asked her pretty sure even if he had told her it would still have led them here. "I'm a werewolf and you're a werewolf hunter that's not exactly an easy conversation to have, it isn't really something that just flows easily in conversation, and with everything that's been going on in this town since I turned there hasn't exactly been an opportune time for me to tell you that. Oh yeah, let's not forget that your cousin has tried to kill me and other members of my pack and that for a while you were actually on their side. You were trying to help take down Derek. Who by the way had done nothing wrong," he said honestly wishing this could've gone a lot different than it had.

    Isaac supposed he hadn't really thought this all through very well. At the same time though how was he supposed to know why Chloe was upset with him if she'd never told him why she was upset. It made sense now though, and while he hoped they could patch things up eventually and maybe give things another try they clearly still needed some time apart. "You know what I am," he said nodding his head. He may not have been happy with the whole conversation but he was at least happy to know he'd figure some things out. "I'm just going to head home now, so I guess I'll see you at school," he said turning to head away from her because they were clearly done there.
    Nessa forced herself to sit up and she ran her fingers through her hair. "Your bed's so comfy," she said running her hands over her face before she stood up to follow him out. She understood why he had to take her home, it'd probably be a little awkward if his dad came home and found a girl sleeping in his bed. That alone could lead to a lot of questions which she didn't want to have to answer and she was sure he didn't want to answer either. Even if nothing happened people would still make their assumptions about things.

    "Thanks for offering to take me home," Nessa said as she tucked her hair behind her ear and bit her lip. "This might sound weird and you don't have to feel pressured or anything but would you mind staying the night?" She asked him knowing it might be weird for them to stay at his house with his dad there and all, even though there were no plans to do anything. "It's just that with Deaton out of town and all the weird things happening in this town right now and this feeling in my stomach that things are going to get a lot worse, I'm honestly a little nervous to be alone at night. It's fine if you'd rather not I'm sure I'll be fine or could call someone else," she said wishing that she wasn't afraid. Nessa knew she could handle whatever was going on, Deaton would've have trusted her enough to put her in charge of his, 'emissary', duties if he didn't think she could handle things. But that didn't mean they weren't freaking her out a little.
    October 10th, 2018 at 06:16am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Chloe turned to look at him. “What? Remember I’m the one who hasn’t spoken to her cousin since I shot at her for trying to kill you. Pretty much drew a line in the sand, that I would kill her for you without a seconds hesitation. And I would have been on your side earlier if you had just told me, Isaac.” She told him crossing her arms. “I don’t even care how you told me just tell me, that’s all I wanted!” She said in frustration. “I wanted to tell you the second I became a hunter but I was so sure you were cheating on me I didn’t know if I could trust you anymore.”

    “You didn’t even tell me about your father.” She said quietly. “I had to find out from Jackson, of all people.” She looked at him. “How can I be with someone who doesn’t trust me enough to tell? You told Derek before me, and honestly a complete stranger in comparison to your girlfriend? I don’t think I can be blamed for being upset. But maybe your bond to your Alpha is stronger than whatever you felt for me.”

    She turned up toward her house and sighed. “Just, I’m happy you’re okay. And...” she trailed off. “Never mind. Goodnight, Isaac.” She mumbled and turned to go inside, falling onto her bed and sighing.
    Stiles looked at her. “Oh uh ah. Maybe that’s not a good idea, do... you want me to call someone who can stay with you? Lydia, Alison, Chloe?” He said, not wanting to leave her alone but not wanting to make her uncomfortable. “That way you can be comfortable and have access to stuff, and not be alone.” He offered.

    “Who d you want me to call? I’m sure they would all be happy to,” He said. “Plus then I don’t have to explain anything to my father who I don’t even want to wake him if he’s here,” He added, lowering his voice instinctively. “You can decide and then we can go from there,” He offered hoping she would be okay with this. He was happy to take her anywhere he just didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

    “Come on, hop in,” He said as he started his Jeep and flipped on the lights. He pulled out of the drive way and turned out of his neighborhood.

    @ Kol.
    October 11th, 2018 at 04:24am