i see my future in your eyes

  • "I am perfectly fine with us being emotional messes, as long as we're emotional messes together, so I'm not alone," Michael joked lightly, grinning as he watched her, though he nodded slightly and went to get the toast ready, sticking a few slices of bread into the toaster before he went to get the butter out of the fridge. "Sure. Your usual?" He arched a brow, grinning as he moved to get the coffee started for them, too, not wanting Nora to have to feel like she had to do anything. By the time he'd gotten the coffee started, the toast was ready and he went to spread the butter on it, cutting the slices in half before he set the plate down in front of her with a grin. "Voila. Breakfast is mostly served, besides the coffee that's still brewing."

    "Ah, you've got the jumpstart on me, how unfair," Anette teased lightly, though she grinned slightly, her heart swelling with the fact that Luke was doing so much already, even when it wasn't entirely necessary yet. Nodding slightly, she watched him, smiling to herself. "I'll make sure to answer each time. Just don't call when you're in the booth, Calum and Ashton will never let you live it down." She grinned jokingly but hummed happily with his kiss, leaning into it for a moment. "Thanks for breakfast, Luke," she murmured, grinning as she kissed him again for a moment, "I love you."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:13am
  • "Michael, you're going to have to let me do something eventually." She laughed as she watched him. "Look at you, hm? Domestic bliss King." She teased, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he gave her the toast. "Thank you, baby." She smiled. "I don't want you to be an emotional mess though." She pouted slightly, eating her toast as she watched him. "What're you having for breakfast?" She frowned. "You need to keep your energy up, your days are long, Michael."

    "Couldn't help myself, sorry." Luke laughed at Anette, returning her kiss, being gentle as he carefully cupped her cheek "I love you, too. I'm sure Calum is gonna bury my phone in the yard by the time this is over." Luke chuckled at the thought, Calum having always taken recording seriously. Pulling away from Anette with a frown, Luke sighed. "I don't want to go." He admitted, putting a slice of toast in for himself. "Alright, what do you want to drink, we got coffee, tea, milk?" He suggested. "I'm gonna make such a great husband." He grinned.
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:19am
  • "Nuh-uh, nope, not while I'm here," Michael declared with a broad grin, leaning to kiss her temple. "Let me do this stuff for you, especially since most of the day, we're apart." His heart sank at his own reminder, but he shook the thought away and moved to the coffee pot to pour her some in her mug, fixing it the way she liked before he brought it over to her, setting it down with a grin. "I'll grab doughnuts at the studio, as long as the doughnut pig that is Luke Hemmings doesn't eat them all. Don't worry about me, babe."

    "I'll make sure to call Calum's phone if an hour goes by that you don't call," Anette joked lightly, grinning up at him, though she chewed on her lip when she heard his words. "I know... It's gonna suck, but we'll be okay. We'll get through this." She hummed in thought, though, lifting a slice of toast to take a bite of it. "Milk," she decided in a happy hum, though she grinned broadly, her heart swelling with his words, and she watched him for a long moment. "You'll make the best husband."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:28am
  • Nora shook her head in amusement. "You're such a dumb ass." She told him fondly, finishing her toast as she watched him. "Thank you," she smiled as he gave her the coffee. "But I'm making dinner tonight, so don't put yourself into a food coma at the studio, please." She laughed at the thought. "And leave Luke alone!" She defended, knowing that Luke was probably on his own high from Anette's news. "You're both just as bad as each other." She stood to her feet, wrapping her arms around Michael's neck, smiling up at him.

    Luke laughed. "We should definitely spam Calum's phone." He grinned to himself, loving the idea of winding up his bandmate, pouring a glass of milk for Anette with a smile, wanting to make sure she didn't have to lift a finger, wanting her to take care of herself and relax. Approaching her to hand her the glass, Luke pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "Good, because you're gonna be the best wife." Luke smiled, kissing the top of her head again, then her forehead, leaning down to reach her lips. "I love you."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:35am
  • Michael made a joking face at hearing that she was planning to make dinner. It made him anxious, knowing that she might do that all on her own, but he didn't want to tell her not to when he was sure it would just end with her doing it, anyways. "What are you planning to cook?" he asked with curiosity. He laughed, though. "What? It's the truth. He'll eat every single doughnut if he gets the chance." He grinned, though, sliding his arms around her as he held her close, rubbing her back gently. "Oh, no, please don't say that." He laughed, kissing the top of her head.

    Anette laughed quietly with the mention of it, grinning. "He'd lose his mind," she said with amusement, knowing that it was a bad idea, because Calum would probably go crazy, but it also seemed so hilarious at the same time. Smiling, she accepted the glass, her heart swelling more as she watched him, grinning with the kiss. "That sounds amazing." Shifting, she kissed him again, her grin broadening. "I love you, too, Luke."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:45am
  • "Carbonara." Nora smiled up at Michael, studying him. "It'll be ready for when you come home." She reached on her tip toes to press a quick kiss to Michael's lips, laughing at his dismay at being compared to Luke. "You seem to have forgotten our school years, where you and Luke raised Hell wherever you turned, and dragged the rest of us down with you." She teased. "Doughnuts are good though, can't blame him." She laughed.

    Luke grinned. "He'd kill me." He looked at Anette and laughed. "If I'm not back by seven thirty, get the police to search Calum's house." He teased, pressing another sweet kiss to Anette's lips, not wanting to pull away from her. "We can take our announcement photos tonight, if you want?" Luke asked, planning to make a quick stop to Build a Bear before coming home, wanting to surprise Anette with his idea. "I want the whole world to know there's a baby Hemmings on the way." He grinned, already wrapped around the baby - and Anette's - little finger.
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:50am
  • "I'll be looking forward to it, then," Michael said with a broad grin, nodding slightly, figuring it would be a nice meal to come home to. And, with any luck, he'd be able to pull off his plan and bring home a surprise for Nora; it was just a matter of finding somewhere nearby to get a pup for her. Rubbing her back, he kissed her again. "Oh, our school years, that takes me back." He grinned. "You loved all that trouble, though." He laughed, kissing her forehead, and nodded. "Which is exactly why I want to get them before he can eat them all."

    "I'll definitely keep that in mind," Anette promised with a broad grin, leaning into the kiss while it lasted, but she nodded slightly. "I think that's an amazing idea. I can run out to the store and grab some baby books for us to use? But also just all the baby books I can find, because I know we'll need it." She grinned slightly, watching him. "I'm really looking forward to all of this."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:59am
  • "I was innocent until I met you, Michael Clifford. I barely said a boo, and all of a sudden, Anette and I are dragged into your whirlwind." Nora joked, pressing another sweet kiss to his lips. "Are you walking to Luke's, or is he picking you up?" She asked, taking a step back, knowing she had to, knowing the moment he would walk out of their door, it would hurt her.

    Luke bit his lip nervously at the thought of Anette going to the store by herself, but he exhaled his anxiety, knowing she needed her freedom. "Sounds good." He smiled, reluctantly pulling away when he saw the clock land on seven. "I'm excited too, you have no idea." He grinned. He didn't want to go, he really didn't. "I need to go pick up Michael." He looked down hearted for a moment, sighing. "Take care today, okay? I'll call you as soon as I reach the studio." He told Anette, kissing her gently.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:04am
  • "Oh? You sure? You sure it wasn't you and Anette who were the bad influences?" Michael joked lightly, grinning down at her, though he shrugged. "He's probably picking me up, the usual routine." He looked to the clock, seeing the time, and sighed anxiously with seeing that it was about time to leave, and he shifted, leaning to kiss her for a long moment, not wanting to part from her yet. "I love you. I'll call and text as often as possible and make sure to let me know if anything happens or if you need me to get anything, or if you just want to talk, whatever it is."

    Anette smiled slightly, nodding as she watched him, returning the kiss for the moment it lasted. "I will. Be careful on your way there, okay?" she murmured, leaning to kiss him again, just wanting to prolong the time she had with him for as much as she could, not looking forward to him leaving, but not wanting to worry him. "I love you, Luke. Have fun today, and good luck."
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:13am
  • Luke nodded. "I will be." Luke kissed Anette back, cupping her face gently, running his thumbs along the apples of her cheeks. "I love you so much." He reluctantly pulled away, his heart squeezing anxiously as he did. "Behave yourself, you." He smiled, rubbing Anette's stomach before grabbing his car keys, sighing. "I love you both, see you tonight." He pressed a kiss to Anette's forehead, once, twice, three times more, before leaving, despite not wanting to go, just wanting to stay there with Anette and use the day to just hold her in his arms. Climbing into his car, Luke looked back at their house, sighing as he started the car and drove to Michael's house, already feeling the separation anxiety.

    "No, it was definitely you that was the bad influence." Nora grinned, cupping Michael's face as he kissed her, returning the kiss with nothing but adoration. "I'll be okay." She promised, pressing their foreheads together. Hearing the sound of Luke's horn, Nora smiled weakly. "Have fun today." She pressed another sweet kiss to his lips, pulling away from him. "Good luck - and no torturing each other!" She warned with a grin.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:19am
  • Anette smiled as she watched him leave, though the moment he was out the door, she breathed out anxiously, chewing nervously on her lip. Being apart from Luke already had her emotions winding up and she could feel her eyes water but she wiped at them quickly and moved to her phone to text Nora. Mind running to the store with me?

    "Ouch," Michael joked, placing a hand over his chest in mock pain, though he kissed her forehead again. Hearing Luke's horn, though, he sighed out quietly and nodded, kissing the top of her head, then her lips. "Be careful," he told her, kissing her again, "I love you. No promises on us not torturing each other, though." He grinned, kissing her one more time before he reluctantly pulled away, feeling his heart ache already. Watching her, he hesitated but eventually turned to leave the house. The moment he was out the door, he pulled up searches on his phone to find anywhere nearby that he could get Nora a pup before he made his way to the car, climbing in. "Hey, man." He grinned, but kept his gaze on his phone as he searched, buckling up.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:28am
  • Nora heard her phone beep, and she opened the text from Anette, smiling. Definitely not. Michael's just left and all of a sudden there's this huge absence. I'll be at yours in 5! Grabbing her converse, Nora slipped them on and left the house, not wanting to stay there a moment longer, the silence without Michael being too much to handle - which Nora considered strange, she was completely fine yesterday. Walking down the street to Luke and Anette's house, Nora knocked the door, wrapping her arms around herself.

    "Hi dude." Luke smiled weakly, putting the car into motion. "What's so interesting on that thing? What could be more important than me?" He teased, wondering how he should tell Michael about Anette's pregnancy, knowing his best friend would be happy for him. "I need to stop at Build a Bear on the way back, is that cool with you?" He asked.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:32am
  • Anette was relieved when Nora agreed, glad that she at least wouldn't be completely alone. While Nora definitely wasn't Luke, Anette figured that it would at least keep her mind busy. Hearing the knock, she grabbed her keys, heading to the door. "Hey," she greeted with a grin, "Should we leave now or do you want to just relax for a bit?"

    "I'm looking for a pup to get Nora, so she won't be alone. I'm thinking a Labrador," Michael told his friend easily, shifting a bit because he wanted to tell Luke right away about Nora's pregnancy, but he wasn't sure if Nora would prefer for them to wait until the announcement. "That's totally fine with me, so long as we can stop to get the Labrador if I find one?"
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:37am
  • "Hey, you. I'm down for whatever, as long as I have company." Nora laughed, shaking her head at her own behaviour. "Well, how did Luke take it?" She asked with a smile, stepping over the threshold, noticing how her best friend was already glowing, absolutely loving how it suited her. "Anette, you're glowing." She grinned.

    Luke raised his eyebrows. "A puppy?" He asked. "Didn't know you guys were interested in getting a dog, you could just have Petunia, I swear she loves you more than she loves me. But sure, we can go dog hunting." Luke laughed. "So uh," Luke debated with himself for a moment, knowing that Anette wouldn't mind. "I got some news for you, man."
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:41am
  • "I know what you mean. God, I've never been so anxious about being alone before," Anette said, shaking her head, though she chewed on her lip and grinned broadly. "Oh, Nora, he was just... So completely elated. It's like he can't stop smiling and gushing and just being an all-around cheeseball and I just love seeing him that happy." She laughed quietly, grinning. "What about Michael? How'd he take the news?"

    Michael laughed. "We'd never take Petunia from you," he assured with amusement, shaking his head, "It's just... Important. I don't want Nora to be alone or for her to feel lonely." And, he was sure she'd just love having a pup running around to keep her company while he was gone and he was sure it would put his heart at ease, too. He blinked, though, looking over. "What? Really?" he asked, "Because, man, I've got news, too. Bet mine beats yours, though, so you can go first." He grinned teasingly, but he was also certain of it, too.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:52am
  • Nora smiled, ecstatic for Anette and Luke. "I can picture Luke now." She laughed. "Michael just... God, Anette, if I wasn't completely in love with him before, I am now." She smiled, sitting on the arm of the couch. "He's not stopped smiling, he's just so incredible about it all and seeing him this excited just... ugh." She laughed, ducking her head at the thought, smiling fondly at the thought of Michael. "So, what're we getting from the store?"

    Luke smiled. "Alright... Anette and I are having a baby." Luke came right out and said it, barely able to contain his words or excitement. "We don't know much yet, I'm gonna give the Doctor a quick call when Ashton's tracking vocals, but I'm gonna be a Dad, how amazing is that?!" He asked with a grin, unable to stop himself.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:56am
  • Anette grinned broadly, nodding happily. "Oh, man, I just know Michael's gonna spoil you and that baby rotten," she said with a laugh before she led the way out of the house. "After Luke's reaction, I honestly felt silly for all the anxiety about it before, but, man... That anxiety's nothing compared to having to watch him leave today." She pouted slightly but led the way to the car, unlocking it. "Baby books! Luke and I are gonna make our announcement with a picture of us being confused by reading the baby books. Do you need anything from the store?" She grinned as she climbed into the car.

    Michael blinked several times, processing it. "Wait, what?" he asked, laughing happily for his friend but also in shock because of the timing. "Wow, okay, you know what, we should have just gone at the same time, because Nora and I are having a baby, too." He grinned broadly. "She found out yesterday, so we don't know much either, but I'm gonna call to set up an appointment for her. It's why I want to get her a pup, so she's not alone." He grinned broadly. "Wow, our kids are gonna grow up together..." He stared ahead, his grin broadening. "We're gonna be Dads." He laughed, happy, excited. "It's amazing, isn't it? Just the feeling that comes with that kind of knowledge. I'm still so shocked by it all, but, man, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me, aside from Nora."
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:05am
  • Nora laughed. "These boys of ours, Anette, how the hell did we get so lucky?" She asked, climbing into the passenger seat of Anette's car. "Oh my god, that's adorable!" Nora gasped. "I need ice." She told Anette, reminding herself, too. "Man, I know the feeling though. It broke my heart watching Michael walk out of the door." She smiled, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Our babies are so lucky to have Dads like those two."

    Luke grinned. "No way!" He laughed, shocked and absolutely elated for his best friend. "Congratulations, man." He smiled, genuinely happy that his and Michael's children would be raised as close as the two of them were. "Our kids are gonna end the world, it's gonna be amazing." Luke grinned. "Us, Dads, who would of thought?" Luke grinned. "When we were 14, we thought we'd be single forever." He shook his head at the memory. "But it's amazing, that's for sure. But man, I'm like, a hundred times more protective." He admitted. "I was so worried about leaving Anette this morning."
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:10am
  • Anette laughed. "I have no idea, but I don't even want to question it, in fear of jinxing it," she joked with a broad grin, starting up the car and letting it get warm before she began the drive to the store. "Ice, huh?" She arched a brow, curious but amused, but she nodded as she drove. "I can't believe we lucked out. It's all just so... So amazing." She breathed out happily, chewing on her lip with a grin as she drove.

    "Congratulations to you, too," Michael said with a laugh, shaking his head as he leaned back in his seat. "It still feels so surreal." And, it did. Everything about it was amazing in every single way - the thought of starting a family with Nora, of watching the progress of her pregnancy, of everything. "I feel like I'm on cloud nine, honestly." He grinned, looking over, but nodded. "Our kids will rule the world, I just know it." He laughed. "And we'll be there, backing them up." He blinked, though, and nodded. "I know what you mean. Parting from Nora this morning had my nerves at an all-time high. I'm so worried that something's gonna go wrong or that she'll need something and I won't be there, I hate not being there for her."
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:20am
  • "I'll give you a hint," Nora laughed at Anette's arched brow. "Ice ice baby." She grinned, relaxing in her seat. "God, I can't believe this is our life now, Anette." She confessed happily. "I don't mean to jinx it, but everything's just so perfect. I can't believe it. I feel like I'm dreaming."

    Luke smiled as he parked outside of the studio. "I know exactly how you feel." Luke's smile broadened at just the thought of it all. "I'm excited for every minute of the next nine months." He bit his lip, looking to Michael. "The world is not ready for our kids, Mikey." He grinned, getting out of the car. "I'm sure Anette and Nora are already gossiping." Still, it didn't stop him from worrying as he dropped Anette a quick text. Arrived at the studio! Miss you. I love you both.
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:25am