i see my future in your eyes

  • Anette laughed with the mention of it. "He probably let it out the moment those two showed up," she admitted with amusement, shaking her head, "Honestly, he's been so excited about it, I'm surprised he didn't burst sooner and just tell everybody last night. She grinned, though, and nodded. "We're gonna be emotional messes." And she didn't mind one bit. I love you so much, too, Luke. I can't believe how lucky we are.

    Michael grinned over at Luke. "I'm my baby's Dad, not yours. I'm your baby's Uncle, I should be allowed to participate in the Uncle war for your baby," he chimed jokingly, though he didn't intend to at all. As fun as it would be to be the favorite Uncle, he didn't want to take the fun away from Ashton and Calum, and he didn't want to ever make his baby feel like it was less loved by him. He smiled, though, to Nora's text. Babe... Need me to cry with you? We all love you and tyke so much, too. Me more so than them, of course, but still.

    Ashton grinned over at the others before he focused on Calum and laughed. "When you say that, I just imagine that 'It's gonna be May' meme, so I can't even take you seriously, Calum," he said with a laugh. "Which is exactly why I'm not even fazed. I have complete faith in myself that I'll win." He grinned broadly.
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:04pm
  • Luke smiled as Anette text him. We are so lucky. And having you by my side, having our baby growing... I'm the luckiest man on the planet. And he meant it, he really did. There was something so wonderful about the whole situation, and Luke was excited to see what the future held for him. Laughing at Michael's words, Luke shook his head in amusement. "Stop fuelling the fire, Michael." Luke teased.

    Nora laughed. "At least we have a good excuse to be emotional messes. I just know though, if I see Michael cry at all, it's gonna set me off." She admitted. "I love that man so much, it's almost ridiculous how much he means to me." She ducked her head, smiling at the thought. Seeing Michael's text, Nora laughed and read it out to Anette. Please don't cry! If I see you cry, I'm done for, I won't stop... stupid hormones.

    Calum laughed at Ashton's mention of the NSync meme. "Ashton, Ashton, Ashton..." Calum shook his head teasingly. "You're showing your age a bit there, mate. These babies are gonna see your wrinkles and love me more because I won't look like a scary old man - so, you know, that guarantees my victory."
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:13pm
  • Anette smiled to Nora's words and shook her head slightly. "I know what you mean," she assured quietly, "God, it's crazy, the way those two affect us." She laughed quietly to herself before dropping her phone while listening to Nora read out her text. "Ha, he's gonna come home to you and his face is just gonna have tears everywhere and you'll both lose it." She laughed, but knew that, if anything like that happened with Luke, it'd be the same for her. Just reading Luke's texts was making her emotional, even. I'm the luckiest woman in the world, with you in my life, and our little baby on the way. I couldn't imagine a life more perfect than this.

    "Why would I stop?" Michael asked with a laugh, "Look at them, fuelling it is just serving to make for a better show. We should have brought popcorn." He grinned jokingly, finding the whole thing amusing, but his attention was easily dropped back to his phone, his attention focusing solely back on Nora again, his grin broadening to her text. We can cry together, all cuddled up under the blanket, just ugly but happy sobbing. It could be a bonding experience. He grinned after sending the text, but he really did hope that Nora was okay, that she wasn't actually crying. The last thing he wanted to do was to upset her or make her cry in any way.

    "Oh?" Ashton asked, arching an amused brow, "You're so sure of yourself. I can't wait to see that pride crumble when they won't even give you a passing glance, because they like their cooler, clearly more awesome Uncle Ashton."
    October 18th, 2018 at 03:05pm
  • Luke shook his head with a grin at Michael, throwing a pillow from the couch at Calum and Ashton. "Are you two gonna record or what?" He teased. "Michael and I wanna get home to our loves." And although his voice was teasing, joking around, he meant it. He wanted to get out of the studio, get to Build a Bear as quickly as he could, and then get home, just so he could see Anette's face. Hearing his phone beep though, Luke looked down and smiled. I can... when Baby is actually here. I'm excited for late nights and being puked on, because they're going to be so worth it.

    Nora laughed at Anette's words. "It is crazy, but I love it." She laughed harder though, at Anette's mention of Nora losing it if she saw Michael cry, although her heart ached a bit, remembering when Michael went through bad spurts of anxiety and all he could do was cry. "At least this time, it's happy tears." She smiled softly, seeing Michael had text. Ugly crying? Count me in, although we've bonded enough, I know you like the back of my hand. Can we watch Marley and Me?

    Calum dodged the pillow that Luke shot at the boys. "I am sure of myself." Calum grinned. "Because you're gonna be so old, you won't be able to chase after them. Me? Constant playtime. So ha!" He grabbed the pillow Luke threw, hitting Ashton with it.
    October 18th, 2018 at 03:14pm
  • Anette smiled to her friend's words, reaching over to give her arm a squeeze before she nodded slightly. "Happy tears are good tears," she assured quietly before dropping her gaze to her phone, her expression softening. Thank you for correcting me. Baby Hemmings is one lucky baby to have a Daddy like you.

    "And we've gotta stop by a few places. You two aren't the only ones wanting to spoil somebody," Michael joked, but grinned broadly, eager to get the pup for Nora, beyond ready to see her reaction to it. "I can't wait to see Nora's face when I get home and bring her the surprise." He grinned over at Luke before dropping his gaze to his phone. Marley and Me is the best movie to ugly cry to, I'm in. And, the thought made him all that much happier, because he'd be bringing a pup of theirs home, too.

    Ashton laughed lightly in response, grinning broadly. "You keep thinking that, man. I can't wait to knock that grin off your face," he joked, but held his hands up to block the hit before he headed into the booth to do his session.
    October 18th, 2018 at 03:27pm
  • Nora smiled. "Isn't that the truth?" She kicked up her feet onto the coffee table as she texted Michael back with a smile. It's a date! She sent a photo of her feet kicked up onto the coffee table to Michael, showing him she was happy and relaxed.

    Luke grinned at Michael. "I can't wait to give Anette hers, either." He didn't care if any of the boys would tease him for being soft, all he knew was that he wanted to make sure, during the long days in the studio, that Anette had a little piece of him that she could keep dear to her. And Baby Hemmings couldn't ask for a better Mommy. Ashton's tracking vocals now, so hopefully today can be cut a little short. I miss you!

    Calum shook his head with amusement. "I'm gonna be the better Uncle." He told Michael and Luke with a grin.
    October 18th, 2018 at 03:32pm
  • Anette grinned slightly and nodded, watching her friend. "Yeah," she murmured, "I think we could all use some happy tears." Dropping her attention to her phone, she grinned with the text, hopeful that Luke was right and that things ended early for the guys. She knew it was selfish, but she couldn't help it. I can't wait to see you either way. I miss you, too! So does Baby Hemmings!

    Michael grinned as he read Nora's text and saw her picture, relieved that she seemed to be relaxing. He knew she deserved it and he wanted that for her, he wanted her to be able to relax as often as she could during the pregnancy. I'm looking forward to it! We'll have fun. A part of him wanted to tell her that the session might end early, but then she'd be expecting him home sooner and he wasn't sure how long it would take him and Luke to get the gifts, so he refrained. "Oh, I don't know, Calum," he mentioned casually to his friend, grinning, "Ashton seems pretty determined."

    "Damn right I'm determined!" Ashton called from the booth, grinning, but focused on his session, doing it a few times before he looked to the guys. "Good?"
    October 18th, 2018 at 04:30pm
  • Luke gave Ashton a thumbs up. "Sounds good, man." He grinned though, at Michael's words to Calum. "I'm putting my bets on Ashton." He chimed in, nudging Michael. "I mean, it's hard not to, look how determined he is." He commented, watching Calum closely before Anette's text came through. I miss you and Baby Hemmings so much. I hope you're relaxing!

    Nora smiled. "Happy tears are acceptable." She hummed in agreement, smiling as Michael text her once more, just knowing it was him gave her comfort, something about Michael made Nora so incredibly happy - he had done since the moment they'd met. We always do. I love you. Nora stood up to continue cooking, smiling. "What're you hoping for?"

    Calum's jaw dropped at Luke's words. "Hey!" He pouted.
    October 18th, 2018 at 06:43pm
  • Michael grinned slightly, amused with the thought of teasing Calum a bit. "I think I'll throw my bet that way, too," he chimed easily, looking to Calum, "You know how Ashton gets once he puts his mind to it." He smiled when he saw Nora's text, though, he heart swelling. I love you, too. Both of you. And I miss you so much, can't wait to be home. He couldn't wait to see her, eager to just have her in his arms again, and he looked towards the others, ready for the rest of the day to finish.

    Ashton grinned before stepping out of the booth and looking to Calum. "You're up," he told him before he moved to sit down, leaning back to relax.

    Anette smiled to Nora's words, nodding her agreement. "Though we'll honestly probably cry at anything soon, even just food," she joked with a laugh before chewing on her lip, shifting. "I'm kind of hoping for a girl. I mean, any time I've ever thought about kids, the first thought has always steered to a daughter." She smiled, though, with Luke's text and snapped a picture of herself since she was still sitting down and sent it to him. We miss you, too. And I'm definitely relaxing, don't worry.
    October 18th, 2018 at 06:51pm
  • Calum shoved Ashton playfully as he made his way into the booth. "You suck, Ashton." He grinned despite himself.

    Luke laughed, shaking his head happily at the antics of his band mates. "Sorry, Calum, it's just that Ashton's older than us and will beat me and Michael if we say otherwise." He winked. As his phone beeped with a notification, Luke cast his gaze down and smiled at the photo of Anette. Look at you, being beautiful. He snapped a photo of himself, smiling over-enthusiastically and giving the camera a thumbs up, sending it back to Anette.

    Nora smiled, nodding. "I want a boy, but I feel fate is gonna turn that back on me." She chuckled, stepping back from the food as the smell of the carbonara made her feel sick. "I'm not excited to cry at everything." She admitted, sending a photo of the food to Michael. Looks good, right? Baby doesn't think so!
    October 18th, 2018 at 11:42pm
  • Ashton grinned. "Or you're saying it because you know it's true," he chimed, leaning back in the seat.

    "Nah, it's definitely because you scare us," Michael said with a laugh before he peered down at his phone, blinking with the picture and the text. The food looks amazing! Are you feeling okay, though? If the food's upsetting your stomach, I can pick up something on the way home for you?

    Anette smiled slightly. "Hey, on the bright side, if it's a girl, Michael's gonna be a big sap for your little baby girl," she teased lightly, grinning, though she laughed. "Oh, man, crying at everything is going to be exhausting." She grinned, though, at Luke's text and picture. That big smile screams dork, I love it.
    October 19th, 2018 at 10:40pm
  • Calum shook his head in amusement, singing about Ashton being an idiot rather than his actual lines.

    Luke laughed, his head falling back as he did so, at Calum's antics. "If you two are gonna mess around, are we allowed to go home?" He asked, although he was teasing in some way, he also wasn't sure if he could hide the hint of hope in his voice. It would give him and Michael time to do what they needed to do and get home an hour or so earlier than they usually did. Smiling as he saw Anette's name appear on his phone screen, Luke smiled. I'm only a dork for you. Don't tell anyone, it would ruin my cool rep ;) Although I can't wait to wear a baby carrier... cool rep points? + 20.

    Nora laughed with Anette's words. "Oh man, she would be a real Daddy's girl." She bit her lip. "But if we both had girls, they'd be so adorable." She gushed. "At least they'd have good fashion sense, the boys wouldn't know where to begin." She grinned, although seeing Michael's text, Nora smiled with appreciation. I think I'm okay, sweetheart, thank you! I do miss you though...
    October 19th, 2018 at 10:52pm
  • "You two might wanna leave, anyways, I wouldn't want anybody witnessing me locking Calum away so he can't try to beat me at being the best Uncle," Ashton said with a laugh.

    "I'll take that as a blessing to leave," Michael said with a broad grin before he hopped to his feet, "No taking it back, either!" He smiled as he got Nora's text, though. Okay. If you change your mind, let me know, though, okay? I want you to be able to eat. I miss you, too, though. I'll be home before you know it. If they were really allowed to leave, hopefully they'd be able to get their surprises quickly and head back.

    Anette laughed. "He'll spoil her," she said with a broad grin, leaning back as she thought and nodded. "They'd be the cutest baby girls to exist. Oh, man, imagine the guys when those two got older." She laughed slightly but grinned to Luke's text. Your secret's safe with me! I love having your dorkiness to myself. Can't wait to see that, though! It'd definitely be my new lockscreen.
    October 19th, 2018 at 11:07pm
  • Calum laughed. "Go on then, you nerds. Say hi to the girls for us."

    Nora laughed at Anette. "Like Luke wouldn't be the same with a girl!" She teased back. "Oh my god, the whole universe would revolve around her with parents like you two." She grinned. Smiling at Michael's texts, Nora bit her lip. Thank you, babe. I love you. She laughed though, at Anette. "Imagine when they'd be like, sixteen. Boyfriends are off the cards."

    Luke dragged Michael out, laughing all the while. "Go, quick, before they change their minds." He grinned. Unlocking his car, Luke leaned against his door as he smiled at Anette's text. And I love having you, just you, and Baby Hemmings, all to myself. I think I'd rock the baby carrier, glad to see you agree! ;) Climbing into his car, Luke buckled up and grinned. "Alright, Build a Bear."
    October 19th, 2018 at 11:14pm
  • Anette laughed quietly, nodding. "The guys will make sure every bit of skin is covered," she said with a laugh, shaking her head, "And, if that doesn't work, they'll scare off any guy that comes around them, have Calum and Ashton help, all four of them will be intimidating every guy out there." She laughed again with the image before grinning at Luke's text. I love you, you big dork.

    Michael nodded as he quickly followed after Luke, glad that they were getting to leave early, that they'd hopefully be getting what they needed quickly, then he'd get to see Nora and surprise her. "Oh, man, I'm so glad we're out of there," he said with a laugh as he climbed into Luke's car and grinned, focusing on texting Nora. You don't have to thank me, babe. I love you, too, both of you. After buckling up, he looked at Luke. "Then to get the pup and whatever the pup needs." He grinned, excited.
    October 19th, 2018 at 11:25pm
  • Luke laughed. "I'm not sure if I'm ever ready to witness Ashton bodyslam Calum." He teased. Texting a quick I love you too, beautiful to Anette, Luke put the car into motion. "I told Anette that I can't wait to wear one of those baby carriers." He admitted to Michael, glad that his best friend was going through the same thing and would understand. Driving carefully to the city, Luke parked up outside Build a Bear. "You staying or coming?" He asked.

    Nora laughed. "It's gonna be sweatpants in Summer." She shook her head in amusement. "Those poor girls. But I gotta admit, I'm excited to see the four of them be soft as a cloud and then hard as nails when these babies are in any kind of discomfort." She admitted with a smile. "It'll be adorable... is it bad I've already thought of a name?" She bit her lip, seeing Michael's name and smiling. Go focus on your music, Clifford!
    October 19th, 2018 at 11:33pm
  • "You gotta admit, it'd make for quite a show," Michael said with amusement as he leaned back in the seat, though he laughed. "Really? I think one of the things I'm excited about is putting the baby to sleep, rocking him or her to sleep, holding him or her." He grinned slightly with the thought but dropped his gaze to his phone with a laugh. Got it! I'll see you when I get home. Love and miss you both! Putting his phone away, he thought, but eventually climbed out. "I'll come along, if for no other reason than to stop you from buying the whole store." He grinned jokingly.

    Anette grinned. "At least sweatpants are comfortable," she hummed out happily, though she nodded. "I can't wait for that, either, honestly. Just... Seeing how they all act around the babies, it'll be amazing," she murmured before dropping her attention to her phone. She smiled with the text but she didn't respond to it, not wanting to distract Luke from his work anymore, not wanting to get him in trouble with Calum, but she looked to her friend. "Really? What's the name?"
    October 19th, 2018 at 11:48pm
  • "And then fans would kill us if Calum got injured." Luke grinned. "Come on then, idiot." He let Michael exit the car, before locking the car and following his band mate inside. "You're gonna be such a soft spot for your kid." Luke teased, instantly browsing, wondering which one Anette would like best - keeping in mind that he and Anette would probably use it for the baby, too. Picking up an adorable white bear, Luke held it up to Michael. "What do you think? I'm gonna put a recording inside it."

    Nora smiled, not bothering to reply to Michael's text, not wanting to distract him from recording. "I can see it now," Nora smiled, shaking her head as she sat down once more. "I love how quickly they've both taken to it." She grinned at the thought, putting her feet back up on the coffee table. "If it's a girl, Daisy." She smiled over at Anette. "Daisy Clifford."
    October 19th, 2018 at 11:53pm
  • "Not us! Just Ashton," Michael said with a laugh, but he nodded as they walked inside. "Hey, I know I will, I already do, and I don't mind one bit." He grinned broadly, unable to help it. "I'm just so excited for all of this, honestly." He followed Luke around the store, peering around, though his gaze went to the bear Luke held up. "I think that bear's gonna get more cuddles than you." He grinned. "A recording? Of what?"

    Anette grinned slightly. "It will all be amazing," she said happily, breathing out a sigh of content with the thought, subconsciously resting her hand over her stomach protectively, though she blinked. "Oh, my God, that's adorable." She grinned. "I think it's a perfect name, and it sounds so nice. Oh, man, I'm already excited to meet the possible Daisy Clifford!"
    October 20th, 2018 at 12:04am
  • Luke studied the bear. "Beside You," Luke told Michael with a small shrug of the shoulders. "I figured, with how much we've been in the studio recently... how much Anette has done for me while we were touring, recording, interviews." Luke bit his lip. "Figured this could bring her some comfort." He told Michael honestly. "And then when Baby Hemmings is here, he or she can have it." Luke took the bear to the cashier for help, looking around in case something else caught his eye.

    Nora wrapped her arms around her friend, smiling. "We have so much ahead of us. I love it." She told her best friend. Laughing at Anette's reaction though, Nora beamed. "Baby Clifford is excited to meet Aunt Anette too, though!" She smiled. "Our babies are gonna be the best of friends and I'm just... ugh." She laughed, her head against the cushion of the couch. "TV?" She asked. "Might as well before the guys come home."
    October 20th, 2018 at 12:10am