i see my future in your eyes

  • overcome.

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    Anette blinked but laughed. "Oh, my God, that's hilarious, I already have a visual," she said with a laugh, grinning broadly as she parked the car at the store. She nodded, smiling to her friend. "I know how you feel. It's like everything aligned and everything's just perfect, like you said." She grinned happily, adjusting Luke's hoodie over herself before she blinked, hearing her phone go off with a notification. Reaching to pull it out, she grinned at the text. Just got to the store with Nora. Miss you, too. We love you, so much. Climbing out of the car, she stretched her arms out above herself. "Ready?"

    Michael grinned slightly, climbing out of the car with a nod. "I am, too. I don't think I've ever been this excited about anything," he admitted with a laugh, "It's crazy, but it's amazing and, man, I love it. I love Nora. I love this baby." Grinning happily, he looked back at his phone, messaging somebody about one of the pups he'd found before he pulled up his lengthy thread of texts with Nora, grinning at them before he texted her. I'm at the studio now. Don't forget to call if you need anything or if anything happens. I'll stay in touch. Miss you both, love you both, and I can't wait to see you both when I get home. He laughed, though, looking to Luke. "What are the chances they both knew about each other's pregnancies before we knew about either of them?"
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:33am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    "My idea, again." Nora nudged Anette gently, laughing as she exited the car, stretching her legs. "I'm ready." She fished her phone from the pocket of her jeans as she felt the vibration, smiling as she saw Michael's name on her screen. At the store with Anette! Baby says they miss you and love you, and I miss you and love you, too. I'll text you later, have fun! Looking to Anette, Nora smiled. "Let's go."

    "The chances of them knowing," Luke laughed. "Is one hundred and ten percent. They probably supported each other throughout it all." He smiled at the thought. "Isn't it crazy though?" Luke asked Michael, entering the studio. "Like, we only found out yesterday and we already feel so much love for these babies." He smiled, collapsing onto the sofa outside the vocal recording booth. Seeing Anette's text, Luke smiled. "See? They're at the store right now. Those girls." Luke grinned, still unable to wrap his head around the fact he got someone as perfect as Anette to spend the rest of his life with.
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Anette laughed quietly. "Of course it was, you dork," she teased lightly, grinning, though she nodded and turned to lead the way into the store, immediately setting out on a journey to find any baby books she could. She could feel her excitement grow, ready to announce to the world about their little baby, and she grinned happily as she searched, grabbing a few fairly quickly.

    Michael laughed. "I can see that being the case," he admitted, shaking his head slightly, "It really is. I mean, my heart swells each time I think about little baby Clifford. I just know he or she is gonna be perfect." He grinned as they got into the studio and he immediately went to grab a doughnut like he'd promised Nora, since they were already there, before he sat down by Luke and read Nora's text, his grin broadening at the sight of it. "At least we know they're not alone. It eases my worries a bit, knowing Nora's not just cooped up in the house alone."
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:49am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    "I'm a proud dork." Nora pouted, trying not to smile, but unable to hold it back. Looking through the books, Nora saw one for baby names, flicking through it. "This could be useful, I don't see Michael and I agreeing on a single name." She admitted with a laugh, taking a photo of the book and sending it through to Michael, watching Anette with a smile. "Look at you, you adorable Mama!" She gushed.

    "God help that baby if it looks like you." Luke teased Michael, seeing the doughnuts and grinning, taking the packet and sitting down with it. "Oh my god, jam doughnuts. Today is amazing." He admitted, grabbing one for himself. "You know what those two are like, Mikey, two peas in a pod." Luke grinned proudly at the thought, but searched for the Doctors number through his phone. "What do I say - my girlfriend is pregnant and we need a check up?" He asked, but pressed the call button before Michael could even answer.
    October 17th, 2018 at 06:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Anette laughed, looking over. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right there. But, I'm sure whatever name you guys pick will be amazing," she said nudging her friend a bit before shifting the books in her arms. "What? I'm not doing anything." She laughed, though, and motioned. "Come on, let's go get your ice, Vanilla Ice."

    "Hey!" Michael complained, shoving Luke a bit with a laugh, though he scoffed. "I knew you'd steal the doughnuts, I even told Nora you would." He laughed, grinning slightly. "They're great girls. We really hit the jackpot with them." His grin broadened, but he blinked and nodded. "Sounds as good as anything." Feeling his own phone vibrate, he looked to the picture and grinned. Get it! We'll check over it tonight? And, just for amusement, he shifted, taking a picture of himself with Luke, making sure to get the box of doughnuts in the picture before he sent it to Nora. Told you he'd claim the doughnuts, look at him, that whole box in his lap. He grinned after sending it but pulled up the contact for the Doctor to call to make Nora's appointment, too.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:10am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Nora snorted with laughter. "Stop... collaborate and listen." She grinned, taking some of the books to ease Anette's load. Seeing the photo Michael sent her, she laughed. "Michael told me this morning Luke would steal his doughnuts, look at this." She showed the photo to Anette, clearly amused. "These boys of ours." She smiled, shaking her head in amusement. Steal 'em, quick, while he's on the phone! She grabbed two bags of ice, tucking the books under her arms. "Alright, is this everything?"

    Luke grabbed another doughnut from the box as he hung up. "Alright, that's Anette's appointment booked." He smiled, unaware that Michael had even taken a photo of them. Sending Anette a text, Luke smiled. Doctors on Monday! I'll tell the producer I can't make it in that day. Hope you and Nora are having fun. Miss you. He stood to record his own vocals, taking a photo of himself in the booth, sending it to Anette, unable to get her and their baby out of his mind, causing him to smile like a fool.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Anette laughed, just barely refraining from breaking out into song in the middle of the store. She blinked, though, leaning over to get a look at the picture before she laughed. "Oh, you've got to send that to me! It's perfect," she said with amusement, "He's an addict, I swear." She grinned, though, shifting to take one of the bags from Nora to help her friend. She could feel her phone vibrate but her hands were full, so she left it for now. "Should be, yeah, let's go check out." She grinned as she led the way to the register. She set her things down on the conveyer before checking her phone, grinning. You're the best, thank you! Miss you, too. We're checking out now. You always look amazing in the booth! Grinning, she saved the picture to her phone.

    Michael spent a few moments on the phone, setting up the appointment, though he did sneakily grab another two doughnuts to eat. After hanging up, he grinned as he took a bite of the doughnut. "Nora's appointment is set up, too," he said, pulling up the texts to reply to Nora. I did! I stole two more! He grinned, proud of himself. And! I got your appointment all set up for Monday. Everything's going to be perfect.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:31am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Nora laughed, forwarding the photo to Anette's phone with a grin. Seeing Michael's texts, Nora smiled. Proud of you, babe! Enjoy your doughnuts <3. But seeing his message about Monday's appointment made Nora frown, feeling a little nervous. Sounds good, feeling a little nervous, but hey, positive thoughts! She paid for the items on the conveyer belt with a smile. "C'mon, Anette!" She laughed. "I don't wanna let the ice melt! Michael would never let me hear the end of it."

    Luke smiled as he saw Anette's texts. Thinking of you! Now that you've done your shopping, remember to relax. I'll be home before you know it. I love you and baby Hemmings. Luke tracked his demo vocals for Youngblood, raising his eyebrows at Michael, seeing he wasn't paying attention. "Hey, doughnut head!" He grinned. "Were you even listening?" He teased.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:37am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Sorry, sorry, Luke's being cute," Anette said with a laugh as she paid for her things and gathered her bags, grinning as she saved the picture Nora sent her before texting Luke back. Will do! We love you, too! I'll see you when you get home! Slipping her phone away, she grinned, leading the way out of the store. "Should I just drop you off at your place or should we hang out at yours or mine?"

    Michael smiled with Nora's replies. I know, but I'll be right there with you, babe. I'll take Monday off from the studio and, after the appointment, we'll just spend the day relaxing, promise. I love you. He blinked, though, looking up at Luke. "Uh, nope. Definitely wasn't. Sorry." He grinned, not really all that sorry at all. "I was letting Nora know about the appointment, it was much more important than you showing off." He laughed.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:43am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    "You wanna hang out at mine?" Nora offered with a smile, not wanting to be by herself. "I'm making carbonara for dinner for Michael, I can make us something to eat and we can just relax." Nora offered to Anette, laughing at her comment about Luke. "Of course he's cute to you, he's your boyfriend." She teased. "To me, he looks like a hippie who hasn't cut his hair in too long." She teased. Putting the shopping in the back seat, Nora climbed into the passenger seat and smiled. I love you, Michael. I miss you.

    Luke rolled his eyes jokingly. "You're such an ass." Luke grinned, giving Anette another quick text. Michael's bullying me. He's not listening to the demo. Should I throw him in the trash? He laughed, wanting any excuse to text Anette. "Your turn, Clifford, get in the booth."

    Calum lead Ashton into the studio. "Sorry we're late!" He called, seeing Michael and Luke swapping places in the booth. "You're both here early." He commented playfully, not wanting to tell them he overslept, knowing that they would never let him live it down.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:49am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Hanging out at yours sounds good. It'd probably make the guys worry less if we're together today, anyways," Anette admitted with a grin as she climbed into the car and started it but laughed. "I love his hair! It's so soft." She grinned, leaning back to put her bags in the back seat before blinking with the text, though she laughed. "Michael's not listening to the demo, Luke says he's bullying him," she told Nora before grinning as she replied to Luke. That would be very, very naughty, Luke! Just steal those doughnuts Nora showed me. I'm about to drive, but we'll be at Nora's and Michael's. Love you. Putting her phone away, she began the drive to Nora's.

    "Only sometimes," Michael said with a grin before he went into the booth, blinking at the text from Nora, his grin broadening. I love and miss you, too. Both you and the baby. And, just to give her a happy thing to look at, wanting to make her smile, he took a picture of himself making a silly face before he sent it to her, though he grinned and then started focusing on doing his vocals for the demo.

    Ashton blinked, looking to the others. "Oh, wow, since when do you two beat either of us here?" he asked jokingly. Regardless of Calum sleeping in, the others tended to take their sweet time getting there. Shaking his head, he moved to sit down, peering into the booth to see Michael seeing, listening to it as he nodded along.
    October 17th, 2018 at 07:59am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Luke grinned at his phone, shaking his head in amusement to Anette. Steal the doughnuts, got it. And with that, Luke grabbed the final three doughnuts in the box, giving one to Calum, Ashton and taking one for himself with a smirk, knowing that Michael was too preoccupied to notice. Operation complete! Seeing her texts about being with Nora, Luke smiled and nodded to himself. Have fun doing your girly things! I'll call you soon. Focusing his attention to Ashton and Calum though, Luke grinned. "Circumstances, man, we were up early."

    Calum raised his eyebrows at Ashton, noticing the atmosphere in the studio was lighter, more happy. "Okay, what's gone on?" He took a bite of his doughnut either way, not wanting to complain about it in case he jinxed his band mates' good moods. "Something's changed."

    Nora laughed as she got the photo from Michael, saving it as her lock screen as she settled back into the passenger seat. She sent a photo of herself pulling an equally stupid face, sending it to Michael. Spending the afternoon with Anette, so I'm gonna cook. Can't wait to hear this album
    October 17th, 2018 at 08:05am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael finished his part of the vocals before long, dropping his gaze to his phone with a grin, saving the picture. Okay, good, I'm glad you won't be alone. I'll still be checking in for regular updates, though. And I think you'll love the album, it's coming together great. Also, you're fucking gorgeous. He looked out to the others, then. "How was that?"

    "It was good," Ashton confirmed with a nod, though he was trying to figure out why Michael and Luke looked so damn happy, and he nodded along to Calum's words. "Yeah, something is definitely up." He looked between Luke and Michael, then. "What circumstances? What's going on, guys?"

    Anette drove, chewing on her lip with a grin, though they got to Nora and Michael's before long. Parking the car, she shut it off. "Alright, we're here," she chimed happily before pulling out her phone and laughing at the texts. Good going, soldier! Okay, I'll be waiting. We just got to Nora and Michael's. Climbing out of the car, she grabbed her things and grinned.
    October 17th, 2018 at 08:16am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Nora grabbed the ice, laughing as she unlocked the front door. "God, I'm already seeing a change in Michael. He's so much more... not that he wasn't happy before, but he's just ecstatic." She told Anette, putting the ice in the freezer, getting everything out to prepare dinner. "Do you and Luke want some carbonara, or do you have any specific requests?" Nora asked Anette as she watched her best friend get comfortable. Dropping her gaze to her phone, Nora laughed, shaking her head. You're just as gorgeous, fight me on this, dork. Glad to hear that the album is coming together, though, you know I'm addicted to your voice.

    Luke grinned at Michael. "Should we tell them?" He asked, his excitement bubbling over once again. He was excited that not only his child had a fantastic mother, they were going to have three Uncles who would love them just as much as he did. "It's good news, obviously, but uh... Michael and I are gonna be Dads." He grinned. Dropping the bombshell, Luke quickly text Anette back, not wanting to keep her waiting for too long. Have a good afternoon, enjoy the peace and quiet. I miss you so much.

    Calum blinked in shock. "Holy shit, no way!" He grinned, looking to Ashton. "Anette and Nora? At the same time!?" He laughed. "You two sure know how to plan it." He winked. "Aw guys, that's great news." He smiled, so genuinely happy for his best friends, loving the change that he was already seeing in them, too. "These babies are gonna be spoilt rotten."
    October 17th, 2018 at 08:23am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Anette grinned as she listened to her friend. "You guys are so cute," she teased lightly, "I swear, I've never seen you happier." She hummed in thought, though. "I'll ask Luke. I'm totally up for carbonara, so I definitely want some, but who knows if he will, he may just want doughnuts." She laughed with the thought but pulled out her phone. I miss you, too, babe. Nora's gonna make some carbonara for dinner. Do you want some?

    Michael laughed at Nora's text, replying back as he stepped out of the booth. Why would I fight you? I'll just accept your word as truth. Doesn't make you any less gorgeous, though. <3 He put his phone away just in time to hear Luke drop the news and he grinned broadly, listening to Calum. "Yeah, who would have thought?" he asked with a laugh, "It's so damn amazing. The babies are gonna have one hell of a family." He snorted, though, shoving at Calum's shoulder. "Who else, you dork!" He laughed.

    Ashton blinked as he processed the words, listening to them, his eyes wide before he laughed. "Guys, that's just crazy. You sure you two didn't plan that?" he teased with a broad grin, though he moved to pat both of them on the shoulders. "That's amazing, though. Congratulations!" His grin broadened and he leaned closer to speak quieter to them. "Just make sure those babies love me more, okay? Hype me up."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:44pm
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Nora smiled fondly with Anette's words. "The same goes for you and Luke. He brings out the best in you." She smiled. "Do you remember when we met the guys?" She asked. "Ashton managed to get us all in detention, we didn't even do anything wrong." Nora laughed, shaking her head at Luke's obsession with doughnuts. "He needs doughnut therapy." She began to cook the Carbonara, texting Michael back in between jobs, smiling at her phone. Stop doing that thing where you're being sweet. She smiled.

    Luke laughed. "Thanks, guys. Best news of my life." He told Calum and Ashton honestly, knowing Michael felt the exact same way. Nodding along to Michael's words, Luke grinned, his grin broadening when Ashton asked to be hyped up. "Uncle war? I'm in." He grinned. "When the tykes start crawling, we're gonna see who they go to first, aren't we Michael?" He asked, nudging his best friend, texting Anette with a smile, missing her so much. Count me in for carbonara. I miss you, but we just dropped the news on Ashton and Calum and they're already trying to out uncle each other.

    Calum shoved Michael with a laugh. "Shut up!" He looked to Ashton though. "Uh, no, they're going to love me more, clearly. They're gonna crawl towards me the fastest because Uncle Calum is gonna be cooler than Uncle Ashton, you dick." He grinned. "This is great news. The 5 Seconds of Summer clan is expanding, it's awesome."
    October 17th, 2018 at 04:55pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "They've all always been such troublemakers," Anette said with a laugh, "Every single one of them and they all egg each other on, it's so bad." She grinned, shaking her head slightly. "You've gotta love them, though." Grinning, her gaze dropped to her phone and she laughed. "Okay, first, Luke's in for carbonara. But, second, the uncles are having a field day." She laughed again before texting Luke back. Do they realize that you and Michael are technically in the running for each other's baby, too?

    Michael grinned to the text. I'll never stop! After sending the text, though, he pulled up his phone's camcorder to record the conversation going on, not even a little discreetly. "I think that'd be the most hilarious thing ever. We could all vote on who we think will win," he joked with a laugh, listening to the others. "Just don't kill each other, you two. The kiddos are gonna want all the love they can get, I just know it." He grinned slightly, unable to help it. "But, I can agree with Luke. Hearing about the pregnancy was the best thing ever for me." He made sure to say it clearly so that Nora could hear it when he inevitably finished.

    "No way! They'll definitely come crawling to me at lightning speed and leave you all mopy and jealous," Ashton declared with a broad grin. "And I'll get all the baby cuddles and baby love and you won't get any, none at all." He laughed, shaking his head slightly. "But, honestly, guys, this is really amazing news. I'm really happy for both of you."

    "Thanks, guys," Michael said sincerely, grinning broadly as he ended the video and sent it to Nora. Look at these two dorks, already fighting over who'll be the favorite Uncle.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:09pm
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    United Kingdom
    "It is awful," Nora laughed. "And we got caught up in it all, and honestly, I love it." She smiled, making extra when she heard that Luke wanted to be in on the carbonara. "You do gotta love them, they're amazing." She smiled, considering Ashton and Calum to be like brothers. Seeing Michael's text, she smiled. Can't you just stick to being ridiculously handsome?! Sitting beside Anette on the couch, Nora smiled over at her best friend. "The boys told them?" She smiled. Getting the video Michael had recorded, Nora played it, showing Anette too, her heart swelling. "Oh my god." She laughed. "I'm gonna cry." I'm gonna cry, look at the four of you being so adorable!

    Luke laughed along with the conversation. "Ashton's gonna bodyslam Calum for the attention of the babies, this is like Smackdown." His head fell back as he laughed, not realising that Michael was recording. "But honestly, I think if you bring them both gold, they'll love you equally." He grinned cheekily. You gotta see this He texted Anette, still paying attention to Calum and Ashton, laughing. They're just as ecstatic as we are.

    Calum laughed. "That's what you think, Ashton. They're gonna crawl to me, faster than lightning, because screw you, and they're gonna love me most and you're gonna be the loser in the corner." Calum puffed his chest out proudly, not even ashamed of the competition between the two of them. "And I'm gonna spoil them more. So they're gonna love me more. Common sense." Calum nodded in agreement though, to Ashton being happy for the boys. "Me too. It's amazing."
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:22pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I wouldn't change any of that for the world," Anette said with a broad grin, so happy to have everybody in her life. Her boyfriend was amazing and she loved him to bits, but they also had the best friends anybody could ever ask for. She laughed, though, and nodded. "Yeah, it seems like they did. Without us, too! Shame on them." She grinned jokingly but blinked, leaning over to watch the video. She chewed on her lip, feeling her heart swell, her eyes watering a bit, but she laughed and wiped at her eyes. "We're so lucky." Looking to her phone, she smiled at Luke's text. Michael sent Nora a video of some of it, it's adorable. All of you are such dorks. I'm 99% sure we'll burst into tears before long, because all the love is so overwhelming and amazing.

    "Hey, if that's what it takes to get the babies to love me more, I will definitely bodyslam Calum! Even from a roof or something," Ashton announced proudly, grinning broadly, "And, what are you talking about, Luke? Babies don't want gold. They want toys and sweets! That's what'll win them over." He grinned and pointed to Calum, then. "The war is on. May the best spoiler win - even though we both know it's gonna be me."

    "You lot are ridiculous," Michael said with a laugh, shaking his head slightly. "Honestly. Maybe I'll join half the war myself." He grinned jokingly, shaking his head. "But, honestly, it means a lot, guys. I mean, the pregnancy itself is such an amazing thing, but knowing that the baby's gonna be so loved by everybody we love is perfect." He smiled, dropping his gaze to his phone to reply to Nora. What fun would that be? I've gotta out-dork you, babe. ;) And, don't cry! I'll race home if you do, I'm not even joking. But I love you and tyke, so much. And everybody we love is in the same boat, so supportive. All of this is just so amazing.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:38pm
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    "To be fair," Nora started as she wiped her eyes quickly, laughing, the love they were receiving being so incredible to her, spreading a warmth through her chest. "I don't think Luke would of been able to hold it in for too long." She teased, watching the video again. "I'm so excited for us to cry at everything." She joked, biting her lower lip. Seeing Michael's text, Nora smiled. Too late, crying! But the best tears possible. I love you, I love our crazy little family, and so does tyke.

    Luke laughed at Ashton. "Calum, I'm concerned for your safety." Seeing Anette's text though, Luke's smile softened. Don't cry... I love you so much, and you've seen how loved our baby already is. This is gonna be the best chapter of our lives, I can feel it. <3 He bit his lip, content just listening to Calum and Ashton psych each other up. "The babies don't want gold, but Michael and I do. Nappies, baby food, ain't cheap." He teased, secretly loving it. "I can't wait to get those little slogan onesies." He admitted. Hearing Michael's words about joining the 'war', he laughed. "Hey, you can't! We're their Dads, they'll already love us more."

    Calum glared at Ashton, trying to keep a straight face, doing the 'I'm watching you' gesture to him. "It's gonna be me, and you're gonna be unloved, and I will keep the title as best Uncle ever." He grinned. "But don't bodyslam me from a roof, just do it in a parking lot, where I won't break my neck." He laughed.
    October 17th, 2018 at 05:48pm