Bite. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    It was hard for him to adjust to her pace at first because he was so use to giving it his all. When he realized how tired she was after a bit he led her back to the village. Hayden knew his parents would be coming over soon. Hayden stopped and huffed as he sat down.


    Blair looked at his mom when she said the food was ready. She sat down next to Weston and looked at the plates of food. She looked at his mom, "It looks good." She said. She could feel how tense Weston was beside of her. Blair looked at him, her eyes meeting his. She knew it was going to be a long night.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 3rd, 2018 at 05:34am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley was glad when he went back, when he sat down she looked at him. It was the first time she had a chance to see his wolf. He was huge, but he was so beautiful. She felt like she'd been staring to long and tucked her head. It wasn't like her to get self conscious. She knew that he could have caught her staring at any time. And that hadn't bother her really until she thought about how good he looked.
    Weston was a bit anxious when his mother led them into the dinning room. He was hoping his father was going to be there but his chair sat empty. A soft sigh left his lips, if his father didn't return he didn't know how he'd make it with these two women. Hearing Blair comment on his mother's food he couldn't help but look at her. He wondered if she'd ever did anything like this before.
    November 3rd, 2018 at 05:41am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden got up and stretched out then changed back into his human form. He pulled on his boxers and jeans then watched her. She was gorgeous. He smirked as she went to change, "You know I will see you naked sooner or later." He teased her. He grabbed his jacket then walked with her when she was ready.


    Blair smiled as his mom offered them some biscuits. She took one then offered one to Weston. Blair watched as his dad came in and sat and they began to eat. She was scared to go home because she didnt want to fight with him, but she didnt know what weston had planned. She could tell his wolf was still angry.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 3rd, 2018 at 05:47am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    When Hayden stood she moved off to her clothes, quickly changing and pulling on her clothes. She heard what he said and she turned to look at him, she knew he was joking but she wondered if that was all he wanted out of this. Was a little bitch to warm his bed when he wanted it. "Later than sooner." She told him, knowing she was going to do her damned to slow the mating process down as she could. They were butting heads to much.
    Weston felt a calm wash over him as his dad walked into the room. He couldn't help but smile at the relief his wolf had it's tail between it legs and was cowering. He knew it sounded pathetic but he knew his wolf was getting power hungry. It was something he'd have to ask his dad about. Though now he just wanted to enjoy the meal his mother prepared. Though she'd been quite, but he could hear the wheels in her head turning. "Have you two set a date yet?" She asked, causing him to stop chewing and look at her. He was about to ask what she was talking about, when she answered him. "The wedding of course." He knew that it wasn't the most important things to wolves, but she was a woman and had always wanted one so she wasn't about to take it away from her future daughter in law.
    November 3rd, 2018 at 05:56am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden walked with her back to his house, "I am going to go shower real quick." He said. He walked upstairs and took a shower then got dressed. He walked downstairs as his parents were coming in. "Hey." He said, hugging his mom. He smiled at his dad. He looked at Riley and let his mom talk to her

    Blair was kind of caught off guard when his mom asked about a wedding. She hadnt thought about that. She didnt like big events and honestly she always thought she would have a small ceremony like her pack did but that was out of the question. Blair found herself thinking about that being gone then went back to eating. She would let Weston deal with that. Though she didnt feel very hungry anymore.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 3rd, 2018 at 03:00pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley nodded as he told her he was off to shower. Moving to the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of tea. Sipping on it, she moved back into the living room. She was about to sit when there was a knock on the door. Setting her cup down she headed to answer the door. "Hello." She greeted them, allowing them to enter before shutting the door behind her. She wasn't sure what to say to them, weither to ask them to have a seat or offer them a drink. But luckily Hayden walked in and she felt a bit relieved having him around. "So how are you adjusting?" His mother asked, surprising her. "It's a bit rough at times, but we'll managed." She told her honestly. She'd assumed his father would have told his mother about her volunteering.
    Frowning he turned his attention to his mother. Before shaking his head. "Is this what you really want to talk about?" He scoffed, before continuing. He placed his fork down. "Because if it is then I have something to say." He glared at her. "I promise you I will never give you grandchildren." He told her, when she went to open her mouth he raised his hand keeping her quite. "So if you don't back off and leave us alone. I promise you that." He stood shaking his head before turning and walking out. "Come." He demanded of Blair.
    November 3rd, 2018 at 11:24pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden smiled as he looked at his parents, "Riley made dinner not to long ago if you two are hungry." He said to them. He wanted to make his dad proud and make him believe he was strong enough to take over as alpha one day. He sat down with his dad and looked at Riley, motioning her to sit beside of him. He wanted to make sure she was included in everything. He knew his mom was excited for her to be there.
    Blair was kind of shocked them Weston stood up and spoke to his mom. She looked at his mom when he told her to come. "Thanks for dinner." She said before she got up and followed after him. She really didn't want to piss him off even more. She didn't say anything as they walked back to the house. She walked in, shutting the door behind her. "Why are they rushing this?" She asked him as she took her jacket off.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 3rd, 2018 at 11:30pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Taking a seat next to Hayden Riley grabbed her glass, quickly taking a sip of her drink. She turned to look up at Hayden noticing his sudden change. She knew he wanted to be an alpha. But seeking approval wasn't the way to be a good alpha. He seriously needed a lesson in hard ship. So he could truely lead. When his father agreed to eat, the two men got up and headed into the kitchen. "So you volunteered." His mother stated, once they were out of hearing distance. "Does he know?" She smilled when Riley shook her head no. "Good it's best he don't know."
    Weston sighed kicking his shoes off at the door before moving into the living room. Looking around he wondered what he could do to get rid of his pint up energy. "She wants me to have kids." He told her honestly, turning to look at her. "It's the whole reason you're here, she hates Haley and refuses to let me be with her. So when the talk of the treaty happened my mother met with our alpha. And my dad backed her decision." He sighed before sitting down. "You should go fix yourself something to eat." He knew his out burst had put a damper on dinner.
    November 4th, 2018 at 03:57am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden smiled as he sat with his dad as he ate and talked to him about things that were going on in the village. He frowned when he mentioned that humans had been spotted a few miles out. He didn't know how he felt about that. Usually when that happened it was because they were hunters. "You don't thin they are what they were before do you?" He asked. He was really worried that something like that would happen. It wasn't just himself he had to protect anymore.
    Blair listened to him and frowned at the way that he talked about Haley. She didn't want to feel like she was second to someone. "Do you want anything?" She asked before she left the room. She walked into the kitchen and began to make herself some food. She bit her bottom lip lightly when she decided to make some cheeseburgers and homemade french fries. Blair knew it had been a rough day for both of them. She felt bad for making him have such inner turmoil earlier.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 4th, 2018 at 04:04am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley was about to stand and join the men in the kitchen as she didn't feel completely comfortable around her without Hayden around. But she froze and turned to look at the women."Why is it best not to tell him?" She wondered. "Because he'd fall so in love with you. It wouldn't do either of you any good. It would all be fake." She shook her head. "But how old are you?" She asked before brushing some of Riley's hair out of her face. "Uh, seventeen." She told her confused, wondering why it was important. The woman's smile fell before she stood up an stormed into the kitchen. "She's seventeen!" She could hear her screeching.
    "I'm fine." He told her, though he knew it was a lie. He needed to eat but just lacked the want. Rubbing his eyes he sighed. He hated the look on Blair's face when he mentioned Haley. He knew about their spat in the market. It wasn't something he wanted to deal with. He was so confused with everything going on. He knew that he wasn't going to ever be with Haley, but letting go of his feelings wasn't so easy. And he knew if he mated with Blair for any reason other for love. He knew he would regret it, and it would only hurt them in the long run.
    November 4th, 2018 at 04:45am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden looked over as his mom came in and was shocked when she said Riley was seventeen. He didn't think she was that young. It explained why she had trouble keeping up with him when they went for their run. He got up as his parents argued and walked out, looking at Riley. "What the hell is going on?" He asked. He clearly had been lied to and Riley had lied to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were so young?" He asked as he crossed his arms. His mom was having a meltdown in the next room about how the treaty was not good. He sighed as he looked at her.
    Blair made food for Weston anyway then sat down at the table. She ate her food then walked into the living room, "There is food out there." She told him. She sat down on the couch and watched him for a moment. "I'm sorry for messing with you earlier." She said. She knew how crazy the wolf could get and she had a feeling his was a lot worse than hers. She bit her bottom lip lightly as he looked at her.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 4th, 2018 at 04:51am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley furrowed her brows, looking up at him. "It was all explained to your father, I just assumed he would have told you. And you never asked either." She felt a bit threatened. She could hear his mother raving about her, and she wanted to call off the treaty. Riley trimbled as she thought about being in enemy territory with no treaty in place. She knew that even though they'd spent the last twenty four hours together didn't matter if there was no treaty she'd be dead before she could ever reach the door.
    Weston turned to face her. "Don't mess with me again." He told her, his voice laced with malice. "I won't hold back again." He stood before heading into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. He was tired of fighting. And if she was going to be his wife/mate then she needed to learn when to quit. Because they were butting heads to much. And he needed to rest.
    November 4th, 2018 at 05:56am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden frowned at her, "Yea well I didn't expect to get someone I can't even mate with." He growled. He walked into the kitchen and looked at his mom. "We aren't calling off the treaty. That wouldn't be fair to Wes and his family." He said. He sighed, "I will just have to wait." He said. He knew it was frowned upon for them to do anything while she was under the age of eightteen. He wished he would have know because he would have told his father no. "Besides its not her fault her family foolish sent her away." He said. "Plus, we have bigger problems with the humans now." He said.


    Blair frowned at his words then went upstairs. She began to get ready for bed. She pulled on a pair of short and a tank top then climbed into bed. Blair stared out the window as she thought about how different her life was going to be. Blair bit her bottom lip lightly when she heard Weston coming up the stairs.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 4th, 2018 at 06:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley frown hearing his words before darting up stairs. She shut the door behind her before pacing the floor. He'd made it clear to her he hadn't wanted her to begin with. So why was he suddenly wanting to have a mate. Trimbling she sat down on the bed, looking at her packed bag. Wondering if she should take it and run. But hearing steps on the stairs her eyes moved to the door.
    Weston threw together a quick burger before he started to devour it. Though today had been a wirl wind he was starving. Grabbing a few fries he quickly ate them. And once he'd ate his fill he headed upstairs. Walking into the bedroom he pulled his shirt off then dropped down on the bed. He wasn't concerned with changing, had no energy.
    November 4th, 2018 at 06:29am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden opened his bedroom door and looked at her, "What's wrong?" He asked. He knew what he said was upsetting and he hoped she wasnt too mad at him. "I'm sorry. We are just going to have to take things really slow for now." He told her. He didn't want to get rid of her because he liked her.


    Blair laid beside of him then rolled over to face him. "We don't have to do what your mom wants right?" She asked him quietly as they laid in the darkness. She didn't want this big wedding or anything like that. Blair knew she really didn't have a choice in being with Weston but she didn't want someone controlling how they were together or what they did.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 4th, 2018 at 06:36am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley watched him closely unsure what was going on. With his mother screaming she wanted the treaty to she wasn't sure how to respond to his question. Shrugging she looked down at her hands, not being able to keep eye contact. "What?" She asked in disbelief, "you're okay with me?" She questioned, knowing he could demand she go home and her pack honor the agreement.
    Weston furrowed his brow at her question. "What?" He asked because his mother wanted a lot from them. "If you mean get married then yes. It's expected of all mates, though she isn't controlling anything. I had enough of her controlling." He sighed out. Shaking his head he looked at her. "I will handle her, just get some sleep." He told her, giving her a forced smile.
    November 4th, 2018 at 08:47pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden nodded, "Yea besides this give me more time to get you ready for your role. We um..will be waiting awhile but thats okay because you hate me anyway." He teased her. "The pack might be a little pissed off but they are always pissed." He said, laughing a little. "I am just curious to know why you would volunteer like that." He said.


    Blair looked at him, "No i get that. i meant we won't have to do the whole wedding thing her way right? I don't like what she had in mind." She said. She could tell he really didn't want to talk to her. She rolled away from him and looked out the window. "You're going to have to learn to talk to me you know?" She whispered.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 4th, 2018 at 08:52pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley's eyes widened as he mentioned her volunteering, "you know?" Though she knew it couldn't be helped. Sighing she looked at him. "My brother." She started but tears burned her eyes and her body shuddered. "He, uhm, he was mauled to death." She tried to keep it together. "My dad and I found him," she covered her mouth as she sniffled. "Uhm, my dad decided to tell my mother we couldn't find his body, she never excepted his death." She quickly wiped her eyes as tears fell. "She'd just started to get over losing him, when we found out my sister was sick." She told him, trying to ignore the pull to stop talking. "There's nothing we can do for her, she's dying. And when Mark told my parents she was to be given to your pack my mother couldn't stop crying and begging my father not to let her go. She'd lose another." Biting on her lip she looked up at him. "I couldn't let that happen, she should be with my parents." She told him.
    Weston sighed when she didn't listen to his advice an get sleep. "No we won't have to do anything she wants for a wedding, honestly we can just have our alpha marry us right here in bed." He told her. "Whatever you want to do I'll be fine with, though you will have to incorporate certain member of the pack into the guest list. You can tell her what you want and if she can't listen to you we'll have someone else plan and cut her out entirely." He told her. "And talking is the last thing I want to do with you right now." He told her knowing very well that he wasn't in the mood for her smart mouth.
    November 4th, 2018 at 09:28pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden frowned as she began to tell him all about what was going on. He thought about when she mentioned that her brother was mauled. He wondered if it was one of his that had done it. It wasn't uncommon for them to kill people that were part of her pack. "I'm sorry to hear about your family." He said. "I am surprised that my dad let you get away with switching, but it was probably because he didn't want to deal with your sister dying." He said. He knew that it was harsh, but it was the truth. His dad wouldn't just bring in a weak member to their pack. Their pack was strong and they didn't need any lose ends.
    Blair frowned when he spoke, "You're a dick."She muttered. She closed her eyes and went to sleep because she didn't feel like bothering with him anymore. She got up early the next morning and got dressed. She was starving so she went downstairs and started to make biscuits and gravy. She thought about how distant he was being and she knew it was because he was pissed he couldn't be with who he wanted to be with. Blair made the food then sat down and began to eat. She wanted to let him sleep because it meant that was less time she had to spend with him.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    November 4th, 2018 at 09:34pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Riley shrugged off his apology knowing that it wasn't true. He'd never had anything but ill will towards her family. And part of her ever wandered who would want to do that to a child, shaking her head she'd told herself no one would be as heartless as to kill and eight year old. "It wasn't easy to convinces him because when he was told he only wanted my sister as a void to the treaty he was silent, but when you were brought up that it would ruin you to be mated and have her die. So he was swayed." She told him, "because he was in a tough situation as Blair was promised to Weston." She shrugged, knowing that for her young age she was very smart. And helping Mark keep the treaty was the least she could do.
    Weston let out a light laugh thankful that she was now being quite now. And it seemed sleep came quickly to him. When he woke his bed was empty, and he knew that she'd already gone down to eat. Stretching out in his bed he'd missed having it to himself. He wondered if he would be able to get a bigger one, after laying there for a while he stood up and headed down to find she'd already made food. Walking to the stove he smiled noticing she'd made his favorite. Quickly piling himself up a plate he headed to the table, quickly digging into his food.
    November 4th, 2018 at 10:14pm