just take my hand

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Lovisa smiled with the feeling, with his words, with his presence, and she laughed against his lips when she heard his words. "You'd enjoy that very much," she teased lightly, though she felt her heart drop into her stomach when she heard the car horn, her stomach twisting with nausea with the fact that Luke would be leaving. Trying to put on a brave face and ignore her anxiety, she smiled and nodded, leaning into his touch. "I love you, too, more than anything, and I'll head to the Doctor as soon as I can if I'm not feeling any better." She watched him for a moment before she shifted to kiss him again for a moment. "I'll miss you. I'll catch up before you know it."

    "Hm, no, nope, nuh-uh, it's what I know," Michael teased lightly, grinning as he ran his fingers through her hair gently, though he chuckled with amusement to her words as he held her close to himself, kissing the top of her head gently. "Yeah? I'm glad you think so, maybe I'll keep this look just for you." Winking teasingly, he grinned as he kissed her for a long moment, cupping her face gently to run his thumbs gently over her cheeks, just enjoying the feeling of her skin under his fingertips while he could. "You're everything to me. Everything. I just love you so damn much." Holding her closer, he breathed out as he relaxed with her, though he blinked when he heard a car horn, frowning gently when he registered it, recognizing it. "Shit, already?" Sighing out, he held her as close to himself as he could, kissing the top of her head as he rubbed her back. "Sounds like Calum's here." He tried to hide the anxiety in his voice, offering a small smile to her. "Guess that means I should get going. But I love you, okay? Absolutely love you." He kissed the top of her head again, breathing out. "And I'll keep in contact with you, call and text as much as possible - don't forget to go to the Doctor, though." Examining her, he could feel his heart aching with the fact that he had to leave her. "God, I'm gonna miss you so much." Pressing his lips to hers again for a few moments, he let himself relish in the feeling. "Let me know how the Doctor's visit goes. I love you and I'll see you soon."
    November 7th, 2018 at 03:43am
  • floral and fading.

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    United Kingdom
    Luke sighed sadly as he stood from the bed, his anxiety raging in his chest, his stomach knotting nervously. He didn't want to leave, he'd never really been separated from Lovisa and this was just already so difficult. "Please tell me what the Doctor says." He murmured into her lips, pressing a few, sweet, repeated kisses to her lips, squeezing around her gently. "I love you so damn much, Lovisa. I love you. You're my whole world, I'm gonna miss you so much." He bit his lip as he pulled away, grabbing his suitcase. Still, he watched her for a long moment. "I'll call you later." He swallowed past the lump in his throat. "I love you baby." He said again, leaning to press a kiss to her cheek, turning his back on her, resulting in his own heart breaking. "See you soon."

    Jess heard Calum's car horn, and her heart sunk in her chest, but her heart almost broke when she watched Michael, sensing his anxiety almost instantly. Putting on a brave face, Jess smiled weakly. "I'll be okay, Michael." She promised quietly, pressing another kiss to his lips. "I love you so much, but go and have fun. I'll be with you before you can even turn around." She winked teasingly, gripping to the front of his jacket as she kissed him again, just needing him, his love, the comfort he brought her. But still, she knew she had to let go. "I'll miss you too." She murmured into his kiss. "I'll see you soon, darling. I love you."
    November 7th, 2018 at 03:51am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I will," Lovisa promised him quietly as she watched him, clearing her throat to force back her emotions as she offered a small smile. "I love you, too, more than anything, and I'll miss you more than you know. Be careful, okay?" She watched him, her expression softening as she took him in, nodding slowly. "Keep in touch. I'll see you soon. I love you." She could feel her nausea getting worse, though, and her heart aching with the fact that they'd be parting for a while; she just hoped that whatever illness she'd come down with would resolve itself quickly so she could get back to his side. "Safe travels."

    Michael offered a weak smile, not wanting to worry Jess, not at all, but especially when she was sick, and he nodded slowly. "Just make sure to call when you get news from the Doctor. Or if anything happens, okay? If something upsets you or you start feeling worse, I want to know." He hated that he wouldn't be here for her through everything, but he wanted to do whatever he could. "I love you. God, I love you so much." He cupped her face to kiss her again, his heart breaking with their goodbyes. "I miss you already." His thumbs ran over her cheeks and he breathed out quietly, kissing her again before he pulled away to stand up, moving to grab his bag as he watched her. "I really do love you, Jess. More than anything." He chewed on his lip anxiously, watching her, and he moved to kiss her forehead, then her lips again. "Just please keep me updated. I hate the thought of leaving you here at all, but I hate it even more with you being sick." His expression softened as he took her in. "I love you." He kissed her again before he breathed out and pulled back, turning to leave their room, though his heart broke more and more with each step he took away from her.
    November 7th, 2018 at 04:04am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    Luke, over the past few days, had been driven up the wall by the absence of Lovisa from his side. The tour bus had seemed so dull, the spot beside him had felt so cold, and Luke, well, he'd just been miserable. He had Lovisa's pillow to pull him through the loneliest hour, the three am hour spent from coming down from the high of playing a show, gripping onto her pillow for dear life and just inhaling the scent. Nothing in this world, no matter what sight he saw or people he across, nothing could ever, ever, match up to Lovisa, and Luke, with that thought, sighed, scrubbing a hand across his face. Luke hadn't seen Lovisa mention anything about a Doctors visit in their text exchanges, she never brought it up in a conversation, so Luke just assumed she never went. That didn't stop him counting down the days until she came back, and she'd not mentioned much about flight times and dates either. Thinking of it, Lovisa seemed a little distant, and the more Luke thought, the more anxiety grew in his chest.

    Jess tied up her hair as she looked at her packed bag. For the past few days, knowing what she knew, she'd been dreading going on tour, but the fact remained that she missed Michael far too much to be away from him for much longer. She'd distanced herself a bit from him, she knew she had. She hadn't meant to, but she was internally panicking over his reaction to the whole thing; and shutting him out now would make a negative reaction a little more easier to handle. Pregnant was something Jess thought she wouldn't call herself for a while, but still, she had mixed emotions about it all and she never wanted to say she regretted it, because she didn't. When it came to Michael, she never really regretted anything. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she perfected her bun, Jess dropped a quick text to Lovisa to tell her the airport shuttle would pick her up in ten minutes. Hearing the said shuttle honk the horn again from outside, Jess picked up her suitcase and made her way out of the house she shared with Michael, locking the door.
    November 7th, 2018 at 04:20am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael was absolutely hating not having Jess by his side, driven crazy by her absence. At first, he'd found a little solace in their texts and phone calls, but he'd noticed that her replies weren't coming as frequently and neither were her calls. It had him worried about her, really, as he wondered if something had happened while he was gone - was somebody stirring up trouble? Bothering her? Was the absence getting to her that badly? He tried not to worry too much about it, certain that he'd get an explanation eventually, but that didn't ease his concerns much, because he genuinely wanted Jess to be okay and happy and he worried that their absence from each other was making that difficult for her - and that was the last thing he wanted, he never wanted to cause any sort of problem for Jess. All he wanted was to have her in his arms again, have her by his side, sleep with her next to him, just be with her. There had been no news from her about a Doctor's visit, so he wondered if she was mostly feeling better by now. But, then, she hadn't mentioned anything about heading to where they were yet, so he wasn't entirely sure what was going on or if she still planned to come to where they were at all. Trying not to worry about it too much, he scrubbed a hand over his face, hopeful that everything would be okay for them, but worried about her more than anything. He stared at his phone for a while, his gaze going over the lockscreen, smiling at the picture of Jess on the screen, though he felt his heart twisting with concern for her still, despite that he tried to assure himself she was okay - she surely would have told him otherwise, he told himself.

    Lovisa found herself staring at the mirror, turning sideways to get a look at her tummy, her anxiety bubbling up inside once again. She wasn't showing yet, she knew it'd be a while before she did, but she couldn't help but to constantly check, panicking with the thought that it was reality - she was pregnant. It definitely hadn't been the news she'd expected when she'd gone to the Doctor, and she hadn't brought it up with Luke. It didn't seem like something she could just drop in a text. Thinking about Luke brought a whole different round of anxiety, though; what if Luke didn't want the baby? What if he ended things between them because of it? As much as she didn't want to think it was possible, especially with how often they talked about a future together, it was still a possibility. And, because she'd been avoiding talking about the pregnancy, she'd also been struggling to hold a conversation with Luke, though she had made sure to send him the pictures she'd promised. Breathing out, she tried to shake away her anxieties when she saw Jess's text, reminding herself that at least she'd get to see Luke soon, and she sent a text back to her friend to assure she'd be ready. Going to her bag, she stared at it, her gaze falling to Luke's shirt, which she'd worn every night to sleep in, even though it'd been difficult to get sleep at all with her racing thoughts and the constant nausea. Swallowing, she closed the suitcase and headed out when it was time, locking hers and Luke's door before climbing into the shuttle.
    November 7th, 2018 at 04:42am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    Hi baby, Luke decided to text Lovisa, his concerns eating away at him too much for him not to reach out. All Luke had wanted was for Lovisa to be happy, but her almost silence was worrying him. They had been together since the age of seventeen, and he'd never seen her so distant. The concern was growing to anxiety and Luke just couldn't take much more of it. Are you flying out soon? I miss you. And I love you. He placed his phone down beside him once more - taking a long moment to stare at his new lock screen of Lovisa in his shirt, deciding that moping around bed wasn't going to do much to help his case. They had two shows in this city, the first show had sold out in less than ten minutes, so another one was booked, and Luke was glad, because he just wanted to stay grounded for a bit, see if he could get through to Lovisa at all.

    Jess settled back into her seat in the shuttle, her hand subconsciously resting on her tummy. Apparently the flight was only for a few hours, and that was reassuring to say the least, the morning sickness was too much to take and Jess was glad that they wouldn't be 30,000 feet above ground for too long. Still, Jess couldn't stop herself from over-thinking, especially when she rubbed her tummy slightly. It was still early days, she didn't even have a bump, but she still found herself protective and already so in love, despite her fear and uncertanties. What if Michael didn't want to be a Dad? She knew that the band were picking up momentum, she knew Ashton was already writing for their next album - what if she ended up single? Swallowing the lump in her throat with the thought, Jess sighed in relief as they stopped outside Luke's house, the door opening. "Hey." She smiled at Lovisa.
    November 7th, 2018 at 04:53am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Lovisa's gaze had dropped to her phone when she saw she had a text. "Hey," she greeted Jess in return, offering a weak smile, trying to hide her anxieties, though she chewed on her lip before replying to Luke. Hey, babe. I love and miss you, too - so much that Jess and I are heading to the airport now. I'll see you when we get there. She sent the text before breathing out.

    After the band had gotten the news that the girls were flying in, Michael had checked the timings for flights to see when they'd be arriving. With them being due any minute, Michael was eager to see Jess again, especially with the fact that he'd gone so long without having her in his arms. He couldn't wait to hold her again, to talk to her, to see her face-to-face, and to hopefully figure out whether she was okay or not.

    Lovisa jolted awake when the plane was landing, trying to ignore the wave of nausea that came with it. She'd been so stressed and worried about telling Luke, along with being anxious with Luke's absence, that she hadn't slept well lately, so she'd taken the chance to sleep on the flight. Breathing out, she offered a weak smile to Jess. "Guess we're one step closer to seeing our guys," she murmured before she stood up to exit the plane once they were allowed to.
    November 7th, 2018 at 05:06am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    Jess nodded with Lovisa's words, unsure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, unsure if she was ready to see Michael. Still, she followed Lovisa from the plane, messing with the hem of her shirt as she did, just wanting to look presentable for Michael, but knowing that he loved her either way.

    Luke waited patiently, every minute, every second, passing so slowly that Luke was sure the universe was out to get him. He sat in the arrivals of the terminal Lovisa had told him, and he watched unfamiliar faces pass, and the more people that weren't Lovisa passed him, the more antsy he grew. Still, he watched carefully, especially as people began to exit from the terminal. "Fuck," he breathed. "C'mon, Lovisa." He watched, and his heart just yearned to see her, be connected to hers once more. But when Luke caught sight of her, he swore his heart almost stopped, frozen in his chest, the adrenaline stronger than any pre-concert excitement. She was there, with him, beautiful as ever and Luke just couldn't believe his luck. Running to her, Luke didn't care who was watching. "Lovisa!" He grinned, picking her up and spinning her around with a laugh, unable to stop himself, just so excited to see her. "Oh my god, baby, I've missed you so much." He told her, placing her back down quickly, watching her, cupping her face as he did. "How're you feeling?"
    November 7th, 2018 at 05:14am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael had been tapping his foot anxiously, his leg bouncing as he stared at the terminal, trying to be patient, but he found it so hard to be. Though it'd only been a few days since he saw Jess, he felt like it really had been forever - and that feeling had been all that much more prevalent with Jess's distance, since he wasn't used to it. For as long as he'd know Jess, she'd never shut him out, and he tried not to think too much about it, but it stayed in the back of his mind despite himself. Every face he saw that wasn't Jess's resulted in disappointment, then further disappointment, and he could feel his nervousness growing. When he finally caught sight of her, though, he swore he lost his breath, amazed by the sight of her, so glad that she was actually there and he swore he'd never seen anything as perfect as seeing her there in that moment after the days that had passed and the distance from her. With a grin, he started walking towards her before he picked up his pace, rushing over to her. "Jess," he called out happily, moving to pick her up bridal style before he kissed her for a long moment. "God, it feels like it's been forever," he told her when he pulled back from the kiss, still holding her in his arms, still grinning broadly down at her. "I missed you, babe. More than anything." He chewed on his lip as he examined her, though, his expression softening with concern. "Are you okay? Did you go to the Doctor? Did something happen while I was gone?"

    Lovisa had been peering around as they exited the terminal, searching for Luke's face, her heart pounding anxiously in her chest, though she nearly froze in her steps when she heard his voice. Seeing him, she could feel her hormones getting the better of her and, despite her nervousness and anxiety, her eyes watered happily as she laughed when he picked her up and spun her, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I've missed you so much, too," she whispered, watching him. "So, so much. Things have been kind of crazy." She laughed weakly and wiped at her eyes, taking a few breaths to try to calm down. "I'm, uh, I'm okay, mostly. How have you been?"
    November 7th, 2018 at 05:32am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Luke saw Lovisa's tears and smiled empathetically, knowing her turmoil, having missed her more than anything else. Still, Luke ran his thumbs gently across her cheeks, wiping any stray tearms that fell. "I've been so worried about you." He confessed, pressing a kiss to her lips as he stood with her, just relishing in the moment. He had only been gone four days, but it had felt like eternity without her there. With Lovisa beside him, Luke could of sworn that there was nobody else in that damn airport, his whole existence just gravitating to her, always. She was who he looked for in a crowded room. "Mostly?" Luke frowned with Lovisa's answer. "Did you go to the Doctor?" He asked gently, lowering his hands to take her hands into his, just wanting all the contact he could get, having missed her too much to not take advantage of her presence. "Are you okay?"

    Jess kept her head down as she exited the terminal, although her gaze lifted when she heard Michael's voice, gasping as he picked her up. "Michael!" She laughed in surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck, returning his kiss happily. Although, for the moment the kiss lasted, Jess felt tears burn in her eyes. "Fuck, I've missed you so much, Michael." She told him honestly, biting her lip to stop herself from losing it and crying completely. Hearing his questions though, Jess toyed with her lower lip, ducking her head slightly. "We'll talk more about it when we get back, okay? I promise." She avoided his gaze, but still, she had to reassure him, not wanting him to worry. "It's nothing too bad."
    November 7th, 2018 at 05:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you," Lovisa told him honestly, swallowing hard as she leaned into his touch, though, for the moment the kiss lasted, she allowed herself to enjoy it, terrified it may be one of their last. It hurt to think that she could lose Luke, but she tried to hide her thoughts as she cleared her throat and offered a smile, squeezing his hands gently. "I did, um... I'll tell you about it when we're alone, okay?"

    Michael laughed against her lips, grinning with having her in his arms again, with feeling her presence and warmth and all the comfort she provided. Seeing her tears, though, his expression softened and he gently set her down so that he could cup her face, wiping her tears away gently. "God, you're quite the sight after all this time," he told her quietly, offering a small smile in hopes of easing her mind, though he blinked as he watched her, his expression turning to concern. "Nothing too bad?" He felt the concern race through him. "Babe, are you okay? I mean, I know you just said we'd talk about it when we get back, but... Whatever it is, we can talk about it." He ran his thumbs over her cheeks gently. "I just don't want to you to shut me out, so, whatever it is, whatever happened, I'm right here, okay?"
    November 7th, 2018 at 05:51am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Luke smiled with Lovisa's apology. He didn't want an apology, but knowing she was okay was enough for him. "I've missed you so much, baby, you have no idea." He sighed happily into Lovisa's lips. "Life sucked without you." He told her honestly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Still, Luke frowned with her words. "You're okay, right?" He asked, almost meekly, concerned after hearing her words. "Babe, whatever it is, we can get through this." Luke promised. "Together." He smiled, running his thumbs across her knuckles. "We're the dream team."

    Seeing Michael smile was all Jess ever wanted in life. Seeing him happy was just so damn infectious, and Jess couldn't help but to smile at him once more, leaning into his touch as he wiped her tears. "I love you." She told him, reaching to press another kiss to his lips, holding his face as she did, wanting to feel his skin beneath her fingertips. Still, she felt a twinge of guilt within her chest for shutting him out. "We can talk about it." She repeated to him with a small smile.
    November 7th, 2018 at 05:57am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Lovisa nodded as she watched him, offering a small smile as she examined him. "I think I do have an idea, I'm sure I missed you just as much, if not more," she murmured teasingly despite her inner turmoil. Swallowing, she nodded as she examined him. "I'm okay, really. I just, um..." She shook her head and squeezed his hands. "I'll tell you when we're alone, okay? I promise. But I'm okay, it's just... Not something that I really want to announce in the middle of an airport."

    Michael could feel his heart swelling when he heard Jess speak, swearing in that moment that he'd never heard those words sound as amazing as they did right now, even though they'd always been his favorite thing to hear Jess say. "I love you, too," he told her quietly, grinning against her lips as he held her close to himself. "More than anything, Jess." Shifting, he slid his arms around her, holding her close, though he watched her, his concern growing as he chewed on his lip. "Is it something super serious? Are you, I don't know, sick-sick? Like bad sick? Because, I swear, if you are, I'll find you the best doctors in the world and make sure we do everything we can to get you healthy and better, because I just - I can't lose you, Jess."
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:07am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Luke blinked with Lovisa's words, frowning in concern. "You're not, like... gravely sick, right?" He asked, toying with his lower lip anxiously. "Because if you are, Lovisa, we can fix it, I'll pay a million, trillion dollars if it meant I got to keep you by my side." And he didn't care if he sounded stupidly anxious, all he wanted was for Lovisa to be his. Still, he smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to pull her protectively to his side. "C'mon, let's get back. I'm sure you're tired." He told her, but still, wanting his curiosity to be put to rest.

    Jess smiled into Michael's lips, exhaling happily, just so glad to be close to him once more. Hearing his words though, Jess felt guilty, knowing how vague she was being was making Michael nervous. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Jess pressed a kiss to the tip of Michael's nose. "Hey, I'm not sick-sick. I'm not bad sick... depending on how you see it." She toyed with her lower lip with that, clearly worried. "I can't tell you here, Mikey..." She ducked her head.
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Lovisa blinked with surprise as she watched Luke. "What?" she asked with surprise, though she quickly shook her head. "No, no, it's nothing like that, I promise!" Still, she felt her heart swelling with how much Luke cared and her expression softened before she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I'll tell you when we're alone, okay? I just - it's important, but it's not like... I'm-gonna-die important." Still, she nodded, leaning into his side. "I kind of slept on the plane, but, yeah, let's get out of here."

    Michael's expression softened as he listened to Jess and he nodded slowly, feeling his anxieties and concern about losing her easing up. Sliding his arms around her, he held her close to himself, rubbing her back gently, breathing out with relief. "Good," he murmured quietly. "Because I just... I really can't lose you, Jess. You're my everything, you're the thing that keeps me going, and I love you so damn much, so just... Whatever it is, whatever you're so worried about, it will be okay. We'll be okay." He kissed the top of her head, relaxing a bit now that she was there, and offered a smile. "Let's get going, shall we?"
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:24am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Luke exhaled the breath he didn't even realise he'd been holding. "Oh thank God... okay." He toyed with his lip, squeezing around her shoulders as he walked in stride with her. "It's just... I couldn't imagine my life without you, Lovisa. I love you so much, I've got big plans for our future. You're gonna be a Hemmings one day, you hear me?" He grinned, kissing her temple. "C'mon, this way." And although Luke was still eager to hear what the Doctor had said, he respected Lovisa's decision to not do all of that in an airport.

    Jess smiled weakly with Michael's words, wondering if any of them would change with the news. "Okay..." She nodded, not quite believing him. "It's... it's big news, Michael." She told him, following him closely, his hand securely in her own. "But... yeah." She frowned with her own worries, her own insecurity, still wondering if Michael would be quick to change his tune with all of this, but still, she couldn't think too much about it here.
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:36am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Lovisa peered up at him, watching as she listened to him quietly, and she leaned into his hold, hoping, more than anything, that the news she had for him wouldn't ruin everything between them. "I love you, too, Luke," she told him quietly, nodding slowly, though she cleared her throat as she settled her attention ahead. "I'm really hopeful for that future, too."

    Michael watched her with curiosity and concern but he squeezed her hand gently. "Just, whenever you're ready, let it out, when we get away from here," he assured her quietly, offering a small smile as he took her in, trying to be as reassuring as possible, able to see the conflict and concern in her. He couldn't imagine what was going on with her, but he wanted her to know that she could talk to him. "Whatever the news is, we'll be okay, we'll get through it."
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:47am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Luke smiled down at Lovisa. "You don't have to be hopeful, babe. You look forward to it. If you think I'm ever gonna let you go, you're wrong." He smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he lead her to where the boys had come from, a large tour bus. "Ashton and Calum are out exploring." He told her, opening the door for Lovisa to climb on first. "Go get comfy." He told her gently.

    Jess exhaled silently, just keeping hold of Michael. Still, she listened to him intently, feeling relief wash over her as they turned a corner and she saw the 5 Seconds of Summer tourbus. "Thank god." She murmured quietly, just wanting to hurry up and get Michael alone, having been carrying the news of the pregnancy to herself for too long. Looking to Michael, she smiled, leading the rest of the way.
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:50am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Lovisa offered a weak smile, wanting to point out that he may change his mind after hearing the news, but she didn't have it in her to say that to Luke. "Why am I not surprised?" she asked quietly as she climbed onto the tour bus, peering around, "They're probably out, causing mayhem." Chewing on her lip, she headed towards the back of the bus to figure out where to put her things, but mostly hopeful that Luke would follow so she could tell him the news and get the weight off her chest.

    Michael grinned slightly when he heard Jess and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "We can relax once we're on board," he told her quietly, wanting her to be able to just let out whatever was troubling her so much but also wanting to assure her that everything would be okay and that she could just let herself breathe for a bit. Following her lead to the tour bus, he motioned for her to get on, since Like had already opened the door. "Do you need anything? Food? Drink? Or just rest and relax?"
    November 7th, 2018 at 06:56am
  • floral and fading.

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    United Kingdom
    Luke grinned with Lovisa’s words. “You know what those two are like together.” He shook his head in amusement at the thought. Following closely, Luke studied Lovisa’s body language, sensing her anxiety and frowning. “I sleep here, babe.” He tapped his bed happily, looking to her. “Are you alright?”

    Jess climbed on, looking around in awe at how bigger these busses seemed to get with every tour. Still, she collapsed onto the sofa pretty much straight away, exhaling as she moved stray hair from her face. “Does that answer that?” She teased, toying with her lip as she watched him. “C’mere.”
    November 7th, 2018 at 07:02am