forget what you thought

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael smiled as he listened to her, nodding slowly. "Well, from what I heard of what you played just a bit ago, you seem to be really amazing at piano," he told her honestly, almost proudly, though he tried to hide that as much as he could, and he couldn't help but to sneak peeks at her phone when he could. He could feel his heart racing, swelling, with her opinion of him, with knowing that she 'had the hots' for him, but, when he saw her later texts, he paused with surprise, trying really hard not to imagine what it would be like to do exactly that. Watching her leave, he cleared his throat and scrubbed at his face, chewing on his lip as he tried to calm himself, because he couldn't let himself imagine things like that, he couldn't actually fantasize about that stuff - at least not while in school, in case the fantasies affected him too much. But, he wasn't sure he could stop those ideas from flowing through his head with being alone with Melody like this, and he cleared his throat again to try to calm himself. Seeing that she was still gone, he chewed on his lip a bit, anxious for her to come back, already missing her presence, though he tried not to really acknowledge that, because he really couldn't believe how easily this girl had captured his attention or how hard it was to get her off his mind. "Did you find whatever you need in there?" he asked after a moment before he made his way over, unable to stay away at this point, and he peeked in, offering a smile. "Honestly, I don't know much about this closet, so I'm gonna have to learn where everything is in here myself."

    Liana offered an amused look to Luke. "Doesn't everybody need practice?" she asked, arching a brow as she watched him for a few moments, taking him in, though she smiled and shrugged slightly. "To be honest, I didn't want to do Starry Night. I wanted to recreate one of Zhang Daqian's works, but Mr. Collins didn't approve of that. It's actually why I'm even here in detention, because he was firm that Zhang Daqian wasn't as influential as Van Gogh, and he only wanted super-influential works." She dropped her gaze to her phone, reading over it for a few moments as she grinned with amusement, rolling her eyes to her friend's text, but she focused on Luke for now, her heart pounding with the fact that he was sitting on her desk, that he was so damn close. "I like being able to express myself, but I guess... More than anything, I like being able to get lost in it, I can block everything else out when I'm drawing or painting, and I can let go of my emotions, put it all in the art." Dropping her gaze to her phone, she focused on replying, trying to be as discreet as possible with it. That would make a lot of noise! You'd hit all the piano keys! ;D He's sitting on my desk, Mel. I'm losing it. He's so close, I can smell him and he smells fucking amazing, I'm just imagining being so close to him for so long that his smell brushes off on me. Stop me. Get me out of here before I crack.
    November 8th, 2018 at 07:08am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    Melody looked to Michael. "Don't mind me, just wrestling with a huge fucking wad of paper." She grinned, just admiring how he looked in the doorway to the walk-in closet, how well the light hit him. Still, putting the paper back on it's designated shelf, she grabbed a few sheets, squeezing past Michael to get out. "I mean, it's a good closet, pretty organised." She grinned. "Fun to lock yourself in when you wanna scare teachers." She winked, sitting back on the piano stool, looking at her phone and laughing with Liana's text, shaking her head. If I had my way, holy shit...I would make the best symphony with him ;D I can't think like this. I just squeezed past him to get out of the closet and holy. fucking. shit. We have another hour of being tortured. She shook her head, putting her phone on top of the piano, not realising she hadn't locked it.

    Luke smiled with Liana's words. "Well, some of the greatest artists, it came naturally to them. I think it comes naturally to you." He spoke calmly, just wanting her to be comfortable around him, but hearing her mention Zhang Daqian's works, Luke looked impressed. "Do you think you could replicate something of Zhang's in the next hour?" He asked with curiosity, wanting to see. "And don't tell anyone I said this, but draw what makes you happy, what inspires you. Not what inspires Mr. Collins." He pulled a slight face. But hearing her explanation, Luke nodded. "I understand." He told her, getting up to keep some more supplies, reading her text over her shoulder subtly, grinning with the effect he had on her.
    November 8th, 2018 at 07:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael grinned slightly as he examined Melody for a few moments, nodding slowly. "Well, you could have asked for help," he teased lightly, realizing, in that moment, that he really would probably do anything to make things easier for Melody. He tried not to think about that, though, because he knew how wrong it was, he knew it would not only show favoritism but that it would hint at the way he was beginning to feel for him. Clearing his throat, he tried to ignore his own thoughts, especially when Melody squeezed past him and he tried hard not to be affected by the contact and movement, though he couldn't help but to laugh. "I hope that's not a forewarning to the possibility of you locking yourself in here to scare me. I don't think my heart could take it." Staring after her, he smiled to himself before he eventually slipped out of the closet, closing the door behind himself as he watched her, heading to start cleaning up the classroom a bit, though he found himself peeking at her phone again, his heart pounding with the words he read, though he ducked his head to hide his own grin. "Let me know if you need help, okay? I'd be happy to help you in any way - but you're also just welcome to do whatever you want. I don't want you to have to suffer through detention, I know it can typically be pretty boring."

    "But, how many times did it take of making pieces for a great artist to really create their best works?" Liana shot back easily in a hum, grinning slightly as she watched him, just enjoying how calming his voice was, how easy it was to get lost in listening to him. She blinked, though. "In the next hour? No way, it'd take all night, at least. I mean, sure, his work looks simple, but his strokes were with purpose and it'd be hard to recreate that, which was exactly why I wanted to try it, I like a challenge." She grinned slightly with her own words, mentally acknowledging that she wasn't just talking about art, but it wasn't like she could act on what she wanted, anyways. Her expression softened, though, and she offered a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. Hemmings." Her heart swelled a bit, but she looked to Melody's text. Of course you would! And, I mean, have you seen you? I doubt he'd be able to just hold back. ;D Ooh, if you squeezed past him, I'd laugh like crazy if you felt any sort of reaction.
    November 8th, 2018 at 07:34am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel laughed. "I'm a grown, independent lady, Mr Clifford." She teased, throwing him a wink before concentrating on the music sheet, although she'd of loved nothing more than to lock herself in the closet with Michael and have her way with him. Still, she grinned with his words. "I definitely plan to scare you, don't worry, it'll come in time." She promised, not lifting her head. "But thank you." She smiled up at him, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, studying him for a long moment, wondering if she should tease him a little or not. Deciding against it, Mel grabbed her phone when it vibrated. Shut up. You shouldn't be encouraging this...shithead. She laughed. But how the fuck is your sub holding himself back around something as gorgeous as you? He needs to hurry up and get it. I want Mr Clifford to hurry up and get it. She put her phone back on top of the piano.

    Luke smiled with Liana's words. "You got me there, but there's also some good, great pieces that only took one try. Google it." He winked. Still, he sat on her desk once more, just watching her, admiring her beauty. "Like a challenge, hm?" Luke smirked at that, but quickly wiped it from his face, realising that he was becoming affected by her. "Think you could do that overnight for me? But remember to get some sleep, too." Luke warned. Luke nodded as she thanked him. "In detention, call me Luke. Mr Hemmings sounds a little professional." He laughed, shaking his head, just content to watch her as she texted, curious to who she was texting, if she had a boyfriend, but he knew he couldn't just outright ask, otherwise he'd look strange. He wanted to tell her he was beautiful, gorgeous, but he couldn't yet - and he hated it.
    November 8th, 2018 at 07:44am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael could swear his breathing had hitched when he saw her wink, swearing he'd never seen anything so damn attractive, and he wondered how in the world Melody kept surprising her with all these amazing things she was doing - from the way she was acting to the way she spoke, he found himself just sinking into the abyss for her. "That you are," he told her with a smile, "I completely believe you there. Although, I suppose, since school hours have ended, you can call me Michael. Or Mikey." His smile broadened to a grin as he watched her. "Whichever you would prefer, Mel." He tried to be as casual as possible with the fact that he was giving in to calling her by her nickname - though, he reminded himself to only ever do so outside of school hours, but that made him want to make sure that he could enjoy as much time as possible outside of school hours with her. "I'll make a note to try to be as prepared as possible so I don't scream." Grinning, he finished cleaning up before he moved to lean back against the piano, examining her. "And you don't have to thank me. Though... I am curious - why are you even in detention? You don't really seem like you deserve to be here." And, while he leaned against the piano, he got another look at her texts, and he chewed on his lip, ducking his head to hide the grin forming on his features, because this girl didn't even know what she was doing to him.

    "As the first pieces the artist ever attempted?" Liana asked with curiosity, arching a brow, though she chewed on her lip when he was back on her desk, swearing all she wanted to do was get up and press as close to him as she could, feel his lips against hers, his fingers against her skin, and she blinked to pull herself out of that impossible daydream, clearing her throat. "Yeah, I think I could. I can at least give it a try." She grinned slightly, determined now that Luke had asked her to, wanting to make him proud, though she blinked. "Luke, huh? I like the sound of that much better than Mr. Hemmings." Her gaze going to her phone, she snorted quietly with amusement. I am completely encouraging this. I'm sure your Mr. Clifford won't be able to hold back for too long. I mean, have you seen you? ;) But, dammit, I wish! Mr. Hemmings just asked me to call him Luke instead. My heart is fucking racing, Mel.
    November 8th, 2018 at 07:59am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    "Got it, Mikey." Mel grinned though, when she heard him call her Mel, the sound being the most attractive thing for her. Studying him for a long moment, Mel smirked as she heard his comment about screaming. "Oh, I'd make you scream, don't worry about that." And she knew he meant it in an innocent way, but she didn't, not at all. She blinked though, as he leaned against the piano once more, and Mel tried to push her fantasy of Michael just pressing her against it to the back of her mind. "Well uh," she toyed with her lip. "Robert, guy sits to the left of me, he's obsessed with me and I basically told him the closest to having sex with me he'd ever get is if he put a photo of me on his pillow." She admitted with a laugh, not even shy. Taking her phone when Liana text, Mel smirked God dammit, is it wrong that I just want him to take me now? I'm not even sure I can wait much longer. I feel dirty, but the risk is kinda hot. GIRL, tease him! Do it. Fuck it, why not? Michael's making me all kinds of - and before she had a chance to finish her text, Harmony's name came up on screen, and Mel promptly pressed ignore, going back to her messages.

    Luke nodded. "As the first pieces the artist ever attempted." He confirmed, leaning forward slightly, just naturally gravitating towards Liana, smiling when she said she'd give the painting a try. "I'm sure it'll be so damn amazing." But he laughed as she mentioned Luke sounding better than Mr Hemmings. "It's more laid back." He smiled. "I'm not huge on formalities." He shrugged his shoulders lightly, and as he was leaned forward, he had the perfect view of her texts, and Luke smirked to himself, unable to help it. Liana was fucking beautiful, all he wanted was her, underneath him on the table, and with that thought, Luke blinked, biting his lip, holding back an audible groan. "So, surprise me. Why are you even in detention?" Luke asked to distract himself. "You seem like a good girl."
    November 8th, 2018 at 08:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael chewed on his lip, absolutely loving the way it sounded when she said his name that way, surprised with how fucking amazing it sounded and how it sent a warmth through him that he hadn't really been expecting. "Great. Keep it in mind," he told her with a small grin as he took her in, though he blinked to her words, certain that they weren't talking about the same thing anymore, but not at all having any qualms in mentally thinking about such a scenario - though, admittedly, he was far more interested in the thought of her doing the screaming. Clearing his throat with the thought to hide the way he wanted to groan instead, he shifted a bit to try to calm himself down. "Well, that sounds like quite the thought," he told her with a small grin as he examined her for a few moments, "I'll have to be on my toes around you, hm?" Arching a brow, he took in her expression, mentally groaning with the way she toyed with her lip, imagining what she would taste like, or how soft her lips would be. Shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts, he arched a brow to the explanation she gave him. "Oh, the guy who passed you a note earlier? What was that about?" He arched a brow as he examined her, curious, but figuring it was at least a good lead up to further questions that nagged at the back of his mind. "Why aren't you interested in him? He doesn't look half bad. Do you have a boyfriend or something?" He watched her for a moment, but peered at the text for a few moments, grinning to himself despite everything in him telling himself he really shouldn't even be mentally playing out the ideas and thoughts and fantasies that he was, but he honestly couldn't help it when it came to her; she had this effect on him that he just couldn't fight.

    Liana watched as Luke leaned closer to her, finding her gaze drifting to his lips rather than her focusing on what he'd said at first, and she wished that distance between them would just be completely null and void. Chewing on her lip, she grinned slightly as she watched him. "Well, I aim to impress in everything I do," she told him quietly as she watched him, shifting a bit to lean forward on her elbows, just wanting to be closer to him, even if she knew she couldn't be as close as she wanted to be. "Formalities do suck." She grinned at her own words, tilting her head as she examined him before she shrugged slightly. "Like I said, Mr. Collins didn't think Zhang was influential. I corrected him. He went on a tangent about Van Gogh. I basically told him Van Gogh's too popular, not overrated but really just an everyday artist that people talk about now. I may have also mentioned that the only reason he likes Starry Night so much is because the nurse talks about it all the time and he's constantly flirting with her, but she's clearly not interested and he should probably cut his losses while he can. I think that was the last straw for him." She shrugged before blinking at her texts and she laughed quietly. You're going to lose it before I do, I just know it. You're coming apart at the seams, Mel. Don't encourage me! You KNOW I won't back down from a challenge if you actually put those thoughts in my head, screw the consequences.
    November 8th, 2018 at 08:32am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    When Michael told her that it was quite the thought, Mel laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, you've got no idea." She smiled innocently, but hearing his little rhetorical question, Mel laughed once more. "I'll keep you on your toes, don't worry about that, either." She bit her lip, sighing, just studying him for a moment. Although she pulled a face with the mention of Robert. "Uh, you familiar with the phrase he has the tools, but doesn't know how to use 'em?" She arched an eyebrow. "I don't have a boyfriend, Mikey, no, but the thought of sleeping with him makes me sick." She told him honestly. "I'd rather get myself off." She murmured quietly, turning to face him with that, not paying attention to the keyboard anymore. Seeing Liana's text, Mel almost groaned, letting out a small noise of frustration. Don't, because I'm this fucking close to grabbing him by the front of his shirt, throwing him on my desk and just... ugh. Help. NO, Liana, I'm encouraging this! I challenge you!

    Luke almost groaned as Liana chewed on her lip, just wondering how her perfect lips would feel against his. "Damn." He murmured, his eyes drifting to her lips. "I'm sure you'd succeed, too." He told her honestly, grinning as she leaned forward too, just wanting to kiss her, the risk of being caught driving Luke further up the wall. But hearing her reason for getting a detention, Luke laughed. "Imagine being a teacher and not encouraging your students to form their own opinions. What an idiot." He shook his head. "But you threw the nurse in his face? Damn, that's cold Liana, real cold." He teased, although he saw her texts, wondering if she'd step up to the challenge that her friend was giving her, because if she wasn't going to make a move soon, then he would.
    November 8th, 2018 at 08:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael smiled with amusement, watching her, loving the sound of her laughter, though not at all convinced by that innocent smile she wore. "I don't know. I might have somewhat of an idea," he told her carefully, examining her for a few long moments, unable to tear his gaze away from her, not even wanting to. While he knew that he was inching dangerously close to something that he knew he really shouldn't be, something he knew could ruin his career, he couldn't help it - and he found himself physically inching closer to her, too, examining her, taking her in, just wanting to be closer to her, wanting to be as close to her as he could get. "I don't mind being kept on my toes, either." He offered a small smirk despite himself. "In fact, I'm looking forward to it." He chuckled, though, to her words about Robert, and he shook his head slightly. "Well, that's too damn bad for the poor lad," he mentioned, though he grinned when he heard that she didn't have a boyfriend. But, then, her final words had him biting back a groan that he swore nearly slipped, because just imagining that was driving him crazy and he almost, almost wished that she hadn't put that imagery in his head. "Well, I'm sure you have all kinds of boys lining up for your attention." And, while he wasn't exactly a 'boy,' he knew he was right there with them. Seeing the texts between her and her friend, though, he grinned slightly and ducked his head to hide it, though he hoped that she'd go along with her friend's challenge - otherwise, he knew he would, because he knew he couldn't hold back much longer.

    Liana grinned slightly as she heard his murmur, her heart pounding in her chest at how amazing it sounded, and she hummed in response. "Oh, I'd definitely succeed," she murmured in response, fully aware that she wasn't exactly just talking about art anymore. "So, then, you plan to encourage your students to form their own opinions?" She arched a brow, tilting her head as she watched him before grinning. "I wouldn't call it cold. I think, if there's even a small chance that an attraction is mutual, it's worth going after. But, when it's pretty obvious nothing's there, it's smarter to just cut your losses." She eyed him for a long moment, searching his eyes before her gaze dropped to her phone and she smirked slightly. Challenge accepted. But, in return, I'm challenging you. Have fun~ ;D And, after sending the text, she shifted to stand up, moving around her desk so that she could stand in front of Luke, arching a brow as she examined him before she leaned closer, resting her hand on his chest, her fingers toying with the fabric of his shirt as she offered a small grin. "So, tell me, Luke, am I gonna have to cut my own losses here?"
    November 8th, 2018 at 08:59am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel stood to her feet, approaching Michael. "You know," she started, her eyes flicking down to his lips, before meeting his eyes once more. "Something's telling me that you're understanding all my dirty little hints. Because I'm understanding yours." She told him, placing a hand on his chest, curling her fingers into the fabric of his shirt, pulling him forward gently. "And something else..." she led him to her desk, forcing him to sit on it as she stood between his legs. "Is telling me - a little louder - that you've been picturing everything I have, and I just wanna know if you're serious about it." She toyed with her lower lip, her arms around his neck. "Because no one has to know, Michael, and if you really wanna be kept on your toes that much, this idea would excite you." She offered him an innocent smile. "I've been playing good girl for the past twenty minutes, I'm not doing it anymore."

    Luke grinned, understanding that Liana wasn't talking about art, but god dammit, he felt like he couldn't hold back for much longer. "You know what," Luke bit his lip. "You're absolutely right." but he watched her as she stood up, his hands settling on her hips as she stood in front of him. "But you wanna know what I think, Liana? I think you and I should go after it, because there's no way, in Hell, I'm cutting my losses when it comes to you." He told her, biting his lip as he squeezed her hips, leaning to kiss her, finally. As he pressed his lips to hers, Luke felt the wanting shudder run down his spine, but god dammit, he felt that electricity too, and he knew the chemistry between them was undeniable. Tugging at her lower lip, Luke smirked. "So, you tell me."
    November 8th, 2018 at 09:09am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael watched Mel quietly, chewing on his lip when he saw her gaze go to his lips. "Well, now that you've called me out on it, I can't exactly deny it," he teased lightly in response, chuckling a bit when her fingers curled into his shirt and she pulled him forward. When he was standing between her legs, his hands moved to her hips, his thumbs rubbing her hips as he gave her a gentle squeeze, watching her. "Well, I'd have to be serious about it if I'm seriously considering this when it comes with so many risks." He smirked, though, suddenly not caring about the risks, not when every sign that Mel was giving him was driving him forward and, this time, he tugged her closer to himself. "And, despite that innocent smile of yours, I wasn't quite buying that good girl act. I did enjoy it while it lasted, sure, but I have to admit, I like this side of you more." And, grinning broader than he probably could without his cheeks aching, he leaned forward then, connecting his lips with hers, nearly groaning into her lips because it felt so damn amazing to kiss her and he wondered why he hadn't given in sooner when he definitely should have and they could have been doing this the whole time.

    Liana grinned slightly, loving the way Luke bit his lip, her eyes watching his lips, and, when she felt his hands on her hips, she moved closer to him, sliding an arm around his neck, her fingers on his chest curling into the fabric of his shirt. "Of course I'm right," she murmured quietly, examining him, and her heart swelled when he mentioned going after it, even more so when she felt his lips against hers. Grinning broadly against his lips, she returned his kiss happily, feeling a needy shudder run through her, the warmth spreading through her just as quickly, and she pressed as close to him as she could manage. "I think we should definitely go after it, Luke." And, she kissed him again, more needily this time, almost desperately, her hand at his neck sliding into his hair as she grinned against his lips.
    November 8th, 2018 at 09:23am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel smirked. "Damn right I'm gonna call you out on this, don't act like you're completely innocent. Think I didn't see you reading my texts? Think I didn't see that little light in your eyes when you imagined yourself in some sort of compromising situation with me? Because in the past twenty minutes, I've been thinking of about ten different ways we could have fun." She told him, but when he held her hips, Mel bit her lip. "Do you really care about those risks, Michael?" She challenged him, following his lead as he tugged her closer. "Then why the fuck didn't you make a move sooner? You've been watching me drive myself up the wall." She whined into his lips as he kissed her, returning the kiss hungrily, feeling the shudder of need go up her spine, but also just feeling a rush of adoration run through her, tugging at his lower lip cheekily as she held around him still.

    Luke sighed happily into the kiss, especially when Liana returned it. "You've been driving me fucking crazy since I set my eyes on you, Liana." He told her honestly. "I think this is the right decision. This," he motioned between them, still murmuring against her lips. "It can't be ignored, and I'm not gonna ignore it." He told her, pressing another kiss to her lips, just as needy, just as desperate, as he squeezed her hips, groaning into her mouth as he felt her hand in his hair. Pulling away slightly, Luke shifting so Liana was sat on the table, and he was stood between her legs, and he leaned down to reconnect the kiss, much more needier this time, still gripping to her hips, but guiding her legs around his waist.
    November 8th, 2018 at 09:32am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael chuckled quietly to her words, grinning broadly. "You saw that?" he asked, "No wonder you kept setting your phone down in plain view. You just wanted to drive me crazy." He smirked slightly as he examined her, groaning slightly with the way Mel bit her lip, letting the noise escape this time instead of holding it in like he'd been doing. "I did care about those risks. For about an hour, those risks had me holding back completely. But, then, when we were alone and those thoughts just kept driving me crazy, all those scenarios playing out in my head, I decided the risks didn't matter." He smirked. "But, I held back on making a move because I didn't want to creep you out - but, also, it was fun seeing you get driven up the wall when I was already there." Winking teasingly, he smirked against her lips, holding her close to himself, groaning against her lips, his hands sliding down her hips to her thighs, where he teased her legs a bit, his thumbs rubbing circles into her inner thighs before he tugged her closer - as close to him as he could manage, and he nipped at her lips, grinning broadly as he deepened the kiss.

    Liana grinned up at him, listening to him as he spoke, swearing to herself that she'd memorize every word that came from his lips. "You're not one to talk," she murmured against his lips, grinning broadly as she threaded her fingers into his hair, "It took every ounce in me not to just climb on your lap when I first walked into class." She grinned with her own words, now finding herself imagining that more than she probably should, but not caring. "I don't wanna ignore it, Luke." And, feeling him set her on the table, she grinned, nipping at his lips before deepening the kiss once their lips were reconnected, her legs locked slightly in place as she groaned happily against his lips, just loving the intensity between them.
    November 8th, 2018 at 09:43am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel gave Michael a teasing look. "Yes, I saw that. I saw your grin, the way your eyes lit up, god dammit, it drove me wild." She told him. "But I could drive you crazy just like this, I don't need texts to do that." She told him with a confident smirk. "You were hanging onto my every word, and you know it. But I was hanging onto yours, too." She told him, running her hands through his hair, tugging slightly. "Nice to see you're a little bit of a risk taker." She teased. "But holy shit, Michael, no, don't ever hold back, just..." She groaned as she felt his hands at her thighs. "Fucking dammit, Michael..." She pouted. "At least you can see when men are turned on." She told him, kissing him back, pushing him further onto the desk so she could straddle his lap.

    Luke smirked with Liana's words, loving that he had such a great affect on her, absolutely loving the sound of her voice, the way she was kissing him, the way she was touching him, Luke almost couldn't hold himself back, especially when she groaned against his lips. "You don't have to ignore it when I feel the exact same way, Liana." He told her, rubbing up and down her thighs with feather light touches, loving how reactive she made him. "I just wanna take you right here, right now." He murmured into her mouth, tugging her lower lip. "And I wanna hear you call my name." His voice was low, husky, and Luke was so damn wound up, he almost couldn't take it.
    November 8th, 2018 at 09:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael smirked as he examined her. "Did I deny hanging onto your ever word?" he asked teasingly as he watched her, just loving every word that was drifting past her lips, his eyes running over her lips on occasion. "You're so damn perfect, how could I not?" He chuckled, though, hearing her talk about men being turned on, and he grinned, because he was pretty fucking sure that his excitement was showing, but he didn't mind, a part of him wanted her to know. And, when she was on his lap, he groaned as he returned her kiss, his arms sliding around her, his hands sliding down her back as he held her close, kissing her heatedly, needily, just wanting every inch of her for himself.

    Liana laughed happily against his lips, her eyes closing over as she shuddered with his touch, her fingers on his chest running down his shirt with a teasing grin. "Then, what exactly is stopping you, hm?" she murmured teasingly against his lips, breathing out quietly over his lips as she smirked with amusement. "Mr. Hemmings or Luke?" Her voice was teasing, because, either way, she knew the only name that would pass her lips was 'Luke' because it just sounded much more personal. With that thought in mind, she grinned, tugging at his lip in return.
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:05am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel pressed another heated kiss to Michael's lips as his hands ran down her back. "Fuck." She whined, getting needy as she gripped to the front of his shirt, tugging him closer as she felt him underneath her, although she smirked. "Are you really sure you wanna do this here?" She teased. "Or would the closet be more suited to you, seeing as you were so eager to get a look in there earlier." She smirked, tugging his head back by his hair gently, kissing his neck, nipping the sensitive skin, ghosting her lips up his throat, not even caring anymore.

    Luke smirked with Liana's question. "What's stopping me?" He asked, pressing a hot, heated kiss to the side of her neck, gently nipping. "Is you telling me that I can." He told her, peering up at her with blue eyes, so completely and utterly gone. And although Luke knew he was lusting badly for Liana, he knew there was more than just lust between them, the spark was so undeniable, it was incredible to him. "The moment you say the word, the moment... I'm making you mine." He grinned down at her. "Luke. So then I know you're mine."
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael grinned against her lips, sliding his hands back down to her hips as he held her as close to him as he could, nipping at her lips, loving the way her voice sounded, before he chuckled to her words. "I think the proper question would be are you sure you wanna do this here?" he asked, smirking then, "I mean, after all, I did see all those texts about the piano. As for me - closet, desk, piano, wherever it is, I don't care, I just want you, Mel." And, he shuddered with her lips on his neck but, grinning, he shifted to return the favor, moving to kiss her neck, nipping at the skin their, holding her close as he rubbed her thighs, just wanting to give her as many sensations as he possibly could.

    Liana gave a quiet noise with the feeling, shuddering slightly as she angled her neck approvingly, chewing hard on her lip. Toying with his hair, she grinned slightly, her nails lightly, gently moving against his scalp. "Well, if that's all you need," she murmured, leaning to ghost her lips over his, her grin broadening, "Then, yes, Luke, you can." She smirked, then, finding it so crazy that she was this into him; she usually liked just being an all out tease, making the guys work for her attention, but all she wanted was Luke's attention, his affection, his touch, and she couldn't deny it.
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:22am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Mel made a noise - somewhere between a whine and a moan, as Michael kissed her neck, her head falling back, unable to stop herself, thankful no one was around because she knew, she just fucking knew, she was going to get loud. "You know, I am pretty eager to fulfil that piano idea." She smirked. "That could be a whole new experience, you said I should be passionate about it again." She teased, still running her hands through his hair, just eager to move along, wanting to discover all of these new sensations with Michael as she began to unbutton his shirt.

    Luke smirked, nipping at Liana's neck once more as she angled her head so Luke could get better access. "That's my girl." He murmured, nipping once more before pressing hot, open mouthed kisses to the skin of her neck, his hands snaking underneath her t-shirt and up her bare torso, just to get a good feel of her, before grabbing the hem of her t-shirt, pulling away to get it off her, being gentle with his movements still. "This is fucking crazy, I love it." He admitted, loving how easily Liana had captured his attention, and kept his attention, and how damn quickly he was falling for her.
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:28am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael grinned against her skin, loving every single noise he evoked from her, wanting to hear more from her, just so addicted to the noises, to the sound of her voice, and he swore he'd never get tired of it. "Well, then, piano it is," he murmured, nipping at her skin before he rose to his feet, holding her up, tugging her legs to wrap them around his waist with a grin, and carried her to the piano, just wanting to give her everything she wanted. "And, if it rekindles your passion for the piano, I'll make sure you never forget what it feels like." Smirking, he set her on the piano gently before he moved to kiss her deeply, his fingers toying with her shirt, driven by his absolute need for her, and he tugged it off gently, carefully, slowly, in case she wanted him to stop.

    Liana could feel a pleasant shudder rush through her with Luke's words, a grin spreading across her features at the thought of being his in as many ways as possible. "God, you drive me crazy," she murmured quietly, shuddering with the feeling of his fingers against her skin and, when he pulled her shirt up, she lifted her arms to make it easier before she grinned and connected her lips to his a little eagerly while she worked on undoing his shirt. "Dammit, I love it, too." Laughing happily, she shifted after getting his shirt off, smirking as she dropped it to the floor, before she cupped his face to kiss him deeply, though her hands were quick to move down to work on undoing his pants.
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:38am
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Mel giggled as Michael set her down against the piano, squeezing around his waist to bring his hips closer to hers. "Fuuuck." She whined. "I have been dreaming of this since I set my eyes on you, this feels like such a dream." She finished unbuttoning his shirt, helping him shrug it off, throwing it across the room with a smirk."Never forget?" She bit her lip. "You gonna blow my mind that much?" She raised her arms to let Michael take off her t-shirt, reaching to unhook her bra, pulling it off and discarding it with Michael's shirt. "Holy shit." She murmured as she studied him. "You're so fucking hot." She leaned to kiss Michael's lips, running her hands slowly down his chest and stomach, undoing his pants as she kissed him.

    Luke grinned with Liana's words, watching as she shudders, loving her reactions to his movements, loving how her voice was heavy with arousal. "And you drive me crazy." He admitted. "And I love it, I'm completely fucking love drunk." He smirked, kissing her bare shoulder as he reached behind her back to unhook her bra, discarding it with his shirt. Returning Liana's kiss though, Luke grinned with her words. "We're good together, hm?" He grinned, kissing the side of her neck as he ran his hands down her sides, getting to the button of her jeans and undoing it almost expertly. Helping Liana lift her hips, Luke tugged them off, still keeping it light and playful.
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:47am