forget what you thought

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Liana Noble | & | Luke Hemmings
    She's a good girl
    A straight A student
    She's really into all that self-improvement
    I swear she lives in that library
    But if you ask her she'll say
    "That's where you'll find me!"
    But if you look then you won't find her there
    She may be clever but she just acts too square
    'Cause in the back of the room where nobody looks
    She'll be with her boyfriend
    She's not reading books!
    Melody Hartman | & | Michael Clifford
    November 7th, 2018 at 07:30pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Mel hated Mondays, of that she was certain. Not only that, she had music for last period, followed by an after school detention that was given to her the week prior by Miss Thomas, her old hag of a music teacher who always claimed that for a young lady with a musically inspired name, Melody should of tried harder. Sitting with Liana in the cafeteria, Mel tutted slightly. "I have that detention tonight, I forgot." She cringed slightly. "And before that, I have to spend an hour with that bitch for lesson." She pouted slightly. "Trade places with me, Liana, please?"

    Luke straightened out his papers; anxious to be teaching a class alone. It was a class of seniors, of that he was grateful. He wasn't keen on teaching primary education and he preferred older students, they all seemed to enjoy to joke along with him, due to his age being similar to theirs. Still, Luke took a professional approach to any class, knowing if he passed his practical lessons, he would pass this university year. Smiling with the thought, Luke neatened out the classroom and sat at the desk, studying the register for names.
    November 7th, 2018 at 07:47pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Liana leaned back in her seat, sinking down enough in the seat to lean her head back against the back of the chair, her eyes closed as she listened to Mel. She grinned with amusement, though, opening an eye to peer at her friend. "I'd gladly take your spot if it wasn't for the fact that I'm stuck in detention, too," she said with a small shrug before she shifted to sit up, leaning over her food a bit. "Because correcting teachers around here is seen as very, very rude." She rolled her eyes but sighed as she poked at her food, not looking forward to her own class. As much as she loved Art, she hated the teacher, Mr. Collins. He was always so determined to believe that his opinion was superior to everybody else, including the other members of staff at the school.

    Michael couldn't believe how lucky he was to have a shot at this, excited to really get the chance to teach, to make a difference in students' lives. Peering around the classroom that he was meant to take over for a little while, he took note of just how dull the music room was - and, in his opinion, that definitely wasn't how it should be. Music was exciting and had meaning, it gave people hope, and he wanted to be able to really drive that home in this class, so, mentally, he decided he'd have to do a bit of redecorating. Of course, he knew he'd have to talk to the head of the school about it first, but he hoped that wouldn't be too much of a problem. Excited and nervous about his first day of teaching, about this next step in his own education, he sat at the desk and examined the name sheets to try to memorize the names of the students he was meant to take under his wing for the time he was there.
    November 8th, 2018 at 12:36am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel smirked slightly. "Old man Collins really has it out for you, hm?" She teased Liana, having known Mr Collins from her first few years of high school, but when the opportunity came to drop any compulsory subjects, Art was the first thing to go, and Music was what Mel had opted for instead, having been a keen singer and pianist - although Miss Thomas had sucked the fun out of that, too. "God, this school sucks." She complained, not caring how stupid she sounded. She was eighteen, it was high time she was out of this god foresaken place. Poking her food around the plate, Mel groaned as the bell rang. "Well, time to face the music." She laughed at her own pun, winking at Liana. "Text me with how that detention goes." She stood to her feet, the music room not far from the Cafeteria. "See you later. Do you wanna meet after detention?"

    Luke looked around at the Art classroom before the bell rang, just needing to memorise his surroundings to make sure he could give the senior students a fun and meaningful lesson. Looking around at the different artwork, Luke paused at a piece painted by Liana Noble, his eyebrows furrowing with curiosity. It was a gorgeous piece, a recreation of Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Luke was almost amazed by how similar it was to the original. Remembering that Liana was in his next class, Luke made a mental note to ask her about it. Hearing the bell, Luke took a deep breath and sat by his own desk, getting ready to face the lesson with a positive mindset. Seeing a note from Mr Collins though, Luke frowned, seeing Liana had detention that evening.
    November 8th, 2018 at 12:47am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "He does!" Liana complained with a pout, "He's just mad because I called him out for flirting with the nurse." She scoffed lowly, rolling her eyes a bit as she folded her arms over her chest. "But, then, he's a dick to everybody. Least he's not a complete shrew like Miss Thomas is." Grinning teasingly to her friend, she shifted to sit up straight before sighing when the bell rang. Standing, she went to get rid of her food, setting the tray where it belonged before she grinned at Mel. "I'll probably be sneak texting during detention, fair warning. But, yeah, let's meet after detention. Maybe we can find something interesting to do after school." Shrugging, she linked her arm through her friend's before leading the way out of the Cafeteria, though she knew they'd be parting quickly because Mel's class was closer to the Cafeteria than Liana's was.

    As Michael's eyes ran over the different lists, his gaze settled on the detention list, his eyebrow arching at the fact that only one student had detention - Melody Hartman. He wondered what she'd done to get detention, especially if she was the only student in Miss Thomas's detention, but he knew better than to judge somebody immediately just based on a teacher's decision. Some teachers just had students they didn't like, he was well aware of that, and it could be for a ton of different reasons. As his gaze ran over the class list, though, he saw that Melody was in his next class and he made a mental note to possibly ask what she'd gotten detention for - though he figured that was probably a question best left for detention itself. Regardless, hearing the bell ring, his gaze went to the clock and he stared at the time for a long moment, mentally preparing himself.
    November 8th, 2018 at 02:21am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel laughed with Liana's words. "That's fucking hilarious." She snorted with laughter, shaking her head. Still, hearing Liana's words about sneak texting, Mel grinned. "Hey, I'm in. Don't leave me hanging." She nudged Liana gently, following her lead. "Yeah, we could go and terrorise old ladies like Miss Thomas and Mr Collins seem to think we do." She rolled her eyes, tugging Liana down the hallway leading to her music classroom. "This is where I part from you, my love." She teased. "I'll see you later, alright?" She gave Liana the peace sign, walking into her classroom, turning to greet Miss Thomas, only to see another man there instead, and god dammit, he was hot. Blinking in surprise, Mel nodded. "Hi." She went to her usual desk, seeing a piece of paper left from Robert, who sat next to her usually, offering her his number. "As fucking if." She snorted, scrunching it up and throwing it in the bin.

    Luke greeted students as they came in from the after lunch buzz, and Luke was already half-enjoying the looks of interest he was receiving. Still, he noticed an empty seat, and wondered if that particular student was late, or sick. "Hi there." He greeted. "I'm Mr Hemmings, your step in teacher for a while. Mr Collins has had to take sick leave." He informed them. "Don't worry, I'm not a complete butthead, but I do ask that you do, at least, some work during the next hour." He grinned confidently, grinning as some students even laughed. "So, I'm gonna take roll call, so just say present. If you know someone's sick, let me know." He smiled, sitting by his desk, still watching the classroom door with curiosity, just in case.
    November 8th, 2018 at 02:30am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael had still been looking at the clock on the wall when he heard a voice and, blinking, he looked towards the voice, his breathing hitching in his throat, and he swore his heart stopped beating or at least skipped a beat the moment his gaze landed on the girl there. He knew he shouldn't be so attracted to a student and, mentally, he chastised himself for even thinking that she was stunning, but he was still entranced by her, despite that. "Hello," he greeted, offering a smile, nodding slightly as he watched her sit down, clearing his throat a bit when he saw her scrunch up a note and, while he was curious about what the note was, he refrained from asking about it. Standing up, he smiled at the class. "Hi, class," he greeted. "I'm Mr. Clifford. I'll be stepping in for your usual teacher, Miss Thomas, because she had to take a temporary leave of absence. Hopefully, while she's gone, I'll be able to give you guys a reason to look forward to this class and you won't feel like it's torture." He grinned slightly, his eyes running over the students and he tried really hard not to focus on the girl who'd caught his attention. "With that said, I'm going to take roll now, so just let me know that you're here or whether someone you know is out for the day, and we should get through the boring bits smoothly." Grinning still, he reached to grab the roll call before he began calling roll, for some reason focusing on the name Melody Hartman, wanting to know which student would be in detention.

    "Ooh, count me in," Liana teased lightly, though when it was time for Mel to part from her, she winked teasingly at her friend, blowing a joking kiss her way before she headed to her class, taking her time to get there. The less time she had to spend with Mr. Collins, the better, in her opinion. As she approached the classroom, though, she paused as she heard a voice from inside the classroom that she didn't recognize. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she made her way into the class, nearly pausing in her steps when she saw the man at the desk, and she blinked several times, just in awe of the man there. He was gorgeous, in more ways than one, and it caught her off guard. "Sorry I'm late," she said, offering a small smile, nodding slightly in apology as she watched him before she headed to her seat. After sitting down, she turned her gaze ahead, watching him, and she found herself chewing her lip in thought, still trying to process this man's existence and presence in this school.
    November 8th, 2018 at 03:45am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel watched the substitute closely, just taking a long few moments to study him. She had never seen a smile as incredible as his, and the way he moved, the way he spoke, everything was just so captivating about him. Knowing it was just wrong to feel that way about a teacher, Mel chewed on her lower lip. He didn't seem that much older than herself, and it wasn't as though her thoughts were going to be turned to action. Although hearing about Miss Thomas, Mel rolled her eyes at the mention of her name, smirking as someone at the back said something about how much of a bitch Miss Thomas was. "Second that." She spoke. Mel looked up though, as the teacher began calling roll, and when he spoke her name, Melody, she swore she'd heard nothing better. "I'm here." She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

    Luke paused when he heard an apology, and looking up, Luke swore, there and then, that he'd never seen a sight more perfect in his whole life. He cleared his throat when he felt his breath hitch, but still, he offered the girl a smile, trying to push those thoughts to the back of his mind. He'd never known perfection until now, but she was a student, and eighteen years old or not, he knew it could get him fired, and even expelled from his own studies. "Thank you for apologising, take a seat." He smiled. "I was just introducing myself - I'm Mr Hemmings, I'm taking over your usual teacher for a while." Luke offered her another smile as she sat down, the name 'Liana Noble' still sticking out to him. "And do we have a Miss Liana Noble?" He asked, continuing with roll.
    November 8th, 2018 at 03:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael tried not to laugh when he heard somebody talk about Miss Thomas and he cleared his throat to hide it, rubbing at his mouth a bit to try to disguise his amusement, because he knew he shouldn't be encouraging the students talking poorly about their teacher. "I'm sure she does her best," he told the class with a smile, his attention still so easily caught by and focused on the girl. Shaking his head to focus, he went through the roll, looking up specifically for Melody, pausing when he realized it was the girl who'd caught his attention, and he watched her for a long moment, aware of how damn difficult it was going to be to be alone with her for detention. "Alright, good. Uh, I think Miss Thomas had you written down for detention, and, despite that she's not here, I have to follow through with that, so don't forget to attend." He offered a weak smile, hating the thought of Melody having to be punished in any way, especially when it came to detention and the fact that detention was usually the most boring thing for students since they usually had things to do after school. As he finished up the roll, he put the list away. "Now, then, how about we get started on actual class?"

    Liana offered a smile in response, leaning back in her seat as she watched him, just really taking him in, trying not to really get too caught up in him, but she couldn't help it. He was definitely the most amazing thing she'd ever seen, better than any work of art she'd ever seen. These thoughts she kept to herself, though, aware that there was zero chance of anything ever happening between them. But a girl could dream. "Well, lucky us," she chimed easily, "Mr. Collins can't handle constructive criticism. Can you?" She arched a brow in curiosity, though she raised her hand a bit when he called her name. "That'd be me, actually."
    November 8th, 2018 at 04:33am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    "Yippee. I can't wait." Melody smirked in response, although she was excited for her detention, just to spend an hour with him, all by herself. Although she continued to watch him as he finished roll, just watching his lips move, toying with her lip at the fantasy of those lips against hers, as wrong as it was, she couldn't help herself. Turning to accept a piece of gum from someone behind her, when Michael suggested getting started on class, Mel eyed the piano, making sure no one claimed it, being the only thing Melody was decent at, despite Miss Thomas making her lose her passion for it all. "Are we going on the instruments at all, Mr Clifford?" She asked. "Or is it all just theory?"

    Luke grinned with Liana's words. "Well, let me just say, I can definitely give as well as I can take, so you just might wanna be careful there, Liana." He winked, being playful, wanting all of his students to feel as though he was approachable, but he knew seniors were generally more laid back, but he would be lying if he said there was nothing else but a joke behind his wink. "Well, Liana, it's nice to meet you. Great recreation of Starry Night, you've got some talent. Can't wait to see more of it." He grinned. "Just be careful of that constructive criticism." He grinned, finishing roll. "Alright, guys. So, I want you to start off easy, I want you to draw something that inspires you." He smiled. "Can be anything, there's no wrong answer. That's what Art is meant to be, it's meant to make you feel. Now make me feel things, go." He grinned.
    November 8th, 2018 at 04:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael offered an amused look in response to Melody's words and he mentally tried to think of a way to at least make detention bearable for her - maybe he'd let her toy with the instruments or something. He was sure he'd come up with something by then, anything to make it easier for her overall. Still, hearing her question, he nodded. "I'm very glad you asked, Melody," he told her with a small grin, watching her, unable to help it, though he kept having to force his gaze away to avoid raising any suspicion from her or any of the other students. The last thing he wanted was for any of them, but especially Melody, to be creeped out by him in any way. "We will be working with the instruments today. In fact, I plan to steer a bit from Miss Thomas's lesson plan and let you guys work on your own pieces from here until my last day - and, while I don't know when that will be, since Miss Thomas's leave hasn't been scheduled for a specific return date, I'm sure we'll all have plenty of time to get to work on all of that and to have fun in these lessons. I really want all of you to be able to express yourselves, for you to feel comfortable expressing yourselves."

    Liana grinned slightly in response. "I guess that's just something we'll have to wait and see about, Mr. Hemmings," she chimed easily, arching an amused brow as she watched him, though she chewed on her lip when she saw him wink and she swore she'd never seen an action that attractive from anybody before, and she definitely hadn't thought he could get any more attractive until she'd seen that. Hearing his compliment of her work, though, she grinned. "Well, thank you, then." Mr. Collins certainly hadn't complimented her work before, so hearing the praise from Luke gave her all the more reason to enjoy his presence. She arched a brow, though, to his assignment, and she chewed on her lip before pulling out her sketchbook and pencils to get to work, though she'd struggled to think of anything that inspired her at first, up until she thought of Luke, and she watched him for a few moments before focusing, finding the drawing to come easy to her, then.
    November 8th, 2018 at 05:03am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Melody grinned as Michael looked amused with her words, shrugging her shoulders lightly. But hearing Michael talk about the lesson plan, her face lit up slightly, and she noticed every other student seemed to perk up, too. They were a small class, but there were guitars, basses, violins, keyboards, everything they needed to be creative. "So you're asking us to compose our own piece?" She asked, just to make sure, not caring that she was being out there. When he nodded though, Melody followed the lead of her classmates and pushed her chair back under the desk, heading to the piano, in the quietest corner of the room, where she could concentrate. Grabbing some empty music sheets and a pencil, Mel sat on the stool, unable to stop herself from thinking about Michael once more. Looking over her shoulder, Mel bit her lip, turning back around.

    Luke couldn't help but smile, completely amused by Liana and her confidence in class. "We'll definitely see, Miss Noble." Luke teased back, grabbing his own sketchpad and pencils, deciding he wanted to draw the beach - despite the best muse he could ever ask for being sat less than five feet away from him, but Luke knew that drawing Liana would result in some bad questions, and it would probably freak Liana out, and Luke just didn't want that at all, he wanted to make sure that every exchange he had with her was positive - apart from the detention he had to give her. Still, Luke studied the class, seeing everyone quiet and already working, and Luke just couldn't help but allow himself a second or two extra to take in the sight of Liana, and how damn gorgeous she truly was. Studying her, Luke exhaled silently, focusing on his own sketchpad. "I can't wait to see what you guys come out with."
    November 8th, 2018 at 05:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "That's absolutely correct, Melody," Michael told her with a small grin, "Of course, if you prefer to work in groups to compose music, that's perfectly acceptable as well, it's entirely up to you - this can be considered a solo or group project." He smiled as he watched her, still so amazed by her, and he cleared his throat, peering around. "I'll come around to answer any questions any of you might have or to help you with your piece. And, don't be afraid to experiment. I want all of you to really be able to enjoy this project and to be creative, to reflect who you are in your music, and I look forward to hearing what all of you come up with." He grinned broadly, examining them, before he began going around to the students as they went to different spots, doing his best not to immediately go to Melody, not wanting to raise any questions, and he answered students' questions as he went, working his way around to Melody before he finally came to her and he breathed out with almost relief as he offered a smile. "How are you doing with your piece so far, Melody? Have any questions?"

    Liana chewed on her lip in concentration as she sketched quietly, though she blinked when she heard Luke's words, feeling her heart pound in her chest at the thought of Luke seeing her drawing. Mentally, she made a note to pretend she hadn't done anything or to just show him one of her previous drawings instead, because the last thing she needed was for him to see that she was drawing him. Of course, she was sure plenty of girls in the class probably already had a crush on him - he was too damn attractive for it to be otherwise, - but she doubted any of them would make it too obvious, except for those who flirted with every teacher, anyways. The last thing she wanted was to earn herself a lecture from Luke or even to have it brought up to the head of the school and get a lecture from them - or, worse, for it to get to her parents. Cringing with the thought, she focused.
    November 8th, 2018 at 05:40am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Mel looked up as she heard Michael's voice. "You can call me Mel, you know, it's much easier." She told him, scribbling out a few notes she had written down, deciding they didn't sound as good in practice as they did on paper. "But uh," she thought for a moment with his question, shaking her head. "No questions, sir, no." She smiled. "Thanks though, I'll be sure to call you if I need help, toots." She winked, focusing her attention back onto her paper, not wanting to play the piano in front of him, trying to figure out some keys that would sound nice, smirking to herself, not meaning to be so cocky.

    Luke drew easily, everything coming so second nature to him. Art was something Luke had always used for self-expression, and it was something he remained so passionate about, believing art was a great form of therapy. "Ten minutes, guys." He called, wanting to give them a shorter time, not only to challenge them, but because it was the last lesson of the day for the seniors, and he was sure he'd be in everyone's good books if they got to go home a little earlier - apart from Liana, who had to stay behind. Biting his lip with the thought, Luke lifted his gaze to look at her once more, his heart lifting as he saw her concentration, finding her concentrating face so damn beautiful. He watched her for a long moment, unable to tear himself away. Still, Luke put his gaze back to his own paper, biting his lip, knowing the next hour, alone, with Liana, was going to be torture.
    November 8th, 2018 at 05:48am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael offered an amused look in response. "Well, as much as I might enjoy that, it might be considered a show of favoritism," he teased lightly, keeping his voice low to avoid attracting attention from any of the other students, but also to avoid distracting any of them from their work. Seeing her at the piano, though, he couldn't help but to smile, admiring how natural she seemed while sitting there, and he watched her for a bit. "So, do you have a preference towards the piano? Or is this something new you'll be trying?" He arched a brow, genuinely curious, but also just wanting to talk to her more.

    Liana paused when she heard Luke mention that there were only ten minutes left and, for a long moment, she stared at the drawing of Luke, having made really great progress on it and admittedly proud of it, but she quickly flipped to a new page to try to start on a fake inspiration piece. Staring at the blank page, though, she frowned, struggling to really think of anything to draw at all, her mind just constantly going back to Luke. And, while she'd had plenty of crushes, she'd never been this consumed with thoughts of a single guy, and she wasn't used to it.
    November 8th, 2018 at 05:57am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    "Who couldn't favour me?" Mel teased back, keeping her own voice low as she looked up at Michael, biting her lower lip, unable to help it - especially as he spoke lowly. Still, she heard his question and smiled fondly. "I've been playing since I was six." She told him with a shrug. "My parents are really musical, hence, you know, Melody." She laughed, shaking her head. "Then I chose this class and Miss Thomas sucked all the fun out of it, I turned my back on the piano for a long time, so I figured trying it again with a new influence would be fun." She shrugged lightly, frowning as she wrote a note that probably wouldn't sound right, erasing it.

    Luke looked up as the ten minutes were up, standing to his feet to see what everyone had drawn. Starting away from Liana, just so he could see her last and spend more time with her, Luke went around, praising the students for their different muses, impressed with the talent that one class held. Still, seeing Liana's notebook empty, Luke frowned, having watched her draw the whole lesson, almost. "C'mon, Liana. I watched you this whole class." He told her. "Don't hide back a talent like yours." He told her with a smile. "I want to see something in tomorrow's lesson, we're working with water colours." He told her. "Alright guys, you can leave. Liana, you have detention, so you're behind this afternoon," he smiled sympathetically, but still excited with the idea.
    November 8th, 2018 at 06:04am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael offered an amused look when he heard her words, and he tried not to get lost in watching her bite her lip, because, dammit, it was an amazing sight, and it was completely unfair that he had to witness it. Still, he nodded as he listened to her. "Is it just the piano that you play?" he asked with curiosity, shifting to lean against the side of the piano for a few moments as he examined her, just loving listening to her talk, addicted to her voice, though he tried to hide that fact as much as possible. It didn't stop him from continuing to talk to her, though, wanting to hear her voice more. He nodded, though. "I'm sorry Miss Thomas ruined it for you. I really hope you find that passion again. If you need any help with it, any at all, just let me know and I'll do whatever I can." He offered a smile. "But, a word of advice - never let somebody else ruin your fun, okay?" He looked over at the clock, though, realizing that the bell would ring soon, and he was looking forward to it, because it meant he'd get to be alone with her, get to know her more. His gaze went back to her and he smiled. "Also, you should play your notes out. They may not always seem like they sound right on paper, but sometimes they can sound amazing."

    Liana leaned back in her seat when the time had ended, though she arched a brow as she watched Luke go around before lifting her gaze to him when he got to her, and she offered an amused look. "Oh, teach, it's not the talent I'm hiding," she informed him easily, confident in her artistic abilities overall. "But a girl's gotta have her secrets, you know?" Shifting, she closed her sketchbook, being careful to make sure she closed it in one fell swoop so that she wouldn't have to worry about him catching even a glimpse of her work. "Ah, right, detention, whatever shall I do?" She offered a small grin up at him. While she'd been dreading the detention earlier at lunch, now that she knew she had detention with him rather than Mr. Collins, she was honestly looking forward to it.
    November 8th, 2018 at 06:15am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Watching Michael lean against the piano was almost torture for Mel, and she distracted herself with her paper, listening to his voice carefully, how it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard. She laughed with his question. "I can play drums, but when I used to play after arguing with my parents, I had my kit taken away." She smirked. "Troubled child." She teased with a wink. But hearing how kind Michael was, she nodded. "Thank you." She smiled genuinely, looking at the clock as he did, but she nodded once more, playing the little sequence out, smiling as it did sound better played than on paper. Biting her lip as the bell rang and Michael became distracted, Mel knew she could have her phone out and texted Liana. Jesus fucking Christ, help me. I have the hots for a sub.

    Luke grinned, loving Liana's confidence, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, please, don't hold that talent back." He offered back with a grin. "I can't wait to see what you come up with tomorrow." He told her, watching as the class emptied slowly. Still, going to sit at his desk, Luke said goodbye to the remaining students, blinking as the last student, apart from Liana, left. "Alright, I gotta be honest with you, Liana, I've never done a detention before. I guess you can just doodle for an hour." He teased. "So," he started, wanting to hear more of her voice, his attention fully on her now that they were alone. "Did practice make perfect or were you born with all that talent?" He asked with curiosity, wanting an excuse to talk to her.
    November 8th, 2018 at 06:22am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Michael listened to her, nodding slightly with the mention of it. "I have a friend who plays drums," he mentioned to her, offering an amused look, "He's a bit obnoxious. Were you any good at drums, though?" He arched a brow as he watched her, curious, but he smiled, his expression softening, and he shook his head. "You don't have to thank me. And, as for that troubled child comment, I think anybody can overcome their troubles if given the proper motivation." For a moment, he processed his own words before he cleared his throat and stood up straight, hoping that he didn't really reveal the hidden meaning behind his own words, and he looked towards the class when the bell rang. "Alright, everybody, that's your cue to leave. We'll pick back up here tomorrow." He smiled, watching the students leave, waiting until they were all gone before his gaze went back to Melody when they were finally alone, and he tried not to really let himself acknowledge how amazing it felt to be alone with her. "I know that Miss Thomas probably had a strict way to go about her detentions, but I figure I'll just let you do whatever. You can continue working on your piece or toy with the instruments, whatever you want to do." He saw her texting, though, and his curiosity got the better of him, though he tried not to let it show and tried not to be too obvious in trying to get a peek.

    Liana grinned as she watched Luke, tilting her head slightly as she really just acknowledged how amazing he seemed to be. Their back-and-forth was making her fall even harder because, sure, guys could look super attractive, but they didn't always have the personality to match, and Luke had both looks and personality and it was killing her. "Doodling it is," she chimed easily, reopening her sketchbook to get started on something new, though she wasn't sure what she'd draw just yet. She blinked, though, to his question, and she thought about it for a few moments. "I guess it depends. Some things, I really could do naturally, without a problem, but, others, it took a ton of practice with. I mean, I can draw people easily or sceneries, but things like animals, it takes a while to really get it to look any good at all. Don't even get me started on painting." She blinked, though, when she got the text, and pulled out her phone to check it, chewing on her lip. At least I'm not suffering alone, then! Honestly, it's completely unfair how damn attractive this substitute for Mr. Collins is.
    November 8th, 2018 at 06:39am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Melody smiled and nodded at Michael. "I was okay at drums," She confirmed, watching as her classmates filtered out. But still, hearing his words about being troubled made Mel blink in surprise, nodding. Mel ducked her head as she texted Liana once more. No, Liana, this is bad. I wouldn't mind if he did me on the piano, this is really bad. She bit her lip, shaking her head at the thought. But you've got a sub too? Holy shit. This is it. Our peak luck. She smirked with that, putting her phone down for a moment to get some more music sheet, disappearing into the closet for a moment to go and find it, taking a moment to just breathe, amazed by not how only attractive Michael was, but how eager he was to help.

    Luke stood to clean the classroom, putting various papers away, keeping supplies other students had used. "If I'm honest, Liana, I'm having trouble believing you need to practice." He told her honestly, seeing her text about him over her shoulder, but pretending he didn't, not wanting her to think less of him, but he smirked a bit. "I mean, that recreation of Starry Night... Liana, that could go up in museums." He told her honestly, amazed by her talent, just by her in general, her beauty, her confidence, how she held herself. "What's your favourite thing about art?" He asked, sitting on the edge of her desk, raising his eyebrows.
    November 8th, 2018 at 06:47am