forget what you thought

  • Michael laughed with the mention of it and shook his head. "Oh, man, I just know it's going to be so hard to keep my hands off her tomorrow," he admitted, chewing on his lip with the thought. "Moreover, tomorrow, there are parent-teacher conferencws, according to Miss Thomas's schedule. It's going to be hard to act normal in front of her parents." He knew he was going to lose his mind by the end of it, because all he wanted was to have Mel close to him.

    Liana grinned slightly with her friend's warning and she rolled her eyes playfully. "I don't think Luke has it in him to not treat me right. He's just... Beyond amazing, Mel," she murmured quietly, though she smiled and nudged her friend. "The same goes for your guy, though." She winked teasingly but nodded. "He probably was. I'm so happy for you, Mel." She grinned, hugging her friend tightly.
    November 9th, 2018 at 04:49am
  • "That's tomorrow?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh shit," he groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face. He knew that in tomorrow's lesson, it would be difficult to keep his hands or lips away from Liana, but knowing that he would be meeting her parents in the evening, Luke had mixed feelings. It would be difficult, but it would be such a rush, too. Toying with his lip, Luke unlocked his car. "Ah fuck." He sighed, climbing into the driver's seat. "What are we letting ourselves in for?" He teased.

    Mel smiled with Liana's fond words about Luke, figuring he must be great for Liana to talk about him in such a way. But hearing Liana's teasing words, she giggled, shaking her head and returning Liana's hug. "God, Liana, this is such a rush." She told her best friend. "Of course we'd be those girls, but I don't regret a single thing. Not one." She admitted.
    November 9th, 2018 at 05:02pm
  • Michael blinked as he stared at his friend, though he laughed. "Yeah, it's tomorrow," he confirmed with a nod as he climbed into the car and buckled up, chewing on his lip in thought. Mentally, he reminded himself that he'd have to be on his best behavior, though he wasn't sure he could handle that for as long as he had today. Still, he grinned with the thought, knowing that he'd at least find a way to make up for it. "Trouble. Definitely trouble," he answered his friend with a laugh, "But at least the trouble will be worth it.

    Liana grinned in response and nodded her agreement, laughing. "I definitely wasn't expecting to fall for a teacher of any kind," she joked lightly, though her grin broadened. "I don't regret it at all, either. I never will." Her grin softened to a smile and she nudged her friend gently. "Who would have thought we'd fall in love?" She laughed.
    November 9th, 2018 at 07:29pm
  • "Definitely worth it." Luke nodded with a smile, just the thought of Liana making him so damn happy. "Trust us to fall in love with a student, where we could potentially put our asses on the line to get fired." Luke laughed, but he didn't care, and he honestly found the risk so hot. Driving to the street the boys lived on, Luke stopped outside Michael's house. "I've got some art to do, but I'll drop by later." He smiled.

    Melody laughed with Liana's words. "I wasn't expecting to fall for anyone, at all." She teased. "Dammit, he's perfect though, what's the harm." She shrugged. "You wanna know what I'm excited for? To tell Robert I have a boyfriend now." She cringed with the thought of the boy that sat next to her. "Who I love, and loves me back, and doesn't just want me cause it would gain him cool points."
    November 9th, 2018 at 07:34pm
  • Michael laughed quietly. "You know what?" he asked, grinning slightly to himself. "I don't even care about the potential of getting fired at this point. It's not gonna change how I feel about Mel. And I wouldn't change any of what happened between us or anything that could happen in the future." His grin broadened with the thought, but he arched a brow, climbing out of the car. "Sure, okay. Do I even want to know what art you're gonna be doing?" He arched a brow teasingly, though he figured he could work on a music sheet himself, maybe use it to inspire Mel more. "I think I may work on some music, so if you do drop by, just walk in."

    Liana laughed quietly. "Neither was I," she assured, though she offered a teasing grin to her friend. "Look at you, in so deep." She winked teasingly, though she made a face at the mention of Robert. "Ugh, that guy is such a creep." She rolled her eyes slightly. "Honestly, I think you should just stay as far away from him as possible."
    November 9th, 2018 at 09:01pm
  • Luke grinned. "Me either," He admitted. "I love Liana, we've started something amazing, she's eighteen, it's fine." Luke shrugged, wanting his relationship with Liana to blossom into something incredible, just wanting her all to himself. "Uh, I'm gonna do a portrait of Liana. She drew me this afternoon, before anything happened... I wanna gift it to her." Luke explained with a smile. "I will, man. See you later."

    Mel laughed. "Michael was in so deep." She joked, not even embarrassed about it, knowing Liana understood her sense of humour. Still, she pulled a face and nodded. "I know, but he sits right next to me in music and I can't get away... how about that Lucas guy?" She arched an eyebrow at Liana. "Is he still giving you trouble?" She asked, going to change to pyjamas, picking out an outfit for school the next day with a smirk, showing Liana the skirt. "Should I? Tomorrow?" She smirked.
    November 9th, 2018 at 09:05pm
  • Michael laughed but nodded in understanding. "I love Mel, too, and, lucky me, she's also eighteen. It's not like we're breaking any real laws, just school rules, I guess," he said with a small shrug, though he blinked before a mischievous smirk formed on his face and he added in a playful sultry voice, "Draw me like one of your French girls." Snorting with the comment, he raised his hand in parting before he turned to head into his house.

    "Mel!" Liana laughed as she grabbed one of her friend's pillows, she threw it at Mel, shaking her head, though she made a face of her own. "Well, if it's in music, you could always ask your new boyfriend to have him moved," she teased, nudging her, though she snorted. "Don't even get me started on Lucas." She smirked, though, as she watched her friend, arching a brow at the skirt. "If you do, I will," she chimed easily in return, grinning.
    November 10th, 2018 at 12:03am
  • "I hate you!" Luke shouted out of the window to Michael, laughing as he drove off. Still, when he reached his own home, Luke parked up and went inside, instantly grabbing some of his art supplies, very easily able to envision Liana in his head, grabbing watercolour paints as well. Grinning, Luke went to his easel, excited to do this for Liana to show her how much Luke already valued her.

    Mel giggled as Liana threw a pillow at her. "Sorry!" She grinned. "I'm hoping he flirts with me so Michael can rip his head off." She bit her lip with the thought, shrugging her shoulders. Still, she heard about Lucas and grinned. "Luke can rip Lucas' head off. He could be the superior Luke." She teased. Although hearing Liana's words about the skirt, Mel grinned. "Done deal. White shirt, tights, this... it'll drive 'em crazy."
    November 10th, 2018 at 12:07am
  • Michael laughed when he heard Luke, but he just waved as he continued walking, heading into his house. Putting his things down, he went to find some of his personal music sheets so that he could work on a composition, both inspired by and meant for Mel, and he grinned with the thought as he set to work. He found himself getting lost in it, constantly thinking about Mel while he worked on it.

    Liana grinned with the mention of it, rolling her eyes. "All while they're pretending to be good teachers," she joked lightly, though she smirked slightly with the mention of it and climbed to her feet. "We'll be twinkies, to pretend we're being our usual selves." She winked teasingly. "Anyways, I need to get home to work on a piece." She grinned. "Luke asked me to do a Zhang Daqian like I wanted to do."
    November 10th, 2018 at 12:58am
  • dropping the boys until school time

    Mel smiled mischievously. "Hey, they can be good teachers, by defending their poor, innocent, sweet students." Mel shimmied slightly with her words, laughing as she shook her head. "Of course, everyone knows we're the gruesome twosome of that school." She smirked with the thought, but gasped with Liana's words. "Damn!" She grinned. "So uh, better teacher than Mr Collins. Let me know how you get on, I wanna see a photo, my little Picasso." She pinched Liana's cheek with amusement. "I should probably work on my composition for music." She shrugged. "I'll see you tomorrow."
    November 10th, 2018 at 01:01am
  • "While imagining undressing those poor, innocent, sweet students," Liana teased in return, winking a bit before she laughed and nodded. "I will, promise. Let me know how your composition grows." She grinned at her friend, waving slightly. "See you tomorrow." She turned, then, and headed to the door, leaving the room, then the house, heading home to get started on recreating Zhang Daqian's Sitting On A Cliff.
    November 10th, 2018 at 04:02am
  • Melody wrote a composition fairly quickly, inspired by Michael, and it was the first piece that Melody could honestly say she was proud of.


    Luke sat in the Art classroom the next morning, knowing he had to get through a few Junior classes before he got to see Liana once more, and he was almost sure that the time passing was going to be slow and torturous. Still, Luke took on his first class with enthusiasm, eager to help his students embrace Art more, all the while his gift for Liana, which he had painted, let dry, and framed that morning, sat in his bag in the back of his car, not wanting to run the risk of another student seeing it and recognising that it was Liana.

    Melody changed to her planned outfit that morning; opting for a black shirt with roses on to complete the look. As soon as she'd separated from Harmony at the school gates, Melody unbuttoned the first two buttons, texting Liana as she walked confidently to her first class, coincidentally one that she shared with Liana. Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
    November 10th, 2018 at 04:08am
  • Michael made his way into the Music classroom after grabbing a cup of coffee from the teacher's lounge. It wasn't the best, but it was better than nothing, and he grinned to himself as he leaned back in his seat, looking forward to his classes going by, ready for them to end already so that he could get to his last class where he could see Melody. Chewing on his lip, he couldn't wait to show her the music he'd composed because of the inspiration she gave him, eager to really let her see the effect she had on him outside of their fun together. In all, though, he was really just looking forward to seeing her.

    Liana opted to drive to school today, because of the painting she'd done - usually, she'd walk, because she didn't live far, but she didn't want to risk dropping the painting and destroying it. She figured she'd head out to the car after school to get it, glad it wasn't too hot out today. Climbing out of her car after she parked, she straightened out her skirt, complete with the white button-up shirt, and pulled out her phone to reply to Melody, amused. I just parked. I'll be in class in, like, five minutes. Meet you there? She grinned as she made her way into the school, chewing on her lip happily.
    November 10th, 2018 at 05:29am
  • Melody waited outside the History classroom, a class she and Liana both enjoyed and had friends in. "There you are," she breathed as she caught sight of Liana, although she wolf-whistled at her appearance. "Look at you, Luke won't be able to keep his hands off." She grinned, linking her arm through Liana's, leading her into the classroom to take their seats, aware of some of the boys looking at them.

    Luke texted Liana under the desk as his Junior class worked on artwork - a visual they got after hearing their favourite song. I can't wait to see you later. He told her honestly, slipping his phone back into his pocket, watching the Junior class, aware it was his last before seeing Liana, and he just couldn't contain his excitement. "Looking good guys, great job." He smiled, aware he still had another hour.
    November 10th, 2018 at 05:35am
  • Liana grinned when she heard her friend's comments and she winked teasingly. "And look at you, I see what you're doing there with those undone buttons, you're going to be torturing Michael," she teased, nudging her friend with a laugh, ignoring the looks they were getting. Sliding into her seat, she blinked when she got the text and she pulled her phone out to check it, grinning. "Speak of the handsome devil." She shot her friend an amused look before she dropped her attention to her phone to reply under her desk. I can't wait to see you, either. I went to very specific lengths to be a super tease today, hope you enjoy. ;)

    Michael leaned back in his seat after having the students in the Junior class work on music theory, the different students working in groups to answer a worksheet that Miss Thomas had left for them. Holding his phone under the desk, he smiled to himself as he pulled up his messages with Melody to text her. I have a surprise for you. I don't know when I'll be able to show it to you, since the parent-teacher conference is tonight, so I can't hold you back for detention, but I really hope you'll enjoy it when I do get the chance to show it to you. Either way, I can't wait to see you. Grinning, he sent the text before he looked to the students. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask," he told them, "I know the worksheets are probably boring, but I can only stray so far from Miss Thomas's lesson plan." At least for the Juniors, anyways - for the Seniors, he was determined to really let them enjoy the class, since he didn't want their love of music to die, plus he wanted Melody to enjoy herself.
    November 10th, 2018 at 06:52am
  • Luke felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and his eyes scanned over his classroom to make sure everyone was still focused before subtly texting Liana underneath the desk. God damn, am I going to be spoilt? ;) Luke texted back with a slight smirk, rubbing at his face to make sure that smirk didn't show. Still, he texted her once more. I've got a surprise for you later. Also, really excited to meet your parents tonight, tell them what a good girl you are. He grinned, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Alright, guys." He smiled. "Almost done."

    Melody giggled with Liana's words, shaking her head, although she blinked in surprise when she felt her own phone vibrate. Taking it out, focusing on it under the table, Melody grinned. "Speak of the devil, it will come." She smirked with her words, shaking her head, but raising her eyebrows when she read Michael's text. Parent teacher conference... fuck, I forgot about that. I apologise in advance for the hippies. She was joking, of course, she loved her family. I can't wait to see you either, and I can't wait to hear/see the surprise! But uh, I got a little surprise for you too...
    November 10th, 2018 at 06:59am
  • Liana grinned slightly in response to Melody, rolling her eyes playfully before she focused on replying to Luke. Oh, sweetheart, you can't be teased and spoiled at the same time, unfortunately. Maybe later. ;D A surprise for me, though? Lucky me~! I finished the Zhang Daqian painting, it's in my car. I'll try to be on good behavior with my parents around.

    Michael smiled with amusement when he got the text and he chewed on his lip, lifting his hand to cover his mouth so the students wouldn't notice. I'm sure your family is perfectly fine. If they have you in their lives, I can't imagine anything else. Oh? You've got a surprise for me, too? Any chance I'm gonna get to know what it is or am I gonna have to show you what you mean to me to get it out of you? ;)
    November 10th, 2018 at 07:14am
  • Luke smirked with Liana's text Is that a challenge? Because if you're going to be teasing me, I'll definitely take it as being spoilt, because you, my baby, are gorgeous. And Luke looked up as the bell rang, biting his lip. I can't wait to see the painting! Don't worry babe, I'll hype you up to them ;) Luke clapped his hands as he slid his phone back into his pocket. "Alright guys, that was the bell. Have a great rest of your day, and I'll see you tomorrow." He grinned.

    Mel smiled with Michael's text, shaking her head in amusement. No, no, they're definitely hippies... She texted with a grin, but she bit her lip with Michael's next text. Behave yourself, because let's just say you're going to get a good view next lesson, and you're gonna hate me... Oh, and I finished my composition, so yay!
    November 10th, 2018 at 07:18am
  • Liana grinned with the texts and she chewed on her lip with amusement. I guess there's only one way to find out. You'll see soon. Trust me, they'll probably beat you to hyping me up, they're very proud of their sweet little good girl. She smirked after sending the text and she shifted to stand up once the bell rang before she looked to Mel. "Ready to head out?" she asked with a grin.

    Michael tried hard not to grin too broadly when he got Mel's text and he was quick to reply. No promises. I'll do my best, though. Maybe if I hold it all in long enough, it will make things even more interesting later on. And I would never hate you, Mel. You finished your composition already? I'm so proud of you, babe! He grinned after sending the text before looking up when the bell rang. "Alright, guys, looks like you're free from me," he told the students with a grin, "Don't forget to turn your worksheets in before you leave. I'll see you guys tomorrow, enjoy the rest of the day."
    November 10th, 2018 at 07:27am
  • Luke bit his lip with Liana's text. I can't wait to see you pull that innocent card to your parents cause I know that you can be so damn bad, and I love it. I'm so damn addicted to you. And that was the truth. Even now, Luke ached to see Liana. Getting the lesson plan ready for the seniors, Luke looked at the empty classroom, and it made him excited to know Liana would soon be occupying her usual desk, wondering if her nails had left any marks on the underside.

    Melody packed her bag, still having gotten quite a lot of notes down, considering her texting. "I'm ready." She grinned to Liana. "I'm a little nervous, do not let me back out of walking into the classroom." She warned Liana with a smirk, but smiled down at Michael's text. I'll definitely make it worth your while when we finally get five minutes to ourselves. ;) Heading out of the History classroom with Liana, Mel smiled Thank you, baby! I'm really proud of it and my parents were happy to hear me playing piano again, all thanks to you.
    November 10th, 2018 at 07:32am