sorry for you

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley blinked with the suggestion. "Right now?" she asked with surprise, watching him, unsure. She made a joking face to his words, though, and rolled her eyes playfully, trying to ignore the way her heart raced when he used her nickname, forgetting for a moment that she'd told him not to. "I don't know, I haven't really seen it as my thing for a long time."

    Calum watched her, his heart almost fluttering when he realized she was closer to him than she was before, and he swore the closer proximity was already driving him up a wall. "I think you've really found your calling," he told her with a small grin, "I mean, your voice is just... Amazing, awe-inspiring, and your playing is perfect, Amelia. I'd love to listen more, honestly." And, he would, because he found that listening to her sing had been the most amazing thing in the world, he knew he'd never get tired of it, just completely overwhelmed by how perfect she was.
    November 25th, 2018 at 02:50am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke smiled, laughing slightly with Kensley's surprise. "No, Kensley, next week." He teased. "Yes, now." He watched her carefully. "C'mon. I love your voice, why would you not wanna sing all the time with a voice like that?" He asked, wanting to encourage her, because god dammit, he wanted to hear more, already completely addicted to her, and Luke wasn't going to tell himself it was wrong anymore, Luke was going to relish in the feeling. "What's the worst that could happen?"

    Amelia felt her chest ease up as Calum's reaction came out positive, but she smiled, almost bashfully, ducking her head a little. "Thank you, Cal." She told him gently, although she could smell his cologne from where she was, and she bit her lip, trying to push back the rush it gave her to be this damn close to perfection, although she felt like she was being driven up the wall, because she could feel something between them, and she knew how she felt for him.
    November 25th, 2018 at 02:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Easy for you to say!" Kensley complained with a laugh, rolling her eyes, "You sing all the time, in front of crowds and everything. It's like second nature for you." And, at one point, it'd been like that for her, when she'd had Luke there to encourage her, but when he'd left, she'd lost it. But having him there now, hearing him encourage her, a part of her wanted to give in, but she couldn't bring herself to.

    Calum smiled slightly when he saw her duck her head and he wanted nothing more than to lift her head so he could keep examining her, but he didn't want to make her feel awkward. "You don't have to thank me, Amelia. It's true. And I mean it when I say I'd love to hear more," he told her quietly as he examined her. For a moment, he chewed on his lip before thinking of an idea. "Alright, how about we do another round of singing? I can go first." He grinned, figuring maybe it would help her really be okay with it and he began singing "If Walls Could Talk."
    November 25th, 2018 at 03:07am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke let his instinct take over, and he shifted a little closer. "Well, how about I go first?" He asked quietly, studying Kensley closely, biting his lip as she laughed. Still, Luke watched her carefully, and although her words were true, Luke only wanted to sing for Kensley. Clearing his throat, Luke watched Kensley closely as he began to sing Greenlight, watching her closely, his heart pounding at his silent, subliminal question, because he couldn't ignore his feelings much longer. Watching Kensley throughout the song, Luke finished, raising his eyebrows slightly at her to prompt her.

    Amelia lifted her head as Calum began to sing, and she listened closely to the words of the song, toying with her lower lip as she just relished in the sound of Calum's voice, in the surrounding aroma of his cologne, in the way she felt for him, figuring there was no harm in doing so, because Calum was comfortable enough around her, she would return the favour, although listening to him ignited something within her further, and Calum drove her crazy, and she was wondering if he knew.
    November 25th, 2018 at 03:14am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley arched a brow at Luke's words, amused, though, when he started to sing, she could feel a warmth spread through her, one that was a lot less innocent from the warmth she'd been feeling earlier. She chewed on her lip, trying to determine whether his choice of song was purposeful, with reason, or if it was just a song he'd chosen at random. Her gaze didn't leave him, not once, and she shifted a bit, trying to ignore the way the song made her feel, but, hopeful that there was a reason behind it, she thought of a song to sing in return and, when he finished singing, she didn't miss a beat before she began singing "Dangerous Woman."

    Calum could feel his pulse in his ears as he sang, hopeful that Amelia would understand the reason he sang this song in particular. But, if she didn't, he could pretend it was just any song - and, if she did and got creeped out by it, he could pretend he'd just chosen the first song that came to his mind. But none of that stopped him from singing because, even if she didn't interpret the reason right or if she was weirded out by it, he wanted to at least have the courage to try, to test the waters, to see if she felt the same way for him. His gaze didn't leave her face as he sang, searching for any sign of understanding, and, when he finished the song, he grinned casually, waiting patiently for her to sing.
    November 25th, 2018 at 03:30am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    As soon as Kensley began to sing Dangerous Woman, Luke swore he felt any remaining self control leave him, because her choice of song was a quick response to his, and he loved the fact that she understood what he was trying to determine in the first place. Listening to her sing, Luke gently placed his hands on Kensley's hips, not wanting her to stop singing as he shifted her closer to himself, ghosting his lips up the side of her neck, wanting to show her that he was into her, as much as she was into him, if not more, but still, he wanted her to continue singing, because there wasn't a sound sweeter.

    Amelia bit her lip as Calum continued to sing, but she blinked when he finished, and seeing his grin, Amelia figured that if he could be brave, then so could she. Thinking for a moment with what to sing, Amelia looked to Calum, starting to sing "Hands to Myself"; studying him carefully as she did, although she felt so put on the spot, it was the only instance where she didn't care that she was put in this position so suddenly, so quickly, because she trusted Calum with her life, she always had.
    November 25th, 2018 at 03:35am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley swore every fiber of her being ignited when she felt Luke's hands on her hips, and her breathing hitched slightly when she felt his lips ghosting along her neck. Her eyes closed over and she angled her neck a bit for him, almost desperate for the feeling, for the close contact, but once the intial shock had passed, she kept singing, not wanting to screw up the song, but she grinned a bit, a little more confident, a little more involved with the song, but so absolutely mesmerized by Luke's attention.

    Calum's eyes widened, his jaw almost going slack with the choice of song Amelia had made and he knew, he just knew that she understood the question behind the song he'd chosen, and that this had to be her answer. Relief and happiness flooded through him in a way he'd never imagined possible, and any thought of hiding his emotions was thrown out the window. Chewing on his lip, he grinned slightly, shifting a bit to place his hands on her knees, his thumbs running over the fabric of her pants gently, and he was so transfixed by her singing that he didn't want to interrupt her, but he couldn't help but to shift closer, brushing his lips over her jaw, then her neck, grinning broadly still. For a moment, he nipped at the skin, just to see how much it would affect her, but hopeful she'd keep singing, just loving the sound of her voice.
    November 25th, 2018 at 03:53am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke smiled, finally pressing his lips to Kensley's neck in a heated kiss, slipping his hands underneath her t-shirt to rest against her hips, squeezing gently, the fact that she returned his feelings driving him wild. When she angled her neck, Luke nipped gently at her skin, shifting so he guided her to lay down, his lips barely leaving her neck, until he kissed upwards, to her jawline, nipping the skin there too, before kissing down her neck once more. He didn't want her to stop singing, just listening to her driving his actions even further, because he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste, especially because he had her back after so long, too damn long, his hands sliding further up her sides with a grin.

    Amelia's breath almost hitched in her throat as she felt Calum's hands on her, and when he shifted closer, Amelia was unsure of whether or not she should stop, but seeing his reactions just urged her on, because she loved what she was seeing, especially when she saw his grin, the way he chewed on his lip, everything driving her more and more wild. When she felt his lips brush against her jaw, Amelia's eyes closed, but when he paid attention to her neck, nipping at her skin, Amelia continued to sing, but she knew her voice was unsteady, almost heavy with anticipation.
    November 25th, 2018 at 04:02am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley gave a quiet noise with the feeling, shuddering under his touch, certain that the feeling of his skin against hers was the most addictive thing ever. She tried to stay focused on singing, wanting to get through the song, but also just so eager to see where this all would lead. When she felt her bed beneath her, she shifted, lifting her hands to run her fingers through his hair encouragingly, her heart pounding in her chest, and she breathed out happily, with excitement, when she finished singing.

    Calum couldn't help the way his grin broadened as he shifted closer still, but he used his hands on her knees to draw her closer to himself, his hands then gently sliding up her thighs gently while he nipped at her skin. He could hear and feel the way she was reacting to everything he was doing and he absolutely loved it, loved knowing that he had as much of an effect on her as she had on him. Shifting, he slid one hand around her back, carefully guiding her to lay on the bed, not wanting to push her too far if she didn't want to, but wanting her to really know how addicted he was to her, to her voice, to everything about her, and he kissed her neck a little more desperately with the thought.
    November 25th, 2018 at 04:46am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke's grin broadened when Kensley gave a quiet noise, but he ached for her to get louder, because knowing that he had evoked that noise from Kensley made Luke feel so damn proud of himself. When he felt Kensley's fingers run through his hair, Luke groaned happily, nipping the space between the bottom of her neck and her shoulder. When she finished the song, Luke peered up at her, biting his lip cheekily. "Dammit, Kensley, do you have any idea what you've done to me since I laid eyes on you today?" He asked, rubbing her sides, just feeling her skin beneath his hands being the best reward Luke could ever have. Shifting to gently guide her t-shirt off, Luke almost groaned at the sight of Kensley topless, admiring how she'd grown so much into herself, leaning to press a kiss to her lips.

    Amelia finished singing as her head tilted backwards, a small noise escaping her as Calum nipped at her skin. The feeling of his hands sliding up her thighs made Amelia's skin ignite with warmth, and she bit her lip as Calum guided her to lay down, and she followed his lead, trusting him, wanting to show him that she trusted him. Running her fingers through his hair, Amelia tugged gently as Calum's kiss against her neck became a little more eager, and she moaned quietly, her back arching just that little more at the feeling, because Calum was doing everything so right.
    November 25th, 2018 at 04:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley couldn't help the soft moan that escaped her when Luke nipped at her skin and she angled her neck more, so very desperate for his attention. "Took you long enough to catch up," she joked lightly and she chewed on her lip, grinning slightly to herself, just so intoxicated with his touch that she all but forgot the fact that his parents and hers and Amelia's and Calum's were all downstairs. Once Luke had taken her shirt off, she laughed quietly as she watched him and she grinned against his lips, returning the kiss while she worked on unbuttoning his shirt.

    Calum grinned when he heard the noise that escaped Amelia, so addicted to the sound already, wanting to hear more of it, wanting to be the cause of those noises, always. His fingers toyed with the fabric of her shirt before he slid his fingers under, tracing her spine, enjoying the way her skin felt under his touch, and he nipped at her skin still, kissing the skin gently, addicted to the taste of her as much as he was addicted to her noises. The feeling of her tugging at his hair drove him crazy, pulling a moan free from his lips. Feeling her arching, he took the initiative to slide her shirt off her gently, tossing it aside before he took in the sight of her, in awe of her perfection, and he couldn't help the groan that escaped. "God, you're perfect," he murmured, leaning down, then, to press his lips to hers and he grinned against her lips, murmuring against them, "You've been driving me crazy all night."
    November 25th, 2018 at 05:18am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke chuckled lowly against Kensley's skin. "I know, but I'm here now." He told her gently, so addicted to her that Luke was so ready to make Kensley feel the best she'd ever felt, but remembering that their families were downstairs, Luke smirked. "Kens, you wanna play a game?" His smirk broadened, kissing her deeply as he ran his hands up her sides once more, letting her unbutton his shirt. Tugging at Kensley's lower lip, Luke groaned as he caught scent of her perfume. "Fuck." He groaned, trying to keep his cool and to stop himself from getting any louder. As soon as his shirt was unbuttoned, Luke shrugged it off. "I'm gonna make you feel so damn good, but you gotta be quiet about it." Luke grinned, kissing her throat, carefully beginning to trail down to her chest. "How about it?"

    Amelia bit her lip as she felt every damn atom in her body react to Calum's touch, allowing him to slide her t-shirt off, her fingers only parting from his hair briefly, because the moan that she earned from him, just from simply tugging at his hair in desperation for his affection, made Amelia feel like the luckiest person on the planet. "Jesus fucking Christ, Calum." She whined as she heard him groan at the sight of her. Running her fingers through his hair, Amelia moved her hands to begin unbuttoning his shirt, returning the kiss he pressed to her lips, because it was what she had wanted for so damn long. "Oh my god, you're so perfect, you know that?"
    November 25th, 2018 at 05:29am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley breathed out against his lips, shuddering with his touch, and she gave a quiet noise when she felt him tugging at her lip. Grinning, she arched towards him when he began kissing down her chest. "Sounds like an interesting game, somebody's confident," she teased lightly, chewing on her lip as she ran her fingers through his hair. "How do you know you're not the one who's gonna be tempted to get loud?" Her fingers slid from his hair, around to his shoulders and down his chest, grinning all the while as she worked on undoing his pants.

    Calum grinned, loving how she reacted to him, loving every single noise that escaped her, every single word she spoke, and he nipped at her lip gently. "You're the perfect one," he whispered against her lips, drawing her closer to himself as he rubbed her sides, his fingers memorizing the way her skin felt under his touch. "Honestly, I don't know how I went these past few hours without touching you, you're so damn overwhelming." And he loved it, so much, causing him to grin, moving to kiss her neck as he ran his hands down her form, his fingers brushing over the hem of her pants as he worked on undoing them, eager to really show her everything she meant to him.
    November 25th, 2018 at 05:46am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke smirked, peering up at Kensley as he kissed downwards, between her breasts and down to her stomach. "I have to be confident." He told her with a grin. "Because I want to blow your mind." He winked at her then, enjoying the feeling of her fingers running through his hair, because the gesture made Luke feel so appreciated, he almost couldn't explain the feelings that stirred in him, apart from that he would welcome the feelings with open arms, wanting to relish in how Kensley made him feel, how he had fallen for her, hard and fast. "I know I'm gonna get tempted, baby, doesn't mean I'm not gonna try." he teased, his hands moving to unzip and unbutton her jeans, gently gripping to the material at her thighs and tugging them down, kissing further down her stomach as he did.

    Amelia finished unbuttoning Calum's t-shirt, leaning up slightly to slide the shirt off his shoulders, kissing his lips as she did so, tugging at his lower lip with a smirk, becoming more confident the more she eased into his touches, the way his hands felt, roaming her body like this. Collapsing back onto the mattress, Amelia moaned as Calum kissed her neck once more, one hand running her fingers through his hair, the other hand toying with the hem of his jeans. Tilting her head backwards for Calum to get better access to her skin, Amelia ran her hand down his chest, his stomach, so she could focus on undoing his pants completely, biting her lip with the thought that this was really happening.
    November 25th, 2018 at 05:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley shuddered slightly, shifting a bit to arch towards his kisses, unable to really help it, finding herself so reactive to everything Luke was doing, and she chewed hard on her lip. "God, you're already driving me crazy, Luke," she complained with a pout, keeping her voice quiet to go along with the game Luke was intending to play, but she was it would be hard as hell to keep her voice down with the effect he already had on her.

    Calum grinned against her skin as he finished undoing her pants and he slid them slowly down her legs, trailing kisses from her neck down, between her breasts, over her stomach, moving further down the further he tugged her pants, all while watching her. He grinned against her skin, nipping at the skin of her hip before he tossed her pants aside once he got them off. "You're such a vision," he murmured quietly, grinning still while he kissed lower until he settled between her legs, teasingly nipping and kissing at her inner thigh while he toyed with her panties.
    November 25th, 2018 at 09:24am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke grinned with Kensley's words, laughing into the skin of her lower abdomen as he slid her jeans off completely, tossing them aside lazily. Peering up at Kensley as Luke shifted, gently guiding her legs to rest over his shoulder, and he kissed at her inner thigh, supporting her back as she arched so beautifully. "Good. I want to drive you crazy, Kensley." He told her honestly. "Because you drove me crazy from the moment you walked through that door." Luke told her honestly, grinning as he gently took hold of the hem of her panties, looking up at her for permission. "Are you ready?" He asked quietly, listening for any traces of footsteps outside the room.

    Amelia whined with need as Calum moved downwards. "God, Calum," she murmured softly, running her hands through his hair as he teased her, feeling the suspension building up within her already, her fingers curling into the material of her bed sheet. Feeling him nip at her inner thigh, Amelia gasped slightly, the skin so sensitive that every new sensation was driving her crazy. "Fuck, Cal, please." She breathed.
    November 25th, 2018 at 09:34am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Oh, so this is payback?" Kensley asked with a breathy laugh, chewing on her lip to quiet the noise, though she couldn't help the whine when he kissed her inner thigh, swearing that just his breath against her skin had her losing her mind. "Oh, my fuck, Luke, stop being a tease," she complained, so easily affected by just him looking at her and she shuddered slightly in anticipation.

    Calum grinned slightly as he watched her, nipping at the skin of her thighs, sliding her legs over his shoulders gently, carefully, just eager to really give her the best time of her life. Hearing her pleading, he couldn't help but to groan quietly, tossing her panties aside, and he pulled her closer to himself, grinning a bit more. "Fuck, Amelia," he murmured quietly before he shifted, moving to tease her entrance, groaning at the taste, his tongue sliding around her before he delved his tongue in, wanting to explore her, experience her, in every way he could.
    November 25th, 2018 at 09:46am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke laughed with Kensley's words. "Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing." He promised, pressing a sweet to her inner thigh, shifting away to gently remove her panties, being careful not to be too rough, because he wanted this to be the best experience of Kensley's life. Hearing her breathy laugh though, Luke groaned, but nodded. "This is definitely payback." He hooked her legs over his shoulders once more, pulling her closer by the back of her thighs, his fingers curling into her skin. "Remember, quiet." He teased, winking before he shifted to run his tongue along her entrance, almost groaning at how perfect she tasted, although he kept his movements slow at first. Grinning though, Luke decided that she'd had enough teasing, and delved his tongue into her, gripping to her thighs still.

    Amelia moaned as she felt Calum's tongue against her, her back arching a little deeper, her fingers curling further into the bed sheet. The hand that was preoccupied in Calum's hair continued to run through his hair, just wanting to encourage him, because Calum's attention was all she wanted. "Holy fucking shit, Calum, fuck." She groaned, sighing happily. Feeling his tongue inside of her though, Amelia gasped loudly, so damn grateful that nobody else was home, because she sat up to rest on her elbows, watching Calum intently. "Baby, baby, baby." She whimpered, closing her eyes as her head hung back.
    November 25th, 2018 at 09:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kensley whimpered needily, chewing hard on her lip as she watched him but, the moment she felt his tongue against her, she gasped quietly, the noise turning to a moan that caused her to lift her hand to cover her mouth to stifle the noise. "Oh - Oh, fuck," she moaned quietly, trying to be as quiet as she could, though her free hand moved so her fingers curled into his hair, her hand over her mouth clasping tighter over her lips when he delved his tongue in. Moaning against her hand, her eyes slid closed and she arched towards him a bit, desperate for the attention.

    Calum grinned against her as he watched her, sliding his hands along her thighs, then to her hips, holding her as close as he could, his fingers digging into her skin gently, not wanting to hurt her, but wanting to show her how much he just wanted to have her in his hold. Groaning against her, he moved his tongue for her, slowly at first, and he delved his tongue deeper, eventually moving faster, wanting to do everything he could to make her feel amazing. Every reaction he was getting from her, every noise, every word, every breath, was all music to his ears, and he wanted to hear more of it.
    November 25th, 2018 at 10:06am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Luke laughed as Kensley moaned beneath him, the sound of her breaths, her moans, the way she whimpered, being all that Luke needed to hear, because every single melodic noise that escaped her was the best thing he'd ever heard. "Good girl," he encouraged, before delving back into her, beginning to move his tongue - starting off slow, so she could enjoy the sensation, wanting her to see stars. Quickening his pace, Luke groaned into her as he felt Kensley's fingers curl into his hair, loving the feeling. Supporting her as she arched towards him, Luke moved closer, enabling himself to go deeper, wanting her to remember this moment.

    There was something about Calum's fingers curling into the skin of her waist that got Amelia so turned on - she'd always wanted to claim herself as Calum's, and when he held her like that, she hoped that, maybe, he felt the same. "Ah," Amelia gasped as Calum moved his tongue inside of her, her back arching with the feeling. "F - Fuck, Calum!" She moaned loudly, not having any qualms about getting louder, about letting Calum know just what affect he had on her. Tugging his hair gently, Amelia bit her lip, feeling the best she'd ever felt.
    November 25th, 2018 at 10:16am