Magical Bonds

  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther returned his smile and his kiss, resting her hand gently against his cheek as her fingers gently brushed over his jaw and lips. "I'm very excited for our trip, Blaise. I bet whatever you've planned will be perfect.. But I also look forward to just getting to spend time with you.." She murmured, pressing a few kisses along his jaw and neck. While she'd been upset that their very intimate moment together had been interrupted all those weeks ago by her family coming to fight them, with the both of them needing time to heal emotionally and physically, nothing like that had happened since. But she was hoping that a similar moment would arise while they were on their vacation.

    Esther nodded as she climbed out of the taxi with him, helping him take the bags from the trunk as she listened to him explain what they'd need to do. "Alright, that sounds good. What will we do once we're through security while we wait for our flight?" She asked as she took his hand, walking with him to where they needed to drop off their bags.
    October 1st, 2019 at 12:42am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "Well we would have enough time to get dinner at one of the restaurants inside. Or we could do something else. I mean, this airport even has a spa if you want to do that." Blaise told her with a small shrug. He wasn't overly concerned with what they should do with their time in between getting to the gate and getting onto the plane. They just needed to get there first before everything started to calm down.

    Blaise got them through the baggage claim quite easily before they headed over to security. Luckily, Blaise had signed them up for the TSA check, allowing them to skip a majority of the line. Once they moved through the security gate and were on the other side, Blaise pulled his backpack back on before turning to Esther, a little smile on his face. "Now, what would you like to do? We have an hour before we can even get on the plane."
    October 7th, 2019 at 12:49am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther thought over all of their options as they went through security and dropped off their bags, smiling at him as she also pulled on her backpack before sliding her arms around his waist. "Hm. Going to a spa sounds nice, but that might be something we should do when we have more than an hour." She pointed out with a little laugh, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before taking his hand to walk over to the map of the terminal.

    "Hm.. How about we get a nice dinner somewhere? I know you're used to chosing where we eat, so I'll let you pick, but that just means I get to pick the next restaurant." She teased him as she squeezed his hand, grinning up at him.
    October 7th, 2019 at 12:56am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Blaise chuckled warmly before he leaned over and pressed a kiss against her cheek. "We'll go to the spa one of the days we are in Greece. After all, we'll be there for a month. So we will have time to do everything that we want." He murmured to her softly. His arm moved around her shoulder, pulling Esther into him close. Both because he wanted her to be as close to him as possible, but also to protect her from the crowd that was rushing around them.

    "In that case, I am thinking that I want a nice juicy steak before we get on that plane," Blaise smirked a bit. "Maybe I'll stuff myself up so much that I'll have to sleep for the whole flight to recover." He reached up and brushed some hair out of her face before his hand dropped back down to the side. With that having been said, Blaise started to lead her towards the restaurant.
    October 7th, 2019 at 01:32am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther wrapped her arm around his waist when he pulled her close, resting her head comfortably against his chest as she smiled up at him, nodding a little in excitement. "I still think you went a little overboard with planning a month long trip, and that a week or two would have been fine... But I'm not paying, so I won't complain." She giggled a little, outright laughing when he said he was going to stuff himself before their plane ride, shaking her head as she followed him toward the restaurant.

    "It's a long flight, Blaise, I'm sure we'll both be asleep for most of it. And I hope you didn't buy cheap tickets, because if you did, I'll make you sit in the middle seat, and I won't let you get up to use the bathroom and I'll encourage the person behind you to kick your seat." She teased with a grin. She knew he'd bought nice tickets, his family was loaded and could have probably afforded a private jet go take them, but she liked teasing him. "A steak does sound awfully good.. With potatoes and roasted veggies, and then chocolate cake for dessert." She hummed a little at the thought, closing her eyes as she pictured it.
    October 7th, 2019 at 01:40am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "Well the last year we barely took any breaks during your studies and the last two months has been overly stressful for both of us. I think we deserve to have a nice long trip." Blaise whispered to her, a bit of a smile on his face. Though, besides all of that, his family was used to taking long vacations. They had the money to do so, and a long time to relax was always better. Especially since it got them ready to go back to their hard work.

    Blaise smiled and shook his head at her slightly. "Well, I am lucky that none of that will be happening to me." He told her as they headed into the restaurant. Blaise was sure to buy them the best seats they could get to Greece. After all, he didn't want to suffer through the plane ride, and this way, the two of them would get their own private area. But he wasn't going to reveal that to her until they were on the plane.

    Once they sat down in the restaurant, Blaise leaned back and opened up the menu, glancing it over for a moment. "Ah they do have loaded mashed potatoes though and that sounds delicious...And we should definitely get cake."
    October 7th, 2019 at 02:22am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther nodded in agreement, pressing a small kiss to his jaw as she followed him. "We do deserve a nice long trip.." She smiled, knowing that after everything they went through, no one deserved this vacation more than he did. She was just glad that he wanted her to go on vacation with him, and that he wanted to be with her in general.

    She laughed as he said that he was lucky he wouldn't have a horrible plane ride, squeezing his hand as she looked up at him. "If you bought yourself a nice plane ticket, and a crappy one for me, I'll be very upset, Mr. Reonas." She poked his chest to prove her point, taking a seat with him once at the restaurant, setting her backpack under her seat before flipping through the menu. She hummed as she noticed that they had exactly what she wanted, looking up at him and grinning.

    "That sounds wonderful.. We'll probably need to share the cake, cause I'm planning on filling up on vegetables and potatoes, and I'd rather not try to eat a full piece of cake and end up puking on the plane." She laughed, nudging his leg under the table.
    October 7th, 2019 at 02:32am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Blaise let out a long hum as he glanced over at her. "And what makes you think I would ever do something like that?" He asked as he tilted his head, a light smile still over his face. Of course, he knew that Esther was teasing him, but he enjoyed teasing her back as well. "Well.. unless I knew that you would try to make the plane ride hell for me... then perhaps I would." He teased her back, a low chuckle leaving him again.

    "I suppose we can share a piece of cake, but I expect you to actually share then. No hogging." Blaise said as he lightly nudged her back. Once the waitress was at their side, Blaise glanced up and ordered his drink, as well as his meal before glancing at Esther to do the same. After she head, the waitress left and Blaise turned his attention back to Esther. He leaned over and pressed a kiss against her lips, holding her face gently as he did so. After a moment, he pulled away slowly. "Promise not to hog the cake."
    October 7th, 2019 at 02:36am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    "You'd probably do it to get back at me for not doing well with my lessons the past few times. But it's not my fault that I've been having trouble with my spells, because it's always you who is distracting me with your kisses and teasing touches." Esther scrunched up her nose to hide a laugh, sticking her tongue out at him playfully. She really loved that they could tease each other like this, she was glad that she'd fallen in love with her best friend.

    Esther smiled as he told her not to hog the cake, looking up at the waitress when she came to take their order, letting her know what she wanted for her meal before turning her attention back to Blaise once she'd left. She was about to respond to him when he leaned across the table to kiss her, humming happily against his lips as her hands rested over his, smiling as their noses brushed against each other. "I promise I won't hog the cake. As long as you promise you won't make me sit alone on the plane."
    October 7th, 2019 at 02:46am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Blaise smirked a bit at Esther's words. "It is your fault. You should be able to avoid distractions and cast your spells. It sounds like I am just doing my job in preparing you." He told her before reaching over and lightly pressing a finger against her nose. "You need to practice more otherwise you will not be able to perform under pressure. Even under more strenous conditions." His hand slid to the side of her face, his fingers brushing against her cheeks.

    After a moment, Blaise brought his hand back to his side. "I promise you will not sit alone. There will be plenty of other passengers on the plane." He joked. For a moment, Blaise glanced over her face before continuing on. "Though, if you really wish, I suppose you can sit by me on the way there... but I am not sure you'll be allowed to on the way home."
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:01am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther scrunched her nose up as he poked her nose, leaning her head into his hand as she giggled, turning to press a kiss to the inside of his palm before sitting back in her seat. "You say all that, but what if you had to perform under those 'strenuous conditions'? Could you do it?" She asked, grinning mischievously as she slipped her foot out of her shoe, running her foot up the inside of his leg teasingly.

    She rolled her eyes when he said she wouldn't sit alone, pouting a little as she looked at him. "And I suppose that once we get to Greece, you'll just leave me at the airport and expect me to have fun all on my own for the month, while you'll be off with some fancy model who knows how to cast her spells without a problem." She sat back in her chair as she sipped her water childishly. She knew he was teasing, but she still worried that one day he'd realize that he could do so much better than her.
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:08am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "Oh, I could perform under those conditions, sweetheart. Maybe I'll show you one day what one could do with a little bit of magic." Blaise winked at her, a mischievous smile coming over his face. In truth, Blaise was rather disappointed that they haven't been able to do it yet. When they first tried, they were interrupted and over the last month, he was too injured to initiate and follow through. But now he was feeling better and they were making their way towards their month-long vacation, Blaise was hoping to spend some sleepless nights with her.

    "I don't want some fancy model, I want you," Blaise said, his voice full of love. Though the moment the words left his lips, his nose scrunched up and a light frown moved over his face. He could tell that he phrased that incorrectly. So, Blaise waved his hand, hoping that would somehow make the words float away from them before Esther could clutch onto them. "What I mean, is that I love you. And no woman could come between us. Even if you think otherwise, I know that no one is as perfect for me as you are." Reaching over, Blaise cupped her cheek into his hand and moved to press a kiss against her lips.
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:17am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    A blush heated up her cheeks as he said he could prove to her what he could do with his magic, smiling faintly across the table at him as he winked at her. "Before or after you make me sit on a plane by myself with strangers?" She asked softly, biting her lip.

    She shook her head when he tried to dismiss his words, sitting up to reach across the table to take his hands. "I know what you meant, Blaise." She murmured, her eyes full of love as she gazed at him. "I love you too, Blaise. With all of my heart." She whispered as he pressed the kiss to her lips, closing her eyes happily. She only pulled back when their waitress cleared her throat, having returned with their orders. Esther sat back in her seat as a blush heated up her cheeks, smiling shyly at the waitress as she set their food down before leaving.
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "Hm..before, after... Maybe even during." Blaise whispered to her, the smirk on his face growing. Of course, he liked the idea of having sex on a plane. But what he didn't like was their first time being on a plane. It was something he was going to avoid. Though on the way home was a different story.

    Blaise let out a pleasant hum as he listened to Esther. He was pleased that she did not take his words the wrong way, even more so when Esther kissed him back. Though once he heard the waitress clearing her throat, Blaise pulled back to his seat. He could see the blush come across her face and that only made Blaise's heart pound for her more. Though, he decided not to focus too much on his desire for her. Especially since he couldn't do much about it at the moment and they had a meal to devour. So, Blaise gave Ester a wink before he turned to his food and started to eat.
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:44am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther's cheeks turned even redder as he smirked at her, biting her lip as she tried to calm her heart as it beat wildly in her chest. She didn't think she'd mind having sex on a plane, but because it would be their first time, she'd maybe just settle for him doing other things instead. "Hm.. Maybe not for our first time.. But if you insist on doing something, then maybe you can prove that your mouth isn't just good for talking." She bit her lip to hide her grin, turning her attention to her meal to try to hide her embarrassment further.

    She dug into her meal and ate quickly, humming in satisfaction as they ate in silence. She hadn't had lunch, so it wasn't long before she finished her dinner and leaned back in her seat with a content sigh, smiling over at him as she wiped her mouth on her napkin. "That was delicious, Blaise. Thank you."
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:53am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "I was just teasing, Love. I have an idea on what we should do and a plane is not it." Blaise assured her. He didn't want her thinking that was what he had planned for them. Because he did have something happened and Blaise truly hoped that she would like it. Otherwise, he was going to have to blow it off and pretend like he didn't really mean it and like it didn't cost him time figuring it out. And that would be too awkward...

    Once they were finished with dinner, Blaise hummed happily. "That was exactly what I needed." With that, Blaise glanced at the time. "We should head to the gate." With that, Blaise paid for the meal before leading the way.
    October 7th, 2019 at 03:57am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Esther smiled a little at his assurance and nodded, relaxing a bit. Even though there was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to be with Blaise like that sooner rather than later, she was still incredibly nervous about it being her first time with anyone, let alone the love of her life. And because she had an idea of how experienced Blaise was, she was terrified she'd be a disappointment when they finally got around to doing it.

    She nodded when he said it was time to go to the gate, thanking the waitress as they left, keeping her arm linked with Blaise's so they didn't get separated in the crowd. She hummed tiredly once they were in line to board, resting her head against his arm tiredly while they waited.
    October 7th, 2019 at 04:02am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    (ah sorry this did not send for some reason)

    Blaise wrapped an arm around her waist as they boarded the plane. Since they were premium members, they were allowed to board first. And, once they did so, they immediately headed to their seats. A large smirk came over his face as they stopped at Row 2, seats 1 and 2. Really, Blaise would not have been able to get them better seats unless he booked them a private jet to Greece. Which he could have done but it seemed a bit wasteful for only two people. "Please, sit down and relax, my love."

    Blaise took care of their carry-ons before closing the curtains to their seats, giving them a very private place to enjoy their flight. Once they were both properly seated and relaxing against the luxurious seat, Blaise turned his head and smiled at her widely. "Does this meet your satisfaction?" He teased her lightly, his smile slowly turning into a smirk. He knew that Esther would be more than happy with their seating arrangements.
    October 7th, 2019 at 05:06am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    (no worries)

    Esther smiled up at Blaise as they boarded the plane, grinning a little as he led her to their seats, giving him a little shove when he gestured for her to sit. "I knew you wouldn't make me sit by myself." She laughed a little, taking her seat with a content little sigh, amazed at how comfortable the seat was. She'd always heard how uncomfortable plane rides were, but this seemed incredibly nice.

    She smiled as he pulled the curtain closed and sat next to her, looking over at her as she reached to take his hand, giving it a squeeze as she pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. "Yes, it's perfect, Blaise. Thank you, for everything." She smiled, gently running her fingers through his hair. "I love you."
    October 7th, 2019 at 05:23am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "I love you too." Blaise whispered back before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. He stayed there for a long few moments before slowly pulling away. Though his hand moved down and rested against her knee, his fingers lightly brushing against her skin now. "We have a lot ride to Greek so we might as well relax now." He pressed a light kiss against her forehead before sitting down into his own chair and pulling on his seatbelt.

    Soon enough, the flight attendents provided the safety rules and after that, the flight was taking off. Blaise then back into the seat and closed his eyes, truly hoping that he would be able to sleep for a majority of the flight.
    October 7th, 2019 at 05:35am