From Present to Past

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    The instant Theo started to laugh at her, Lia couldn't help but pout slightly. Her bottom lip sticking out as she refused to look at him. Although, it didn't last long as he brought up the royal Gardner. "You don't like getting your hands dirty, do you?" Aelia asked, giving a small laugh as she looked forward. Her feet halting mid-step as her gaze took in the beautiful view that was in front of them. "Wow." She breathed out quietly as she looked around.

    Slowly, Aelia tugged on Theo's arm, wanting him to walk in farther with her. Bright blue orbs looking up at the man for a moment before she once again looked at everything around them. "Oh my, this is. This is just amazing." She murmured quietly as she stopped walking as they got to the railing of the terrace and looked towards the buildings. "The houses are built into the trees?" Lia's voice was quiet as she stared in awe at the beautiful inclusion of the forest.


    A small smile appeared on Orion's lips as he got the reaction that he was hoping to get out of Helena. "Yeah, I have. A few times actually." He said as his eyes stayed focused on the beautiful landscape that was in front of them. "Only for about a month in summer though, any other time would be too dangerous." He turned to the side and grabbed her hand once again. "Come here, we can get a better view this way." He said as he led her off the beaten path and towards a small overlook that was nearby.

    "Now, be careful because there is a drop-off. Alright?" He made sure that Helena said she understood before Oropn took them out of the treeline and to the slight clearing. The sound of rushing water sounding underneath them from the river that was under the drop-off. "Now, what do you think of that?" He asked as he looked towards the clear view they had of the mountain.
    December 5th, 2018 at 03:28am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore laughed a little, shaking his head. "No, I tried to help when I was younger with the care of the garden, but after everything I touched died, the gardener kindly thanked me for my help, but politely told me to get lost." He grinned a little at the memory, allowing her to lead him throughout the gardens, admiring the flowers and scenery. He didn't come out here as much as he should.

    He nodded a little as she pointed out the odd architecture of the buildings below. "Yes, that way we keep the cover and protection that the trees provide. No other city or forest exists like this on the continent."
    "I bet it's beautiful in the summertime.." She murmured, smiling a little when he grabbed her hand to lead her off the path. "A drop off, huh? Going to throw me into the river like you said earlier?" She teased lightly, but clung tightly to his hand, her arm wrapping securely around his waist as the came to a stop at the ledge, holding onto the back of his jacket tightly. She wouldn't tell him, but she wasn't fond of heights, and after waking up in a river, she wasn't fond of the idea of ending up in one again.

    Her eyes widened as she looked out over the landscape toward the mountain, squeezing his hand a little, both in excitement about the beautiful scene and fear that they'd slip and fall into the river below. "Wow... Its beautiful.." she breathed, her voice barely audible over the sound of the river below, the only reason he could hear was because of how close she was standing to him.
    December 5th, 2018 at 03:39am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Aelia just felt so free standing on the terrace with Theo. The view of the city in front of her, the smell of the vegetation that grew in the garden that was expertly planted. This whole place was a dream come true to the young nerd. "That's a really smart idea." She murmured, slowly nodding her head at the idea of hiding the buildings in the forest its self. It's a good way to keep the people safe, but it also seemed like it could be a possible fire hazard some day.

    "Would you want to try and garden again?" Aelia asked, revisiting what he had mentioned earlier. Her gaze shifting from the beautiful buildings below them, up towards his dark eyes that were a pool of mystery to the young girl.

    "Prince Theodore." Aelia started, then paused as she nervously bit her bottom lip. "What is the correct way to address you?" She felt odd for asking such an odd question, but this wasn't her time. She just wanted to make sure she could call him by his name, or maybe his title if that's the right way. Never hurts to be safe, right?


    "It really is, especially when if you get lucky and get to see the last of the cherry trees blooming." He informed her as he gazed out at the sight that was before them. A small smile appearing on his lips as he felt Helena holding onto him once more. It amused him so much that within a day, she could go from hating his guts to being able to stand him.

    "Only if I need to." He murmured as he glanced down towards Helena and offered her a teasing wink. Then, looked back towards the mountain that was in front of them. "The fall is a really pretty time as well though." Orion looked down at her once more as he spoke. "The different colors that run along the mountain are quite a beautiful sight to see. So many red, oranges and some yellows as well."

    Orion allowed for them to stand on the overlook for a few more minutes. Taking in the view. It was only when a gust of wind blew that he realized that it was getting a little cold. "It's a getting a little cool, do you want to head back to the castle or would you like to see the castle's horses?"
    December 5th, 2018 at 04:00am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore nodded a little, looking out over the city that he would one day be the ruler of. "The trees are ancient, they've survived three fires caused by attempted sieges. I dont think this city will ever fall." He murmured, looking down at her when she mentioned gardening. "Yes.. I'd be willing to give it a try." He smiled.

    He thought about her question for a moment before shrugging. "You can call me whatever you would like.. Although I suggest calling me Prince Theodore if we're ever around nobles or my father, the love formalities."
    "I've never seen cherry blossoms before.. or fall leaves. Only in pictures.." She murmured, her head resting slightly against his arm so she could get a better look at the landscape, wanting to take it all in. She scrunched her nose up as he winked at her, smiling up at him as she nudged his side lightly. "If you push me I'll drag you down with me." She threatened jokingly, her grip on his arm tightening a bit as if to prove the point.

    She nodded once he pointed out that they should get going, turning to look back up at the path that they had been walking on. "I dont want to keep you out, I'm sure you're busy, and you probably haven't eaten today because of me... I can always find my way to the horses myself."
    December 5th, 2018 at 04:50am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    The sight of Theo's smile caused Aelia's heart to flutter. She wasn't sure if she was developing a crush on this historic Prince, or if it was her natural shy self-causing her heart to beat faster. Either way, when he looks at her, her heart does a funny little flutter and won't stop acting up till he looks away or Lia does. "I heard your agreement, I'm going to make you learn t garden while I'm here." Lia grinned as she cast a glance behind them at the garden before looking back over the railing.

    "So, you're alright with me calling you Theo?" She knew that she had called him that before, but she never really got the hint that it was alright or not. Lis didn't even know if the nickname existed yet.

    A small sigh escaped from Aelia as she noticed that some of the houses were lighting candles. The darkness in the forest making them glow brightly and beautifully. Wait, looking closer Aelia noticed that the light wasn't flickering as candles would. "How are the houses generating light?"


    Hearing that Helena hasn't seen cherry blossoms blooming or fall leaves blew Orion's mind. He had no idea anyone could miss out on such a beautiful thing! Okay, maybe the cherry blossoms, but not the fall leaves. Don't they have changing weather everywhere? "How can you not see fall leaves?" He asked as he looked down at the red-haired girl, an eyebrow arched as he listened with interest.

    "Just try and get through the guards then." Orion murmured quietly as he glanced at the girl them over his shoulders at the two bored looking guards. Who he knew were really listening for any sounds of someone approaching.

    "Don't need to worry about me, I'm an adult," Orion said and let out a small laugh as he turned towards the path, offering her his other arm instead of just swinging her around on their walk. "I've eaten while you rested, I know how to manage my time. Princess." Orion glanced down at Helena to see her reaction to Princess then started to lead them back down the path so they could see the horses.
    December 5th, 2018 at 12:57pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore nodded. "Sure. As long as you dont call me something mean or weird, I'm fine with it." He laughed a little, but tilted his head in confusion when she asked how the houses generated light. "Through ligh crystals, of course." He explained simply, although he realized that she might be unfamiliar, so he explained a bit more.

    "There are miles and miles of underground tunnels and cave systems under the city, which has natural crystal deposits, which we mine what we need and use for everything from lighting buildings at night to creating running water systems throughout the city. Their use is less common outside of the city, and the other kingdoms use them as well, but they often mine them and sell what they dont immediately need, whereas we only take what we need and leave the rest."
    Helena shook her head a little. "The city where I'm from was built in a desert near the sea. Sure, the temperatures change a little throughout the year, but never enough to cause seasons, and the climate and geography doesn't suit the kind of trees whose leaves change." She explained, holding onto his arm as they walked back up to the path, afraid she'd slip and fall and go sliding off the drop off into the ravine below. Although once they reached the path she released his arm, moving a few steps away from him as they continued along the path to the stables, not wanting the guards to think that they were involved and spread rumors.

    She tensed a little when he called her Princess, shaking her head slightly. "I've told you, I'm not a princess... I might as well just be a maid or a farmer." She explained softly, although she smiled when he said she didn't have to worry about him. "I've spent the past three years sitting in a library or classrooms studying and learning about you, I'm going to worry a little. And besides, I always worry about other people. I cant help it."
    December 5th, 2018 at 04:52pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    It may sound childish, but Aelia was glad that he was alright with her calling him Theo. As she didn't know if he liked being called his full name or something. The, once Theo started to explain Aelia's question, the color in her eyes dazzled slightly. The new information on how the Kingdom controlled their crystal mining and distribution was quite interesting to her.

    "Do the crystals have a lifespan? Like, they only work for a certain amount of time?" Lia asked as she looked towards the city once more. Her head tilting a little in curiosity as she watched them. She kinda knew the answer already, as she remembered seeing crystal powered lamps for same on eBay going for a couple thousand dollars. Those were without the crystals too! The ones with the crystals were well over a million.

    Aelia shivered slightly as a cool breeze blew by them, but tried to hide her coldness. She wasn't quite ready to go inside yet, plus she wanted to spend some more time with the young Prince.


    The young Prince's head nodded ever so slightly as he listened to Helena speak. He got what she was coming from as he had traveled a little bit. Being the Prince, Orion had gotten the chance to see many places and eat many different foods thanks to his father. They went on diplomatic meetings and feasts together, as well as a few sieges. So, Orion wasn't a stranger to the outside world. That's for sure.

    Once they were on the path, Orion gave Helena a slightly confused look when she released him. Although, he didn't comment on it. As he was alright with her not wanting to be to close. It was probably for the better after all. Who knew when she'll be leaving and then he'd end up with a broken heart or something childish like that.

    "If the historian, doctor and my father believe you to be this ancient Princess. Then that is what I shall refer to you as." Orion murmured as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "What makes me such an interesting person for you to... study?" He asked, trying to change the subject so that they didn't fight.
    December 6th, 2018 at 12:50am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore nodded a little. "Yes, they only work for a limited amount of time. Depending on how often they are used and what they are used for, they can last for days or years. Of all of the crystals that have been found on the continent, including the ones in Rhalle and Crearia, the ones found here in Vidour seem to be more powerful and last longer, making them very valuable." He explained, watching as the city's windows lit up with light as night fell.

    He frowned a little when he noticed her shiver, adjusting his jacket around her shoulders a bit, making sure she was warm. "Are you cold? We should be heading inside soon, it's still spring and the temperatures can drop very quickly, especially from where we are above the treeline." He explained, offering her his arm to lead her back inside.
    Helena studied his face curiously as they walked, still amazed that she was here walking and talking with someone who had lived thousands of years before she had been born, someone she'd only read about in history books. But now, because she'd already prevented him from going on that hunting trip and losing his leg, she wasn't sure what parts of history she knew would still happen or be true.

    "It's not just you that's interesting historically." She explained, standing a little closer to him as they walked to avoid the occasional cold gust of wind through the trees. "The entire history between Vidour and Crearia is fascinating, especially now, right before the war starts.." She explained, frowning a little to herself, debating how much she should tell him, but deciding it couldn't hurt to be honest with him. "In about three years, Vidour and Crearia will be in ruin, and the Rhalleans will come in and kill everything that's left and take both kingdoms for themselves... I personally think the Rhalleans set everything up and staged everything to force Vidour and Crearia to go to war, but all of my research is back in the library in my time.." She explained quietly, fidgeting anxiously with her fingers, unsure of why the story was so upsetting to her all of a sudden.
    December 6th, 2018 at 02:25am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Theo was a wealth of knowledge, and that brought a small smile to Aelia's lips. Back home, most guys would have just shrugged their shoulders and said that they didn't know, but, not Theo. Se seemed to actually know these things and care about them. It was nice, talking to Theo was a nice change. "Why do you think the crystals from here are stronger?" Aelia asked as she gave him a confused look. "Wouldn't all crystals be made up of the same compounds?"

    Of course, leave it to the observant Prince to realize something Lia was trying to hide. "A little." She admitted as she mouthed a small thank you as he adjusted the jacket around her. Her hands moving to hold the jacket closed around her small frame. "Thank you for showing me this," Lia said quietly as she gently grasped onto his arm. Her bright blue eyes looked up towards Theo as she felt a wave of affection wash over her, then looked forward.

    Lia followed Orion back into the castle, almost instantly feeling a lot warmer as the door closed behind them. "I didn't know it could be so cold outside." She murmured as she glanced up at Theo once more. Her footsteps were slow and even, as the shoes she was given were not what she was used to. Turning a corner, Lia walked into someone on accident and stumbled a step back into Theo. "Ah, my apologies." She murmured, before freezing as she realized who she walked into.


    Maybe this wasn't something that the young Prince should be interested in, but if what Helena was saying was all true. Then, she could possibly help him take care of his country and protect his people. It might sound like he was using her, and in a sense, he just might be, but, if Orion kept Helena talking about this supposed future of his Kingdom falling, maybe, just maybe he could prevent it from ever happening! It sucked because Helena seemed like such a nice girl, but, he needed to put his country first. His Country always came first.

    The young Prince opened his mouth, ready to ask the young girl another question. Only, to stop as the smell of horse poop filled his nose. Letting him know that they had arrived at the stable where all of the horses that were kept for the royal family were kept and cared for. The stable was a beautiful building made of bricks and stones, the common building of their time period. Glass windows for some natural light to come into the building so that the crystals didn't have to be on all the time.

    "Have you been near a horse before?" Orion asked as he looked towards Helena as he slowed his pace so that he could turn around and walk backward a few spaces. "They're quite fascinating creatures. Being able to be the wildest creatures in existence, to some of the sweetest things." Orion said, grinning as he thought of his prized black stallion that he won from a game of cards. "Come, I'll show you Clyde," Orion said, trying his best to offer a happy grin as he led the while. While in reality, he was feeling anxious for having to betray the girl in front of him.
    December 6th, 2018 at 05:30am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    "I'm not really sure why they last longer. No one really knows. But I'm sure one day we'll figure it out." Theodore explained as he led her back inside, smiling a little. "It's no problem. No one else is as interested in what I have to say as you are." He explained, although he frowned when she bumped into someone, tensing a little and his frown deepening as he saw who it was. "Father.. I apologize, I should have been paying more attention."

    Theodore's father, King Clement, stood in front of them, a small frown on his face as he looked first at Aelia and then at his son. "I was wondering where you had gone.. One of the guards suggested that I look on the balcony." Clement was a rather brief man, preferring to keep things short and to the point. "Theodore, see me in my study after you've brought the Princess back to her room." He stated, looking back over to Aelia. "Lady Aelia, it's a pleasure." He murmured before turning to continue on his way.
    "Yes. You had your guards put me on one earlier when you found me." Helena reminded him, smiling a little at the silliness of his question. "But yes, I have been near horses before." She smiled a little as she listened to him, looking at all the various horses in their stalls.

    "He's a beautiful horse," She smiled as she looked at Clyde, although she kept glancing over at another horse across the way, admiring the beautiful spots on her. "I think that one is prettier though."
    December 6th, 2018 at 05:54am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    The sight of the King had Aelia frozen. She could feel her legs becoming a little shaky as she stood in front of such a powerful man. She thought she was going to get killed or something for walking into him. Isn't that was they do to people who touch royalty without permission? Kill people. Aelia didn't want to die yet, she just wanted to figure out a way to get home! The young girl gulped and looked towards the ground shyly as the King spoke to the Prince. Only to look up once more as he mentioned her name.

    "O-oh, uh, y-you too. Sir, I mean your highness." Aelia stuttered out as she glanced towards the King. Her mind remembering all of those old movies she's seen about kings and she quickly grabbed the ends of her dressed and did a courtesy.

    Although, when she looked up again, Lia realized that the King had already walked away. That fact alone, caused Aelia to release a sigh of relief as she slowly floated to the floor. She ended up sitting on her legs as she rubbed her temples. "I totally just embarrassed myself in front of a King, didn't I?"


    Orion couldn't help but snort at her little sassy reply. His eyes rolling as he shook his head, refraining from making a comment himself. He was a man after all and he couldn't just go around and be rude to a lady, especially if that lady happened to be a reincarnate woman from the past. She could be their savior, and she could turn her back on them because he was mean to her just once.

    Looking towards the horse that Helena was looking at, Orion snorted. "You like Lucy more?" He asked, glancing towards the girl out of the corner of his eyes before he walked towards the old horse that was in the stable. "She's so gentle, she can't even go faster than a trot most days." He mused as he gently placed a hand on the horses head gently.

    Turning his head back towards Helena Orion thought for a moment before opening his mouth. "Tomorrow afternoon, why don't we take these two and go for a ride?" He suggested, thinking it'll be nice to get the horses active once more. After all, they were war horses and needed daily exercise, which they were lacking.
    December 6th, 2018 at 05:04pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore let out a sigh once his father was out of sight, standing there for a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing down the hallway slowly to bring Aelia back to her room. "No, I don't think so... He's always like that." Theodore attempted to explain, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze. Once they reached her room he opened the door for her, following her inside after speaking briefly with a maid in the hallway.

    "I'll have someone bring you something to eat for dinner, and have the maids prepare you a bath. Is there anything else you need before I leave for the night?" He asked, wanting to make sure she was comfortable in the unfamiliar place.
    Helena smiled as he rolled his eyes, but noticed that he was holding something back, and nudged his side with her elbow. "Come on, Orion. I've called you constipated at least five times today, and you've called me a witch and a rat. I'm pretty sure you won't hurt my feelings." She teased, following him over to Lucy's stall.

    She reached her hand out to pat the horse gently, smiling excitedly when he offered to bring her riding the next day. "That sounds fun.. But I don't know how to ride in a dress... Do you have any old pants that would fit me?" She asked, looking up at him as she smoothed her hand over the fur on Lucy's neck, smiling a little as the horse nudged her gently. "I don't want to try to ride with a dress on and then fall and break my neck."
    December 6th, 2018 at 05:37pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    The words of reassurance really didn't sit well with Aelia. She still felt terrible for having walked into the King and not know what to say back to him. She was an idiot, and now everyone in this castle seemed to know it. Aelia Rose Valerius is just one big loser and deserves the death penalty for being an idiot in front of the King.

    Aelia held her head down as she slowly got up and followed Theo back to her room. She didn't want to be alone in a foreign place, but she knew she couldn't be childish. Theo was a guy, he'd never understood because he wasn't pushed thrown into a different time, nor would it be acceptable to ask him to keep her company. "No, I'm alright." She told him in her quiet voice as she walked into her room and towards the bed.

    Collapsing onto the bed, Aelia could feel her body relax. Today, sure was eventful.


    "As the Prince of this Country, I need to set an example at all times," Orion said as he looked towards the red-haired beauty. "A witch and a Rat are what I thought you'd be as a traitor, but as a woman, I can not just outright call you things that you are not." His dark eyes looked back towards the horse as he ran his hand down her forehead a little bit before running his hand up once more. The feel of the horse was surely an interesting thing.

    A look of confusion appeared upon Orion's face as he thought he heard Helena's question wrong. "You, want to wear pants?" He asked that was not something he ever heard from a lady before. "I have never heard of a woman wanting to wear pants before." Orion breathed out a small laugh as he slowly shook his head in disbelief.

    "But uh, I guess I can see what I can do."
    December 6th, 2018 at 06:39pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore frowned a little at her reaction, watching as she collapsed onto her bed. He felt like he should say more to reassure her, but had never been very good with words, especially when trying to console people, so he decided it was best not to say anything at all. "Have a good night, Princess.." He murmured as he slipped out of the room, passing the maids which were bringing her some warm stew and things to draw a bath for her, greeting them politely before heading down the hall to his own room, where he prepared himself for bed.
    A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as he spoke, shrugging a little as she quickly shifted her eyes away from his, continuing to smooth her hands over the horse's hair gently. She didn't know why her heartbeat quickened and her cheeks heated up when he looked at her, but she suspected that it wasn't a good thing, considering she didn't belong here and he was a prince. "No one is perfect, and you're allowed to make jokes... Having a sense of humor is very important." She mumbled softly, mostly to herself as she glanced over at him again.

    She cracked a smile though when she noticed how confused he was at the notion of her wearing pants, unable to help but giggle a little. "Where I'm from, most girls wear pants all the time. Women only really wear skirts or dresses on special occasions or professionally, like when they're working or when they're getting married." She explained. "Pants are much more comfortable than dresses, anyway."
    December 6th, 2018 at 07:04pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Aelia's night wasn't too bad, she had a bath in one of the most beautiful bathrooms she's ever been in. The water was a clear blue color and stayed hot for the whole time she was in it. It was great, but, once she was out, she started to realize that tonight would be the first time she'd be sleeping alone in a castle. A world full of people that she didn't know, nor any of her usual comforts.

    Tossing and turning, then some more tossing. Aelia's night alone in the bedroom she was using was quite exhausting. Her mind would start to race every time she'd start to fall asleep and caused her to bolt up. Thankfully though, exhaustion eventually won over her and she was able to fall asleep. For a few hours at least.

    It felt like she had managed to only sleep a few hours before some maids came knocking, offering her breakfast. Which she happily accepted as she knew she probably wouldn't be able to fall back asleep now. So, after having a nice light breakfast of hash browns, eggs, and some amazing bacon, Aelia sat curled up on one of the chairs in her room. Dressed in a beautiful dress that coincided with the colors of the Kingdom she was in. Her bright blue eyes gazing out the window, and a hot cup of tea rested between her hands.


    "That is, quite an odd notion." Orion murmured as he slowly shook his head as he turned to look at the horse before moving to sit on a small bench that was in the stable. "You come from quite an odd place Lady Helena." He mused as he rested against the wooden wall. His eyes closed for a brief moment as he thought about what it'd be like if the woman wore men's clothing more often and couldn't help but to frown. The people would most likely break into a riot at the idea.

    "I honestly don't know how anyone would react if they saw a woman wearing pants," Orion said honestly as he cracked his eyes opened and looked towards the girl once more. "How do your people not riot at the idea of women going against the norms and not wear their dresses all the time? Don't the men where you're from hate the idea?" He asked, leaning forward a little as he folded his hands together.

    Dark eyes look towards Helena as Orion's mind raced. Thinking about this odd woman that was in front of him. "If you know about me, and my people and you were brought here. Then, why don't you know about yourself?" He asked, asking a question that's been on his mind for a little while.
    December 6th, 2018 at 08:40pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore ate a small dinner and bathed before falling asleep, sleeping soundly through the night as he always did, waking early when the sun rose to take care of some business he had in the city, knowing that he needed to go back to the church and finish his meeting with the Cleric about the upcoming festival, as well as meet with his father to discuss the very important upcoming political meeting with Crearia.

    A little before lunch he came to Aelia's room, knocking on the door and waiting for her to say that he could come in, not wanting to just barge in, especially if she were sleeping or dressing for the day.
    Helena shrugged a little, petting the horse for a few moments longer before moving over to take a seat next to him, trying to hide a yawn as she suddenly grew tired, realizing just how long and stressful her day had been. "No one riots.. Where I'm from, men and women are usually viewed as equals, so women can do whatever they want, whether it's wearing pants or going to college." She shrugged a little, knowing it must be odd for him to think about considering the world that he came from.

    She frowned a little at his question, shaking her head a little. "I'm not sure what you mean.. I know about you and your people, and I know about the old story about those two princesses that died and caused Vidour and Crearia to hate each other.. But I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not that princess."
    December 6th, 2018 at 09:05pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    The sound of knocking pulled Aelia from her thoughts. Her bright blue eyes glanced once more towards the window before she stood, setting her half-empty cup in the table as she made her way to the door. To be honest, she should have been expecting to be the Prince, but as she saw him, she still looked a little surprised.

    "Good morning, Theo." She did her best to offer him a small smile, hoping he didn't notice the dark circles under her eyes. "Come in." She said as she motioned for him to come into the guest room. Lia walked back to her spot by the window and sat down once more. Her legs coming up and folding under her as she got comfortable.


    Silence devoured the two as Orion couldn't think of anything else to say to Helena. Her words were odd but interesting. Accurate and true, this girl says she is from another time, and yet she fits the part of a Princess to a Tee. It was so strange, thinking that she was the one that the goddess decided to bring here. Not to mention that no one knew why.

    "You know," Orion said, glancing towards Helena before he stood with a sigh. "You may not be that Princess, but." He offered her a hand to help her stand up. "You fit everything that's in the scriptures." Once she'd take his hand, Orion would lead her towards the doors so they could head back. "So, maybe your history is different than ours."
    December 6th, 2018 at 09:37pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore smiled a little when she answered the door, politely asking if he could come in before stepping into the room. "I hope I didn't disturb you, but I wasn't sure when the best time to come would be, so I figured I'd wait until the afternoon, to let you sleep a little longer." He explained, although he expected that she hadn't slept all that well.

    Theodore sat in the seat across from her, asking if he could help himself before pouring himself a cup of tea. "Did you have a good morning? Is there anything in particular that you would like to do today? I asked the royal gardener, and he said that he could meet with you later this afternoon if you wanted."
    Helena frowned a little as she listened to him, nodding a little as she followed him out of the stables, linking her arm with his loosely as she let him lead her, lost in thought. What if he was right? What if her history was different than his, and everything she thought she knew was wrong. If that were true, then she wouldn't be able to prevent the war, or keep him from dying, and that thought scared her more than the thought of being stuck in a different place and time, or never being able to get back to her own home.

    She sighed a little as they walked, remaining silent for a good part of it, before finally speaking. "I'm sorry that I can't be of more use to you.. I want to help, but I'm afraid I'll only make things worse, or not be able to stop all of the terrible things from happening.."
    December 6th, 2018 at 10:00pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Lia smiled and nodded her head as Theo asked to have a cup of tea. Who was she to refuse one of her favorite things to drink to someone? "It was fine, the maids here are all really nice," Lia said as she learned a little bit more into her seat. Her lips twitching slightly into a small smile at the news of the Gardner.

    "Do you think we could explore the city?" Lia asked, giving Theo her best puppy dog eyes. "I'd love to see more of the place up close." Glancing outside for a moment, Aelia felt relief to see that it was a clear day outside, so if they did do something outside, then it'll be nice out. "Oh, did you see you father last night? After you walked me back here. Did he say he was mad at me?"


    Slightly dry lips pursed together as Orion listened to Helena speak. His eyes staying focused on the path that was in front of him so that he didn't trip over any pebbles or branches that might be in his way. "If anything, just you being here could change everything, Helena," Orion said as he glanced at her for a moment before looking forward once more.

    "The goddess must have a plan for you, for us all, if she brought you here. She is all-seeing, she knows what she is doing after all. She makes no mistakes." As they got closer to the castle, Orion commanded a guard to open the door for them and walked straight in with Helena still holding onto him. "We, like the humans, need to figure out all of our purposes on our own." He finally glanced towards Helena to see her reaction.
    December 6th, 2018 at 10:20pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Theodore nodded a little, smiling as he listened to her speak while he prepared his cup of tea, taking a few sips before he spoke. "No, he wasn't made. I'm pretty sure he forgot about it. So there's no need to worry." He reassured her, thinking for a moment before nodding, following her gaze out the window.

    "Sure, I'm sure it would be fine if we went out for a little while, although we shouldn't wander too far from the castle, an we won't be able to stay out for long." He explained, hoping she understood that her being here was odd enough, but if word got out among everyone before it was decided what to do, her life could be at risk.
    Helena had never been religious. It wasn't that she didn't believe in a God of a higher being, but that she preferred proof and evidence, and up until today, she hadn't had much evidence for the existence of a divine being. Although, she figured that it would be best not to tell Orion that, as trying to argue that goddesses didn't exist generally never ended well.

    "I suppose that's one way of looking at it.." Helena mumbled softly, before frowning as she went over his words in her head again, looking up at him in confusion. "Wait, what do you mean 'like the humans'? We're all human, just because you're royalty doesn't make you a different species." She said, hoping that it was as simple as that explanation. But she had a gut feeling that it was more complicated than that.
    December 6th, 2018 at 10:29pm