with your name on it

  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Luke watched the group of friends for a long moment, unable to stop himself from focusing entirely on River, suddenly feeling like he was the luckiest man in the damn galaxy. He'd landed his dream job, with his best friends at his side, and suddenly he'd met a young woman who he was sure was going to turn his whole life upside down, and the wonderful part was that Luke didn't mind one bit - after a short while of knowing her, Luke was already prepared to go to war for River, and he could feel himself falling, hard, fast, and Luke was ready to embrace it, to embrace River, with open arms, because he'd been praying for love for so damn long, and suddenly, Luke was sure that River was brought to him for a purpose. Grinning with the thought, Luke picked up his bag, making his way out of the staff room, winking at River as he passed.

    Ruby felt her cheeks heat up as she thought about the brief kiss Calum had pressed to her lips, biting her lip as she ducked her head slightly, hitching her gym bag up her shoulder as she picked it up from it's place by the door, smiling at her friends. Calum was, now, something Ruby felt like she would be able to look forward to about school - the only thing Ruby ever came to school for anymore was her friends, but now, Calum added an entirely new reason, and Ruby couldn't deny that she was excited to explore all the avenues she was presented with Calum, and the obvious connection she felt with him. Laughing with Amara's words though, Ruby shook her head in amusement. "Sugar fiend." She teased, linking her arm with Amara's. "Count me in. C'mon, let's go."

    Sasha squeezed around River fondly, smiling, although she took a moment to appreciate the tingle of her lips after the kiss Michael had pressed to her lips. Biting her lip with the thought, Sasha glanced to the handsome man once more, ducking her head, finding that her heartbeat increased whenever she looked to Michael. Looking to Amara with her offer though, Sasha laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Come on, I need some of Amara's sugar." Sasha winked, leading the way out of the teacher's lounge, running a hand through her ponytail, smiling as she thought of Michael, but her smile widening to a grin when her friends caught up.

    Ashton picked up his satchel, grinning with Amara's words, making sure he'd save her a doughnut every day of the academic year if he had to. Biting his lip, Ashton threw his satchel onto his shoulder, grinning with the nickname doughnut thief. Holding onto his coffee, Ashton sipped it and watched Amara closely as she rejoined her friends, smiling, glad that she had a safe place to be herself - hoping he could provide the same sort of comfort and reassurance to her that the other girls did. Leaving the classroom, Ashton smiled at Amara, exhaling as he walked away, already feeling himself missing her terribly.
    January 5th, 2019 at 12:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum couldn’t stop himself from watching Ruby while she was with her friends, smiling fondly to himself, his smile broadening to a grin when he saw her ducking her head. Mentally, he tried to determine whether she had any shyness in her at all - from the way her cheeks heated up, he couldn’t help but to assume and even hope that she did, because the thought of being the cause of somebody as confident as Ruby being shy in any way made Calum’s own heart race. Watching her with her friends, he was glad that she looked happy, and he grinned with hearing her laugh while talking to her friends, loving the sound of it. “Try not to be late to class,” he teased Ruby as he made his way to the door, passing her along the way, his gaze never leaving her, and his grin broadened as he winked at her before he slipped out of the teacher’s lounge to head to the gym.

    Michael grinned when he noticed Sasha’s attention on him and he chewed on his lip as he examined her, smiling when she ducked her head, though he couldn’t help but to enjoy the view, wanting to take in everything he could of her. Shifting a bit, he moved to grab his things before he headed out of the class, resting a hand on Sasha’s hip gently when he passed. “I’ll see you in class, Sasha,” he told her, winking at her with a small grin, a little braver now that he knew he could be, and his grin broadened before he slipped out of the teacher’s lounge quietly, glad to see that she was safe with her friends, and the group all seemed to care greatly for each other; Sasha deserved that, she deserved the world, and Michael wanted to give it to her.

    River grinned as Luke passed, her grin falling to a smirk when she saw his wink, but she looked to her friends and nodded. “Might as well jump on the sugar train,” she joked with a broad grin, wrapping her arm around Sasha’s waist as she followed her friends out of the teacher’s lounge without complaint, chewing on her lip for a moment. “It’s gonna be a good year, guys, I just know it,” she hummed out happily, looking forward to seeing more of Luke, but also looking forward to just seeing how things progressed with him. Admittedly, she could feel herself falling for him and, while she wasn’t used to it, she fully wanted to embrace it, deciding it’d be worth it in the end.

    Amara smiled as she listened to her friends, glad to hear that they were up for the lollipops, and she watched Ashton as he left, chewing on her lip. A part of her couldn’t believe that his attention was on her - especially after her behavior earlier, - but she couldn’t help but to enjoy the way her heart fluttered when she saw him smile at her, and she smiled to herself, turning to follow the others. “Alright, we’ve got, like, three minutes before class,” she chimed, though she doubted it mattered - none of the teachers really bothered to complain about them being late anymore. Still, moving to her locker once they arrived, she spun in the combination and opened it to reveal the stash she had. “Pick your poison, quick.” Grinning, she went ahead to pack some away into her bag. “And, I think you’re right, River. It’s definitely gonna be a good year.”
    January 5th, 2019 at 01:17am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Ruby walked into the main part of the locker room, holding onto her raspberry lollipop, humming to herself as she saw the girls' part empty and the boys' part quiet - assuming that everyone had already gotten dressed and gone to the running track, Ruby slipped off her t-shirt and dumped her bag down, placing her lollipop in her mouth. Thinking about the interesting morning she had, Ruby smiled, shaking her head with the thought as she tied her hair into a bun, not ready for the early morning laps.

    Ashton made his way to the Art classroom, a wide grin still on his face from his morning spent with Amara. The thought of her just drove something in Ashton to be a better version of himself, and he was looking forward to seeing where this school year would take him, because with Amara, it was sure to be interesting. The girl already had his heart in her hands, and Ashton wondered if she knew, because he loved it, he loved her, and he had no qualms to admitting that. He never believed in love at first sight, but there was just something so spectacular about her. Seeing his class already inside, Ashton grinned, introducing himself confidently.
    January 5th, 2019 at 01:30am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum couldn’t fight the grin from his face as he walked to the gym, eager to see Ruby again already. Something about her had stirred something in him and it made him have a brighter outlook on his first day and the whole year. He’d already been hopeful that the year would go well, but, after meeting Ruby, some part of him just knew that the year would be a great one, and he was excited to experience the year with her. He knew that, no matter what came their way, it would be worth it, as long as he got to have her in his life, in whichever way she allowed. Chewing on Iip with the thought, his grin broadened, because he just knew that nobody had ever made him feel this way before and he wasn’t afraid to admit that he was falling fast and hard for her, that she’d definitely captured his heart, and that he was wrapped around her finger already - and he didn’t mind it one bit. Instead, he was glad for it, excited to really discover what a love with her would be like. When he’d met his class, he’d greeted them and introduced himself, though he’d watched the gym doors, waiting for Ruby to walk in. He couldn’t wait around long, though, and he had to lead the way to the track to have the students run their laps, though he hoped Ruby would know where to find them, eager to see her again, already missing her more than he thought was possible.

    Amara hummed happily to herself as she wandered down the silent hallway, her friends having already parted ways to go to their classes. With candy in her backpack, she was fully prepared for the day - both for those who normally asked for candy and for herself. Or, at least, she’d thought she’d been fully prepared, but she knew her class with Ashton was going to be a difficult one, because something about him affected her so much, and so easily at that. When she walked into class, she grinned at the sight of Ashton already talking. “Sorry I’m late,” she mentioned after a moment before she made her way to the empty seat, grinning at Ashton as she passed before she slipped into her seat and set her candy on the desk to snack on during class, though she silently started passing around the candy to other students in class. It was almost amusing, considering she’d denied the offer to share a doughnut earlier, but she was fully willing to share her candy, and she couldn’t help but to peer at Ashton with the thought, mostly wanting to take him in while she could.
    January 5th, 2019 at 01:50am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Ruby, in a yellow t-shirt and red shorts, made her way down to the running track, taking her time. Seeing the other students running already, Ruby walked down and saw Calum, his back turned to her, and she grinned to herself. "Sorry I'm late!" She called, taking her lollipop from her mouth and offering it to Calum, laughing. "Got sidetracked, met this really hot guy this morning, you know how it is, a girl can't ignore that." Ruby teased, making sure her hair was up tight, her legs accentuated by her shorts, the colour a contrast to her olive skin. "Hold that for me babe." She winked.

    Ashton looked up as he heard Amara's voice, his whole demeanour changing once he caught sight of her, his eyes lighting up as if he'd received the best gift he could of ask for. "Good morning, miss." He smiled, keeping professional, no matter what the morning had brought him - and while every atom in Ashton's body told him to go to Amara, he kept himself at his desk. "I was introducing myself as Mr Irwin, and I just set the, very simple, task of watercolour painting something that inspires you." Ashton grinned. "By your desk, it seems candy would be your muse." He told her with a wink. Ashton pouted though, when he saw Amara give everyone a piece of candy when she had been so unwilling to share a doughnut that morning - but Ashton made a promise he intended to stick to. "Alright, get started." Ashton smiled. "Remember guys, there's no wrong way to be inspired."
    January 5th, 2019 at 02:03am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum had been waiting anxiously for Ruby to show up, eager to see her again, at least relieved to know that she had his class first - even though he wondered, idly, if she’d actually show up. He was hopeful, though, wanting to spend as much time with her as he could, wanting to be in her presence as often as he could and for as long as he could, even if he couldn’t really interact with her the way he wanted to. When he heard her voice, though, he blinked, turning to look at her with a grin, though he paused at the sight of her and nearly groaned as he took her in, trying his best not to be too obvious about the fact that he was very obviously checking her out - but at least the other students were running and too busy to really notice. “It’s completely alright,” he told her with a small grin, locking his gaze on her eyes for a moment, arching a brow. “After all, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your love life.” He smirked teasingly with his words. “I hope you at least got a kiss out of it.” He winked teasingly but took the lollipop, arching a brow as he eyed it. “Well, since you didn’t bring one for me, mind if I take this one?” he joked lightly, settling his gaze back on her, mostly just wanting to keep the conversation going for as long as he could, wanting her to be right there for as long as possible, because he just wanted to enjoy her presence, her voice, everything about her.

    Amara grinned slightly with hearing Ashton’s greeting. “Good morning to you, too, sir,” she hummed out easily in response, watching him, her heart swelling with the sight of him. She knew, for sure, there would be other girls with their eyes on him, whether in this class or in other classes or just in his everyday life - even other teachers could easily fall for him, - but knowing that his attention seemed to be focused on her put her heart at ease. “I don’t know, I think I might have found a new muse recently,” she chimed out in response, though she knew she couldn’t possibly paint Ashton, she wasn’t brave enough for that. “But, speaking of candy, would you like a piece, Mr. Irwin?” While she waited for him to answer, she went ahead to tug out what she’d need to do the assignment, though a huge part of her would rather just talk to Ashton the whole class.
    January 5th, 2019 at 02:19am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    “Matter of fact,” Ruby grinned proudly. “I did.” She bit her lip with that – the kiss with Calum has only been brief, but Ruby couldn’t stop thinking about it. How it sent a jolt of electricity through her, how wonderful Calum’s lips felt against hers, like, in a sense; he was made for her. “I know something sweeter you could eat, honey,” Ruby winked. “But if you want that? Go for it. It’s raspberry.” She informed him, and although Ruby knew she had to start running, she still hesitated, because it felt strange not being by Calum’s side, or hearing his voice.

    Ashton tried his hardest not to look affected when Amara called him sir, but still, his eyes followed her through the room, noticing other students were too caught up with art and accepting candy to really notice him. “Oh?” Ashton chimed back with a grin with Amara’s words of a muse. “Whatever helps you feel inspired, I’m all for it.” Ashton threw a subtle wink at Amara. “I’m really excited to see what you guys draw.” He smiled, trying to aim his comment to the whole class to avoid suspicion. “Candy, first thing on a Monday morning?” Ashton pretended to look as though he was thinking hard. “Sure, why not. I can annoy my other students with a sugar high later.” Ashton joked, wishing that Amara was closer to him so they could talk, and he considered, for a moment, rearranging the seating plan by next lesson, because all he wanted was to be close to Amara as possible, get caught in the sound of her voice and relish in her presence.
    January 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum couldn’t help his own grin from forming on his features when he saw how proud Ruby’s grin looked, her grin spreading a warmth through Calum that he hadn’t previously known. But, seeing her bite her lip nearly had him groaning and he had to scrub a hand over his face to distract himself, if only for a moment. Just being near her made him want to reach out and hold her, kiss her, feel her, but he had to keep all those thoughts to himself - or at least be discreet about his desires, anyways. “Oh?” He arched a brow as he processed her words, a small smirk forming on his lips as he tilted his head and took just a step towards her, not wanting to get too close but hating how the distance between them made him feel alone. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that idea, if the opportunity ever presents itself.” His smirk broadened when he saw her wink and he was glad she was still there for now, that she hadn’t run off with the rest of the students yet, because he wanted to be near her for as long as he could, craving her presence. “Raspberry, huh?” Arching a brow, he licked at the lollipop before popping it into his mouth, grinning at her. “It’s pretty good. I kind of wish I had the other option already, though.” Smirking, he winked teasingly, glad the other students were too busy running to notice.

    Amara grinned slightly with Ashton’s words and she thought for a moment, but eventually decided that, if she actually did the assignment, she’d probably do a doughnut, figuring maybe Ashton would understand the meaning behind it in the end, while everybody else would be clueless. “Well, in that case, I might actually do the assignment,” she hummed out easily in response, her grin broadening as she finished passing the candy out, though hearing Ashton agree to the idea of candy, she perked up. “That’s a good idea, Mr. Irwin. Give ‘em hell.” Grabbing her bag, she stood up and made her way over to Ashton’s desk, moving around it to his side, where she leaned against the desk and offered the bag to him, figuring none of the students would really read into the fact that she was on his side of the desk, with the excuse of offering him candy. “Pick your poison, sir.”
    January 5th, 2019 at 05:14pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Ruby grinned as Calum scrubbed a hand over his face, proud of the affect she had on him, taking a step towards him, but remaining subtle so the other students wouldn't suspect anything. But seeing his smirk, seeing Calum step towards her, Ruby bit her lip and grinned. "You're so cute." Ruby grinned, her voice low. Being around Calum made Ruby feel like she was invincible, and although their banter was fun, all she wanted to do was wrap herself in his arms and listen to his heartbeat. "If you lick me that good, I'd be a happy lady." Ruby shoved Calum out of the way with a grin, shaking her head at him before going off to run, finding her usual running partner.

    Ashton chuckled with Amara's words. "Amara, I'm curious to how far your talent reaches, I'd love to see you paint something today." Ashton remarked with a cocky grin, his gaze still on her. But, still, Ashton took joy in listening to Amara's words, because her voice was something Ashton would never tire of - and he couldn't help but wonder how she would sound moaning out his name. Shuddering with the thought, Ashton was pulled from his thought as Amara leaned against the desk, on his side, and being around her, this damn close to her, made Ashton slightly love drunk. Taking a lollipop - holding back his urge to say what he really wanted to, Ashton maintained eye contact with Amara as he licked it, before popping it into his mouth with a smirk. "It's good. Thanks, Amara." He grinned. "Now get to work, young lady."
    January 5th, 2019 at 05:24pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum watched Ruby when she stepped closer to him and the closer proximity had him shifting, trying to control himself despite how much he wanted to reach out and take her into his arms. With how close she was, he could feel himself being overwhelmed by her perfume, and he loved it, he loved everything about her. “I don’t think I can compare to you,” he offered back quietly, a small grin on his features as he examined her, hoping she knew that he meant every word, “Because you are stunning, in every way.” Her beauty, her confidence, her personality in general, everything about her had him stunned when she was around, and he loved it, he never wanted to lose the feeling she gave him. His grin broadened, though, and he chewed on his lip. “I think I’d go to every length possible to do better than that,” he chimed out easily in response, smirking to himself, “Though I’m eager to see just how happy you can be.” When she shoved him, though, he laughed and watched her run off, chewing on his lip again when his eyes trailed to her ass and, with him being alone while all the other students were running - too far away to hear him, - he let a groan slip out this time, unable to help it, but he grinned to himself all the same, his gaze never really leaving Ruby.

    Amara grinned slightly, arching a brow. “Oh, Mr. Irwin, you should learn ahead of time, I don’t do well with expectations, so we’ll just have to wait and see,” she hummed out easily in response, watching him, though, as she leaned against his desk, she let herself get comfortable while she waited for him. She took him in, chewing on her lip, wishing she could reach out and toy with his hair or just touch him in general, but she folded her arms over her chest to keep her hands to herself instead. When he grabbed a lollipop, though, she watched him, her eyes searching his and she could feel her breathing almost hitch when he licked the lollipop, her cheeks warming immediately. Hitching her bag onto her shoulder, she cleared her throat and nodded slightly. “We’ll see, sir. Enjoy the lollipop.” Offering a smile despite her still warm cheeks, she quickly turned to go back to her desk to get to work.
    January 5th, 2019 at 05:45pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Ruby ran a couple of laps around the track with her partner, Sean, laughing about the things the boy was complaining about, shaking her head in amusement. Although her mind was focused on Calum's words, because he was so damn intoxicating. Ruby had always thought her heart was too wild to be captured by someone, but Calum was there to prove her wrong, and she smiled at the thought of that - she'd already began falling for him, and Ruby wanted to relish in the feeling, she wanted Calum for the rest of her life, and she meant it. With half an hour to go before class ended, Ruby began to slow down, knowing their old coach would allow them half an hour to shower and change. Letting her hair down from it's bun, Ruby was first off the track, not even waiting for Calum's order.

    Ashton grinned as Amara kept her composure, despite his suggestive nature, and he knew, in that moment, she was his perfect match. Watching Amara closely as she went to sit down, Ashton admired the blush on her cheeks, but stood up to go around the class to check on everyone's projects, although his eyes, his attention, was all directed to the sugar addicted beauty he wanted to call his own. Ashton rolled his eyes slightly as a girl giggled at him, batting her eyelashes, quickly walking away after studying her piece, finding himself gravitating towards Amara even more - all he wanted was her, and her company, and her reassurance and Ashton knew that what he was doing - falling in love with a student - was bad, but he couldn't help it. "Alright guys, great work." Ashton grinned. "You've got half an hour to really impress me, though."
    January 5th, 2019 at 06:02pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum watched Ruby while she ran, his gaze going between her and the guy she was running with. From the roll call that morning before Ruby had shown up, he knew the guy’s name was Sean, but he chewed on his lip, unsure of whether he should feel jealous or not. But, seeing her laugh while she was running with him made Calum shift anxiously and he tried to push back the pulse of jealousy that rushed through him, trying to tell himself that the entire thing could be completely innocent - after all, Ruby had seemed genuinely interested in him in a way that he couldn’t see her being with that guy while they ran. Finishing off the lollipop, he watched as Ruby left the track and he offered a small grin. “Sorry, I finished the lollipop,” he mentioned, not wanting to greet her with questions about Sean, but he couldn’t help but to watch her, unable to tear his gaze away as he could note the sweat running down her skin, and he cleared his throat, looking back to the class that was still running when he noticed the time. “Alright, everybody, time to hit the showers,” he called out. “And, once you finish your showers, you can just leave, if you want.”

    Amara peered over at Ashton every now and then, chewing on her lip as her blush slowly ebbed away, though she grinned to herself as she got to work, keeping her work simplistic, since she really was just painting a doughnut. She made sure the background was pretty, though, a mixture of colors to really make the doughnut pop. Peering up when she heard somebody giggle, though, she watched the girl in her attempt to flirt with Ashton, but grinned slightly when Ashton walked away quickly and she ducked her head, chewing on her lip as she continued to work. She listened to him intently when he spoke, though, swearing his voice made her feel more at ease than anything in the world. “Question, Mr. Irwin,” she mentioned after a moment, lifting her gaze to look towards him, “You want us to impress you, but how hard are you to impress?”
    January 5th, 2019 at 07:15pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Ruby winked at Calum as he mentioned finishing the lollipop. "Is it my turn now?" She teased him, running a hand through her hair, biting her lip as she watched Calum fondly, unable to tear her gaze away from him, because god dammit, she could swear that Calum was made just for her. Grinning and winking at him, Ruby made her way to the women's shower block, showering quickly before heading to the main gym, waving at Sean as she tied her damp hair back once more, watching students begin to leave.

    Ashton looked up as Amara spoke, only wanting to pay attention to her, because she already filled a hole in his life that Ashton didn't even know was there. Blinking, Ashton grinned. "I gotta tell you guys, my standards are pretty high." Ashton spoke, his gaze, not once, leaving Amara, his eyes meeting hers as he finished his lollipop, throwing the stick in the bin. "But I have good hopes for this class, everything I've seen so far has been incredible." He walked to Amara, looking over her shoulder and grinning as he saw the doughnut, biting his lip. "Great job, Amara. I love it, the colours suit you." He squeezed Amara's shoulder gently.
    January 5th, 2019 at 07:28pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum grinned slightly to Ruby’s words, chewing on his lip in response as he watched her. “Well, if that’s what you want, I’m not gonna decline the opportunity,” he said easily, making sure the rest of the students weren’t close enough to hear his words, “I think I might enjoy your idea more than the lollipop, at least.” Winking, he separated from her so that she could go shower, and he watched as the rest of the students separated and went to the different showering blocks, but he went to the coach’s office to wait a bit, changing out the class register for the next class. When he came back, he could hear the silence of the gym, the showers from the showering blocks having turned off, the chattering of the students having halted to a silence, signalling that the students had left - or, at least, that the majority of them had left, because, upon walking into the main gym, he spotted Ruby, and he could feel his grin spread across his face. “Sticking around?” He arched a brow, glad to see her still there, glad to be able to spend more time with her, if that’s what she was there for. “Did everybody else already leave?”

    Amara watched Ashton, quietly taking in his words, and she chewed on her lip to bite back the grin that threatened to spread across her features, though she shifted a bit when she saw that he’d finished the lollipop. “I’m sure whatever you’ve seen today is nothing compared to what the rest of the year holds in store,” she replied easily, smirking proudly with her careful choice of words, before she dropped her gaze to her work, though she blinked when she heard Ashton’s voice, having not really realized he’d walked up. Lifting her gaze to him, she could feel her heart swell and race with the close proximity, but she grinned when he squeezed her shoulder, happy with the contact. “Thank you, Mr. Irwin. I think I’m gonna call it ‘The Last Doughnut.’” She smirked jokingly up at him, watching him and taking him in before tearing her gaze away to avoid other students noticing.
    January 5th, 2019 at 07:47pm
  • in bloom.

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    Ruby heard Calum's voice emergy from the office, and she lifted her gaze, offering Calum a smile and nodded. "Mhm, just me." Ruby laughed, standing from the bleachers and approaching Calum with a smile, tucking a strand of damp hair behind her ear. "You did a really great job for your first class." Ruby told him, wanting to drop her image for a moment to show Calum she was serious about the possibility of them, about her attraction to him. Ruby smiled with the thought. "Just wanted to tell you that before I head to my music class." Ruby shrugged her shoulders, her gaze meeting Calum's.

    Ashton's eyes lit up as he listened to Amara, watching her, because he was feeling confident about what the year had in store, not just for him as a teacher, but for any opportunity that may present itself with Amara. "I'm sure..." He grinned, but Ashton quickly removed his hand from her shoulder to avoid suspicion, but cleared his throat, grinning back at Amara's smirk. "Ah, The Last Doughnut. Drawn in September, 2018 by the artist by the name of Amara, a fine example of a sugar addict's wildest fantasies." Ashton spoke over dramatically, grinning as students laughed. "A truly priceless work of art, with a wonderful meaning, if one looks hard enough." He winked, sitting on his desk with a grin, throwing Amara a subtle wink.
    January 5th, 2019 at 07:57pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum couldn’t help the way his heart swelled with fondness when he heard Ruby laugh, and he grinned happily when she approached him, taking her in, though, seeing her tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, he reached out to brush any other stray strands of hair away, tucking them behind her ear gently, his expression softening as he watched her, loving this new side of her that he was getting a glimpse of. “Thank you,” he told her genuinely, examining her for a moment, his heart swelling happily with seeing her smile. “I’m honored you think so.” And, despite all their teasing throughout the morning so far, he meant what he said - hearing her compliment him, hearing her praise him in any way, made a sense of pride fill him, and he felt like he could take on anything the day threw at him because of her. “Music, huh?” He grinned slightly, his eyes searching hers, eager to learn more about her. “Do you play anything? Or are you a singer?”

    Amara grinned as she watched Ashton, her heart swelling, though she couldn’t help but to notice the emptiness that seemed to replace the warmth when Ashton removed his hand, only wanting as much contact with him as she could manage to get, despite knowing exactly why she couldn’t have all that contact to herself. “I don’t know, I think if we’re talking about the wildest fantasies, I should have done a lollipop instead,” she chimed casually, arching an amused brow, though she grinned with Ashton’s words about the piece, glad he seemed to understand the meaning behind it, and she perked up with his wink, her grin broadening for a moment before she ducked her head to finish the painting.
    January 5th, 2019 at 08:11pm
  • in bloom.

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    Ruby toyed with her lower lip for a moment, debating on doing what she wanted to do. There was twenty minutes left of classes, so she took her chance and stepped forward once more, smiling as she wrapped her arms around Calum's neck. "Good job." She murmured, kissing his cheek, although having to reach on her tip-toes slightly to do so. But when he asked about her music, Ruby grinned. "I play a little bass, and I sing." She told him, not bothering to pull away as she played with his hair.

    Ashton grinned, shaking his head in amusement. "Class, can anyone tells me what has the highest sugar content, a doughnut, or a lollipop?" Ashton asked, laughing as almost everyone called out a doughnut. "Man, I'm gonna be the size of a house by the end of the year, if Amara continues with her sweet tooth." Ashton winked, noticing that Amara was regarded highly by her peers. "Alright guys, you've done great today. Best first class I could of asked for." And the reason for that was because Amara was there. "You can leave early, it's only twenty minutes." Hoping Amara would hold back.
    January 5th, 2019 at 08:21pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum felt his heart race when Ruby stepped towards him, though his expression softened to a fond smile when her arms were wrapped around his neck and he shifted, sliding his own arms around her waist, gentle, careful, enjoying the way it felt to have her in his arms, to have her this close to him. “Thank you,” he murmured again, grinning when she kissed his cheek, though he shifted a bit to bend down, pressing his forehead to hers when he felt her playing with his hair, breathing out happily as he enjoyed the moment with her. “Yeah? I can play bass, too.” He grinned slightly, examining her for a moment, excited to know that they shared something like that in common. “And I can sing pretty well, I’d say.” He winked teasingly, pulling her a little closer, squeezing around her gently. “We’ll have to play together some day.” After offering up the suggestion, he chewed on his lip as he examined her, hoping he wasn’t crossing any boundaries with the offer, but hopeful that she’d enjoy the idea as much as he did.

    Amara grinned slightly, unwrapping one of her candies to snack on it for the rest of class, laughing with how quick the class was to answer Ashton’s question. “Oi, this sweet tooth isn’t going anywhere,” she hummed out easily in response, tilting her head slightly, though her grin broadened when Ashton dismissed class. Moving to pack her things up, she left the painting out, but dropped her candy back into her bag, along with her supplies, and she watched the other students leave. Once they were gone, she shifted to stand up, sliding her bag onto her shoulder before she approached the desk, holding out the painting with a grin. “Here, Mr. Irwin, a doughnut I’ll actually let you have.”
    January 5th, 2019 at 08:32pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Ruby twirled Calum's slight curls around her finger as his forehead pressed to hers, smiling with the contact, the lack of space between them. She'd never had anyone provide this affect to her, and she was so grateful for the lucky fact of Calum's existence. "God, you're so perfect." She murmured, her voice calm, collected, and she smiled. Hearing his words though, Ruby perked up, her eyes meeting his as he squeezed around her. "I'd love to have that jam session with you." Ruby grinned, biting her lip happily. "Just tell me when and where." With that thought though, she cleared her throat, pulling away slightly to pull out a piece of paper she'd written her number on, offering it to Calum.

    Ashton exhaled as the class began to leave, but he watched Amara the whole time, his heart swelling with excitement when he saw her holding back. Still sitting on his desk, Ashton watched the last person leave, accepting the painting from Amara. "At least I know you'll share something." Ashton teased, but he smiled as he studied the painting, putting it on the side carefully to ensure that it dried down to perfection. As soon as his hands were free though, Ashton sat on his desk, placing his hands on Amara's hips and gently leading her forward to stand between his legs. "Hiya," he grinned, his voice quiet, meek almost. "How did I do on my first lesson?" He teased, biting his lip as his gaze met hers - because Amara's opinion was the only one who mattered to him.
    January 5th, 2019 at 08:43pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum let himself relax, loving the way it felt when Ruby was playing with his hair, swearing he’d never felt more content or soothed in his life, and the very thought had him squeezing around Ruby gently again. “I think you own the label of perfect, Ruby,” he told her quietly, grinning at her as he examined her, his heart swelling happily when he saw the way she perked up. “Yeah? We can have it whenever you want. Tonight, tomorrow, this weekend. Whenever you’re free, I’ll make sure I’m free for you.” And, he meant it, because Ruby was definitely his priority, he’d choose her over anything, any time. When she pulled out a piece of paper, though, he blinked as he took the paper and opened it, one arm still around her, though he grinned slightly when he saw her number scrawled across the paper, his heart swelling with the sight of her handwriting. “Give me two seconds.” Pulling out his phone, he went ahead to input her information into it before starting a new message to her, grinning as he sent her a “Hi” but he added a heart in the message, too, before sending it.

    “Hey, I shared my candy, and you didn’t even have to ask,” Amara reminded with a playful pout, though she grinned when she felt Ashton’s hands on her hips, giving a quiet noise of surprise when he led her forward. Her grin still in place, she rested her hands on his shoulders for a moment before hooking her arms loosely around his neck. “Hi,” she greeted quietly, happily, and she grinned as she examined him after hearing his question. “I think you did an amazing job. You’re gonna be a great teacher this year, Ashton. Your students already love you, I can tell.” Her eyes examined his, her playful grin faltering a bit when she saw him bite his lip, pouting at how easily affected she was by him. “I’m looking forward to seeing how the rest of the year goes with you as my teacher.” And, just like that, her grin returned.
    January 5th, 2019 at 09:36pm