Straight For The Castle

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    Aelia Rose Genesis-FallenAngel95
    James Reikon- Bongs Before Bibles
    Elliot Reikon-FallenAngel95
    Charrie- Bongs Before Bibles
    January 7th, 2019 at 06:43am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Charrie sighed as she watched the scenery fly by. She'd been in this blasted horse drawn carriage going on two days now. The last stop they had was in a pleasantly nice little village a days drive away from the castle. Or so that's what her footman had said. But her she was staring out on the terrain. They'd told her how beautiful the country side was, but she'd never believe them. Sure it was beautiful, for the first day of the trip. She'd left her home a week ago. Her mother and father seeing her off as they promised her a great future. The king in some far off kingdom wanted to marry her. She wasn't sure it was true, after all most marriages were arranged now a days. If she wasn't up to this man's liking he'd more than likely marry her to save face, once her father dies he'll throw her to the wolves and then take a woman of his choosing. It had happened before why would she be any different. She wouldn't. The carriage came to a rather abrupt stop. Her eyes moving from the vast fields to the gate that blocked their path into the king's castle. She was surprised they weren't surrounded by their people. Her father's castle was right in the middle of the largest city. This was different and she wasn't sure if she was going to like being secluded. But no the less she'd have other things to attend to than the people. It would be something that would fall to the king. "We've arrived ma' lady." Abram her courts man said, pulling her attention from the window. "I see." She told him. "Now his majesty is said to be a man with a very big temper." Abram went on to say. "And as your chaperone it is my job to ensure your safety and give your hand in marriage." He informed her. "I will be acting on his majesty's your father's behalf." Charrie couldn't help but roll her eyes the man beside her was a pompous ares. He did nothing but grovel his way into her father's good graces and the moment she is married off he'll be on his way back to kiss her father's ares again.

    James sat in his throne room, awaiting for his guest arrival. He'd been informed that his bride to be was on her way into see him right now. Though he knew it was best to address things right away he however wished to delay their pursuit of marriage a little bit longer. He had no intention of marrying the youngest daughter of some king, and if he could send her back from where she came. He'd gladly do so in a heart beat. But due to a treaty agreement between his late father and the girls father. He was to wed this woman and they'd be able to continue trade peacefully. But he knew that he couldn't stomach to wed anyone other than Aelia. She was the perfect little rose for him. He'd already made arrangement for her stay at his castle. In fact he was waiting for news of her safe arrival. He was aching to see if the rumors were true that her beauty alone brought happiness. He knew that it was foolish to think that it was true. A smile pulled on his lips as he greeting the new comers, "Welcome." He smirked as his voice boom through the vast room. He could tell by the determined stride of the gentleman before him, this wasn't going to go as he planned. "You're majesty." The man greet giving him a rather low bow. The woman at his side gently curtsying. "You must be tired after you long journey." He said knowing they would want food and a places to rest there head if only if he could prolong their visit even by the night he maybe able to meet his Aelia and then his plan of marrying her could be finalized. But he wasn't going to say anything about it till he got to see this woman with his own eyes. "Why don't you rest and feed yourselves then we shall discuss." He waved his hand knowing that he was only being seen as a kind and considerate king. And that brought a smirk to his face.
    January 7th, 2019 at 08:34pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    She didn't want this, she didn't want this at all. The royal guards had barged into her families little farm. They spooked their cows, trampled some of their crops on their way in and some even dared to push her father to the ground. Aelia wasn't happy about how poorly the guards acted, they paid no attention to the damage that they had caused though, instead, the head guard had ordered the men to catch Lia. To which, she punched one of the men in the jaw as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Which turned out to be a bad idea because it ended up with her hand hurting and a guard sneaking up on her.

    Fighting, Lia tried to fight as she was dragged to a carriage. She really did, she kicked and screamed, scratched and even bit one of the men. She thought she was going to die, she was terrified. No, that wasn't the reason though. The King had requested her, believing that she was the one in the prophecy. Many people did, but Lia couldn't see it. She was just a good person, why did so many think of her as some good luck charm?

    Once she had heard the reason for her kidnapping, Lia suddenly preferred death. For she did not want to marry the King. She was not meant for royalty. Even though she wanted to beg for her freedom, Lia knew that it would be pointless, for it was a King's order and no one dared to defy him and live to tell their tale. Which, brought her to where she was now. In some garden, changed into some showy dress to impress the King. Secretly though, Lia liked it. It was pretty.

    Slowly, Aelia walked around the garden. The black skirts of the dress flowing beautifully around her as she moved. Her fingertips slowly glided over the flower petals as her beautiful blue eyes gazed at the amazingly well-kept flowers. Leaning forward, Lia smelled the sweet smell and couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her lips. Roses were her favorite flowers. They were always so beautiful in all of their different shades of colors.


    Feminine giggles filled the room as two strong arms wrapped around a petite woman's waist. Pulling her naked body back towards a strong chest as the woman tried to get away. "Ah, your highness." The woman's high pitched voice said, letting out another giggle as the Prince pressed kisses along the back of her neck. "The Princess is arriving, I need to finish cleaning her room." The Prince, Elliot groaned as he heard the pretty black haired girl's words. He knew she was right, but he was to content to care. There were other maids, surely they could do the cleaning instead.

    "So? Let the others prepare her room." Elliot mumbled against her skin as he held onto the woman's waist tighter. "I can't, his majesty requested that it be done by me." If the woman could see Elliot's eyes, she'd see they were rolling. Of course, his brother would request his favorite maid to clean his betrothed's room. Anything to get the young Prince to leave his room at a decent hour, right?

    "Fine, whatever," Elliot mumbled as he let the black haired girl go. His eyes watched as she got up and dressed before he followed. Throwing back the red and gold blankets and moving to his closet to change into something nice that held the Kingdoms colors. Red, gold, and black. Elliot had some brochure's put on his collar and put on a ruby ring he conned off a Prince in Lore' last time he went. Turning towards the long mirror in his room, Elliot fixed his collar before he headed out to see what was going on in his brother's castle.

    "Here, allow for me to escort you, Princess." Elliot butted in as he walked through the thresh hold of the throne room. He smiled politely towards his older brother and bowed towards him respectfully. "My apologies, your Majesty. I overslept." He said as he stood, offering a small grin before looking to the girl. "Shall we?" He asked, looking towards the woman and offering her an arm to hold onto. She was a beauty, her body looking quite exquisite in that dress. Why did his brother get all of the ladies falling to his feet?
    January 7th, 2019 at 09:22pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James felt his eyes wander over to his brother a soft glare playing at his features. He didn't want to let the outsiders know about his annoyance with his brother. After all their family problems stayed that. He'd never allow someone harm his brother no matter what. So he couldn't bring himself to respond as he normally would. But he smiled as his brother actually helped him in the situation. Taking his burden away. Once the princess and her escort were out of his throne room he stood. Moving to the head of his guard, a smile pulling at his face as the man whispered to him. "She's in the garden your majesty." Nodding to the man he headed in that direction. A light spring in his step, he was nervous yet excited. If this was really the girl they'd prophecized about. Then he'd have his bride. Stopping just shy of her, he watched as she moved along the garden. His eyes taking in her soft milky skin, and the way the dress hugged her womanly figure. He was a bit surprised she'd allowed them to dress her in such, but he was glad they had. It was suiting to her. But what caught his attention most was those beautiful eyes. How pure they were and they almost pierced right through him. Though he knew that he couldn't allow her to woo him. "You are as beautiful as they say." He told her, knowing she didn't want to hear his compliments. And taking her from her family would only make her miserable. But there was things he could fix and thing time fixed. So even if it wasn't the happiest day of her life she would wed him. Seeing her now he knew that he couldn't allow another man have her. Moving to her he smiled watching as she nervously touched the flowers around her. It was almost like she wasn't to escape into them. Stopping before her, he lifted his hand and brushed it across he cheek. If he had word to say to her he would, but he wanted nothing more than to make her his. And before the day was out, she would be.
    Charrie was a bit taken back by the appearance of the prince, he was attractive that she could admit. But not knowing he was there was what startled her, she nodded before taking his arm. "Thank you." She didn't feel the need to address him with such formalities. As they moved along she could hear Abram questioning the prince, asking questions on when they'd be able to address the king formally. And how soon they could expect a royal wedding. All the things which made her roll her eyes. "Abram, enough." She told him before turned her attention to the prince. "I'm sorry for his lack of manners, those questioned should be for his majesty." She said to him, "but it seems that my father wasn't thinking properly when he sent a servant in my brother's stead." Her father wasn't well enough to travel, but her brother was the next in line for the throne and since her father had suddenly fallen ill her brother couldn't possible leave the kingdom now. So he'd sent a pompous ares. "Hopefully before our audience with the king he'll learn proper manners." She chuckled softly, knowing it wasn't going to happen. They stopped at a door one that was reserved for servants, once the prince addressed to Abram it was his room and it was best not to be wandering around unattended they parted from him. Charrie couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, relaxing a bit and smiling at the prince. Something about him just had her feeling safe. But she knew that he wasn't truly safe her till her marriage with the king. And still she could end up facing difficulties with people wanting to over throw the country but she wouldn't think about it now. Honestly all she wanted was a nice hot bath and a bit of sleep.
    January 7th, 2019 at 10:32pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The sound of soft footsteps on the grass caught Aelia's attention and she quickly glanced up. A little scared that she would get scolded for touching something so delicate. Something so pure and beautiful. As her bright blue eyes laid on the hazel ones of the King, Lia couldn't help but gulp. He was a lot taller and more intimidating to see then what the rumors spoke of.

    "Your Majesty," Aelia spoke quietly, her tone soft and a little timid as she looked up at him. His hand felt cool against her slightly flushed skin. As a light blush had spread on her cheeks at the sudden appearance and intimate contact from the man she didn't even know. She stood frozen in front of him for a moment more, allowing for his gaze to drink her in before she took a small step back. Her eyes moving downwards out of respect and performed a curtsey that she was instructed to do by a servant when the King was to greet her.

    "It's an honor to make your acquaintance," Lia spoke slowly and clearly, trying to show the man as much respect as she could. Then, slowly, Lia stood. Unaware of if she was to wait for his words to release her from the curtsey or not. She was from a common village at the edge of the Kingdom, so these formalities were all so foreign to her.


    Playing the part of a good brother and Prince was hard sometimes. That, attendant, that the girls Kingdom sent was quite annoying and it took everything in Elliot to not punch him in the face to shut him up. But, they were in the presence of a lady, and to which Elliot had to play gentleman and politely give short answers so that the man would seem satisfied.

    "He's an interesting fellow." Elliot murmured, glancing down at the pretty Princess that was on his arm. He offered her a small smile before starting to lead her towards the stairs to the right. The nicer rooms were upstairs and on the other side of the castle. "Are you nervous, Princess?" Elliot asked, making small talk as he walked her down the hall. Their footsteps echoing slightly as they were the only ones around at the moment. "Is this the first time you've been away from your home?"

    Slowly, dark brown eyes lowered towards the Princess. She was quite beautiful, her exotic beauty had surely caught the Prince's attention and a pin of jealousy filled him. Sure, he was able to bed any servant in the castle, but, standing next to him was a beautiful Princess. Now, Elliot's bedded many different titled women before, but never a Princess. He briefly wondered if she'd be so docile in bed as she is now, but quickly shook it away. "I hope your room is to your liking." He said as they arrived at her room and Elliot held the door open for her. "I'll send a servant up with some food in a few, is there anything else you'd like?"
    January 7th, 2019 at 11:23pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James felt his stomach tighten as her soft sweet voice rang out into the air. He knew that his eye darkened almost like he'd caught prey in his sight. He love the way she responded to him, it was something he'd never given much attention to. But as he watched as she bowed her couldn't help but smile at her. "My lady." He said teasingly to her offering her a bow in return. Though he'd have to honestly say he'd never bowed to a lady with out her being one of court or they were preparing to dance. Standing he took her hand pulling her up to face him. "It is entirely my honor." He told her before placing a soft kiss to her hand. Lowering it he refused to let it go, something about this woman was driving him insane. He needed to find away to get out of his marriage with Charrie.

    Placing her hand on his arm he started to walk with her around the garden, his pace slow allowing for them to take the time they needed to get better acquainted. He had so many things to ask her, but at the same time he had a life time to get to know her. "I know it was a bit of a shock being invited here, but is everything to your liking?" He honestly wasn't sure what all she's been allowed to see. The garden was one of his favorites in the land. But he knew it was tended to by a few people. And right now they were making themselves scarce. He really wanted her to want to be here, but at the same time taking her against her will would put a bit of a hindrance into it.
    The sarcastic laugh that left her lips had been hard to contain but she failed. "He's a pompous." She stopped remember her place, "honestly sir you didn't have to acknowledge him so." She told him knowing it was very kind of him not to snap at the man to silence him. "Nervous, no." She shook her head. "I've been prepared since I was young to be married off, it was inevitable." She told him truthfully. "My aunt live in London and I studied there for a season." She told him, knowing that London was one of the biggest kingdoms and well respected.

    Though Charrie's wasn't expecting so much attention to be thrust onto her. When her sister had married she was just arm candy, no one seemed to care what her role was. And honestly Charrie felt that would be her. She was prettier of course but it didn't mean she couldn't be expendable. She could feel the princes eyes on her, and she wasn't sure how to feel. But she knew it was nice to talk to someone new. And he truly seemed like a gentleman. But she could be mistake. As most men only wanted two things from women, sex and silence. "Thank you," she said to him offering him a small curtsy before entering her room. "I think I'll managed, thank you." She smiled at him, before closing the door. She felt rather rude, but he was just being a good host.
    January 7th, 2019 at 11:53pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Maybe it was the anxiety of being in front of such a powerful man, or maybe it was the glass of wine she was offered earlier in the day, but. As the King spoke to her, Lia couldn't help the feeling of her heartbeat quickening. Bright blue eyes watched as the man bowed to her, something that she never even dared to dream of. A King bowing to her, it was like a child's dream coming true that her parents dared not speak of. "You're too kind." She mumbled quietly, not able to help but to avert her eyes from his as he kissed her hand.

    As her hand was placed on the Kings arm, Lia couldn't help but to clench her free hand into a fist and bring it to her chest. She could feel her heart beating so quickly it felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. "Yes," Lia spoke as she heard his question. Her gaze shifting to glanced up at him before adverting again as she tried to hide her discomfort as she continued. "I've only been allowed to wander the room I'm staying in and the garden when a guard is available though." She didn't blame the guards of the castle, as the first chance she'd get, she'd take it to escape. At least, she would before she was married to such a terrifying man.

    Glancing to the side, Lia noticed they were passing a fountain. Her and the Kings reflection reflecting in the water. They looked like a beautiful couple, but Lia couldn't help but notice the sadness as it reflected in her eyes back at her. "May I ask a question?" She asked quietly, looking up towards the King. "Your Highness." She added on, not sure if she was supposed to or not.


    The way that the Princess had answered a lot of his questions really blew Elliot away. She had some bite to her, and that was not a common trait that a Princess usually held. At least, none that Elliot knew personally. So, as she spoke of that Abram fellow and of her travel, Elliot couldn't help but smirk. Maybe having her as a sister in law wouldn't be so bad. Maybe she could lighten her brother up a little bit. Okay, that was a bit of a stretch, but Elliot could imagine at least.

    "Princess," Elliot said and crossed one arm over his chest as he bowed as a farewell to her. As soon as the door closed, Elliot stood up straight and fixed his jacket. He allowed for a small sigh to escape from him before he headed back down the hall towards the servants dwelling. Curious as to rather or not his little vixen was available to have another round in his bedroom. Although, as the past by a few guards, Elliot couldn't help but pick up some interesting information. His brother, the King, found the girl of the prophecy? The news caught Elliot by surprise and he couldn't help but stand dumbfounded. That was big news. Very big news.

    Glancing over his shoulder, Elliot glanced towards the Princess' door. The poor girl was being pushed out of the limelight already and she didn't even know it. Then, Elliot shrugged his shoulders and headed on his way. It was not his place to say, he was not a nice guy nor was he going to start now. If his brother wanted to risk war to listen to a prophecy, then so be it. It's not like their Kingdom couldn't conquer the girls in a week anyway.
    January 8th, 2019 at 12:37am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James smirked hearing her words, he liked that she seen his kind side. But it was him who ordered her to be taken from her family. As they strode he noticed the shift in her behavior. He knew that it wasn't necessarily going to be easy to win her heart over. But he would do as he could, but he knew that their time together was limited. He would have to return to his duties before much longer. Prolonging them only made his studor mad, as they felt things needed to be done immediately. It was just part of being the king.

    As they past the vast fountain, he couldn't help but turn his attention to the woman on his arm. She was quite beautiful and he would love to admire her more openly, but that would have to wait till they were alone. He smiled when she started the conversation now. "You may, and you don't have to be so formal with me when it's just the two of us." He told her stopping before turning to give her his undivided attention. His hand moving to rest on top of hers, keeping her from pulling away from him.
    Charrie sighed as the servants came and went there was few of them so it seemed like they past through her door less often. And she was thankful for that. One had mad her a bath, the other brought up her luggage, while another brought her food. It was going like that for a while. But she tucked herself into the bathroom to wash away her travel. She'd been in a state when she arrived she was surprised the king had been so tolerant and allow her to rest. It was to kind of him, honestly most men were always in a hurry. Things couldn't get done fast enough, but with her she like to take her time and enjoy the simple things in life. After all a lot of it was better than having to deal with her studies. Some of the way her tutors had trained her she'd nearly bent over backwards just to complete a task.

    Slipping into the tub she sighed at the water was still hot, not to much that it would burn her. But she could feel herself relaxing as the water washed away all of her day. "Madam, shall I wash you?" She heard a soft sweet voice ring out. Raising a her head she looked to the door noticing it was still closed but the voice spoke through it. "You may enter." She told the woman knowing that bathing wasn't something she'd ever done by herself before, and it wouldn't be something she ever did by herself.
    January 8th, 2019 at 03:53am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    As the King turned his attention to her, it suddenly felt like Lia couldn't breathe. Like she was being pulled under water, being dragged deeper and deeper as his eyes swallowed her whole. Aelia gulped, as she nervously licked her lips. She was nervous. Very nervous. "Very well, Sir.." She'd pause to see if that's what he wanted. Then adding "James." If he gave her some sort of unpleased look before continuing. "I feel like there may be some kind of mistake." She started, licking her lips once more.

    "I'm not what you think I am." Aelia paused as she tilted her head to the side a little as she showed him a small town. "I'm just a simple farm girl from the border. Not some prophesy, or someone born from the gods, so I guess what I'm trying to ask is. Why are you drawn to a prophesy when you, yourself, are already looked to as a god." As soon as the words rushed out of her mouth like word vomit, Lia instantly wanted to run away. She was a fool for speaking ill of the gods and mocking the Kings own judgment. "I-I'm sorry, that was out of line. Please forgive me." She tried to apologize, lowering her head and waiting for some kind of discipline from the man.


    Boredom, that would be the best thing to describe what the Prince was feeling right now. The Princess was relaxing, the servants all tending to the visitors and his brother was nowhere to be seen. Elliot has read every book in this castle at least a couple of times, so he was not in the mood to talk.

    Standing up from the chair that the Prince had been sitting in, Elliot glanced towards the clock. It was dinner time, surely, his brother would be at the dining table. Afterall, it was only proper to do so when one has company that they needed to take care of. Right? Elliot hoped that his brother wasn't going to abandon the dinner and do something foolish like a ride into town without him. The least James could do was tell Elliot when he was going to do something interesting so that he could act the part of a knowledgable Prince, right? Straightening out his clothes, Elliot went to go and see if anyone was in the dining room, or at least out about the castle.
    January 8th, 2019 at 04:33am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Watching her he couldn't help the bit of humor that lingered in his eyes. He knew it was hard for people to drop the formal addressing so hearing her still address him as so. Doing his best to drink in her appearance he tried to maintain his stature as he wouldn't want to been as showing favoritism to a woman he had not wed. He wasn't surprised as started to doubt her position, he knew it was normal not to think you're anything great. "You have nothing to be forgiven of." He told her before grasping her chin and lifted her eyes to his. "Never lower your gaze." He knew she was taught to do so, but he loved staring in to those icy blues. "I understand your doubt, and even I tend to question things I can not change. Thing that I have no control over." He told her. "But how would you know if you were or weren't the girl prophesied about? Can you see to?" He asked her knowing she very well couldn't. "And can you deny your king?" He asked her, knowing most would not dare to defy him. "Even if it is some sort of blasphemy would you still doubt it if I said prophesy or not I want you hear by my side?" He knew that building something with her was what he was trying to do. Because if she wasn't happy here how could the prophesy be even a silver true. After seeing her it was true he wouldn't allow her to leave, even if she wasn't the one. He would keep her by his side, even if it was just to warm his bed.
    Charrie smiled softly at Abram, as she placed her hand upon his arm. Walking down the hall with him. A guard about foot in front of them and one behind. It was normal for them to be accompanied by at least one, but this time it was due to their lack of knowledge of the castle. "I know you're not in a hurry to marry princess but you're father was incessant of you marrying before the week is out." He said to her. "I believe my father fears I can not keep the husband he had promised me." She said to the man next to her, "but I am also aware that not every waking moment should be made for discussing a wedding. And getting to know thy husband is also a must, so please refrain from making dinner uncomfortable by bring up the matter of marriage." She told him, knowing that even if he was sent to give her away he'd stay until it was done, and no matter how hard he pushed the issue it wouldn't make the wedding happen faster.

    Upon entering the dining room Charrie was surprised to see the vast room empty. A servant greeted them. "Madam His majesty is a way on business and may not be able to attend dinner." She told her, her head bowed as she spoke. "The prince?" Asked Abram knowing they did have more than one host. "He was not in his room when we announced dinner sir." She said to him though it seem like she was more than aware of where the prince was but couldn't speak of her master in that way. "Please be seated and enjoy your feast." She said before bowing to them then leaving. "What kind of kingdom do they run here?" Scoffed Abram, taking a seat a the table none the less. "Your father on his death bed still manages to eat dinner with his guest." Snapped Abram not caring who heard. "Silence." Charrie announced to the room, knowing that even the servants had been starting to whisper about the situation they were in. "His majesty is a very busy man, and you will hold your tongue." She warned Abram, "after all his majesty did insist we get some rest from our travel, so he may have expected us to eat in our rooms." She explained to everyone in the room knowing that no matter what reason the king had to ignore his guest it was his choice and he didn't have to answer to anyone as he was king. And knowing their places was important. She knew from the moment she enter the castle she wasn't of any importance to the man. But if she was going to be his wife she'd have to be very understanding of his position. Not that she had to like it or would she like it, but it all honesty it would be no different than when she was at home.
    January 8th, 2019 at 10:36pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The first words of his disagreement caused Aelia to slightly fidget with her fingers. She had just blatantly told him she didn't believe the gods, wasn't that just cause for punishment? Back home, she'd surely have gotten a lick or two for saying such things.
    Lia gulped as the Kings rough hands grabbed her chin. Her eyes flickering towards his and then his lips as he told her to not lower her gaze. "Yes, sir." She spoke quietly, her cheeks turning a light rosy color as she found herself looking at his lips moreso than his eyes as he spoke to her in such a position.

    "I would not defy you, James," Lia said quietly, flickering her eyes to his eyes as she spoke the words that she knew he wanted to hear. "You would want me still?" Lia asked, a small bit of surprise filling her voice as she glanced towards his lips once more before looking at his eyes again. Oh, she couldn't deny the small flutter of butterflies that filled her belly at the thought of a man wanting her by his side.


    "The girl is right," Elliot said as he emerged from the hall at the end of the Princesses little rant. He offered her a small smile as he walked towards an empty seat. Elliot snapped his fingers and one of the maids brought over a pitcher and started to fill it with some of the finest wine in all of the land.
    "My apologies for being late, I had some work to attend to." He said, not going into details on his personal life. He reached out and grabbed his glass once the girl was done and brought it to his lips to sample.

    "So, is your room to your liking Princess?" Elliot asked as he turned his head to look at the girl once he was done drinking. "Please, don't worry about being polite. If there is anything that slightly displeases you, please let me know." He offered her one of his many charming smiles, one that won over many women.

    (Ugh, this was such a bad post.. I'm sorry!!)
    January 8th, 2019 at 11:48pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James smiled hearing her compliance, knowing that even if she wouldn't make a fine queen he could school her. Knowing she wasn't sold on being of importance to the kingdom, then he'd have to make her feel important to him. It wasn't everyday that a man of his power and grace offered riches and his bed to a woman of her class. He nodded feeling rather proud of himself to know that she wouldn't defy him. So his wishes to marry her wouldn't fail. Placing her hand back on his arm he turned and started lead them back towards the castle. As they neared he couldn't help but smile at the table and chairs that had been set up for them. A meal sitting in wait for them. Pulling out a chair for her he helped her sit before he took the seat opposite of her. "You must be starving, please eat." He told her, before picking up his glass of wine and taking a sip from it. He motioned for a servant to come to them. "Remove it." He instructed him, not wanting her to get drunk on the wine before her. The glass was quickly removed knowing if his order was disobeyed there'd be hell to pay. As he watched her eat slowly he started to eat on his own feast. Once they were done he sat back in his chair staring at her over his wine glass. Throwing back the remaining amount of his wine he smiled at her. "Yes I want you to stay," he said bring back their earlier conversation. "In fact I want you to marry me." He told her, knowing it was a bit of a surprise. But she'd already told him she'd not deny her king. So telling her his plans of marriage would only confirm his want for her to stay.
    Charrie was quite surprised when Elliot joined them. She could feel a light blush pulling at her cheeks. Abram quickly stood bowing to the man before taking his seat, still remembering his place. "Spoiled." She heard Abram mutter to himself. It wasn't a surprise to her that they'd in fact been working. Her father wouldn't eat dinner with his family a lot of times due to business. But she chose to ignore the princes sudden attendances and continue eating. She wasn't used to being the center of attention so feeling his attention on her cause butterflies to appear in her stomach. She knew that most men had that power of women, but for some reason he'd managed to pull it from her. She'd never met a man that made her want him. She'd always done her best to ignore her bodily wants and focus on her studies so that she never had to face heart ache. Also she'd never fall prey to a man seeking her virtue. Her only option was to marry the king or she'd be disowned. And she never wanted that. Smiling at the prince she knew it was best to be polite. "It's very accommodating." She told him chuckling lightly knowing he was always searching for her to open up to him.

    [It's fine]
    January 9th, 2019 at 01:12am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    As the King placed her hand on his arm again, Aelia got the feeling that she was going to be locked in her room once more. The idea of causing a small frown to appear on her lips, she didn't want to be alone. To be stuck staring out a window as servants only entered to help her change out of the expensive dress that was worth more than a million of her families farm.

    Although, as she noticed the table filled with food, her eyes lit up a little. "Did you plan this?" She asked, sitting in the chair that he pulled out for her. Sure, it wasn't a royal feast since they were at a smaller table, but it was still filled with some amazing smelling food. "Thank you." She said quietly and began to eat the meal that was offered to her. The taste of the delicious food that was on her plate caused a bright smile to lift her cheeks. This was amazing.

    Pretty soon, they were both done and Lia could feel herself feeling a little more relaxed as she sat, looking down into the glass of water that was offered to her. The sound of James' voice causing her to look back up towards him. Her head tilting a little as she waited for him to continue before her eyes widened. "Y-you, want me to marry you?" She repeated, surprise filling her words. Her cheeks turned a bright rose color and she couldn't help but fidget in her seat a little bit. "But we barely know each other, and I'm not quite knowledgable of royal etiquette, I'm not of royal blood. Oh, this is all so sudden." She rambled, gears in her mind turned over and over as she thought of marrying the King and becoming a Queen.


    The fact that the Princess didn't have one thing to complain about should of pleased Elliot but the fact actually had the opposite. He leaned back in his seat and frowned as he sipped on his wine once more. His eyes trained on the woman for a while longer before he let out a sigh and set his drink down so that he could focus on eating instead of staring at the woman who was off limits to him in many ways.

    Silence, that's the only word that came to Elliot's mind as he ate. His dark eyes looking down as he focused on the food in front of him. Enjoying the taste of the roasted meats, and fresh fruits and vegetables that were on the table as well. "You know, Princess." Elliot finally spoke as he leaned back in his seat once more. His eyes shifting to her as he popped a grape into his mouth. "I think you're hiding something." He smirked a little as he leaned back, the wine was getting to him a little, but Elliot didn't care. He was a Prince, who was going to tell him to slow down?

    "Of all the Princesses I've met." He continued his little speech once she looked in his general direction. "You're the most docile, and yet, temperamental." A pause for a little more effect of his words. "We may not know each other well, but we will be family soon enough. So, why don't you let your thoughts out? How are you really feeling about everything, I'm sure Abram here would like to hear as well." Elliot smirked, only adding in the other man as he remembered that he was even in the room, to begin with.
    January 9th, 2019 at 01:58am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Chuckling he shook his head, knowing that she'd have her reason why she wouldn't want to get married. "Do I look like I care?" He asked her, they were alone in the garden sitting with a rather small table between them, it was unheard of. If a man was to eat a meal with a woman he'd have to be accompanied by someone. Nothing she said bothered him, he was ready to make her his. Sitting forward in his chair he looked at her completely serious. "If that is what you think of marriage then you know nothing of the world around you." He told her firmly. "You don't need to be of royal blood to marry a king, never has that been a law. It was always a preference. I can have you trained in a week on royal etiquette. And we have a life time to get to know each other." He told her, smiling answering all her questions. He didn't need her to feel like she was drowning by becoming Queen. Standing from the table he moved around to her, settling himself down on her level, by propping up on one knee. "I know this isn't something you ever though you could have, but you can do your family a great honor by marring me." He told her, knowing that her family would be effected. He could not only make her father a noble man, but he could give them land and pay for workers to work on it. There was endless things that could work in her favor. But he knew his words were sweet and he was only telling her this to ease her into the situation because they would wed. Though he wasn't sure what more he could say to make her understand his intentions.
    Elliot's word about her being docile and temperamental hit home. She'd grew up the youngest child her parents were already to busy with the other's training and preparing for their futures. So while she was young she was able to roam and grow as she seen fit. That included having her own mind. Learning everything she could about her kingdom. But then things changed it was her turn to learn and be groomed. That was the hardest things she'd gone through. Having to learn how to be a lady. But she did it and some parts of her spirit was broken due to it. But it shaped her into what she'd become now. "I'm not sure either of those things are bad." She smiled at him. "So a woman not be ready and willing to please her husband even if that means doing things she wouldn't have done before?" She asked him, knowing most men were experienced before they ever wed. So he'd understand her meaning. "But also marrying a man of royal stature would require a woman to know her place, to be docile as you say. But as a woman should know her place in life, being of royal stature one should know their own worth." She told him, setting down her utensils. "And being temperamental at times to get ones point across is very good practices." She knew that being temperamental all the time how ever would only result in her being beaten into submission. "But I have no idea what you want me to confide in you, my dear sir." She told him being serious. "But the way I am feeling right now or ever will never change what situation I am in. It can either aid or hinder. And if it was to hinder one ought not be so quick to let it destroy their situation. And I'm falter I'm not like most Princesses you met." She could only assume the kinds of Princesses he's met.
    January 9th, 2019 at 02:57am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The words that left the Kings lips caused Lia to be taken aback. She thought he was going to go from this charming man to a brutal man, like the rumors of him said. Her lips straightening into a thin line as she wondered if she should take her chance to run, try and get out of the Kings grasp, but, his words were not all bad. He was taking the time to clear her mind of worry. She had never met a man to cause her to have such conflicting feelings in a matter of seconds. Going from wanting to run from him to want to know his company in a matter of a few words.

    "You'd do all that for me?" She asked, referring to the royal etiquette part. Lia always wanted to be a Princess, dress in beautiful dresses, go to dances that royals held and not feel the bitter bite of winter. The idea that she'd be using the King to gain her wishes filled Lia's mind, but she couldn't just push them away. They were apart of this, as were her growing interests in marrying a man who had kidnapped her no less. "When do we wed, then?" She asked quietly as she turned slightly so that she could look directly into the Kings mysterious eyes.

    The gods supposedly predicted that a beautiful woman with snow white hair and blue eyes would marry a King in this lifetime. If they were the chosen ones, then, did Lia really have a chance of standing between fate? Just then, a cloud parted from the slightly clouded sky and shined it's dawn ray down on the two. "Oh, how pretty," Lia said quietly as she looked up to see the clear sky coming through the clouds. Then, slowly she looked back towards James, it seemed like the sunlight was a good omen from the gods.


    "No, no they are not," Elliot said, agreeing with the young lady that was across the table from him. A playful smile appearing on his lips as he finally got some kind of response from her. Something that'd make him actually want to listen to her and not need a whole pitcher of wine to be able to bare her company. A shrug of her shoulder was his answer for what she applied for pleasing a husband, that was something that he couldn't argue with. Elliot knew that she was correct there, a pure woman was the preferred choice for any of noble birth. Which was why he indulged in the less unfortunate, which tended to not fight about it.

    Slowly, Elliot leaned forward as he listened to the Princess continue. He placed his elbows on the table and crossed his fingers. His dark eyes focusing on the woman who he seemed to have hit a nerve with. His hands hiding the small smirk that was growing on his lips as he slowly nodded his head as he listened to her. Amusement danced in his eyes as he thought about her words for a moment more before he opened his mouth to add more to the subject. "By confiding in me, I simply meant that my brother can be a little lacking at times at what goes on in the castle." He told her, shrugging his shoulders. "The ladies at court in our Kingdom don't take kindly to strangers a lot of time, so we tend to have a few confrontations, that is all." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

    Then, Elliot lowered his arms and placed them back onto the table as he looked at her head on, a small smirk playing across his lips. "You surely are not like most at all. You do not bore me to tears, Princess." Elliot murmured, then sat back in his seat. "Abram," Elliot said, shifting his gaze towards the man who was sent to accompany the beauty across from him. "Has the lady always been such a wild card?" He asked, wanting to get some dirt on the lady to use as a little bit of blackmail.
    January 9th, 2019 at 03:40am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James couldn't help the smile that pulled at his face, "when you are my Queen there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you." He told her, knowing his words were true. He could see the internal battle she was faced with. But what better option than a King did she have. If she were to have never left that farm she'd have been married off to some fat pig farmer, one who could give her father the fastest pig in the lot. She'd be miserable being the man toy, and maid. Here she'd be doted on by everyone. And by the King as well. He couldn't hide the smile that broke on his face as she agreed to be his bride. He was so happy he didn't even catch the signs the Gods gave them. "At the priests earliest convenience." He told her, knowing it was meant to keep her lock into this marriage but it was also to keep him from having to wed another woman. "Shall we continue our stroll, or would you like a tour of the castle, we could visit the library?" He wasn't sure what she wanted but he knew that keeping her out of sight of the Princess and her annoying company. Standing he offered her his hand, once she placed it in he place a soft kiss to it. He couldn't contain his happiness.
    Charrie wanted more than anything to respond to the Prince's words. She wanted to remind him she wasn't of his court as each Kingdom was different some so much that they did it just to spite their enemies. But when he turned his attention to Abram she was rather thrown off guard. He'd never shown any interest in the man before now he was question him about her. "I can say Princess Charrie, has always been rather quick tongued." Abram said picking up his wine glass as well. Clearly forgetting his place and not only insulting Charrie but allowing his personal experience as a servant come to play. "She'd beat her brother ups when they refused to give her her way." He chuckled out causing Charrie to clench her fist rather tightly. "You forget you place." She said to Abram, knowing he'd be prompted to answer a question from their guest, but he'd allowed his own want for being important to over shadow his place in life.

    Scooting her chair back she stood slowly from the table dropping her napkin on the table before her. "If you'll excuse me gentleman I'll take my leave, so you can gossip some more." She said turning on her heel and leaving the room. She knew that Elliot had been trying to get under her skin. And he'd succeed, but she didn't feel the need to sit present and listen to them speak about her. She'd done it her entire life with her father and brothers. She wouldn't do it now as a guest in someone's home. Even though it didn't bother her Elliot wanting to get to know her, she just wished he'd talk to her and not the other people in the room about it.
    January 9th, 2019 at 04:06am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    It felt like the butterflies in her stomach had returned as Aelia looked into James' eyes. His words were so kind, how could anyone turn them down or not blush? Surely, as his gaze stayed on her, he could see that she was pretty much a ripe tomato in his hands. She was sure she had no blood anywhere else in her body because of the hard blush that appeared on her cheeks.

    "That soon?" She asked, surprised at how fast things were moving. Sure, she knew that James wanted to wed her, but, they had just met today and for all Lia knew. The earliest could be tonight as well, or tomorrow morning. When he had initially asked her for her had, she had thought at least a week, but, wow. This was all happening so fast, her head felt like it was spinning.

    "Can you show me around the castle?" Aelia asked, slowly taking his hand. "I'd love to see the library, we didn't have many books at home, but I enjoyed reading what we did." She told him, blushing greatly as James lips pressed against her soft skin. His lips felt so soft and tender, she was curious about what they'd feel like pressed against hers.


    The quick retreat of the Princess caught Elliot off guard and he couldn't help but look at her in surprise. His lips that were once in a teasing fashion moving into a small frown. He really did a number on this conversation. It was the wine though, he turned into a mighty fine ass when he drank a little and this Princess who he thought could take his little prying questions, seemed to have not agreed with him.

    "Oh dear," Elliot mumbled as he sat back, a small sigh escaping from his lips as he watched those skirts around her waist swishing about as the Princess stormed out of the dining room. "She sure does know how to make an exit." Elliot mused as he rested an elbow on the side of his chair, his chin resting in his hand.

    "So, she used to beat up her brothers?" He asked, glancing towards Abram, wanting to get more of the story out of him before he'd make up his decision on rather or not he felt like going after the Princess and apologize or just let things go and act like he didn't make an ass of himself in front of her.
    January 9th, 2019 at 04:35am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James smiled at her though it held a bit of guilt, "I told you I'd do anything for you." He told her, leading her towards the Castle. He'd start off on the levels where he was less likely to run into anyone at this hours. Then take her to the library it was getting late and he hoped no one would be in there by the time they made it. His mind keep going back to her question of being to soon. "There are things that must happen for you to stay in the Castle." He told her knowing it was true. "One you can marry me." He started with that one knowing they'd agreed. "Or you can bed any man, I'd prefer you didn't." He said growling lightly. Knowing she'd be lowering herself to a whore and would never be worthy to be a Queen then. "Or you can become a servant." He told her, "because a woman with no family, would surely be painted as a whore." He didn't want her to have to face that, "so marrying as soon as possible is the best option we have right now." As he was a King and didn't need a mans permission to marry his daughter. Though it only applied to his own subjects. If a woman was from another Kingdom he'd need the King's blessing there. Knowing he would surely arouse some suspicion from his servants if he didn't wed soon. As they entered the castle he summoned a guard to him and instructed her to bring him the priest for a marriage. And to urge him that it is to take place as soon as possible. He smiled as he moved back to Aelia. "Shall we continue?" He offered her his arm leading her down on of the halls that was adorned with paintings most were of his family, some were exotic and other were of battles. The king that had this Castle before him had great art, though of course he did take away the family pictures. As they neared the library he smiled, and pushed open the door. Letting her take in it's grandeur. The one thing he loved about concerning someone else's home was their library he never had to stock it. As he let her look her noticed they were not alone any more, moving to the guard he smiled at he told him the priest was ready for them. "Aelia, come." He told her.
    Abram smiled as the prince questioned him again. "Yes she had a bit of a temper as a child, though his Majesty set her straight with boarding school in London." He beamed boasting about his King at ever chance he could get.

    Charrie sighed as she moved into her room, a soft frown appeared on her lips as the maids still scuttled around trying to tidy up. "You may leave it." She told them knowing they were only doing as they were suppose to. But she still wished to be alone. "Madam will you be needing help out of your dress?" One of the questioned knowing that it usually took two people to put them on and two to take them off. Though Charrie was rather lucky her figure wasn't gained from wearing tight corset. "I won't but thank you good night." She told them knowing she wouldn't be needing them any longer. She watched as they exited the room before she her self started to get ready for bed. A soft smiled pulling at her lips as she could finally relax and not worry about putting on airs with anyone. It was the worst part of being a princess is always appearing to be superior in every way. However she just wanted to drop all the acts and get to know someone with out fear of punishment or offending. She'd enjoyed that when she was younger it help her to understand everyone. From the local farmer to the King. Of course her mother enjoyed her curiosity while her father shunned it and did his best to teach it out of her. It was why she went to London, a place where she could learn how a real woman should act, along with how princess are suppose to behave.
    January 9th, 2019 at 05:17am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Maybe he was just trying to reassure her that marriage was the best solution for why she was there, but. When the King had told her that must happen, explained, she got the feeling that she was nothing more than a pawn and was tricked into this forced marriage. Aelia wanted to just tell him she changed her mind, but, he was a King? An Lia, a poor farmers daughter. If anything, she'd be forced to marry another farmer boy. Maybe she'd actually love him though, but, maybe she'd love the King one day as well.

    A small sigh escaped from Aelia as she was allowed to wander the library for a short few moments. Her eyes scanning the titles and smiling as she found one or two that she knew. She had just reached out to grab a book when she was called. Her head turning towards the King as she placed the book back in its place. "Coming." She said, offering a small smile as she went to James, trying to pull a not so nervous smile as she approached him and wrapped an arm around his.

    To her surprise, the Priest had already arrived. Aelia thought that since it was getting late, that the holy man wouldn't want to appear until the early morning hours, but, it seemed she was wrong. "Evening, your holiness," Lia said quietly and curtseyed towards the holy man. He gave her a small smile before greeting the King. Which gave Lia a small chance to look around. Her bright blue eyes looking around in amazement of the grandness of the throne room. The lush chair that sat behind the priest with gold around its edges. The hanging of the Kingdoms colors on the wall. The room was surely grand. "Shall we begin?" The Priest asked, which caught Lia's attention and caused her to look towards the King for his reply.


    He had made such an ass out of himself in front of a woman, it was a disgrace. Usually, Elliot waited to know a woman for at least two days before he'd make a fool of himself in front of them, but, it seemed that the gods had other ideas. Elliot sighed as he walked the halls, he had ordered something for the Princess and he was getting annoyed with how long it was taking them to prepare it. He needed to apologize before she went to bed. Why? Because going to bed mad is not good for one's health, at least, that's what his father used to tell him when he was alive.

    "Your Highness, your order has arrived." One of the servants said as she walked towards the Prince and curtsied to him. "Good, bring them to Princess Charrie's room." He ordered as he motioned for the woman to be on her way. His right hand raised and slowly moved through his hair, ruffling the perfect strands as the Prince closed his eyes and sighed. His brother was off marrying some girl who might have been profocised and here Elliot was, trying to make his brothers ex-fiance happy. Oh, what an odd change of events.

    "Oh well, what's done is done." Elliot mused as he turned on his heels and headed towards the Princesses room. "Give me that." He ordered as he spotted the first bouquet and reached out for them. Once the servant handed them to the Prince, Elliot turned and knocked on Charries door, stepping to the side so that all she'd be able to see were ten vases filled with flowers before seeing him at the end holding out the bouquet for her to hold. The red, white and pink roses were sure to impress the young lady with their sweet scent and exquisite beauty. "I've never apologized to a woman before, I hope I'm doing it right." Elliot would say once their eyes would meet,
    January 9th, 2019 at 01:06pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    James couldn't help but smile at the man who had came to his aid. Greeting him he they quickly conversed on the matter of marriage. He wasn't worried about any of the issues of the marriage just that it be kept quite due to the nature of it's happening. If his people found out he'd not only kidnapped her but forced her to marry him, it wouldn't end well. After they agreed the marriage would be something the kept quite, honestly he was only worried about the church keeping things quite not the castle.

    He couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips as the priest asked if they were ready. "Yes." James said with out a missing a beat. Turning to look at Aelia he offered her his hand, grasping hers lightly when she took it. He wasn't sure what was to happen next but when the priest started talking he all but tuned him out as his eyes stayed locked on Aelia's. It was finally happening and he couldn't wait to call his Queen. He gently squeezed her hand reassuring. Knowing this was new and scary, but he'd be there for her no matter what.

    "Do you you're majesty?" He priest asked, like he was prodding for an answers. It wasn't till then he realized he'd been asked a question. "I do." James said without hesitation. He was thankful the priest had chose a short and simple ceremony because if this had been a real wedding he'd have never gotten through it by ignoring the priest. Smiling he listened to the priest ask Aelia if she took the him as her husband. And even though she'd told him she would marry him he still felt a bit of fear creeping in that she'd wait till now to deny him. And it made his breath catch in his throat.
    Charrie had finally gotten comfortable in the bed she'd be sleeping in till her wedding night. And it was a hard thing to do after being used to the same bed. A yawn escaped her as her eyes dropped close. It was finally happening, she was drifting to sleep after her long journey then the tiring evening she had. Hearing the knock her eyes flew open. A growl leaving her lips she told them that she wanted to be left a lone for the rest of the night. Getting up from the bed she grabbed her robe and slipped it on, then stormed to the door.

    Charrie pulled the door open rather harshly before being met with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Turning to face the culprit of disturbing her rest she notices Elliot. Grabbing her robe she quickly pulled it closed, blinking at his face. "It's a nice start." She told him, not budging from her spot or bothering with the flowers. "But why the apology?" She asked him softly. He had no obligation to her, but he was doing his best to make a mends for some prying. And looking up at the lost look in his eyes she wondered why he was trying so hard to get to know her. She was going to be wedding his brother and there wasn't a chance for them. But he still stood here before her acting like a man who was in the dog house. It warmed her heart to think he actually cared about her, but it couldn't go further than that. Even if they both felt the same way about each other.
    January 10th, 2019 at 02:21am