Fan the Flames

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Bongs Before Bibles xx Caspian Reed
    ImageImageRaelynn Pierce xx FallenHope95ImageFallenHope95 xx Aiden YoungImageImagePeyton Reed xx Bongs Before Bibles
    January 19th, 2019 at 05:51am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The sounds of talking in the living room stirred Raelynn from her slumber. One glance at her phone told her that it was midnight. She had only been asleep for two hours before the voices had disturbed her dreams of a fantasy world of fairies and other lore. A small sigh escaped from the young girl as she slowly threw back the blankets and made her way out of her room.

    Bare feet slowly walked down the wood hallway of the decent sized two story house. A nice middle class home that suited the single father and daughter just fine. Walking down the wooden stairs, the voiced grew a little bit louder before stopping completely as one of the stairs squeaked and told whoever was in the living room that they were about to get a visitor from the young girl that had recently been asleep in her upstairs bedroom.

    "Dad, it's midnight. Who're you talking to on the phone?" Raelynn asked quietly as she raised a hand and rubbed tiredly at her eyes before lowering her hand. Her whole body freezing as she noticed two other men besides her father in the living room. One, was a tall guy with light blue eyes, dressed in a black suit. He was standing next to a man who was sitting across from her father. His dark eyes seemed narrow and annoyed at the intrusion.

    "Oh, sorry for intruding." She murmured quietly, not able to tare her eyes from the man who was sitting. Then she glanced down and blushed slightly. She really should of worn something other then her soft bunny shorts and white t-shirt.
    On the couch, what Rae couldn't see, was the nervous look on her fathers face because he had told them that she wasn't home for her protection in case something went wrong.


    At saint Bellmount, the gymnasium was filled to the brim with people. Or rather, rich people and waitors. It was the start of the school year and a party was being thrown for the students so that they could all get to know each other. Old clicks reunited and new clicks formed. Bullies found their new targets for the year and eyes gazed around to find the years flings. It was a party, what else could be said?

    Off to the side, Aiden survayed the scene that was in front of him. Red solo cup with some spiked punch in his hand. His dark blue eyes raked over all of the eager party goers, his head nodding every now and again as he spotted a old friend looking his way before he looked on. Parties weren't really his thing, neither is mingling for that matter, but he was forced to come along. His friend Nathen had forced him to tag along, then of course, he decided to leave the introvert to fing some tail to chase.

    "Figures." Auden murmured as he raised his cup to his lips and took a few sips. He had spotted his friend with his arms on either side of some girls head, pinning her to a wall as he most likely was murmuring sweet nothings into her ear or talking dirty. Whatever the guy seemed to have found turned the girl on and made her want to go back to his room for a round of fun under the sheets.

    As much as Aiden loved to watch his friend drag some girl away to fuck, he was growing bored. So, turning, Aiden took one step and felt his shoulder bump into someone and instandly reached out to hold them steady. His fast reflexed honed from his years of selfe defense training and mixed marcial arts. "My bad, sorry." He said, meaning to say that and just leave, but stoped as he noticed a girl with quite amazing eyes looking back at him.
    January 19th, 2019 at 06:28am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    His eyes bore into the man sitting across from him, the man did almost everything to avoid his gaze. It was starting to piss him off. "So you're saying that this isn't your fault and I've been to kind to the responsible party." He scoffed knowing the man before him was a snake. He weaseled his way up the ladder but when the heat turn on and he was finally sitting at the big boy table he coward and wanted out. "Fine I'll see to Jon myself." He said knowing it was a death sentence on the man's life. "No Mr. Reed, that's not what I'm saying." His voice having raised an octave. "It wasn't Jon's fault it was an over site on there side." He said daring not to call out anyone's name, but leaving Caspian well aware of who he was accusing. "If this is some kind of joke you're playing." He started his voice raised. But he stopped when he heard the squeeze of the stairs. His eyes darting to the door when a young woman walked through the door.

    His eyes swept her body before watching the shock on her face take over. He could tell she was trying to piece together was a man like him was doing in her home this late at night. "Honey, I'm sorry we woke you, I didn't know you were here." Her father said rather quickly, he could see the way the man moved to cover the young girl that she'd been someone precious to him. But to Caspian she was a pawn, a very attractive pawn. One that he would love to taste, her young ample body just ripe for the taking. "No I should apologize, I had no idea you were sleeping upstairs." His words slipped from his tongue smooth and softly, though it quieted the entire room. Standing from his seat he moved towards her and her father, motioning for Andrew his guard to leave them. He'd be getting the car ready as they wouldn't be continuing the nights discussion.

    "You should really be resting, sorry for the intrusion." He said souly to the woman before him. Wanting nothing more than to rip the shirt from her body, as it was to tempting for him. He wanted her and he knew it was wrong to want someone so young. The man to his right was defiantly holding out on him. And for good reasons. "We'll continue this tomorrow." He knew that he'd over stayed his welcome and he had a lot of dissensions to make tonight. Gently pinching her chin he winked at her, "go to bed." He told her again this time a bit more authoritative. He watched as she headed up the stairs before her turned to her father. "Tomorrow." He repeated though his word held more meaning than he had meant.
    Peyton sighed as she looked around the room, she was suppose to have met Kyle. He was her best friend for as long as she could remember. Then last year his parents sent him to a private school, one Saint Bellmount. Her father hadn't felt it necessary to send her as it was just a waist of money. Though after an entire summer of begging him and doing her best to convince him it was a smart investment in her future. She finally found herself in the welcoming party. She was lost, she'd hoped Kyle would meet her and help her get settled but it seemed he was more preoccupied with his new fling. They never lasted due to the fact most of them were just going through a faze. Kyle on the other hand was openly gay, even though he seemed like a rather hard ass. He was just a giant teddy bear.

    She smiled noticing the familiar red head, and started to move to her friend. It was until someone bumped into her small frame and almost knocked her to the ground. But the feeling of strong arms wrapped around her and she couldn't help but be brought face to face with a very attractive guy. Feeling her breath in her throat she tried her best to pull herself together. Before stepping back from his arms. "It's fine, I should have been paying better attention." She told him, before she felt hands on her arms. "You okay Pey?" Kyle's voice rang out. Throwing a look over her shoulder at the guy she'd been trying to get to she smiled brightly at him. "Yeah I'm great." She told him feel a bit of tension coming from the two guys. "Why don't you watch where you're going Aiden." Kyle snapped at the guy before her, his tone suggested hatred for the guy. She wasn't sure what was causing Kyle to be hostel towards the man in front of them.

    "Hey, why don't you get me a drink, yeah?" She asked Kyle knowing distracting him from his anger was best. He nodded and muttered sure before he headed off leaving the two of them alone again. "Sorry about him," she said having no idea of the beef between the two guys. "He's really a big teddy bear." She laughed a bit nervous, finding the guy in front of her a bit intimidating. But she was curious what he deal was. She knew Kyle would tell her everything, but it would be completely bias. And really the guy did just save her from busting her head open, so thanking him should be something she did. Though she was having a hard time getting the courage to say anything else.
    January 19th, 2019 at 08:27am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Something in Raelynn told her to run, run as far as she could from the man in front of her. That he was bad news and that she'll get hurt for staying. She should listen to her instinct's, but, she couldn't. The man's gaze was just to pulling for her to just look away from. It was like his gaze was pulling her, and when he spoke, Rae felt weak in the knees. Why? Why did this stranger have this affect on her?

    Glancing up towards her father, Rae offered him a small smile as a thank you for covering her with his suit jacket. Then, it was like things were in slow motion as the man seemed to be in front of her. His tone sounding like a command she had to follow. An the way his hand touched her skin sent a chill down her spine. She really needed to sleep. "Okay." She said quietly, not saying goodnight to her father, she just listened to the mans command and went back upstairs to go to bed.

    The next morning, Rae had a few errands to run since it was Saturday. She had gotten up around nine and was out of the house by elevan. First, she needed to drop off a letter for her dad, then she had to go to the grocery store to get things for dinner, and then she needed to pick up the cake she ordered for her birthday, but before all of that, she needed to go to Starbucks and get herself a Motcha Latte to wake herself up more.

    Raising the warm drink to her lips, Rae was just about to take a sip when her phone started to go off. A small groan escaping from her lips as she stopped walking near a building and set her drink on the windowstill. Rae didn't even bother to look at who was calling as she answered, just assuming it was her father worrying about her doing errands on her own. What she heard though, caused the air to leave her lungs and made her feel like her world was crashing down on her. Her dad was in a accident and was in a coma.


    An eyebrow arched as the sweet voice of the girl met Aiden's ears. He wasn't expecting for her to sound as attractive as she looked. Although, guessing from her hostile friend, Aiden had to guess that she was a good girl in disguise. Considering that Kyle had to interrupt their little meeting. Interesting, seeing as last year Kyle wouldn't of dared to talk to Aiden like that, maybe his balls finally dropped and he was growing up.

    "Really now?" Aiden asked, arching a brow as he looked down at her with amusement in his eyes. "So, Peyton, was it?" He asked, making sure that he heard the girls name correctly before he continued his speaking. "How do you know Kyle?" He raised his cup to his lips before he took a sip. "He your bodyguard or something?" Aiden was being serious with this question, but he didn't dare let it show in case she caught on to what he was really asking.

    Raising his eyes, Aiden kept glancing to make sure that Kyle wasn't going to be coming back out of no where and intruding on their little moment. Because Peyton, had become his target for the new year. She may not realize it, but if Aiden had anything to do with it. He was going to be the one to make her life either a living hell or the greatest thing she's ever had.

    "Are you new to Saint Bellmount?" Aiden asked, wanting to continue his little game of questions. His eyes roaming over the girl in front of him's body before looking back t her face. She had a decent body, so at least he'll be entertained while he chased her. "What do you think of the welcoming party?" He followed up his earlier question before taking another swig of his drink. Wanting to get as much info out of her before her little attack dog comes back to them.
    January 19th, 2019 at 07:34pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Caspian found himself on his phone and calling everyone he could think of in the moment. Right now he was piss and horny. First thing he had to do was find out if Tre was lying to him. As he would love to stuff the man right now. Because it seemed he was very capable of lying. His daughter had been in the house the entire time he was there and the man lied to his face. That in it's self was a punishment, but then thinking over that beauty he had many ways of making him suffer. But the news he got on the phone had him throwing his phone. It bounced off the back seat hitting the floor and shattering. "Andrew, take me down town." He growled. He had work to do and wouldn't be returning home after all. He knew he'd end up missing sending his daughter off to school. And that pissed him off more than anything because she would end up wearing something he wouldn't approve of.

    The door slammed behind him as he stepped from the car. "Get me a replacement." He told Andrew as he walked away from the car leaving the man behind. Entering the building he noticed the quick change in demeanor. As he moved through the building he headed straight to the back his eyes sweeping the room. He growled before locking eyes with the closest guy to him. "Where is Davis?" He snapped out, not waiting for a reply. "Get him here now!" He said before taking off to the office of the building.

    Sinking down in the chair he closed his eyes, knowing that getting a few winks in would be the only thing keeping him calm at the moment. As the night dragged on he found himself finally making it home before two am. It was rather hard not crawl into bed and sleep the rest of the night away. Because the first thing he did was take his new phone and send Tre' a message setting up a meeting with him first thing in the morning. He would have the man deal with the issue he plainly pointed out. If he couldn't deal with it he would have him taken care of. He didn't need a cowardly piece of shit on his team.

    His eyes fluttered open as he looked at the man standing next to him. "Sir it seems Tre has been hospitalized." Andrew told the man. He could tell that even though he was still trying to sleep he was aware of the words leaving the man's mouth. "His next of kin had been notified, but has yet to arrive." Sitting up Caspian nodded for the man to leave him. "We'll be leaving with in the hour." It seemed like his plan had back fired. Even though Tre was suppose to be dead, he'd more than likely be hospitalized for a while. He could come up with ways to end his miserable existence. But now he had to greet the family, and play the nice man. Pulling himself from bed, he quickly changed his clothes. Not putting to much effort into it as he didn't plan on doing anything today but visiting the hospital. Though with the thought of meeting the young woman again had him pulling on a jacket. Before heading outside so he could head to the hospital.
    Peyton looked at up at Aiden, he didn't seem like anyone she'd normally be afraid of. After all her father had that look, the one that told people to fuck off. But demanded respect. Where as this guy appeared to be a rather tame, she knew that looks could be deceiving. But it was the only reason why she chose to continue talking to him. "Oh no, Kyle, no he's my best friend." She told him, knowing that it was common knowledge. Kyle did everything to protect her but in all honesty she could kick his ass.

    She knew that if she stayed and talked to him for to long there was a chance of Kyle returning. Even though she didn't want to leave him she was about to step away when he questioned her status of attendance to the school. "Yeah, new." She chuckled, knowing that the questioning was something she would have to get used to, as it was going to be the common questions every one asked. And honestly she didn't want to have to deal with it. But she didn't know anyone beside Kyle so until he returned she was thankful for the bit of distraction. And really didn't want to have to mingle with people, but this guys gaze and questions were keeping her rooted to her spot and she wanted nothing more than to talk to him. Ask him questions but nothing came to mind, so she was thankful for his questions. "It seems rather boring." She told him looking around, not knowing why a school would bother to throw a mixer. It really seemed like the type of parties they threw for blind dates. It may only have seemed that way to her because she was an outsider looking in. No one beside Aiden had even bother to speak to her. Even her friend had kept his distance, until he felt she was threatened.
    January 19th, 2019 at 10:19pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The whole world felt like it was running in slow motion and Rae was just running on auto pilot. She couldn't even remember how she managed to get the taxi she was sitting in. Did she call them? Did she find one sitting on the side of the street and just decided to get in? She didn't know, everything just seemed so out of the ordinary now. What was she going to do now? Her dad was the only living relative she had, and if he died, she'd, she'd be all alone.

    No, Raelynn couldn't think like that. Her bright green eyes glanced out the window as they pulled up to the hospital. Her dad was going to pull through this, she just knew it. "Ten-fifty, please." The driver said in a thick Italian accent, and Rae paid the man as she got out of the car. Her face blank as she walked, she was stunned and couldn't concentrate on anything. This was a dream, it had to be.

    Walking into the hospital ICU, Rae got the directions to her fathers room and headed straight there. No, she ran. Raelynn ran all the way towards her fathers room on the third floor, and as soon as she got their. She fell to her knees at the sight in front of her. Laying on the bed in a full body cast and a breathing tube shoved down his throat, was her father. "Dad." Rae breathed out quietly as she used all of her energy to stand up once more. Her legs wobbly as she stumbled towards his side and sat in the chair next to his bed. Her arms crossed on the edge of the bed and she rested her head against his arm. Tears now started to run freely as she allowed all of the emotions that she'd been holding onto since she got the news out.


    Once again, amusement danced in Aiden's eyes as he listened to Peyton. It seemed that his assumptions about her being new were correct. As he was sure he would have seen such a beauty as herself before. Especially if she had that douche of a man, Kyle guarding her. Just the thought of him protecting her caused a spark of annoyance to fill the senior.

    A small sigh escaped from Aiden, he was getting himself angry. His bright eyes closed and he took a beep breath before slowly exhaling. Using his cup to hide his actions and pretending he had just taken to big of a drink instead. "Yeah, I'm with you on that aspect. Although, it's nice to see people having fun before they have to study their asses off." Aiden mused as he lowered the cup and glanced over Peyton's shoulder. He could clearly see Kyle approaching again and couldn't help but to hold eye contact with the man as he leaned over to speak into Peyton's ear so she could hear him clearly.

    "It was fun talking, but maybe you should keep a muzzle on your dog," Aiden said, then stood up straight as he walked away. Making sure that he bumped his shoulder against Kyle's as he walked away. Asserting his dominance and proving to the guy that he had pissed him off. Walking out of the gym, two of Aiden's other friends went after him, almost like they were his lackeys. "I want everything you can find on that new girl with the blue-grey eyes." He told them, shoving his hands into his pockets as he headed towards the dorm to get some sleep.
    January 20th, 2019 at 05:43am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Caspian tugged at the sleeve of his jacket, as he waited for the elevator to take him to the right floor. Only once it opened did he step off and head straight to the door. He was stopped by a nurse before he could enter as she asked if he was family or friend. Turning to stare the woman down he could feel her trying to retract her words. Though she quickly covered by saying they still needed paper work filled out and she was just wondering it they could handle it as the woman inside was to distraught.

    Nodding to Andrew he turned and pushed the door open, stepping in side and letting it shut behind him. His eyes swept over the room, if things had worked properly he wouldn't be standing her, instead they'd be at her place. Some place where he could easily comfort her. But he knew it wasn't how it worked out and he'd just have to go with it. Stepping up to the end of the bed, he knew she could tell someone was here. As the tapping of his shoes gave him away. Peering at the nearly dead man he shook his head, it was useless crying over an injury. A coma meant he wasn't dead, but that didn't mean he would pull through either.

    Gently placing a hand on top of her head, he stroked it almost lovingly. But it was just his way of trying to comfort her. It had always worked with Peyton, when she was upset. And right now he didn't want her to be upset. If anything he wanted to see her bright beautiful smile. As she was to lovely to be sitting next to an old mans bed weeping.
    Peyton let out a forced laugh as he said it was nice watching people have fun. "Sounds like someone's quite boring." She teased, knowing that if he was just watching then he wasn't partaking in the fun. And it was always a bit of a bummer hanging out someone who couldn't let lose. She knew from experiences as Kyle used to have a big stick up his ass. But that was because he was hiding the fact he was gay. And once he found out that not everyone was going to treat him differently he came out and hasn't looked back since.

    Peyton was a bit surprised when he got so close, she was rather intimidated as his size loomed over her. Hearing his harsh words about Kyle she couldn't help but smirk at him. "I don't think they make them that big." She told him, knowing he was the one who would need to be muzzled if things kept going this way. He was enticing but she was very protective of Kyle and didn't like the way the guy treated him.

    "Why does it feel like he just mark his territory?" She asked as Kyle gave the cup he brought over for her. He shrugged not seeming to know what to say, though she could tell he wanted to say a whole hell of a lot as he was damn near turning purple in the face. "What?" She asked her friend slightly chuckling. "That boy has got it bad." He told her, before shaking his head. "I'm gay and he still felt the need to put me in my place, I really felt like he was telling me not to touch." He rattled off. Causing Peyton to laugh and shake her head before taking a drink from her cup.

    "Please tell me you enrolled under a different name?" Kyle asked in a rather hushed voice. "Yeah, I used my mom's maiden name, so it's all good." She smiled at him, knowing her worried to much. But after all when your dad was a drug lord and a very skilled killer people tend to treat you differently. And also her dad had heard rumors about his rival's son attending school here. But from what Kyle had told her he'd not come in contact with anyone he could put as a gang members son. Though she wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or lying to her father just to get her to be able to attend the same school again. "Good, bitch, cus this year we're going to party it up no dads." He told her pointing a finger at her knowing her father had busted into a few parties before and drug her ass out of there. "No dads." She agreed before downing the rest of the alcohol laced drink.
    January 20th, 2019 at 06:44am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The sound of someone coming into the room caught Rae's attention, but she ignored it. She really didn't want to deal with anymore doctors. They had those same sympathy laced voices and gave her words of fake optimism. One even told her that he thought it was a miracle he was in a coma, as he's seem a few others with the same injuries but they had been DOA. Very comforting.

    The feel of the hand on her head thought, caused Rae to jump. Doctors weren't suppose to touch people unless they were a patient. So, sniffling quietly, Raelynn glanced up through blurry eyes and gulped as she saw that guy from last night. "Oh, hi." She said quietly, and quickly went to wipe away the tears that had fallen from her now puffy eyes. She was glad that she had chosen to wear water proof mascara today.

    Straightening up her posture, Ree folded her hands together in her lap and looked down at her dad. Her little smile that she had given the man who walked in, disappeared as she looked at her dads sleeping form. A small sigh followed by the lowering of Rae's shoulders. "Dad and I never made a plan for if something ever happened to him." Raelynn said quietly after a while of silence. "I don't know what any of this medical stuff they're asking me is." She mumbled, thinking about the tests that they needed her signature for, as she was the closest relative.
    "Sorry, I don't even know you, I'm not sure why I just told you that," Rae mumbled, laughing nervously as she glanced at the man.


    Warm wind blew around campus the next morning. Students of Saint Bellmount rushed around, getting breakfast from their dorms, meeting up with friends, or heading to class early to try and finish their homework before it was to be assigned. The first day of school was here and Aiden was not very happy about it. His bed was empty last night, even after he snuck out of the overly tamed party in the gym. The quant little club a few blocks over was suppose to have more hype to it, but it let the boy down. There was no one their, besides cougars and men who were past out drunk. The place I'll probably be closed in a few weeks.

    Raising a cup of coffee towards his lips, Aiden sipped carefully. His eyes gazing around lazily as he sat on a stone fence that lined the path to the schools main doors. His friends, Zeke, a tall bleach blonde guy with dark brown eyes rested against the wall to his right. Back pressed against it and his arms crossed. Then, to Aiden's left was his friend Nick, who seemed to be the schools resident ladies man, with his dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The three were the schools star football players, as well as being from the same mafia family. So, they were family as well as friends. With Aiden, being their leader.

    "I can't believe you had a threesome in the girls bathroom." Zeke said as he looked towards Nick who was busy on his phone. "Hm, it wasn't as exciting as you're making it out to sound." Nick's voice was casual, but knowing the guy for yeard, Aiden could hear the smugness in his tone. Another sip of his coffee, the rest of Aiden's friends conversation going out of his head. His gaze flickered around as he spotted what he's been looking for coming from the girls dorm, Peyton.

    "Hey," Aiden said as she passed by his group and stood from the low fence. He moved to walk with her towards the doors, ignoring his friend's cat calling.
    January 20th, 2019 at 03:40pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Caspian smiled as she did her best to pull herself together. He knew that it was souly for him and he liked that she felt the need to appear prefect in front of him. "Hello." He greeted her, before sitting at the end of her fathers bed. He did his best not to disturb the injured man. His eyes swept over the beauty before him as she started to unload on him. "Shh, it's okay." He told her knowing exactly why she was telling him these things. It was the same reason why she felt the need to pull herself together. She seen him as an authoritative figure and didn't want to anger him. It made him very happy, tilting his head he watched her.

    "I've take care of everything," he informed her knowing the information portion of her worries were being handled as they spoke. However not knowing what she was going to do since her father was in the hospital, that would provide a bit more trouble. "How old are you?" He questioned her, still having yet to receive the file he'd asked for. It was the first thing he demanded of last night. He wanted to know everything about this little thing before him. But he knew he had to be careful not to scare her away. He could tell by the confusion written on her face that when asked for her age she was thinking of why it would matter. But it did because if she was too young the state would interfere. But he knew that he could spin this his way if he could get in front of it.
    Peyton toyed with the stupid tie, trying her best but no matter was she couldn't tie it. Huffing she just though it into her bag. She'd have Kyle help her as she didn't see her wearing it any other way. Though he did tell her that the school expected them to wear their ties no matter what. It was the only part of the dress code that they cracked down on. Stepping back she looked at herself in her full length mirror. The uniform wasn't that bad, her boobs felt like they were going to pop a button. But that was normal when she wore button up shirts. Fixing her stockings she before grabbing her bag.

    Exiting the building she huffed when Kyle wasn't waiting on her, he told her to meet him out front and instead of being in front of her dorm like they'd agreed he was no where in sight. Pulling out her phone she sent him a text telling him she would be in front of the school, seeing as she didn't know where the boy's dorm was. She'd told him yesterday that she'd pass on a tour and they could do it later today after classes. But she didn't think he really be up for it, so it maybe her just exploring on her own.

    As she walked towards school, she noticed Aiden but chose to ignore him and his friends as she walked past. But she didn't go unnoticed as she'd hoped. Hearing him call out to her she was just going to pretend she didn't hear him, but then he started to follow her. And the cat calls made her want to kick them in the balls. But it made it all that more easier to ignore him as she made her way up to the step to the school. Sitting down on the stone wall she looked at the persistent man next to her. "My dog will be here shortly." She told him, knowing that he wasn't going to give up with out a reason to.
    January 20th, 2019 at 07:36pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    It took a few moments, but Rae's ragged breathing started to slow down to normal. Once she was calm enough, she took in a deep breath through her nose and slowly exhaled through her mouth. Bright green eyes looked towards the man in curiosity as he said he'd taken care of everything. Just those words felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. She wanted to thank him a million times but didn't want to seem weird.

    Then, a look of confusion appeared on Rae's face for a moment before she slowly felt herself becoming stressed again. "Sixteen, my birthday was just last week." She said in a quiet tone, her eyes looking down at her fathers as she took in his peaceful sleeping appearance. The man was her only family and she knew he'd do anything for her. "They said it was a miracle that my dad's alive. Most people with his kind of wounds pass away within minutes." A small nervous laugh escaped from Rae. She just needed to hope that he'll wake up now.

    "Are you a close friend of my dads?" Raelynn asked suddenly, turning her head to look at the stranger once more. "I mean, you were at our house late last night." Her body slowly shifted in her chair, so that she could sit facing the man who she still didn't know. "Or, are you one of his business partners at my dads work?" It was Rae's turn to tilt her head to the side slightly as she looked up at the older man.


    A small 'tsk' sound came from Aiden as he was forced to follow Peyton all the way towards the school. He cast a small glare at his grinning friends before turning towards the dark-haired girl that he felt like bothering. His light-colored eyes looked down at her and couldn't help but to roll at her use of his nickname for her friend. "You get him a muzzle yet?" Aiden asked, offering a small teasing smirk as he looked down at her.

    Taking in the girl, he couldn't help but to inwardly nod in approval. She looked damn hot in that uniform. Although, he kinda rather know what she looked like without it. But, that can wait until he found a way to get her under his spell and become his little pet. "You're missing your tie." He observed, not caring that she'd know he was looking at her chest when he made that observation. "You know, that's like, the only thing that the school enforced. Right?" He asked as he glanced into her pretty blue eyes.

    The tall male stayed silent for a moment, allowing for Peyton to speak to him before he decided that he really didn't care. "Give it." He said although it sounded more like order as he held out his hand to place the fabric into his hand. Then, with one swift movement, he held it between both of his hands and put it behind her head, using the back of the tie to pull her forward a little before he started to knot it correctly for her. His fingers working quickly and with precision. Showing that he's been doing ties for a while. "There." He mused, his breath ticking her face for a moment before he took a step back to look at her. "Looking hot."
    January 20th, 2019 at 10:16pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Biting back a few slurs, he pulled his phone from his pocket. Pulling open a text message he quickly sent a list of demands to his lawyers. He would need legal advice on the issue at present as he knew that there was little things he could do but his team on the other hand could get a judge's signature with in an hour releasing her into his care. But he needed her to be okay with it instead of forcing it onto her. This was a delicate time for her, so he would be her knight.

    He listened to her knowing that she was pulling at straws trying to wrap her head around what was going on still. "I'm your father's employer." He wasn't about to tell her, exactly what his real job was. So he'd lie and keep her in the dark. "I was at your house last night trying to figure out why the project you're father was working on fell through." He simply explained hoping it was believable. Though he didn't want to give to much information.

    Though the tilt of her head caused him to smile softly. He loved the way her doe eyes peered up at him, with such innocence. He really wanted to pull the attention off of his work and more on to her and living situation. "Though I'm more worried about what you're going to do while your father is here." He told her, knowing that his daughter was in school and knew that this young girl would need to at least have some sort of schooling. But she couldn't go on living in her house alone, with no one supporting her. And he wanted to ease into the idea of living with him.
    Peyton rolled her eyes at his question of getting a muzzle. "Yeah, but I keep it strapped to my bed." She said with an innocent smile. She knew that he didn't like Kyle but he'd have to learn that putting her friend down and treating him like shit wasn't going to win her over. Sure she'd slept with guys that hated Kyle, but they were only lucky because she'd gotten drunk. Feeling his eyes on her she watched as they swept over her body. Wondering if he was going to keep up the interest or give up any time soon.

    Though when he pointed out her tie, she'd completely forgotten about it and looked at him nodding knowing they were strict about it but didn't care. "Yeah, can't tie it." She told him. Though it wasn't entirely to true, she'd tied ties all the time for her dad. But something about doing it on herself was completely different. And for some reason any time she tried using something else putting the tie over her head and then tightening it up she'd just end up messing it up. Hearing him demand her tie, she pulled it from her bag before tossing it into his awaiting hand.

    Though she was shocked when he moved forward and wrapped it around her neck. She could feel his hands brushing across her breast as he moved skillfully tying the tie. She felt a slight blush build on her cheeks when he didn't pull any stunt. Most guys would have used that opportunity to cop a feel. He however stepped back and smirked at her. "Uh thanks." She told him looking down at the tie. Doing her best to ignore his words of praise. It wasn't like her to feel embarrassment from a guy. But the way his eyes lite up and how he treated her. She couldn't help but start to feel that she was swooning over him.
    January 21st, 2019 at 12:07am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    It was kinda weird that the man went to his phone after Rae told him, her age, but she didn't say anything. It might have just been a text from someone or work, so she'll just ignore it. Although, when he told her how he was connected to her dad. Rae couldn't help making an 'oh', face. "I guess the saying of businessmen never sleeping is correct." She murmured, offering a small smile.

    Rae didn't fully know what her dad did for a living, he always danced around the topic and told her that she didn't need to worry about it. Then he'd go on to ask if she wanted to go shopping or go to the movies or something, a sure way to get her mind off of what her dad did for a living. The closest he's told her about his work was that he was a business guy who sold things, then he never mentioned it again.

    "Oh, I haven't thought really about that," Rae said quietly, turning her gaze away from the guy to look down at her dad who was sleeping. "I guess I'll just, stay at the house. Or I'll just, see if a friend will let me stay till my dad wakes up." She told him, shrugging her shoulders. It felt like a sudden weight had been placed on Rae's shoulders and she wasn't ready for things to come crashing down so soon.


    The school uniforms were stupid, they just made everyone seem like clothes and display to all in the surrounding area that they were rich kids who went to a big named school. Aiden hated showing off. Although, he did get that the uniforms were supposed to help stop bullying, as a student he knew that it still went on. Just not about how people dress,

    "Welcome, kitten," Aiden said, a teasing tone laced into his words as he looked down at her. "Any time you need help tying your tie, just let me know. Alright?" He offered, a small smile playing along on his lips as he looked down at her. A small sense of accomplishment filling him at the thought that she allowed for him to help her with something and actually get a little feel in. He wasn't an ass that would just grab a girls chest, but, being able to brush his hand accidentally against her, was good enough. For now.

    Raising his eyes, Aiden couldn't help the small scowl. "Kyle." He said, giving the other man a small nod of his head in greeting before looking down at Peyton once more. "Who don't you meet me here after school? I'll show you around." Aiden didn't leave any room for Peyton to deny him or for Kyle to but his stupid little head in before he turned and headed into the school. The bell ringing for the warning for classes just as the door closed behind himself.
    January 21st, 2019 at 12:57am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Hearing her words about businessmen never sleep, he couldn't help but let out a dry laugh. How true it was, he'd gotten two hours of sleep before new of her father being in an accident met his ears. He had not expected that he'd be alive. And honestly he hoped that he'd be able to sleep a bit before he made his appearances. But turn of events chances everything.

    He furrowed his brows, hearing her speak of living off someone else. "What naive thinking." He shook his head, knowing that he would have to be a bit of an ass and point out facts. "You really think that your friends families can support you?" He asked, before looking at her father. "Let's say your father lives, there is no telling how long he's going to be in a coma. And if he wakes up before you turn eighteen, he's going to need a lot of help. Medically due to his current condition. So do you really think a family is going to take you in for years?" He asked her. Knowing that his words were hateful, but he knew that she needed to see the bigger picture.

    His phone sounded breaking the silence. Placing his phone to his ear, after answering it. "What," he stated his word, barking into the line. He quite down as his lawyer starting to speaking. The words that spill from the mouth on the other line was enough to give him thoughts. "Thank you, I'll be in contact soon." He said before hanging up. "I do have something that may work for you." He told her he could tell his earlier words were eating away at her. She had no clue what to do. "You can live with me." He said, knowing that it was a bit forward. But he would explain everything to her if she wished. But right now he'd let all his words soak in. And he'd answer any questions as they were given.
    She held back her smart ass remark about him just wanting to cop a feel. Because after all he'd not done so while he was tying her tie. "I'll keep you in mind." She told him, knowing she wouldn't honestly. Her goal was to learn how to tie it so that she wouldn't ever have to worry about someone else tying for it. Though her eyes widen as she heard him great Kyle.

    Smiling at her best friend as he sat next to her. Her ever moving up to meet Aiden's, feeling a bit take back that he'd demanded that she met him after school so he could show her around. Blinking back confusion she turned to look at Kyle. "What did you do to him?" He asked her, "he greeted me." He pointed out dumb founded. "Relax, he's just putting on a show." She said shaking her head as the bell sounded. "Alright lets get to class." She said pulling him to his feet then moving into the building. She was looking forward to learning, but more so to what was going to happen after school. She still didn't know if she was going to meet him or not.
    January 21st, 2019 at 04:11am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    At being told her thinking was naive, Raelynn raised her head and glared at the man. She still didn't know his name, but she didn't care about that at the moment. His words were cruel, he didn't know her friends. He didn't know how close she was to come of them. He didn't know if they'd be willing to let her live with them as she worked to take care of her father.

    Although, as he started to talk about his medical expenses, her facial expression slowly fell. As much as she wanted to hate this man for pointing out the bigger picture, she couldn't. He was right, about her friend's families not being able to take care of her. Not because they didn't want to, no, Rae knew that her friends would do anything for her. It's just, medical expenses can get out of hand very quickly, Rae remembered how stressed her dad was when her mom was in the hospital when she was young. The cost sneaks up on you.

    "Then, how-" Raelynn stopped speaking as the man's phone rang. Her eyes closing as she lowered her head. She didn't know how to deal with any of this. Why did she have to be dealt such a shitty hand? Then, her head snapped up as she heard the men offer of living with him. "What?" She asked, blinking at him, not sure if she had heard him correctly. "Wait, really? But why? You don't even know me." Rae blinked back tears that were starting to fill her eyes and blur her vision. "How would I even be able to repay you?"


    The school was filled with raging hormones. Teenagers who didn't know what was going on with their bodies, not yet ready to face the realities of real life, and were also desperate to get rid of the characteristic's of their once happy childhood that they no longer wanted. Instead, grasping at straws in hopes of pulling one that would lead to a glorious new future that could be waiting for them. Earning their place in society. Except for Aiden, he didn't need to hearn anything, it was already given to him a long time ago. Before he even began the transition of becoming a man.

    Dark blue eyes watched the clock tick by as he leaned against the wall in the bathroom. His friend Zeke held a kids head in the toilet and flushed it. The screams from the kid going un-heard as the toilet flushed. "Stupid little shit," Zeke said as he kicked the kid in the side as he let his head go. Aiden watched as Zeke continued his little beating for a moment before calling out, "Enough." His tone allowing for no arguments. His usually calm demeanor holding a darker side to it. "Try and talk shit about us again and you'll get a much worse beating," Aiden informed the kid, moving to the door and opening it just as the last bell rang.

    Slightly red-knuckled slid into school regulated black pants as the blue-eyed beast walked. He got in a few swings at the kid before he allowed for Zeke to take over things. His eyes scanned the halls as he immigrated into the crowd, allowing for no one to point at him if they caught sight of him leaving the bathroom that the beaten boy was in.
    Reaching the doors, Aiden walked out of them and then moved to the side. People stepping out of his way as he walked. Then, as he spotted Peyton, he reached out and grabbed her arm before she could walk past him. "Surprised you didn't go running out of those doors to see me." He teased, as he let her arm go and went to hide his hand again.
    January 21st, 2019 at 04:51am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Caspian listened to her questions and shook his head. "You wouldn't have to repay me." He informed her, before placing a soft hand on top of hers. "You see your father got hurt while working, so it is my responsibility to take care of all his medical expenses. So it would only be fitting if I took care of you as well. After all he wouldn't be in debt to any of your friends families." He knew that he'd just given her a reason to still try and stay with her friends. Him paying for the hospital bills would mean that she'd be able to move in with a friend. But he hoped by adding that her father would feel indebted it would make her feel more inclined to except his offer.

    The door opened and Andrew stepped in. "Mr. Reed, it seems the doctors need a moment. Of your time." He said opening the door allowing for the man to exit and speak with the doctor. "I'll be right back." He said to the young woman. "Please think carefully and I'll answer any questions you may have when I return." He informed her on his way out of the room. He knew what the doctor would want to ask. And if it was up to him he'd tell him to pull the plug, but he couldn't make that call and he knew it.

    After a rather long talk he stepped back into the room, having sent Andrew after food. He didn't know what the young woman would eat but he couldn't only assume Andrew wouldn't let him down like always. Taking his recently vacated seat. "Are you hungry?" He asked her.
    The routine was like every school she'd been to. Get into class and have people stare at her, she might have learned a thing or two. But it was more meeting people and talking trying not to be a bitch. All the positive things you could ask for when started at a new school. Though Peyton wasn't looking to make new friends, her one and only friend was Kyle. And the reason for that was there was no drama. Of course her father had threatened him a shit tones of times about not sleeping with his daughter. But when he came out he was gay her dad was a bit shocked and told him just because he liked dudes didn't mean he got out of taking care of his little girl.

    Smiling politely at the blonde in front of her she tried not to get annoyed. It was the last period of the day and this girl was constantly trying to talk to her. The teacher had given them like the last ten minutes of class to themselves. And the moment she got the chance the girl had turned around in her sit and was talking. Not having a clue what she was saying nor a care she just nodded before hearing her ask if she had plans after school. "Uh yeah. A friend is going to show me around." She told her, it wasn't a lie. Kyle was suppose to, but then Aiden offered so she really didn't know what was going to happen. Honestly she it was the first time she'd thought about it all day. Smiling at the girl she felt her whole body relax when the bell rang. Grabbing her bag she waved the girl off before darting out of the room. Now all she had to do was find Kyle.

    Feeling a tug on her arm, Peyton smiled figuring it was Kyle. But it slowly fell when she noticed Aiden, her brows pulled together when he joked about her being excited to she him. "I'm sorry, did we have plans?" She asked him, knowing very well that he'd waited on her.
    January 21st, 2019 at 07:45am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    The reply she got from the man caused Rae's lips to part as if she was going to say something then closed them. Raelynn couldn't believe what she was hearing, her dads boss wanted to pay for her das medical bills. This was a huge shock, she's never heard about a boss doing this for anyone before. Whoever her dad was working for, had got to be one of the best bosses ever.

    "I-" Raelynn managed to squeak out, her eyes shyly going towards his large hand that was covering hers. Hers, smooth and soft, his, rough and callused. Such contrast, yet so comforting to feel. When Rae looked back towards the mans' eyes, the door opened and his assistant called to him. "Kay." Ree murmured, slowly shifting her gaze towards her dad as the door closed. "This is great dad, your boss is going to help take care of you. You won't need to worry about paying back, Ashley's family or Holly's. He's a really good guy dad, your boss is amazing." Rae said quietly as she watched her dads sleeping face.

    When, who Ree learned the mans' last name was Reed, returned she looked back towards him. A small smile appearing on her lips. "A little." She told him, slightly lying. She was famished, as she had run out of the house without eating anything. "Were you being serious about helping with my dad's medical bills and letting me stay with you?" She really hoped that it wasn't a trick to get her to stop with her waterworks.


    A small snort escaped from Aiden as he hearts Peyton's faked ignorance. "When I make plans I follow through with them Kitten," Aiden told her before he motioned with his head for her to follow him. "Come on, I'll show you the school and some of the best spots to hang out at." He said as he glanced at the shorter girl over his shoulder. A small smirk playing on his lips.

    It would have been best if Peyton followed after him willingly, but Aiden wasn't against grabbing her hand to pull her along. His tall muscular figure made it quite easy to move through the throng of people. Then, he stepped to the side and started to pull her down to the right to a path that was less traveled. Only a few people were going to the right of the school, it wasn't that popular of a place, but it was a good place to just hang out.

    "I hope you have a nerdy side to you," Aiden said as he pointed towards the building that was in front of them. An interesting fountain that looked like books, babbled as they talked past. "If you're ever in need of a book to reference, then you'll want to look to the right of the building because the left side holds all of the books that have nothing to do with learning school subject." Aiden's right lip tugged a little at the hidden meaning. As the left side also had private little rooms for groups to go into for privacy.
    January 21st, 2019 at 01:17pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Caspian smiled as he heard that she was hungry, then his efforts of getting food wouldn't be in vain. He peered at her as she started to asked again if he was serious about paying the bills and her staying with him. He was dead set on having her stay with him. He wouldn't allow it any other way. She would be staying with him and he was going to say what ever he needed to make her come home with him.

    "Of course, I wouldn't mislead you." He told her, knowing there would be times he would. But he wouldn't lie to her about this, as if it was getting her closer to him, it was a small price to pay. "You can ask the doctors if you don't believe me, his current medical bills has been paid." He knew that she could take it as that was all he was going to pay for. But he would pay for the man to lay dead in a bed for years as long as she would allow him to have her. But it would all come to a full circle and he had to be patient. And he did love a good chase.

    "Now how about food." He said noticing that Andrew was standing in the door way holding a bag of food. He could smell it from the door. "Sorry for the intrusion sir, but I have your food." He said before stepping in and pulling out a two take out containers. Handing one to Raelynn, "I didn't know what you liked, but I hope you enjoy, miss." He told her, before handing Caspian his own meal. Then placing a folder next to him on the bed. "It's what you asked for sir." He said smiling lightly. As he'd read the file in order to figure out what the young woman's favorite food was. And sitting in her lap now was probably the best choice of it she'd ever have.

    Caspian looked at the file knowing that everything about the young woman sat right next to him. He was wanting so much to read everything that would lay with in the fine print. But he knew that he needed to eat as well. And the smell was making his mouth water. Opening the container he was met with a smothered bake potato, cream mac and cheese, and a diced up steak. He knew the chef who made the food was very thoughtful and he didn't pause to pop a piece of the steak in his mouth with his fingers, before taking his plastic fork out of its wrapper.
    Peyton frowned when she knew that he wasn't going to take a hint she wasn't wanting to go anywhere with him. It had nothing to do with him really, but she'd already made plans. And when she was about to point out that she already had plans she felt his hand grab her's and started pulling her along. "You know if only we could all be like that." She told him, snarkly knowing that he'd hijacked her plans for the after noon. Pulling her phone out with her free hand she texted Kyle telling him she was sorry she'd have to take a rain check on their hanging out.

    "I take it you do." She said to him, knowing that the only reason why someone would state it is if they themselves had one. And it would be something they had in common. Sure she loved to read, but she couldn't call it a nerdy side. But she wanted to stop at the fountain, but he continued to drag her into the library. She rolled her eyes at him, pulling her hand from his grasp. Then wondered around the room. She heard him say the book to the right would be for scholar purposes, so she headed for the left side of the room. Letting her hands linger over the spines of the books as she took in some titles. It wasn't often she found herself curled up with a book. But she might have to look into a few of the titles.
    January 21st, 2019 at 10:51pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    It felt like Rae couldn't breathe. In a good way, not that not breathing was good but that she couldn't believe what was happening. Mr.Reed had agreed to allow her to stay with him while her father was in a coma and pay for his doctor visit. It was unbelievable. It was like this was all a dream,. She really didn't want to wake up from this. It was too good to be true and she didn't know how she'd be able to take it if things changed when she woke up.

    "Thank you," Raelynn said quietly, offering the man who brought them food a small smile. Her bright green eyes looked down at the food that was offered to her and grinned. Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo. Taking her fork, Rae opened the container and took a small bite, an unvoluntary moan escaping from her which caused her eyes to widen as she quickly moved to cover her mouth. "Sorry, this is the best-tasting thing I've ever had." She mumbled after swallowing her bite.

    Nibbling on her food, Rae ate about half before she glanced towards her dad and felt suddenly overstuffed. A small sigh escaped from her as she remembered she hadn't replied to Mr.Reed yet. "I think, I'd like to accept your proposal Mr.Reed. To stay with you till my dads better." She said quietly, looking towards the older man. "But, I really would like to find a way to repay you for your kindness. It's the least I can do since you're showing me so much kindness."


    "You could say that." Aiden mused, allowing for Peyton to wander around the library as he quietly trailed behind her. "Ellen Hopkins book, Crank is really good." He said as he watched her approaching the black-spined book. "It's about a good girl getting addicted to Crystal Meth." He explained, grinning a little bit at how intense it was when he had first read the book when he was younger. Now, he found it amusing.

    After a while longer, Aiden gently tapped Peyton on the shoulder to pull her attention away from the books and motioned for her to follow again. His hand was no longer in his pocket, as he had forgotten that it was slightly bruised. "If you like having coffee or tea with you when you're reading, or just need a pick me up. The library also has a small cafe." He told her as he led her to the small kiosk in the middle of the library what had sweets and sandwiches in a glass container for people to look at. A hot and cold drink menu above the register.

    "Saint Belmont goes above and beyond to make sure that we have nothing but the best," Aiden informed Peyton as he glanced down at her and offered a small smirk. "Where di you come from anyways?" Aiden asked, honest curiosity filling him as he waited patiently for the reply from the smaller girl.
    January 21st, 2019 at 11:54pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Caspian smiled when he noticed that she started to eat. Liking the fact that Andrew bought something she'd eat. He turned to his food, but stopped mid bite when she moaned out. His eyes widened at the effect it had on him, as the sound shot straight to his groin, causing his dick to twitch. Lifting his eyes to her, they softened when they noticed her embarrassment. He continued to eat pushing away thoughts of how he'd love to make her moan. And how the tint of her cheeks was such a lovely color, he'd love to see it speckled there while he fucked her mouth for the first time. He knew in the back of his mind he wasn't a good person to foster a young woman such as herself. But that didn't stop him from trying to take her home with him.

    Caspian stopped his eating when she started talking again. His eyes locked with her when she said she'd like to say with him, and he felt his heart in his throat. Now that was easier than he had expected. But it was now settled. "Caspian." He told her his name, "if you're going to stay with me then let's drop the Mr. Reed thing, yeah?" He asked not liking the way his body responded when Mr. Reed fell from her lips. Though he didn't know how he was going to feel when she started calling him by his first name either.

    Picking up his phone he quickly called his lawyer back sending her a soft smile. "Go ahead with it." He told her other man on the line before hanging up, he knew he'd understand what he meant. But he looked at her as she'd stopped eating. "Are you done eating?" He said noticing her food was half finished. "Because if you are I'd like to take you home, maybe stop by your house and pack some of your belongings." He suggested, he knew she'd not want to leave her dad. But there was nothing she could do for him right now. "I've already given the doctor's my number so they will contact me personally and keep me up to date on how he's doing." He told her hoping that it would give her some peace of mind to know that she would always know what was going on.
    Peyton threw a look over her shoulder to the boy who was still trying. "Yeah I've read it." She told him, knowing she'd seen the book somewhere. But after hearing his explanation, it clicked in her head. Her father had her read it as a way to show her drug are bad. Also he told her he'd kill any guy that ever raped her, or slept with her. She thought he was joking but he wasn't. The very first boyfriend he meet, he nearly blew his head off when the boy touched her hand. Needless to say she never had another guy over again.

    She turned back to the vast collection of books, before feeling him tap her on the shoulder. Turning to look at him with an unamused expression. She followed after him, knowing he wouldn't let her continue browsing. But she would be back to look some more. After all she wasn't that sociable and she liked to read. But when he told her about the small cafe, in the library she was more inclined to follow him. She was surprised when he stopped outside. But she on the other hand had different plans. Pushing the door open she stepped inside the cafe, moving to the counter, but wasn't surprised by the line.

    Standing there letting her eyes linger over the menu, she was shocked that they even made Affogatos. And seeing that she wanted one now. "Here." She told him, knowing he'd understand that she was a local. Of course the school she'd attend was suppose the be the best public school in town. As her father didn't see the need for private school. But it was one of the only reason why her dad let her attend now, because she could come home any time she wanted. Meaning anytime he called her home. Stepping to the counter she quickly ordered an affogato.
    January 22nd, 2019 at 04:19am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    A small smile fell onto Rae's lips as she finally learned the mysterious man's name. Caspian, an interesting name for an interesting man. "Caspian." Raelynn tested the name, then grinned at how it rolled so easily off of her tongue. It sounds very nice to her ears, and the sudden thought that it fit the man in front of her crossed her mind as well.

    Slight confusion crossed Rae's features as she watched Caspian make a call on his phone and then hang up just as quickly. She had no idea who he was talking to, or how anyone could interpret anything from what he said. Her bright green eyes blinked in confusion as he suddenly turned his attention back to her. "Huh, oh yea-" She stopped and nervously bit her bottom lip as he mentioned home and then her house. Referring to two different places, that made her feel like her life was changing more then it was.

    "Yeah, It'd probably be a good idea to get some of my things." Rae murmured quietly, looking to her dad worriedly. The thought of the man being alone in the hospital worried her. She hated the idea of leaving. Having these tubes hooked up to him and are acting like the only thing keeping him alive while he slept. "An you'll tell me everything right away, right?" Rae asked as she looked to Caspian and slowly stood to follow him out of the car.


    Amusement danced in Aiden's eyes as Peyton walked into the cafe on her on. He let her be for a moment before he walked in himself. His eyes looking up at the menu just as the girl in front of him was doing. The menu was vast and had so many different things to get, it surprised Aiden at times that they even had room to write half of the stuff on the menus. A still be legible.

    "Make that two," Aiden said at the counter as he reached into his pocket to pay for the things that they ordered. He didn't bother to glance at Peyton as he handed over a credit card that was linked to an undisclosed account that he got money through weekly. "A little more detail would be nice," Aiden said as he looked down at Peyton finally as he walked to the counter where they'd be handed their treats.

    "You transferred here, correct? Where'd you go before that?" Aiden pushed, wanting more information. He reached out for their treats and motioned for Peyton to follow him like a little puppy. He walked them to a small table in the cafe away from people and set the treats down before taking a seat across from Peyton.
    January 22nd, 2019 at 04:52am