For Worse or For Better

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Eleanor Peterson & Lord William Blackwell
    Clara Morgan & Sir Thomas Benton
    January 21st, 2019 at 11:44pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    The off white clashed with her blonde hair, and the paleness of her skin. She knew this day would eventually come. But never had her dreams depicted a stranger being in the place of her love. She was heart broken when her mother told her that they'd found her a husband. Most young women were allowed to pick their partners, or at least refuse a suitor when they felt themselves unhappy with the option. But this was entirely different to her. She'd never dreamed that the man she would marry would be some man her father picked.

    As much as it had been a shock she knew there was no way of escaping from it. Where would she go, who would want a runaway. No one and she didn't see herself being a lady of the night. So here she stood looking at her self in a mirror. The dress she wore was one her mother had fashioned together when they learned she'd be marring. It wasn't anything great. But it was suitable for this marriage. Clara heard the door opened but didn't dare to move. She knew this wasn't what she wanted but it had happened none the less. There wasn't any grandeur about her wedding, it was solely one man giving his daughter to another. She was afraid to move as she didn't know what he'd expect from her. Was he looking to consummate their marriage or would he wished to talk, even hit her. She was to much of a coward to ask him, though she did remember her father saying he was a hard worker. And he was decent. Though she didn't know what that was suppose to mean in terms of marriage.
    There was an unusually bustle in the square today, and it made blending in easier. As he wasn't suppose to be out of the castle. If his father or his guard found out they would be cross. And right now all he was looking for was some distraction, maybe even a little bit of fun. William didn't get much time to himself, so when he did he'd sneak off into town and enjoy his down time. Though he was a bit surprised no one had noticed him yet. It was that or they didn't care he was amongst them. Either of them worked for him. But right now he wanted to wet his whistle then maybe he could find something to do he'd yet to.

    The last time he was in town he'd managed to see a black smith work. The things they were capable of making from fire and metal, it amazed him still. Setting off for the tavern he figured he'd get himself a little bit to drink before heading off to find something else to do with his time today. It was very rare that he'd find something that didn't fascinate him. After all he wasn't allowed out of the castle that often. And when he was it was only of a horse back ride around the out skirts of town. His father was strict with his rules as he knew it was going to change when he took over. But it wouldn't be for some time, so playing by the old grumps rules was a must. Though he'd yet to get caught sneaking out so he would say he didn't have to play by it too much.
    January 22nd, 2019 at 07:52am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Thomas was very upset. Pissed, even. He had been happy, living on a small plot of land which he had bought, working the farmland on his own, although he would occasionally hire additional help around the harvest. His father thought it insane that he, a nobleman, would work the land like a peasant, but he was happy there. He preferred life like that. But then, out of nowhere, his father came and plucked him from the farm, brought him back to the family estate and informed him that he would be marrying the daughter of Lord Morgan as part of a political and financial alliance. Of course he swore and yelled and tried to storm out, but it was no use, and his father insisted, saying that he would be given a small estate somewhere in the country, and that once he was married, he could go back to his life of farming if he wished, although he would occasionally be required to attend political meetings with his father and father in law.

    Overall, the deal wasn't terrible. His new wife could live her life on the estate, and he could live his, and if their parents pestered them about children, they could easily say that they were having trouble conceiving to keep them off their backs. Which was why he stood in Lord Morgan's living room with his father, the man who was about to be his father in law, and the priest which would be marrying him, dressed in a formal suit and waiting as patiently as he could for his bride to come downstairs.
    Eleanor was starving. She hadn't found work in a month, what little money she had saved had run out a week ago, and she hadn't eaten in four days. Which was why she had been desperate enough to go to the tavern and beg to clear tables in exchange for a meal, although the owner refused, and was in the middle of throwing her out of the tavern as William was arriving. The large man had her by the arm, the girl attempting weakly to squirm out of his grasp, before he threw her out onto the street, accusing her of being a dirty thief and a whore, and telling her to stay away from his business. Of course she wasn't a prostitute, but if she couldn't find work soon, then she was afraid that she would have to resort to that in order to keep from starving on the streets.

    She stood shakily once she'd collected herself, ignoring the stares and scoffs of passerby as she looked around, wondering where she could go next to get a meal or a place to sleep.
    January 23rd, 2019 at 12:26am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    With shaking hand Clara pushed open the door, her eyes landing on her mother as she stood there waiting on her. She knew that this was her fathers idea but she was a bit mad at her. But it would fade as time went on, and missing her would take over. She was after all her only child as she'd lost her younger sister when she was still an infant. And she knew as much as she wanted to hate her for letting her father marry her off, it was for her well being. He wouldn't be around to take care of her always. And if he did die before she married she would never, and her mother and her would be turned out into the streets. As women couldn't own realistic and they lost it all to the next male in line, which in her case would be her cousin who hated her father.

    Linking her arm with her mother she used her as the strength she need to get through this. She had no idea what she was doing, nor how to be a wife. And meeting her groom for the first time all that bottle up was making her a terrified little girl. Because she knew that the moment they we wed she'd no long be called that, she'd be a woman. A married woman. And she still couldn't get over having to get married. As her mother lead her she knew her steps were getting more and more heavier. Like she wanted to be rooted in one spot. But her mother leading her was enough for her not to fight it. Her eyes locked on her fathers as they entered the room, and she froze. Her mother stopped as well, neither really wanted to go on with this. In a swift movement her father had taken over on escorting her.

    As she went she could hear the sob come from her mother knowing this was breaking her heart. And as mad as she was at her parents she wanted to run back and embrace her mother but she couldn't. Instead her eyes were glued to the man in front of her. He'd turned to see what all the commotion was. And as she moved with her father towards him she couldn't complain a bit about his looks. He could have been this gross old man. But instead he was young and rather attractive, but she knew in her heart she wanted to marry for love.
    William stopped watching the ruckus as a man roughly threw a woman to the ground. And normally he'd have said something and made the man pay for treating a woman in such a way. But he couldn't, instead he waited until she stood and moved off. Prying eyes going back to what they'd been doing prior. "Excuse me, miss." He said following after her, finding her leaning against a wall. They were a bit off the beaten path. "Are you alright?" He asked, knowing that most people would have just kept walking. But as a prince and soon to be king, it would say something about his character if he didn't take care of his people. Even a young woman such as her.

    Taking a step back his eyes widened when she looked up at him. Not believing how beautiful this young woman was. He blinked before clearing his throat, knowing he'd been staring. He couldn't let himself get sucked in by her, but even if she was a woman in many men's bed she still deserved to be fed. And from the looks of her she wasn't eating nor had she bathed in a few days. He felt like he was dealing with a cornered animal. But he wasn't going to let up, instead he stepped closer to her. "He didn't hurt you did he?" He knew that there was really nothing he could do if the man did something to her, and he really didn't know if he could help this young woman out.
    January 24th, 2019 at 04:25am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    The other men had all looked up when they had heard footsteps coming down the stairs into the parlor, although Thomas kept his eyes focused out the window, only turning once his father had elbowed him and his bride's father had begun to lead her toward him. He felt bad for her and for her mother, obviously they didn't want this either, but there was nothing he could do now, and obediently linked his arm with hers once she was standing next to him, turning to face the priest.

    The next bit was a blur to him. He barely paid attention to what was being said, although he did turn to face his bride and hold her delicate hands in his rather rough ones as he said his vows, and when they had been pronounced man and wife, he leaned down to press a gentle and brief kiss to her cheek. Overall, he was a gentleman. He was relieved that they weren't required to stay and make small talk, a carriage waiting to take them to their new home, a place he was both looking forward to seeing and dreading.

    Once seated in the carriage he finally looked closer at his bride, studying her for a few moments from where he sat before letting out a long sigh, running a hand over his face. "I do apologize for all this... I want this as much as you do."
    Eleanor looked up in surprise when she heard someone speak to her, quickly turning to look at the man who had approached her with wide, fearful eyes. Men usually only came up to her looking for one thing, and so she had to keep her guard up. She wasn't about to start selling herself, even if it meant she'd die on the streets the next day.

    She frowned as he asked about the man who had thrown her out shaking her head. "No, I'm fine." She said rather simply, tugging her tattered shawl around her shoulders tighter, as if trying to hide from him. It was obvious that the man had hit her, her cheek red and a bit swollen, a bruise starting to form under her eye and near her jaw, and her arm hurt from where be had dragged her, but she wasn't about to tell this stranger that. Her stomach growled, and she turned away again, moving to take a seat on the steps of an old abandoned building, needing to rest. She was losing her strength, and with winter coming, it would only be a matter of time before she got sick and ended up dying somewhere where no one would remember her.
    January 24th, 2019 at 04:46am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    In a blink of an eye Clara was sitting in a carriage with the man she'd just wed. Her mother's cries still ran in her ears as they began to dive off. She heard his voice from beside her and she turned to look at him. Her teary eyes taking in his features, before she nodded. She was thankful that he'd spoken to her, but she didn't feel better hearing his words. "Where are we going now?" She questioned him, wondering just how far she'd be from her mother. She just hoped it wasn't to far that she'd be able to visit and be able to host her mother.

    No one had talked about this part. Never had they ever talked about how they'd be leaving behind their entire life. Her friends all had been so anxious to get married, but they'd never thought about having to leave their families behind. It wasn't all glamorous as they stated and she was left with an emptiness she couldn't place. Choosing to let her eyes linger out the window instead of letting him see her tears fall. She wondered if her friends would be happy in their marriages or if they'd end up being forced into marrying someone they hated. She couldn't help but steal looks at the man sitting next to her, would she ever truly be happy with him. After all there was no reason for her to blame him for this it was their fathers.
    William's eye narrowed as she lied to him, he could tell that she'd been roughed up. He watched as she stumbled over in front of the building next to her. He shook his head as she did her best to get him to leave her alone. And he did just that, but as he entered the establishment he was greeted by the man he'd just seen roughing up the young woman. And he wanted to say something, but he just took a seat. He knew that if she didn't want his help then he couldn't force it on her. And as he took a seat his eyes lingered on to the alley way she'd been hiding down.

    Hearing a rather rough voice he barely lifted his gaze to the person next to him. Ordering a rather large feast and a drink he knew that it wasn't going to stop his wandering mind. As he waited he found himself picking at the table and letting his eyes move back to the window. The plate was placed in front of him and he looked over the food, it made his mouth water but he shoved it away from him as yet again his eyes trailed to the alley way. Here he was thinking about a commoner, and couldn't even stomach the thought of eating. Getting up he grabbed the plate before walking right out of the establishment. He didn't bother with the shouts or the hurried feet behind him. He walked with a purpose straight to the girl. Setting the plate down at her feet he was about to tell her to eat up when someone grabbed him turning him right around to come face to face with the man who'd hurt her.

    As he expected the moment the man noticed who he was he let him go before quickly backing away from him throwing out words of an apologize as he backed away. William turned to face the girl now watching as she eyed him. Though he was glad that she was eating. "Now, tell me. Did he hurt you?" He asked her knowing she may very well be thinking he'd want something more from her. But really all he cared about was taking care of her. He didn't know what it was but he just felt the need to help her, do anything to make sure she was safe.
    January 27th, 2019 at 03:34am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    "We're going to my father's Northern Estate... Although I suppose it's ours now.." Thomas said with a little sigh, eyes focusing on what they were passing outside of the window of their carriage, not wanting to look at his wife. Not because she disgusted him or anything, but looking at her reminded him of the life he had just lost, and it was all too fresh for him. "It's about two hours north of here." He explained, leaning back in his seat as he tried to get comfortable for the long ride. Ideally, he would get to know his bride a little during this time, but he wasn't in the mood to talk, and it didn't seem like she was either, so he remained silent, although if she had a question he wouldn't ignore her.

    When they finally did arrive at the estate it was late afternoon, nearly time for supper. Thomas hurried out of the carriage first, breathing in the fresh air with a deep sigh, happy to be out of the close quarters with his bride, although he wasn't so rude as to simply leave her behind, standing and waiting to help her out of the carriage before leading her to the front steps. "Choose whichever rooms you'd like, they'll be yours, and I won't bother you there." He said simply. "Is there anything specific you would like for dinner? I can have it prepared and sent to you, or you can eat in the dining room if you wish." He was trying to make it as easy for them both as he could, knowing neither of them really were interested in being around each other, despite the fact they were husband and wife now.
    Eleanor had started to drift off to sleep, feeling terribly weak, when he placed the plate of food in her lap, startling the poor girl awake as she looked up at him with wide eyes, before they settled on the food in front of her. She hesitated for a moment before digging in, savoring each bite with a little hum, ignoring the thought that she should slow down, and should try to save some. She was starving, and she was going to eat it all.

    Her eyes darted up to look at William when he addressed her again, eyes scanning him suspiciously as she chewed her food, glancing back behind him at the owner of the tavern, who was standing in the doorway watching the pair. "...No." She murmured simply before taking another bite as she looked down at the plate of food, not wanting to get in trouble with the tavern keeper.
    January 27th, 2019 at 06:02am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Clara eyes fluttered opened as the carriage came to a stop, her eyes moving to her groom as he quickly exited the carriage. A soft sigh left her lips as she tried to force herself from her seat. She'd been sitting for to long and she was dreading seeing where she was going to live. But she knew she was curious enough to find out none the less. Taking the hand that was offered to her, she let her eyes move to the house before her. A soft gasp leaving her lips, never would she have thought she'd be the woman of such a grand house. Her family wasn't wealthy by and stretch of the imagination, and her inheritance wouldn't even pay for a months stay at this place. "What?" She questioned him pulling her eyes from the house to meet his eyes. "You mean we?" She paused not wanting to say it. But she knew she was his wife now and saying thing like sex would be inevitable. "Won't be sharing a room?" She finished before turning her eyes to see a few moving down the steps to great them.
    William felt a glare form on his face as she still refused to admit the man had hurt her. But he chose to to shrug it off, spinning on his heels he headed back to the tavern keeper. "Have you any available rooms?" William asked knowing the man would get the wrong idea but he would correct it later. After the man stumbled over his words and half heartily answering. William sighed before fishing out his own wallet. "This should be enough to cover room and board for two weeks." He pointed out handing the man the money. "See to it she had honest work, don't let me find out she's been sent to the whore house." He warned knowing that this establishment wasn't known for whoring women out but he didn't want to chance the man "finding" her that kind of work. "I'll have the plate returned." He told him before turning and heading back to the woman.

    "Hey, full?" He asked when he noticed she'd stopped eating. His eyes traveled over her as he took her in. She was a beautiful sight even covered with dirt. He could only imagine what happened to her that caused her the misfortune of having to live on the streets. Setting himself down in the dirt across the way from her he kicked out looking at her as he pondered over his words. "So what's your story?" He asked her wondering if she'd willingly tell him.
    February 25th, 2019 at 03:15am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Thomas had already started up the path toward the house, ordering the servants of the house have their things brought inside and sent to their rooms and begin to prepare dinner for the both of them. He frowned a little when he heard her speak, turning back toward her with an odd look. He knew this conversation would have to happen eventually, but he had been hoping that it wouldn't have to be now. He let out a long sigh, before stepping back toward her so that they could speak. "I have no intention of sleeping in your bed. Neither of us wanted this marriage, and so I don't expect this marriage to be anything more than a show to please our parents. I doubt they'll expect us to produce children right away, and even if they do ask after a while, we can always lie and say that we have tried and have had no success." He explained easily. "You can have your own rooms, do whatever it is you would like with your time, and I'll have my rooms and can do what I want with my time." He explained before turning to head back into the house, hoping that that answer would be satisfactory, and that she wouldn't press the issue more.
    Eleanor frowned a bit as she watched him move over to the tavern keeper and speak with him, looking back down at her plate of food as she took a few more bites before deciding to try to save the rest, knowing that she would need it later on in the week. As she was mentally portioning out the food over the rest of the week, she looked up in surprise when he spoke, surprised that he had come back, and was speaking to her. She frowned a little as he asked about her story, shaking her head a little. "The same as pretty much everyone else around here... No parents, no place to live, not enough money or food... I'm not selling myself, if that's all you're interested in." She said defensively, frowning a little as she scooted a bit further away from where he sat, studying him skeptically. Why else would an obviously rich man stick his neck out for her, if he wasn't only interested and getting under her skirt?
    February 25th, 2019 at 03:50am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Clara felt her entire world come crashing down, his words and demeanor had her taking a step back. She never thought she'd ever end up in a marriage where a man would completely shut her off. She watched as he headed off into the house. Taking a few deep breathes she collected herself the best she could before turning and following him in. As she past by the maids she could see one struggling with her belongings. "Oh please, let me have that." She told her, before grasping the handle and pulling it from the woman's grasp. She knew they were waiting on her to chose a room as this was going to be her home from now on. But she didn't expect them to wait on her hand and foot. She turned and headed into the house. The grandeur of it was something she wasn't quite use to. Her home had be large in comparison, but it was humble. And her mother kept it that way. Even if they were of money they still managed to keep things simpler. This was far from it, and she could see why now he'd been married off instead of being allowed to court his own bride. Moving through the house she followed the young maid up the stairs. Wondering if this was going to really be the house she would be living in. Her steps were loud and she could hear chatter from the women accompanying her, but she wasn't paying them any mind. Her eyes were roaming the halls taking in each and every picture and oddity. But she came to a stop when the woman in front of her pointed out a door. "That's the master's study." One of the women said pointing at a door, it was closed over. The crack allowing you a sliver of view, but she didn't dare look. Instead she just nodded for them, letting them know she was ready to carry on. She really wanted to get to her room and let the entire day wash away from her.
    William couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "I wouldn't dare to insult you." He shook his head. Knowing that if he wanted a women to take to bed, she'd be the furthest thing from. "And a woman such as yourself couldn't find any work?" He asked her, before jerking his head towards the tavern. "He seemed eager to have you work for him. Even offered you a room." He chuckled, knowing now it sounded a lot like he was trying to get under her skirt. But really he was just wanting to see one of his people better off. If he could save one person from his father's wrath then he'd be happy. "It's one of the reason why I asked if he hurt you, employment is important, but allowing someone to control you isn't worth losing yourself." He hoped she understood what he meant, as he did tend talk in riddles. It was just a bit of who he was. It all went down to how he was raised. His father was a great man, but he wasn't that great of a king. And always twisting things for himself made William very much aware of the types of people this kingdom had. And that's why he liked to get out and see the kingdom, see the way his people lived. As they were really the reason why he would be a ruler. And if the people weren't happy then could he call himself a good ruler. His father didn't think it worked that way, as riches and concurring made him feel like a good ruler. When his people lived in shambles and being killed by rebels of war. Turning to the woman before him he really wonder why she was an orphan. But he knew she wouldn't tell him. "It seems you're finished, why don't you go talk to the tavern keep." He told her, knowing the man was still outside watching them.
    March 13th, 2019 at 01:23am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Thomas, upon entering the house, had gone immediately to the study while he waited for his bride to choose her rooms, taking the opportunity to look out over the acres of land that surrounded the estate, pulling off his jacket and dress clothes to change into the ones he preferred, a simple cotton shirt and pants to go with his work boots. If it wasn't known that he was nobility, then he could easily have been mistaken for a common farmer, and looked quite out of place in his study. He was speaking to the steward as he changed, asking about the various fields and farmers that lived around the area, curious as to where he would suggest the young Lord start on his plan to turn the luxurious estate into a homestead. He continued to ask these questions as he exited his study, just after Clara and her maids had walked by, heading down the stairs with the steward as he voiced his plans for his new land. He cast a brief glance over at Clara, curious to see which direction she was headed as far as picking her rooms, but he looked away just as quickly as he had looked at her, assuming that she would be judging him for his new, far less 'noble' looking than he had when they arrived.
    Eleanor frowned as she listened to the strange man speak, subconsciously raising her hand to her cheek when he mentioned the tavern keep hurting her, her cheek still red and the faintest hint of a bruise and swelling beginning to show. "He said he wouldn't give me a job.. Said he didn't let whores and thieves in, but I ain't a thief or a whore, I'm just hungry and tired.." She frowned, glancing behind William nervously as she looked at the tavern keep, who was still standing there keeping a close eye on her. "Besides... If he's changed his mind about it so fast, there's only one way he'll let me stay, and I already told you I'm not selling myself, especially not to him." She said defensively, frowning when he mentioned that she was finished with her meal, shaking her head a little. "No, this is still good for at least another three or four days, if I ration it.. I can't just go throwing good food away willy nilly like some overstuffed lord who's never had to work for anything."
    March 14th, 2019 at 04:27am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Clara stopped in front of a room the door cast wide open allowing her to see the view of the entire room. And as she looked into the beautifully decorated room, wondering if she laid her head here where the master of the house would sleep as he was waiting for her to select a room. Hearing scuffled she turned her head in time to see her husband walking out of his study. The maids that accompanied her bowing gracefully, she however was more concerned about not making eye contact. He'd already spoke of how she was just a trophy wife, one to be shown off. So she didn't feel the need to try and please him in the slightly, nor give him her attention. An it hurt her to think that way. "This is fine." She told the women beside her before stepping into the room. "I wish to be left alone." She told them not used to having people pamper her. As her mother hadn't believed in governesses. So the servants they had were limited to cleaning and cooking. They never tended to the needs of anyone in the house, unless it was helping stitch up a corset. And she couldn't remember the last time she wore one before today. A she turned to close the door she was met with sympathetic eyes, though one managed to pull themselves together and question her about eating dinner. "Ask the master of the house what he wants to eat." She told her, not knowing anything about the man she'd just married. Nor did she care to learn at this very moment. He didn't want her so she would stay out of his way. Closing the door she locked it not wanting to be bothered, before she dropped down on her bed. Burred her face in the pillow she let her frustration out and soon fell asleep.
    William couldn't help but laugh at her comment about an overstuffed lord. Having no idea she was speaking to one of them so called overstuffed lords. "Well I can be very persuasive, and if I wanted a woman's body you think I'd pick a beggar?" He asked her knowing she had him all wrong. "Honestly, you don't have much brains do yah?" He teased her, before shaking his head. "If men wanted you bad enough they'd have you," he warned her knowing she wasn't bad on the eyes, but being filthy out weight her looks. "Now I'm managed to talk with him and explain your conditions, and he's agreed to let you work for your room and board." He told her, "however you can't every resort to selling yourself." He told her, knowing they were getting far away from the topic at hand. "So you don't need to worried about saving food, he'll provide for you as long as I tell him to." He smiled at her, before standing up. "You know he has to listen to them overstuffed lords and all." He told her wondering if she'd piece together he was one of them lords. Moving back to the tavern keep he quickly requested a meal be prepared for himself so that he could enjoy the food this time.
    March 26th, 2019 at 03:56am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    While his new wife slept, Thomas was out meeting with the farmers that lived on his land, listening to their advice on where to put his fields, and what crops to plant where. He even rode a few miles away to one of the bigger farms, where he helped the old man with some of his harvest, receiving a a few bushels of produce and seeds in return for the hard work. When he returned to the house, his boots were muddy and his shirt was drenched with sweat, although instead of changing he headed to the kitchen to prepare himself dinner. He hated being served, and after a few days of getting used to living here he intended to dismiss the unnecessary servants, only wanting to keep those that were necessary to run the house, which was probably only half of the servants who were currently working on the estate. He chatted politely with the cook as he made himself some beef stew and rice, although when the cook mentioned that his wife had not called down for dinner he frowned, and although he considered sending someone else to bring her something, he realized that he probably should talk to her at some point.

    So, carrying two bowls of stew in his hands, he walked upstairs to the room he had seen her go into before he had left hours ago, knocking on the door with the toe of his shoe on account of his full hands. "Lady Clara... I have supper for you, if you'd like it.." He called, standing outside of her door awkwardly, suddenly feeling like a fool for having brought the meal himself, not because he was a Lord serving dinner, but because he doubted she wanted to see him in the first place, especially the way he was dressed now.
    Eleanor frowned as she listened to him, glaring slightly as he teased and warned her, it feeling more like an insult and a threat than anything. "I can take care of myself, I don't need some stuck up lord telling me my life isn't worth horse shit, I've got enough brains to know that, and know that you think it's just fun and games to come out here and pretend to care about us poor folk, but at the end of the day you get to go back to your castles and your warm beds, and we stay here on the streets sleeping in filth." She spat, looking back down at the remaining food on her plate before deciding to finish eating it, knowing she wouldn't have any way to save it if she tried.

    "The innkeeper won't listen to you once you're gone. Sure, maybe he lets me have a meal tonight, and a bed, but like you said, if men wanted me bad enough they'd have me, and that's what he and whoever else pays him will do, and I'll be back on the streets by morning if I'm lucky. If I'm not lucky, they'll slit my throat.." She murmured with a sigh as he walked back toward the tavern, setting the plate down on the ground next to her once she was finished, frowning a little as she stared down at the ground.
    March 26th, 2019 at 05:26am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Clara stood from the bed and move to the window, pulling back the curtain she peered out into the vast unknown. She'd never seen such beauty before her, the land which her new home stood upon was vast. It was a sign of wealth but she didn't care about any of that, she didn't know what to do any more. Her mother had always talked about marriage being a partnership. And that when she should marry that she should always trust her husband and follow his lead. After all she is now a lady of his house and needed to act as such. But being married to this man now made her realize that she wasn't ready for this. She knew nothing of him or his family. She wasn't even sure what was expected of her. Would she be able to just be herself, after all she'd never been one for sitting still. But right now she felt like that was all she could do was just be still.

    Hearing a knock she furrowed her brows, remember she'd told them not to disturb her. Honestly she'd wanted to sleep but hadn't gotten any, just let herself get pulled in by her own pity. Moving to the door she froze hearing Thomas's voice she nibbled on her lip as her feet guided her to the door. Pulling it open she could feel a light blush on her cheeks as she was still in her wedding dress. She'd not bothered to change, and she didn't want him to think to much into it. Because yes she wished her wedding had been a bit more happier. And not feeling like it was the ending of something, but the beginning. And her still in her dress may make him feel like she was clinging to something. However she was just being lazy in not changing.
    William frowned as he was talking to the tavern keep, a guard from the Castle stood idle by them. He noticed him before he even opened his mouth but he chose to ignore him while he requested food for himself and now company. And once he watched the tavern keep heading back inside he smiled to the man before turning and making his way towards the woman sitting on the ground still. "You know you're right nothing stops them from hurting you, however." He held his finger up asking her to give him a moment, before motioning the guard over to him. "Yes my lord?" He asked quickly as he approached. "What would happen to you should you disobey an order from me?" William asked him, watching as his eyes went wide. "My lord?" He asked wondering what he was suppose to say, as he was afraid of answering wrong or having done something wrong. "Death my lord." He told him throwing a look at the woman on the ground, wondering if he was going to have to kill the woman before him.

    "Now I maybe spoiled, as you pointed out, but I have no attention on being disobeyed. And it is a great perk for me, as no one disobeys me as I will not hesitate to kill them." He told her knowing he really didn't like the words coming out of his mouth, as he wanted to change things. But getting her to trust what he was doing as good, instead of seeing the bad in everything. "And when I say you'll have a place to stay at the tavern, then I mean no one can keep you out, and if you don't believe me, I'll send this very man to visit you daily. And if anyone so much as lays a finger on you, he'll kill them where they stand, will that make you happy?" He questioned her, wondering why it was so difficult to help put her on the right path. And why she was so against letting him help her.
    March 31st, 2019 at 06:22am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Thomas felt foolish for thinking that she would open the door for him, and was about to turn and head to his study when he heard her unlock the door and pull it open, turning back to look at her with a small frown. He was surprised to see that she was still in her wedding gown, and not dressed for bed at such a late hour. However, he pushed aside his thoughts and cleared his throat, holding out one of the bowls of stew for her. "I brought you some dinner.. The cook said that you hadn't requested anything, so I figured you must be hungry.." he explained, almost looking nervous. He wasn't quite sure how to act around his bride, especially since he had practically ignored her all day. He couldn't quite look her in the eye, and instead chose to focus his attention on the room she had picked out, nodding a little in approval at her choice. "Do you like your room? I'm sure it can be redecorated however you like, but I'm not one to know much about interior decorating, so I'd have to defer to your judgement, or hire someone.." He said a bit nervously, attempting to be polite and chat with her, although he had no idea what to say, and felt terribly out of place.
    Eleanor frowned as he approached her with the guard, suddenly growing worried that he'd have her arrested or something, although her frown only deepened as he spoke about how the guard would not be able to disobey him, and would kill anyone who hurt her. It wasn't that she didn't want to trust the man before her, but having grown up on the streets, she learned that it was important to not trust anyone right away, especially the ones that made a big fuss about being able to help her. She shook her head a little when he asked if he asked if she would be happy with what he said, frowning up at him. "Why... Why would killing people make me happy?" She asked softly, shaking her head a little. "I don't mean to be disrespectful to your kindness, my lord," she said, having caught on that he wasn't just some normal lord, but was more important than he had made himself out to be. "But most men don't do anything out of kindness, unless they want something in return. And just because you order a man not to do something doesn't mean that he won't." She explained with a little frown, tugging her shawl around her tighter as she looked between William and the guard.
    March 31st, 2019 at 05:16pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Clara's eyes searched the man's before her. She wondered what he could possibly want by bringing her food. Stepping aside she let him enter her room, allowing him the opportunity to place her food down on the small table in the corner. She stood back a ways from him listening to him as he appraised the room. "It's fine." She told him knowing that it wasn't something she'd ever chose truly for herself. "You don't have to put yourself out." She informed him, knowing he'd more than likely had more to do than worry about her comfortably in her own room. After all it may just take her a few days to get used to it, but it was way more than anything she'd ever had before. There was more furniture than in her parents dinning room. And she didn't see the point of having all this junk inside her room. It however was nice to have a tea table set up for her use. But she didn't want to feel bratty or stuck up by requesting he remodel her room. She really didn't know how she was suppose to act or feel around him. He'd already told her she wasn't anything to him. She was so confused and on edge about how to deal with this man before her.

    "Thank you," she told him realizing that she'd yet to thank him from bringing her nourishment. It wasn't anything she expected as he'd already told her he wasn't going to be anything more than a house mate. And even though she never thought this would happen here he was standing before her. And she was still confused and wondering if she would finally be able to speak with him or if she'd be disappointed again.
    William sighed hearing her response, he knew that his words were lost on her. "Then stay here and die." He told her, knowing he was being rather hateful. But he knew that she was making thing more difficult than they had to be. Moving back towards the tavern he sighed. "Head inside and get something to eat." He told the man, knowing he wasn't about to give up on her. Turning he headed back towards her. "I'm not sure who all you've met that's made you this way, but I have no intention of demanding anything from you. I simply wished to help. And if you don't want my help, then don't take it but you don't get to insult me." He shook his head. "It's not often someone like yourself crosses my path, so it was worth a try." He told her before turning away and heading back to the tavern. This time stepping inside and moving to the table that had been held for him. His food already waiting on him, but as he looked at it he wasn't entirely hungry. Though he refused to let his food go to waste.
    April 17th, 2019 at 05:24am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Thomas nodded a little when she all but dismissed him, looking around the room once more before he headed for the door, not wanting to bother her anymore that evening. He hoped that if she wanted to redecorate her room, or do anything, for that matter, that she wouldn't be afraid to do so, especially considering she was the lady of the house now. He was about to walk out the door when he heard her thank him, pausing for a moment to turn and look at her, giving a little nod of his head in acknowledgement. "You're welcome.. Have a good evening, Lady Clara." He murmured before shutting the door behind him as he headed out, going to his own room to eat his dinner and bathe, wanting to wash the day away and head to bed. He felt a little bad for ignoring his wife for most of the day, but it didn't feel right for him to try to be close to her, and even less right for him to go to bed with her.
    Eleanor frowned deeply as he spoke to her, backing away slightly as he spoke to her so harshly. Once he was gone she remained outside for a bit longer, as if thinking over her options, before reluctantly picking up her empty plate of food and heading to the tavern door where she was met by the tavern keeper, who took the plate after grabbing his arm, whispering something to her that obviously made her uncomfortable before allowing her into the tavern. One of the cooks offered her a warm roll and a place to sit by the fire to get warm, and she sat quietly by the fire while she ate, watchign the flames curiously.
    April 17th, 2019 at 04:00pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    The light broke through her window and she couldn't help but sighing as she sat up. Last night she'd been unable to get a good night of sleep. Most of the time she tossed and turned, she'd never imagined her wedding night to be like that. Her mother had already told her what to expect, though it was far from what had actually happened. And even though she wanted to trust the man wouldn't visit her, she couldn't help but wonder why it even worked its way into her head, as he'd already told her she was just for show.

    Stepping from the bed she pulled on her robe, before slipping out of her room. Heading down the stairs to the kitchen. The maids last night had been nice enough to show her around before she locked herself in her room for the rest of the night. But it didn't stop her from wandering around till she found it. Looking around she was a bit surprised that no one was cooking yet. It didn't stop her though, she quickly started to pull things out to start cooking. Her years of training to be the perfect wife had her learning on how to cook. Though she would admit that she did enjoy having someone else to do the work while she was able to do what ever she wanted. It was selfish of her, but she did have thing that she had to learn and prefect. It was just how things were when she'd been at her parents house. However she wasn't sure what her now husband would want. If he'd want her in the kitchen cooking or if he'd allow for them to keep a cook.
    William stood before his father a scowl on his face. He'd been trapped inside the castle walls for over a week now. He'd yet to sneak out yet, as his father had him helping with everything. He knew it was in perpetration to take over the throne. But he couldn't keep his focus as his mind kept wandering back to the young girl he'd tried to help. He knew that she was still working at the shop he'd set up for her, but he couldn't see her to see if she was okay. He'd had several guards check in on her and they'd reported nothing odd. But he was worried that his lack of appearance would only serve for slip ups to happen. And he couldn't allow any slips to happen.

    Sighing he finally broke free from his father, hoping to keep himself at distance from the man. As he'd made a few arrangements to have her visit him here so he could see for himself that she was doing better. But he'd yet to get space to see her yet. "Sir," his attention was pulled to a guard, "you're guest is in your chambers." He stated, William couldn't help but furrow his brows as he hadn't expected them to place her there. Though he knew that if they had allowed her to roam freely his father would end up noticing her. Making his way to his room he stopped before his door pulling a deep breath in. Hoping that she wouldn't get the wrong idea, and hope this would go over smoothly. Pushing open the door, he slipped inside before closing it behind him.
    May 6th, 2019 at 06:47am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    The sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs leading down to the kitchens announced Thomas' arrival, although when he came through the door and spotted Clara cooking a look of surprise came over his face as he froze where he stood. He'd risen at dawn to help the farmers near the estate tend to their animals and fields, and after hours of labor he was ready for something to eat. Of course, he didn't look like the fancy lord his parents expected him to be, but was dressed in a simple shirt and pants, both of which were covered in dirt and mud, his shirt soaked with sweat. He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly as he stepped further into the kitchen, wiping the sweat away from his forehead as he moved to get a cup of water.

    "...Good morning, Lady Clara." He murmured after a rather awkward moment of silence, glancing over at her for a brief moment before he turned his attention back to getting himself something to drink. He hadn't expected her to cook, although he wouldn't stop her if she wanted to.
    Eleanor's situation had improved greatly since William had intervened and helped her. The tavern keeper had given her plenty of work in the kitchens and had given her a room and a small amount of pay, although he still occasionally would pull her aside to threaten her, promising her that once William's guards stopped checking in on her he'd do what he wanted with her. She had been surprised when two guards had shown up at the tavern that morning, and was even more surprised when they had requested that she accompany them to the castle. She'd never been in the nicer districts of the city, let alone anywhere near the castle, and felt incredibly out of place as they led her through the gates and to William's quarters.

    She didn't hear him when he came into the room, standing by the window with her hands pressed to the glass as she looked out across the city, amazed by the view and silently picking out the various buildings and streets that she recognized. She'd been properly bathed and dressed since they had last met, the freckles dotting her cheeks no longer hidden by dirt, and her pretty auburn hair braided neatly into a bun. With the light shining on her face, someone could easily have mistaken her for a noble lady based on her looks, although the simple dress she wore was a giveaway that she wasn't.
    May 6th, 2019 at 07:40am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Clara was so lost in what she was doing she never heard him enter the kitchen. And was rather startled when he entered the room. "Morning." She said to him before turning back to cooking the food. After flipping the pancakes in the pan she turned to look at the man in the room with her. She offered him a soft smile, "breakfast still has a little bit, however there is coffee in the dinner room." She told him, knowing that she'd already set the table and most of the food was already there as well. She was just putting the finally touches on the pancakes. After turning off the heat to the pan she placed the last pancake on the pill with the others. Then grabbed the dish and started to carry it into the dinning room. Part of her was nervous about having breakfast with her husband. Only because she still didn't know how to be around him, what he was expecting of her. After all the way her father spoke about his family he was filthy rich and she could have whatever she wanted in life. However she failed to see the good in that. As she wanted love and companionship over everything else. It was just how her mother had raised her.

    Setting the dish down in the middle of the table she started to uncover the food so he could help himself to it. "Dig in." She told him, knowing it was something her mother always said to her family. As long as she could remember the woman had always used those words. But as the years went on her mother stopped doing chores and they hired maids and such. It was a perk that they got because her father found himself a business partner and they actually made good money.
    William smiled as he took in the view of the woman in his room. He was a bit happy to see that she was putting on weight and her color was more vibrant. The last time he'd seen her she was pale and sickly. "You enjoying the view?" He questioned her, watching as she turned to face him. Gulping rather loudly he was shocked to see her true beauty. He could believe just how beautiful she was. "How are you doing?" He questioned her, knowing that she was eating to say the least. However he was more worried about the issue of men trying to advantaged of her. He just hoped that it wasn't the case. And that she would be honest and tell her the truth if someone was harassing her or anything. Because he would in a heartbeat pull her out of there. Closing the door behind her for good. He wasn't going to let his kindness be used against her. It wasn't what he'd wanted. In fact he wanted her to live a normal life and be able to stand on her own two feet with out having to lower herself any.
    May 13th, 2019 at 03:11am