Where is Here?

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    (He was just being chivalrous XD Lol)

    A tired groan escaped from Alex as he ran a hand through his hair. She thought he was off his rocker? She's the one who was terrified of a car and couldn't figure out how to buckle a simple seatbelt! Ugh, what the hell did he get himself into? Did Alyssa slip something into his drink when he was at the office this morning or something? "Do you even hear yourself?" Alex asked casually, brushing off the little apology that she was offering him.

    "This is America, that's the name of the country. The state that we're in is called New York." He repeated what he had told her, ignoring what she was saying about that underwear brand place she was calling home. His dark eyes looked curiously at Victoria as she put some kind of rock between her lips and started acting like a total nut case.

    "Woah, what the hell?" Alex mumbled quietly as he stood up straighter and watched as sparks started to float in the air by her hands. "W-what the hell are you doing?" He asked, shaking his head and blinking his eyes repeatedly. He was beyond shocked at what he had just seen.

    "What have I gotten myself into?" He mumbled tiredly, his shoulders sagging a little as he felt like today was just one weird happening after another. Then, the sound of the doorbell ringing followed by a guy saying he had a delivery sounded. "Maybe some food will help." He mumbled as he went to the door and buzzed the guy into the apartment building. Then, Alex went to get his wallet and paid the man before he closed his door and put the food on the kitchen table.
    February 7th, 2019 at 08:52pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Even though Alex was still pushing her with questions, Victoria did not respond. It was clear that he did not believe anything she was saying. While she agreed that there was definitely something very weird going on in this city, she knew the truth. Victoria knew her world, her country and herself. Though everything she saw here was very confusing indeed. Something wasn't right but she couldn't figure out why that was.

    Victoria looked up at the man as the food was set down on the table. She watched him as he pulled everything out. It was unlike anything Victoria had ever smelled before and she had never seen food like that... There was nothing elegant about it but there was something rather intriguing. "What is this?" She asked him, her voice thought as she walked a bit closer to the table. "It smells really good."

    The containers that it came in were also rather confusing to her. They were little boxes that held the food? And why did he not eat off of plates here? Victoria looked up at the man, pure confusion swimming around in her eyes. Even the food here was odd. Turning her back to Alex, Victoria went back to her purse, putting her items away. Though, she did take out a ring before tying her purse back to the side of her dress. Victoria then turned back to the man, offering him the ring.

    "Please take this as a token of my appreciation for your assistance. And I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused you." Victoria knew it what the proper thing to do was. She knew that if a lord or a commoner helped her, that it was her responsibility to pay them back in some way. She knew that the ring she had should more than cover any problem she had caused Alex, as well as show that she did truly appreciate his help.
    February 8th, 2019 at 01:53am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    "It's Chinese, or rather their ethnic foods," Alex explained as he went to his kitchen and opened a few different cupboards. He grabbed a few plates and some chopsticks for them to use as well as two soup spoon that one of his friends gave him after introducing him to soup dumplings.

    Walking back to the table, Alex set the two plates across from each other and got to work setting the spoons and chopsticks down as well. He ignored the sight of Victoria rummaging through her bag as he went to his fridge and pulled out a few bottles of water as that was all he had at the moment and brought them to the table as well.
    Glancing back towards Victoria, a look of confusion appeared on Alex's face as he gently took the ring from her. "You don't need to give me anything, I'm just being a good person," Alex explained as he looked at the ring, it was really cool looking. "But, thanks." He murmured, not sure how else he could react. It was a gift, and it was rude to not accept the gift.

    "Well, let's eat," Alex said, motioning for Victoria to sit down across from him. "I didn't know what you like so I ordered a few different things." He told her. "We have some soup dumplings in that container, some white and fried rice, a few egg rolls, Almond Chicken, Chicken chop suey, double cooked pork and finally some Tofu Kinchee." He might have gone overboard with ordering all of this, but at least he could say he had some food in the house to eat for the week. Especially since he hadn't gone grocery shopping in going on two weeks.

    "Oh, and in that container is some crazy for the rice and almond chicken." Alex pointed at another container. "Do you know how to use chopsticks?" He asked as he picked up the two metal sticks that he held between his fingers like an expert.

    (This post has me drooling~)
    February 8th, 2019 at 06:15pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Victoria looked over all of the food that Alex had pointed out to her. There was a lot there for just the two of them, but Victoria was used to an abundance of food being served due to who she was. She sat down at the table, across from Alex as he started to pour food onto his plate from the containers. It was odd. She glanced down at her plate and waited a few moments before doing the same. It was clear that he was not going to take care of her plate. 

    Once she had put a little bit on her plate, Victoria looked down at the utensils that he had placed down beside her plate. How was she suppose to eat with two sticks? Lifting her head up, the princess watched as he expertly moved them in between his fingers and started to pick up the food on her plate. Well... surely it must not be that hard then. 

    "No, I have never seen these before," Victoria said softly as she moved the chopsticks in between her fingers, trying to do the same as Alex was. However, she struggled just trying to set them in between her fingers the right way. It felt as though one she had a good grip on but the other was just hanging there. Victoria kept moving her fingers, trying to figure it out, though her lips started to move to one side of her face in displeasure. How did they not have normal silverware here?!

    Her eyes dropped down after a couple of attempts of holding the sticks in her fingers. She wasn't sure she was feeling all that hungry anyway... The food looked interesting but there was a lot weighing on Victoria's mind. 
    February 8th, 2019 at 09:34pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    He couldn't help it, Alex found it amusing to watch Victoria struggle to use the chopsticks. In New York, it was almost customary for everyone to know how to use chopsticks when they went down to Chinatown. He couldn't even remember using a knife or fork at one.

    "Here, let me help." He said as he reached over and grabbed her chopsticks and headed to his kitchen once more. Alex went to his junk drawer and dug around for a few moments before he pulled out a note card and a rubber band. He then got to work on rolling the paper and then put it between the chopsticks, followed by using the rubber hand to hold it in place and keeping the chopsticks from closing all of the ways.

    "Here, try using them now," Alex said as he walked back to the table and placed her new and improved chopsticks down on the table. Then, he sat down and used his own to pick up some almond chicken and dipped it in the gravy before taking a bite. His dark colored eyes looking towards Victoria as he chewed. Curious as to rather or not the little training trick would be able to work with her or not.

    "If that doesn't work very well then I can just grab you a fork and knife." He offered, trying to be nice since she was technically his guest. Plus, she did some kind of sparkle thing with her hands that he wanted to know more about. He just didn't know how to ask about it yet.
    February 9th, 2019 at 12:44am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Once given the modified chopsticks, Victoria found a way to hold them in an effective way. It still took her a few moments to be able to pick up any food, though once she was able to, the princess got the hang of it rather quickly. She started to eat the strange food. It was certainly different than the food back home and she had never seen anything like this before. However, it was delicious. Victoria gave herself some time to just enjoy the food. She was glad for it, and a safe place to sleep for the night.

    Though, after a few minutes, her mind started to wander. What was she going to do tomorrow? Victoria knew she couldn't stay with Alex forever. She didn't want to overstay her welcome. However, she had no idea where she was and how to get home. Plus, the men that were after her could be anywhere. Victoria had no idea who they were or what they wanted from her. She was just sure that it was not something she wanted to be a part of.

    Victoria looked up at Alex for a moment. Should she try to find someone else to help her? He was clear to her that he was a bit out of his mind. After all, he didn't know Andia and clearly was a bit delusional - or cursed, perhaps. Though, the man had certainly been nice enough, despite his manners towards a royal being lacking. The princess looked down at her food again. With all of her worries, the food no longer looked that appetizing... All she really wanted was to get back home but now she was stuck in this odd place that she didn't understand with a man that also didn't understand anything she said.
    February 10th, 2019 at 02:41pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Chinese food was the best, it felt like it's been ages since he last ate it. Alex couldn't help the smile on his face as he ate a little bit of everything. The different flavors that impacted Chinese food always caused his taste buds to go wild. You can't get the same flavors in American food, or Italian food. That's for sure. The texture of the dough on the dumplings was even different then the ones you'd get from places trying to be cool. Chinese food was definitely Alex's favorite thing to have.

    Glancing up, Alex glanced towards Victoria. Curious as to rather or not she was happy with the food that he had ordered for him. Although, seeing her not eating, caused a small frown to appear on the young man's lips. "Is something wrong?" He asked, curious as to rather or not the food was agreeing with her stomach or maybe she was just trying to figure out what everything he had ordered was. "Is the food bad?" He asked as he leaned back in his seat a little bit.

    Reaching out, Alex grabbed his bottle of water and unscrewed the top of it before taking a few sips. "If you're not feeling well you can always go lay down in your room." He told her, not sure what else to offer. Then, an odd thought appeared to him. "You don't have a change of clothes, do you." Alex sighed quietly as he set his water down. He had no idea how comfortable her dress might be. He did his best to not check the woman out, but even at a glance, he could tell that it looked a little tight.

    "Would you want to borrow something of mine before heading to bed?" Alex asked, hoping to try and ease everything. "Look, I know lots went on, but. Maybe some comfortable clothes and some sleep could help." God, he sounded like a dad. This was so not like the Alex he thought he was. A tough guy, who put away assholes for a living, not some guy taking a random girl off the street and taking care of her.
    February 15th, 2019 at 05:03pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "The food is very good, thank you. I am just not very hungry." Victoria explained as she set the chopsticks down on the side of the plate. The princess knew that she should eat her meal, knew that she might need it, but the reality was that she was not hungry. This situation had brought her down a bit and she needed time to think of her next steps. What was she going to do, and should she just leave Alex? Try to help him?

    Plus, she really needed to figure out where the Hell she was. Victoria had never seen such things in her life. How in the world was she going to get home from here? Standing up, Victoria looked back at the area Alex had pointed out as her bedroom. The woman took a moment to look down at her clothes. Alex was right that she did not want to sleep in them. The corset was enough to ensure that her rest would be short...however, it wasn't really a desire of hers to wear his clothes either. But she wasn't really in a situation to reject his offer. "Yes, please, that would be very appreciated."

    Victoria moved her hands in front of herself, clasping her hands together as she patiently waited for Alex to go and come back with some more comfortable clothes for her. She just hoped that he offered nothing too odd... Though everything here seemed odd.
    February 22nd, 2019 at 12:45am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Nothing more then a nod of his head was Alex's response. "I'll be right back then." He said as he stood up from his spot at the table and moved towards his room. His dark eyes looking around for a moment before he moved towards his dresser. He knelt down and started to look through everything. His eyes going over all of the nicely folded clothing that he owned and kept as clean as possible.

    Pulling out an old pair of grey sweat pants, Alex set them aside before he grabbed a plain black t-shirt that he knew would be too large for Victoria. It'll work though, it was all a single guy had in his home for a girl to borrow from him.

    "Alright, here," Alex said as he walked out of his room and handed the clothing to Victoria to sleep in for the night. "They're a little big, but should work nicely for you to sleep in." He told her as he took a step back and tried to offer her a small smile. "If the shirt doesn't work, I can see about grabbing you a hoodie to wear instead." He added as an afterthought, his right-hand moving to rub the back of his neck nervously.

    (This is super short, I'm sorry!!)
    February 23rd, 2019 at 11:03pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    (It is okay! My response beforehand was also short)

    As Alex handed her the clothes, Victoria took a moment to look at them. They were very odd and she was a little surprised that he handed her a top and bottom, instead of a nightgown. However, the fabric was so soft against her skin so Victoria thought it was best to just take what he had offered her. Besides, Victoria knew it would be a bit odder if he had woman's clothes around but no wife or daughters. "Thank you, this is exactly what I need." She said as she brought the clothes into her chest. For a moment, the princess looked over him before giving a small nod. "Goodnight."

    Turning on her heels, Victoria made her way to the bedroom that Alex had pointed out earlier. She closed the door behind herself before changing into the very comfy materials. The princess picked up the fabric slightly and pressed her cheek against it with a gentle hum. It was a little odd, but she could smell Alex on them. He must have given her his clothes. With the situation she was in, it was best not to bother with it. So, Victoria slid into bed. Despite being exhausted, it took Victoria some time before being able to relax enough to drift off.

    Once morning came, Victoria let out a small groan from her lips as she turned slowly in the bed. It was so comfortable... The blankets were all wrapped up around her and the clothes so cozy. She didn't want to wake up. Though, she did have a goal in mind for the day and that was to figure out something on how to get home. So, slowly, Victoria sat up and slid out of bed before making her way into the kitchen. She figured that the clothes Alex had given her would be good enough to wear while in the house.

    (I am thinking that they get attacked soon)
    March 5th, 2019 at 03:42am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    It felt weird giving Victoria some of his clothing to borrow. They had just met, and it just felt like a gesture that was a little too intimate so soon. Then again, what sort of choice did he even really have in the first place? "Good night." Alex murmured quietly as he watched Victoria disappear into her temporary room before he took the hint to clean up their dinner before retreating to his room for the night to get some shut-eye and hope that things get better for the two of them in the morning.

    The following morning, it took everything in Alex to get up. He had accidentally got distracted by a game on his phone and had stayed up later then he had intended to. Slowly, and with uncoordinated movements, Alex slipped on some sweats to cover his boxers and headed out of his room towards the kitchen. His footsteps a little heavier then they were last night as the tall male stumbled around tiredly. His dark eyes searching for the right cabinet before he stopped to the one next to his coffee pot and got out a medium roast coffee can. He added the fine power to the machine before turning it on and then turned around as he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

    "Oh, morning." Alex murmured quietly as he looked at the beadhead that the proper young lady possessed. A small smirk tugging on the lawyer's lips as he took in her tired appearance. "You look like you slept well." He commented as he ran a hand through his own messy hair and then pointed towards the small kitchen island for her to sit down. "Coffee will be done in a few, do you want anything to eat for breakfast?" He asked, then raised his right hand to cover his mouth as a yawn escaped from his lips.

    (Same, maybe they should go into town and that happens?)
    March 10th, 2019 at 04:01am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    (I hope you don't mind but I am going to skip to town. Victoria doesn't really have a lot to say in the morning)

    It was not longer after breakfast that they were back on the street of this odd city. Victoria was back in her dress from yesterday, though today she looked much more focused. She was going to find something anything that would assist her in getting home, or in the least to understand just where she was. The city here was so odd and the more Victoria thought about it, the more odd it seemed. It felt nearly impossible that a place like this existed in her own world and for Victoria to never know.

    "Do you really think that they'll be able to help me?" Victoria asked Alex. She knew that he was bringing her to the police again but this time she felt a lot more concerned about the prospect of it. After all, they didn't go yesterday even though they were already there... And now that Alex did not believe her story, Victoria felt much more uneasy about the decision. Even though she wanted to talk to someone in authority, too many things about it just didn't feel right. Victoria let out a sigh before stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. She looked up at Alex curiously as she was trying to figure him out.

    Who else could Victoria talk to if not their general or local army? Well... it was clear that magic was the cause of her ending up here. How else could she be in the woods and suddenly end up in a city? Victoria's nose wrinkled a bit before continuing. "Maybe you should bring me to the local mage guild here instead? Oh! Maybe I could talk to the town's magic advisor!" Victoria said, feeling like a stroke of brilliance had hit her.
    March 14th, 2019 at 02:44pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    The street was pact, people rushed this way and that way as they tried to get to school or work. New York, the city that never sleeps, the city that is constantly pact and on the verge of making anyone who wasn't used to all of the people feel closterphobic. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Alex shifted his gaze towards Victoria for a moment as they walked down the street. He had thought it'd be better if they walked to the police station instead since it appeared that Victoria was scared of cars, but. He hadn't anticipated it'd actually be this busy on the sidewalk.

    "You want an honest answer or one that'd make you feel better?" Alex asked, his gaze shifting back towards the front as he noticed a group of teens coming towards him and didn't want to walk into them. "Honest answer, is I don't know. They might know of some kind of anomaly that happened recently." He explained. Alex then opened his mouth to add on to what he had said but stopped as he realized Victoria wasn't next to him anymore. Instead, she was a few steps behind him and blocking people's way.

    An annoyed sigh escaped from Alex as he walked towards Victoria as she spewed her nonsense once more. "You can't just stop in the middle of the street." He told her as he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her with him to the side of the street that was closer to the buildings. His eyes focused on the young woman as he let her arm go and listened.

    It was really hard for Alex to not roll his eyes at what Victoria was saying. He was pretty sure that Victoria still didn't understand where she was. "This isn't World of Warcraft, we don't have those." He informed her, his head shaking a little bit. "Look Victoria," Alex said in a quieter voice. "Magic doesn't exist here." He told her, keeping his voice quiet. "I don't know what you're used to, but things here are different. We don't have kings and queens, we don't have carriages. We have a President and we drive cars." Alex's eyes searched Victoria's eyes to see if she was following him, not sure how else to explain things to her.
    March 14th, 2019 at 09:49pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    A deep frown came over Victoria's face as Alex pulled her to the side and started to speak. She couldn't comprehend any of the words coming out of his mouth. None of it made sense to her and it didn't seem real. Victoria away from the man and out at the scene and the people. Alex was right. None of this looked like home. Nothing that he said, nothing that she overheard sounded like things she knew. The wheels in her head started to turn but before she could fully form an idea, a blast of pure red energy whizzed past their heads and hit a man walking down the street. He let out a yell before falling to the ground, unconscious.

    Those around them started to scream and run away, but Victoria turned around and saw three men running towards them. They were different from everyone else here. They were wearing light armor like the clothes at home. Two men had weapons in their hands while the other had magic encircling his hands. "You missed!" One growled at the magic user before pointing at Victoria. "Get the Princess!"

    Victoria was quick to grab onto Alex's hand, pulling him with her as she started to run. "We need to go!" She yelled out, trying to push through the people running in front of them. Though they were all smushed together, trying to get away. Victoria let out an irritated sigh before letting go of Alex and putting her hands together. A blue light came from her fingers and as she moved her hands apart, the crowd was forced open, leaving a path for them to run through. Victoria ran through them without hesitation. The men started to run faster, hoping to make it through the magical path as well to catch them.
    March 18th, 2019 at 05:21pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    A slightly annoyed sigh escaped from Alex as he noticed Victoria looking away from him. He was going to tell her to pay attention because he didn't want them to have a conversation that was going to go around in circles but stopped as something past by his head. His mouth freezing in an open position as he turned his head to see a man on the ground. His brows coming together in a confused state before he turned towards the direction of the blast and looked on in confusion.

    "What the fuck." He mumbled, confused beyond belief as he felt Victoria grab him and pull him with her. His head turned to see the people in strange armor were chasing them, before looking towards where they were running. "T-they're chasing us Victoria," Alex mumbled, in a little bit of shock at all of the things that were going on around them.

    Sure, he had seen Victoria do some sort of glowy hand thing around his apartment last night but this. This was totally different. Some dude was laying on the freaking ground! "What is going on?" Alex yelled through the screaming, his eyes widening in surprise as he watched Victoria make people part for them. "Holy shit." He murmured as he followed the girl in a dress.

    As they ran, Alex glanced behind them once more and saw that the guys were closing in. "Shit." He mumbled, then turned to look around them as they ran. "This way." He yelled, suddenly pulling Victoria to the right, and right into a crowd of people at the morning flea market. The crowd of differently dressed people, languages and sounds were sure to be a distraction for those strange men who were chasing after them. "Surely, they won't be able to find us so easily in here," Alex yelled over the loud voices that filled the tightly packed area.
    March 18th, 2019 at 10:42pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    "Well lets not just hope and ensure that they don't!" Victoria grabbed onto Alex by the front of his shirt and pulled him behind one of the booths. It was a lot less crowded there, making them more visible. Though the girl worked quickly, her hands now glowing a bright purple. She brought them up to the top of her head before rather quickly moving down herself. First, her hair turned a light blond color, her eyebrows changed shaped and soon her eyes turned a light pink. As her hands continued down, freckles popped on her face, her lips, nose and chin changed. By the time her hands gotten down to her feet, her outfit was much closer to what the girl's around her were wearing, now sporting dark wash jeans, a tank top, and a black jacket.

    Victoria leaned forward and moved her hands over Alex's face, changing only his face. His hair became longer, and turned red. His eyes into a baby blue. His nose and lips came a bit bigger and his beard completely disappeared off his face. Without saying a word, Victoria pulled his jacket off of him and shoved it into the booth. She then grabbed onto his hand and pulled him back into the crowd. "We need to get back to your home." Victoria said a bit forcefully. "I can't keep these disguises up for too long."

    Looking behind her, Victoria could see the three men forcing themselves through the crowd. The two men with swords were now forcing everyone out of their way in search of her. The magic user seemed to be constructing something in his hands and that only scared Victoria more so. She tugged on Alex harder before looking up at him, fear enveloping her eyes. "We need to go. You need to lead the way. They don't recognize us but we need to get moving before they do!"
    March 18th, 2019 at 11:24pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Pure confusion took over Alex's features as he followed Victoria like a lost puppy. He really had no idea what was going on. He didn't know who those people were and he certainly had no idea how she could do all of this stuff with her hands like them. Standing behind the stall, Alex turned his head around as he looked for those people who were chasing after them. He didn't want to be surprised by anything.

    Although, that idea didn't last long as he looked towards Victoria and nearly jumped out of his skin as he watched her appearance change. His skin going a bit pale as he watched her. This was like stuff in a SyFy movie. She looked completely different, and as her hands moved lower, do Alex's and he couldn't help but gulp at how hot she was in normal clothing instead of that bushy wedding dress that she was wearing.

    "Oh." He mumbled, completely caught off guard as she stood up and did that hand thing to himself. "H-hey." He mumbled, as she took his jacket off and hid it. He didn't really seem to get much more of a word out as Victoria's cut through him. She was right, they needed to move. "R-right." He mumbled as he followed her into the crowd. His heart racing as they moved along.

    "Wait!" Alex said after a few moments of them running and pulled Victoria towards him. "We need to act casual." He murmured into her ear as he wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close. "Us running has got to be suspicious to them." He added on then stood up straight, keeping his hold on her waist a little tight as he moved with the crowd. His eyes stayed focused ahead as they brushed past one of the men who was pushing people around looking for them.

    As they turned a corner out of the flea market, Alex let Victoria's waist go and instead grabbed her hand and pulled her along as he started to run. "They shouldn't of spotted us now." He said as he pulled her towards the direction of his apartment.
    March 18th, 2019 at 11:47pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Victoria stayed close to Alex as he pulled her in tight. It was odd having him so close to her, but she was definitely not going to argue if it assisted them in staying safe. Though that did not stop the light blush that came across her face. She kept her head down as they moved through the crowd to hide it. There was something she liked about being held so close. But the young princess did not have much time to think it over as Alex let go and grabbed onto her hand to start running again.

    Once the door was closed to the apartment, Victoria felt breathless. She was breathing hard but her work was not done. Her eyes turned a magical blue as she looked over the protection spell she had put over his apartment. Lines and blue words appeared on every wall of his apartment as Victoria checked the spell. They disappeared as the woman was ensured that it would keep them safe. She let out a loud sigh before falling down onto the couch in Victor's living room.

    Slowly, the disguises that Victoria had put up disappeared. Her blond hair slowly turned back into a chocolate brown, her facial features moved back to normal and her outfit shifted back into her long dress. Alex's face and hair slowly transformed back as well until he was back to normal. So much was running through her mind, Victoria was trying to piece it all together still. And now that she had a moment, she knew that she would be able to.

    Though there was one thing that Victoria knew for sure. "I need new clothes."
    March 19th, 2019 at 01:31am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    As soon as they made it back to his apartment, Alex moved towards his favorite Lay-z boy and practically fell down onto it. He was just so exhausted and out of breath from running so much. "I haven't run that much since football practice in college." He murmured to himself as he closed his eyes. Missing everything that was going on around him as Victoria checked the spell and the change of their appearances once more.

    After a few more tired pants, Alex finally caught his breath and slowly opened his eyes to look towards Victoria. An eyebrow arched as he listened to her. "Really, that's your take away from this?" He asked, not sure what to think. "Needing new clothes? Unbelievable Vicky." He mumbled, his hands raising and running through his hair, making it a little messy as he slowly sat up straight.

    "I think we need to focus more so on why we were being chased by those guys? Do you know who they were?" Alex asked, his eyes going towards the woman on his couch as he waited for her to explain this weird mess to him. "You have to know something. They did that weird hand magic like you. Except they knew how to do some dangerous things." Alex murmured, frowning ever so slightly at the thought. "Can you shoot things from your hands as well?" He asked, getting a little worried that he should maybe try and not make the young woman mad in case she decided to use that scary magic on him in retaliation.
    March 19th, 2019 at 01:51am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    "Don't call me Vicky." Victoria said, her nose scrunching up before she stood up from the couch. She had just needed a few long breaths before getting serious again. Finally, for the first time since she got dumped here, Victoria was beginning to piece everything together...well not everything but at least some questions were being answered for her. "And I clearly need new clothes. No one here wears anything like I do and I want to blend in so I don't get caught." Victoria explained to him. "They were able to pick me out in a crowd too easily."

    Running her hands through her hair, Victoria continued as turned to Alex and started to explain everything. "I don't know who they were but they were the same men that were chasing me yesterday. Well, at least some of the men as there were more then. But I have a bigger issue and that is that I am not home." Victoria said before walking over to the window and looking out for a moment. "I don't think this is even the same planet. There is no way you wouldn't know of my country if it was. And everything here looks so weird. And did you see how everyone reacted when the men came? Running chaos. No guards, no magical defense... Is there really no magic here?" Victoria was perplexed by the idea.

    "I know some offensive magic but I am not an expert in it. I have been learning with my teacher but I did other disciplines first. It was deemed a better idea if I knew how to get away rather than how to fight. There is only so much you can do if multiple people try to attack with magic like that... Anyways, what I am trying to say is that I know a lot of magic but they are fighters and I am not yet." Victoria sighed. "I suppose I could shoot out a few blasts if need be."
    March 19th, 2019 at 02:04am