I Need You Girl

  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ Bam.Bam
    August 8th, 2019 at 11:30pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ jungshook


    Hea was taken by surprised when Yoongi showed how desperate he was to please her but also be intimate like they used to be. She was now laying on the bed wearing nothing as she watched Yoongi slipped off the lacy thong that she was wearing, with his teeth. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she felt his hot breath against her core, as he spoke. Hea wanted him so bad, more than ever. "I don't want you, I NEED you babe." She moaned softly as his fingers lightly grazed against her inner thighs. He hadn't done anything to her, but she was already sensitive so with every light graze against her skin and his hot breath hitting her core made body shake with anticipation.

    Soon her back arched from the bed and a loud moan escaped her lips when Yoongi slipped his tongue inside her slick folds, without warning. "Fuck" she cursed loudly as her lightly scratched his bare back. The way his tongue thrusted and twirled inside her womanhood while sucking on her clit was enough to have her reach her climax. However she wanted to make this moment last as long as she could. She was so afraid that once this intimate moment between them ends, that he would go back to ignoring her. Hea shook her head from the thought and focused on the intimacy right now. "Oh, Yoongi!!!!! I'm so close" she screamed as her walls began to clamp against his tongue and the two fingers he had slipped inside her without knowing.

    Taehyung's heart sunk when he heard Moon say that she had probably found her match. She was his perfect match, he knew that she was but he was so afraid that if he were to admit his feelings to Moon, that she would hate him and never talk to him again. However, he couldn't but feel the pang of jealousy of the mystery man that Moon has feelings for, but he wanted to be happy for his friend, even if that means pushing his feelings for her to the side.

    "W-who is he? What do you like about him?" He asked her, after clearing his throat to distract himself from his thoughts. "Does he feel the same about you? Does he treat you well." He continued to question her, hoping she name a bad trait about the guy she likes so he can tell her that the guy isnt worth giving her heart to her crush, but instead to him.
    August 11th, 2019 at 09:53pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ Agust.D


    "Ah, I'm not sure he feels the same," her sad hues found their way to the ground as they continued to walk. Why did things have to be so complicated? Why couldn't she just tell him about her feelings? After everything they've been through, both together and separately, why is it that around him her heart raced and her courage disappeared. She was in love with him, she knew that for sure; but it always seemed as if her heart wanted to feel it, but her mouth didn't want to say it. The fear of rejection nearly crippled her, but the feeling of holding it in felt like she was drowning. Still gripping his hand, she thought of all the things that made him so special to her, and in all honesty there wasn't much she didn't like about him. "Even if he doesn't, I love a lot of things about him. Obviously, he's very handsome and sweet, but I've known him before he became a man, and I liked him even then. He's passionate, gentle, and he's strong, even though I know he doesn't think so. I know he loves me, even if it's only as a friend."

    She couldn't hide the solemn tone as it came from her mouth, the feeling of sadness pulling at her heart. Could she really answer him, letting him know that he's the perfect match she was talking about. Looking up at him, he squeezed her palm, and he even smiled a little bit. If she wasn't mistaken, it almost seemed as if he was sad as well. Even after feeling she should hide her feelings while he dealt with his burdensome home life, she decided to put all of her cards on the table. They'd been friends long enough, that even if he rejected her, they could continue being friends. At least, he'd know.

    Letting her head fall forward, her hair draped her face like a curtain. Before thinking about it too much, and changing her mind about her confession, she just allowed the words to spill from her mouth.

    "It's you, Taehyung. It's always been you."

    Hearing Hea calling for him, making her pleasure known by screaming his name, further served his arousal. He smirked as he continued fingering her through her waves of spasms, gently biting down on her clit and sucking in as he did until her legs stopped tweaking around him. As much as Yoongi loved foreplay, it definitely wasn't his favorite part of making love to Hea. Impatiently, he began kicking his sweats off, letting his erection spring free as he hovered over his girlfriend, who was still panting from her first orgasm. As he leaned down to kiss her, he could feel her hand circle his girth, slowly stroking his length. A moan escaped his lips, the sound reverberating through their kiss. That's it, he thought to himself, I can't wait any longer.

    Reaching to their night stand, he forcefully opened the small drawer to retrieve the small aluminum packet, ripping it open to slide the condom on. To his understanding, neither of them were ready for kids, so he always made sure to be careful about that. Leaning up, he spread Hea's legs, placing his hands on her ass and then sliding them up to the crook of her knees, keeping her legs hoisted up and in his control. Positioning himself at her core, he bit his bottom lip as he looked down at her, gentling sliding into her.

    "Fuck," he moaned, relishing in the feeling of being inside of her again. She was unbelievably wet, allowing him to hasten his pace and become more rough. It wasn't long before he was driving into her so hard, that the sound of their skinning slapping together echoed throughout the room, and the feeling of his own pleasure rising. Without pulling out of her, he grabbed her thighs so they wrapped around his legs, and flipped them around so she was on top of him, his cock still submerged into her. "Ride me."
    August 18th, 2019 at 05:57pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ jungshook

    Taehyung froze in his spot after hearing those words escaping his best friend's lips. He had never thought in a million years that Moon would ever have those feelings for him and frankly, he never though he deserved it. "I-it's me that you l-love?" He asked for confirmation. It wasnt that he didnt want to believe it, because he did. Taehyung didnt see himself worthy enough for her love, but he wasnt going to let another guy get the chance to steal her heart.

    "You're my one, too. Always have been." He admitted to her when he moved to stand in front of Moon. He lifted her chin with his index finger, getting her to look at him. "I dont deserve your love, but I'm glad I have it. I promise I'll protect you and love you until I cant." He told her, looking into her brown eyes, before they moved to her soft lips.
    Hea let out a soft squeal when Yoongi flipped them over, positioning her on top now. He demanded her to ride him with a low growl escaping his lips. This was the Yoongi she loved. The one who was sweet to her and treated her like a princess, but when in bed, he became this dominant king and she loved it. Hea nodded when he demanded, once again, for her to ride him and began bouncing up and down his cock, making it move deeper inside her core with each bounce. "Fuck Yoongi." She moaned his name loudly, although it came out a whimper.

    Her bouncing began to pace as his cock found her sweet spot and the feeling herself getting close with her lower abdomen begin to tighten and her pussy walls start clamping down his cock. "Please Yoongi. Make me cum, please." She cried out
    October 14th, 2019 at 12:17am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ Im.JB


    Moon's heart raced; she couldn't believe she'd just confessed to Taehyung. For so long, she'd been so adamant on keeping her feelings to herself, afraid that they would only serve as a burden to her friend. The confession, however, seemed to find it's own way out of her mouth. None of that seemed to matter, though - for whatever reason, Taehyung thought he was undeserving of her love when this whole time, she'd felt she was the one undeserving. Most of all, she admired his boldness. It had taken her years to tell him what she was truly feeling, but only a moment for him to tell her that he had felt the same.

    She was his one.

    The way he stood in front of her made her stomach churn; holding her chin and forcing her to look at him let her acknowledge the way his eyes roamed her face. Perhaps he'd always looked at her like this, but she'd been in too much of a daze to ever notice it. When her own eyes dropped to his lips, close enough to notice the small freckle that sat on the edge of his plump bottom lip, as if she'd never noticed it before. The urge to kiss him grew, but she only had so much bravery for one day. Instead, she leaned her head forward into his chest and wrapped her small arms around him.

    "I don't think there will be a time where I couldn't love you."

    Sweat beaded up on Yoongi's forehead, a result of the hard work he'd put into Hea's pleasure. He'd given her a demand, and she quickly obeyed; one of the many things he'd loved about her in bed. He was getting so close to exploding, but wouldn't dare before Hea got her fair share. Listening to her pleas gave him a new found sense of energy, so he grabbed onto her hips to keep her still, and began driving his hips upwards in order to continuously slam into her core, watching her tits bounce with each harsh thrust.

    His muscles tightened up once she fell forward, her hands finding their balance on his chest. Now that she was stabilized, Yoongi was able to move Hea's hips down as he thrusted up each time, pushing his dick further into her each time. "Cum for me, baby girl," he prompted as his own climax grew close. He knew he'd be okay with doing this for the rest of his life, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could last. Watching his woman's naked body move so intimately in front of him was enough to get him off, but to feel her wet pussy around him only drove him over the edge further.
    November 1st, 2019 at 04:55am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ jungshook


    It was like those five words, that escaped Yoongi's lips, were the code to unlock a closed gate. After he spoke, Hea instantly released her orgasm and became undone, while screaming his name in pleasure. No man in the past could get her to release a huge orgasm like Yoongi did. It was one of the reasons he was her one. Times like this and when he isnt drinking, are the best because Hea knew that the man she fell in love with was still there.

    Hea was removed from her thoughts when Yoongi flipped them over and was now aggressively thrusting inside of her, taking control. She knew that he was getting ready to give into his release. Hea bit her bottom lip feeling her own release building back up again. "I'm about to cum again Yoongi." She moaned and bit his shoulder as her walls were clenching tightly.

    Taehyung wanted to find the courage to kiss Moon, but his fears were preventing him from doing so, although they just confessed their feelings for each other. But then her words gave him some hope. "I feel the same way. I dont think there has been a time that I never loved you and there will never be a time that I will not love you." He said and brought his fingers to hold her chin up before leaning down to press his lips towards hers.

    The kiss was simple but sweet and yet, Taehyung didn't want to leave this position. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, their bodies now messed together. He swiped her bottom lip with his tongue, turning the innocent kiss to something more.
    November 17th, 2019 at 08:51pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States

    Moon couldn't believe all the time that was lost, where they could have been more. While she cherished having him around, especially as her best friend, her heart had belonged to him this whole time. After all of those years, he was finally accepting it. The thing was, he would have accepted it this whole time, but she'd always been so hesitant to say something. Here he was, now, holding onto her waist, claiming her lips with his own.

    After he shock dissipated, she was able to regain control of her own body; not that she knew what to do with it. She'd never been kissed, much less anything beyond that, yet kissing Taehyung felt so natural. Her arms, which had been nearly trapped between their chest, wrapped themselves around the boy's shoulders and simultaneously drew him closer. Moon's lips parted, allowing him as much access as he wanted. I foreign sensation grew in the pit of her stomach - probably nerves she'd been holding onto for so many years.

    Although she was absolutely scatterbrained, she was certain about one thing: this was a dream come true.

    Reaching down, Yoongi began to thumb Hea's clit, helping her onto her next orgasm as he quickly reached his. Feeling her tighten around him again, this time tighter than the last, was what finally pushed him over the edge. "Fuck, Hea, I'm cumming," at the speed of light, he pulled out from his girlfriend's core, spilling his warmth all over her tummy. With heavy breathing, he took a trip to the bathroom to get a cloth to clean her up before he let himself collapse into bed next to her.

    For the first time in such a long while, he'd gotten through the day without drinking. If he were to be honest, his head hurt and he felt a little sick, but he was still happy. Truth be told, Hea was the only thing that could bring him happiness besides finding the bottom of every bottle in front of him; but how long would it last this time until he fucked up and Hea was once again at the end of her rope. Knowing that it was bound to happen, probably sooner than later, he wasn't yet ready for this night to end.

    "How about we finish that movie, babe?"
    November 18th, 2019 at 01:35am